Transcripts For RT Documentary 20220825 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20220825

a dumb this. chris will new hershey give us credit for the much need for close them with the coastal grains just right up of the little logo. it shows now to get them to do that at the grange. if my brozowski, which genuine you wasn't had you of the young, it wasn't, wasn't, that doesn't kill me. i've not got an e. what group you have a child shows about? do you still know a day, maria goes old. ladies are involuntary witnesses to the cities. horrifying battles, many couldn't get down to basement or a shelter because of their age. so they watched the horrors of war from the windows of shell flats. oh. c oh yeah, he really yes, both with a with, [000:00:00;00] with my grandma tomorrow. this is the 2nd storming of my radio blue she seen in her life . she survived the horrors of world war 2 with a child. little they, she think the day t as later, she'd say nazi tactics again, this time from ukrainian military, using civilian says human shields. and once again, she'd be thanking russian soldiers for saving them with money with sheets showing that they're going to put your life with . ah a boy, a thing i do like do you want? if you don't always go with the wife, how about the zag a little because you said i'm going to build on with a to the stuff because you are going to steal with ds combs. you want to check when you are sure these my, you something so i did the last clear you. do you said a one second i believe story. you will understand the traffic. you know, a foolish for all in the field will fall on shirts with in spring 2022, many mario pl residence. remember that he has previously, they'd been visited by one of my dans ringleaders built up ira shanker. they've become the president of ukraine shortly before his visit. even then he knew that the russian speaking se regional could only be kept from exiting ukraine with punitive measures for me to do with them. only now did the people understand the meaning of his words about a human shield defending the city. the shallow results cultured boy was unwilling newell styled. although i will show clear he lusciously or for ideally shall go, fiddled willingly for last month. and it was a sunday, hers ask your scholarly, it's full, it's, you know, so possibly a new lease, little though for your la emailing. it was really touch on the he will toilet slower. you, i since 2014 variable. and the don bass region have been considered disloyal territory by cave state tv channels, opening the call to suppress the pro ration sentiments of the regions. residents in the most radical manner. note in the past of the presume that is the one that has made them next. it i'm just talking to pretty much. yep. yep, yep. i've not got that. what it would take you to have a post of with, whoops, to you, or should booster out as really sean condenser, picky store. so you may unique when your school guns cost option better go near it. i need to part with the city to live for a little bit bigger. for the new less you should students come good book local residence, explain the nationalist cruelty simply in 2015 pro russian militia repulsed and counterattack to another ukranian army offensive. the front line was just 15 kilometers from area vote. but all sort of thought they in the, in the for what do you live? ah, c v is shenice me off the market. said them on the bicycle is about to take action, look up or who heal up would be what they did also update from showered in which i thought they had the men scored stipulating heavy weapons with school was signed at that time. those agreements enable can you to keep control if the city, the 8 years with about my status for my particular what plus i get a 0. yep. we're getting local storage seamlessly. if you do close to because you money one me well, got a do more move. i just don't you start going for someone you was permanently see that you mean issues to village. you lost on the stuff you know, most of the coming thoughts are you good? sounds good. well, you decide. listen to these. can you switch was and those don't polish need to probably cut or someone give me a call with you for 30 people to vote. this is just my thought of as all your mobile sure you received any molly? some with today, the militiamen regret leaving ukraine's assurance apiece and not taking control of mary. you pull in 2015. mm hm. ah, in may 2019 id measure, lindsey debated feel to piracy and get an ukraine's presidential election with a promise to end the bloodshed in don bass with straight down into his election. he immediately changed the rhetoric and started talking about withdrawing from them in sca cause a problem to meet each other. the only mom from that moment, nato military, thanks bud steps of the you creating armies, training for the upcoming wall. so when you watch on the morning, which i, we found what guys called grace gave me where we left sharon, your see brace divides, individual data. we listed them a menu, so miser, she's actually a queue operator. dryden, this issued with, even before the active combat phase of nationalist regimens, militants, were ready to sacrifice murray. you both civilians to keep control of the city. ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on of very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk a little, you know, one? no, sir, no, no, admiral who job? no, no. well door morse real to what they should end up unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. drill and you know, took production with it. so just you're sure that they're not eligible. no new son, new rochelle, he one more mom, but she no longer thought this meant union from all one of our funding and i got the room was sale. i got your name. i go on monday. i wish to know about joy. oh, new. i know you didn't oh gosh one more polish dinner, jr. let's i had to put the code and mother and all your body build. you do a couch that oh boy, good luck to go on. what the on this the wall. she my and new other. i'm all i can send more on all said mom. good student, i don't the jojo, mom on or put them out. thank you. bye. yes unit. and then you look upon seduction as the man? no, he says what securities can have too many constant. sure. sure. pronounced in the more dylan norton with different different buncombe with it. are you still connect your thought as you, with an organ and you can reach a senior call yesterday and come down. so i was thinking about it so he can give me some familiar to me. banking, you're about to talk to proseries for sales, who trip them on stock. do you know company? no more than the teacher. i need to learn it. you can will transfer sanction approach is now resulted in the dance of thousands of civilians on both sides of the front line. ah, a crutch. your is your period that dileskimo there was a more than the procedure. a bit more trouble up. a chill of yeah. just can surely should go in there a day and a shimmering distorted mouth is yours. but everybody does that specific renette especially yes, if never enough version there for like rest of the boys under the quote say not can you enough of care done yet? i see absolutely. well, i mean that's up to the guy laser truck. scott, help me my re enough time. i know that apollo gibbons, when you buy the charlotte for a small they thought safe that they had the on off was any of nature shows any which i because i journey delicious. i to crave deal graham bogart in the war, shock, priestly mother as a garden jordan reba. i knew you spoke with north salt and several things from nick. a logo. what did surely form to do it, but of course not in it so good. then i paid a check. yep. um, for a bottle worth him to have a good amount about jameer for the normal northridge. i'm gonna what i'm going to say on that was it with journalist follow to brianna is one of those who have been trying in vain for 8. he is to bring the truth about the horrors of the ukrainian civil war to the world. yeah, but in my original it of a few weeks when you thus the new yes, certainly the 60 mile east that also should the good kind of look new. they up an emotion. denazi's thought here he heard that us supervision. i put a hold of net still lose and will just that i was good much, i believe joke what up like new because i will still with my found d. stall enough of braithwaite watches. i think most of each of us lucy's national. below i listening, writing today, bible is going back to the city he left 8 years ago. he wants to see what's left of his former life, which changed forever in 2014. mm mm hm. we'll just change it to the sustain a good. let's click a little sean school counselor finished showing him logan. he said he was focused on you krishi. just need to see if say it on the ocean. it wasn't okay to bottles. come feller at a inch. is there teeth escalating? they're still looking at all of their jessica ah, [000:00:00;00] a i was just not you cause the charges to lose because i missed the with the with senior. anybody else? can you please cuz i just the windshield company. my boy. nice. got your name. do you feel like he's on the dentist and the other hit? the football a 3 is a brand new product that you voice. it just proposed to you about this cuz i just saw board. not that all got, but i think in the 3rd couple immediately, a thought for sure with blue book. uh huh. okay. with that was very of shit, but the most other book or were quite up for quite a few items for organum. i'm doing, you will a pretty fix a couple how when you go to city water moines. yeah. she's done. you have to fill a better parties. can you know, can you insure it to somebody with a stepping a little shiny animal or vanya, i'm all ready to discuss. you can talk through stiffness, opportunity with alrighty. ivonya, people who are junior, he's not here. we do watch video booking because he thought i'm listening but i look, i'm with you on the juicer, but he was told not when you live near the walk down there was mr. ross just can't you doing tonsils. i mean you all are you jealous? also pointed on my for just so you can see it on the almost 3 my telephone with anybody you might have a blue with . i'm in though some of the g o. d. d does give you my general full say good. those are chords and was a assignment or don't boys need it. well, can you see us when we see it? we do it, but it's not that much go coin does. it started just our school is about god dog. why do i drive a dog? the whole i have a range is performing. melissa, need going here. i'm or device here. if they have already with the city was learned here in the us gardenias. mm. mm. ah, today, mary, you bill is getting used to peaceful life again. the city is recovering after almost 3 months of fighting. mm hm. everyone's looking for something new housing, food and water lost relatives and friends whose stories of rescue repeat themselves . ready ah, with sure that odd when you that show a film off of that i need to get a feel for all of us in the she didn't the lea, a deal with alicia a volunteer has just a few hours left before the curfew. she's been looking for the stopping her family all day long ago. this with a lot of the 3 young the know the main thing is to get ready and leave the city before dark. we did not want to see with all the new issues with the call, you know, there's those invoices lose them. i've already used to vote for diseased bubbles. condition i using there was a dependency balance with funds and that was the photo and video thing. some of the shooting a thief wasn't mom them was just for you, them from ikea or my last that there are the now state again to see. ready ready ready now on. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready shorter life. ready ready ready ready ready but this family, the terrible battle from ariel believes in the past that going to their relatives in relatively quiet mackey. if god defended all these years by don bass militia, the 1st shower in 3 months and a sound sleep in a warm bed are waiting for them with with. ready ready a with . ready ready ready ready ready ready no one knows what they will dream about. battles on the streets of their home city or the militia men who came to liberate their homes. or maybe about a new piece coming to the land of don bass, torn by an h e or civil war. mm hm. what our most comfortable, i'm for me though, also to just about rama so great. we've got several more move, you know, we had a summer don't there to, to talk to them. you can say put your buddy to russia board so much. yeah. let me quickly look somewhere. so williams and i was going to touch up. i'll do a little just always talk with her. well, not sure, what's going on. i butchered cigna a on may. the 16th 2022, as of regimen. representatives approached, alexander had a comp skis unit with white flags. the unit was storming the as of star plans basements, the last ukranian stronghold, as of had finally surrendered. the battle from mary, you put a had lasted almost 3 months. ah oh. oh no one else shows seemed wrong when all 3, just don't a whole new world. yes, to shape out. the theme becomes the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing. i think you're which of the probably list of course soon as you speak on the billing you think you most the mind or wish you were banding all imports of russian oil and gas news. i know they said key with joe biden, imposing the sanctions on russia. jo has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang. huh. with ah, 2 bottles is one of the most beautiful cities in rushes far east. mm. mm. it's, it's on the, on the river that runs on the russia, china buddha, and was that many years the far eastern capital. mm. there is no shortage of historical sites here. the officers club is one of them. this is where in december 19, 49 and 12 members of japan's. quinton army stood trial. mm . that was the only time wall criminals have ever been tried for creating

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