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He did a Dress Rehearsal for january 6th at the police riot against dave dinkins. This is all about a policy, which if i had them, the Police Department would be even angrier at me, even though im white. Can this former prosecutor be the one to come in and help bring new york into the right direction . Giuliani was blasted for being insensitive to minorities concerns. Rudy giuliani is and was a thug. I did not expect the shocking deevolution of Rudy Giuliani. The city is knocked to its knees. He was pitchperfect. Yes, he stood up. Yes, he did what a mayor should do, but that did not change who he was. I saw god out on the block today he was darker than the preachers say with a teardrop tattooed on his face and dirt in his fingers i heard angels when he laughed the way that people do when they have known true pain for his sins i dont know whos to blame what choice was he givin . In this world that were livin when i see you i see love i see america when i see you i see love i see america [somber music] this is a really intelligent thing the city has done. Its the reason why i think people in the federal government will tell you that they look to new york city for advice on how to be ready for emergencies. Because of the overwhelming nature of september 11th, it wasnt the time to point out that after the 1993 bombing that he moved the Emergency Command Center into 7 world trade, including a 30,000gallon backup Gasoline Tank that helped bring that building down. Thats the building coming down. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. No. I think his experience as mayor prepared him for that moment. He was perfectly prepared to handle that tragic, tragic day. So we hope right now that things are stable, but the Evacuation Effort from Lower Manhattan is going to be horrendous. One of the reasons he was in the street was because he had made a total hash of his emergency control center, which against the advice of anyone and everyone he had put on a high floor of 7 World Trade Center, where it was quite quickly annihilated in the attack, so he basically didnt have a Command Center to go to. Lets go to precinct. Okay. No. Its on 10th street. On 10th street between hudson and and he then really lied about what his actions were during the whole catastrophe. You know, he told the investigating Congressional Committee that the firefighters in the towers had refused orders to come out, which was not true. Their Communication System was not working, and this was something that was known was a problem for a long time. Okay. Advise all units to go to direct. The repeaters are down. Battalion 1 to battalion 7. Battalion 7 to battalion 1 [inaudible]. Battalion 1 to battalion 7. Is Anybody Listening . He said, oh, they heard the call to get out. Those radios worked, and then the families started yelling. Onesided. Onesided. Ask about all motorola. Motorola. Ask about who whose getting contracted. Radios radios talk about the radios. He said, we know they worked. They worked, and they refused to leave. Done differently with different people and people maybe unwilling to be as bold as they were, you would have had a much more serious loss of life. And their willingnessthey way i describe itto stand their ground and not retreat. And even their interpretation of an evacuation order. Some people got upset yelling, my son wouldnt disobey an order. They did give an evacuation order. Chief callan gave it. Nobody heard it. 3,000 people are dead. Let us ask some real questions of the mayor. My brother is a fireman. I want to know why 300 firemen died. And ive got some real questions. Lets ask some real questions. Is that unfair . They didnt even hear the chief. Chief callan ordered all men out of the tower, out of the north tower. Get out of the north tower. We didnt get one response back. Nobody answered back. I think people were very reluctant to say anything against, you know, americas mayor, the new york mayor who had handled this so well, at least at the press conferences. So things like not being able to tell the firemen to get out when the building was coming down went by the wayside. But heres the same thing. Were supposed to have a unified command where the Fire Department and Police Department work together, talk to each other. Did we have that on 9 11 . No. Did we have it in 93 . No. Made the same mistakes that we made then. We had the same radios in 93. Then we would run messages back like pony express, cause they couldnt hear. We had the same radios in 2001. Same exact radios. And what about the bunker . You didnt ask him about the bunker, the office of Emergency Management bunker on fire . It was chaos, and he justeverything that went wrong, he said everything was right. They didnt hear the call to get out. He said they did, but they ignored it. They ignored a direct order. Thats insane. He makes up his own stories and tells what he wants. He wants the story to be the way he tells it. Oh, yeah. Rudy has always hes always looked to the false narrative to support his political career. Hes always sort of changed the past to become something he wanted. Always when theres something that rudy didnt get right, hes quite willing to make out that it was something different, that he was, you know, that he was right all along or he was battling against some force of evil. You know, and this is very much a trump sort of maneuver as well. [somber piano music] when i first met them, by and large workingclass people, apolitical, not very political. I had to encourage them to be more involved, and then, towards the end, i had to hold them back, because they were so angry, the betrayal, and it starts with giuliani during that first few weeks after 9 11. While hes becoming americas mayor, what attention is he giving to finding their remains of their loved ones . I led the search and recovery effort down there. There were 2,900 families that had lost their loved ones. Very few were full body parts. I got my son back in, like, 50 pieces in his bunker gear. And some other families got it, we recovered your son. Theyd send it to the funeral home, be like an arm, and the familyd be like, can we see him . No, no. You cant. They got a piece. Thats all they got. Wasnt like a regular car accident or something. You bury the person, and you close the casket. There were pieces inside. Of the 2,752 people who perished that day, only 6 of the people got a human body back. 53 got partial remains. And incredibly, 41 1,123 people never got any remains. [tense music] what happened in the first few weeks is that they took the debris and the garbage, and they all brought it to fresh kills. They told the families that the body parts had been disintegrated, and that we were just gonna clean out the area so they could get going with business and get everything going again. But thats not what happened, and we knew that. And we yelled at the meeting. We told them, in front of the families, we recovered body parts today. They werent disintegrated. Youre sitting here lying to the families of 9 11. They went nuts. All bring their brothers home. Bring their brothers home. And in protest, one day, all the union members, all the firemen, a lot of the cops they wanted to keep the site open. All bring the missing home. Bring the missing home. Bring the mothers home. Bring the fathers home. Bring the mothers home. He came in with his Police Department, had them arrest firemen, taken out in handcuffs from the World Trade Center a la Rudy Giuliani. Hes gotta look himself in the mirror every night. I dont know how he can. I suffer with Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. 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And at that point his standing was so high nobody could think that giuliani would represent Purdue Pharma if Purdue Pharma had possibly done anything wrong, illegal, immoral. When Purdue Pharma was being investigated for Criminal Activity he helped head off that investigation to the extent that the company was never fully held to account in the way that it should have and in a way that would have helped perhaps bring an end to this epidemic. Top officials of oxycontins maker Purdue Pharma admitted in a federal courtroom that they intentionally told doctors the drug was less addictive than other painkillers, even though they knew that was not true. The company admitted that it falsely marketed the drug to doctors with ads in medical magazines. Oxycontins maker must pay a 600 million fine, one of the biggest ever against a drug company. And Company Executives individually were fined 34 million. Even so, some say the drugmaker got off easy. That was equivalent to about five or six months worth of profit from oxycontin. What did Rudy Giuliani really do . In the end, he used that name as americas mayor to open doors. You know, the end result, of course, was that it contributed to, you know, a crisis that haswell, americas biggest Drug Epidemic which has claimed now more than a million lives. And that was 20 years ago, and its now been shown in court the damage that oxycontin and those painkillers did to the fabric of american society. Some people were probably surprised when he took on clients like Purdue Pharma. Giuliani had to associate himself with powerful people in order to make the kind of money and get the kind of access to power that he craved. You dont get that by going after them. You get that by representing them or taking them on as clients or having this mutually beneficial relationship with them. He wasnt someone who was actually trying to, for example, make sure he wasnt getting into bed with the people who were so shady that they might endanger a future Political Office run. Campaign is heating up in the race for the white house. Today i announce my candidacy for president of the United States. [cheers and applause] today Rudy Giuliani threw his hat into the president ial ring. He wanted more. Its its addictive, and so the desire to continue it the desire to be in the limelight is something many people cant give up. He was an overwhelming favorite when he first announced that he was gonna run. Mayor giuliani is way ahead in National Polls and ahead among conservative voters. He thought he was still americas mayor. In this world today, there are people terrorists Islamic Radical terrorists who are planning as we sit here at this graduation who are planning to come here and kill us. He took 9 11 and the aftermath and started the divisiveness of really identifying people of the muslim faith, in general, as terrorists, and targeting them. He needs an enemy. Unity is foreign to him. But then, all of a sudden, september 11 happened. Before september 11 before september 11 before september 11 september 11. September 11. September 11. Who knows . Rudy giuliani probably the most underqualified man since george bush to seek the presidency. I mean, think about it. Rudy giuliani. Theres only three things he mentions in a sentence. A noun, and a verb, and 9 11. I mean, theres nothing else. Theres nothing else. He talked about 9 11 constantly, because thats what america knew him for. But by 2008, the combination of not being able to adapt to the times and tell america something new about himself or how he had learned from his experience instead of kind of still living in 2001, at that point, he was already taking quite a bit of money from foreign clients, and it looked messy. And its what really ended up sinking him, and thats when he withdrew. Had rudy left his legacy after 9 11, i think there would be a common sense across all political boundaries that he had done great things. Had that been the last chapter, it would have been a unanimous sense of he deserves our gratitude, and his depth of purpose was real. Now, its something different. It was clear to anyone who looked. There was no client almost too shady for him. It seemed like he was really taking money from anyone who asked. In giulianis globetrotting deals of consulting for a bunch of clients, he did a lot of work in former soviet republics. Rudy giuliani, through his consulting work, knew and i would say was friends with or friendly with a number of very powerful and influential figures in ukraine well before he became trumps lawyer. In ukraines president ial election, a field of more than 20 has been whittled down to the final two. Ukraine became a lot more democratic. Meaning its Political Landscape became a lot more diverse. There were a lot of parties vying for control of parliamentary seats and ultimately the presidency. And that also opened up opportunities for people like Rudy Giuliani, who was in the business of giving advice to politicians in Foreign Countries on how to run a political campaign, on occasion, how to engage in dirty tricks, or to do pr, or as its known sometimes, black pr, to sully your opponents, and so on. So this became a thriving industry. Giuliani and people like Paul Manafort came into the region offering advice, saying, if you work with me, ill get you elected, come what may. We know how to do this. Weve been doing it for decades in the United States. Trust us. Pay us a certain fee, and we will make sure that your party will be the one that rises to the top in this new political competition. But i think there are substantial questions. I think there needs to be a thorough investigation of exactly what he did and his state of knowledge. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. I was a bit nervous at first but then i figured its just walking, right . [dog barks] oh. No its just a bunny calm down taco. Sit duchess. Stop sesame no no. Archie walter dont, no, ahhhh. Ahhhhh youre lucky youre so cute. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. O and thats the way it is. If were talking about the 80s and 90s, in particular, there was a rhythm to it, and it was very simple. [bell dinging] six for 10,000. 10,008. The news cycle wasnt 24 hours yet. It was really about eight hours, and there would be events during the day, and youd hit your 10 00 p. M. , 11 00 p. M. Deadline. And the newspapers would spit out at 5 00 a. M. At 6 00 a. M. , and theyd start hitting the suburbs, and youd do it all over again. How ironic then that a culture which rejects moral standards and make no bones, folks, we do. And Rupert Murdoch decided there was a hole in the landscape, in the media landscape, and there was a business opportunity. I think he saw the success of am talk radio, and the rise of rush limbaugh, and decided, lets put that on tv, and were gonna call it news. Winkwink. But were gonna do what we want to do. As to my personal politics, some people say im a conservative. Thats not really true. I call myself a radical, because i believe in change. And dont forget, if you watch fox in the evening, its not about reporting. Its about opining. This country is falling apart. Dangerously so. Its the Sean Hannitys of this world giving you their views. They police all of your thoughts. Its a financially successful formula for Rupert Murdoch, and even if Rupert Murdoch doesnt agree with some of the things on fox, he knows that their opinions sell. This is one of the big challenges, for the media in particular, but its really for the country as a whole. When there are Media Companies that specifically and cynically try to profit by telling you that up is down, and left is right, it becomes that much harder to sort of pull it together. We have 100 more of these. I cant show em to you. When i grew up we had seven newspapers. Then we had four newspapers. Now, we have three newspapers. We agreed on a set of facts that we could argue about. Technology has revolutionized a lot of things, but its also fragmented the media. And that fragmentation means we go to our ideologically comfortable corners, and we dont agree on a common set of facts. So how do you have a debate . As we see politicians actually getting language lessons on how to turn their adversaries into aliens. In the early 90s, before social media really became a regular household thing, we really established our connection with politics and politicians through our television. A lot of these speeches were usually written by two, three, four people, to ensure that they were factually correct. But today, with social media, we have moved away from that. It brought about a whole new wave of access for the modern human being. Facebook has absolutely changed the way we do connections with other people, how we access information, and how we share information. Thank you so much, facebook, for hosting this, first of all. Facebookinitially, i dont think people saw it as a news source. You know, it was a way to post your wedding photos, and happy anniversary, and happy birthday. It comes with a certain familiarity, and it comes with a certain element of trust. There was a feelgood story about facebook in terms of obama. Spreading that momentum, and he was telegenic, and this is the new media, and this is the digital age. Yes. We. Can. I think social media and facebook was able to spread that excitement. And were gonna ride this wave together. And that was the good news. Birtherism is the first just political Conspiracy Theory to really hit facebook in a way where it was supported by our friends and family. I assumed that he was born in the United States, meaning in hawaii. I assumed that. The more i go into it the more suspect it is. When donald trump became the face of the Birtherism Movement it was classic new york rudy politics. Us against them. What he was really saying is, hes not one of us. Hes not really an american, you know. Winkwink. You know hes really black. They knew this was a lie. Why doesnt he show his Birth Certificate . And trump goes right for it. He becomes the head birther in the country. He lies about sending people down to hawaii. The Birth Certificate is missing. Ive been told that its not there. He lies and says, oh, you wouldnt believe the things that theyre finding. I have people that actually have been studying it, and they cannot believe what theyre finding. That was a complete fabrication. This certificate proves he was born in hawaii. And it turned out to not be true. Well, i dont know. According to you, its not true. I think it was a dog whistle. He gave a Birth Certificate. Whether or not that was a real certificate, because a lot of people question it i certainly question it. And im gonna say it enough and repeat it often enough that enough people will believe me. We dont know, and we are finding out, to what degree the new condition of Digital Media changes everything. Its a wholly new condition. We never had the 24 7 Propaganda Machines that exist in the age of the internet and Cable Television that we have today. That just is wholly new. Theres no one policing it, and theres no one pointing out when you hit the click, oh, by the way, this isnt real. Theres no police. Theres never been a news police. Weve been thinking about looking at examining sightings of ufos. Oh, gosh its always been up to the News Consumer to absorb the news as they see it. Youve been attacked. Yes. You mention george soros. All of a sudden, youre antisemitic. That you use the word globalist. You know, who are the Puppet Masters . I dont even feel worthy to bring you this information. I dont like Em Putting Chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay. When the entire world is just shrunk to what you see on your cell phone screen, if you give oxygen to certain things, they would percolate on their own. They also switch votes around. Subtly. Maybe ten per district, so you dont notice it. Something kind of crazy is said, and it bubbles up. People really coalesce around a certain message. What about the turnout rate . 120 . And then it slowlyyou know, a local politician says something. Then its on a local talk show. Its on fox news. There was widespread fraud in this election. And then its fully in americas bloodstream. When you train your algorithm, ultimately, what youre telling it is, this is what i want to be exposed to, and that is all. So the goal of any Social Media Platform is to keep you on the platform, and the way that they can do so is by ensuring that youre constantly getting fed information that they know you will respond to and that you will engage with. So that also means that you are not hearing any other sides of any sort of political commentary. You are also closing yourself off to anything outside of your scope of belief or interest. And obviously, that was put on steroids, once trump arrived and decided to run for president , in 2015. That kind of changed everything. When you have systems that allow anyone to reach fame, anyone can become an influencer. Giuliani is on cameo, the Online Service that allows you to hire famous personalities for personal videos. Giuliani can be yours for 199 bucks. It can be arranged, and we can talk through the magic of cameo. Anyone can become just sort of a mini cult leader in their own right. God bless the United States of america. Usa. I got this 1,000 camera for only 41 on dealdash. Dealdash. Com, online auctions since 2009. This Playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. This ipad pro sold for less than 34. And this nintendo switch, sold for less than 20. I got this Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for only 56. I got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. In many ways, they used the same playbook. People forget that donald trump was a new yorker, under Rudy Giuliani, and saw what Rudy Giuliani did to dave dinkins. Some of them out there yesterday were calling out, nigger. And was elected for it. He saw this. His campaign is falling apart. Questions are being raised about him that are gonna require criminal investigation. Fastforward now. Heres donald trump. Hes coming behind barack obama. The first black president , like rudy dealt with the first black mayor. What i did for new york donald trump will do for america. Im gonna save you from them. It was a National Version of rudys 1993 campaign. As mayor, i will lead the battle to take our streets back. I want to build the wall. We need the wall. To take our parks back and to take our subways back. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. From the violent criminals on the streets we have some bad hombres here, and were gonna get em out. All dinkins must go. Dinkins must go. Dinkins must go. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. I think trump was the perfect candidate for the media. Hes a celebrity. Media loves celebrities. He knew how to work them and work the storylines that they wanted. Its a rigged system. She is crooked hillary. Thats why, folks. Oh, is media dishonest. How dishonest are these people . He gives you exciting rallies where hes insulting people. Ah. I dont know what i said. Ah. Hes threatening violence against protestors. Hes walking out, like, big highfives. Smiling. Laughing. Id like to punch him in the face, ill tell you. Get him outta here. Get out. Get him outta here. That may be bad for america, but as les moonves said, its great for the networks. I remember reporting on the Access Hollywood tapes after the fact, and it was really striking, because the washington kingmakers the people who knew what would fly were telling donald trump, its over. I think its degrading to our women, to our daughters, our granddaughters. I can no longer endorse donald trump for president. I just cant do it. Step down. Youve gotta concede and give up. At least two dozen republicans who had previously supported donald trump now say they will no longer support him. But Rudy Giuliani was the stalwart supporter and defender, the person who said donald trump will prevail. And to rudys credit, he was right. Initially, you had some republicans who, for a moment, their souls were still in their bodies and said, hes done. But then they realized that the base of the party was like, uh, i dont care. Shit. I want to grab em by the pussy too. [cheers and applause] at 2 50 this morning, donald trump did what so many said could never happen. Ive just received a call from secretary clinton. President elect Donald Trumps cabinet shaping up. He met with new jersey governor chris christie, former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani you may remember this period as being almost like a kings court at trump tower. All this pomp and circumstance and television cameras. The courtiers to the future president were arriving for their audience and hoping to get a job. What was on the agenda today please . Transition. Rudys only interest, at this point, was in Secretary Of State. What was different though about Rudy Giuliani was he publicly lobbied for this job. The choice for Secretary Of State in the Trump Administration is down to Rudolph Giuliani and john bolton. John would be a very good choice. Is there anybody better . Maybe me. I dont know. Its the only one im interested in. But the cool kids were worried about what americas mayor had been doing to make millions in between leaving public service. He was taking a lot of money from foreign governments, foreign actors, some of them a little sketchy. He had agreed to be a liaison at huge, lucrative payouts for authoritarian president of turkey in what appeared to be an effort to quash a federal investigation in new york looking at corruption by the turkish government and the president himself. He had also taken money from an Iranian Opposition group that was on a terrorist list. He had taken money from the government of qatar. The list went on and on. Those were gonna be a lot of conflicts and complications. So a few of the adultsa few of the sort of Og Politicians Inside Trump World were like, we can get crazy, but not that crazy. Rudy giuliani, long on the shortlist for the spot, removed his name from consideration. He steps back, but he ends up being pulled back into the inner circle in perhaps his most pivotal role in another year. [dramatic music] lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. Diets and exercise add to the struggle. Today, its possible to go from struggle to Cholesterol Success with leqvio. With a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50 and keep it low with 2 doses a year. Common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. Ask your doctor about twiceyearly leqvio. Lower. Longer. Leqvio® growing up, hughes and cowboys were one and the same. My daddys a cowboy. Im a cowboy and im raising a cowgirl. And discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. This life is in our blood. And we aint stopping no time soon. Give the gift of Family Heritage with ancestry. Wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. Theyve helped me realize its possible to rise to the top again. Its possible to get the help i need for me and my family. Its possible to hate pushups again. To feel understood. To begin healing both inside and out. To feel like myself again. And now i know anything is possible. gentle music would you still like to testify to Special Counsel and now i know anything is possible. Robert mueller, sir . Thank you. Sure. I would like to. You would . You would like to . I would like to. The president s lawyers say there are still active discussions whether President Trump will agree to an interview with robert mueller, but even though the president has said before 100 hed be up for it, his lawyers are now reportedly counseling him against it. So his leading attorney is trying to convince donald trump what every good lawyer tries to convince potentially guilty people. We dont want you to be interviewed by prosecutors, and we dont want to get you caught in a perjury case. Donald trump doesnt like this. He doesnt like that it makes him, in his view, look weak. And in an argument with that lawyer, he fires him. White House Counsel don mcgahn is leaving. The president confirmed the departure with this tweet. When trump would say, wheres my roy cohn . He basically wanted someone who would lie for him and someone who would defend him if he lied, because his ethical standards were less than pure. The highpower, highprofile edition of the president s personal legal team. He has Rudy Giuliani, whose resume includes u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Trump and giuliani share a love of Conspiracy Theories. They seek out Conspiracy Theories, and then they amplify and promote them and try to plant them in the right places. And ukraine was really at the crux of a lot of Conspiracy Theories about the upcoming 2020 election. Donald trump is in a world of trouble. Rudy giuliani goes on defense for his boy. Hes gonna go to ukraine. Hes gonna get evidence that shows that hunter biden was on the take and that joe biden was getting money from ukraine. This is all what rudy promises he is gonna find out and help deliver. Rudy giulianis affiliation with trump made him the most popular guy in kiev when he arrived, so everybody at the time was looking for a way to ingratiate themselves with the u. S. Administration. Rudy giuliani was very singlemindedly focused on the political mission, which was to help donald trump get reelected, to make sure ukraine is on trumps side in trying to sully the reputation of joe biden. So suddenly, Rudy Giuliani is his envoy to everything, including to ukraine. Hes the bully boy that you send around the world to say, hey, youre gonna need to, uh, do business our way if you want us to do business with you. Hes the guy who says, we got some things were gonna need. [dramatic music] ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky has won the president ial election with a landslide. This political novice inherits a country embroiled in europes only active war. Ukraine has been fighting off a russian invasion since 2014. [birds chirping, bell tolling] the whole hunter biden story in ukraine and his work in ukraine is an old story. Hunter biden went to work at this gas company in ukraine as a board member in 2014. [ominous music] when giuliani did arrive in kyiv he got a lot of people reaching out to him offering things related to, adjacent to the bidens and so on. Everybody knew that that was what he wanted. Thats what hes coming for, and because of his direct relationship with President Trump, every door was open to him. What i think was wanted from us was an investigation that could rubberstamp whatever Smear Materials that could have existed, plus the very fact that there was an investigation into a son and potentially a candidate for the american presidency could have been used to build a very effective Smear Campaign in the media. So obviously it was a political favor. We literally, like, stopped one step away from, you know, rudy asking for a flat earth kind of statement from zelensky or something, so that level of peculiarity. We knew that he wanted us to go places wed never go, so it was more of a containment operation. There are two main objectives, to not do what he wanted and to not get trump angry by not doing what he wanted. Ukraine was at a really Critical Point where u. S. Supportu. S. Military support and just, in general, the credibility on The World Stage was really important. And giuliani was completely going rogue. I think it would get some interesting information about joe biden from ukraine about his son, hunter biden, about a company that he was on the board of for years. His business dealings. Which may be one of the most crooked companies in ukraine. As we all know, Hunter Bidens been accused of using his fathers name to land some choice, juicy, noshow gigs for some Sketchy Companies in sketchy countries, like ukraine. In other words, hunter was being paid for access to his Vice President father, who was specifically put in charge of ukraine. The solid evidence of the corruption involved in biden getting his son in in order to protect the burisma company. Hes like the mafia bag man for donald trump. He becomes his personal attorney. Even though he doesnt really act like an attorney, he goes to ukraine, and hes the one strongarming president zelensky. So one thing thats useful to remember is rudy had no official position in doing that. He was not a government official. Normally, when you want somebody to deal with a foreign government, you would go through your ambassador and the state department. So thats already a huge red flag. Giuliani claimed that lutsenko had announced an investigation into the bidens, but in fact, that never happened. It just wasnt true. I dont believe that Rudy Giuliani believed his own narrative, but i think his goal politically was to get that narrative out there as forcefully as he could. The chinese have those tapes on hunter biden and joe bidens family. All right. And the tapes are horrendous. Were constantly finding new documents. Giuliani was spreading falsehoods, and on some level, it no longer matters, right, because its already been out there. Millions of people have already seen it on tv, and its already embedded itself in a kind of narrative thats very hard to dislodge. I think thats still the power of television and the power of giulianis voice coming together. The democrat coverup is just going to continue the corruption in the ukraine well, were living now in the posttruth society, so in order to accuse somebody of a crime and paint a portrait of a criminal, you dont need a crime. Rudy giuliani, the former mayor of new york city, the former president s lawyer, deposed in a Defamation Case dealing with dominion voting systems. Reckless disregard for the truth. And its hard to imagine something more despicable. America might not have been ready for that truth. Thats why im so proud that he stood up. I think the truth of what happened in the 2020 election. Lets have trial by combat. Just understand this. All hell is going to break loose. Thats how you grow in america. You may not feel like americas perfect, but i promise you, you wont like what comes after. You guys are not tough enough. Or maybe ill put it another way. Youre a bunch of pussies. I wanna introduce Rudy Giuliani. Well let you set the priorities. When people like donald trump use the word tough, they also mean, you know, cruel. They mean brutal. I think he saw in rudy some of what more of us began to see over time, that rudy had those qualities. They should be followed. They must be followed. Hes the mayor of new york city, americas mayor

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