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Bars for killing those five. The man accused of killing his neighbors in texas is captured after a days long manhunt. Well have the latest on his arrest in just a moment. Meanwhile on capitol hill democrats might have a plan b to raise the debt ceiling, but theyre going to need some help from the other side of the aisle. And also ahead new testimony in the civil trial against donald trump. It comes as the former president decides not to take the stand in his own defense. Good morning, and welcome to Way Too Early on this wednesday, may 3rd. Im Jonathan Lemire and thanks for starting your day with us. Well begin this morning with the arrest of the man accused of killing five of his neighbors in texas last week. Francisco was captured Last Night In The City Of Cut shoot which is about 13 miles from the scene of the murders. It ends a fourday man hunt that involved more than 200 local, state, and federal officers. This is video recorded shortly after he was arrested. The fbi says someone called in a tip just after 5 00 p. M. Yesterday evening and he was found hiding in a home about an hour later. Bottom line is we now have this man in custody. He was caught hiding in a closet underneath some laundry. The tip for the suspects location came in through the fbis tip line, and we just want to thank the person who had the courage and bravery to call in the suspects location. It was not immediately clear how he avoided authorities for days. Neither the sheriff nor the fbi gave any details about the home where he was found. They also would not say if he had any help while he was on the run. Turning to other headlines now. With a debt crisis looming were learning House Democrats are taking steps to give Congress Another option to avoid a cataclysmic default. It turns out Democratic Leaders have been quietly working on a plan b to raise the federal Borrowing Limit without any strings attached. According to minority leader Hakeem Jeffries congressman jim mcgovern whos the top democrat on the influential rules committee, has filed a special rule that would allow a clean bill to be brought to the house floor without the support of House Republican leaders. But lets be clear this Backup Option is a long shot. Every House Democrat would need to get onboard, and a handful of republicans would need to join the effort as well. Then it would need to be approved by at least 60 senators to defeat a possible republican filibuster. Now, many of the Senate Republicans were already dismissing the plan. Heres what Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said yesterday about the current stalemate and his meeting next week at the white house with other congressional leaders. We have a divided government. The american people, the president and the speaker need to reach an agreement to get us past this impasse. Thats my message going down to the white house meeting. Itll be my message in the white house meeting, and i think thats clearly the way we get to a solution. Joining us now white house and Politics Team leader for bloomberg news, mark parker. Lets first explore this back up option. Its a bit of a long shot. You have to have a lot of republicans come onboard here, but even if it were to gain some momentum is there a sense thered be enough time to get it done before the government breaches the debt limit, which might happen as early as june 1st . We spoke to the ex house parliamentarian yesterday, jonathan, just to see if this long shot were able to go through whats the earliest something could happen, and that would be june 6th, which is five days after the x date that treasury secretary yellen mentioned or put in her letter a few days ago. It would be too late. Its a gambit. Even democrats understand its a long shot as well. You would need five votes or five republicans to essentially cross over, and the caucus seems to be united around kevin mccarthy. Yeah, we cant underscore enough how little time actually is left. The house and senate only have a week or so in session between now and then, and the president is scheduled to go on a lengthy overseas trip in may as well. So a lot seems to be riding on this meeting next week when President Biden and congressional leaders meet at the white house. You know, those in the west wing ive been talking to say they feel pretty good about where they stand politically and they think theyre just in the right. This should be a debt ceiling passed, a clean lift, but the republicans are showing no signs of blinking either. Where do we think this goes . Who budges first . To your point, jonathan, its seven days in may, right, that everybody, all parties will be in washington, d. C. As you mentioned President Biden has some overseas trips. At some points the house will be out of session, at some point the senate will be out of session as well, so theres seven crucial days plus were bumping up against the Memorial Holiday Day weekend. Listen, from the folks ive spoken to at least on the republican side, they feel as though they see that the white house made this play, its an understandable play. We all saw the 15 votes in january, but now itll up being a miscalculation and the white house has to come to the table with a different hand given mccarthy was able to bring something to the table, he was able to keep his caucus together, and Mitch Mcconnell is signaling that the Mitch Mcconnell of 2011 that crafted a deal with joe biden back in the day isnt walking through the door anytime soon. Well said. Lastly and briefly most importantly the economic fallout here if the nation were to default, it would impact every american including potentially millions might lose their jobs. What about the political fallout . Whats your sense as to who takes the most blame . Well, unfortunately, for the white house the person in the white house usually takes the blame. You see americans right now laying a lot of the economy on joe bidens feet even though some of this started with the covade that occurred under former president donald trump. All right, white house and Politics Team leader for bloomberg, mario parker, thank you as always. Well talk to you again soon. Elsewhere the impact of the screen Writers Strike is already being felt. Late night talk shows shutdown production last night as writers hit the picket lines. Its not clear how long late night shows will stay off the air. During the last strike 15 years ago they gradually returned after a few months. The two biggest issues for the writers are pay and staffing. Union leaders have called this moment, quote, existential, arguing that the survival of writing as a profession is at stake. The New York Times points out the strike would have to last much longer before viewers begin seeing the effects on scripted tv shows and movies because the Production Process for those can take months or more than a year. The alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers which bargains on behalf of Hollywood Companies including comcast which owns our parent company, nbc universal, issued a statement before the strike stating, quote, generous increases in compensation for writers. Still ahead new reporting about former President Trump potentially skipping out on some of the upcoming republican president ial debates. And on capitol hill the Senate Judiciary committee holds a high profile hearing on Supreme Court ethics. Democrats want stronger rules, but republicans dont appear to be onboard. Those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. 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As polls show him currently holding a commanding lead over the competition, donald trump is reportedly considering skipping the first republican primary debates this summer. According to two people familiar with his Thinking Trump has indicated to the Republican National committee that he has no plans to participate in the first two debates. One in wisconsin, the other in california. On his social media site last week the former president questioned why he should partake when he is, quote, leading by insurmountable numbers, clearly. A source also says that trump is considering skipping the second debate at the reagan president ial library in Southern California in part because the library has never invited him to speak there. Elsewhere democrats took on recent Supreme Court controversies in a high profile Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing yesterday. Chairman dick durbin of illinois argued that a string of questionable decisions by justices that have recently come to light prove the high court needs an ethics overhaul. Durbin also took the opportunity to call out chief Justice Roberts who had been asked to testify before the committee but has refused. I invited the Chief Justice to join this conversation. Last week he sent me a letter declining to testify in todays hearing and he said, quote, Separation Of Powers, concerns, and the importance of preserving the traditional independence. The reality is that sitting justices have testified at 92 congressional hearings since 1960. Im more troubled by the suggestion that testifying to this committee would somehow infringe on the Separation Of Powers or threaten judicial independence. National, answering legitimate questions for the peoples elected representative is one of the checks and balances that helps preserve the selection of powers. It was a document that was attached to his letter. It is an extraordinary document. Not in a good way. Much of the document explains why justices think they should not be treated the same as other federal judges when it comes to ethics, and it stresses that recusal decisions are made by individual justices alone with no review of their discretion. The Chief Justices letter and statement of principles are a defense to the status quo, but they are oblivious to the obvious. But republicans on the panel painted a very different picture. Accused the democrats of using the hearing in an effort to sow doubt in the Supreme Court. We can talk about ethics and thats great but were also going to talk about today A Constant Effort by the left to delegitimize the court and cherry pick. This is a seeming effort by the Democratic Left to destroy the legitimacy of the court. Its put people at risk. Its put their personal safety at risk. And if you want to talk about the making the court a better institution ill be glad to work with you in that regard. If you want to talk about destroying the court, count me out. Supreme Court Justices say they abide by the ethics code all other judges follow, but they have never formally adopted one of their own. Lets turn now to the ongoing war in ukraine. U. S. Officials tell the Associated Press that another 300 million in additional military aid is being sent to the war torn country. The package will reportedly include an enormous amount of artillery rounds, howitzers, air to ground rockets as well as ammunition. The latest shipments come as ukraine Officials Say theyre readying a Counter Offensive against russia one set to commence once the muddy season there ends. Meanwhile the u. S. Ambassador to china says the United States is ready to hold high level talks with beijing. Speaking at an event yesterday ambassador Nicholas Burns said the u. S. Wants to develop, quote, better channels between the two governments. Nbc news, meanwhile, reports that he also said while the relationship is complicated, the u. S. Does not seek conflict with china and that dialogue would be more constructive. The ambassadors comments of course come at a time of hightension with china as questions surround its intentions on russias War On Ukraine and other areas of global concern. From accusations of setting up Police Stations in other countries to its own domestic human rights abuses. The comments mark what may be the clearest sign in a while that the Biden Administration is eager to restore a dialogue with china. Still ahead in sports game one of the much anticipated lakerswarriors Playoff Series did not disappoint. Well bring you those highlights plus a look at last nights action on the ice. Thats all next on Way Too Early. Thats all next on Way Too Early. 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Instead Anthony Davis led with a game high 20 points, and he got 23 rebounds in game one of the second round series against the warriors. The lakers nearly let it slip away as golden state used a 140 run to tie the game with less than 2 minutes to play. That would have ben a devastating loss for the lakers, but they held on. They win 117112. The teams will stay in San Francisco for game two tomorrow night. To the Eastern Conference now. The knicks rebounded from sundays loss to even their second round series against the miami heat one game apiece. Julius randall returned to the court from injury. The two of them went for 55 points in the 111105 vilktry and the series shifts to miami for game three on saturday. Meanwhile 76ers Center Joel Embiid is the nbas most valuable player. Embiid finally claiming the title after finishing as runnerup the last two years. It comes, though, as embiid is battling a right knee injury that side lined him for philadelphias last two playoff games. Its unclear if hell be back on the court for game two against the celtics in boston tonight. Philly leads that series 10. Now to a pair of second round opener in the stanley cup playoffs. To dallas, joe scored four goals for the stars last night, but yet that wasnt enough to slay the kraken. Seattle survived the come back bid to take game one in overtime 54. And less than 48 hours after that stunning first round series Clenching Win over the boston bruins, the Florida Panthers carried their momentum up to toronto beating the maple leaves last night 42 the series over there. Lets turn now to Major League Baseball and a historic debut in oakland. Cements top pitching prospect bryce miller was perfect into the sixth inning before allowing just one hit and finishing the game with ten strikeouts and zero walks. Miller joins just two others in the history of the modern era of Major League Baseball with that impressive stat line in his mlb debut. The mariners beat the as 21. Time now for the weather and lets go to meteorologist Angie Lassman for the forecast. Hows it looking out there . A little dreary, but we have improvements coming our way. Weve just got to wait a little longer. Theres the rain falling in a cup of places especially the interior and stretching into places like michigan. We also have some snow falling in the higher elevations, so well pick up a couple more inches here by the time its all said and done before we start to see things quieting down here through the rest of our next couple of days. Theres the Rainfall Totals we could get. Maybe a quarter of an inch, nothing too impressive but i know its kind of a Nuisance Rain at this point. Theres the area going to see 2 inches, up to 4 inches in the higher elevations. Nothing too impressive as far as the snow is concerned but, again, annoying. The Cooler Conditions have settled in for parts of the east. Chicago only hits 59 degrees this afternoon, 55 for philly. And as we look out west into portions of of the rockies its summer like for the middle of the country while the eastern half of the country struggles to get back to normal. Well see that continue into tomorrow. Expect 50 degrees for boston. Still running 10 to even 15 degrees below normal for some spots. Eventually well start to see things get back into the normal averages for places like buffalo, pittsburgh end up in the mid60s for friday. And as we get into sunday in new york, 73 degrees. Itll be much more springlike and kind of nice to be honest. As we look out west the low Pressure System sitting offshore, this is another stationary stagnant steal system sitting there bringing heavy rain and potentially snowfall to parts of the sierra mountains. That will start to taper off and move to the east and see some stronger storms by the time we get into tomorrow. By the time we get into friday the heavy rain will be draped across basically the Tennessee Valley and parts of the south. Plenty of sunshine out west and theres the sunshine expecting for parts of the southeast, we deserve it. And well get into the weekend with nice conditions as well and showers across parts of the southeast for saturday and then the 70s up and down the east coast and even 80s into parts of florida, jonathan. That is the news you wanted, so here i am delivering. Thanks so much. Does this mean the northeast is going to have a weekend without rain for once . It does. Were going to hold you to that. Still ahead here on Way Too Early, the attorneys for the woman accusing donald trump of rape and defamation look to bolster their case with new witness testimony. Well go over what happened in court yesterday, and well get some expert legal analysis. Well be right back. L analysis well be right back. Like my morning ride. Will it help lower my glucose . With the freestyle libre 2 system you can know where your Glucose Level is and where its headed without fingersticks. 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Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv early. Its just a touch before 5 30 a. M. On the east coast, 2 30 out west. Im Jonathan Lemire. Thanks for being with us. In the nations capitol jurors deliberating the fate of five proud boy members charged with Seditious Conspiracy in connection with the January 6th Insurrection appear to be struggling with the charges against at least some of the defendants. In just a few hours the jury will resume those deliberations. Yesterday the jury sent a note to the judge asking for additional instructions on what to do if tla cant umousily agree on all the charges. The judge sent back a note saying the jury can deliver a partial verdict and requested that they send him another note if they end up deadlocked on a specific charge. The jury began deliberating the fate of the five proud boys one week ago. In new york lawyers for the woman suing donald trump for battery and defamation are calling on more witnesses to bolster her case. E. Jean carroll says trump raped her at a Department Store back in the 1990s and then lied about it. Trump has denied the allegation. Yesterday carrolls longtime friend, Lisa Birnbach told jurors that carroll called her within minutes after the alleged attack. She said carroll was breathless, hyperventilating and emotional. Redesired Stockbroker Jessica leads also took the stand yesterday. She testified that trump assaulted her on an airplane in the late 1970s. Leads told jurors the two spoke briefly and then he, quote, Out Of The Blue decided to kiss me and grope me. Its like he had 40 zillion hands. Leads went public with her allegation in 2016 and trump denied it then telling a crowd at a rally, quote, she would not be my first choice. The trial is set to resume today, and we now know that trump will not take the stand. His lawyers notified the judge of that decision yesterday. Carrolls lawyers, however, are expected to play some of trumps taped deposition for the jury this week. Meanwhile a racially charged text message reportedly sent by Tucker Carlson to a fox news producer is providing more insight into why the cable news station fired the former host last week. Just one day before the company was set to take the stand for a billion Dollar Defamation Trial last month the New York Times reports that this previously redacted message came to the attention of Fox Executives. It was sent just one day after the January 6th Insurrection and reads in part this way. A couple of weeks ago i was watching a video of people fighting on the street in washington. The group of trump guys surrounded an teefa kid and started pounding the living crap out of him. It was three against one at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously, its not how white men fight. Yet suddenly i find myself rooting for mob against the man hoping they hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Carlson later goes onto write that he shouldnt gloat over the mans suffering, but according to the times the earlier portion of the message was concerning enough that it contributed to foxs decision to settle with Dominion Voting Systems for more than 787 million and ultimately fire the host. Other messages including ones where carlson disparaged Fox Executives and used sexist language also reportedly led to his firing. The contents of this latest message are part of redacted Court Filings and were disclosed to the times in interviews with several people close to the dominion lawsuit but have not been independently confirmed at this point by nbc news. Nbc has reached out to both carlsons attorneys and fox news for a response but have not heard back. A representative for carlson did tell the times that he had no comment on the story. Joining us now former lawyer and legal analyst. Youve been following this very closely. Give us your assessment as to what we saw yesterday. Yesterday we saw i think, john, the Me Too Movement Sort Of Come To Fruition in a courtroom, right . The reporting they did at the times is how do you corroborate a story no one saw . You go back to people that the alleged victim knew at the time, and then you also try to figure out is this part of a pattern the alleged perpetrator has engaged in . And thats what we saw in court yesterday. We saw Lisa Birnbach the first Person Carroll told about the assault and call from her cellphone. And we also heard from jessica leads who alleged donald trump assaulted her on an airplane in 1979. And thats watching lawyers take journalistic innovations and put them to work in a courtroom. Who else might the defense call this week . The defense is probably not going to call anyone this week. They have two people on their list. Donald trump is on their list, and then a psychological expert, and yesterday at the end of court we heard that the doctor is having some medical difficulties and may not be able to travel to new york, so we may see a defense that isnt a defense. And lastly lets get your take on the messages Tucker Carlson one specifically the New York Times cited led to his firing. The this something would have some appeal, you think this is justified from fox news that they decided this particular message was worthy of a dismissal . You know, this is one story. We have heard many stories about the reasons for tuckers dismissal, so i dont want to speculate what legal case if any he has against talks. I will say this is an example of what litigators like me tell clients all the time. Be careful what you say in Electronic Communications because the message itself isnt directly relevant to the dominion lawsuit but the rest of the chain is, and the rest of the chain theyre talking about their viewers belief in Election Fraud and how theyre going to thread the needle. Tuckers rant about watching this fight between happens amidst all of that. Right, its a coincidence and a bad one for him and a bad look for the network. Former litigator and msnbc legal analyst lisa rubin, thank you for joining us this morning. Still ahead on Way Too Early were going to go live to cnbc for an early look whats driving wall street this morning as investors eye the next move on Interest Rates. Well be right back. On Interest Rates. Well be rhtig back. This is rochelle, who gives you a shot. Rebecca is there when you feel not so hot. This is larissa, whos feeling glown up. And this here is winnie, who zhuzhed up their cup. This is victoria, helping women stay healthy. 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Zevo onbody repellent. People love it. Bugs hate it. Time now for business, and for that lets bring in cnbcs Arabile Gumede who joins us live from london. Arabile, Stock Futures are up slightly this morning as investors are looking aed to the federal reserves latest policy decision. What should we expect . Yeah, so there is somewhat of a recovery in the market, right . It is looking towards a recovery should i say considering how yesterdays Market Saw A Big Drop around 1 across all three of the major indices. So today really is about that fed Interest Rate hike decision. Do they continue to hike rates that are really just beyond that decision what happens beyond that. So what is the guideline for the remainder of the year . Are they looking towards a cut in Interest Rates some time later this year . A Cnbc Fed Survey has really pointed towards a drop off in those rates by at least 50 basis points towards the end of the year, but rates still to remain higher for longer, around eight months or so could certainly be the cause of concern. Another rate hike still anticipated later today. It really will be about what is expected for the remainder then of the year. Inflation still a little bit too high, but the jobs market is becoming a little tight as well. Yeah, thats worth underscoring. The decision is one thing, but really its what Jerome Powell says afterwards is what the markets are going to be watching for hints about the future. Corporate earnings season is continuing. Ford and Starbucks Reporting Results after the bell. Whatd they do . Yeah, so the ev market seems to be one ford will look forward as they continue to see losses out on that front so they maintain their guide saying that is going to be the real drag when it comes to their business unit. In fact, the company Saw A Little Bit of a loss of around 60,000 per electric vehicle sold in the first quarter. That is absolutely massive on that front. Shares were down around 2 in after hours trading thanks to Strong Demand for demands in suvs. Interest and tax thats around 3. 4 billion is what they kind of saw. They have a bit of a worry, though, when it does come to that electric Vehicle Market. How do they break in particularly on the margins. Do they have to drop down prices, do they have to reconfigure exact how it comes about. Starbucks moderating. Of course the big worry was china and its reopening. Of course china is the second biggest market after the United States. So the worry is things may get better but not necessarily as quick a rate as they have had initially. In the three months to april starbucks reported an 11 rise in Comparable Store sales, net profit jumping to more than a third to 908. 3 million, both beating analysts expectations considering revenue did rise around 14 in the period. Speaking of the electric Vehicle Market tesla has once again changed the prices of several of its models in key markets. Give us a quick sense of whats going on there. Yeah, so this is a very weird one to understand, right . Tesla having dropped their prices not so long ago now deciding to hike their prices particularly in canada, china, japan, as well as the United States. Price ranges going up by around 290 on that front. It does come off to last month chief executive elon musk had said particularly they would prioritize sales growth ahead of margins and look to profit later on its rollout of selfdriving software for a larger fleet of vehicles. So that was surprising to kind of see that news, but the market rising nearly 2 , or rather that stock rising nearly 2 in early trading on the back of that news hike at the top of its selling models for the first time. Cnbcs Arabile Gumede live from london, thank you as always. Still ahead here title 42 is ending and now the white house is bracing for a surge of migrants at the Southern Border. What the Biden Administration is doing to handle that expected influx. Way too early will be right back with that. vo switch and choose the phone you want, like the incredible iphone 14, on us. cecily on the Network Worth bragging about. Verizon age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv from prom dresses now ava to workoutsnnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. And new adventures you hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. Now as youre thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Welcome back. The Biden Administration is planning to send 1,500 active duty troop tuesday the Southern Border. This as the white house is expecting a real surge in migration when the covid era title 42 restrictions expire next week. That measure allowed the u. S. To quickly expel migrants at the border including Asylum Seekers in order to limit the spread of covid19. The additional Military Personnel will be at the Southern Border for 90 days to assist the current 2,500 troops who are already there. They will not be arm, will not use any force or make any arrests in accordance to a law that prevents the military from enforcing law within the borders of the United States. Department of Homeland Security says they will serve in a supplemental role, helping with tasks like Ground Monitoring and data entry. Joining us now nbc news Homeland Security correspondent Julia Ainsley who has been all over this story. Julia, great to see you this morning. Can you break down what the troops will be doing at the Southern Border as we just detailed some of the things they cant. Thats right, jonathan, they cant be used to enforce u. S. Domestic law. So they cant be arresting migrants or armed or interacting with them oneonone. What they will be doing is providing a support role where they could be providing supplies to Border Patrol, they could be taking in data as migrants come in and give over information that all gets processed in systems. They could help cbp understand where migrants are coming in and be able to shift resources. Basically theyre going to be doing all the Behind The Scenes jobs that some Border Patrol agent would ordinarily be doing in order to allow those agents to go to the front lines and be able to meet these migrants as they come in. As we saw in december when we thought title 42 had left when the Supreme Court hold kept that in place, we saw a number of migrants who said they could walk in because there werent a number of Border Patrol agents specifically in el paso to stop them. Oftentimes those people would end up sleeping on the street because there wasnt enough shellers or capacity to take them in. This is to try to get more Border Patrol men and women what we would say right up at the border in order to process them, take them in and make sure there arent as many migrants who come in undetect. Des steps like this have been taken by multiple administrations, and it is striking, though, the Biden White House has tried in its rhetoric to distance itself from the Immigration Policies of the trump white house. But yet this is a moment where theyre following at least some of their lead. Its true. I will draw an important distinction, though. I was at the border in 2018 right after trump had talked about caravans coming to the border. He moved down over 5,000 active duty troops, kept them there over the holidays. They were building large camps where they were based. They were hanging that very sharped razor barbed wire, trying to build barriers, and then the migrants simply didnt show up at those places. It was really a show of force. In this case maybe it might make sense to have more manpower in that area. In fact, we have seen even some republicans saying you know what, maybe its not a bad idea, although i dont think it will fix the problem, and it doesnt seem to be facing as much backlash as the Trump Administration faced for their decision to move down so many troops during that period. And title 42 expected to start next week. Well will covering that closely. Julia ainsley, thank you so much for joining us today. Up next on Way Too Early, the new strategy from the white house to guide its judicial nominees through the senate. And then coming up on morning joe, the latest on the Debt Ceiling Standoff as House Democrats prepare a plan to raise the nations Borrowing Limit without the support of republicans. Plus, live reporting from texas where a fourday man hunt is over. A Mass Shooting suspect accused of killing five of his neighbors now in police custody. Morning joe is just a few moments away. Moments away and were done. Hm, what about these . Looks right. Nooo. Nooo. Nooo. 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Welcome back, the fbi has arrested a January 6th Rioter who used to work for the bureau and who they say encouraged the mob to kill officers there. A man named jared wise was arrested in oregon on monday. Records show he worked as a Special Agent at the fbi for more than ten years. Wise was charged with entering a restricted building, Disorderly Conduct and several other counts. Authorities say he pushed for rioters to hurt officers that day yelling quote, you are the nazi. You are the gestapo, and chanting for insurrectionists to attack. A top fbi official warned after the Capitol Attack that many in the bureau were quote sympathetic to the rioters cause. Joining us now with a look at axios a. M. , political reporter for axios, alexi mccammond, good morning, what is the axios one big thing today. Good morning, good to see you. President bidens Reelection Campaign is off to a relatively slow start, and we know he just officially launched last week, but when you look at his predecessor former president barack obama and his Reelection Campaign in 2012 or his rival, donald trump, launching his campaign six months ago, bidens start has been slow in many different measures. He said he would report Fundraising Numbers two days after he launched. That hasnt happened yet. Hes hired two fulltime staffers so far. The campaign manager, one of those people isnt supposed to start until the middle of this month, and they have an interesting relationship with the dnc, the democratic National Committee which is so far kind of running this organization for the campaign, putting ads up on tv when at the same time in 2012, it was obamas Proper Campaign that was putting ads up on tv. And so all of this matters, you know, not just for the organization of this campaign, but because it gives bidens foils on the right an opportunity to attack him for his age, to say hes slowing down, that hes hiding. All of these attacks that you know and youve seen and that you know will continue to come based on his age. And certainly the lack of reporting on the fundraising is interesting. Perhaps suggesting they didnt neat expectations. Certainly at some point they do expect an official kickoff event. My money would be on philadelphia because its always in philadelphia for this guys. The president has more immediate things to worry about. Hes called an Emergency Meeting to discuss the debt limit. We know thats coming on monday with congressional leaders. From your reporting is there any sense at all, at all that either side is willing to make any concessions . Thats the thing, right, its heartening that theres a meeting on the books. That means theyre at least coming to the table to have a discussion about a potential way forward but to your point, jonathan, so far theres no indication that either side is willing to move from their positions at present. Thats furthered by this idea of how House Democrats are privately considering Something Like a Discharge Petition to be able to get it through with only 218 votes. That means they would need to convince five House Republicans to join, and some quietly considering whether and how the president should invoke the 14th Amendment to be able to use his powers as the president to make sure that the government doesnt default on its debt. Thats a legally questionable strategy, one that would be challenged and hasnt been used before, but that just shows how serious these conversations are getting now that were getting closer and closer to a potential june 1 deadline, according to treasury secretary janet yellen. So few days left where both parts of congress are in and President Biden as we have been noting is taking his planning on a lengthy foreign trip for a pair of summits later this nonlt month as well. The Biden Administration is trying to plan for a work around to get judges confirmed. Which republican senators in the white house are they targeting to try to get their people in . There was a great photo that someone snapped of senator Chuck Schumers notes where he was preparing for a Press Conference anticipating answering a question about senator Dianne Feinstein whether she would return to the senate to confirm judge, to judicial nominees. He was hoping she would be able to return next week, though that is still unclear. And in that absence and in light of that situation, folks from the white house including, you know, the legislative director, bidens chief of staff, white house counsel, and their staff have been going to the hill leveraging their contacts, working with senators, as you mentioned, not just democrats but republicans too from states like pennsylvania, michigan, connecticut, of course biden is set to announce today four judicial nominees in those three states as well as in the district of columbia. All three of them are women. Two of them would be the first of asian descent to hold those positions. Theyre worried about their ability to make that happen, and thats where these kind of Behind The Scenes negotiations are happening to try to really get that done. And a quick follow, is there a sense in the building behind you that this plan could work . I mean, look, theyre certainly hopeful they can get something done, democrats, especially with not biden being the only person directly involved, having other people from the white house coming down who have their own relationships and own constituencies but republicans are not eager to help democrats do anything that they want on their own. I think that is certainly an understatement. Alexi mccammond, great to see you this morning. And thanks to all of you for getting up Way Too Early with us on this wednesday morning. Morning joe starts right now. Hopefully were in good shape on the debt ceiling. I cant imagine Anybody Thinking of usi

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