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November 6th, our fourth election day in a row. Lets begin with the breaking news this morning joe biden has taken the lead in georgia. This just happened a few minutes ago with some new votes that came in. The margin almost couldnt be more razorthin. There are only 917 votes that separate biden and President Trump in this state. They are tied at 14. 4 . And as of 10 30 last night, there were just over 14,000 ballots left to count in the state. Again, we got a batch of those, so were still trying to figure out exactly how many we have outstanding, where they are, and Steve Kornacki has been breaking that down for all of you. But biden did take the lead this morning, thanks to clayton county, a democratic stronghold outside of atlanta, where the votes have been trickling in all night. This, i want to remind all of you, is john lewis country. Meanwhile, in gwinnett county, another suburb of atlanta, georgias secretary of state said last night that there were at least 4,800 votes still to be counted. We learned at 11 00 p. M. That election workers there were done for the night. Im sure theyre just as tired as we are. Its also worth noting that the Georgia Senate race between republican senator david perdue and his democratic challenger, jon ossoff, appears headed for a runoff. Perdue has fallen just below the 50 threshold thats required to win the election outright, and that means both of Georgias Senate races would go to a runoff and that those senate races will end up determining who controls the u. S. Senate. Were all going to be learning a lot more about georgia in the weeks and months to come. Lets go now to pennsylvania, though, this morning. This race still close to call. We are waiting on pins and needles for the answers out of pennsylvania. The former Vice President continues to cut into the president s lead here. Donald trump is ahead by just over 18,000 votes. But with some 360,000 votes remaining, and many from areas where biden has been dominating, the former Vice President is expected to overtake trump. More than 60,000 votes are still out in philadelphia county, where biden has been winning more than 80 of the vote. Out in allegheny county, on the other side of the state, bidens been getting more than 58 of the vote and more than 34,000 votes still yet to be counted. Go back across the state again, back to bucks county this is a philadelphia suburb. There are more than 20,000 outstanding ballots. Biden has been getting more than 51 of the vote there. Whats really important, he seems to be outperforming where Hillary Clinton was there back in 2016. Thats the numbers folks are watching. Nearly 14,000 votes still out in lehigh county. Bidens been winning there by more than 52 . Biden also flipped erie county, and that is seen as a bellwether. You can see it there up in the top western corner of the state. Trump led electionday voting by 24,000 votes, but mailin ballots pushed biden ahead of the president in erie yesterday. Its one of those counties that was a reliably democratic county but that trump narrowly carried in 2016. Looks like its now going to land back in democrats column. Joining us now, nbc news political reporter maura barrett, who is live in pittsburgh for us. Maura, good morning to you. Thank you so much for i think youve been up overnight, so, thank you for staying up late on your end to be with us way too early. We obviously just had that breaking news out of georgia, but that race remains too close to call. And the big question as we head into this protracted third, fourth i have lost my ability to count whatever day it is of this election, everyone is looking at pennsylvania to figure out if these votes are going to potentially push joe biden into the lead, and potentially put news organizations in a position to call the race for biden the entirety of the president ial race, for joe biden. Obviously, nbc news still has not made that projection, as we wait on this vote. Walk us through what youre expecting for the next few hours. We showed some of those counties on the map. Where are we still waiting on votes . What have we heard from officials about when they are going to come in . Reporter good morning, kasie. Well, what is sleep when history is potentially about to be made, right . So, we are here in pittsburgh, across the state, philadelphia. You kind of broke down the numbers that were waiting for. Election officials over and over again telling everyone to take a deep breath, be patient, and wait for these numbers to come in. Philadelphia has been kind of sporadic in how theyve been reporting their numbers. Weve seen some tricklein continuing overnight, but we have no timeline on when any more might be coming in. But like you said, just a little bit more than 50,000 votes. For context, yesterday throughout the day, we saw about 60,000 votes come in over the span of 12 hours. So, i would be hesitant to say that we get anything before midday today out of philadelphia. So, that brings us here to allegheny county, where the returns board can start looking at those remaining 35,000 ballots that need to be checked out. Remember, overnight wednesday, allegheny finished all of their mailin ballots, for the most part. The ones that remain are ones that were replacement ballots sent out to correct a printing issue that sent incorrect ballots to voters back in october, and also ones that need to be checked to ones that couldnt go through the scanners. They need to be checked by hand. So, that starts at 9 00 a. M. Today, and well see those be processed throughout the day. And you also mentioned lehigh and bucks county. Theyll get started later this morning. And so, with such a small margin that biden is trailing President Trump by right now, we could be looking at any of these counties, depending on how quickly or slowly philadelphia ultimately reports, but there are other pockets of the state that we can be looking at throughout the day to see, ultimately, where this all lands. Maura, very quickly, i feel like a lot of my sources have been declaring democratic sources that bidens going to win in pennsylvania. The Trump Campaign has mounted some legal challenges. But is your sense from talking to folks on the ground there that democrats still feel like theyre in a strong position . Thats certainly what im hearing. Reporter yeah, thats absolutely right. Democrats have noticed, as we all have noted, that these mailin ballots that are coming in are incredibly skewed for joe biden. Now, remember, just overnight, you know, this time two nights ago, donald trump was ahead by 600,000 votesish. And that was because of the inperson turnout. And as youve seen these mailin ballots come in over the past couple of days, thats obviously shrunk considerably. And so, democrats feeling extremely confident. Im hesitant to say what theyve talked about different leads that they expect to see with biden, but obviously, we are seeing as we get things coming in, they do feel strongly that he will come out ahead. All right. Nbcs maura barrett, youre doing great work out there. Stay safe. Try to get a little bit of rest, but your point about history is well taken. Meanwhile, the race in arizona also remains too close to call this morning. Joe bidens lead has narrowed to about 47,000 votes with about 285,000 ballots still to be counted. Many of those votes are in Maricopa County. As of last night, maricopa had about 204,000 remaining uncounted ballots, about 175,000 of those were mail ballots that voters dropped off on tuesday at the polls. We expect the next batch of roughly 75,000 ballots to be reported at 9 00 a. M. Local time, so thats 11 00 a. M. Eastern. The number im watching for here in arizona is 20,000 votes. If joe bidens lead drops below 20,000 votes, i think youre going to hear democrats sounding a lot more nervous about the state of play there. But if thats about where this race is, i think theyre going to feel all right. So, after taking most of wednesday off to release more results, lets go now to nevada, which remains too close to call this morning, as we anticipate more votes coming in later today. Right now, joe biden leads by a slim margin of just over 11,000 votes in the silver state. Clark county, where biden currently holds a lead of over 64,000 votes with 88 of the total count in, expects to update their total around 9 00 a. M. Local time this morning, which will include 51,000 mailin ballots. The countys come under criticism for how slowly they have had updates and injury, jo ling kent reported that the county facility can process 70,000 votes a day, but officials more focused on getting it right. County officials note that there is about there are about 63,000 mailin ballots that are still left to process. And on top of that, they expect to receive more mail ballots from the u. S. Postal service. Under state law, ballots postmarked on or before november 3rd have to be accepted until next tuesday, and there are also roughly 60,000 provisional ballots that are being processed along with 2,100 ballots that are in a more complicated process known as curing. And then there are 44,000 ballots that need i. D. S. Statewide, the nevada secretary of state announced yesterday afternoon that approximately 190,000 ballots are left outstanding with 89 of the vote in. So, we still have a lot of vote out in nevada, watching, of course, to see if joe biden maintains those margins in clark county. But obviously, of course, were holding off on a call there. Lets go now out to North Carolina, also too close to call this morning, as President Trump holds a slight lead over joe biden with 95 of the vote in. As it stands now, the president leads by 76,000 votes, and the North Carolina board of elections last updated wednesday morning that 116,000 absentee ballots have yet to be processed, and the board has extended the deadline for ballots to be received from today to november 12th, so that extends out this counting process. These absentee ballots, though, must be postmarked by election day. Counties have until november 13th to continue counting. North carolina, a state where republicans feel good about the president maintaining his lead there. Joining us now, senior politics editor for nbc news and msnbc, beth fouhy. Beth, good morning or maybe its goodnight, if if youve been up all night doing this data. But i hope its good morning to you. Lets talk about this good morning. In the broad context of whats been going on, because we did not hear from joe biden yesterday evening, after we heard from the president , who, without any evidence, you know, claimed that there were all kinds of issues with the election. I dont even want to repeat what he said at that statement when he went to the podium at the white house. But the biden team still confident going into this morning that some of what we just broke down is going to ultimately break his way. And im curious what youre hearing from them about how theyre thinking about all of this. And you know, frankly, republicans, there was some urging from the white house for, you know, rank and file gopers to get out there and defend the president on television. And were seeing a little bit of that. But im also hearing a lot of ambivalence, i would say, about whether the white house has a strategy, whether they should be doing this at all and what the appetite is for that. Yeah, thats something i really noticed, kasie, is the fact that republican elected officials and other Senior Republicans almost uniformly are not stepping out and stepping into this cause with President Trump. I mean, think about it. The people who are out there standing up for the president and, you know, echoing these claims of fraud or raising questions about how states are going through their process are basically President Trumps family and then some very close sort of personal associates, like Rudy Giuliani and corey lewandowski, who was President Trumps Campaign Manager for a time back in 2016. The silence is really kind of deafening on the right among republican elected officials. And in fact, if any of them are speaking out, they are urging President Trump to sort of knock it off and to let the process play itself out, because, frankly, you know, they may not like the outcome here, but there really isnt evidence of fraud anywhere. I mean, people are frustrated that its taking kind of a while to get through these votes, that some states are sort of taking chunks of the day off, before they then go back in and read some more ballots. Of course, were in the middle of a pandemic, and thats challenging a lot of these states. But for the most part, really, entirely, the process appears to be going just fine, except for a couple little minor, teeny glitches here and there that have nothing to do with fraud. And ultimately, were going to get a winner based on the balloting, not based on going to court. And elected officials on the republican side seem to know this, and they are doing what they can in their way to say, President Trump, please, stop raising questions about the process, let it play out, and theyre not stepping into that arena with him at all. I mean, i think its a theres nobody saying that if theres legitimate standing to go to court, not to go, take your evidence, show up, let a judge decide, if you have standing. But the thing is that, so far, if the Trump Campaign cant come up with evidence of that, theres no reason why a court would say, oh, yes, we absolutely need to look at this issue. I mean, the one thing i would say, beth, is if you looked at Sean Hannitys program on fox news last night, you saw Lindsey Graham stepping out there, you know, talking about donating to the president s Legal Defense fund. You saw ted cruz using the word lawless about this. Kevin mccarthy out there just blanket insisting that the president won the election, also on fox news. So you do have a few that are going out on tv, but i do agree with you that the bulk of them are doing exactly what you said. Im not trying to take away from what you just outlined. But can we just talk for a second about why Lindsey Graham and ted cruz and Kevin Mccarthy are all on tv in the last 24 hours . Well, certainly, Lindsey Graham is, you know, has decided that he, you know, is going to attach himself to the president at the hip and has for four years. But these guys also have political ambition. They are looking at running for higher office, perhaps, in the next four years. And fox news and the sort of conservative media world is where President Trump thrives. And those guys feel that they can do that in that bubble, in that vacuum, and you know, perform for the audience of one, you know, President Trump. So, they can sort of safely do it. So, yes, there are a couple here and there who are speaking up. But for the most part, were seeing many more republicans just urging calm and saying, lets let this go. And honestly, kasie, i would also say, we should sort of take another big step back and just say, you know, remind our viewers how divided this country is. I mean, the fact that weve got this, like, four or five, you know, states, big states, that are coming down to this tiny, little margin between these two candidates is absolutely extraordinary, and it does remind everybody that, you know, no matter who we support or what have you, the country is not together. Were divided roughly in half. Whomever is going to win this is going to leave a lot of other people very unhappy. We have a whole lot of sort of soul searching to do about how this country could come together and figure out a way to, you know, unite, to solve some of the countrys problems, because right now what were seeing is americans just sort of at loggerheads. And thats whats playing out in a big state like georgia, where were talking about, like a margin of a few hundred votes separating the president of the United States and his democratic challenger. Well, and i think all of this helps explain republicans behavior as well, because there are 70 million americans, approximately, almost, who voted for President Trump, and republicans got help from that, and in many ways, President Trump is going to be he is the present and potentially a big part of the future of the Republican Party. So, beth fouhy, thank you he pulled them across the finish line, those senators who we didnt think were going to win. He did. He absolutely did. He is the one who made them win. All right, beth fouhy, thank you so much for being up early with us after a marathon couple of days. Still still ahead, some republicans starting to break with the president over his claims of Election Fraud. Well walk you through more of the details. Plus, a lawsuit by the Trump Campaign alleges nevada voters voted illegally. Were going to show you the moment that Msnbcs Jacob Soboroff confronted them and underscored the lack of evidence for this claim. These stories and much more when we come right back. Here . Nah. Introducing the all new chevy trailblazer. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere, is somewhere. The all new chevy trailblazer. Making lifes journey, just better. To Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. In fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Uncover clearer skin that can last. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Less oral steroids. Taking my treatment at home. 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And in just ten months, more than 9. 6 million americans have been infected with coronavirus and more than 236,000 have died. Weve got some sports stories that relate to this as well. The Las Vegas Raiders are being punished by the nfl for violations of its coronavirus protocols, arising from tackle trent browns positive test last month. The team has reportedly been stripped of a sixthround pick in next years draft, and theyve been fined 500,000. Head coach jon gruden has also been fined an additional 150,000. It comes after the raiders were docked 250,000 and gruden 100,000 for not wearing a mask during the teams home opener. And the team was fined an additional 50,000 for allowing an unauthorized person in the locker room. Multiple players were also fined last month after attending an indoor Charity Event without wearing masks. Come on, guys. In total, las vegas has racked up more than 1 million in fines for breaking covid19 protocols. Meanwhile, four nfl teams adjusted operations yesterday following coronavirus positive coronavirus tests among players and staff. The houstononi texans closed th facility yesterday after jacob martin reportedly tested positive. Hes been placed on the reserve covid19 list along with two other texan players who were identified as close contacts. The chicago bears, meanwhile, have been cleared by the league to resume activities today after the team paused inperson work at their facility yesterday over another player testing positive. The Indianapolis Colts held all their meetings virtually, and four players reportedly missed practice yesterday because they were considered close contacts of a staff member who had tested positive. And the Kansas City Chiefs closed the Teams Training Center yesterday afternoon after a staffer tested positive. Defensive tackle chris jones was also placed on the reserve covid19 list after being deemed a close contact. Still ahead here, were going to dig into the president s many legal challenges as he fights to stay in the white house, including at least two that have already been thrown out by judges. Were coming back in just a moment. Were coming back in just a moment when paneras chef claes makes a pizza, he doesnt just make a pizza. He uses fresh, clean ingredients to make a masterpiece. Taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. Panera. brad apartmentsdotcom makes easier than ever. W home woman 1 how hot do you think it is . woman 2 a million. If only we had a c. Im so happy. brad apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. Frnext time try bounce wrinkleut ofguard dryer sheets. . The worlds first mega sheet with 3x more wrinkle relaxers. Look at the difference of these two shirts. The wrinkle guard shirt has less wrinkles and static, and more softness and freshness. To tame wrinkles on the go use bounce 3in1 rapid touch up spray. 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Lets remember this time when so many struggled to feel secure, and build a future where everyone can. Because when the world seems like its standing still. Thats the perfect time for us to change it. Welcome back to way too early. Judges in georgia and michigan yesterday rejected trump legal challenges to how votes are counted, while the campaign went on to file additional lawsuits in other states. In georgia, a judge denied a motion to disqualify 50 voters that a republican election watcher claimed arrived after the 7 00 p. M. Deadline on election day. The poll watcher offered no evidence that the ballots were late. In michigan, a judge denied the request to stop counting votes because it, quote, made little sense, since counting there is effectively finished and the state has been awarded to biden. The Trump Campaign also took its legal strategy to arizona, asking a judge to let it join a lawsuit that alleges equipment tabulation errors on ballots marked with Maricopa Countyissued sharpies. The Maricopa County attorney asked that the case be dismissed. The judge declined to toss the suit and will hear arguments about whether they should be able to recast them and watch them be tabulated. And in the allimportant state of pennsylvania, the Trump Campaign is involved in lawsuits seeking to stop the counting of a small number of mail ballots where voters were allowed to correct errors. They also filed a federal suit to stop the counting in philadelphia until Election Officials follow a state Appeals Court order to allow republicans close observance of the vote count. The legal blitz by the Trump Campaign and its surrogates extended to nevada yesterday with another attempt to invalidate votes. The Campaign Announced the filing of a federal suit alleging that as many as 10,000 people cast ballots for joe biden who had either died or moved out of the state. Former Nevada Attorney general adam laxalt, who is the cochair of the Trump Campaign in nevada and former director of National Intelligence rick grenell, called a News Conference to announce the suit, which is trying to stop the use of signature verification machines to check votes and require that all the mail ballots be handchecked. And remember that many nevada votes by mail at a very, very high rate. They didnt take any questions, but nbcs Jacob Soboroff, my colleague and friend, still tried to get answers. Watch this. Can you talk about the evidence . Youre claiming thousands of illegitimate votes here in nevada. Whats the evidence . You should go in and ask the question of the no, no, you guys just made the claim no, in fact, you also said theres no election observers. Theres democratic and republican election observers inside. Mr. Grinnell, former dni grinnell, acting dni, wheres the evidence of the fraud . You havent presented any evidence of fraud. Wheres the evidence . They have presented no evidence of fraud. There you have it. There was no evidence presented. They didnt present any evidence or respond to Jacob Soboroff there. We have to keep underscoring all of this as we try to cover this. This is what the president is doing on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are providing no evidence for their claims. The president s ultimate legal strategy was reinforced, i guess, by a tweet at 2 22 a. M. , where he falsely claimed that votes accepted during this period are illegal votes and the Supreme Court should decide. Again, they have to get a case that has legal standing. The Supreme Court ultimately takes up for anything like that to happen. Speaking for the First Time Since claiming premature victory on election night, President Trump unleashed a torrent of false claims yesterday, including alleging rampant cases of Election Fraud involving early and mailin voting in major u. S. Cities. As his path to 270 electoral votes increasingly dwindles, trump also blamed democrats, pollsters, and the media during 17 minutes of remarks from the White House Briefing room. And were just not going to play any of it because there were so many unsubstantiated claims. And my colleagues here, as they listened to those unsubstantiated claims, we quickly cut the president short, and there were a number of Television Networks who made the same decision last night, simply deciding not to broadcast the disinformation that was coming from the podium. And meanwhile, joe bidens campaign denounced the president s attempts to undermine Election Integrity and called trumps comments, desperate, baseless, and a sure sign that he is losing. Several republican lawmakers and governors also chastised the president s remarks, including senator mitt romney. He tweeted in part, the votes will be counted. Meanwhile, 19 former u. S. Attorneys who served under republican president s released a statement, calling trumps voting claims, quote, premature, baseless, and reckless, adding, we hereby call upon the president to patiently and respectfully allow the lawful votecounting process to continue, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, and to avoid any further comments or other actions which can serve only to undermine our democracy. Joining us now, nbc news correspondent carol lee. Carol, good morning. Thank you so much good morning. For waking up so early with us on this critical day. We are, of course, still waiting to try and call this race. Lets talk a little bit about the reaction to what we saw from the president yesterday, and particularly, when we talked about those u. S. Attorneys. But i think theres also some eyes turning to the defense and National Security communities. And i know you have so many amazing sources in those communities. What are we hearing from them about how, what the president is doing and how the process overall is playing out . Reporter well, youre not really hearing very much publicly, kasie. I think that right now people are sort of standing back in terms of current officials, youre not seeing much publicly. And i think the reason is, is theyre waiting to see if how this plays out, that theres a feeling like were getting closer to the end, and there may not be a reason for some of them to step up. But look, this is what we saw last night is something that National Security officials, state department officials, the u. S. Government has criticized from other governments time and time again. Weve seen this over and over again. If a foreign leader is coming out and saying theyve won an election that has not been completed where all the votes have been counted, the state department typically issued a statement. Sometimes the president comes out and criticizes Something Like that, not necessarily this president , but weve seen this in the past. And so, theres a lot of anxiety, but also just kind of i dont know how to describe the position exactly. Like, theyre sitting tight to see if this is going to end and if they can just move on without actually having to come out and say or do anything. Yeah. I mean, that makes a lot of sense, and i feel like im picking up some of that from some republicans as well, basical basically, the idea that, okay, if were going to get a clear result, its going to be obvious who won the election. I think a lot of them are perhaps assuming that joe bidens going to win. Underscoring, nbc has obviously not called the race yet. You would all know if we had. But that seems to be kind of the sense. And you know, i have been hearing from republicans who basically feel like, the white house doesnt have a strategy there, and its more even than them not having a strategy, its that they dont feel as though they have a path. And the president and his family are out there demanding, kind of fealty on television, and we got some of that last night from people like Lindsey Graham and ted cruz, but the rest of the Republican Party seems to be doing exactly what you described a lot of these National Security establishment folks as doing, which is just being very careful and hoping that theres a resolution before they have to say anything. Carol, before i let you go, i want to ask you about you had a piece yesterday about the defense secretary, mark esper, and kind of what his plans are. Can you walk us through, like what his state of mind is . I know there were reports before the election that President Trump might fire him. Right. What do you know . Yeah, well, that was the expectation, is that trump has been over esper for months. He wanted to fire him months ago. They convinced him to keep him on. Weve learned that esper has written a letter of resignation, basically, in preparation of leaving once this is resolved. And thats whats expected. But the interesting thing that hes doing, kasie and youll appreciate this, because it involves the National Defense authorization act, which is supposed to pass in the coming weeks is hes trying to get congress or work with congress to put in that bill. And there already are provisions in the bill, but he wants to help shape those provisions to not name to basically change the names of bases, military bases, even potentially ships and streets on bases that are named after confederate generals. This is something President Trump has opposed. Its one of the big thorns in their relationship. And so, hes trying to do this on his way out. He was trying to do it quietly. We learned about it. And its likely something thats going to further strain what is already a very strained relationship. But its really over. I mean, he is on not expected to stay on, and hell leave. But hes trying to do this one last thing that he feels like is important that the president has blocked and said he doesnt want to happen. Wow. Fascinating detail. Nbcs carol lee. Thank you so much, my friend. Its great to have you here on way too early. And still ahead here, the results of an unusual mayoral race in kentucky, and you wont believe who was on the ballot thats next. But before we go to break and i feel like i have a sense of what some of your answers are going to be, but we still want to know, why are you awake . Email your reasons to waytooearly msnbc. Com or send me a tweet kasie. Use waytooearly, and we will read the best answers later on in the show. Est answers later on in the show. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. 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Still all about the election, just a few different angles here in this deeply divided nation. Most can agree certainly i believe this that dogs are definitely better than people. So, why not elect one to Public Office . Thats what voters in rabbit hash, kentucky, actually did on tuesday. Meet wilbur. Wilbur is a 6monthold French Bulldog and the newly elected mayor of rabbit hash. He beat incumbent brinneth paltrow, a pit bull who won in 2016. Rabbit hash has a population of roughly 500 people, and they have not had a human mayor since the 1990s. These folks might be on to something. Canine mayoral elections serves as a fundraiser for the towns Historical Society. And while the election is not statesanctioned, the towns Historical Society does allow for multiple votes with each vote costing 1 and drinking is strongly encouraged at that particular poll. This years election raised almost 23,000 with wilburs votes making up 13,000. I feel like we really need to bring this to the national level. I absolutely love that. In other dog election news, the people of denver, colorado, have voted to lift a 30year ban on pit bulls. The ban was enacted in 1989 following dog attacks on a number of people. The citys Council Voted in february of this year to repeal it, but the citys mayor, michael hancock, vetoed it, citing concerns about someone getting hurt if it was repealed. And while the vote has yet to be certified, roughly 65 of residents approve the measure, requiring owners to have a restrictive license and have no more than two pit bulls per home. The repeal will take effect on january 1st. And the 2020 election seems to have underscored that Everyone Wants a little more weed. We are getting way more marijuanafriendly here. Voters in new jersey, arizona, south dakota, and montana thats a really wide swath of diverse blue and red states approved ballot measures to legalize recreational marijuana. It brings the total number of states that will legalize to 15. And in mississippi, voters approved legalizing the drug for medicinal purposes. Meanwhile, voters in oregon passed a ballot measure to decriminalize possession of hard drugs like heroin and methamphetamines in small amounts, and i believe d. C. Also is on track to legalize magic mushrooms. So, i guess, you know, all of us are pretty exhausted by the last four years that a lot of people need a different kind of pickmeup. Anyway, still ahead here joe bidens message to an anxious nation still awaiting the final results of the president ial election. Way too early coming right back. Al election. Way too early coming right back the calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. Ithe first full prescriptionis pstrength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel. Available over the counter. Voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Depend. Some people say thats ridiculous. I dress how i feel. Yesterday i felt bold with boundless energy. This morning i woke up calm and unbreakable. Tomorrow . Who knows. Age is just an illusion. How you show up for the world, thats whats real. Whats your idea . I put it out there with a godaddy website. Make the world you want. Democracys sometimes missing. It sometimes requires a little patience as well. But that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years with a system of governance thats been the envy of the world. And we continue to feel real good about where things stand. We have no doubt that when the count is finished, senator harris and i will be declared the winners. So, i ask everyone to stay calm, all the people to stay calm. The process is working. The count is being completed. And well know very soon. Joe biden in his remarks from wilmington, delaware, yesterday, as votecounting and demonstrations at vote Processing Centers continue in several states. Joining us now, reporter for the washington post, eugene scott. Eugene, good morning to you. Always great to have you here. Lets talk big picture here. We are waiting for the counts in these critical states. Its possible that today is going to be the pivotal day for this. We came on the air just as joe biden took the lead in georgia. We know were not going to be able to call that for a very long time. The lead that hes taken is in the hundreds of votes. Former Vice President joe biden with that message of calm as the president s loyalists try to get republicans out on tv, pushing the opposite message. How do you see today playing out . As equally divided as weve seen these last few days, reflecting the reality that so Many Americans view this country differently and want to take it in very different directions, making it very difficult for either of these candidates to have a clear mandate about what it is that they are supposed to do. We knew this would be close. I dont think we realized what that felt like and what it could reveal in terms of the process that goes into counting ballots. And now were seeing just how important every vote is and what can happen when people do turn out. Well, and lets just take another moment to say thank you to all of those poll workers who are, you know, continuing to count the ballots under these circumstances. There were reports that some people are focusing anger at them. That is not the place to put it by any stretch. Eugene, what do you think were going it see from republicans over the course of today as this count comes in . I mean, i think the message that im hearing broadly from elected republicans not named trump, at least in private, is that the path that President Trump has is dwindling and dwindling fast, and while they can go out on tv and talk about whats going on, they dont really want to. They think its probably not the right path for the country. Weve seen, you know, some tweets that are urging calm, because the reality is, they just dont see that the president s strategy here is working. How do you think this story moves forward today . Well, were going to see a few republicans, as we have, try to make the argument that there is still a path, albeit incredibly narrow, but they certainly do not want to come off as being on the side of these Trump Supporters who are surrounding poll workers, who, as you mentioned, are working very hard, armed, and just as weve seen in phoenix with alex jones, stoking them, angering, alleging things that are just arent supported by the facts. One of the things that the Republican Party learned from the 2000 election was that the impression of being a sore loser does not bode well for a campaign or its party when the election is all over. And this is something that the Republican Party certainly does not want to be the main narrative that voters take with them when this election ends. All right. The washington posts eugene scott, thank you, as always, my friend. We love having you. And well hear more of your take on the election and what comes next in your new podcast, out today. Congratulations on that. And coming up next, were going to have a look at the axios 1 big thing. And coming up on morning joe, as the president ial vote count continues in six states that are still too close or too early to call, joe biden has taken the lead in georgia. And while the president rants about Election Fraud, federal judges reject his campaigns legal challenges in two states, including battleground michigan, where democratic senator gary peters narrowly won his bid for reelection. Hes going to join the conversation. Morning joe just moments away. brad apartmentsdotcom makes getting into a new home easier than ever. brad apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. You can crush ice, make nismoothies, and do even more. Chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. The ninja foodi power pitcher. Rethink what a blender can do. Less oral steroids. Taking my treatment at home. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. 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Some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. Lasting remission can start with stelara®. If youve been financially impacted by covid19, janssen may be able to help. Welcome back to way too early. Earlier on in the show we asked why are you awake . We got this from mary. I believe todays the day we learn who our next president is and that Steve Kornacki gets to go home to be with his family again and get some muchneeded rest. Were all hoping he can shut his eyes a little bit. From dave, up at 1 30, slept worse than election night. P. A. Making my nervous, were watching it today. Bonnie sent her cute photo of her dog. He gets her up to watch the show. Guess who else is watching this morning . Chrissy teigen, tweeting i would vote for an alive dog over a dead guy. Dogs are just the best. I totally agree with you on this, chrissy. Thank you for watching. And joining me now, with a look at axios a. M. , mike allen. Lets talk about the axios 1 big thing which is the anger in trump world as we head into a day when its possible and we want to make sure were clear with our viewers here, nbc news has been cautious on arizona. But fox news has, and if fox calls pennsylvania they could be the First Network to call the whole thing for joe biden. Whats going on there . No, thats right, kasie. The point you have been making about the georgia vote, everything is aligned for a game change here. But kasie, were reporting incan decemberant rage within the Trump Campaign, infighting both in the white house and across the river in arlington at the campaign has people furious at each other, unhappy with the president and lashing out at fox news which they say is the root of their troubles. Of course, great irony in that, kasie, fox news which has been the president s life preserver throughout these four years, but they knew that with that call that that was a psychic change in the temperature which has turned out to be true. So the infighting. Were told that people who are both top officials and people who are appearing on tv for the president feel like theres no message. They dont know what theyre supposed to say. The president s tweets, what the president is saying as you just said in your coverage of other republicans, they know thats not helpful. Thats not the way to go. And despair that theres no field marshal, theres no general. They have been reporting about the president looking for a james bakerlike figure and we quote a Senior Administration official as saying that when an earlier republican, george w. Bush, in 2000 faced the situation, his troops were led by one of the preeminent statesman of the day james baker and they say they ruled out Rudy Giuliani, you can draw your own conclusions. Yeah. Mike, one gop operative put it to me this way. Just to underscore i mean, your reporting tracks what i have been hearing from my sources. This person told me, well get you an all you can eat buffet of outrage until how long, until cocaine mitch shuts it down. Cocaine mitch is being used in a positive way. Its not intended to be an insult so that makes a lot of sense. Lets walk through why that is, because the Trump Campaign has been using essentially a spaghetti at the wall approach and whats your reporting on it and its not sticking. Its not. When axios a. M. Pops shortly, you will see our piece about President Trumps last stand against the truth. And what you saw in the Briefing Room last night, what you have seen in the tweets, the statements, is the president trying to hold back what he now clearly knows is an inevitable tide. Hes doing it with untruth after untruth, and the big picture, the long run is that all of this undermines faith and confidence in the system. This election is going to be resolved one way or the other. But were doing to be left with much of the country doubting the system, not trusting the system, and having terrible misconceptions about how voting works and how the system works. So the scars, the damage from this, is going to be very long running. And the irony of this is the legal strategy, the legal efforts, are going nowhere. Our reporters went state by state and looked at all of the Trump Campaign actions. Some states to try to hurry up counting, some states to stop counting. You have video contrasting video, some places theyre chanting stop the count and some places theyre chanting count the votes and that really says everything about the as you say, spaghetti strategy. Yeah. You know, one thing, mike, as i have been watching how this has unfolded that gives me a little bit of hope, there had been this partisan sense that counting more votes and expanding the electorate is good for democrats and limiting the votes is good for republicans. We did see increased turnout across the board and youre right, some places that that partisan assumption doesnt hold and i am all for getting rid of partisan assumptions about whether we should count the votes or not. I mean, the fact that i mean, you know, this is how parties have done it is demoralizing. If we can come out with a unified and shared sense we should count every vote, maybe that will be a little bit of a win. Because youre right, our institutions getting incredibly tested here. Mike allen, go ahead. Quick last thought. The president is sending the opposite message. For sure thats part of why we didnt play any of what he said yesterday on the show this morning. Mike allen, thank you as always, my friend. Really appreciate it. Thank you for getting up way too early or staying up with us way too early. Were waiting on pennsylvania. It could be the ball game. So dont go anywhere. Morning joe starts right now. Good morning and welcome to day four of the 2020 president ial election. The electoral score at this hour, joe biden 253, donald trump 214. Biden has now taken the lead in georgia while the most critical state on the map, pennsylvania, is within joe bidens reach. Good morning and welcome to morning joe on this friday, november 6th. Lets not waste any time, right . Lets get right to the board . Well, willie, man, a lot of things are happening right now. Were looking at four states. Pennsylvania, of course, georgia, arizona, nevada. Both campaigns have seemed to think for some time that pe

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