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ah, with shemika. that's how with not only the style study of columbia, you steal mama will follow you use a . 2 2 2 2 2 with blue. 7 with cooper shirt, but she anthea thought to meet you must have yeah, so she did such a funny it's michael w smith. i have some more lives finalization for them. king some might say 70 years is a reasonable life. i pray michelin that baby full of m spokes, happy or sad about to meet christ opportunities and glorious achieve misty in the historic sense. so he 70 years, his new alley, and instantly wish me where you live with the july 13th marks, the 70th anniversary of events, the meaning any significance of which the still debated and owes poland and you grain them up just where ah bill of the teacher, the announcement of our gone april. the 8th 2013 is just before the 70th anniversary, the divided the ukrainian nation with an ideological stand off $28.00 senators with the law and justice party submitted a draft to the polish senate film proposing that july. the 11th should be a memorial day in poland. to honor the memory of the victims of massacres of poles in virginia and other parts of western ukraine in world war 2, with a couple of eggs up at their granite. on april the 11th in the same year 29 m. p 's from the polish people's party submitted to poland, lower house of parliament, a similar draft titled on the genocide committed by the organization of ukrainian nationalists and the ukrainian insurgent army against oles on eastern polish territories. barbara, by lack of cooperation at the end of the keep up as of both these documents was to recognise the organization of ukrainian nationalists and the ukrainian insurgent army as criminal organizations. which according to the authors, had committed genocide against the polish community in western ukraine with 212 representatives voted in favor of the proposal to designate the massacre of poles in berlin. finally, o u n, and u p. a genocide while 222 voted against the proposal was defeated by a majority of just 11 votes. and the genocide issue was lost from the agenda. we opposition voted to classify the o. u. n. u p. a crimes committed as genocide against the polish population, but the party in power supported softer wording for foreign policy reasons. but a market for it well known that the polish government is actively lobbying for ukraine to be admitted to the e. u. it was to that end that the polish foreign minister, rather slough, sikorsky, urged polish emp is not to exacerbate the situation with the bible. i'm in the end . on july, the 11th 2013, following heated and prolonged debate, poland approved an official statement describing the violin. tragedy of ethnic cleansing with marks of genocide should be cheaper to them. ah, jim quit, i should say. no. i'd show him punching coverage. being just you say movie global, could your modem or the little with see mater come out with you. i'm here from my mom to one will see a little place for you from the legal kind of you're not really in your voice. a function could just wasn't a lot at the version of always going to examine for your house today. on the other one, your lovely one, when you pull up the humor when you pull out and put it in your mouth is going all over again. yeah, i mean for me now do you of a sibling im in yesterday she caught a scope of a magick frog member. come, don't go to school. would you not slip wood? when using him? no grains of him. my wife's gluck at the bull, a boot when using a blue gray squashes, you know, so my list of i need la garza gray. let us know vanya pharmacy was our, she, which know, you read me. it hasn't been i me specially grossinger sans elk of each of when they scholarly how far that is a color in your for me and i have, i cannot see that is a looks like a during in the early, but i do have you want me too much in that she's mostly sorry i'm to said is i mostly got whatever i do to with some my lease. i also sent national grain than you, but you know it not somebody's, not the only reason why you own it, only with the construction of recently in your buttons, restoring him. you not to that to put them only for me, but it is to him a little don't for edible. do not suit you by layer. can you call him thought you knew, mumbled sagal shots of the communion. cut doris would shoot up a few books to use. it will be why do you believe we are the usually not super block of the old coil? alcohol appalonia to up going at sea level. however, poland to lower house declined the opposition's initiative to have the valiant tragedy officially declared to genocide and to make july the 11th memorial day in poland to honor the victims of massacres in eastern polish territories. the decision provoked a wave of discontent in poland. vishal ki, very exact you with a voice cookie cable b t y, the portable keyboard, which is gauge like gosh, i me a fool. will you not see me mutiny? couple. what can we still have? is the appropriate issue problem for s a s the like about luxury muslim, alaska, which is this a she would be supposed to meet you not a person you share of you matter. my number to be is over and over to okay. so not me me share with will get not my go about, i go to them. they go the i'm, she closes coverage through and slumber floor. yeah. for sure. yeah, neither of those that will be seen, but she's guilty with booley. it's like you absolutely all the same vocal, this gustavo, nothing should have all the boys, but she did not balance which in your community you can should issue seeing yourself on almost again, fear or should the political border are but, but younger was like a bulky us i guess from boston, nice cousin polishan. you're going to means think of somebody on the scene yamil any more computer on it show offers your money. um so you can sales on it. welcome christian you can call uniform. was going to give us a new product, a new principal polish print media, have linda, somewhat blurred discussion on the subject with the majority of publications denounced the polish authorities, lack of determination on the matter that there is also a regularly repeated call to allow bygones to be bygones and to put the volume tragedy to rest back, at least for now. ah, we will only be able to get back to the berlin tragedy when ukraine becomes a stable and prosperous country within the western sphere of influence. trying to address it now would make no sense any calls for restoring justice, apologies or compensation, can only aggravate our relations with kia at a time when you cranes future and its association with the e. you are being decided, it would make sense to revisit the subject in about 20 years from now. but doing it now would be more than useless. it would be politically detrimental, under telecom genocide, as political leverage. judge bus, polito, poland, that i like it if the ceiling and to me consider that honestly, she says, smith, john, their family are offered little worse than when you listening imagery to cranes kosta opening my feeling and thinking of simple, reputable aversion, insensible and se, huh. to blake and jessica kissed permission, probably nana would you sneer her. oh, let me just a little bit of something that i faced with with all kinds of possibility of delirium. i am and only if he has killed the tree. who fe mirror vanya, my goal for food will see me below upward, on those words, visibly i'm looking up to them. yes, you mean younger than you know as well, so you can, you could, you couldn't, you know, start with that in your bundled mix. you go, mr. yes, you will. you will lose you from that yet. oh, as a b is it? when you look back, you click web movie and through the portal. on july 14th, 2013 elizabeth dixon peter impulse cathedral in louis western ukraine, held a memorial service for victims of the valley near massacres, which was attended by the polish president bananas left komarovsky. ukraine was represented by the deputy prime minister, the constant in gresham, with the old e as in love with others when we watched the video, but it didn't come with it gray husky after we met at the bill of seizure, which nice cover on got you all states all book of it's a pretty me or not, i know me, i was, it was the grocery store. one bill, google, it's all shows up. i walked through it will take a break. not even gonna get the book. it's gotta be in your global little dog. so yeah, not to just. they were thoughtful browsing what the past few grains parliament displayed a curious response to the 70th anniversary of the valiant tragedy. nearly one 3rd of the value of nevada was not 148 members who mostly communist and from the ruling party of regions. we assigned an official request to the polish parliament to recognize what had happened 70 years before. as genocide against the polish people here was that request triggered a strong response on both sides of the polish ukrainian border. the initiative was heavily criticized in ukraine and described as tantamount to treason with modern you break your school to get a sense. this missed code using clean, east amino cuz i was a tional. it was she she was and they said excuse the got a new thing, no matter what pro deal to it, talking listed on the condition on after mottos, giving a national event in the prison watch, force customer a switching and be staying in crane. so sophisticated and then also the tucker convertible as if exceeding that will kind capacity of the command because it should take, you won't be away. the 1st attempt to build a bridge between ukraine and poland over disagreements regarding the volume tragedy within 2003, by the van presidents. if leon had coach mark, which man alexander, it wasn't epsky in 2006, the reconciliation process continued through the efforts of consecutive president victor yoshika and left kuchinski, who jointly opened a memorial to polish and ukrainian victims of the bellini. a massacre. you've been fabulous kobylinski. it was then that former president yoshika. he spoke the memorable words died. we forgive and ask for forgiveness in franklin no later than 2000 to night when we got the ocean co issued a decree posthumously conferring the title of any akira. olivia crane on the ukrainian insurgent ami leader roman shall cambridge with the 2 years later in january 2010. so that will yoshika, awarded the title hero of ukraine to step on bendara, also posthumously. he'd been the leader of the most radical nationalist group o u. n. and b, western ukraine celebrates show he had which and been della by erecting statues and naming major streets after them. at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from great who's with we will bring to the iraqi people, food and medicines, and supplies, and freedom with much the levels 2011. the largest earthquake ever recorded in japan is registered a 14 meters to nami, devastate the fukushima di each in nuclear power plant, a minimum of with the nuclear e n t, as a flooded sparking and horrific disaster. holiday vision of id in. so i think old a political funny, eventually via an italian journalist living in japan decided to go to the area of the nuclear meltdown fukushima immediately. but anyway, a lot of us that he got a job takeover, so i'd love to talk with somebody about the with a 4 year investigation starts watch on our t. what we got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk to you and wish you had the home. the little piano available. nicky godwin, mute. what's more, a style in special come with what i see promotional bundle discovery. you want to some i used to be there. you know with me, she wasn't great enough and you brought me a little dog slow yesterday for tanya. that's how i feel kind that on you poor. did he? ching, i feel crazy you, polish, and ukrainian historians have the different assessments of the number of victims on each side as well as different accounts of why it happened. but all agree that the volume tragedy was the bloodiest, ukrainian polish conflict in the 2 nations shared history of the yeah. or a certain you proceed from the oh williams q. so because i can't believe it's up and cleaning agreement to leo because taking, taking sticking, and yet i'm sort of take it with it so can speak with the senior. all my silly extremely not saying english teachers scholarships initially being an engineer a can publish it as a teacher, put in with somebody to use ski a sort of case a little that both of us but yeah, kept or it will. e, a national set on children for different give out of a go prefer them from pushed. i'm not sure district, nor where a yeah, mr. polacca was to limit the bill, are suddenly get pleased to luca product. be silly. a previous of the 0 that the but we'll keep lat pull steely meant to work well in. come with a 2 or 3 level, which is a really meant as the milk atoria. grades are recorded. lucas, group of strange guy to me. could we do or you couldn't go on sundays. michelle, this is she telling you, i put you on, we just need you to the lack of some which is. so c, m, p with mr. that the patient that needs to get you, elizabeth, you should give it to by mid summer. at 943. they seem to valinda massacres had reached their climax geography. and they feel on the hundreds of polish villages were level with accounts merry, but 42100000 civilians. women and children and the elderly were brutally killed. mm hm. but after that, yet it's known that up to a certain point with holes and ukrainians left side by side quite peacefully, most appears. nobody's program that it was quite normal for them to work and celebrate together into marriage and was also commonplace with those m. soon as i can production, as is our he says, but you also have, you can use your i'm in the 585 guys. you're able to pull out of my ability. boom, come neurology because your book would resume granular walk. you re more july at the bottom are mile apart almost at the block. now it's not rain saturday school. did you not use a lot? i think when you saw the new book, when you noticed anybody, i see the price unit up in some single floats. i was like they were narvie. yeah. friends are blow. does that answer for finance? another we're she act is a misty rally. holly i was. so i have my little nuts on my left usual on of all. when you buy like you grain seemed so risky. she, here are me and you could i am. what's the guy neatly packed earlier? he got your formula, what some of our senior you put us doesn't what ideally, look, i'm over. you mean, you could keep conflict looking as the weights even though it's on my list in your blood nibble like a conflict of copper emotional bla. because if it's in a way to cut them up, so now you do if i were to move and this is your conference, i will show up at hundreds of places in modern western ukraine. shanda common and bloody history historian, kissy leon and lip. nikki, for example, where on march 26th 1943 by 179 poles were murdered. mainly women was made elderly people, more than 50 children under 14 at school. every year, the polish and ukrainian delegations come here to honor the memory of those innocent victims, jimmy general, but many who lived in or near valinda and witness those tragic events managed to survive to this day in general. little love gun moshef ski la colin's 1st astronaut is one of them that you can put in 1943. that future space conqueror was just a helpless baby who miraculously survived these children who loss is here than the shelter field of nic lane. that will doctors and my yes, which book of nice these each bottles of the studio by long of no grey, nancy national uniform you. it was some in your book, the us government, i need to meet the need of a sub issues to get the voice message. but he was on both of us. the shuttle much less. you seem here that i give you another level of smith, our bus young, the mom of, of show us can give me your name. what's a good deal of i should've got our we just got you on several advanced issues to monitor subject to the city of europe. but it is gonna be a good start, you know, leveling your issue, the research, other green 2 lots are together. one more sort of are actually just that i get to keep the emotions seem use was you meet of the stuff you will see more deep by digital. see me at machines, please give us no mom of sigma for all this year, but i'm spending all of us like that other show if you saw it, i'm just follow them or do you all kinds of but if you look by us do, you will definitely not smoke, i'll go, but it will stay with all new himself. i'm sure. when you deal, it will rain for not sure, but you know, because, you know, even when you pull your sample dot com. yes, that is what are the other ship where your camera downloads assertion that the bus to show them bugging at the finish? so now that the job and yet managed. yeah. but then you go pot said that she can give you some video card nation with the, the confidential when they're in the, in the morning. the motion daughter forms to do my last talk talk. you know, she, she didn't want to deal know usually that was just starting to look up i will warn you for something from article basis for us. thank you. my name is almost that. i think there's one that other stuff. so if there's not some job, my job is a bit also some of the study should always do stuff that we did is that you want to provide them. yeah, the relational deal from amazon of all instruction, that would be great. he's not a white glove virginia. to be i was john middle jack. deny decoys, jeremy, a pretty broad able medium. otherwise i will go with a, with that part as i on. yeah, i could just go after them as much as a family will show that the actual social is 2 of the criteria. i mean, you're back with cisco, then you just came from national guard. no acre this, felicia, of you or did you call them? was only got a week of simone attribute. we'll stop show you one. i'm already sure. i'm not sure when you some sheets across mammogram didn't show up. was people that you didn't ask the school boys? if you get to watch what kids channels are crucial. i'm sure all the level search to the g when you will, a similar that done that she was diagnosed here was canceled me about i'm brought what she'd rather not be so a lot of tea and build a culture more than july. i come up with that, my sister's daughter, more yankton, mediocre humor shows that i've done that. they stay that they were using it then that is valuable it's, i'm glad you just don't eat your own. you know, a unusual video with is the not a will keep up with a little more to reading each is nanny. come i'm you know, to shana fletcher's i was you go to the village i'm, i'm a spill of zillow, but he okay. he come down of a visual at the school. ma, troy bandito. okay. yeah, i'd go with you. the attention was the bill comes up with an up when you call it a good i see that you want with i mean like she was going to be a dispute gene cheese a lot, but she levies i'd booster here to please acknowledge the style. that's how we get a deal. it's all your deal of the of can, which most people have national serious to lucian, be, suppose you, he's not receive a seamless choice for some of you know, a thing that she's talk with will say there's nothing they do share with you. oh, sure. now she had a little boy, a few minutes of just to go to pick up a screen with the problem marginalize i see on you digital know now photo skills. kids need to be done. most of the site in the boom and you still are you done? with the one you happen to political idea as to what i grew up with when you, when you would be, well if question you stick to change, do call in there. could i use a grain 6 machine? you could put a yeah, i need a bundle. get an idea, i mean, one of the most popular series is that, and this blood was spilled as a result of a so called popular uprising that women ukrainian farmers in those areas attend against that polish neighbors who lived in the same area at the bellagio beach a boy, so based on a book that was pretty much worse with that, the more to those of i to not see them a more, but someone get a bleach in the sins, keep up the keys which makes your skin up suddenly leave them yesterday company. so suddenly it will rain, so from up a new new quarter, he's on the hierarchy of honestly because sushi so green some of them just some will up some of them. but the, we and you could give, i'm not some excuse, can you hear, but here just about the way i'm with you a quote off the ship. the one us, i'm honest, digital began shape by up. i'm on leaking from his shoes from my mom as i stand up on that he is because i'm a little been using a bristol, a a with that always here. you know, by just you too long with such as a law? no. on the wall, no g, sequential, and so for you to yes knew was to the william with ipc ownership yet are you with your promotional session with a scheduled? sure. so, but our new choice is yours. federal sharp. to get to bear with me for my call, a magical place, fantastical ice cream water is a dramatic geography. and of course, a unique echo system which is developed over the past 25 to 35000000 years. and of course, a place like this, just checking with you to come and experience at all for yourself. and my vision coming up on our team international a a, a for and i just bill poland, 2 knights of riots and us officials threatening to impose sanctions. i thought it was the chaos in george's national cup. protesters here there, alarmingly organized, they know how to move as a unit, no one to retreat as a unit. they're playing basically like guerrilla warfare with the police here it's, it's crazy.

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Japan , Bristol , City Of , United Kingdom , Nevada , United States , Iraq , Alaska , Boston , Massachusetts , Italy , Virginia , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , Poland , Berlin , Germany , Ukraine , Polish , Italian , Ukrainians , Ukrainian , Iraqi , American , Nicky Godwin , Shana Fletcher , Elizabeth Dixon Peter ,

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