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A case that bad my life coverage on the phone screen. And theyre trying to ban me from politics because theres a case of contempt against me. Former pakistan Prime Minister in wrong con speaks exclusively to r t in the aftermath of being charged with threatening current government officials. Much to the anger of his supporter. Ah, good morning for martine or National Studios in moscow, and from wherever youre tuning and welcome to the program. Im fiorella is about what this hours top news stories from around the world. We begin with developments and don bass. A fire breaks out at a Chemical Plant in the don. Yes, republics. Eastern city of gordon. After relentless shelling by ukrainian troops, the blaze is soon extinguish with all operations halted. Local officials reported ukraine fired around 40 shells at the facility, causing a large blaze. Emergency Services Quickly managed to put out the flames, and the plants director has stressed that theres no risk of harmful emissions or environmental disaster. The attack came nearly 2 weeks after ukraine bomb the brewery, and the don, yes. Capitol, which led to a cloud of the toxic gas. Ammonia leaking around the city as a relentless showing of civilian infrastructure and residential areas by ukrainian troops continues. Moscow says more than 25000 civilians have been evacuated to russia, despite fears, opposition by kiev. Thats after Russian Troops provided nearly 480 tons of humanitarian aid on thursday alone to war turn regions of ukraine. Don. Yes and lugens republics are t collette algebra. Lori visited, one of the many camps set up by Russian Forces to provide long awaited medical help for civilians in the city of several zone. Yes. By order of the command of the russian boon forces, a special medical team has arrived in the city of separate the nest to provide assistance in medical care in the city in the medical unit that are mobile units equipped for the latest equipment for examination and analysis. On the campaign was organized in accordance with the request of the Airborne Forces to help the people in several road in at 6. This is a comprehensive campaign. It consists of providing medical care in the form of a general hospital. Patients are being checked by doctors behind me right now. Medical services will be available to more than 200 people. In addition, more than 30 types of essential vital medicines will be distributed to the people. To day antiviral disinfectants healing, white mens dressings, iodine, what people need every day were distributed. We also immediately hand out medications prescribed after a doctors examination. Many see this event as a lifeline and the ray of hope for a gradual return to normal life in a city affected by ukrainian bombing like this. How p c here is no help when the koreans were here. Then practically no one came to us. Well began to receive help only with the arrival of Russian Troops. How many people are there in the city . It was very difficult in the city in winter. Every one had wounds. I dont even want to tell you. Returning to normal life in a city will not be easy in light of the days on the destruction left by the Ukrainian Military presence. However, russia is restoring what was destroyed by care of mercenaries and healing the winds of dawn burst residence members of the u. S. Congress have been asked to approve a Financial Aid package worth millions of dollars for india, where the legislatures Research Services suggesting the assistance could be linked to improvement and that countries human rights, however, new dallied has not sent a plea for any such american help. The Biden Administration requests 117000000. 00 in foreign assistance to india for the Financial Year of 2023. Congress could consider whether or not condition so all of such aid on improvements in human rights and Civil Liberties in india. The bite in administrations request was made a month after usa id chief, Samantha Power traveled to new delhi, a visit which saw her call out beijings opaque loan deals while praising india as an Impactful Development leader. Then americas Human Rights Concerns about india were not mentioned. Despite much previous criticism from american officials, which new delhi repeatedly rebuked. Citing its constitution had safeguards to ensure democratic practices created across the past 75 years. India has always shown itself to be a friend to the worlds poor. Now, when the stakes have rarely been higher, india stands able to be an incredibly Impactful Development leader. Earlier we spoke to india, the former foreign secretary conwell se ball, who offered some thoughts on the possible motives behind the funding in the cost of this money. And who will give this money to because we have a well established rules and regulations regarding foreign money coming into india to end jewels and other things. And if this money is intended for a critical purpose, and i dont think our rules will allow this, the senators very often believe that individually for many the world and then ship that addiction which the world would go. Now they would take a moral high ground to say that they are the defenders. All right, look at the issue of this is and i still havent been able to solve my 1st, i tend to their own problems. Look at the shooting that the list constantly in schools in more than streets. Innocent people are being killed. Children are being killed, but theres no consciousness this. Even if some other countries. Yeah. Can point out all these things to the United States. You know, they dont control the International Information is controlled by the west and his agency. So this is all kind of a posturing and show and embarrassing in there are certain movies that are working against us. And behind this, let me tell you, is our position on the ukraine crisis. They are very unhappy that we havent condemned to russia. We havent voted against russia. And this is one way that certain lobbies in the United States are actually paying us back by eating at us on the issues of human rights and minority rights and things like the west expects their problems are going to be our problems. But that will not happen. Thats what former pakistan Prime Minister emron cant hold our t during an exclusive interview. This thursday, the wide ranging discussion came shortly after an islam about or extended his bale after terrorism charges were brought against them. You know, neil spoke to the ousted Prime Minister. They have made this into a terrorism case. Theyve been my life coverage on, on, on, on screen and, and theyre trying to ban me from politics because theres a case of contempt against me a since i left office 4 months back. Never has there been such a public response for, for any Political Party as it is for my body today . The government is panicking. They out there watching us growing popularity. We were swept up by elections in the biggest province and been job. There were though other doable bi election which was swept so they are bit scared and thats why theyre clamping down. If we go back, mister can to, when you are, i stayed from power in the spring time. Youve mentioned several times that certain documents exist that confirm foreign interference in your removal from power. Are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be . Well deserve the cipher alert conversation between the pakistan ambassador and washington. And the under secretary of state of the you of the u. S. There is a conversation between them where he threatens the pakistani investor. That unless i m. Ron hahn was removed as a Prime Minister in a no confidence, a motion that booked that still wasnt table as yet that there would be consequences august sun. The biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems for to become our problems. A little background in april, a know confidence vote removed him, ron kon, from the countrys top political position, and the x p. M has been holding rallys regularly since earlier this month. As chief of staff, shabazz goal was arrested on charges of sedition with con, insisting he was tortured by police in custody. Something official deny it was that accusation and words used in a Campaign Rally to quote take action against a police cheese and a judge which led to the terrorism charges. The former global cricket star considered the finest soul around player pakistan has ever produced, is immune from arrest until his next High Court Hearing on august 31st. In line con came under intense International Pressure for visiting moscow earlier this year. Pakistans former leader told us he was simply seeking to boost economic ties between the nations. Well, look, you know, countries, Foreign Policy must be for the benefit of their own public. 220000000 bug, a son is elected me. My brian, he had to be there. What is good for that their benefit, their rights, that interests that has to be my priority. And so what i had took the trip to russia and this was all the stakeholders on board. The idea was that we would improve our relationship with russia, and we would, you know, we have trading it links with russia, we want to improve the trading links. We already were a pipeline. A gas pipeline was, was being plan 56 years back before i came to power. So we wanted to cement that contract and then we want to buy cheaper oil from, from russia, as well as wheat, 100000000. 00 budget sundays of hon. 50000000 below the poverty line. 50000000 just above the poverty line. When the prices go up, what inflation bytes in western countries, they only, they just have a drop in the standard of living in our country. People go below the poverty line. Theyre going to have to square be the day. So my interest was the people up august on. And obviously this didnt go down when you can watch our exclusive in depth interview with the former pakistani Prime Minister in wrong con infill. Throughout the day. Here on our tea, a democrat lead subcommittee has claimed that the former president , donald trump abused this post to promote an unproved treatment for cove at 19. Splashing out millions of dollars on quickly abandon tests with an anti malaria drug. Senior Administration Officials undermine Public Health experts because they believe doing so would benefit the form, the president politically plotting covertly with known conspiracy theorist, dangerously push disproven corona, virus treatment, bullying, f d a to change its vaccine guidance and advocating for federal investigation to those who stood in their way, the report suggests that the Trump Administration intervened in the operation of the countries food and drug administration. For the thing, the body which authorizes pharmaceutical treatments in the us to approve test to treat cove it with the anti malaria drug trials which revoked. And just for months trumps officials are said to have splashed out millions of dollars on these trials. For more, lets go live now to idaho house of representatives, member republican barbara ear, art. Its the 2nd report on trump. Tackling of the cove at 1900 pandemic, published by the select committee this year. Why are they so focused on the Trump Administration right now . Well 1st thanks for having me on. Good to be here. I believe that theyre so focused on the Trump Administration with these false accusations that i believe theyre bringing forward because he was effective as a president and his, his views. And his effectiveness were contrary to the those things that that side wanted to accomplish or rather didnt want to accomplish. And so we, we have resorted to something that i believe is americans than typical to who we are. And thats fear, mark 3, thats you know, attempting to also pick classes the people against each other. And, you know, quite frankly, thats what we like to think. Thats what other countries do, not what we do. And so its a little disconcerting, but it doesnt seem to be right now that theres an end in the very near future d, e s, this committee and these people seem to thrive on this. And it is very typical to the constitutional principles we have in place. So theres a little disconcerting is, but i didnt administration trying to turn trump into escape, go for cove, it and 19. And perhaps for more i think theyre trying to turn trump into whatever negative dart board that they can come up with and whatever, whatever the new talking point is. Seriously, i mean, seriously, he poses such a threat to them when hes not been in office and you can see how worried they are about him and the influence and the impact that he continues to have just by being out and speaking up. Whether its mister President Trump or his sons, or any number of the people who served so well with him, including many of those in our federal congress and sent it right now. So yes, i do believe theyre trying to make it whatever will stick. But yes, blame as much they can on, on trump, even though if you list the things that they themselves have said they have, you know, basically contradicted themselves time and time again. We have to remember that when President Trump 1st started to deal with this pandemic, it was a 100 percent unknown. And as we started to get, what we thought was a feel on understanding a couple, you know, to 3 months into it. And as President Trump tried to make some changes, boy, no, we find out that those who would later find out be on the other side just oh, we cant do this and we cant do that. So i think we actually could have recovered more quickly than what we did had we listened to the direction that President Trump wanted to go in the 1st place. Therefore, it says trump wanted to authorize the treatment in order to gain voter support before the 2020 election with the mid term elections coming up this november, there have been claims that the bite independent ration is also trying to curry flavor with the electorate through a series of populous measures. Is there any truth in those claims . Well, i suppose any more with, with kind of the inability, we seem to have to converse with one another, right . Sure. In america right now that theres probably truth and whatever the i the beholder wants to be. I believe that more so than corinne favor with the voters President Trump was trying to do what at the time he thought best. What he was actually being advised to do by those in a position of authority in regards to the medical field. And that is, it would, you know, that we needed to be able to have, you know, a serum, you know, something to, to combat coban 19. And as we found out that even though he tried his best to provide that for, for not just this is phyllis with the United States. But everyone, you know, its like many of the said from the beginning, you know, this is coded. You cant provide something for something essentially as a subset or you know, a derivative of the call when cold. Its going to have to play its way out. And i think weve all found that as far as what the, by the ministration is doing. I believe that they are playing from a position of defense of being scared of tactics. It giving her a typical to the american way and they are going to get a she lacking in november. And so theyre doing whatever they can either to her. Whats about to come . I dont, i think that theyre smart enough, although sometimes i wonder, to realize that theyre not going to be able to stop, to read wave thats about to come, but people are tired of this. This is not how americans behave. And that is why people like me in the state, we are starting to rise up and go back to what were supposed to have. And thats, were supposed to be able to act as sovereign state of the United States. And i think thats what its going to take while the federal government sorts out the problems that were experiencing there. Many are also suggesting that biden is simply trying to detract attention from the his own problems regarding prices and inflation. Could this all be a smoke screen . Oh, everything that he does appears to be a smokescreen. There seems to be some other meeting or if theres not another meeting, its literally he cant remember. And i hate to say that about my president , but you know what . My president is not acting president ial at all and its hard to respect a ban like that. Never before in the history the United States have we experienced what with americans are experiencing now. But let me just Say Something to everyone. Fair not though it may look like america is weak right now. I promise you that as americans we are not. And though youre sharing from one side, the rest of us are gearing up and being prepared to defend. What we know is, is our way of life and our constitutional republic. And you know, when we talk about enemies, foreign and domestic, or an ad domestic, that we will do what we need to do to make sure that our constitution is pretty preserved. And so i think battle started at the ballot box and we are, we are you know, rising up to, to defend our way of life to the ballot box. Thats the next step. Idaho house of representatives, member republican barbara earhart, thank you. Thank you. On a new report says that accounts shut down by met our products and twitter that claim to be independent. Media outlets were in fact propaganda channeled run by the u. S. Government, our tooth, caleb mop and brings us more details. Its always supposed to be those evil conspiring russians who are spreading fake news with their bots and their troll farms, making us distrust our. Oh, so benevolent western leaders in our great democratic western institutions. But it looks like some shady internet activities had just been uncovered and theyre coming from the United States. How jones investigation found an interconnected web of accounts that used a septic tactics to promote pro western narratives in the middle east and central asia. These campaigns consistently advanced narrative promoting the interests of the United States and its allies, while opposing countries including russia, china and the room. We believe this activity represents the most extensive case of cova pro western influence operations on social media to be reviewed and analyzed to date. So fake news from the Us State Department bashing, russia, china, and the iran stanford university. And graphic i issued the report and meta, the Parent Company of facebook, and instagram provided the necessary data to promote the narratives. The now deleted accounts, shared news articles, calling for a ban on russian tv channels. They called on Central Asian nations to curb chinese influence. And so on. Here are some details of the operation. The operation talk it russian speak in central nation. Alden says in focused on praise in american aid to central asia in criticized and russia, particularly rates Foreign Policy. Facebooks post often had fewer than 10 looks. It only 10 post gain more than 1000. 00 reactions. It was pretty shallow stuff. Photos of models doctored into profile pictures, synthetic hash tag campaigns all to help push a Pentagon Version of world events. Of course. Now Facebook Says this is the 1st time that theyve removed a foreign influence operation directed by the United States. Now thats interesting, as many suspect, this is definitely not the 1st time Something Like this has happened. Meanwhile, what about all the other voices that have been accused of being russian bots are simply said on popular things that have then been silenced by the tech giants. What about all the other voices that have been simply asking questions about the war and grain only to be silent over the past few months . Now we shall see what new information surfaces in the coming weeks, months and years. But one thing is clear, the narrative that russia is spreading dis info, while the leaders of the United States simply believe in transparency and democracy has been completely blown. It is now a matter of Public Record that the United States has been spreading this information across the world. Everybody knows the u. S. Volved and these kinds of information campaigns. Its obvious. I mean, any of it would be foolish to believe that you know, that the, the only, the only party that does this is russia, thats, thats crazy as a rest is always accusing others of betraying these high. And hes high and mighty principals that the us itself, you know, flouted every opportunity. Im in the us, us engaged in a major propaganda campaign, especially domestically here in the United States. Doing everything i can to make sure that americans do not receive alternative source of information. It has done everything i can to penalize russian or other outlets as being, you know, agents of this information. But its all nonsense, thats complete, not just because the United States is the greatest perpetrator perpetrator, propaganda, and this information to begin with. The brutal legacy of 2 decades of us, occupation of afghanistan, all in the name of a civilized war on terror. We examined the heretic consequences of americas policies in the Central Asian country in special coverage, marking one year since the chaos to pull out of us forces. No nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all history. This friday marks the anniversary of 2 explosions at cobble airports seen by many to be some of the worst terror attacks during americas presence in afghanistan. The blast, which struck many of those desperate to get on evacuation fights, claim the lives of nearly 200. 00 people and injured many more. A warning you may find some of the following footage, disturbing. Ah, with the 1st explosion is believed to have been an attack by an i sole suicide bomber at the entrance to the airport, where crowds were trying to enter and us troops were conducting checks. The 2nd blast followed few moments later in the midst of chaos, sparked by the explosions of a fusillade of gun fire by u. S. Troops was also reported. However, washington claim that that was the taliban direct deliberately firing at civilians and u. S. Troops. The families of the killed, however, pin the blame on the u. S. I told you so much money for we lost our song in the deadly bloss. He had been living with his family in belgium for the last 10 years and came here in vacation. When the situation changed, he sent his family back, but himself decided to spend several months with me. Ah. Motion the telephone takeover made him very worried. He said he had to leave because he was missing his family. He was afraid to make the careless saying that there are no flies. He would be stuck here. He left for the airport with my other son, but couldnt get inside. Ah, we heard a huge sound of an explosion. 5 minutes later we saw tv foot a show and blood bodies and injured people. I went there and found one of my sons, and he told me there was a bomb blas. I asked him, where is your brother . He said he had no idea home up. He went there and came back saying his brother was lying injured in an open drain covered by 2 bodies. He didnt want to tell me that my son had passed away. Ah, but when i removed the bodies, i saw my son had passed away. I saw several bootable hands on his head and body. Ah, recorded over the americans. Did this grind away . Are they . There was to answer. We have a valid question when the americans came here, what did they do for us . We have seen nothing but destruction killings, blood and homeless people. And those were the towers, top news stories from around the world. Thank you for joining us and for more content follow us on twitter, odyssey, gab and ramble. See you at the top of the hour. Ah, mr. Can, youre very welcome to our, to international thank you for your time today. My pleasure. On both a political unhuman level. Its been an extraordinary and i imagine stressful week for you, culminating today in an islam about court extending and no arrest bail for 7 more days. So firstly, how are you . Well, in some ways, sir, its the best of times and some ways is the worst of times. Why is the best of times because of since i left office 4 months back . Never has there been such a public response for, for any Political Party as it is for my body today . So in that sense, you know, its for us, for a political person whos struggling for 26 years to raise awareness amongst the public. I think it is one of the best times for us, for my party, for me its, its very satisfying to see a politically aware public understanding issues coming out on streets by themselves to stand up for the right. On the the other hand, its a bad diamond bug. Its on because we have, we are descending into fascism. We have a government which has no credibility amongst the people. It is it, we call it and imported government. It. The economy has dant. Inflation has gone through the roof, it has lost all credibility and so it is compensating by, by the lack of credibility by imposing

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