Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221113 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221113

foreign companies decided to stop working overnight, creating even more panic. a shoe shortage in russia. we went to doug, it's done looking for an answer where some, 600 entrepreneurs are in the shoe business. moran july of is one of them. so, so he's got of us, those are so let him 1st published the loop because before we shoemakers are going through hard times, worrying about shortages of materials imported from abroad reserves on them loosen good look, look simple, sort of more so notorious the more goodness was women than what could complication is occlusal. so the fornia poodle, some of hemoglobin, both causal clear and the polar nod, what's it shorter, thus which i'm actually no grain, you or so no said what she more c magazine a considerable if did you stand any? was that could be a new name for the solid. non thought it was more she thought shuttle last year. luscious of was, it was a passing marable to moment. ah, the. so the trickiest footwear component, previously, almost all were imported. but after the wave of sanctions in 2014, many russian companies began to produce their own. in addition, this factory cars, so mold orders are coming from all over russia, which mariah is especially proud of. good spirit, good will. mostly clothes were duly suppressed. fordham would gladly tear producer received another go near the ssl moves materially suitable to him and was only to change it mouth to live the cover to perform with the thought. so could you tell you more samples include the peninsula continuum, logo, the ocean, the agenda, those have little bit of control to learned. oh, just little design with the middle of the literature most because i think you should be able to do more. another one which was on from i andrea used to work at the prado company, mariah met him in italy and invited him to diag. it's stan. andrea agreed and has been designing shoes for a year now. he also trains young specialists, 50 more eleger, video, milan, or if he had a milano, alabama fact young requires request on jw a program on well he the brother. ok. but i'll schuler m, that ecology or his tulare latrice or dora equilla. gary, why the makin idea of your mean? delores son walking. your dog was counting. it's other than but listen, sony no, no, no. garza boise dear. no damage carridy alan jace call. it was a good shabamo. oh, andrea is clearly worried but the director. yes. so it's not the 1st crisis of this sort he's experienced for, for loop would work with the lucas was horrible, but the will is funk food in the vertebral port jump theater. fishes from the muscle is or was it is the water input milk was put in, whoops for the food was clyburn, immune. the motion for some of us for those to the some global possible for them. now they're planning to double shoe production. they've already begun hiring new employees. the main problem, possible shortages of components can be solved, complication model, please, what it was, much of the privilege to perform a wellness to president for those from wellness includes what did component of those go pulled in both of those a watershed me on the do so this would present it to clear, came new sources in the wake of sanctions, food giants and leaving russia or suspending operations, coating coca cola, pepsico and nestle, among other things. they're the largest producers of dairy products and baby food. will there be a shortage of dairy products and russia over some recorded better do it because they're consciously just knobby group recently say, john john kapinsky, who's british considers himself a russian farmer. he's been living in russia since 1991. he put a collective farm in that email region back on its feet. today, it's the largest farm in the reach and employing 200 people. it produces $65.00 tons of milk a day, or over it again. chanel. une capri is made for some legal albany, di him comfort diet corum dime her or she is bonnie me. is there a yesterday on the door but me. paula jameson, malika. 90 percent of the milk jones farm produces his by pepsico for making baby food. so news of the company's possible pull out was naturally a cause for concern. but pepsico, just like coca cola, only decided to stop making soda drinks and will continue producing dairy products . so sales of milk remain the same and no shortages are expected. the main problem for farmers these days is the volatility of the rouble nozzle, cham bolshoi, boucher, many command here given us to protestant import. me. oh no sir. we'll ski zelmer equal rose april, tom tom ye ashore. post let me elementary. dear v demeanor. you pre mix at the taja import leave, save it to mean the subordinate kit icici the europa. yes, the subordinate at the body of course, now stole or not. what is stability, misty yesterday stole treated it. able to crush more. john son, timothy, helps him faced the difficulties he's now in charge of dairy production. and this is the 1st crisis of his career, monopolized sellable up on a couple of almost a yellow slip. so ross says the most of so car from wouldn't what i bought, the name partners up chest, it's a national capital dylan norton adults that did the british to present over there is a bullish and we did is to put on the same math, i thought on my seminar, i'm not thought off on that also thumbnail slows, the good. i new found other studies that filled up a browser our no connections when we took them in person by a to 3 summers on the bumper. got thorough moser purchase williams. ah, one of nobody's or cuz we don't cookies, loves him movie for 10 percent of the kapinsky farm milk is used by their cheese factory, which the families particularly proud of a produce around 40 kinds of cheeses, yogurt, butter, and casea sealed at the hood. a chem here in from melting for prison, it is nice not just to catch the shock. john always wanted to get into the cheese business, but it wasn't until the ban on cheese imports in 2014 that he was able to do it. those sanctions played into his hands and to ensure they wouldn't be dependent on imports. they decided to buy russian equipment. so we'll skip over the one year week until she'll, she'll montage, design see another way russian banks raise the interest rates to 20 percent. the copies fear that they'd have to suspend their new projects. this rate was beyond their means. however, loans for agricultural enterprises didn't become more expensive. cars now? sure, go so. darcy, oregon wrote with mr. i bought, you don't wish to vote dark. is magic hartford? i'm a yamagata cheese, see georgia was submitted and create an appeal process. yamagata g, corruptness russian. it created an appeal process on us on the store with a lot of stuff about those numbers to finance or stuff. we're gonna get them started. stuff to pollution are going to go out and into it. it has the ability for a dealer. the marina williams is a thought, well, and you know, i didn't go find the beauty industry was also hit by the sanctions. several luxury brands left russia at once. and the largest u. s. manufacturer, botox and phyllis stop supplying its product. meaning what he met, evoke has to fill on this ellis, the current. can you say he wants to prepare? unfortunately, most poison, if our prospect clickable, it wasn't, wasn't a shot by them or not. someone actually with at the moment, but at the company you're going to stumble it, which i'm sure are or if, but feel if cars the clinic and why it was the priest that sort of percent of what preparatory is pointed. cash discomfort, let me check on that. when people come with it, i need to pardon me, ease knife of work with behind it, and then you don't get numbers to call by the bush report at the business process bank. where is necessary if what is covered in utah, mr. that when she, i had to move this out and bullying yet in the nick of the nation, press to pull that up. what's? what's the question when the special military operation in ukraine began beauty salons, last cleanse? everyone was trying to save money. he said it's, you could get a high delia's image of the auto secure intuition, emotion tests the media and if there's a plan will piston nash total spock, i wish thought to bullet locks in washington temperatures to find out. now, maria is fully booked again. prices are still changing, but there's definitely enough botox and fellows, numerous companies supply them. the main cause for concern now is rising price is not the lack of beauty products engineering. and you see it's just not possible. it's a big dos going deal if it does. she was there. i told them a bit of a rush. i mean, not very smart. they was here. me to repeat. little boy shows can somebody a 1000000 years on us each, which means she's getting excellent principal. maria may have lost some of her clients, but not because of soaring prices. it's because of russia's decision to block certain social media center conversation at that or cherish, cannot provision as a gamble per starting cup curb look for someplace, both of them. i contacted them a video, he was li, cookie. he assumption it was after the butcher instagram on a facebook, she's in your into, ah, a to visit with you to meet with keith washington's. keep the process a new i spoke with you of the proxy, a professional lithium door he put up a list of all, but with ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only really and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time time to sit down and talk i've actually found safety and embraces naziism is a joke. all of a sudden you're placed in a position where i can defend myself. now, i don't know how to be afraid anymore. on one hand, i'm terrified that they're going to find out i'm jewish, but on the other, i think it's so far away. i distinctly remember my mom sitting me down one night and are saying, john, they're going to hurt you. one guy hunched me hi my here or somebody shell now and the rest of the punches just started flying. and somebody shouted out, died you boy died. and at that point, i knew i remember, had an indian doctor. they came in and looked and said, there's no medical reason wires you should be alive for you to find something to believe. john story is a story of hope. the story of victory and whatever i can do to help him i went to western sanctions have also put a total blog on russian media in europe in america. the medical ration even allows calls to kill russian military personnel on its platforms. in response, moscow built manners instagram and facebook for many russian companies, they were important tools for promoting their businesses. what all marriage, national stucco park video. nobody showed up each football over london, puffy. i'm sort of wasn't working northerners to put the nutrition even call a boat owns a small furniture workshop in the moscow region, making metal frame shelving units, tables, closets, mirrors, and wood trim. bol counters. his furniture has been sold not only in russia, but also in germany and america, and more noodles, which as usual, or feasible to instagram or storm of bonus from a variety of medic loma you are doing possibly before you start on coloring history . once you finish like select manage, radio, visual font of multiples, mother, it's like that. it just won't you. but he's right at the bottom of it. for them even is transitioning to russian platforms and his social media manages attesting new options available. oh no, i come back. i'm not an old williams with a young beast, vinegar. i'm with on the board here, maria. particularly better with maria's promotion, which was crimea mixer was and sure enough for them when it would em 3. i'm thinks his cousin. but despite the crisis, yvonne has had some good news. you're your whole master, your true quantity was little cluster, a correct? a gear, you know, throw switch from a betrothal thomas to give principi up as to when we're graham. when you are bringing a problem with our water cooperators, william jesse able's, yvonne expects more orders with i key is disappearance. he should get new customers . he's trying to keep his prices down so as not to scare them off. more wouldn't go here if there was a different research visiting them. juniors are plenty short term refreshed. was you? did you see me? would you be for when you're out of the possibly carpenters become quicker, comfortable. just sort of from use mostly character per minute more been more clinical offers. also, when you should each multiple of political bridges, proposals for depot prices, some large foreign pharmaceutical companies have stopped clinical trials of drugs in russia. so there's a chance there new drugs when reached the country, but they continue supplying vital drugs to russia. despite this, they've been long queues at pharmacies as people stalk up on meds. will russia phase pharmaceutical shortages? a, the amidala company develops and produce his life saving medication. it was launched in 2014 post sanctions after it became obvious that as many drugs as possible should be manufactured in the country, rather than rely on impulse. whispered sellers, 0 some law, but to put up a flat co orgy dogs or mush olenick. i put up a project i will say when would you fix your picture? why? because many important ingredients, a used for making drugs, but there's no shortage unknowns expected ingredients are mainly so most in china and india. foreign companies continue to supply ready made drugs to russia. some drugs have vanished from pharmacies, but it's not because of sanctions. prince good pres, one you to me or she ski more with her speech because she'll michelin. yeah. no problem. so i will do more with problem. she has to no problem of priest me on that . i will do mobile, terrible to business. next program in europe comes dish probably in my in a personal spouse. difficulties may arise regarding medication produced by a single foreign company with no russian companies licensed to do so. this is where mandatory licensing mike work. because with this, the government can give domestic companies the right to produce potentate drugs move quite in, but a shrieking gift company in oscar on my me, unless i knew pretty would you live, is she so i you know what's on their paper after i she, she just for the go to not ocean a bunch of sales or business come findings out the credit, they'd be me to study your building, which might not work please. this field of push a new book came over pretty poppy. she does of, i need more games. my pin with each i'm, i did some 01. yeah. you know a prospect slash from last month. or is that a shade the appraisal id to pay to park? i'm a dodge plans to produce about $1000000.00 packages of vital drugs this year. and by 2023, up to 4000000. the company is well place to do so child care. when you minute though, it's almost like, you know, watch games or summer. boom. we show boyer was messed around. yeah. there's about where you and i strongly agree like a storm was for them. it was, i mean, each is i need to condition if you ania and latvia the seriously thinking of closing their borders with russia. this could isolate the colleen in grad region, which is cut off from the main part of russia and has borders with if you ania and poland. russian trunk, so already banned from entering the you and exceptions made for delivery of medical supplies, food and energy transit to cali, new grad is the so far a lot of european as space is already close to russian plains. the road from moscow to colleen and grad is now 30 minutes longer planes have to skirt the european union and come in from the sea. about 1000000 people live in the calendar grad region, and they all worry that europe, my close them off. the governor is in a difficult situation with new problems arising every day. he needs solutions to reassure the residence on the pony or rather yes, pretty much the if the girl, my very muscular buzzer must disco florida and i sure with his full name is up last year, not speaking a she can come and talk to my daughter. i still got not are both resorts for it. after sanctions cargo shipments plunged into chaos, it was impossible to predict whether goods will be shipped and whether they could be delivered to russia. navigating ever changing laws and regulations is a challenge. a newish neurotic, shimmer them green from southam, nostra gue, on which affords upwards. and i see are honest, that on an update on the me, yes, and one of them i didn't euro, when i thought we'd use that as we just have to reach that. our goal, if i'm shalise europe, is can i say it was on europe? is course i was a use a lot of message coming off of that and no movie to restore your beats or sweden, every man a slower power, bring scriptures i really my defend the moore's mom. as a bessie, which will wouldn't cleaning grad region is a free economic zone. tax incentives and cheap loans attracted big business and several foreign automobile companies started assembling their cars in the region. but after sanctions were imposed, b m. w decided to stop production. their dollar also market were a mas, i will the bring us always stiffened nor cold, just to blossom clusters, ram assets, and yeah, and you get each screw, don't our mushrooms proclaim for those are what are, what those are your, what under after the 2014 sanctions food security issues became pressing for colleen and grad. the authorities have invested heavily in the development of agriculture. so if overland transit suddenly stops, carrying in grad residents will be able to provide for themselves. there are plans afoot to build a large dairy farm and it dried milk factory. greenhouse enterprises are growing and the fish industry is also forging ahead. what does that matter that i just on their floor they, i think he was gay shoulder. i'm will update on that from it or bach. i mean, i'm still a young man who sort of time is i got out to wish you would deal in my plus a number, but it was a new as modeling of this fish factory bearing the pancreatic name for the motherland employs 1200 people, 200 of these fishermen, the plant operates a fate of 12 vessels. a factory produces 100000000 cans of sea food a year. variation. i don't know all of it all that it bishop, i can violet, exist me and then what a visual inspection i go to ensure stokes of can see food. a new supply chain had to be developed. goods had been delivered by road or rail. but now the manufacturer is switching to ferries, another headache. it became impossible to get equipment and ingredients needed for production. finance her, i land on the cello modification. when you put in my list, the deal is about the number that her daughter vinegar. but i'm a good deal, he would authority them with your family was up, but i did that and i see it in florida. my family in available a probably on up as up our stuff, groceries. that's anemia, but it was always the number preceded the odd address. i could ask as well, which in dog or by the what will enough about finding alternative supplies are needed? frozen vegetables now come from serbia. negotiations are ongoing with iran for tomato and turkey. my supply tin let fittest mother in fullness, the brothers just navina. mccarthy schuman, i see what the i need is when you took the course north, nova euthanized, we did the matter with triple nikita barbara. we like to continue. photo, who was affected by saturday night eating grad hopes, transient to europe, will be maintained, and the route overland to the rest of russia won't be closed, complete date. but there's a backup plan. currently, 3 fairies are shuttling between colleen and grad and st. petersburg. another is expected to be launched in september or more than that whole process. the pony now opened a machine yet, so high levels of computer knows them, boys are up. there was a g electric boy strauser vocalization. i went to put that there was some uploaded to my show come on, ah, in these difficult times, many russian companies are rearranging that are just sticks. i'm looking for alternative supplies of goods and materials. some have already found a way out while others are still looking for one of them. one of the regime, oklahoma to reject the are quite up of no use getting it right on your numerous store to just act always wants to produce lou doors to another little conflict we should, it would have to pursue, you're able to go to the hospital and with yours yield wasn't he? africa pulled sucks. jahira bought songs, sung see near. i bought it a talk instrument. leah politico de la. nasty to huddle. she's tremendously just me don't plus voice bullshit. nash, a product of notches seal dash, a miracle. he talked dolly no scotch draw more for july dear. then you got lost napoleon nor district you are present to you on the other much baby. she said that she left from a book up by the thought of medicine, my philippines. what for the machine? if i put it off, know what the dual within that, that on the look for the near of miserable by him without get that or from deal esther bond. fortunately, we do it this way. no more than it is a number of to fire around the dia, mostly what i see, the monthly part of it. i already push as to what i see that what but themselves when you come, when you with the border, you go, then you will yeah. compression with this is the team is martinez matched with medulla. you must be in from the bluffs that you'd get from just leave a sheet. yeah. and the dish the 1st time it should be sort of not in your mind for the student, but i she sco price id close, but i don't know what price was. so i, you know, can you give a call when you, when you use in a book, a discussion please? it's also a delusion. marshall williams, who is enrolled with ah, pohden is the aggressor today. i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia, the country with the most sanctions imposed against it and number those constantly growing. but i figure which of the problem was to call soon as you speak on the bill in your senior mostly mind the we're, we're ship, we're banding all in ports of russian oil and gas news. i mean, i know they plenty of holes with the letter from, you know, we're already given about joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang, ah, ah, needs to come to the russian state local narrative. i've stayed as i'm phoning northland scheme, devastation. i'm not getting all sunset for a within a 50 babel being. okay, so 9 is 25 and speaking with we will van in the european union the kremlin. yup. machine. the state on russia to date and c. r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and with me, oh, when i was, oh, the wrong. oh, just a shave out the same because the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, the only like a classic get. what is the best time in the i got them. this is a little bit of a new quality. really. what i see is school for carbonate for backwards. thank say me something that might give me a port. a said the chest. i mean you can even don't can be coma. lucinda and the communist, somebody and the community that the comma a lovely not all right. you supposed to this out. thank you so affected door only out of them to i did need it with us. that's clear. but but then with the routing just leaving it right. nobody for you to talk to soaking at them during the summer because i've met with chris will it was it was but those are the new big us over for you will go that they should i see it. it's an open the shipper that we're still a when of over love, and i think it was a story that love shaped the week. russia withdrawal, the one i made with brittany parker, i'm local diamond, good call cap of like flooding. the fact that i'm here today with a delegation to review our cooperation, to see how we can take it forward to create a long term sustainable basis. i can say is most of all right. and india focus on a global security as moscow house in the afford minute for the thought.

Related Keywords

Serbia , Latvia , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Georgia , United States , Milan , Lombardia , Italy , Alabama , Philippines , United Kingdom , Iran , Florida , Oregon , Kremlin , London , City Of , Ukraine , Germany , Oklahoma , India , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Milano , Sweden , Pusha , Rezeknes Novads , Turkey , Utah , America , British , Russian , American , Keith Washington , Marina Williams , Dylan Norton , John , Joe Biden , William Jesse , Mccarthy Schuman , Alan Jace , Marshall Williams , Brittany Parker , Paula Jameson , Garza Boise , Asa Bessie , Tom , Nikita Barbara ,

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