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Good day, everyone. From msnbc headquarters here in new york, welcome to weekends with alex witt. Were going to bring you up to date now. Covid infections are spreading in six days before thanksgiving. Dr. Fauci reiterating his plea to stay home this holiday. Take a moment to do what i call a risk benefit determination. If i have someone in my home who is elderly, someone who has an underlying condition, do i really want to put that person at risk from someone who innocently or inadvertently could infect them . The head of the government Vaccination Distribution Program said the first doses could be given out by december 12. The vaccine will be distributed to states within 24 hours of fda approval. The fda granted emergency use authorization of the antibody treatment given to the president last month. It has shown to keep the severity of an infection low if admin ste administered early. And three states, north dakota, montana and iowa have enacted statewide mask mandates. Scott kohn is in San Francisco, Valerie Castro is in ohio and Lindsay Reiser in new york city. Lindsay, well start with you at la guardia airport. How many do you get a sense of people traveling despite the warning to stay at home. Reporter sometimes theres periods where no one is in line, but then you do have times like this where there are plenty of people waiting to check their bags. Nationwide, 944,000 people traveled yesterday, more than a million on friday. These are levels we havent seen since the pandemic really started, since march 16 when the white house came out with their 15 days to stop the spread. The cdc is urging people to stay home and thats because the u. S. Has 12 million cases. Health experts are worried that people will be going from state to state, and theyll potentially be crosscontaminating here, although so many states are deep red when you look at those coronavirus heat maps. But the cdc says if you do have to travel, you need to make sure youre wearing a mask, try to keep socially distant at airports like this, also make sure you bring hand sanitizer, make sure you wash your hands a lot, and try to get your flu shot before you go. But i still tried to talk to travelers about why theyre traveling despite those warnings and heres what one man told me. Im not too nervous. Everyone has a mask and they follow the rules, mostly. Ill follow the rules and take them for better or worse. Reporter that man is going to hawaii to see his family for the thanksgiving holiday. He said they discussed it and said it was a risk they were willing to take. In dallas, you have to take a test. Another woman who said she was traveling said you cannot barricade in your house. She said its a choice that everyone has to make, but right now she is not choosing fear, she is choosing to live her life. Alex, were not seeing the scenes were seeing in some areas across the country. In some airports like oharoha youre seeing walltowall people. Were not seeing that here, alex. Somewhere i heard if you land and dont have a test, you have to quarantine. Lets go to ohio where the Cleveland Clinic says almost a thousand Health Care Workers there are sick with coronavirus. The statewide total now more than 343,000 cases. Nbcs Valerie Castro is live outside the Cleveland Clinic for us. Valerie, what are you hearing from those workers . Its got to be a really sad state of things. Reporter it certainly is, alex, and as you can imagine, they are tired and also frustrated. They say not only are they at risk of catching the coronavirus here at the hospital where they work, they are also at risk in their own communities. When they go to a Grocery Store and someone isnt wearing a mask, that puts them at risk. The nearly 1,000 workers here at the Cleveland Clinic, that is a mix of both who are infected and those who were exposed and have to quarantine, of course. Thats a twoweek process and really puts a strain on the hospital. The Ohio Administration says 20 of hospitals across the state are reporting staffing shortages, and with numbers going up in every single county, 88 counties here in ohio, they cannot borrow one Health Care Worker for another Health Care Facility because theyre all dealing with this problem. We talked to kristin england who is an Infectious Disease doctor. I asked her what surprises her most over the last few weeks, and she said what surprises her is people are still planning large family gatherings for the thanksgiving holiday, 20, 30 people, and she said shes shocked people are still doing that and not heeding the warnings. Heres what she had to say. I cant get people to understand enough how dangerous this is. Ill say to my patients, use me as an excuse. Tell me your doctor said you cannot come. If you dont want to offend your inlaws, if you dont want to make your mother upset, i get that. But this is not the time to worry about that. Again, use me as an excuse. Tell them your doctor said no. Reporter she says another way to think about your decisions is think about the five people that are closest to you mother, father, siblings, grandparents. Think about the people that you really care about and what decisions are you going to make to make sure they are safe, not only through this Holiday Season but so you are able to see them the next Holiday Season . Alex. Something we all need to hear repeated over and over. Valerie castro, thank you for that. Right now thousands of people in california are rushing to get tested before the holiday. Lets go to nbcs scott kohn. Hes in San Francisco, one of the busiest testing sites in that area. Scott, how many people are waiting to get tested . Reporter its not bad, alex. Theyre making appointments here, and by the time you get into the line by our sort of unscientific observation, its about 15 minutes by the time you get up there and get tested. In this site alone, they expect to test upwards of 2,000 people a day or roughly a third of what theyre doing citywide in a city thats really been on the forefront of getting this testing done. And they are still turning these tests around pretty fast. Theyre saying 24 to 48 hours for results even though there is this surge of testing with the increase of cases and, of course, people getting tested ahead of thanksgiving. Its that last part, thats what has officials concerned. Our actions now will dictate what happens this winter. Do not gather, especially indoors. And do not use testing to determine whether you can travel or visit with people outside of your immediate household. Remember, and i cant emphasize this enough, people who test negative can still harbor the virus if they are earlier in their infection, or if they are exposed to the virus after the test. Reporter San Francisco has done pretty well at staying ahead of the curve throughout this epidemic, but it is kind of a tsunami effect now where were seeing case rates go up, not only among communities of color but throughout the city. Thats an issue. And they are now saying that its only a matter of time, potentially, in the next couple of days before San Francisco moves into the more restrictive tier thats engulfed much of california that subjects you to these socalled curfews, limited activity after 10 00 at night. That, of course, is not universally popular. Weve seen the protests go on in summit, california, in san jose and protests in front of Gavin Newsoms house, the governor, up near sacramento. As california looks at case levels that are the worst that they have been throughout this pandemic, theyre trying to stay ahead of it. Its a daytoday thing, if not hour to hour, alex. Joining me now, dr. Lipi roy. We said today immunizations could be happening by december 12. What do you think of that timeline . Possible . Anything is possible. Alex, its so good to see you. Happy sunday. The timelintimelines, theyre sy december they may have a first batch ready to go for the first phase of people, including Health Care Workers, and theyll phase it out after that based on cdc guidelines. Well see. As we know, over the past several months with this pandemic, the federal government has made several promises with the timelines, but im beginning to trust what these manufacturers are saying, because theyre working very closely with the cdc in terms of timelines. If we have people being immunized four weeks from now or so, midmonth, how many people will actually be getting the shot at that point . Health care workers, those are underlying conditions, are they going to have to seek out a vaccine, or do they get identified beforehand somehow and get it first . These are great questions, alex, and the short answer is all of this still needs to be worked out. These are all the detailed yet critical nuance of details that need to be sorted out. The actual distribution, who is going to get it and how, and the allocation, in other words, the number of doses that each state gets will be is determined by policymakers, its not by Health Care Workers or hospital executives, its actually policymakers who decide, and if a state gets 500,000 or 5 million, thats going to then determine what kind of Storage Space and then distribution. And, of course, which nursing care home workers, which nursing home residents . Tleez all considered vulnerable populations. These details are being looked at while we speak, alex. You saw lindsay at the crowded airport across the country. How concerned are you at the number of people not following that advice . Alex, according to the cdc website, over this past week there have been 1 million infections, covid19 cases in the united states, in this past week alone. The cdc says that the safest way the best way to keep yourself safe is really to stay home with the people that you live with. Avoid travel. If you absolutely must travel, definitely wear a mask, and i would even suggest wearing a face shield, especially if youre going to be in crowded, poorly ventilated spaces such as crowded airplanes, trains and buses, and they also recommend, you know, the people that should not be traveling or should not be attending inperson gatherings are those who have or either have been exposed to covid19 or those who are at risk for severe disease, such as the elderly or those with underlying conditions, alex. Understandably so. To your point it took eight months to get to 11 million cases in this country, one week to add one more million cases. That is so amazing, to say the least. Dr. Lipi roy, thank you very much. It looks like the government will not help trumps election get overturned, but one Family Member has an idea. Will it work . Thats next. Member has an idea will it work thats next. The daytime coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day medicine. The coronavirus isnt waiting. The economy isnt waiting. America shouldnt have to wait, either. The American People have spoken. The result is clear. Its time to move forward. And get to work. Beautiful. But when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. She said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. Her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medication she takes for her depression. Td can affect different parts of the body. [narrator] in todays trying times, were here to help you manage td. Visit talkabouttd. Com for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone, or online. We were so relieved to learn there are treatments for td. Right now President Trump is wrapping up his legal experts even further. His team is working on appeal after a federal judge threw out his case to reverse the election in pennsylvania. Josh is with us once again. Josh, what are you learning from trumps circle on this . Reporter primarily, alex, were hearing the same thing we were hearing about two weeks ago which is any pessimism about any of these challenges in the court will have any effect at preventing president elect joe biden from taking office in january. And the competence of the legal team now working on President Trumps case, Rudy Giuliani and others, tossing t ithe federal tossing them out of court and not really showing up with any evidence the judge said they should come with for making allegations of widespread fraud and irregularities in pennsylvania. Still the president s team adhering to their message that this thing is not over, alex, and there is still some chance left. Thats why you see comments from Vice President penceie kwif indica indica equiv equivocating, saying it will not affect the outcome of the election. The president encouraging now state legislatures to get involved, to put aside the will of voters and change their states elect toors and have protrump electors. How far do you think the campaign will go . Will it go to state legislators . Its a possibility. Weve been putting lawsuits across the country in states where we feel like there was really egregious violations of peoples rights and the way this election process played out, and were open to anything. Reporter that would be an unprecedented move, alex, that would run into all kinds of legal hurdles, other challenges and criticism from people who would say that is simply overturning the will of the voters. Were seeing more and more outside republican voices starting to encourage the president to move on, to acknowledge the results of this election and to cooperate with that transition. Okay, josh letterman, thank you so much for that. Tomorrow michigans board of canvassers is said to meet to certify the state results, but it has been met with controversy. President elect joe biden won the battleground state by more than 150,000 votes. Much like he has in other states, the president challenged that. That was promptly dropped. And the traump campaign filed a lawsuit for michigan to drop the votes to him. I want to get to michigan in just a second, but id like to get your reaction to what you just heard, that the Trump Campaign is suggesting they might go after electors in individual states to overturn the will of the people. Would that spark a constitution crisis . Of course. It is perfectly unlawful for voters in states, and all of the states have passed laws that say the electors have to be sent to washington based upon the popular vote in that state. It is unlufl for that to happen. And as with the other 36 cases that have been brought by the Trump Administration in these various states, there would be a lawsuit, and this one they would lose because the law is very clear. Im glad you straightened that out. Lets go back to michigan, because i know before that meeting with the lawmakers took place, you tweeted this. You said, this is not just crazy. Its potentially a crime. Id turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. Its a crime for someone to interfere with the duties of somebody who is in elected office to intentionally interfere. This interference is up to a year in prison. Can i just mention this, that the two republicans on the board of canvassers, on monday, are both subject to not just criminal penalties, and if i were the attorney general today, i would certainly be looking into this, but also the president reaching into these states to overturn the will of the people. If youre trying to overturn the states votes, you have criminal violation, you have civil rights violations. Why have an election if you can have canvassers who just decide they dont like the outcome . It is unlawful. One way to look at it, the lawmakers, after meeting with donald trump, said they saw nothing to overturn bidens win, but then you have this, chair Robert Mcdaniel and vp chair lauren cox, they are calling on election counters to wait for two weeks and allow an investigation into potential voter fraud. What are the odds that the michigan gop gets the audit . The michigan gop who control the state Legislature Passed a law in 2018 saying that the audit occurs after certification. The role of these members of the state board of canvasers, is, quote, athey shall receive the votes of 2020 and they shall tally them up. It is simply math. When the state Legislature Passed a law saying the audit occurs after the count, not before. They have no discretion to do other things. If they decide not to delay, which is outside, im certain there would be a lawsuit taken to the michigan stacourt of appeals. And im sure michigan would order them to do their job and certify. There is no question here. Rnc chair Ronna Romney Mcdaniel i use the name romney there because it is a prominent michigan name. She is from michigan. She surely is very familiar with all these laws. What is her angle in this . This president simply wants to delay and deny the validity of this election in order to behi hinder the incoming president. There is no there there. Every court has recognized it. It is simply a way to delay the inevitable so they have the time to discredit an election that they lost. This is what. The previous republican governors of michigan have both called on michigan to do their job and certify the election. There are other republicans around the country including, of course, mitt romney, who has also said the same. This is over no supporting a president who. Acting as a petulant child, but doing so without destroying democracy. So what happens in michigan tomorrow . If they decide to go outside the boundaries of law, there will be a suit in michigan. Whether that is today or tomorrow, this will be resolved. I hope its resolved in a way to make sure that the members of the board of canvassers are not putting themselves in legal jeopardy. They of the, in arizona, they voted to certify because the numbers are the numbers. I hope they do their job and this doesnt go any further. And damaging the Republican Party. Congresswoman grandholm, thank you very much. A New Washington report says in just three weeks the president might answer sometimes as well. Im sure Joe Scarborough will have something to say t. It many ma ma pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a delightful chew with pepto bismol chews. Keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo. 59 days away from president elect joe biden taking the oeath of office, and today were learning a major announcement this week on who will be joining his administration. Youre going to see the first of the president elects cabinet appointments on tuesday of this week, meeting, in fact, the pace that was set by the obamabiden transition, meeting the pace of the president s transition. President trump ramps up his efforts to overturn the election results, but in the 36 election lawsuits filed by trump and his officia officials, 24 have been denied, dismissed, settled or withdrawn so far. Governor Chris Christie denouncing the lack of evidence. The president s legal team has been a national embarrassment. If youre unwilling to come forward to present the evidence, it must mean the evidence doesnt exist. But as the Trump Administration stifles bidens transition team, the office of Public Engagement Cedric Richardson says its time for more republicans to stand up to the president. This is the future of our democracy on the line. It was a fair and square election. Donald trump lost. And so at some point we have to move on. But this Republican Party has been very reluctant to stand up and tell the emperor that he wears no clothes. But as President Trump publicly mounts his challenge against the election, a different picture is playing out behind the scenes. New reporting for the Washington Post says in private huddles and phone conversations, however, trump has been plotting his next act including a president ial run in 2024. Joining me now, and i cant wait for this discussion, Joe Scarborough, head of the morning joe, in the fight against western civilization. Joe, welcome. I cant wait to talk about your new book, but first i want to get your reaction to these reports of donald trump considering a 2024 rematch. You know the president. You understand his psyche more than most. What do you think hes going to do after january 20 . This is a president who is always thinking five minutes ahead. He cant plan a day ahead, he cant plan a week ahead. The New York Times maggie haber m haberman, has said it best. I call him a day trader. Maggie knows him better than anybody through all her reporting over the years, this is a guy who works hard enough to just survive the next ten minutes. So when people Start Talking about 2024, you have to laugh if you know donald trump. There is always a different angle. Maybe he thinks this helps him out if for some reason he decides he has to have a plea agreement with prosecutors, that maybe hell agree to not ever run for Public Office again if they drop charges against him. I think thats whats first and foremost in his mind. This is a guy who is not likely to start a news network or team network or team up with anyone else, because thats too much work. He wants cheap and easy money, and he wants to stay out of the courtroom and stay out of jail, so all this talk about 2024 is really just noise. Thats what the president wants us to be talking about. What about Chris Christie . I know you heard that he called the legal maneuverings there of the legal team of the president a national embarrassment. This is a guy, as you know, he helped with debate prep. What is christies message . What do you think as well of the Trump Legal Team and his moves . Chris christie has obviously been in the courtroom a lot more than i have. Were both attorneys and we both understand that you need a healthy fear of federal judges. Yesterday, of course, the federal court in pennsylvania lambasted trumps attorneys. Im surprised they didnt sanction them. I was warned when a first became a an idea. And Rudy Giuliani is running outlying about this fraud or that fraud, this voting machine or that voting machine, and yet they will not, in front of a federal judge, they will not claim widespread election fraud. The reason why is because if theyre caught in federal court lying or putting forth a spurious claim, they will be sanctioned and could lead to some Serious Problems for them. Thats why, again, its more press conferences, really, than pleadings for Rudy Giuliani and his team. I want to get to tomorrow and thursday, because we know bidens chief of staff says the president elect is going to start announcing cabinet positions on tuesday. What do you think, joe, of the names that have been floated out there . And do you think having centrists in the cabinet is the way to bring the company back together, or does it alienate those who brought them . Its going to be tough to strike that balance, but hell be able to say what bill clinton said to progressives from 1994 afterward when a group of us got elected into the house. Very conservative. We could say, listen, im not doing anything to these people. I have to do what i can to pass legislation, and thats why we balanced the budget for the first time in a generation, balanced it for the first time in five years, passed. Joe biden is going to find himself in the same exact position and icky do think, though, if you listen to a joe biden, there is an assumption they will be more comfortable going into 2021 and 2022. Joe, why are the majority of republicans in congress staying silent . Youre a former republican congressman. What is going through their heads . I have no idea. Its one reason why im a former republican. Because my party has remained silent when this president decided to make it National Policy to lock children in cages. To make it their policy to separate children from their mothers as a way to discourage other people from coming to this country. It was absolutely heartless. There are other ways to do that. Barack obama was far more successful in slowing down illegal border crossings than donald trump. But also you look at the last week of the campaign, last two weeks of the campaign, donald trump was pressuring his attorney general to arrest his political opponent. Thats what happens in russia. Thats what happens in belarus. Thats not what happens here, and yet republicans remained silent when President Trump said time and again he would not guarantee a peaceful transfer of power. So here we are again, the first candidate ever to get 80 million votes. Hes winning by 5 1 2 million votes right now. Republicans need to step forward. They need to do what mitt romney has done, they need to know that the president elect is talking about covid and trying to get that together, or even getting our Foreign Policy together. Hes not able to do that until donald trump and the Republican Party acknowledges what we all know, that joe biden won this thing and he needs to start r. Not for his benefit or the democrats visit, but for the benefit of america. Lets go to frlt another subject. What do you think joe biden could do to get started . Joe biden was the butt of many jokes, and he was talked about being a democratic nominee sometime, and reportedly people laughed at the prospects of it. Hes been underestimated time and time again. You heard it in the campaign. There is a little edge there when he started talking about all these president s that have gone to ivy league schools. Hell be the first president since Ronald Reagan who graduated from eureka college. He graduated from spalding commercial college, and i think its one of the he was underestimated as much as he was. A historian, a columnist at the time when he was running for senate called him a strange little man after he got to washington, after an upset victory that dismissed him as a rube. You had another people attacking him and even in 1944 when fdrs team was trying to figure out who was going to be the Vice President for 44, his chief of staff, admiral lei said, who is harry troman. He got no respect. Even when truman let her live in the white house, he still said he was not qualified to be president of the united states, and he left the white house with a 22 approval rating. But as you go through this book and see all the incredible things he did on the world stage, whether it was a truman doctrine, whether it was nato or the partial plan, this is a guy who in the words of truman said he did more than anyone else. Is that what inspired you to write a book on truman . When you walked into my office in congress, i had two president ial por traitraits on wall. One was Ronald Reagan. That surprised nobody because im a political hero and a conservative. But the other one was harry truman. I liked the fact that it was truman, a democrat, who started the cold war and it was reagan and bush who ended the cold war, and, and it was actually truman who tried to stop isolationist, and you had americans who were exhausted from world war ii, did not want, two years later, to turn on a did you not that they had seen as their ally. But truman was able, through bipartisanship, to put together this incredible coalition that actually kept the soviets out of central and western europe and saved freedom. As churchill in. Thats one reason there. You deferred our savings account to tomikas father . Why did you do that . Because he called me stunningly superficial. Dr. Stavinsky was a wonderful man and absolutely loved the time i was able to spend with him, but what i find incredible about his were. His father worked in germany during the rise of adolf hitler. Then to he was soon a harvard professor and he dedicated his entire life to doing what he could to defeat soviet communism, because he saw firsthand the and on himself to devastating life and how to comb combatly. You look at dean ach inson and avril harryman, they passed that on to ike and his administration, and of course dr. Penske and all those who worked with him, including Madeleine Albright and ellen hayes. I dont think we give our state department enough respect and help them understand that they are heroes day in and day out. And thousands and thousands of people whose names we dont have time to mention, they Work Together to bring down the soviet union and to liberate 100 Million People in Eastern Europe and to keep western europe free. Yeah. Well, i know for a fact, because of my dear friendship with your wife, how much we adore our fathers and i know for a fact how much she appreciates this dedication, and im just going to say i appreciate you coming to talk about this, joe. Such a pleasure to have you. Its great to be with you. It always is fun. Joe, thank you so much with the book. We wish you the very best with that. We know youre speaking virtually at the harry s. Truman library tomorrow, so thats pretty cool, the smithsonian as well. For all of you, saving freedom and the morning joe show is here every weekday morning. We have a somewhat normal Christmas Holiday for some folks. At normal Christmas Holiday for some folks. So, uh, yeah, just a silly mistake. I guess i look pretty. Ridiculous. [ chuckles ] no one looks ridiculous, bob. Progressive is always here for you with roundtheclock service. Just so you know, next time, you can submit a claim with our mobile app. Good. Thanks again for for rushing over. Are you kidding . This is what 24 7 protection looks like. Okay. You smell like fish. Sorry. I was talking to jamie. As the u. S. Grapples with a soaring number of cases of covid19, one of the hardest hit countries is slowing the spread. Its not really a mystery how. Lets go to matt bradley joining us from paris. What do you know on this . Why are Health Officials expressing optimism today . Reporter Health Officials are saying, basically that we have reached the crest of this socalled second wave. Thats spiriting to a lot of french people. They had really, really didnt want to see this new second reconfinement, the second lockdown. Now we hear president macron will speak tomorrow night. He will address the country. He is probably he will speak this week. He is probably going to be loosening some of the restrictions on that confinement thats been going on here several weeks. Thats because not because the case numbers, the number of new cases per day have levelled off, though they have. The real reason is because we are starting to see a flattening of the curve in terms of number of icu patients and in terms of general hospitalizations. Thats one of the reasons why people here are so pleased with the results. I spoke with doctors here. They said that really this is just about icu. The icu units were on the verge of being overwhelmed. They felt as though the officials couldnt continue on with an entirely open society, with no lockdown, if they thought the hospitals were going to become overwhelmed. That was why they put the second lockdown into place and thats why they are lifting it now. We did hear from the world health organization, a representative told a newspaper here in europe that the European Countries havent necessarily learned their lesson from that first round. It seems as though they could be cruising toward a third wave of infections if they dont take the proper precautions. Those precautions are the kinds you see in east asia, trace, confining individual people who have been detected with the disease. Thats something that a lot of european governments feel they are not doing as well as asian governments. Thats something they see as a missed opportunity, especially from the World Health Organizations perspective. You are not learning your lesson. The cycle of confinement and lifting, its going to go on and on until europeans actually learn how to prevent this disease. Lessons needing to be learned. At least the news today from paris, very good. Thank you so much, matt bradley. Good to see you. Its called a gift from President Trump to the taliban. The person who says it may surprise you and it may anger the president. The president. New word on when the Coronavirus Vaccine might be shipped. 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Here is whats happening right now. We approach 2 00 p. M. In the east. We begin with big staffing announcements on the horizon for joe biden. The incoming chief of staff says the first cabinet picks will be named in a matter of days. We will see an attorney general, state department or treasury pick this week . What i can confirm is that you are going to see the first of the president elects cabinet appointments on tuesday of this week. This as President Trump pushes forward with his legal battle to overturn the election results, despite over two dozen courtroom losses and no real evidence. This morning, laura trump says, they are not ruling out attempting to sway state leng legislators. To what extent do you

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