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It is about surprise, surprise, mr. Postmaster general, the coronavirus, covid19, which has a big impact on the election and on the health of the american people. Also today, democrats and republicans were digging into position as the debate is under way. This is a fivealarm fire on democracy. Post office tells us they have 15 billion on hand and access to 10 billion credit. We dont need to be spending this money right now. It is a silly bill. The actions by the postmaster general in recent weeks is a sabotage campaign aimed at manipulating mail service, whatever the intent, it is hurting every day americans. We have a team of reporters across this nation. Following this story and others concerning the 2020 election. Lets go to nbc Leanne Caldwell joining us from capitol hill. Nancy pelosi taking about 20 or 30 minutes in that conference. The house is going to vote later on this issue that has become extremely political as the president continues to undermine mailin voting and the Postal Service. We are hearing from a handful of republicans that say theyll side with the democrats. A majority say that this funding is unnecessary and calling this entire bill a Conspiracy Theory against the Postal Service. There is also an underlying issue. That is the bigger discussion of covid relief talks. Those stalled discussions where both sides met. Mark meadows is on capitol hill today perhaps trolling speaker pelosi. Hes Holding Meetings with both of those parties. It says, if you really want to help americans, how about passing relief for Small Business along with postal funding. I asked him about mark meadows tweet. Here is what she had to say. Uliss some things about whats his name put forth. He didnt mention schools, he didnt say anything about krusing the virus or people being evicted or food insecurity. He didnt say anything about state and local. Thats completely unacceptable. What the dig at the top, she called mark meadows, whats his name. She is not backing down on the talks. She wants to make sure the messaging today is been Postal Service, the changes the postmaster general has made. Hes going to halt those changes and there is a lot of skepticism on democrats trusting him and a lot of legislation despite the white house saying they will veto it. We were having a good laugh at that. In the meantime, promising what it calls an inspirational republican convention. A look ahead on all of this. Potentially learning some things from the dnc. What is the theme and how the convention will be different this week. We are told the president paid very close attention to what they are doing. He watched a lot of content. Took notes. Making calls saying, i didnt like this. Lets do this differently. How about this . That was interesting. Reacting and planning for the week coming. We are learning a lot of the discussion would be prefocused. We had this technical challenge. Republicans will be taking a little more of a risk. They want to have Live Programming that is something the president discussed. That is one major difference. Youll be seeing a lot of these back drops. Because the president is running and is able to do that. They are talking about a lot of Different Things each day. One day will be land of here owes. Land of promise opportunity and greatness. In terms of what they want to do. The president s daughter inlaw lara trump was on the today show. Take a listen. We want people at the end of our four days to be reminded that america continues to be the greatest, most exceptional nation in the world. The president will be part of our convention every night. The president will be speaking or appearing in some form ever single night. Theyll also try to show case what they call the perils of socialism and people related to the cuban community. And the covington student who graduated and had that confrontation and was featured in a lot of ads and chatter. The couple from st. Louis that confronted those black lives matters protesters and republican senators speaking to the president and this record. You can stress how unusual this is that the president and first lady will be giving their rnc message. Fully under way to redo the rose garden and south lawn for those major appearances. We should appointment out, the other appearance, well have the audience and people attending. We are told they will be social socially distant. With the pandemic, this is going to be virtual and we werent going to be speaking to reporters. It will be near to the republican convention. Theyll be taking advantage of what they have in their arsenal certainly. Joining me now, a democratic member of the National Services committee. Thank you for taking time with us. Weve seen an extra ordinary contrast. The dnc showed people of every ethnicity, every gender. A beautiful mosaic. A stunning contrast. The president is planning to campaign from the white house. If i set up from my house office here, wouldnt be see the conflict . He does not see corruption as he exposes it over and over again. Lets take a look at the vote delivering for america act. Expected to pass on party lines. Passing it through the republicanheld senate, an uphill battle and beyond that, the white house has vowed to veto it. Does it feel like a losing battle. How did meaningful action be achieved . My constituents are up in arms that the post office has not been funded. We did not pass those. Telling us we need 25 billion to do their jobs. We have a president who with his attorney general and postmaster general who are over their head that they are kneecapping the Postal Service, one of the most trusted institutions in our country. As they unplug sorting machines. My con sitstituents are alarmed this. It is bizarre that at the expense of taxpayers, we are here at an emergency session. More than 173,000 americans are dead. More than 50 million americans are out of work. It is a stunning back drop. More than 13 . This is a president incapable of doing the job. The case couldnt be clearer. We have to make a change and protect our Postal Service and our right to vote. Pretty remarkable seeing such high mark. What did you think of it . Did you find him trustworthy . Did you believe him. Finding out who was our first mo postmaster general . Benjamin franklin. Enshrined in our constitution. Mr. Dejoy who is incapable of doing his job. Leading thousands of employees. One single moment i got to hear where he was asked would he put back in the automated machines. Those that he has unplugged and taken out. We have the highest volume of mail imaginable. He said no. Thats a stunning Miss Management and transparent attempt to slow down the mail and interfere with our precious right to vote. Absolutely. Are there questions you still want him to answer . Absolutely. What made him start this slow down and what was the intent of it . What made him think he was qualified for the job . Why doesnt he recognize his conflict of interest when he has millions in assets. This is someone unfit for the job whose intention was clearly to be in the arm of the political wing and interfere with the right to vote. One of the most corrupt things to do try to sew dout. Giving your listeners hope. We have an election and system that will not allow this president to interfere with our right to vote and with results that will be coming. My constituents want number one to fund the Postal Service. Those morning the republicans whipping a no vote. That will backfire on them politically. In a grave way. Pennsylvania congresswoman, always a pleasure. What lies at the heart of President Trumps attacks of the post office might be a misunderstanding of the Postal Service. What doesnt he get . 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Some say there are some positive changes to come from this. We always look for silver linings. Trying to get americans to care about that. Thats fallen or deaf ears. Youll agree, there has been so much interest in whether or not it is wellfinanced. Something david hendle told me. Hes been working in this eco system for a long time. Lets listen to what he has to say. Ive been struck by the change in tune to the service of such a poor function and the sympathy now to the financial place it is in. That 25 billion bill designed to help the Postal Service get out of the hole that it is in. You were talking about the Congress Lady from pennsylvania. It is enshrouded that we have the Postal Service. The president referring to it as a joke, suggesting that it could be a business. Only a small minority of people have advocated for the privatization of the Postal Service. What it has been. The name has been a service. It is not supposed to be run like a business. If you go back to that long history, it was designed as a mechanism by which we could disseminate information across the country. Thats truly what is important here. I want to go back to something louis dejoy said. There is a perception that hes an outsider. We have had outsiders come in to the Postal Service before to run it. Theyve been sucked in and take what experience they have and quickly learn this is a company with a long history. More trick dwri here on where he can cut things. Okay, david. I appreciate your in sights as always. Now to decision 2020, preparations under both washington, d. C. And charlotte, north carolina. Beginning on monday. Unless they do a reversal, some notable big named supporters will not be appearing because of well, this. Im a lifelong republican but that attachment holds second place to my responsibility to my country. Thats why ive chosen to appear at this convention. In normal times, Something Like this would not happen but these are not normal times. Ive known donald trump most of my career. So disappointing and disturbing. Let me tell you donald trump has no include how to run a business let alone an economy. This isnt about democrat or republican. It is about a person decent enough, stable enough to get our economy back on track. Joe biden will be a president we are all proud to salute. Joining me now, former rnc chair and our Friend National politico reporter. Lets get into this. Michael, you see this parade of prominent republicans that are endorsing the rival at the op opposing party convention. I would imagine this would be a nightmare. Are these folks sinners or saints . In my book, their saints because they put the country above their party. They are willing to take the hit for their party that theyve taken for seen said about john in his president ial run. A stark contrast that these individuals are standing up at a time when republicans are not. It draws attention to the country to this contrast where these individuals look at the election and see the danger thatthat lies ahead with going with trump. As john casin said, look, im not talking about the policy but we have to be concerned about the country first. Thats an Important Message right now. Has it ever happened that way . Oh, yes. It has . No. Im saying totally unprecedented. Do you think their presence matters . It does matter. Showing that president has a 10point gap to the positive against joe biden on the economy. You have to understand why that is there and dig in a little bit. To do that, you have to come back and say. Well, it is more than just the economy and this one thing. It is everything and thats the argument they make. What is unprecedented about this, not the fact that it was done but the sheer number. This is Something Different because who is doing it, number one and the sheer number of it. The former republican president , still living. President george w. Bush. Hes not appearing, right . No. Hes not. Has been how shall we say, silence about this president s reelection in any regard. That says a lot. Unlike what we saw on the democratic side with obama coming out. We will not see that on the republican side. A statement saying the progressives see largely at the convention. Is there any seething overseeing all those gop types taking center stage or do you think they consider it a victory . Alex, there was criticism from progressives that the dnc show cased those. Not it necessarily that those republicans shouldnt be there but it took away time to those who might speak to the base and nonwhite voters gaining a bigger foot hold in the party. Here you see bidens real strategy, which is not so much to create the coalition. Not relying on young voters. Hes trying to do something no democrat has done in about a generation, which is to turn historically leaning constituents. College educated white voters, doing much better than president obama did. If he moves him. Forming others. These two that hes reaching out to, the purpose of putting the purpose there for those that dont typically support democrats. Speaking to the decision to put other republicans up there because he says this is only about arithmatic. We have to win this election. Appealing to those on the fence, those that say, yes, we are republicans and will say vote for joe biden or vote for donald trump while holding our nose . Pretty much. Selfidentified conservatives and moderates who might ordinarily supported republicans but have soured on President Trump. Youve heard very little on policy and they actively deemphasize those things. There was literally one mention, all four days on the issue of this election. That whole thing is deliberate. Creating the coalition for no matter what you believe or what spectrum you come from. If you oppose, we have an acc t acceptable to you. The fact that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is 77 years old and steven is 82 years old. These are liberals democrats want to have replaced with liberals on the court. Good to see you both so much. Meanwhile, steve bannon calls his arrest and shawn hannitiy calls President Trump crazy behind his back. Veel have more next. When the murrays started using gain ultra flings they fell in love with its irresistible scent. Looks like their dog michelangelo did too. Gain ultra flings with two times oxiboost and febreze. Iredefined the wordng thschool this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. New fallout from the indictment of former white house chief strategist, steve bannon. Indicted for defrauding hundreds of thousands of donators to support, we build a wall. Joining me now from White House Communications director. Anthony, good to see you. Im curious what your reaction was when bannon was indicted. You know him. You were in the white house when he was there. Im not a buddhist. Im italian. My reaction was quite joyous. Hes a bad guy. Hes innocent until Proven Guilty. Im talking about his character as a human being and what hes like. Hes a very destructive sort of guy. Not surprising to me hes in this kind of trouble. He did it before. This time he got caught. Well see how it unfolds. Im not a budist. You knew that. I imagine you agreed with the snl depiction of him. The skin care look at him as the blotch. A political hit job, this is to stop and instimulate people who have President Trumps back against the wall. This is an expected defense . I dont think there was a reaction. He head through the 24page defense. 21 pages of facts theyve got him on Text Messages and phone calls and transfers again, hes innocent until Proven Guilty but will have to back these things up this is a guy who is a white nationalist, intent on separating the country. He wanted to wall off figuratively and physically, wall off parts of the country. Coming into november, one less voice on that side is better for the country. Michael cohens new book, disloyal. Youll be shocked at the level of crimiality. What do you think. What i was saying not up to you to reveal it but it is rank criminality. Ste steep, steep immorality backed up by evidence. It is not like michael is going to say this and the white house is going to discredit him and he had the problem in the court system and he went to prison. He is going to back it up with evidence to show the legality. The betrayal to the country is astonishing. That information has been a very good job of capping that information. We are getting to his reelection and that will come water falling down. I should say the white house has said it is all a bunch of lies in advance of this book coming out. Can i say something. A bunch of lies that he shows up with the documentary evidence that he shows the paperwork behind that. Just curious what the white house will say to that. Moving on to Brian Stelter releasing that book about trump called hoax. This is what he had to say about his relationship with fox news. It is such a disconnect between on air rhetoric and off air reality. Thats what is propping up this presidency. It is hard to image inn the president at 40 approval and these people on fox, im sorry to say, they are lying about him every day. They are talking about a president that doesnt actually exist. Go back to your time as White House Communications director. Tell me about this. This relationship between trump and anchors at his favorite network, fox news . Im personal friends with sean. With he grew up sort of the same way here on long island. We dont talk about politics anymore. That would make sense. He has other friends that disagree with him and his position on President Trump. The president , rightly or wrongly, the president was masterful on understanding the system inside of fox. The president also was aware they didnt like him in the beginning. They may have turned to like him later. Going after megyn kelly the anchor woman in that first debate. After they went hard at mr. Trump. Things unfolded differently. You have three or four. Some is of those doing mental gymnastics saying the president is a four dim ensal chess player. I am not sure how they even say that with a straight face. I tried help the president. I am a lifelong republican. I was asked to serve the state. I served. I made a mistake a fully own up with. He does things that are unpatriotic, a bully. Hes failed on policy and failed us on the health care crisis. Hes destroyed the economy on his decisions related to covid19. A whole list of things hes done and now this mushroom of information that will be coming up over the next two to three months and the koibter will be better off without him. He will be defeeted in november. He has a very different situation now. He has a very large group of republicans. Some of the es steamed ones you showed. They are not with him. He doesnt have any of the rank and file people that have been the core mission, core muscle of the republican party. Steve bannon said, 3 to 5 of republicans, without those, theyll lose. Anthony, great to talk to you. Well see you again. The effort to mobilize the key group for joe biden to win and the effort that they need to do to make that happen. Start your day with secret. Secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. With secret, youre unstoppable. No sweat try it and love it or get your money back. Turning now to the breaking news on capitol hill where the house is gathered to vote. Democrat taking the floor right now. It all comes after the postmaster general in virtual testimony yesterday before the senate insisted election mail will get delivered security and on time. Joining me now, congresswoman democrat from illinois. Let me ask you your reaction to the testimony from the postmaster yesterday. I wish he would understand who his bosses are. They are the american people. The 330 million americans who receive hundreds of millions of pieces of mail every single day, monday through saturday. Those are his bosses. His job is not just to say hell pause the dismantling of the Postal Service. That is not enough. What we are voting on today. That we go back to january 2020 and put these back to where they were. That includes these blue corner mailboxes we have seen. That includes putting them back in sorting machines that were dismantled. The machines that sort hundreds of thousands of mail ever hour and making sure as we move forward, that this guy, the postmaster general understands the vast majority of veterans receive medication, receive it through the Postal Service. If we cant do right by the folks who served in the military then what can do would . Does what they are telling you matchup to what you have heard from the postmaster general . It does not matchup. Let me tell you how. These folks who deliver the mail. I want to give you a little bit of background here. My network i serve, 85 of the towns i represent are 5,000 people or fewer. 60 are 1,000 or fewer. We have one county the entire county is 67 people. With that said, these letter carriers and from throughout my 14county area have told me that they have to go out first thing in the morning. It doesnt matter if at the end of their shift, there is mail let, it just sits there. The sorting machine out of illinois that served the northern part where they have dismantled the machines, the mail coming in is slower. You have people telling their letter carriers, hey, im waiting for this check or medication and it is not here. It is those kind of stories repeated over and over again in this district. That has to be prut aller to those carriers because they know those constituents with whom they are working and presenting such vital information. Is it heartbreaking for them . You bet it is. What was said to me. I think it is really critical. Two letter carriers said to me. This is the u. S. Postal service. To which i said, you are right. It is not the u. S. Postal business. Youve got this Million Dollar plus donor to the Trump Administration or to donald trump as candidate. Millions in donations to a businessman who had nothing to do with the Postal Service until a couple of months ago who is running this place. Keep in mind, the hundreds of thousands of postal employees, many are veterans themselves. Fur a veteran, you care deeply. This makes up the Postal Service. If i could tell you a quick story. We sent out a survey asking about the most important piece of mail they ever gotten or one they can remember. We heard everything from a guy who the most excited he ever was was when his decoder ring came in the mail. It reminded me from discovering that was about ovaltine. Another was from his friend serving in the middle east in the military. For me as a kid, i was always sending in those box tops and couldnt wait for whatever it was. I would ask my mom ever day, or that letter when you were accepted to your favorite college. There are a deep emotional connection. It is deep. We heard from about 1,000 people. Weve heard from a thousand people. If you are a member of congress in new york city or ike a lot. But that is a big number. It is an issue that has struck a nerve and people are emotional about what the Trump Administration is trying to do in the middle of a pandemic in the time we are going into wup of the biggest vote by mail and absent voting elections. We better get this right. The postmaster general who is going to appear. Be honest with the american public. He owes it to everybody. Not to members of congress but to the public about why hes doing what hes doing right now in the middle of a pandemic. Im very appreciative of your stories, your emotion attachment to all of this. Well done for sharing with us. Thank you. Lets go now to minneapolis and the story that reflects unity. Two sisters there have come up with a better way to foster racist relations. The antiracist book lending. Lists in a link in the facebook group. People can reserve the books and pick them up in an old mailbox turned little library. My husband is black. My family and children are biracial. People have reached out to ask to ask what can we do. I was asking myself the question, what is my part. Most of those books are geared towards teens and young adults. What joe biden says to Bernie Sanders to help him win the election. Thats next. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. 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If democrats want to get that same energy in november what do biden and harris need to do . You need to go into the community right away, alec. I wrote about this in my book arc multilayered communication. Younger latinos consume all of their information via digital. Older lateenoses speak spanish. You have this to go to telemundo and union vision and talk to people on spanish radio and tv. The problem is most democrats start too late and dont have enough time to persuade a lot of people. Starting early is a big fact neuro. Lets look at a poll from this week. It shows that 70 of latinos disapprove of the president s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Thats up from 56 there you can see in may. The Latino Community has been disproportionately affected by this coronavirus pandemic. How much is that going to play in the way latinos vote . Alex i have been doing focus groups all summer. This is the number one issue that comes up time and time again. What are you going to do to help us . We are dying at three times the rate. Our children are eight times more likely to get sick based off the cdc study and latinos in the focus groups do not like donald trump. They are asking me what are senator harris and joe biden going to do to make your lives better . This week they made the first step to get that information out. Coronavirus is going to be a big part of this election. Do you have any sense check what have polls are saying in terms of latino support for President Trump . Do you know where that stands . Yes, it started off in the summer higher than we would want it to because he was the only one on spanish tv because he was having the chronobriefings. You didnt have a alternative offering out there because the primary fight was still going on. My new super pac is putting out information into the Latino Community. The more they learn about what donald trump has been doing, the less his support grows. You might have heard a bit of the criticism this past week for the dnc as not having included the only latino president ial candidate julian castro. You had ocasiocortez but only spoke for 60 seconds. Are you concerned not having latino representative at the convention could end up hurtinged by within latino voters or is there time to combat that. There is time. We will be the largest sector. And we will single handedly be able to deliver a states like arizona, florida, or north carolina. We want the see ourselves representing our party and on those stages. I think we did an okay job, but we can do a much better job. We need the give a lot more emphasis on latino outreach and representation of what we see. You are from texas. How do you think texasl go in terms of the latino vote. There is room in texas. There is a debate with democratic. My first race was ann richard in texas in the late nine. I think this could be the year in texas where the la tenno vote could tip that scale. I love your cow boy hat. It shows you are a true texan. Chuck thank you so much. That does it for me. I will so you tomorrow at noon eastern. Up next, my colleague, brandy liesner. Say with us. Thats next. Say with us. Thats next. The audi a6. Get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. Now that the rents due but theyve cut your pay. Now that the virus has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. Now that our president has had months but he still doesnt have a plan. What happens now . Joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because hes done it before. When our economy was on the verge of collapse, joe biden led the largest economic stimulus in a generation and saved millions of jobs. Now joe biden is ready to lead us through this crisis. He knows rebuilding our economy starts with fighting the virus, increasing testing, getting more protective gear for healthcare workers and calling for mask mandates nationwide. As president , hell get working families back on their feet by lowering healthcare costs and helping Small Businesses recover. So what happens now . We elect a president who will build back better. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Its more than just fast. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. Protects your info and gives you 24 7 peace of mind that if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. Can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its simple, easy, awesome. Get advanced security free with the xfi gateway. Download the xfi app today. Good afternoon. Im lindsey riser. Breaking news as we watch capitol hill very closely today. Something you dont hear me say often on a saturday. A vote coming up to provide 25 billion of funding for the u. S. Postal service which has been turned into a political football. Democrats claim the president is using it to undermine the mailin vote for novembers election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying this just a short time ago. We will pass the bill, and it will be on a bipartisan way today. And then we will send to it the senate. And let me just say that, as i have always said, public sentiment is everything

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