Starring person of interest Hillary Clinton. Im here in charlotte, North Carolina where clinton and president obama made their debut together on the campaign trail just a little while ago. Mark halperin is about 160 miles away from me in raleigh, where donald j. Trump is holding a competing rally tonight. Hell be with us later in the show. For now im joined by my colleague, al hunt of the Washington Bureau of bloomberg. The context for both events today were completely and utterly changed, however, by the even bigger news that came out this morning. Fbi director james comey announcing the end of his agencys monthslong high stakes investigation into clintons handling of classified information at the state department. In his public remarks at fbi headquarters, comey offered a harsh critique of clintons email practices as secretary of state but ultimately recommended no criminal charges be filed against the Presumptive Democratic nominee. 110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was top secret. Although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. We are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case. Even all the way down here in charlotte you could hear the collective sigh of relief from clintons brooklyn headquarters. The campaign put out a statement that said in part quote, we are glad this matter is now resolved, end quote. Republicans were predictably quick to jump all over comeys decision, questioning the impartiality of the fbis probe. Paul ryan, speaker of the house, released a statement that read in part quote, while i respect the Law Enforcement professionals at the fbi, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law, end quote. Chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee Charles Grassley is calling on the fbi to make its email information public and donald trump of course turned to twitter, first tweeting quote, fbi director said crooked hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow hash tag rigged system. He also tweeted quote, the system is rigged. General petraeus got in trouble for far less. Very very unfair. As usual, bad judgment. Al, my friend, what happens now . Well, Hillary Clinton has a second reason to issue, utter a sigh of relief, if you will, and that is because the republicans are playing this so stupidly. What james comey said today is absolutely devastating. She was not only careless, she was reckless and arrogant in using this but rather than seizing on that, they are trying to suggest theres something rigged here, theres something crooked. James comey is a man of impeccable integrity. No one could question his judgment really on this. And im shocked at paul ryan. Im not shocked at donald trump. What they ought to do is just seize what is out there, because it is different than david petraeus. Intent really matters here. David petraeus, a man for whom i have a great deal of respect, gave classified information to his mistress. If thats not intent, i dont know what is. Hillary clinton was just arrogant and reckless and the gop should be making that case. Yeah. I think thats right. Look, director comey clearly understood the politics of this and you could see rather than leading with the fact hes not going to indict Hillary Clinton, he led with a thoroughgoing critique of her, gave her political opponents a lot of material to work with. Im sure we will hear a lot of it from now until election day, people citing and seizing on comey. The bottom line, a number of people have asked me over the course of the day how do you think this plays for Hillary Clinton. Talking to her senior staff here on the ground and having my own sense of this, this is a really simple story. The story here is binary. Indictment or no indictment. If Hillary Clinton was indicted or director comey suggested that criminal charges should be brought against her, recommended that, this would be one of the worst days in her life. She might not be the democratic nominee and might not be president of the United States. As of today, a week after basically being exonerated in the benghazi matter, today she essentially has been exonerated in this email scandal, email controversy. It is a good day for Hillary Clinton and although there will be a lot of arguments Going Forward about what she did wrong, she is more or less politically free and clear of this. There has been damage done but shes free and clear. Today is a day of dueling tarheel rallies in the state where im in. Donald Trump Holding one of his signature events in raleigh while clinton shared the stage with president obama. Just a couple blocks from where im sitting. After giving a speech to the National EducationAssociation Teachers union in washington this moing, clinton boarded air force one and flew with her 2008 rival to a state that obama won eight years ago but lost narrowly in 2012. Onstage at the Charlotte Convention center not far as i say from where im sitting at this moment, obama took some jabs at donald trump while praising clintons experience and, well, lets take a listen to that sound. I dont know about you, but we are fired up and ready to go, ready to win this election. Please join me in welcoming the president of the United States, barack obama. Hillary Hillary Hillary i have had a front row seat to her judgment and her toughness and her commitment to diplomacy, and i witnessed it in the situation room where she argued in favor of the mission to get bin laden. I saw how as a former senator from new york, she knew, she understood because she had seen it, she had witnessed it, what this would mean for the thousands who had lost loved ones when the twin towers fell. This is not entertainment. This is real. This is not a reality show. This is reality. And being president of the United States means you have to deal with reality. But im here today because i believe in Hillary Clinton. And i want you to help elect her to be the next president of the United States of america. Thats why im here. Al, we are still waiting to see donald trump so we cant do a side by side comparison but we can talk about the Clinton Obama event. I was in the room. You watched it more importantly in some ways on television which is how most people were experiencing that event. How formidable do you think that tandem looked today . Pretty darned formidable. Bill clinton really helped barack obama enormously in 2012 in charlotte, North Carolina with that convention speech. Boy, was today payback plus some. Barack obama at a time when Hillary Clinton, youre right, it was a great day, the fact she escaped indictment but her trust issue is a real problem with voters. Obama now is far more popular than either clinton or trump, for that matter, and i think hes got standing and i think he did it today, he did it well today. It looked good and i think North Carolina, a state i spend a lot of time in, i know democrats think the one mistake obama made in 12 was not contesting North Carolina, he might have won it again. I think right now if i had to bet, as of today, i would put it in the d category. I will say this. This is obviously a historic moment and a lot of democrats have waited a long time, first having nominated an africanamerican and elected him president , now about to nominate the first woman ever to lead the Democratic Party, hoping to elect her president , to see the two of them onstage, former bitter rivals for a period of time in 2008, then partners in statecraft in the administration, now political allies, the crowd here was in love with what they saw onstage and the clinton people were in love with it, too. Not just because of the earlier news of the day but seeing this onstage, knowing we will see a lot more of it, knowing how much president obama wants to help Hillary Clinton if for no other reason than to protect his legacy and take out donald trump, and the fact that obama is a convert to her cause. They think thats very powerful, that he was once a critic of hers, now is a convert. They think thats a big powerful political plus that he can bring to this race and they saw the first sign of it here today. Well, i think youre right. But i will bet you privately, at least among bill and hillary and some of the real clinton loyalists, it must rankle a teeny bit because they think they are the great political strategists of all times and they need obama. Obama, im not going to say he can carry them. That whole thing about an eisenhower jacket, there are no coattails, i dont think an outgoing president has much coattails but there is a certain imprimatur he put on today that is very important and effective. She needs the enthusiasm of democrats and democrats love barack obama. When we come back, we will get more reactions to the fbis announcement from team trump and a clinton supporter. Thats coming up after this. Take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. Nissan safety shield technologies available in the altima, sentra and maxima. It was of course as we have just been discussing a megamonster gigantic news day for Hillary Clinton. My friend Mark Halperin joins us from the trump rally in raleigh, North Carolina. We are also joined up in new york by clinton supporter and former democratic congressman howard ford jr. And in our home studio, republican strategist and Senior Adviser to the Trump Campaign, Kellyanne Conway. Im going to start off with you guys. I ask you this question, no doubt as i said earlier in the show that the question is indictment versus nonindictment. Hillary clintons big winner today. She didnt get indicted. Thats good for her. What do you see as the biggest political downside to the way in which this was announced, the timing of how it was announced and the things that comey said in the process of exonerating her from any criminal charges . I think a lot of it has been said dtoday. I would agree with your earlier characterization regarding the Clinton Obama team, how formidable they look. Al hunt made the comment as well. I think i saw mark earlier in the day making the case that to your question that mr. Comey, director comey gave a lot of insight into what the thinking was around this. He talked about some of the things that he carelessness on the part of Hillary Clinton and some of her team. No doubt some of that will be used. I think a lot of this will erase itself meaning the focus and the attention to this, as much as i think mr. Trump and others may try to continue to gin it up, we move from it. Furthermore, the most important point is the one you made leading into this or right before the commercial. If barack obama continues this kind of campaigning for mrs. Clinton, secretary clinton, and they are able to reassemble the coalition, president obamas that he was able to build in 08 and strengthen in 2012, i think its very very difficult for mr. Trump and his team. Largely because the demographics of the country continue to move in favor of democratsn many key states. If that turnout level is as high its was in 12, it bodes well for mrs. Clinton. I didnt mean to cut you off, mark. Kellyanne, you are an attorney, adviser at the Trump Campaign. What is the campaigns posture towards what mr. Comey has . Mr. Trump has put out a statement and he will speak to that. Whereas comey refused to indict Hillary Clinton today, he certainly impugned her. He apparently agrees with 67 of the country who say shes neither honest nor trustworthy. Its not as if they said gee, i think i cant trust Hillary Clinton because shes under investigation for her private email server, lets see what the fbi decides to do before i decide if i should continue to not trust her. Americans dont trust her because they believe she lies for a living. They see it as a fundamental character flaw. That will not go away any time soon. I would note in their pep rally down in North Carolina today, neither president obama nor secretary clinton did a victory lap on the comey decision. She did not say i have been vindicated because shes being very careful. Director comeys words were very harsh. Hes not recommending indictment but he said she was extremely careless. The statute says gross negligence which i believe was met, and he said people who were sending and receiving her emails should have known. You are talk about hundreds of emails, all should have known this was wrong. So let me stick with you. Why not just make that argument Going Forward . Is that the argument, the Trump Campaign and others in the Republican Party are going to make, or will we hear its a conspiracy, somehow comey was in the bag with the clinton campaign, somehow this is all part of a quote, rigged system as donald trump likes to say . I think you will hear all of that. Really, thats a large part of what this election is about. I think mr. Trump got 14 million votes in the primary, some of the crossover voters, for precisely that reason. One thing that wont change between now and november is the insider outsider, establishment nonestablishment election that has been set up between these two people. The other thing that wont change is who is the insider and who is the outsider. I think in some ways, this plays right into mr. Trumps argument that its a rigged, corrupt system that always benefits the insider somehow, some way. I think that bill clinton put his wife and attorney general lynch in a very bad position last week so folks will go back to that. It wasnt like that was ancient history. It was last week. I think finally, its not going to erase the fact that people see her as corrupt. The fox news poll showed 58 think that Hillary Clinton is corrupt. I dont remember pollsters asking the word corrupt as a president ial attribute when Hillary Clinton was not running. Harold, if someone did what Hillary Clinton was said to have done by james comey applied for a job at the state department or Justice Department that required a security clearance, could they get it . I would imagine so. I heard mayor giuliani or heard that he made that comment. I would have to take a look at the application in full but i dont believe under the standard that mr. Comey laid out, she didnt violate any statutes. He recommended to the fbi that tfbi recommended, excus me, to the Justice Department that no steps be taken. We have to go to break. The answer is no. I want to clarify, if you were attorney general and someone applied for a job with you, senior position involving national security, that would not disqualify them, in your judgment . We would have a real serious conversation beforehand but no. It is disqualifying. Its poor judgment. Its a deal breaker and will be for many voters. Stay with us. We will pick up this conversation when we come back. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink see what the power of points can do for your business. 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