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Which they plan to present at the you and conference on Climate Change and the protection of the amazon rain forest, the lesson. In addition, the next meeting was scheduled in got it again now with the aim of developing trade relations implemented. Yes. For years washington has isolated certain governments in the region like benevolent ang, cuba war may be cracking a, some stays in latin. America are joining efforts in gigs the u. S. Lead prussia. A scene of former latin american and caribbean leaders have signed a letter addressing us president jo button asking to remove the 6 decade long embargo on havana and the true cuba from its sponsors of terrorism. This among the signatories of the letter to form a colombian and form a prison in leaders. We spoke to daniel show a professor of latin american and korea caribbean studies. He says that washington seeks to suppress the countries left in the south with the United States government, the u. S. Foreign policy. Both are new democrats, as well as republicans has done it, is sought to shoot down any shining star of sovereigns he in the caribbean in south america. Theyre afraid they could be a 2nd, cuba and a 3rd cuba. And in a 2nd, venezuelan, they would re colonize cuba to morrow, and thats the only way they would stop. This blockade is long as cuba tries to determine its own destiny are both parties in the United States will continue to define cuba, not just as an enemy, but theyve had the audacity to put cooper. Cuba on this Artificial Group of states that support terrorism, even though that has no, ah, is no evidence of that. But its a politicized list. So they continue. They can continue to try to justify their relentless aggression against the human people. Are ob lakes is a very good documentary called de mining don boss mostly check that out. Ill be back. Let the top of the alpha. I hope ill see you then with your your, your you in ah. 3 with center water is thrown in september 2022 and now go down. The Ukrainian Military shells, the city ceaselessly targeting. This are rogia, a Nuclear Power plant, residential buildings, schools and kindergarteners. A wooden us younger will both night at double which emergency nature dark, storm louis literally. Yeah. Because the bush with any sort of thing. The affordable so i took a wish was which was still up to assist me. I will show up in handler i will shoot you switch roller awards a short but not to minutes. Did more about our wishes deepening. Your mom did you know he was feel younger but not still shows what are you not sure that are getting . Yeah, those are the very much water grass picking out a lot of discounts dishes that are going to pull up your jail because we missed a just politic me a school with a school will to have a family with short yellow role. We spoke a few laws, role playing games, dynamic words should be difficult, but im sure will through did almost theories deal and they, im sure will, will even later those daniel, before it auto with rational are usually exec or doing it. Your auto sponsor upstairs with shes home order going you for, for you my actual shift. Im not sunchase with me to show you mine. Yeah. But its sherry with an ever da sides have been secured you sabotage attacks. The assist this person like alex like us on a soup is and i got another bill. It was with you and this will go out on september ukrainian artillery shell, the admin building there on the bro leisha door was delivered on bermuda. It gives him a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school and also a process. Many other go, obviously very soon. Okay. And so, since you had examined of olga and their good dogs, Civil Military had supplied several assassination attempts. The seniors would loan you should have completed, you still will not afford to do duty. What of the old honorable news or the postcard from this dance . Fairly . Because caution for well sleep. Last night. You have to put up a boat to steal more. Because year, any meal trouble told us school can. You know, plastic law was done year space school, so top all of the load them going to produce food for that he shouldnt use are really will cautious. But when i go more quickly to the childrens utility and this is timothy steel bundle. She liked the school and youre not gonna really, she knew it wasnt to proceed with visual will say, i owe you money if with a construction of the plant began in 1979 in what was formerly the u. S. I saw the 1st 5 energy units were commissioned in the 1980s, with the launch of the 6th unit in 1996 is our rogia, m. P. P became europes largest Nuclear Power plant. Since 2001, it has stored air called spent nuclear fuel in 380. 00 concrete containers at a special isolated site of the power plants. Many worry about what happened on this to nuclear waste. What is used, reactive fuel in the Nuclear Fuel Assembly is a major radiation source, his book until a radiation and heat levels decrease with any of these assemblies. A kept in a pool of water, but here at the plant is in the stuff in the future. The waste could be reprocessed and recycled. They act the reactor and use fuel assemblies that are safely protected. The under a strong concrete dome up labradoodle cisco yard thumb. Both a bit on level watch go from pulls the annual review share cosima summer water. No current dealership on your washing, which was the boss portion of you know, a manual sheet or not, but the young the system. What do you skip studio . What was left with usage office . Let me oh okay. Yeah. Almost to stickler supposed to renew, rejecting the cruise ships. Um wait on all a good. Hows my bill . Mm. Yes. The annual dispute additional theyll be multiple walk butte oval if, honestly, etc. But we did get the article tootles, where was most more from my lord it plays the floor vision, or to really marshalls mirror, godsa. Michelle ah, nathan ashley, up still early. So policy skinny, shorter with all know, watching for the most line you spoke. Will you still couple should go walker, but wiley ball bus fancy wish. Mm. Mm hm. Gordon. This is chelsea frill nicky. Furthermore, chrislynn wife cook, i will la la la la la c 3. Santa love giblets teacher skills. All will bullshit here. Hospital network, i mean typically school will be to holcomb podium, do not rama stuart women collateral billups. Thrilled to pull num, uglies than you mazda picking you, which maybe other sport them full controls. Mm. This was convenient. And glasgow is a guy who did old some a brochure, a school could put in the field. Um, what would be look more the falls this general. But i also want skills for a job allows me is this will, is to get oh, good in missouri also as a prosecutor, you of me when you are city of all to bring your cordage will Junior College law news the her deal. But of course, i swear to the with honest, ah, director and stupid old bureau laportia yard or motos mitchell obviously explanation my bills on the studio that i shallow there to where you had a bought all novel scott, unless nancy prestige could do us it lip low chest, if i didnt get out and wire me. Yeah. Void. Mm. Them. Yeah. Me. Which did you got there . And wire the little screen for abilene. Yeah, jim, becky, suitable nick of will of worship or to peter will part. Youll be cheery. Holy, put on the shelter. The floor that the hostile muscle calls to will tony. Gov. I. Shaker the north pole, put it on the punish to columbia. Its a nice chill to pick when they beside it. By the more tricky well put out. Cuba cranes come night. Mm. Ah. With any thought is a story of museum. They deem melissa sticky wasnt good. Look it up, but more that i think either called a 50 scott, yes, the lou dvd walk or they knew they were worth of shoes. We didnt, you video pics that would be really cheap, whatever. But he looked at that short go, what napoleon, youre north annual income. What your church, what solution . Village of edaly of truth, li, shortly ticked of garage and youve certainly it is not a couple of a really poor just him. So when you short casually sierra last year or since you brass or wiley bonus too much old ship nor god obsolete allegory to services or controlled by the Ukrainian Army nickel and magnets other cities from which is epa rogia n p, p is being shelled. The Ukrainian Military fire, 155. 00 millimeter nato standard heavy caliber rounds, which travel up to 30 kilometers and on average rounds reached their targets in 90 seconds. To start on with new pra, yes, luca tories meyer to talk to me, your sponsor cooksey date price. Mm hm. Realistically national toccoa. Julie could tori, this should you might take too near this to william sweden or jim salinas, or im now working as a linear wash him. Nagasaki, when he goes about oscar, come next on said couple it do you do to clearly is where to stop. Now when we saw bullshit commanded hes, hes, and when you dont miss the 0, she forgot all of this was for that not done. It was a poster from this. Nancy media goals, greece q, organizational emission supervising operations. Ross, item representatives are always at the station. All the m p p 6 energy blogs have been halted, but ones ever switched off a Nuclear Reactor fully. So while shelling continues, the risk of a Nuclear Catastrophe remains those and was me, me, her tongue stole. And thatll go block to quit with force ms. T, a tory, we did return National Daughter boy, and good him. So its him sitting all ocean in august, speak with as he and when you put us in the gym as im dinner, i shut my approach nice at the lane, thatll be a blocker, negro. When, when could you should you up to or your come some i looked at that little boy in that on the picky dish at the pierre coy, doesnt it . With booty act on the idea . She said, how would love to stay on the shelf, nor ah, 3 a bullet i flushed again. Yeah. Just as he chose without an almost, its a was moment at the headboard in for us to put in that that he sponsored mr. News is that a horns was after nobody there and you put it in the its my dad them you sure you must say in the id hours really wise. Nikita bit the keel rosa you had that may be the past and yeah. Bush. So potters read the war with this fiji i any particular shared missouri that was dancers, why ye and any particular shed light that the dwarf. So i e ha, g frame and garage done than me. Ah, ducks, roughly, it was to flight terrorizing the city of atomic scientists persisted even during the International Atomic Energy Agencies visit round a few months in advance or at the last moment to visit was nearly cancelled due to increased hostilities near the plant. The people with you some we me see this is the motion of the she me see no she into a chest. When you look i miss him. A good things a on that almost done so myself that will cut some way up only stun sleep. But thank you pretty good. Even for g wellness funding, you know, we need for you to push emblem over annually. Oh ah, ah, ah l look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order is that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. We should be very careful about artificial intelligence. And the point obviously is to great truck rather than fear with take on various job with artificial intelligence. Real. Somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with a lender, you know, go to the screen. Yes. Monitoring machine. It will just hear, thumping switches to not with you did the mark with another blow to talk with the board was just lead me, go to its quality or proceeding lawyer is behind you. When you buy you the article done, completed the order that didnt go straight. Your way more difficult reveal it or this youre welcome to one nurse. Ive noticed that her modern are you sure you know thank you. What is your daughter for the mom lou for the month washing machine for certain go nash the or stay on top of what you read, you can merchandise and then so some of the biggest concerns about her being a reflection of what so my alone, i move down my shiny teeth, i a september the august when youre loosing. Mr. Smith, the utility mental south along. Can you . Youve lost his not, but to do tardies a prospect on this. Dont say yes. Material. Middlebury the stone and tossed. Put him in the so could you me to locate those scenarios just to open it. It doesnt, theyll probably keep it to the bill up because a lot will if my cousin and miss thumbing is senior old off it is. Well, can you . Yeah, jojo, no, i dont know yet that he missed the train. Yeah, of both on the lawyer and i will talk with zappa rosier. M b p. s power lines and hydrogen receive a facility, hit the mp piece. Hell center destroyed his on the bronze admin buildings in adjacent areas sharing of a Holiday Village near the m p. P, and field fire it on admin buildings. Roads damaged by shell fragments, but tags on the m p. P sick bay, a drone attack the Nuclear Plant was intercepted a neutralized by an Electronic Warfare system. Cafeteria, a special building in the plans and cooling systems, hit the ukrainians attack the blank damaged power lines and communication equipment in one blog. No respond in the lowest in the christmas dancer. Come, christmas goes all she wouldnt use on your School Christmas offered. I bought it. Minium logan, stella by now. It would go to what margaret dela pena of just maybe see on the go to a couple dollars for me and looking at the spell is 00 ascii, 40 lula financial portion that someone unit on most people. Daughter is up at oscar for miss thornton after his visit, the i a e. A demanded an immediate stop to the shelling of sample rosier mp paid. But it didnt point out that ukraine is doing the shelling and the i a, a board of governors even passed a resolution calling on russia to withdraw its forces from the plant. The key, distilled those. Now our pretty could i risk if you did, id say not. Did you do it is about oscar my stats, hes not to handle no nonsense at the body at that. Most of that would be at the cut them this dance him, those guys. So what i need e, shes go figure out in the idea, shes not 80 duty on the cb at the estimate which becomes the chill upstream which will daughter after ladies keep work. Um, would it be or will shrug military results . It is little room and go, are you my getting anything . Is that disease with dunphy near to a voice the course that i teach school a blog there from visit the kings a sheet that i can visit to la guardia . Actually my, its for those who are, what did the speech you with the funny be accessible feeling of is each squeeze a sheet that is conditioning them. But with the for it, you know, she was more me, there will be at them if you did you do to show on. I was the other way in the group. I wanted to be reasonable chrissy. Mobilize on my bishop, i should be sure it stands for the nitrogen a which they cheer by you. Well, how are you in this kindergarten in nevada with shell, by the ukrainians . On september the 1st, the day i a e, a inspectors arrived, a shell exploded beneath the junior groups bedroom, windows, and employ agreed to speak to us, the fearing ukrainian reprisals. She asked not to show her face a nash se out there that she didnt speak with lots they thought ask was, i didnt ask them for them because the question, your son. Yeah, a dog here has knowledge, the border line. This is jessica button greene. Yeah. You said chosen yet, im what theyre much ill its a lot of what youre mr. Walker a yes, blah name and i so my teacher ski apply a muscle goofiest thing or you could just question does have a number thats almost like most coca cola model crowns can as the home and you go to with metals come talk on the own me it sort of goes which machine me, additional friends come numbers i to keep fries non. Yup. And remind you this thursday at the new brian, im here with a new were aboard ship a blog post on. Did you . Of course with joe, what i thought the question youre stuck or sneak up by what back about by some want to take or sneak up on a mental milestone as a sion is just what it does, give a little closer, but you dont do much to muscle to get any questions from while we were filming guns noticed a suspicious man near our van and the kindergarteners front. Gates. He was taking pictures with a mobile phone or a pool. A sure thing you know, ah, you go to a dinner from birth, mother, depression, telephone, you will perform a new modem with a cup of oh no you that patrol says crystal ability to pitch on, but little with this, but the bulk on them. What are the children that nor donald a really to look now . Look up a Little New York i just got i dont have to put it in it. It got there . Sure. Pretty hard to get out of your position. Were not sure because i will be away historical. Im finishing your garage, but Montgomery Law hardy. Yes. Got you. Thank you for watching the moustache, the national personal record you should offer the good for you to release the mileage. But im austin. Bayshore harman. Your boy was was, i was not a dozen. Ive all in other bull of chip, from appraisal greenish of the propaganda. Living as well as your day as long, but youre thirsty, we need to put on media or ski according knowledge, not your grand scales can. Now bombers carls gonna stop or your car now for a one good. Do on a do you do you actually try to list for bear with me and he was throwing up my brothers could daughter was there was that i will it with water it but we are. Those are just now pushed the usual skier coordinate. What yalls attention actually, if you have both come up with both can choose to, we dont need to do yellow girl, graham. Yellow will grab your victim, your ios to he thought shed knew are listed. You know, thats a good piece that your mouth and i still have to bill for a border with but here from video and you know, grass, he has read the pictures. You ski, marianna, youre the person you need the kristi, yahoo joker, c u, your booster. I chose, rick, never mind. I had to come when i would have uncle bob settler will dishes to come. Now, the years almost. And im just going to spring meter store when youre losing it is too much, melissa. Just so silly that or did you know what even got away from from sheer dumpster when youre as much a ah, is, would you . Yes, my name, but yeah, i mean, but yet the still you call them the digital. Thank you for that much them my yes, in yet a dish. The printer, the so with those streaming dont come to the most of the blue when you suddenly orchestra with madame ones or see at the put you month on. That was all you will be you just a month with them last dancer, a dealership flush out cold, wind storm me from does rallies from the little it in b. C, with shane you could give away in the politicians, kills of from over 20 staff should be in order for us a, a is decent for, you know, a i c, d on christie ami, particularly to amazon. Mike is partners concert place we did not much, not a problem the either way. Stop with the love. So anyway, my number possibly yeah. My was issued the, which is, maybe it, the, me, she go, she returned as a country. If this Nuclear Terrorism isnt stopped the world, my face, the catastrophe, 6 times worse than chernobyl. A book probably which was the work. The suck is the by this kind of close on the bus. Stop asking us shell sports, or is it a capital peacekeepers, a luminous clients lewisville normal shuttle coming up with the cisco us. You said those are going to talk a little filtering piecemeal handling in your new oscillating to you. You know, you just open them to cook the fall out will rain down on ukraine and western european countries. Its suicidal because i was involved in this Nuclear Terrorism are the ones who will suffer, fuss. Mm hm. Ah. When i was showing wrong when i just dont hold any you have to say proud disdain becomes the african and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. Ah ah, the channels and newspapers are trying to justify ukrainian ultra nationalist nazis italian jealous, exposed pieces of new loss regalia theyve uncovered from former you put in the military positions and the dumb easier when government out of the break loop, see great region of finally reach a truce to end up bloody 2 year conflict that has resulted in my attorney is also a condo to support the government fight against an invalid surgeon group. The us says the global

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