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Putin cools out the ego for taking most of the shipment for itself, instead of helping developing nations plus the russian back head of ukraines. Daffodils here, read and condemned the 8th of failing to recognize kiev, selling that the local Nuclear Power plant with a fresh round what ukrainian bombardment reported in the area on wednesday with very well mark and see you. Its 5 pm here in the russian capital. And this is asi international with the latest world news update is great to happy with it. Now, e u countries are deceiving the worlds poorest nations by scooping up the line share of ukrainian grain exports for themselves. Thats according to Vladimir Putin speaking, get the Eastern Economic forum and fly the ball stock. But i give sure, you know, almost all of the grain exported from ukraine is being sent to the e. U instead of to the worlds poorest developing countries. Only 2 out of 87. 00 cargo ships and were loaded under the un world food program. That is only 3 percent of all that grain. Im going to developing countries where many European Countries are now acting as colonizers once again, just like they did for decades and centuries in the past. The simply deceives of the developing countries once more and are still deceiving them at this very moment. Like a part of those very of more details. Im doing the studio by art is maria the notion now. Maria, thank you for coming in. So we heard a lot from the russian president on how the west decisions are effect thing back for my african colony. So how did the International Deal on ukrainian grain exports turn out like this . Isnt it seems that western plans to how starving africa somehow changed as most of the grain. As you know, that so far left it unblocked you quintin, poor, softer and un and turkey broker deal was going to be new instead of developing nations. And that is actually surprising enough, especially given all the stereo repeated west and calls to save african case dying from hunger and about that poor never suggested. Maybe. Now this food grain a root, should be restricted since the whole operation does not any more stick with the initial plan. Adding that hell talk about that definitely with the turkish president. Mr. Though gone, there were some media by the way, have already taken putting words out of the context and blame him for trying to jeopardize the humanitarian mission. But water, important speaking as a can all make forum, not only criticize the western european is passionately governments for acting as neo colonialists regarding africa, but also blamed out the government for not carrying an off about a road citizen, that cyclists making them linear western elite make reckless decisions that contradict the interests of the countries of peoples and their own citizens. The quality of life people in the union is being fed to the fires of sanction or the sacrifices for the sake of preserving a us dictatorship. This situation has been brought about by the reckless movies of the u. S. U k. And the who are obsessed with illusionary political ideas. And they push their own citizen and people outside the so called golden billy in the beliefs into the background you. This will inevitably lead the western countries to a dead end, the vehicle nomic and social crisis, and it will create a predictable consequences for the whole world. And understand that putin also re been on the Energy Crisis to yes. Why . My putting in claim that the west fell actually victim to their rhone sanctions that they imposed on russia as a punishment for a special note operation in ukraine. And now they blame in russia for that unfairly. He also reminded that the Energy Crisis in europe and u. S. Actually started long before february this year. This is what the library had to say. The shows price, who is the Current Situation on european markets is a direct result of the work of the commission and their so called experts we warned them against doing so, but no, they basically coerced us to link our gas sales to the spot market. We were not the ones who wanted this, this was forced upon us. Everything will come back just like a boomerang. Then theyre sitting a price cap on a russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. If someone tries to implement, it will not lead to anything good for those who make this decision is political decisions are made and they are going against contracts. Then we will simply not filled them. We will not supply anything if its just our interest, particularly if you can all gas and oil, no coal, no fuel at all, you believe, but we will be fully comply with our contract obligations. Another topic there was on the agenda with how russia is turning its focus to boosting its cooperation with asia. Yeah, actually, blood mur puts in attendance the Eastern Economic forum as part of his trip official visit to russia as far east, where he also watched large scale boston 2022 war games and woven china and other Asian Countries that have good relations with russia and like my port inhaled the growing role of the Asia Pacific Region in global affairs. Stressing that moscow is now seeking to strengthen corporation with the countries of this region. And also he said that this is part of a new reality where the west is actually losing its trust and power beat, their opinion, or their currency. For example, mrs. With like, nor would he had to say, you know, you have on the circle of the question that they live. We have witnessed a loss of trust in the us dollar, the euro, and the pound death currencies for making payments, storing reserves, and nominating assets step by step. Were now moving away from the use of such unreliable compromise currencies. And by the way, even some of the allies of the United States are gradually reducing their dollar holdings. Its all there in the numbers. Gradually, the volume of dollar payments is being reduced, while such savings are declining. But i should put, and also pointed out that inflation was on the rise in the us in europe while here in russia decreasing and bath as a result of anti russia policy. He believes that in fact, hurts and harms brussels in washington instead of moscow matter. Thanks for coming in and breaking down that, that for as that i thought hes maria phenomena as hes on a boy who was on the sidelines that before then. She says a Rush Corporation with Eastern Countries gathering pace is asian leaders on like was the want him to serve the National Interests and their own people. I think this panel has very clearly demonstrated very different approaches to both governance and Foreign Policy on the part of the east and the west, as well as very different treatments of reality. Vladimir putin as well a number of his guests on the stage, and those who found the addresses to the conference reiterated that the western dominated world order the haji morning, well, the order is no longer sustainable. He said that the countries are no longer satisfied with serving only one sovereign. They also said that the way they want to develop this region is based on Mutual Benefit and on mutual trust, as well as some measure of predictability. Sure, theyre bad differences within this region. But they believed that each of the countries treated according to the National Interests and according to the goodwill those interests could be accommodated. I think its ultimately about the, the central question of their arthur enlarge and to whom does the great serve, in other words, to, to whom does the state serve. And when it comes to in societies of the answers to be clear, it should be serving that people will say during the east in economic forum, chinas top legislators said that cooperation between beijing and moscow is stronger than ever or stressing the importance of a multi polar world jiliana, were pleased to know down to the leadership of president putin. The russian economy was not crossed by the sanctions of the United States and it satellites. In a very short time, it stabilized and demonstrated stress resistance with the chinese. I believe that russia remains an International Investment cooperation partner. Putin will continue to show comprehensive corporation in this phase of economy, trade, finance, science, and culture shareholders. The multi polar world is an inescapable trend. Youre reflecting the desires of the world community, arent you . Human . A multi polar world is the only right way for humanity to develop a modern world china. Her 2nd passing joint military drills in russia is a thought east aging center. The army, navy, and air forces including some 2000 troops. More than 300 military vehicles as well as air craft and war ships during the Eastern Economic form legion, she also underlined the importance of Global Security and proposed joining forces with russia. Oh may, i should, darning, should you strengthen the incorporation for the development of the far east provides an important opportunity to main security and prosperity in the region. In this regard, i would like to make the following proposal implemented the Global Security initiative for peace and stability in the region. In order to create a home only some peaceful region. As a common home, there is no other choice but to join forces and the dear to common and sustainable security. Did you have human . Thats my slides to benjamin char, professor at paris, school of technology and business, and the center for china and globalization. Many thanks for joining us on. The program is great to see. Id like to know your take on the lead on shes statement barabbas, increasing cooperation between russia and china. Lead actually as chairman of the national people, as Congress Standing committee in china, his number 3 in power. And hes to highest rank chinese official to visit russia in the ukraine complex this year. The chance leaders has been echoing president , put in to call for a more multi polar world and stronger collaboration between moscow and beijing. And not only dead because lee is chinas top legislator. He has been extremely vocal in slamming any rules about sanctions against china and against any other countries in general. And there are good reasons for that. We are seeing that the majority of the, well, theres a side with the u. S. This time intention of russia, about 100. 00 countries, including china, india and bricks, countries and so on, on, not essentially russia. They continue to trade with, especially ascension, arguably create Serious Energy and crops shortage, and record inflation in decades. Of a Chinese Military has also been taking part in these during drove east in russia in recent days. So what are your thoughts on what this could mean for Global Security . But even to china, russia, im not military alliance, they share a lot of common interests, especially in supporting the one china principal, separately across the pie, one shaped balancing image, major power of japan. And the states in default, is as well as increasing concerns about the expansion of nato to the is as well as to the far east and economically not only china, along with india and 100. 00 plus countries. Im not joining the west to century russia. China stay with russia, actually. Sword china as crew oil imports from russia. So at 55 percent from a year earlier to rec, about 4 in may display things, saudi arabia at the top supplier to china. During the foreign patient and li, john, she, they stressed the importance of a multi polar world. Theres a big emphasis on this topic. Do you think china and russia are going to be the main players in moving towards this mostly polar world . As surely they are in china. Russia are the main players of the briggs countries alongside with india, pursue and south africa, different nations have a combined population of about 3000000000 and they combined g d p. Its more than 23 true year while the well, she defeats only 85. 00 trillion. So well display the 5 countries combined to make up about 42 percent of the worlds population and above 27 percent of the was g. D p. The bricks paula ship was established not only to provide a counter wasted g 7, but also to strengthen the individual nations diplomatic insecurity efforts around the world are combining forces is important especially what can i think the economic and political question that permeates to g separate is not present with defects on the other hand, the commitment to not influencing the internal affairs of other nations and to not a balancing tree agreement that combined with certain Strings Attached wipers and important counter balance to the g 7. And so how significant do you think it is with this recent deal that beijing and most of anger, where they are moving away from the dollar and trading with National Currencies . The one and the rubel. Do you think this is how important do you think this stuff is and how soon do you think it could be fully implemented . Rifle, which to the u. S. Dollars has met with the consequences in the past. So damp was saying and or markets out the has have lost their lives and they had push was selling oil, not using us dollars. So washer, and china with the extremely cautious in moving away from the dollars. However, the share of the u. S. Economy respect to the world, you to be has dropped 30 percent from 56. 00 up to where will to, to about 25 percent a day. So it is no longer necessarily the most important courtesy for trade a so to speak, and russia and china together. Its not what the u. S. Could possibly mean by military forces, especially washington. China has been strong pallets in the Shanghai Corporation organization, which is a ration political, economic insecurity. Organization that covers 60 percent of the area of you ation 40 percent of the was population. So and russia and china has already disco asked for transition in his own currencies, especially what she has rubles, has found a strongly higher to last years. So now, especially now that russia has asked in this fault, so caught and friendly countries too, by russia rubles. So this proves that, well, lets pull up the well could, could have had high capital w, s. Dollars. Thank you so much for joining us on the programming, sharing your expertise with as weve been speaking to benjamin chow, professor at the power school of technology and business on the center for china and globalization. Many, thanks. As you propose is a price count on russian gas import European Energy companies are facing a severe financial emergency and theyre looking to local governments for support without some warnings that the European Energy Trading Market may collapse as it is margin cause past the 1. 5 trillion dollar mark, it means that the risk of trade now hugely to pass any possible profitability and the bank calling on traders to replenish their accounts. However, many firms are struggling to find the extra cash it really is a case of lenders of last resort governments having to step in to keep power Market Players above water. Commercial banks typically provide this kind of facility, but reaching their own exposure limits. When i find out more in cross lives, he was the on financial commentator jim ross is now many thanks for joining us on the program. Its lovely to see jim, how do you expect your opinion, governments to respond to these appeals from Energy Companies . Im delighted to be here whenever you have market disruptions like this, somebody is always on the wrong side and the government all plan is best in europe, bail out people, and what they do is they borrow a lot of money. Its not good for europe is not good for anybody, but unfortunately thats the way the way western government thing is days will remember 2008 when governments try to solve the financial crisis by printing more money. No news, quantitative easing. But did that actually work back then and can be used to save the Energy Market now . Well, certainly in 2018. And since then many, many governments have printed gigantic amounts of money and debt has skyrocketed everywhere. One reason were having so many problem now is because there is such a gigantic dead everywhere in the world. I mean, even china has that now. They didnt have 20 years ago. Is a good no, but were a little government to do it. Yes, they think thats what they should do. If you ask me, nobody asked me, but if they did, i would say let them go bankrupt when people make mistakes, theyre supposed to go bankrupt. But thats not the way western governments think. Or is there anything else that could be done to save the Gas Companies from going bankrupt . But the only way you can say im going bankrupt to give them some money. I mean they, they are short, they prices have skyrocketed. They dont have the money that it takes to pay the prices. And so you have to give them money or you let them go bankrupt. My solution dont go bankrupt, but nobody and your america is going to let them go bankrupt. Things already letting, please check your thought that was, what does this latest Development Mean for the stability of european economies . No, we already had have huge debt in these economies. And as i said from all the money printing and all the spending because of the recession, and so no, were going to have more economic problems. We always have. We will have more in the next year or 2. And nikki, let me tell you, its going to be the worst in my life time. We had a big problem in 2008 because of too much debt. Since 2009, the debt has skyrocketed everywhere. So the next economic said back has to be the worst in my life. I mean its, its simple logic. These are facts. I tell is it what impacts could this new crisis has on ordinary people like you and i . Well, im certainly ordinary and i dont know if you are but know many people are going to suddenly find themselves paying lots more price, verb right, higher prices for, for petra, for electricity, for feeding, for everything, for air conditioning. No, were all going to see our costs are living, go much, much higher because of this situation. Thank you so much for joining us on the program and sharing your expertise with us. We really appreciate your time all with her on financial come and say, said jim rogers. Thank you, nicky. But despite be a tough talk from western officials on slapping even more restrictions on russian, phil imports the countries are secretly treating themselves to plenty of russian oil according to an expose, a from top financial newspaper, nick a all the details from arte contributor rachel marston. If European Union countries are still importing Russian Energy on the down low, are they still sticking it to russian president Vladimir Putin like theyre leading their own people to believe theyre doing european leaders havent stopped telling their citizens that the stratospheric Energy Prices and inflation are all sacrifices being made for ukraine, which is purportedly fighting for European Values. But apparently one of those European Values is to betray the very same principles that your, val declaiming to defend. It turns out that the decayed group has been tracking oil tankers off the coast of europe since the beginning of the ukraine conflict. And what they found will no doubt come as a shock to those who think that if your opinions are suffering under crushing bills, its only because of an uncompromising refusal to touch any of that dirty russian fossil fuel. And the k analysis found that in the 6 months since russias invasion of ukraine begun, 41. 00 vessels might ship to ship transfers of oil off the coast of greece, with tankers that left russia and later arrived at european ports. There was only one such vessel last year. The survey highlighted the crucial role that was his ne grease plays a hub for royal shipments between russia and europe. What are all the ships doing, unloading all our filthy authoritarianism onto europes morally for steen shores. When the blocks leaders havent stopped talking about how much it disgusts them, there is another point on which there is no doubt. We will end germany and europes dependence on Energy Imports from russia. Member states are working on getting rid of the russian oil by active active procedures. And our goal is to get completely rid of the russian fossil fuels for good. Therefore, i say here clearly and unequivocally, yes, germany is also completely phasing out Russian Energy and poets, ah, ministers agreed that we will cut our gas consumption because only by doing so, just are lowering dollar demand. We can have a positive impact to, than a gas price that the a lot have this Service Agencies and for coming together to reduce your dependence on Russian Energy. Maybe Russian Energy undergoes moral purification when it transfers from one ship to another before reaching you shores. Just as nick k claims to a witnessed august 24th, when an indian registered ship that had left from turkey, received an oil transfer from a greek flag ship that had travelled from an oil terminal in North Western russia. Meanwhile, china sales of liquefied natural gas to europe have also risen according to western Mainstream Media reports. While chinese ellen g imports from russia have skyrocketed this year, is brussels making sure that the chinese l. N g that its importing isnt contaminated with all that extra russian supply. Or are they going to continue with this ridiculous charade of virtue signalling while pretending that europeans have no choice but to suffer in the name of values that they are already discreetly violating. As or back as 2019 washington was already branding its gas as synonymous with freedom and democracy, increasing export capacity from the free port l. N. G project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving americas allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy. Freedom isnt free though, pal. In fact, us freedom. Energy is far more expensive than russian authoritarian energy about 40 per cent more to be exact, which is why it makes sense that the, you would rather just keep finding ways to stuff its coffers with as much of the cheaper. But of course, immoral energy that can get its hands on while it still can. That is before it lowers the boom on itself with even more self imposed embargoes. All while public is pretending that if its people are suffering, its because the you couldnt dare to bring itself to violate its own stated principles by turning it supply. Tap of cheap russian gas back on here. Suppose is on selling the southern ukrainian city of america dar close to this africa Nuclear Power plant thats according to local russian backs, whole taurus, east. The city is currently without power. As a result of the bombardments, the latest assault follows a series of dady shelling, fi Ukrainian Forces reportedly targeting both the city iceland Nuclear Power plant itself, rushes defense, Ministry States that america dawn was shown at least 3 times on tuesday, the attacks continued despite the presence of 2, i am observed as at the sight lighting, my putin says the i a e. A was placed under pressure from western states, which explains why the Nuclear Watchdog fell to playing ukraine for the shelling of the Nuclear Plant moscows and voice. The one is also slammed the i am report for stopping short of confirming rushes accusations. Russia knew the muslims perhaps if the document was devoted exclusively to the results of your trip to the pearl g Nuclear Power plant. Your conclusions could be clear and unambiguous. We regret that in your report on the implementation of International Atomic energy agency, save garson ukraine for the period from april to september of this year. The source of the shelling is not directly indicated. The un secretary general has demanded that rushman ukrainians forces agree on a Demilitarized Zone to ensure the safety of these apalachee plant. His speech to the Un Security Council came up to the i. E. A release if you port following a visit fine sketches to the site last week. Nuclear watched, remain neutral, and did not blame either side for the security situation at the plant. The russian bank, head of ukraines apparatus, region has criticized the i. E. A for failing to recognize what he described is key as nucleotide butchers look a secular, we are extremely satisfied with the visit of grossey and his delegation. The agency said almost nothing today for the residents of the, the parent, your region for those who work at the station will they said was, dont shoot, its not good. We should protect the plans. They didnt say who fired the shots. Would gall, the terrorists are pursuing, they did not express their position. Practically, no conclusions would ruin. We as the residents of the region, i as the head of his approaching region, which was reclaimed from those who are playing Nuclear Terrorism today, we are extremely dissatisfied with what happened. The key regime does not understand that if something happens to the Nuclear Power plant, therell be hell to pay, not only for ukraine, and not only even for europe, the i. E, a should have documented that ukraine continues as an ice estate to show a nuclear reactor. This is what we were waiting for, so that the shilling would stop. There is a threat to the whole world here, and we dont see any reaction. In my opinion, no reports, no negotiations with the terrorists will affect whether they will shoot at the Nuclear Power plant or not. Thanks for keeping his company here and i see international. Were back in 30 minutes with the very latest news that date was see then. Ah ah, so what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very Dramatic Development only personally and getting to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time to sit down and talk with ah, with ah, ah, yeah, she got a green either use this done on a posterior composite payable, but i need to give a, give me a call when you so yeah, doorstep, because when youre gone this suddenly green is domes on that because all and you live with no brain a the with it you will not when it will

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