Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240701 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240701

no one else seemed wrong when i was just a shave, how'd disney becomes the advocate and engagement? it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. when the sa crossing for this area and the desert, this is where the muslim thing pathology is happened. and it's different reasons the heat or the cold. like it's very cold at night and it's very hot, but the day nobody can carry enough water to so by and that it's made to me it's so easy to connect because i'm coming from there. but it's also so hard to see like to see that people along understand here. and it's, it's hard every day is the struggle because it's, it's not easy. these people are dying in justin justin, nobody should died that way. nobody should lose their life trying to get a better life or trying to help their family. they are coming for come from countries are in conflict, then they damage. so poor people they are, they don't have any chances. this are by they basically abandoned, by their governments. so in the balance of the me, many of these cases that i see every day they are that they are going to die. die there any way they know the risks and they still do it because there is something worried about happening there. i don't think, i mean thought villarreal in general interlock. i love it is $400.00 cal. he those said they immediately up what my resume, thing for them up as soon as the leaders, if he was sick, i mean a lot of you must more of a more he does as you know on the look down in order in 3 on buddhist what the mileage is in middle america, one of the you want me do this, that we did a whole douglas basis again unless you this is a loving and would get me in dallas on needles. that has been a little the lindsey, i guess what i still space is, is over at the level where he doesn't like when all week i can meet on this in front of me. so my boys have to play this, you know what the able to have put him in the little dial, and in what would i don't mean to conceal and gain a foothold schermick again about quarter is to sign me like, you know, my boss. but i thought uncle isabella from data gone, it those when he was ah ah ah ah ah, with all of a yell. in same way i can tell you it seems like a family plan with e for if nothing but that money on the card. but he made all their mothers gonna even waste their group. okay. yeah. you got met with has been i'm with a gun. you know, you know has a, has been a day of need. i may have got a lot of a lot. i think they will let them talk on a night. i say see less. thank you to look a minute. my guy with a move here. if you think all of us, we are in no alice sonora, which is right over the border from the united states morning with come on, abigail, this shelter is called la rocha. many years ago when this was just getting started . our group of samaritans came to help put this together. there are not nearly enough shelters in nogales to take care of the asylum seekers who are coming. i get up and every man i'm with other ones. i've been there many arriving from lee triangle, which is hon. doris el salvador watermark. many, many people are coming from guerrero because the gangs apparently have taken over with her. so oh wow. good morning. sure. yeah, i can. okay, with tell me what you would do if you let your child go out to play. the chances of your seeing, your child again were very minimal because they're going to be scarf by the games. and by the cartel i was very good. i know that many people in the united states have absolutely no idea of what is happening down here. and they only know what they read in the newspaper, most of which is fallacious. oh, you can't trust these people. they're all drug addict and no one sees these people as human beings. they've become monsters in the eyes of so many people. ah, me to the border. you look into the faces of the people and the children, that our policies are affecting so dramatically. how many people think want to leave their home in your country? and i wanted him as a modem with him. but i made us yoshi, there's even been not the latino demo. a little bit of a sudden they left the home. you know, without them the way this is the only thing i could get his in pursuing unless he know musk another policy, williams tells me is union, is that on campus but i am the is that was the money to me. we did it. and again, it was that i got unless there was news you are in my heart, you are in my heart. okay. so i will, i will see you. my mission is to do the very best that i can for the people and be very honest with them and tell them, you know, when, when i'm speaking to the migrants at the commodore, i seem to not cross by yourself. it is too dangerous and tell them the pitfalls and that's the best that i can do. and i wish that i could do more. and i, at this point, i can't, no other than giving him all a hug. and telling him that i love him. ah, there's a map whereby humane waters very shows 3000 red dots where people have died here in the summer. and when i saw a map, that's what sort of led me to this project. because i went through bring those red dots on the map. a map is an abstraction, it's not, it's not the territories, not. the geographical location is just a map showing approximately where person was found. you need the real purple graphical maps and the exact gps locations to, to find the site isn't fully total. so you figure k, i eat a little clue, psychos power more your, when we get on think you react almost all scenarios is kendall one megahertz. so nobody can know because there's 2 cameras follow cause it didn't miss if, when people roll, because this is momentum was important. so let's say of arrow wants to put up a new cross for people that died in 2019. you can search those people and then that pulls up all these red dots. so these are all remains that were recovered in 2019 ok. so this person's right here. i already mentioned and then you can see on this dot all the remains been recovered in the vicinity where this, this man was so different people use this information for different reasons. so, so there you have 3 different groups of different purposes. looking at the same information, one group that wants to put out water and prevent deaths and they look where people are, are being found to know where to put water. they want to put water where people are dying to prevent more people from dying. one person who has more of a, just a remembrance type thing with, for the samaritans to put out, you know, crosses which is of oral. and then us who want to know if we have a new, a new death or if it additional portions of an older one. so just kind of interesting how very gross a different focus has come together to use the same information. ah, well, this is driven by dreamers shaped by center. some of those in a dares thinks we dared to ask, and these are the 4 people who pulled the trigger. i survived something on survival. one of the hardest things that i had to face was not having a face at a low expectation like i accepted accept the fact that i made that we had no fears . del change pretty fast for shots with different stories behind the bullets. ah. or i came here from columbia in the ninety's sixty's or i came you to go to school to go to college. i came here legally. it came here, i played, i came to new york city. i'm looking for the american dream, like everybody else at the time and i knew that i didn't have a future in columbia because my family was very poor. i knew that i wasn't gonna be able to do much with my life. so i had to come years like most micros. this is what you find, what you're looking for. you know, this is the land of milk and honey, this is the promise land for this is when you become somebody for this is what i do. this is, this is by religion, this is my practice. this is my meditation. this is my opportunity to connect to the own bodies in my own life. and to be part of that migration because i am one of them. one of the lucky ones. ah d, an lucky's are the 3000 that have died here? did 2000 that have disappeared here. and they have family that had been separated and many, many, many more than we don't know about. ah a be coming to the every tuesday or the past 6 years. i need people to help me with this. i have volunteers, american volunteers who help me carry. what are really what out here with groceries we need to carries to men on. oh, we are about 35 miles north of the mexican border and every migrant that area is the cottages road here and there's the water head and this. okay, it's freeze. doesn't have any trade here. there's no place for you to get out of that kills you. can always always leave water, i'm hoping that no more casualties. know people on this is the end of the road. and we can now drive anymore from here. so we are here probably not very far from the site, and then we have to watch just like the migrant who died here did. so we pretty much gonna be walk in the same area before this person. i me see, the jeep is do what we have. we hi. okay. this person was found on february 5, 2018. skeletal remains unidentified. ah, we are very, very close to the area for their site. with we have 11 gallo so what altogether? so we need to save some for the next stop i'm with with we are here to do something that is very close to my heart. to give someone a presence, to give someone a little bit of recognition that this person came a long way from home. and died here and the dream ended here. and i hope that the idea of the american dream doesn't die altogether. that he will per door. that will stay because we need, we are country of migrants and when in migration to renew our ideals and our notion of, of where we are as a country with me, very careful here with his rocks, his r rattlesnakes here with y, i stay there, stay there. with dawn yo, i stay but i don't breathe yet. people in latin america believe that when someone dies at that particular location, the spirit stays somewhere, leaves the body and continues to hang there. and i'm hoping that my action by putting that marker there will in a way, till the spurs that poor people who care about that we are humans with good intentions. and that we have morals. and that we care that we are not people who are want to cause any suffering. little bit of water here. ok. okay, are we gonna be reading a poem? so please keep a minute, minute of silence here. and well, she's running that. reflect on your own losses and your own life. connect him to this person here. thomas all day spotted. sheldon with cain, his have been deceived. we need to stop the cornish that we cannot continue to lead people in the twenties and thirties die here. b could, you shouldn't be dying at that age. you shouldn't be dying when you're 20. you shouldn't be died when you're 30. and you shouldn't be died locker for the dream that this country advertised success. as here is where you find it. that's why they call it the american dream. but now i thought a dream was a nightmare. the cry of the children. oh, do you hear the children weeping? all my brothers err. the sorrow comes with years. they are leaning their young heads against their mothers. and that cannot stop their tears. the young lambs are bleeding in the meadows. the young birds are cheap, chirping in there. now. the young fawns are playing with the shadows. the young flowers are blowing toward the west, but the young young children, oh my brothers. they are weeping bitterly. they are weeping in the play time. others in the country of the free, ah, for ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, the way of life of randy ahead is leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra. is similar to a parallel reality. while the main drive, the hood, women carry the weight of the household work on their shoulders run with beth. with however, in the vast expanse of russia, there is a spot where a housewife could secure a regular in the fall semester chemistry. remember, remember in eugene ah there is an end again, you can only collateral eyes the same thing. so many times you can only sell the same donate, so many times before somebody figures out that, hey, there's no, don't it here that's just the whole. and that's what's happening in america. they're trying to survive on the hole in the don't it. and they're saying, we sold this hole in the don't it 15 times a, goldman sachs. now we got rich because we got paid a fee on the collateral ization of the whole and the don't it. and now that everybody else, america is broke and they don't generate enough income for us to tax, to pay down the debt that we incurred by deregulation and derivatives trading. going back to reagan, now they're out there to london. they're like, what do we do? ah, it's open oklahoma, so it's a good price. you can please go visit us. i bought a toyota from our company for did on your report, but i know from politicians to athletes and movies. don't musicals, does it seems every big need in the world has been here? let's yearbook visit america. this goes to school. ah, a typical but i need to nash with glover. new sport but use you? said thousands makes dreams come true. the every one who falls in love with people like a facebook want some and instagram stuff, a one of the largest outages and internet hayes trade. but meanwhile, rival platform stuff, a technical problems as well. and you to massively increased tropical networks for the salad dead melts, and j june state gives the green line to part of russian is no stream to gas pipeline. as europe grapples with soaring fuel prices, i say the situation is stabilizing. no one's going to pretend he has completely back to normal. i wish it was, but he says it's getting it that way. all that while british official don't play that own ongoing fuel.

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