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Be one where the same man who was president four years ago becomes president again. Look, of what is the difference between the two of you . Everything. Everything. Everything. Speaking of donald, trump or getting our first look at what he said in his deposition for the eeg carol civil rape. Trial will take a look at why his confusion and one key moment may prove his a liability. Thats my wife. Which woman . Here. This is e. Jean carroll. The coronation of king charles and queen camilla, much of the circumstances are, over but a lot of questions remain of how the monarchy moves forward. We begin today with President Bidens wide ranging exclusive interview with my colleague, we want to get right to it with more on that. Mike, as, always its great to talk to you about. This walk us through what we heard from the president , what we learned especially after announcing his reelection bid. Yasmin, good to be with you, as a White House Correspondent its my job to keep track of everything President Biden says every day. In the last few months, especially in the run up to and following his Election Announcement that he will seek a second term, we have heard the president asked a number of times about his. Age he will be 80 to an election, day 2020. For whether he can commit to voters if he can do the job. Effectively, gattman every time the president s been asked in the past he simply response with two words. Which is watch. Me but our colleague asked the question a different, way and she got a different result. Lets take a listen to it. When there is not a fortune 500 company in the world looking to hire a ceo in his 80s. So why wouldnt 82yearold, joe biden, be the right person for the most important job in the world . Because i have a hell of a lot of wisdom. And i know more than the vast majority or experience than anybody hes ever run for the office. Ive proven myself to be honorable as well as effective. So yasmin, another big takeaway is belated to these questions but age. Weve seen so many republicans, including some republican president ial candidates, say essentially that because of bidens, age a vote for President Biden next year is really a vote for a harris presidency. And so, really the first time weve got President Biden his own take on how his own number two, biden of course is a former Vice President , has been doing a good job. Lets listen to his answer. I think that Vice President harris has not got the credit she. Deserves she was an Attorney General in the state of california, she has been a United States, senator she is really really big good. And with everything going, on she hasnt got the attention she deserves. , yasmin there really has been a lot of focus, of, course on harris and her role as Vice President. The first woman to ever hold the job. And there really has been something of a Strategy Shift it seems in the, white house we saw for instance, the president s announcement video. Harris was featured in it more than ten. Times and weve seen recently, in, fact yesterday, its another example. The white house seems to be doing more to show that they are a governing partners. It was a more lighthearted. Ben we saw the president and Vice President traveling together to go get tacos on cinco de mayo. It was a kind of outing we used to see a lot with president obama and vice President Biden. That parent that voters sent to the white house for two terms. And its something that were seeing a lot more of now, to, as the president and Vice President seek another four years. Mike, we appreciate you. We are going to be playing much more of that interview two hours ahead, as. Welcome to talk to you. I want to get to london, now and a moment in history nearly all of us have never been alive to the coronation of a new british monarch. God save the king. God save the king. King charles the third and camilla, the queen consort, officially crowned and Westminster Avenue later today. Later making their traditional appearance on the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Megan fitzgerald is outside the palace. Megan, great to talk to you. What a day. The weather was not necessarily what they were hoping for, but it certainly did not seem to dampen the festivities. Not at all. I, mean certainly the Great British weather, as they, say did not disappoint. But we still saw the pompous circumstances. No one doesnt like the brits. We also saw slim down coronation compared to what we saw 70 years ago for Queen Elizabeth. The procession, for example, from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey as a third of the distance that we saw for Queen Elizabeth ii. The ceremony was shorter. The crowd, the attendance were. Fewer than what we saw frequent elizabeth. And this was the most diverse coronation weve ever seen. We a historic day decades in the making. Today, king charles became the 40th president sovereign to be crowned. A moment he waited his entire life for. Yeah a day filled with pomp and circumstance. With a mix of modernity and tradition, i hear percent until, you king charles. Or im doubted king. A two hourlong ceremony, with ritual music and relics. All leading up to this moment. The king sitting on the 700 year old coronation chair. Crowned by the archbishop of canterbury, god save the king. God save the king. Among his strongest supporters, his wife, queen camilla, crown to. For the first time in history, non Christian Faith leaders participated in the coronation. And the kings family playing a big role. William taking an oath of allegiance to his father. For faith in truth, i will guarantee you as your leachman of life and liberty. Prince george, a page at the ceremony. Uk prime minister, rishi sunak, gave a reading. This is the word of the lord. Thanks to you, god. For the firsttime, gospel music included at a coronation. More than 2000 guests seated inside. When the kings siblings and his son, harry, walking in without meghan and their two kids. Representatives from over 200 countries came to see the crowning. Including first lady of the United States, dr. Jill biden. Queen camilla wearing the same robe Queen Elizabeth warren and her coronation in 1953, when charles was just four years old. It was a day fit for king and queen, leading the way back to Buckingham Palace alongside some 4000 service members. It is a new era for the united kingdom, marks for the traditional wish long live the king. Now, the weather did impact the royal bypass, it shortened. It but sunshine is expected tomorrow, just in time for the kings coronation concert in windsor. And of, course the overarching question which, is with this new era, meghan, what will be next . Megan fitzgerald, as always, we thank. You coming up everybody, and just 60 seconds, the human toll of the crisis at the border where the trump era covid rules ending in just. Days live near one of the worlds most busiest crossings. The personal stories were hearing. There will be right back. There will be right back there will be right back this week is your chance to try any Subway Footlong for free. Like the subway series menu. Just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. Everyone loves free stuff chuck. Can we get peyton a footlong . Get it before its gone. On the subway app. Ma ma ma ma [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop , and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fastacting relief you can feel. Vicks vapocool drops. Fast relief you can feel. Welcome back, everybody just days to go now before one of the most controversial Immigration Policies in American History comes to an end. The Biden Administration officially bringing the socalled, title 42, rule to a close on thursday. The Trump White House first used a lot during the height of the pandemic. To deny Tens Of Thousands of migrants of chance of humanitarian relief through asylum. And his wide ranging exclusive interview with msnbc,s President Biden defended his decision to send 1500 active duty u. S. Troops to the southern border. We are in a situation where 1500 people at the border, theyre not there to enforce the, lot third there to free up the Border Agents that need to be on the border and were having another thousand people coming in, they are Asylum Judges to make judges, to move things along. Ive asked this congress for help in terms of what they need at the border. They need more agents, they need more people to clear people. They need more action to for example, we need these farm workers are badly, needed there has to be a pathway to citizenship. Lets see whats happening on the. Ground lets go to dana griffin whos on the border in california, just south of san diego. It has been quite a disastrous, there to say the least. With folks not having the resources they need, standing by at the border. So many people wanting to cross, to seek freedom here in this country, so theyre fleeing the countries that they came from. I know that youve been speaking to folks just across the border who are still on the other side. What are they telling you . Yeah, yasmin, we are feet away from the border, we can literally see the migrants on the other. Side i just spoke to a guy from ecuador. He speaks english and he asked me for. Food hes been here for three or four hours. He says hes just so hungry. We did drop by some water for people, and yesterday, on we first arrived, here we spoke with a man from ecuador. He tells us that he traveled a month and a half with his wife and four young kids because he says he was being extorted in ecuador by the mafia. They wanted money or they would kidnap his kids, thats what he told us. So they fled. Here theyre hoping to seek asylum. Listen to what he told us. Did title 42 lifting have anything to do with why you came here now . The mafia found out that he had a restaurant and theyre asking him they found out he had exile, so we want to go ask for money. 500 a day. If not they would kidnap our daughters. As a, father that must have made you desperate to come to the usa . As a father, it broke my heart and i love my daughters ill do whatever takes. If he doesnt eat, and yes, when we saw the same family out here this morning, which means that they slept overnight, temperatures dipped and low 50s. It was very. Chilly its still very chilly out here right now. I want to give you the close look here at the border, again, we are just through the fence you can see about 100 migrants here from several different countries. We know one group is here from morocco, we have a group here from columbia. There are some makeshift tents here that are trying to shield people from the wind in the sun. We have seen the young kids running, around theyve got these Foil Blankets to try to keep themselves a little warm here. And here is the family that we spoke to just moments. Ago they said that they were, hungry luckily they just got some water from cbp, but these are just the conditions that a lot of people are experiencing here right. Now you can see some of the people, they were up here at the grassy, area theyve now since come. Down lining up there was you can see a cbp officer talking to one of them. We cant really hear right now what theyre saying, but it appears that theyre trying to lineup, which may be a sign that the vehicle is going to come and take another group to processing. We know all the Processing Facilities here in san diego are at capacity. So where they go and what the process looks like we dont know at this point. But again, people are waiting for. Our some four days. Just to be picked, up that is the goal because italy starts the process for them to get some sort of services. , yasmin it puts things in perspective, doesnt . It also thinking about the desperation that man fell traveling for a month and a half with his four Young Children to seek asylum here in the United States. He was actually leaving behind and fleeing let me ask you, quickly you asked the gentlemen about title 42 and if it was one of the reasons why he was coming now. And it seemed as if he didnt even really know what title 42 was. That certainly didnt seem to be motivation. Of his are you finding that with other folks that youve been speaking to . We concentrate and focus on these, policies but i wonder if they do. Yeah, you know, i was kind of surprised that he said i didnt really know what that was. But a lot of people that weve seen not only here, but in texas, they say they watched the news reports and they hear that 42 is lifting and thats why theyre coming. Here but the Homeland Security secretary made it clear that a lot of these people are being told to come here by smugglers who are praying on vulnerable people, thinking that they can make it across, but he made it very clear that it doesnt guarantee that youre going to make it into the u. S. And i think just the Word Of Mouth with a lot of people saying, oh you, know we know how, chance were gonna likely see the influx of migrants over the next few. Days thank you really great reporting. Coming, up everybody, we are going to dive more into what its like to manage large numbers of people across the border. I am joined by former san antonio mayor and former julian castro. Thats the next. Our up first, its true, they can grab women by the . The if you look over the last nine, years i guess thats been largely true. Okay, so the highlights from the former president s deposition at the defamation lawsuit. Trial coming up, next coming down to the wire where the Debt Limit Negotiations stand right now within national default. On the horizon. Well be right back. Ight back. Ight back. A ballet studio, an architecture firm. And homemade barbeque sauce. Theyre called Small Businesses. but to the people who build them theres nothing small about them. Thats why at tmobile for business. Youll save more than 1,000 versus verizon. And with price lock guarantee, well never raise your rate plan. So you can keep your focus on toeturns and making sure the sauce is extra spicy. At tmobile, there are no Small Businesses. At tmobile, there are no Small Businesses. vo adventure on a deeper level. The Subaru Forester wilderness. Dog tested. Dog approved. Love. Its what makes subaru, subaru. Suffering from sinus congestion, especially at night . Try vicks sinex for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. 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The President Warning on friday that republicans dont agree to lift the debt ceiling the impact of the economy could be severe. Senate majority leader, chuck schumer, Mitch Mcconnell and House Minority leader, King Jeffries will also be at that meeting as well. Joining me now is capitol hill correspondent to talk more about. This were just a couple of working days until that deadline. So julie, it is looming. Give us a sense of the conversations that are being kept between democrats and republicans before this major meeting. Yes, meant there are virtually no conversations being had between republicans and democrats here on capitol hill. Because all of them are pointing to their Party Leaders with republicans, Speaker Mccarthy, and with democrats, President Biden to solve this problem. And i got a, tell you were working days away from this deadline but only six days are the house and senate actually in session at the same time before june 1st. That is the estimated default deadline. Some republicans also dont even buy that thats the real deadline. Adding but democrats are facing on the flip side of this argument, heres President Biden with our own, stephanie, rule on what does the fifth hole could mean to americans who are caught in a political game of chicken. The idea that we wouldnt pay our debt is just bizarre. It is estimated if we didnt pay the debt be with the 750, 000, jobs would have a recession. It would be a disaster. And the idea that someone from the first time is saying, unless you pass this ridiculous budget i have, which is what i would characterize the republican mega budget. Is unless you pass this budget. Were not going to increase the debt limit. And were gonna go bankrupt. Yasmin, heres the reality, what Speaker Mccarthy has going for him is that republicans did pass a bill regardless of democrats like other. Not hes going into this meeting feeling pretty strong. And i was talking to some democrats behind the scenes were feeling a little bit concerned that both, sides democrats and republicans, seem to think they have the upper hand here. And are hoping the other side will cave. What about this idea that the white house is weighing this possibility of a short term debt ceiling extension . What do we know about . That look, publicly, republicans are not going to say that they are even thinking about this kind of solution. Privately, they might be open to it, because, unreality that could potentially pump this conversation in conjunction with the budget conversation in september. So they could talk about spending cuts while temporarily lifting the debt ceiling to get them through a couple more months and buy them sometime. But heres the reality, i talk to john thune, who is the vote counter here in the republican side of the senate. He said that is quote, a bad idea, he really hopes they are able to reach consensus ahead of june 1st. Theres also the notion that some republicans definitely in the house, they dont so much care that the government could potentially go into default, we could potentially see a recession. Some of them told me that what they passed in the house a couple weeks ago was the quote, bare minimum. But they would accept. So a lot of Hostage Taking is going on among republicans. When you talk to democrats, but on the, flipside theres not a lot of urgency among democrats. Either who left town on thursday before 4 pm, they are not gonna be back until tuesday. Same goes with the house. So really, not much that we can expect in terms of movement until we see what happens with that meeting. Sounds like a bit of a standoff. And not surprising, right considering where we are on the Election Calendar . Heading towards another president ial election. Certainly those republicans and democrats are wanting to point fingers at the other if it doesnt get the. Right way julie tsirkin, for us as always thank. You still ahead, everybody, the coronation of king charles. We there he is, along with the queen consort, waving from the balcony at Buckingham Palace this morning. It is todays pomp and ceremony enough to earn the monarchy more support as an increasing number of brits wanted abolished . Plus, the ethics questions surrounding Justice Clarence thomas. You dont miss that conversation. We will be right back. Tion we will be right back. We will be right back. E throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop , and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fastacting relief you can feel. Vicks vapocool drops. Fast relief you can feel. Your yard is your sanctuary. Where you should feel free. I know. I was talking about the dogs. They need their lawn back fast and you need Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass. Its revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer that grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. Giving you a stronger lawn. 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Welcome, back silence from a masterpiece in taste Supreme Court justice, clarence thomas, and his wife this saturday. As they face new revelations about close ties to wealthy conservative power players. The Washington Post reported that a judicial activist arranged for mr. Thomas to be paid for Tens Of Thousands of dollars back in 2012 for consulting. Work that is according to documents reviewed by the, post which says legal activist, leonard leo, told Kellyanne Conway to build a Nonprofit Group he works within send the money to mrs. Thomas, the post says leo urged conway to, quote make no mention of johnny on the paperwork. The same year the nonprofit submitted an amicus brief to the course in a historic voting rights. Case thomas did not recuse himself. If the conways did not respond to the newspapers request for. Comment billionaire harlan crow paid the private School Tuition for Justice Thomass then teenage grand nephew who thomas raised, quote, like a son. Thomas did not disclose the. Gift its a Bank Statement interview, nbc news has not independently verified this report. In his, statement harlan crow says this. These scholarships and other contributions have always been paid solely from personal funds, sometimes held and pay through the family business. Nbc news has reached out to the Supreme Court with requests for comment from the court and Justice Thomas. With me now, nbcs legal analyst, joyce vance. Joyce, we have a lot to talk about. Thank you for joining us. This payment made for consulting work done by ginni thomas. In which there was this idea of no mention of ginni in the payment. From Kellyanne Conway. Did Justice Thomas have illegal and or at the go obligation to report this . Money we of course he, did yasmin. The entire landscape here is predicated on the notion that judges, including Supreme Court justices, should avoid any appearance of impropriety. And that is why you bend over backwards. I did the same thing as a u. S. Attorney, you go Above And Beyond what you need to disclose so people can have confidence in your integrity. But here we are right in the heartland of the sort of information that needs to be disclosed about a spouses income and the fact that it wasnt is very troubling. Heres what leonard leo is saying about, that the work she did here did not involve anything connected with either the Courts Business or with other legal issues. Knowing how disrespectful, malicious and gossip people people can be, ive always tried to protect the privacy of Justice Thomas and ginni. What do you make of that . That has to be one of the most Self Serving Statements ive ever. Heard because leo is sophisticated enough to appreciate what the reporting requirements involved and what these Cash Payments or payments that are made in the course of concealment need to be revealed. Look, the reality here is, leo is in some Sense Distancing himself from the thomas is saying, i didnt do anything wrong, here and of course, the pregnant pause at the end of that statement is whether they did. Whether they are there are consequences or other consequences for the failure to disclose this and whether its more than just a failure to disclose on court conflict papers. Lets talk about the tuition payments, as well we have a friend of the thomass who was once ginni thomass attorney. His name is mark and hes arguing that because this was a grand nephew, he was not a quote unquote dependent child. Hence the reason why they were not required to report this payment made by harlan crow for tuition. What do you make of the defense . So, it is one of the individuals pictured in that painting that weve seen. Its a painting in the style of a photograph of Justice Thomas in the company of harlan crow and others, and so its no surprise that we see a defense of him coming from that inner circle of people. It is almost like they are trying to throw a lot of spaghetti up on the wall and see what sticks. This, again, is not a very good explanation of why this sort of payment would have been made and not reported. Justice thomas himself has said that he was raising his grand nephew like he was his own son. This is income that is attributable to him, again, it is great that a child who needed it got the right kind of education. But there are consequences for these sorts of transactions, and it goes back to that same. Principal judges should disclose the sort of. Thing so we know who their friends, are and where they might conceivably have a conflict of interest. That is not to say that Justice Thomas, one of, nine voted in ways that were influenced by these payments, but the fact that he didnt disclose them does a whole lot more than raise eyebrows here. Shouldve wouldve, couldve is anything going to happen here . You, know its an interesting landscape. Joe biden is the president. He would be the one who would select any replacement for Justice Thomas. I think well see conservatives close ranks to try to protect their 63 majority. It would be tough to have an impeachment vote. That is literally the only action of any significance that could be taken against Justice Thomas short of an outright decision that he might have to step down, which seems extremely unlikely. You, know the problem is that if nothing, happens this suggests people who are more concerned about their party and their politics then they are about the country. And the integrity of the court. Because we all know that some of the most important disputes are resolved in the Supreme Court. And if the publics confidence in the court fails, then the consequences for all of us and for our democracy will be consequential. I want to get you to win while i have you on the e. Jean carroll ripon defamation. Case i want to note as well that you and are our friends. So its important to put that out. Theyre so talking specifically about the Video Testimony offered by the former president of the United States, and the moment i want to play for you is when he addresses the infamous Access Hollywood tape. And what he actually said on. It the validity of. It lets listen in the mail. Talk with and you say it, again its become very, famous in this, video i just start kissing. Them it is like a magnet. Just kiss, i dont even, wait and when youre a star they let you do it. You cant do anything. Grab him by the [bleep], you can do anything, that is what you. Said historically that is true with starts. Its true with stars that they can grab women by the [bleep] . If you look over the last million, years that has been largely true. Not, always but largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately. You consider yourself to be a star . We i think you could say. That yeah. I mean, i dont even know what era hes operating. In choice, by saying that, and then to conclude that statement by saying, unfortunately or fortunately . How is anybody fortunate to be in a position like that . But that aside, if you could weigh in on what this does to his case. His defense. There is so much in this deposition to just be absolutely stupefied by. And this is what happens when there are no consequences for someone who has been cavalier in his treatment of women for many years. Including officially, as the president of the United States, the question, is whether carrolls lawyer, robbie kaplan, can make hay of these sorts of pieces of testimony. In her closing argument, and once its a that she, can she is a very skillful lawyer. What trump almost seems to do in this deposition is, its sort of like the longest, lowest confession youve ever seen. Because the impacts of the Access Hollywood tape, where he talks about the way he treats women in connection with the four women, the jury heard. From this should be pretty influential when jurors deliberate. You know what i found, astounding and i know were running out of. Time but we dont have the sound, and even part of his testimony, when he identifies in the picture. Someone as his exwife, arlette, maples when in fact it is edging. Harrell very women who he has said, as part of his, defense that she is not his. Type so why would he engage in this type of activity with her when she wasnt even his type in the first place . And yet, he identifies her in that photograph as his wife his exwife. What does that do . You know, trumps credibility is on trial here. Statements like, that they will make it very easy for the jury to find he is not telling the truth. Joyce vance for, us as always, great to talk to my. Friend coming, up the one where that husband dropped from Donald Trump Campaign rhetoric as he attempts to keep himself separated from the gop pack. We will be right back. We will be right back. We w i know whats right for me. Ive got a plan to which im sticking. My doc wrote me the script. Box came by mail. Showed up on friday. I screened with cologuard and did it my way cologuard is a oneofa kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. group i did it my way this week is your chance to try any Subway Footlong for free. Like the subway series menu. Just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. Everyone loves free stuff chuck. Can we get peyton a footlong . 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See the difference with olay. Welcome, back i want to continue this conversation about Justice Thomas and the Supreme Court. Now embroiled in controversy as reports are raising questions about the ethics. We talk about that and much much more. I want to bring in my panel, two former members of congress, joel walls who served as a republican and who served as a democrat. Welcome to, both, gentlemen joe, let me start with you on this. One what do you make of these stories continuing to come out about Justice Thomas . Any kind of possible accountability . Here you heard my last question to joyce vance, im sure, in which i said whats going to happen . She said the only possible avenue here is impeachment. And thats a tough one. We, yasmin good to be with. You extremely troubling every day we are learning something new about Justice Thomas and his wife. And joyce, your last guest said, you know, impeachment is a possible solution. President biden could possibly do something. I look, as a former congressman, where my former republican colleagues . I mean, my god. Are you really asking that question . We come on now. I mean, did you really expect them to step up in this moment . Considering that i mean, listen . Do you blame them with the cut success that the republican has had on the court . I dont expect them, yasmin, to do anything, but damage, it needs to be set on national tv. The fact that my former Political Party is so partisan in tribal. My former Political Party, which never seemingly puts the country first. Here we have a Supreme Court justice that has put the entire integrity of the Supreme Court on the line and they cant even, yasmin, without criticizing Justice Thomas, not even at least take the stance, like we need to reform the Supreme Court. We need ethics. Code we need legislation . That needs to be said. Max, rose what do you think will be happening if Justice Mayorkas in this exact same position . It is a fantastic question. And thank you for having me. With all respect to mr. , walls more disappointing thing here is the fact that the Democratic Party has not done really substantive hearings on this. They have not push this issue to the extent that they absolutely need to. They tried, i mean roberts said, well, im not showing up for it. They have tried. Well, you dont need that level of participation to still do. Something. They control the. Senate so they can do a whole lot of things to make sure that this is constantly in the limelight. When you take a step back, look at 2000, six 2000, eight 2018. 2020, to the Democratic Party is strong when it is talking about anticorruption. And this is an issue that is not just grossly arrogant, by Justice Thomas, but it is also a deeper problem in the Republican Party. This is a party that is completely bought and paid for. And the reason why theyre not standing up for Justice Thomas is not because they care about the Supreme Court, majority its also that theyre nervous it will shed further light on their own corrupt activities, and that is why it is a disgrace that the Democratic Party is not doing more. Here its also interesting because, angel walsh, i want you to weigh on, unless you got this tweet sent out. The statement as well from former conservative federal judge, michael reddick, we all know quite. Well who essentially said, and i, Quote The Court should not want the congress to legislate ethical standards that would bind the court. But the congress indisputably has the power under the constitution to do, so so you are even hearing this from a conservative judge. Saying this. I get, nothing is being done. Nothing is being, done, look i agree with. Max but i mean, both parties, max can criticize his party, ill criticize my former Political Party. Congress has the power to do. This and this needs to be done. Some sort of ethical code for the justices. That kind of legislation needs to be pushed pretty quickly. All, right i tease, this joe, walls and i want you to weigh. Eminent and then max, you as well. And its this idea that former president , donald trump, now wants to separate himself from the Republican Party. Not wanting to use the word republican because they feel as if, im in a read the statement, that 2016 was so successful because it was antiestablishment. Were gonna clean out the swamp, whatever it was that he said. And this is the statement. In essence, according to advisers and, allies trumps returning to the Anti Establishment themes of the successful 2016 bid for the presidency. It rallied voters to the orthodoxys and candidates of both parties. What do you make of this . Can he run from the Republican Party . That in part, is the establishment . I dont think he can do that again, yasmin. Look, heres the, deal might former Political Party is a shrinking dying national party. A lot of people like myself have left the Republican Party. People around trump know he cant win. If he just tries to appeal to republicans, so if you said, hes got a tried to replay this thing he did in 16 when he was perceived as Anti Establishment. He is going to drain the swamp. But now, after the last five, six or seven years, hes probably the most corrupt wallace swamp like creature thats ever been in d. C. Thats not going to work. I gotta say, max i wish we had these i shouldve told my producers about, it but im sure many peoples out on the twitter, and im sure you did to, it is bill barr being asked by as to whether or not he should be president of the United States once again. Your own Attorney General, right . The guy that acted as your own personal lawyer essentially said he will screw everything up. And he should not be president of the United States again. What did you make of, that max . What is this idea that trump wants to step away from the Republican Party . And how do dems fight back . Well, look. Donald trump is and evil pathological sociopath. But he is not necessarily stupid. I think that what he understands is that the fascist, authoritarian anti Democratic Party that he himself created is not just highly immoral, but it is also electorally insufficient. So they have lost elections in 2022 and of course, the election of 2018. So you see donald trump attempting to move away from this thing that he this evil that he created. And its absolutely imperative that the Democratic Party not show arrogance in the face of a likely trump nomination. They have got to take it head on. It is not just the Republican Party here that is at fault. It is Donald Trumps party. That is the republican establishment. And that is the establishment that tries to destroy the constitution and all the beloved democracy each and every day. We ran out of time. Joe, i know you want to talk. Yasmin, two seconds. All i was gonna say was screw bill barr, bill barr said in that speech trumps unfit. But he said if hes the nominee, he would still support him. Joe walsh, max rose. Thank you to you both. We will be right back everybody. Everybody. Just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. Everyone loves free stuff chuck. Can we get peyton a footlong . Get it before its gone. On the subway app. Im barbara and im from st. Joseph, michigan. Im a retired school librarian. Im also a Library Board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. Basically, i thought that my memory wasnt as good as it had been. I needed all the help i could get. I saw the commercials for prevagen. I started taking it. And it helped i noticed my memory was better. There was definite improvement. Ive been taking prevagen for a little over five years. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Weeds. They have you surrounded. 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Com now to join the over 2 Million People who have found the right way to lose weight welcome back everybody. And get healthier with golo. We have a better than expected jobs report on friday. Just two days after the foot hike Interest Rates to a 16 year high. The Labor Department reported that employers added 253,000 jobs last month for exceeding 180,000 that was expected. And the Unemployment Rate is now at a five decade low. Joining me now is abc scott cohen in california, the class of 2023 is preparing to take its place in a uncertain economy. Always disconcerting to be graduating amidst what is happening, financially across the country right now. Talk to us about what you have on this . Yes, yasmin. He would think given the numbers that you just cited that the class of 2023 hit the jackpot. They hit it just right. But here in San Jose State and across the country, students are saying that they are having trouble finding work. Some of it is because they are competing against more experienced workers who are coming back into the workforce. Then there is all of this talk about a possible recession. Yet we have these numbers coming in that show an economy that used to be going full speed ahead. You have a 3. 4 Unemployment Rate. That is a lot of people with jobs, a lot of people making money, they want to spend that money. This economy wants to do more than what it is. So to call for a recession with such a low and declining Unemployment Rate with people eager to spend, i just dont see how that happens. Theres another bit of Economic News that we got out last week. There are roughly one and a half job openings for every available worker. Nearly 10 million jobs opened across the state, across the country. So there is a lot of work out there. The problem . The Federal Reserve is still raising Interest Rates. They did suggest that they might be able to pause for a time. But they are trying to get inflation under control and that is creating the recession fears, we get more data on inflation coming up on wednesday. Then there is the specter of a government default if we get that or even come close to it. The experts say all economic, that is off. We thank you. We are also going to get more information and get deeper into some of these numbers as well. With the editor in chief, caleb silver, that is coming up in our next hour. So you do not want to miss that conversation. Also kind of how this is all going to be affecting you at home, right . Lets talk about the first british coronation in 70 years. Quite a. It is reviving these questions about the future of the monarchy as demonstrations today prove not all of the british are filled with thrill. It is thousands of monarchists turned out to protest ahead of todays ceremony. Tim is a british historian and former journalist on channel 4 news and is joining us now with more on all of this. Lets start with the ceremonies, if we can first. What stood out to you most when you are watching . I think that it was the incredible blend of ancient and modern. This is a ceremony that dates back at least 1000 years. And predates that to biblical and classical times before that. Yet there were so many modern references within the liturgy, reflecting the kings own interests and the environment. But most crucially also, in his pledge to serve the people of britain rather than to be served by them. To serve the people of britain and the commonwealth. That is something that it pains to emphasize. And i think that the second most important thing was the clear succession and the future of the monarchy which was emphasized through his crowning of the queen. And the homage paid to him by the prince of wales, formally prince william, and then his son, Prince George acting as a page. Then there is a continued relevancy of the monarchy and how the british people feel about that. When you are looking at some of the protests that are happening out there that were happening during the coronation. 62 of people polled, they say they support the monarchy. But the number is a lot lower when pulling younger people. Only 36 18 to 24 years old, a higher number from 25 to 49 at 54 . How thats king charles, now, how does he maintain the relevancy of this monarchy going forward, seeing this . An awful lot of work that the monarch provides does not necessarily, automatically appeal to young people. That has always been dust and bus, they provide continuity and stability and young people arent necessarily adds attracted to continuity and stability as well. Younger people become older i. Think it is up to The Next Generation. Not so much the new king charles to the prince and princess of wales. And eventually their children. Just as the now king, when he was princes whales, engaged with the Younger Generation through the princes trust, through his environmental campaigns. Through touring the commonwealth. It wasnt exactly as if the late queen who was hugely popular and the figures which showed for her support, well into the 90s. It wasnt as if she was breaking bounds and going on to social media, or nothing like that. She left it to The Next Generation. All right, thank you for joining us today, we appreciate it. We have got a lot more coming up everybody. You are watching msnbc, our second hour starts right now

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