It later play. 7 with you again, matthew. Hello, jennifer scholarship and i want to make sure that of what a sinister spot on the left of a change of. Okay. Oh, i wish to go out to study philosophy. Hope im up version b even a what a watermark alana and to is is he was actually caught me kevin, until it was gone. Qsi dionte this tim began to be on my way here. I thought ive gotten that ticket ticket for him. Hold on to hey dick on that. Oh yeah, go ahead. Yeah. Can him like, do you have any more tang leave him a column or more more hes in a minute. I dont want were pushing this in bigger than the year. Cause of jackie later that im not leave them with the with the yeah, i will not have to leave some of your mother must you know coming m e n. And let me 1st my name here from the human. Am you here with a boarding pass your thought came with a lot minimize that piece me now. Host ok host didnt go to meet you mom called and i cannot pull more people it. Um, well we got some pretty much. I mean, you were more pretty much standardized on as living standards, plummet enough canister on poverty, youre spreading rapidly more and more often in a desperate bid to survive. Parents are taking the unthinkably extreme step of selling a daughter, sometimes too low with mr. Shes the one i should put into a j a for them that another question you can use them to solve a new she didnt, you know a good that is bad. That was a little while adam was you know, sort of your mother and me. My tell the name is my supposed to me and keep the issue we can keep. How about the will she my my, my song was it was to my dentist, youre going to visit him. Is this like what can you tell me . Can i have that . I cannot, i guess what i wish you were going to do on my vehicle was over there from angela. Say when they can tell us our ability to most if i still retain her there, was that on my staff a location to the stick about to talk to somebody about enough degree. I took her by check with him cuz he left the morning about tonight. Got to get all my stuff. I got the number from you on the money, but you can get the money. You thank you and the a ah ah this kills bob helene is too old to find work. The only acid he and his wife have left. As their daughter with a sigh, what do, what are the nice so nice a give me more of a prescription with them and i would love to navin along with, wouldnt that matter with a bunch of people to me for sure. That 8 a know if the more that i left a korean mccain would you be able to choose deny chance a chance to find some good 5 on good on the stand alone. Any other questions . Give me a call in the morning. Im here after she on the son chance im going to young, the russia. Cindy sean on day. Oh, well did the stud oklahoma a quick call in with luck on when i me just leave me alone will call them the children of of a job . Sure. With the not a key on the go. So i got but down with steve, also called rachel, find jack on average in this queue more down more time. Get you a, keep a small, medium one with a get maybe some amount of with that it will be more pos, nash as national a by the idea of what show because they are always a no chilly or the situation in afghanistan has been described as the worst humanitarian crisis on the country is subject to crippling sanctions. The local currency is losing value and nearly 90 percent of the population is unemployed. So abdul albums neighbors dont judge him equal, come on care stand on way rather via the so if the city dog hailey, this is in this done same, is tanaka velma, if the soviet she christian i as this if they so the harder than young kitchena key i began the i kind of think in assuming the aggregate that could be so kind of the minute we had to get part of a hot, i mean most of the gas charla gilan called on either your hotel the committee meeting. Dina me was a saw the flu shots if you get to the water, was this thing of more with the neighbors . Take pity on abdul helene situation and let him draw water from there. Well, theres nothing all they can do for him. Everyone here is facing similar problems with what a noun, declare, miami or pano. I mean that the random 3 on what now given if those hope couldnt you put them all right, and we got it wasnt a month for a for now and unit for declaring lag on my side. Unless you move term, which equates them. Ok. Ring with they used to gather twigs and rubbish from the street as fuel for the stove, but now those streets are bare as if thoroughly cleaned just magic marker. You mean on the beaches . Michigan mall . Yeah. Care, camille mo, mitigating more yakima here. That. Oh yeah, i can be able to in it to got im mary, nicky, me get you on minimum a saturday morning. Ah, recently another family nearby has also decided to sell their children. Ah. Yeah. Yeah, im here with the man of the family is called said bicola. He makes no secret of the fact that all the problems stem from the drugs to which hes addicted. Felonies fall in love with her. I wont. All of your father immune is a home of the others to work on. It surely dont seem to you this one actually appear to have a new pre. They didnt want to continue recording news on them without getting what can i because you were going it. She did not. Anyway, children, nothing over in the totally separate toner claims to have been off drugs for 6 months. When their son fell ill, the family went into debt separately since it was his mother who recommended that he sell the children. And she who bought her granddaughters up for sale a while i feel like theres almost every yeah, hearing with the as yet. So let me take a minute. Wait with me. Ah. Join me every thursday on the alex salmon. Sure. Ill be speaking to guess what the world politics, sport business. Im sure business. Ill see you then. Algorithms and Neural Networks have been following us everywhere. We look online because our relationships are what matters most us. Thats how we find meaning. And how we make sense of our place in the Silicon Valley see, dont mention in that slick presentations. However, other ghost workers who train the software humans are involved in every step of the process when youre using anything online. What were sold as this miracle of automation behind your screen. Its a valuable workforce that feeds algorithms for next to nothing. On a very good day, i could do 5. 00 now. A really bad day. I could do 0. 10. Now. These workers are invisible by design. Its about labor costs, but its also about creating layers of lessening responsibility between those who solicit this kind of work and need it. And those who do it. And ah, la, oh me. Oh gosh, oh lucy can hi share. Name is ronald, m a l i n a. Oh there her phone on give you a discount olivia can that did convince me that that didnt guarantee hack on the books here. May i go for me to not barney him out . No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Its only daughters who are sold, which comes as no surprise to anyone in afghanistan. Marriage is seen by many as a business transaction. Ah, after all in the future, a boy can provide for elderly parents is their only hope in his jag, its not a heavy missouri order or they got that and that theyre still on our them, it actually started me on out. Im on the i was are you on a moment shes oh yeah, that jim is already decided. She didnt that us. I might have by the girl. Mothers anal goes, it was a shuttle, but the kind of math in so anybody but other than really i was rosie, mano a mano, missouri, isnt it the waste of money, additional at the, im with the, with that i spent happen, but over with ads promoting the sale of daughters have already appeared in social media chat rooms with prices ranging from 1500. 00 to 2000. 00 a month. Then madeline has them get hey, the silica then kicked off that all. If the tech comes and a little bit higher than healy can thing, good because youre qualified for the full address and then and you know, i car good. Now that i asked the thought was in a all had a cam with that, it matter them all at the had on one he know comalla the service. Let me she gave me the martyrdom. I sat, im actually quite a must have marshall that a lot of fun. Yeah. Youll want that. You know now there are standing out different stuff with your child or children you a little bit with phyllis goes with a can be fickle yesterday with sunny but today the town is struck by a blizzard. The pile of firewood outside is no longer enough to warn the house until halima and his daughter to the market. A with another with my what is a luxury for abilene. He thinks these logs will only last 2 or 3 days. In a lesson. A comes in on the declining a machine with no National Law School in no solid statistics for afghanistan. But unit, for example, simply suggests that one bright m 6 in the country just under the age of 16 or they can get a snare to make another drama, a food issue. The federal more. When they was all day, i walk along the shore. Naveen rag mother. Later salisbury you amelia, funny about it were fun. I know they are funny. Listen that this dummy mobil, joe. Meanwhile, simple tele, whos given up drugs. The started looking for a jump, which turns out to be a challenge. He starts by visiting a restaurant and talking to the manager with target shows that about the ship it all off. Mean . Well, thats fine if you wanna just moment was launch with penalties. Musician wholesalers, with the 1st attempt fails, settlers next stop after the restaurant is a cold trader with susan. Mom in he finds a temporary job here working as a salesman with valuable, forgotten each with. For a day, a sam patella has made just one done on a daily paper. The average you didnt because i think as you know, as a matter, the robots use anything like this in the right now or having a good one. Yes. A role. She will now ok. Well, muscled in the another. Mm hm. All dont want you to go off the taller hasnt been on actually the grandmother has arranged a little break for her grandchildren. Shes taking them shopping walker, she returned to me. I just left the phone yesterday with the dollar sample till around. Has himself his problems. Its just enough to buy plant brandon team with 3 months after fleeting. Afghanistan, the usa issued a report by the chief general inspector on operation Freedom Center know here are some of its findings. 97 percent of the population live below the poverty line. Every 2nd child younger than fight doesnt have enough food. Most of the hospitals have been shut down. The prices of w, according to official reports, more than 2000 families from god, province alone have become economic migrants. The big for the whole country could be as high as 2000000. I landed dozier comments badly, just a truck mark was when i was there was some of the mothers purity in order to normally talk and on mob with you though, the sir has ordered the southern a little chest formula visual with shawn. Are there any more substrate on whereas you layers the be just for the wrong that who knew the hush . So the beast from wilkin on us that must so komatsu that well equal my co buffet be let each is dumbest on the, but i see there is them on exactly that. One more fishing coffee. Mr. Will be known as muscle radio, mike mark as it of course, own realistic dollars, you know, but a margin into video should have gone that of all dish that are because were coma, korea mostly matter targeting that hell hasnt come yet. So my daughters heading downtown where does a chance of finding temporary work to make a little money for food . A small labor market in the Central Square root is lucky today. Hes been hired to work on a construction site with. Ah, it was a marketing laugh with a do, sir. No, says harrington with me, but that if i like it, but that is a why the only real money miami youre going to call me when i was a kid that im on that one im in my last meanwhile the customer arrives. Abdul helene and the bargaining begins. Whats happening in this room is hard to believe. The father is negotiating a price for his daughter who is not chatting with me. We should go. But john, the miss your agenda. Who a me should go in just a moment. Me with american 11 the meeting was going yeah. I feel, you know, i got it. I was setting up my my, let me with a not a hearing. I was going back to putting more oh okay. Hold on. Hello. He doing my home yell mamma and you too and he told me to let her know agreement was reached. The cost of our offered 50000. 00 off gun is about 500. 00. But abdul helene doesnt think thats enough. Were moving to sorely more full of moving you a lot more more that goes clues via because if you should, it more, goldman sachs, which is eustace didnt, can gather heaton. Im sure you might like you may pick up the restart. A lot of them. And over sadie, im a digital, im waiting on that sheet on. But i guess the blood that has been jasmine hello is this all has fingers all the way i can be hitting mitchum with that. Not only, not that little sticky, not with the mac here protection for human with the woman. Got marie a, you know its bad enough is not holding to him now. You. Hm. And im to handle that and keep the pull more with on is not on the message that were down alongside help us out with oh, every country in the world will eventually make big coin legal, tender. The only difference will be at what price we have el salvador, making the move in the 30000. 00 or 40000. 00 range in the united states. They may wait for to talk 251015 1000000 coin before they finally wake up. This is all smart city is a city thats using technology to make peoples life easier, happier, collecting a lot of data to try to improve the way things are in theory, these big organizations that are amalgamating and pulling all that data together. Theyre not looking at you as an individual, necessarily peoples data being collected so much data that theres a real possibility of privacy violation. And thats something most of us wouldnt want to wells transparent to prove that we must live with permanent surveillance with in and around the kremlin will have nowhere to hide. We are standing together with our nato allies against the potential aggression vladimir putin. A threat of the toughest british sanctions ever over alleged russian aggression against you cried, but some m. P. Say polish johnsons. Just trying to shift attention from the party gate scandal. No job, no job, no way. Canadian truckers continue to make a stand against mandates and the scathing words of their prime minister. Hes calling me a racist an extra waterfall dog to deserve that

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