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In the case of the assad regime, president reagans old addage of trust but verify, know that i know i think is the saying. That is a need of an update and we have committed here to a standard that says verify and verify. Secretary of state john kerry just over an hour ago. Its hard to believe that it was only two weeks ago this morning that a u. S. Military strike against syria seemed imminent, a foregone conclusion, the question wasnt if an attack would help but when an attack would happen. Then president obama stepped into the rose garden and did something absolutely no one saw coming. He pressed the pause button. He announced he would go to congress to get approval ore syria. This comes after a year after he told syrian president Bashar Alassad not to move or use chemical weapons. We have been very clear to the assad regime but also to other players i dont think that a red loin for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moved around or utilized. That would change michael can you lus. The red lean wasnt something the president claimed to draw. By saying it, the president suddenly made a major Foreign Policy commitment on the world stagech seven month later in march, these benedict of an agentsed chemical attack outside aleppo challenged the president to act. No one was really sure it was a chemical attack. It certainly looked like one. Then one year to the day after president obama made the red lean comment, these horrifying pictures emerged out of arias, another chemical attack. More than 1,400 men, women and children killed. This time this attack, these pictures of these children killed silently held the Obama Administration to respond. On the world stage, the u. S. Would be acting alone, or it seemingly was increasingly likely without the support of either party in congress. It made it notable when secretary of state john kerry opened the door to the possibility of a peaceful solution. The only thing it was, it didnt seem he had done it by deny. Is there anything at this point that his government could do or offer that would stop an attack is this. Sure. He could turn over every single bit of his chemical well ponce to the International Community in the next week. Turn it over. All of it. Without delay and allow a full and total accounting for that, but he isnt about the do it and it cant be done, obviously. In the wake of those remarks, the state department scrambled to issue a clarification that kerrys comment was mere rhetoric, not the official position of the United States of america. But in a matter of hours the russians embraced kerrys seemingly unintentional proposal which meant a that soon the white house was embracing it, too. This initiative has the potential to remove the threat of dmal weapons without the use of force. Particularly because russia is one of assads strongest allies. I have, therefore, asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path. Meanwhile, i have ordered the military to maintain their posture to keep pressure on assad and be in a position to respond if diplomacy fails. President obama has been saying for the last three weeks that his main goal, mode goal is to stop any further use of chemical weapons in syria. In the twak of kerrys comments, syria admitted for the first time that it actually has chemical weapons. Syria signed as the latest nation to sign onto the chemical weapons convention. To seen on is to clear your stockpile an allow them to be inspected and ultimately destroyed. This week the white house has been combating the notion everything thats happened was unplanned, it was an unexpected reaction by putin and assad to an offhand comment that john kerry didnt intend to make. They say it was a long time coming. They started to get traction when president obama and president putin met at the g20 in santa petersburg. No matter how it came about, its been aamazing turn of events. There is breaking news this morning, president obama and his administration are taking dramatic steps, making an agreement work not without conditions. The current discussions produced a serious plan. I am prepared to move forward with it. But we are not just going to take russia and assads word for it. We need to see concrete actions to demonstrate that assad is serious about giving up his chemical weapons. There are, of course, a lot of moving parts here with no guarantee syria would follow through on this. The betting man would be wise to be skeptical. At this time last week we didnt know syria to get rid of chemical weapons was even a possibility. We turn now to nbc White House Correspondent kristen welker. Can you tell me more about what seems to be a concession when it comes to that threat of force . Reporter hey, good morning, steve. I can. We learned about that concession during a closed door briefing with senior officials at the white house which i attended on friday. Those Officials Saying that president obama will not insist that a use of force component be a part of a u. N. Resolution as a consequence if assad fails to comply with the plan that secretary kerry mapped out today. That is a big deal because, of course the use of force issue is something that this administration has been holding over the head of assad for the past several weeks. Now, having said that, Officials Say that president obama still retains his right to attack assad unilaterally if he feels as though assad is not following through with the plan, but again, the United States acknowledging, essentially, that russia would veto any u. N. Resolution that included a use of force trigger. Instead, Senior Administration officials, say u. N. Resolution would include things like sanctions and other penality. Those details are still being worked out. It is also important to note they would like to see that u. N. Resolution passed within the next several weeks, steve. Yeah, i wanted to follow up, kristen on the time table. There is a question of the u. N. Resolution, there is the issue of basically the accounting of all, the enventory of capital weapons, the question of dismantlement of getting them out of the hand of the regime, do we have a sense of the total time table for compleens on this . We do. According to secretary kerry who stated earlier today that under this plan assad will have to list his capital weapons stockpile within a week. Then they would like to see inspectors on the ground in syria by november, beginning the process of removeing these chemical weapons and then secretary kerry said they would like to see all of assads chemical weapons removed or destroyed by 2014. That is a very ambitious time lean. Because if you talk to experts, they say that the process of removeing chemical weapons is one that could go on for several months, if not years. Remember, the will have to take pleas in a war zone. So it is going to be very difficult. There are reports that assad has been moving his chemical weapons around. When i asked for reports, they say they have a pretty good sent of where asaurds chemical weapons are. They have been tracking it over the past several years. Now i want to bring in molly from the atlantic magazine. We have msnbc terry bacon, jr. , hes from our sister site. So nothing like breaking news on a saturday morning. But as i said in the opening there, this is kind of amazing. It was two saturdays ago on this show, we were basically talking about is it 24 hours . Is it 48 hours until the missiles start flying. Now this, not some it the talk of the agreement not only the enheernt agreement the United States is stuck with russia. The United States sort of backing off from that demand of a resolution, you know, backed by force. It seems to me if all this reporting sort of is true, that question of the use of force is off the table now for if not for good for a very long time. Yeah, the pace of events has been remarkable. And the extent to which the new developments, although very unexpected, as you were just talking about, some of those things stemming from off the cuff comments, its been determined accidental diplomacy, the reaction of the russians absolutely unexpected. They are not a particularly faithful alloy and that they would reconvene to solve this terrible diplomatic dilemma for the Obama Administration is remarkable. Again, its dlimnary reporting. You can think of a lot of things that could go wrong here. Had the syrians been disperseing the chemical weapons so theyre hard to find. This is in agreement with the russians, will the syrians go along with this . She says months or years to get to the full dismantling. You think of iraq in 1990s. There was reporting they have the example on their minds. It looks like if time table here, were not talking military force for potentially yoerts. And that sound you hear is members of congress pleading a joint sigh of relief. This is something no one had expected focusing on the last week has made it difficult for lawmakers. Even ones that want to be supportive of the president or might favor this, because they are getting overwhelming response from home. Its not the war weariness the president keeps talking about. Its economics, its people feeling why are we getting involved in people not wanting to be that world peace. The other thing chris everyone the reported is how often have sanctions worked . You have seen congress being supportive of that. They dont have a lot of effectiveness. That will be the question then to follow in the coming weeks, months, maybe even years, im trying to piece together hoy we got to this point. The question everybody is trying to address i think it still holds up right now is was this a series of accidental developments, the Obama Administration responding to harry didnt say that, now he did and they did, lets go with it or do we have, is eight part of a greater design the administration would like us to say putin and obama were talking a few weeks ago. If you saw monday, john kerry makes this statement, here is this dwrd, two hours later his advisers make shower everyone knows that was an offhand remark and not meant a to be policy, as they were talking about john kerrys aids are walking us back. Susan wright gives a speech talking how weve done the u. N. Process, i was there. The u. N. Processdant work with syria. So 34ly its hard to meet a great deny the National Security adviser was unenformed. So they this was a meant a to do seems to be an exaggeration of administration. That said, go back to the original red loan comment, the president wants to make sure syria doesnt use dmal weapons. That may not happen. We are having an inspection process. Surely, the discussion over the last few weeks the world has now said we do not accept syria using nuke clear weapons. There is no desire of a strike or military reaction to enforce that. It is ultimately possible, if the goal is to not have any more chemical when ponts attack, that made up the results. So the actual diplomacy may work. If this send up with syria handing over the stock people no, military force by the United States, no casualties caused by the american, no loss of life. We heard, oh, the president s credibility is at steak, its been lost, if this is the end result and this works, does any of there apply . I think you have critics of the administration saying they sure dont look like they know what they are doing. What you said, they got the result they wanted. I think the one sort of common theme in all the president s remarks have been this sort of agonized quality to it. You could not accuse him of being eager to go to war. He was painfully, his hand was being forced, why the United States was felled 0 take this action in his view. But you would not accuse him of rushing into the fray as this sort of car kature as a warmonger. So the fact that they got the result they wanted, which is not to go to war and to have a diplomatic solution, i think those things can be true, right, it can be the case they stumbled into this, didnt know what they were doing. I think 245i have lost credible and if you lock at the polling, the trust of obamas foreign affairs. Is it all time lows . I think at the same time, people on the whole, not just members of congress are releaved. It will be interesting if those poll numbers change. We got this agreement, we got war. We got syria to hand over chemical weapons. We will do much more by this in a minute. We have one of the members of congress who was adamantly pushing for the strike. Congressman jim more ran. He will joan us next in response to this breaking news. That will be right raf this. Thanks to her double miles from the capital one venture card. Now what was mrs. Davis teaching . We said at the outset to accomplish our goal, this plan had to have transparency, timeliness, enforceability. It must be credible and verifiable. If fully implemented, we believe it can meet these standards. Secretary of state john kerry this morning in geneva. Joining us is congressman more ran, hes been an eager opponent against the military strike and is happy the president is pursuing the diplomatic course of the past week. Congressman, thank you for joining us. You heard the news, we are processing it. The outlines of a deal at least. What is your reaction to the news you are hearing this morning. Steve, this is an extraordinary achievement on the part of president obama and secretary of state kerry and they did this on their own with virtually no help from their political party. Nancy pelosi spoke up and you know a couple columnists, nick cristoff, Richard Cohen come to mind. For the most part, they were out there by themselves. They achieved something that is remarkable. They deserved extraordinary credit. The irony is they are getting no credit. Our objective was to stop the use of proliferation of this massive chemical stockpile that president assad has in syria. And it looks like we may be able to do that. Its going to be a road full of bumps and detours, but worry going in the right direction and i think that this could be one of those, the most extraordinary achievement itself of any president given the fact that they have so little of public support for what they know they needed to do. So im very much encouraged. Im very much impressed by the loadership of john kerry and barak barak and susan rice and samantha power. They really did this and if this works, it should go into the history books of one of the finest Foreign Policy accomplishments. Again, we will preface this if this works, accepting that it does you are saying we have achoefd syria to surrender the chemical stockpiles. It lab done without the us u. S. Taking military action. Are you one of the few members of congress who for the better part of the last few months saying we should launch a strike with syria. Do you take a lesson that this was achieved without taking a military strike. Do you say, hey, im glad they didnt listen to me on that . No, steve, they wouldnt listen unless there was a credible threat of military force. Thats what brought them to the table. We had to be jen when about this. We werent going to hurt civilians. But we knew how we could blow up some of his air 2350e8s. Some of his planes, some of his infrastructure without hurting civilians, substantially degrading his ability to kill civilians, syrian civilians. Its far better to go this route. We could never have been going in this direction had not there been the credible use of military force. We told him now for three years, stop this. He didnt may pay any attention. When he used chemical weapons, we said, stop this. He knew those were mere words, so they didnt make any fluvenlts when the president said, okay, you crossed the red line, im ready to use military force. Then he and russia understood it wastime to make dome. Thats why its a substantial achievement. Let me ask you, part of that, that is interesting to me is, we can talk about whether john kerry made a misstatement, whether it was intentional or unintentional. The other aspect interesting to me of putin stepping in, russia stepping in, offering this dep lo mat diplomatic track, it was going down, you had widespread republican opposition, very few democrats like you sting up saying lets launch a military attack. The fact that it was going down when putin made the decision. What do you make of that . Well, i think that they believe that the president still reserved the option to use military force and that had the Senate Passed authorization, i think they would have ignored it in the house and considered that to be sufficient support of moving forward. But, steve, i have a suspicion that this scenario was worked out between president obama and president putin when they were together in st. Petersburg. Theyre never going to tell us that. They dont want either of her to constituencys to know that. But i the think there is more behind the scones that we may never know but would be very impressed to find out about because it seems as though things fell no place much more naturally than they normally would have and i dont think this was an offhand remark by secretary kerry that got this going. I really think it was our president and president putin figuring out, this is the right path to dpochl i think president putin also understands that some of these folks in syria could represent a direct threat to him if they were to get the hand on any of that chemical stockpile. Is it your understanding based on what worry hearing this morning that congress probably wont consider any resolution that authorizes any force. This has just gone away completely for a voting issue. I dont want the congress to take this up on the house floor. This is the most Dysfunctional Congress in modern history. The last thing we need is to bring it up on the house floor. Some of our new members, i question whether they could phoned syria on a map. I hate to be so pejorative. But they dont want to be involved in Foreign Policy. They know their constituencies are adamantly opposed to it. It would go down veried bely in the house. It would be seen as a repudiation of a policy tra frankly is far more consistent with americas history and its values and principals that many people in the congress understand it to be. So it shouldnt go before the house floor and im not sure, i doubt that it will ever come up before the senate. I think we are far better off leaving it to president obama and secretary of state kerry. They know what theyre doing. I think we are far better served than sending i9 over to ra legislative branch at any point in time. Are you dismayed that more of your democratic colleagues didnt have theed a men straegss back on this issue . And how doop is the divide on Foreign Policy within the Democratic Party . Oh, boy, you bet i am. Its not just my colleagues. Theyre reflecting their constituencies. My constituency, its 93 to 7 against the president s proposal. I will speak to a liberal community tomorrow and for several days, im going to try to hold back my disappointment, frankly, because i think wove lost the sense that, you know, human lives are of value, wherever they may be. The fact that they are not american lives doesnt money that theyre of less value. But there seems to be this isolation, this trend, its not my problem, keep me out of that. Dwroe like to see that and except that i mentioned nick kristoff, richert cohn. Few people have spine up. Samantha power speaks for american progress, one of the best speeches with regard to who is america. What do we represent to the rest of the world . I think it was largely ignored. But it shouldnt have been. So im disappointed with some of my colleagues. Im very, you know, if nancy pelosi stood up tall, they deserve a lot of credit bus they know they didnt have the support of their constituency in the congress or even let alone back if San Francisco. Poor in any event 45d her 50th wedding anniversary and they were protesting on her front lawn at the same time. But, you know, they new what the right thing to do was. But in both the body of the republicans and the democrats, they didnt want to get involved and im afraid that this does not speak well for the position that the congress is likely to take in ascent chalths, so you know, im disappointed. But it is what it is. And were spoet supposed to represent our constituencies. That is a key question going forward, what happens the next time a six comes up. 23 will revisit it. Thanks, to my congressman jim more ran. Thanks for joining us this morning. I have been locking forward to this all woke. Water coming up next, we are testing our buzzers, queing up for the most exciting seven minutes in television. First up with steve, game show, quiz masters 2,000. Its coming up. The 1980s was the Television Game show. The great jim perry. At stakes. Mark de carlo returning champion playing for the 11th consecutive victory. Final second, mark falls into a tie, he forces a one question playoff. We got a tie. We have a tie. Howard, are you out of it. You cannot answer. Its between deborah and mark. An indian woman named sakeja wii a pocahontas. I still get chills. We are going to try to recap cure the magic of that moment in our own version of game show glory next. E cat appeared at th, he opened up jakes very private world. At first, jakes family thought they saved ziggy, but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. For a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. Compared to other leading brands, it has 50 more animal protein. 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The other night i got board and i found my old journal from 2nd grachltd its kind cover embarrassing, so i figured id share wit on national television. Heres taste. From october 29, 1986. I was philosophical deciding if i was if 2986. My 7yearold self wrote, i would be very wrinkly and old. I would stay in bed and not get up except for drink and food. I would do i soon. My nickname as a kid by the way was mr. Sunshine. Here is my thanksgiving entry when i watched an nfl game, i got so excited i drew a picture of it. Apparently, i was confused how many players there were on a team. I thought it was 7 open 5. The packers boat the lions, a big event. Thank god i commemorate it in my journal. There is one other entry that did catch my eye from september 19th, 1986. And it says, when i grow up, i want to go on game shows. Actually i spelled it sowes. I meant a game shows, like jokers wild and fandango and sail the century and jeopardy and Million Dollar clants of a lifetime. I spentt a pageandahalf. I was obsessed with game showss a kid. It was the fast pace, the dramatic music, the host, im not sure what it was, it was all intoxicateing. The thing is that obsession real live never went away. My first job after college wasnt in journalism. It was as a professional game show contestant. Thats what i aspired to be. My trip to l. A. With a few friends ended up being a disaster. Recently, i unloeshed it in a segment for this show which we call q. Is this a new jersey Jersey Senate candidate . Is this a new Jersey Senate candidate . I am sorry. Hes the start of the 1992 Beethoven Charles grogin. It was a special skill. Are you thinking of like that air flight . Basketball. And soccer and football. And air bud 2, golden receiver. You foe this. So why am i telling you all of this . Because we were all sitting around here at world headquarters, we realized we had to do something about this weekend show about the latest posturing on obamacare and the debt ceiling and the other stuff you heard of 28,000 times by now. None of it is unimportant what congress does and doesnt do and all these issues does matter. Its also kind of repetitive. It can get a little boring. So we decided at least for this woke, were going to take a break and turn this tweaks show into a game show. Our panelists will play. We got a grand prize, exciting bonus round. Cheesy music and an authentic microphone from the golden age of the tv game show. Stay right there. When we come back, we will play what we call quiz masters 2000. [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] 1. 21 gigawatts. Today, thats easy. Ge is revolutionizing power. Supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. Using data predictively to help power entire cities. So the turbines of today. Will power us all. 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If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. If i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say awesome. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. From rockefeller studio 3a. This is the quiz masters 2,000. Right now, todays contestants, originally from louisville, kentucky, harry bacon, jr. Another political journal allegist from denver, colorado. Molly voll. Our returning champion whose totals tally 46,000 in cash and prizes. Would you believe, she, too, a political journalist from san jose, california, christine balentofi. Right now the host of quiz masters 2,000 steve kornacki. Thank you. Ive always said that images voice puts johnny gilberts to shame. Welcome to all of you playing at home to another edition of quiz masters 2,000. Welcome to our if you contestants and she nodes no introduction, our returning champion, christina balentoni. Impressive play from you. My pleasure. I have in my hands, a series of questions. We will start with the easier ones. As we go along, they will become harder. The point values will enkrosse. The subject of todays game, it changes every week. The subject is debt ceiling, health care, politics in washington, d. C. That is going to be the subject of all of the questions in this quiz. I will caution you as i always do. Please allow me to read the full question before you ring in, if you ring in early, you will be locked out. You will also be penalized the value of the question if you do not answer it correctly. Contestants, are you ready . Yes. All right. Lets play, quiz masters 2,000, five minutes on the clock, please, hands on buzzers. We begin with the multiple choice round. Question number one, since 1940. Change has effectively improved 79 increases to the debt ceiling, an average of more than one a year. It is something they have to do to avoid a u. S. Government default. But with the debt ceiling due to hit the deadline next month, some lawmakers are questioning the default. The question for points is, what is the current debt ceilings limit, a. , there are 46, b, 16. 699 million or 16. 999le from. He says d. Perry bacon has drawn first blood. Thats 100 points for the challenger. Moving on now to question two. This is still the mustple choice round, 100 points. Conservatives staged a revolt over funding of the government, tying any effort to keep the government running to defunding obamacare. The question for 100 points, how many scheduled legislative days remain between now and a shutdown. Is it a, five days . B, 30 days . C, 365 days or d a trick question it wont ap . Christina. I cant take two answers, right. It is a is the correct answer, my prediction is they wont happen. Christina, we need a final answer. A. The champion is correct. The battle is joined. 100 to 100. We move onto the final question of the multiple choice round. At the end of the month, states will begin running their own Insurance Programs as part of obamacare. What sports Team Announced this week, what professional sports Team Announced it will be helping to promote the launch of the Obamacare Exchanges . It a, the tulsa 66ers, b the savannah sand gnats, c, d. C. United or d the columbus blue jacket . D. C. United. D. C. You noticed is the answer. We have a unprecedented threeway tie at the end of our multiple choice round. Contestants, we will now move into phase two. These are for the longer multiple choice questions. As such, these questions will be worth 200 points. Hands on buzzers, please. The next question after house conservatives staged a revolt over funding of the government, senator harry reid says he feels sorry for which member of the house . Christina . Speaker john boehner from ohio. Speaker john boehner from ohio it is. Chris christina pulls into the lead. The senator of wyoming afountsed a new bill which would require which one person to enroll in the health ens exchange. Molly. Is it president obama . It is president obama. And molly is tied on the score. That itself the confidence we look for in a quiz master contestant. Oh, we have reached the wild card moment, the video wild card, contestants, if you have been watching, you know how this is work. This is worth 300 points. We are going to play a clip and ask you a question about it. This is how congressman jeff duncan of South Carolina got the crowd fired up outside the capitol this woke. Hooer is a video. We will ask you a question after it. Guess who is in the building right behind us . All news the president of the United States is right there talking to Senate Democrats or republicans. Lets let him hear how you feel about obama care. Let him hear it. No, no, no sclnl. The question contestants the congressman talks about obamacare. What was the president in the capitol to talk about in. Syria. Syria is correct. 300 points. Christina takes the lead. These are no longer video questions. These are worth 200 points again, republican senator ted cruz of texas said this woke he would like to see the senate filled with 100 people. All of them just like a certain person for 200 points, who was that person . Zblb uho. Time. The correct answer is jesse helms. Oh my goodness. I now. We are down to 30 seconds. See if we can squeeze another question. Republican senator tom coburn says he does not want to stage a shutdown over obamacare. He wants a spending plan because it exempts some defense spending from what . For 2 humidity points, what does it exempt some spending from . Molly. Sequestration. Sequestration is correct. Mollylake takes the leadment we have time for one final question. This is like the nba, the shots in the air. We have one fine raleigh question. We will reset the stage, christina, the defending champion, fighting for her life has 400, perry you have 100. The final question is worth 400 points. Its a chance for either of you to win the game t. Question is this, sense they took over the house of representatives in january, 2011, republicans have held numerous votes to repeal, delay or defund all or parts of president obamas health care law. The question for 400 points, tell me, within two, the exact number of those votes that republicans have held . Poly. I believe it is 41. 41 she says, judges can we accept that . We can accept. That molly hob throned the champion is the if you quiz master. With the record shattering 900 points, kralgss to you, christina, it has been, i dare say it has been an epic run these past four days umm leave us with 46 in cash and prizes. With a performance like that you may be returning for a tournament of champions in a few months, hopefully, well see you back here. Perry, we do not want you to leave emtip hand, you will be bringing the home edition, fun for kids of all age, kids 12 and older, there are small parts. We dont want them chokeing. Be careful with the game, mogy, you have coasted the four time champion, we tell you it is time to take a trip to the winners circle. We dont have a winners circle. So you will stay at your podium. You are effectively in the winners circle. Will you play in our jackpot bonus round for 1,000. Let me explain how this works. Postgame shows have an actual prize budget. Our show can barely afford pastry, so i have been forced to put the 1,000 up for this i was in massive zoebt i dont want to lose 1,000, therefore the questions are ridiculously comically designed to be unanswerable by anybody but me, but you never know, if you happen to get it right, i will give you 1,000 on the spot. It will be yours to keep. Are you ready to plaf for the quiz masters jackpot . Sure. Why not . The category, we give it to you first the category is modern oklahoma congressional race history. Oh. And your question, are you ready for your question . No. Ready or not, here it comes, for 1,000. In 1994 in one of the most historic upsets of the modern era, a veteran democratic congressman from oklahoma was defeated by a 71yearold retired middle School Principal. For 1,000, i need you to tell me the name of the congressman who was defeated, the name of the retired middle School Principal who defeated him and the republican who went on to win the seat that fall. Take your time. Have you five seconds. Sure, tom coburn. Tom quoburn is correct. I need the other two. Wow. The other two . Who was the congressman that was defeated in. I have no idea. Not going to guess . I am so sorry, you got onethird, its not worth onethird of 1,000 t. Correct answer the congressman was mike synart. Principal was virgil cooper. He lost to tom coburn in the general election. You win a hat from the westerns otb pub, this was in my closet. Its been deliced. It is yours to cope. You are our new quiz master. Thank you for playing all of you. Thank you for playing at home. We will see you next time on quiz masters 2,000. [ music playing ] [ male announcer ] some question physics. Some question gravity. And some. Even have the audacity to question improbability. With bestinclass towing and bestinclass torque these are some of the bold, new ram commercial trucks built to blow your imagination. Guts. Glory. Ram. 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I figure we should debrief, decompress after that thrilling game show. There was tension back stage, christy fa does not give up the throne easily. I am defensive. You are classic in coast. Molly, the hat fits, i hope . It really is a stellar addition to my wardrobe. Molly, we found out you were on a real game show. I was on who wants to be a millionaire. I did well, i won 100,000 in 2007. Thats the meredith viera. Correct. I used all my live loins. I decarolinaed to antser the 250,000. Heres the question, tow, if you had guessed the 250,000 question, would you have been right . Well, in hooendsight, i think so, i think i had the right guess, but i was going back and forth and i realized id be crazy to do that if i went down to 50 if i got it wrong. Take the money and run. Id regret it the rest of my life. Anyway, 19 european. It was a big year. The fall of the berlin wall, the eric in San Francisco that brought it to a screeching halt. There was great movies field of droems, of course shes out of control. Anyway, known european was also the last time a democrat won the mayoral race in new york city and this year, the party appears poiszed to take back city hall. They have to get past one man, republican joe lohta. He is going to joan us next. No two people have the same financial goals. Pnc investments works with you to understand yours and helps plan for your retirement. Talk to a pnc investments Financial Advisor today. They have the same walk. Same grin. And the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] with nice n easy, get the most natural shade of you. In one step, colorblend formula gives expert highlights and lowlights. For color so true to you, they may think you were born with it. Im a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice n easy, get the most natural shade of you. And you can massage in your color with awardwinning nice n easy foam. This debate over what, if anything, over syriatime i came to a head as america paused for the september 11th attacks. The cliche is 9 11 changed everything, if you look at politics over the last 12 years, 9 11 did change a lot. The politics we are living with today. The politics that define the obama years the politics they are shaping the debate over syria. All a product of the 9 11 Ripple Effect. This is from a site called smart politics run by a political scientist at the university of minnesota, on the day of the attacks, september 11th, 2001, there were a total of 260 democrats in congress. The house and senate combined. Today only 112 of them are still there. It means that 57 of the democrats were in congress on the day america was attacked are now gone. Now, the republican side is even more dramatic. There were 268 republicans in congress on 911, 81 are there today, a turnover of 70 . Obviously, 911 Ripple Effect isnt the reason why every single one of these members of congress arent there anymore. Lets take a quick tour of the last 12 years. The direct impact was obvious right away. Months earlier, they handed george w. Bush the presidency. All the controversy about his basic claim to the presidency melted away in one unscripted moment three days after the attack. I can hear you. I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you and the people and the people who knock these buildings down will hear all of us soon. Bush says those words and his poll numbers surged to levels never before recorded. In new york, Rudy Guilianis years as mayor is coming to an end. Democrats are poised to win back city hall. Even though hes spent a ton of money, michael plume berg looks leak he will be going nowhere. He is getting plane out in the polls. 9 11, he cuts a dramatic last minute add that fall, it makes plume berg the mayor of the largest estimate before 9 11, this was supposed to be a big year for democrats. They lost the house to republicans in 1994 the gingrich revolution, you probably remember that. They chipped away at the majority ever since then, 2002 was the year that pushed them over the top. There was a republican in the white house. They were the opposition party. This means usually big gains. Suddenly after 911 opposing bush on anything turns into a huge political risk. A career killing risk. As america faces terrorists and extremist dictators, max claims he has the courage to lead. He says he supports president obama at every opportunity but thats not the truth. And that may be the most no trious company ad out of the generation. Max cleveland, a decorated vietnam veteran who left three limbs on the battlefield. Cleveland loses in 2002. Bush and republicans defy history for the First Time Since the depression, the White House Party gained seats in its first midturn. The Democratic Base grows rested. Howard doan shapes the party for giving into bush for helping to authorize the war in iraq. He briefly rockets to the top of the polls. The democratic basis is practical. They want to win to beat bush, to beat republicans. So they turn to a war veteran. Im john kerry and im reporting for duty. The politics of 9 11 and iraq are confusing. The war is starting to go back t. Fear is real, its rampant. Kerry criticizes the war. He wont apologize for voting for it. He loses. The republicans increase their strength in congress. The 16 seed is planted for the future. In one of his first acts as the official nominee, kerry has to choose a key note speaker for the convention. He opts for his partys candidate for u. S. Senate in illinois. There is not a liberal america and a conservative america. There is the United States of macro. And by 2006, there is chaos in iraq. Confidence back home is fading. Bushs numbers are collapsing. The president refuses to adjust. Stay the course, he tells americans. Change the course comes the reply from democrats. The election is a wipeout. Democrats gained 31 seats in the house. They take sick in the senate. Fine areally for the first time in a sudden years, that i have a majority back on capitol hill. That wave carries on until 2008. Bush fatigue, iraq fatigue. Itsstratus fer ec. A vote for the war in 2002 a vote cast when the politics of 9 11 were very different. It haunts her. Iraq breaks her candidacy. It breaks barak baraks in the fall to another landslide, the biggest share of the vote since lbj. Another massive wave in the house and senate. A massive wave that sets up a backlash. In january of 2009, a new democratic president takes office with massive majorities in the senate and the economy in freefall, economic anxiety puts it in a fiery mood. That means in the 2010 midterms as republicans gained 63 seats in the house and six in the senate. A landslide not seen since the truman days. In that election 2010 marks the end of the 9 11 Ripple Effect. The point at which our politics start to stabilize. They stabilize with the republicans owns the house, democratss clenging to the senate and the democrats in the white house. There are no seismic changes in the 2012 election. That order is upheld. A recipe for gridlock, incredible frustration. Its an arrangement convenient for individual members of congress. Stability means they get to keep their seats. Thats the backdrop for the syrian debate. We know the incredible human and financial cost of iraq of afghanistan and of how our leaders responded after 911. Our leaders rnl the elect tractortrailer chaos that all of that unleashed. Maybe that has something to do with why so many of them have been looking at syria and using a word we did not hear much after 9 11. No. Anyways, shifting goers here, bill deblasio was youll over the news with his big win. You might not have heard he still has the when the general election in november. No democrat has done that in 24 hour years. The republican running against him is joe lohta. He will join us live next at the table. Ry. Im not yellin. Nobodys tackling anybody we got absolutely. I dont think this was such a good idea. Im on it. If we cant secure the quarterback center exchange. Youre doing a great job, coach. Well theyre coming along better than i anticipated. Very pleased. Who told you to take a break . [ male announcer ] want to win your own football fantasy . Just tell us. Then use your visa card for a chance to win it. Ju t tell us. Ive got something for you too. announcer fancy feast delights with cheddar. A meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. Now available in the classic form she loves. Fancy feast. The best ingredient is love. Joe lohta captured the nomination for mayor there week. Yes, there are enough republicans to hold a primary. It may have a lot of you asking joe who . There were lively characters this year, which made it that much easier to overlook on the republican side. Republicans believe he is the right requested to extend the losing streak that now stands at five elections. Lohta has been linked to some of the biggest names in new york politics. He started as an investment banker and rose through Rudy Guilianis ranks and served democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo as the director of the metropolitan transportation authority. The city was credited with the Mass Transit System after last year. Lohta launched a bid for mayor and became the republican nominee on tuesday. It looks like he will be facing bill deblasio in november. Thank you for stopping by. Steve, great to be here. Let me ask you about the general election. We set it up. There is this amazing democratic losing streak in new york this is a 6to1 democratic city. It hasnt elected a democrat since 1989. I got to tell you, i look at whats happening right now where bill deblasio, it looks like he will be the nominee. It was a lopsided victory. He seems popular with the Democratic Base, the 6to1 Democratic Base in the city. I just look at it. I say, this has got to be the year democrats break through and end that streak. Tell me what you will do to make that assumption wrong. Well, steve, new yorkers are very independent. Its not the lost 20 years, it goes back to 77 when koch ran. He had the New York Times endorsement, was clearly in first place. Mario cuomo was in that race. Mayor bean was an independent mayor at the time. Ed koch water either fourth or fifth in the polling. He zoomed ahead. Heres y. He went out to theboros, the ed koch we all knew as mayorment rolled up husband sleeves, took off his tie and said im going to be able to educate your children, im going to be able make sure the garbage gets picked up every day. I will make sure your children get educated. Most importantly for those people in queens, im never going to forgive when it snows and gets picked up. Thats what resonates with new yorkers. Being mayor is different than any type of job. You impact your constituents life every single day. When we walk out of our gar apartment and see garbage in the street. We think, what is our mayor doing about it . What is the message . In a city like this, all things being equal, the democratic nominee will get the benefit of the doubt. When you look at the message bill deblasio is running on the basic thing thats resonated is this sense it is a time for a break from michael bloom bemplth its been 12 years. Hes running the idea of a clean break, afternoon among voters with a favorable view, they say we want a clean break from it. Your message seems to be one more of continuity, the progress will be jeopardize if we go with bill deblasio. I have not been saying that at all. I have been talking about change as much as bill deblasio. I do believe we need change going forward. Others say you will be the fourth term of bloomberg or 3rd term of rudy july yaevenlt i said, no, thats not the case. We need to have a more open government. Nfths and decisions are being made at city hall an pushed out through the five bo ross. We need to hold town hall meetings. We node to go. Mike the communities, the way stop and frisk was handled. It was handled by centralizing the information and explaining what the Supreme Court allows Police Officers to do. We got to go back to a government in the city of new york where the mayor listens and makes decisions. I want to go back to stop and frisk in a minute. This week, you sort of had your back and forth with deblasio as the two nominees. You were talking how he would jeopardize the progress, which means Rudy Guiliani and 12 years of Michael Bloomberg. What do you mean by that . We had a surjens in the city. There is a radical stand where i stand and bill stands. Bill wants universal prek. Joe lhotaments universal prekt. Knee jerk bill said was we need to tax more. Each tax would raise 500 million. It is a lot of money. Its less than 1 of the entire city budget. When i was city budget director in the early 90s, i used to find 4 rand 5 savings every year. So the mayor and the speaker at the time were able to fund new programs. I will do that again. I will hire a budget director that will do what i did and my successors did and find better ways to do it without cutting programs, were making the government more efficient. Mimal block berg said he is not intending to endorse anybody in the general election. You said, you are fine with that. I wonder, wouldnt it be helpful to have the endorsement of Michael Bloomberg . He is out there attacking bill deblasio. Wouldnt it be helpful if joe lhota should succeed as mayor . I am very happy he is staying out of the race and will be ncht as he said, he wants to continue gosh. Ing the government. There are things i agree with the current mayor on. There will be things i dont agree with the mayor on. You get an endorsement, you feel awkward saying something against that person. I now have the liberty to run as free and clearly as possible. Im difficult. Im not a politician. I find the idea of endorsements a diversion away from the issues we need to talk about. Who stands next to you is nowhere near as important as what you will do as mayor. Speaking of an issue, 80 of the people stopped in the stop and frisk are black or hispanic. 50 of the new york residents are. Is that an appropriate policy, number, those numbers make sense to you . Are those numbers okay with you . Look, this is what i said before, the communication was not there. Whether on the city hall or nypd side. Ray kelly tried to explain in various speeches in harlem where he basically said you dont look at the general population statistics. You look at where the crime is and those areas where there is crime. Then you look at the description of the assailants given by the assailants of who is there. Then you go about it that way. Thats the way to look at it. I am absolutely opposed to those numbers are okay with you ten . Its not the numbers that are okay. Here, the numbers that were put forward in the court case, not by the city, by the other side opposed to stop and frisk. It said that 90 were in compliance with the Supreme Court. 5 had forms werent properly filled out and 5 were deemed wrong. They looked at it as racial profiling. There is no place in the city of new york for racial profiling. We should have a situation where anybody who is stopped, questioned and frisked, there has to be a legitimate reason for the suspicion that caused that. Just because you are walking down the street and are you a person of color, just because you are walking down the streets, your pants may be a little askew or anything that, is not a speshs reason. We talk about the communities where stop and frisk is prevalent. Their relationship with the Current Administration the bloomberg administration, with the new york police, it seems very strained right now. I remind me of what the dynamic was when rudy gel anywas, you were in a number of positions. I think new yorkers generally look back at the guiliani years. There was a lot of progress in termsf increaseing crimes and quality of life. There is no doubt. At the same time they look at them as a needlessly pulverizeing figure. When you look back at the lessons you can draw as mary, what do you see as the biggest shortcomings as mayor . Whats the biggest shortcoming overall . I think the fact that he left office and people didnt recognize how many lives he saved. Certainly on the voters side. , no, no, no, to understand, im not going to get into this situation. I dont want to be tagged with saying im a continuation of guiliani or bloomberg. What i want to talk about is what i will do different from both of those guys. Thats the most important part. I am joe lhota. This will be the first term of joe lhota. What is important to get across in all this, probably without a doubt ply greatest strength and my weaks . I talk to everybody. I make it a point to do it and i will do that as mayor. There wont be anybody i wont talk to. There wont be anybody that i will exclude. Im not going to necessarily listen to them. Ill make up my own mind once i listen to anybody who wants input into any decision will lhota, new york mayors tend to take on a giant personality and role in this country and globally. Do you think thats appropriate for a new york city mayor to have such high stature, especially given bloombergs gun debate, for example . I grew up in new york city. I have been stunned that they have a Foreign Policy, every ethnicity and nation in the world is represented here. People speak 123 different languages in the city. It becomes almost natural. We have parades all summer long into the fall, upcoming is the columbus day parade, which will be for italians, the pulaskiin day parade for pollacks and slovac. All countries of the world are celebrated here. I think that forces the mayor to have a Public Policy position. Mike bloombergs position on guns which he funded is the right one. The reason why people are being kilgd in the city of new york is because of the legal guns coming into the city of new york. You and i can go to virginia right now, jump on a train, buy seven handguns, come back on the train, come back to new york, sell them for four to five times the price. We have to deal with how guns are coming into the area. This is different from a lot of the National Republicans. Voters in new york city, i think there are a lot of voters who look at anybody with an r they think of ted cruz, rand palm. Give us a sense of what kind of republican you are. Did you vote for mitt romney . Who is the last democrat . Have you voted for a democrat . I think Mike Bloomberg when i voted for him. One he a democrat at one point . Before he ran for office. You are probably right. And you have like another thing we talk about like this aversion to this city to National Republicans is the coke brothers, david coke this week. We have news one of the coke brothers will be funding ads on your behalf. Are you comfortable with having that association . A couple of things, i am different. I am very progressive. Whether on the issue of choice for women, whether its the issue of samesex marriage or marriage equality. I have been for. That i have a very libber taern streak that goes through me. I actually believe the role of government is not to tell us what to do around what not to do. We as individuals have to make up our mind as to what we want to do. I am at odds, there are rooms within the Republican Party that i would not be allowed in. In fact, i will probably be excluded because of my social views. Those are my views. Im not going to change one way or the other. David coke, i have no idea that he was starting this incident expenditure organization that one of the newspapers started talking about. I will tell you that whats interesting is that he is also pro choice. He is also opposed to hes also in favor of saik samesex marriage or marriage equality. Hes a fiscal conservative. Hes trying to get rid of obama they said he voted for obama at 82 last year. This is one of the guys taking the lead, lets derail the obama domestic agenda. He is putting money behind you getting elected as mayor. He doesnt want a democrat. I met david coke one. I have nothing to do with the independent expenditures. As long as the Supreme Court says its a freedom of speech issue. Whether its democratic expenditures, which there were multimillions spent in the primary with the antiqueen campaign, the various different organizations that were put together to poke, you know, the other candidates. Its a freedom of speech issue. You got some notoriety because there was an incident here in the subway in new yorki a few weeks ago. There were a couple kittens found on the tracks. They ordered the train stopped. There is the kittens. The candidates were asked, would you have stopped the trains. You were at the mtas. You were running the train. You were the one who said, no, i wouldnt stop the trains. I probably know about the subway system having run it. There are thousands, literally thousands of pets on the new york subway system. They dont get killed. Why . Because when they hear the rumbling of the train, they jump as far away as possible. You say those cats would have been safe. I would never in a million years ago i grew up with dogs and cats that i would want to see them die. At the saimt same point, we held up the trains on both sides for two full hours, people are getting to work. The power was shut off. Airconditioning was shut off in the subways. The enconvenience is beyond me especially knowing that i didnt for one second believe those kittens would be harmed. You saw how they were running around on the tracks. When they hear that rumble, they dont only run, they go the ochs, they get out of the way. Okay. This issue has attracted an incredible amount of attention. I wanted to make sure to ask about it. We want to thank you. We have about two months left in there company. Thank you for joining us. There was a recall election in colorado this week that i think dealt a serious blow to congress doing anything on gun safety. Maybe the head of americas leading Gun Control Group will lead me to believe im pessimistic. We will talk to him. Thats next. Fire, fire, you can take me higher take me to the mountains, start a revolution hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution brandnew season, keep it in motion cause the rhyme is the reason break through, man, it doesnt matter who youre talking to [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. The allnew nissan versa note. Your door to more. We are the thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnighters. And the ones who turn ideas into action. Weve made our passions our lifes work. We strive for the moments where we can say, i did it we are entrepreneurs who started it all. With a signature. Legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. And were here to help start yours. To severe plaque psoriasis. The frustration. Covering up. So i talked with my doctor. He prescribed enbrel. 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The next day, we sprayed febreze air effects and led in real people. Id say it was very pleasant. Flowers everywhere. Oh [ chuckles ] febreze did a really great job. Impressive. Febreze air effects eliminates tough odors for good. And try febreze stick refresh. Designed to stick to eliminate odors anywhere. Simply click, peel off the strip and attach to surfaces in your house. Febreze stick refresh, another way to breathe happy. House speaker john boehner, what story this week might have brought the speaker to the brink of tears . Its spectacular speculation, consequence, we will talk about it ahead. [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant ho ho ho for a strong bag that grips the can. Get glad forceflex. Small change, big difference. A National Push for stricter gun laws took a step back this week as they failed to target two colorado senators. Gun activists are angry over new gun restrictions enacted by colorado democrats. Most shocking of all was the defeat of a second state senator who appeared to be in much less danger near heavily democratic district around pueblo, she was recalled by a 12point mar jen. The vote in Colorado Springs to recall morse was a bit closer. Small donations from pro gun control advocates poured in as did very large checks from the likes of new york city mayor michael plume berg, ahead of mayors against illegal guns. In fact, pro gun controlling advocates ended outdonating local gun groups by a 61 margin. We heard a lot about the 90 support that exists. In the wake of the sandy hook massacre in new town, connecticut, a few americans want small measure. Support like that and a whole lot of money to fight this weeks recall election, how on earth did morse and rowe end up getting kicked out of office . We have the executive director of mike block burgs group, mayors against illegal guns. Maybe you can pick up that basic question. We always have that 90 statistic when it comes to background checks. We look at money that poured in there. Nobody thought both were going to lose. They both lost. What happened out there this we week . I ask correct you about. That when you look at what happened in election, very often the best judges and analysts are those who are involved. If you talk to senators morse they will tell you you cant ban high magazines with a major manufacturer done the road without people being angry about that. But the background bill had overwhelming support. The reason they stumbled over one being so active in colorado is if you happen to be a democrat. This was your dream session. These senators have to suffer a marriage bill and drivers license and in state tuition on dwoumt u documents from colorado. They raised taxes to pay for a Recreational Marijuana law and they passed clean energy legislation, which is frankly why the coke brothers were there. This is a complicated election, the people most angry and want to throw the bums out, they have advantages, i think more importantly be senators. I think thats what happened. I give you that. Ed the complicated. There are other issues put out there. I think the bottom line, to me, i look at this. I think this is something that will have longterm ramifications. I think to later this year t. Talk has been the idea of reintroducing mansion to me, the background checks bill. Bring it back around if oneyear anniversary of the sandy hook massacre, basically shame us into coughing up those extra few votes. Im thinking of the votes who were holdouts this spring when it went down, heidi highcamp, a democrat from a rural pro gun state. When anybody comes to her at the end of the year and say its the oneyear anniversary, we need to do something, its just background checks. She will look at john morse and say my god they did something that polls very well we went to the voters with it. It came out a lot differently. I have a couple responses to that. The first thing is, let me bring it back to policy. The background check law has been in place for exactly slightly over two months in colorado. In that period, 28 people who are so dangerous they are legally prohibited from owning guns were stopped from having them. People in colorado know it only takes one. The second thing i would point out is there were a fair number of senators in the United States senate who took a vote many thought would be tough and voted for common sense background check reform bill. If you look at their polling from pair andrew to kay higgin to john tester in wyoming. They are doing fine or better than before. Arizona and New Hampshire are pro states, they thought lets hang out in colorado. This bill will save live, people who are not felons or domestic abecausers will keep getting guns just as they are today. But it will save a lot of live, i think everybody will be fine. Let me ask you this. We are talking in the wrak of the colorado thing, people on your side, gun controlling advocates being on the defense, having to explain why you failed to protect these two senators out there. Is there a particular law maker, is there a particular politician or race thats on your radar where you think you can turn the tables, where you can make somebody who voted against, who refused to support background checks or Something Like that. Where you can make them pay in the polls, you can say, do have you somebody on your radar right now can you tell us about . Oh, in a word, yes. Dozens. The slightly longer answer to that, i wont make it much longer, i dont think we want to telegraph our strategy is anyone who has run a campaign will tell you every election is about itself. You cant extrapolate too much. Would we rather have won five out of five instead of three out of five . Sure. The big difference between today and one or two years ago is that two years ago, nobody would have taken this on in a very pro gun state and over the past six, nine months, six or seven states have strengthened their gun hows. Theyre saving lives, not damaging the Second Amendment at all. More will do so over time. Be you the nra has owned these contests for a generation. We have only been involved relatively recently. Already, the victories are accelerating. Were having defeats. We are big girls. Your group spend a lot of money on these recalls, your side, are there lessons learned, strategic lessons you will Carry Forward until the next time this happens . Well, sure, we learn from every contest we are in, if you asked me would we do anything differently . I dont know whether we would. The mayor contributed some money. Folks in colorado spent it the way they thought best. The lesson here is that recall elections are tough and they present, you know, obstacles to incumbents that are nigh in super bowl because the only people who get involved in elections generally, especially in recalls that are off cycle, low turnout by definition are the people so mad they want to throw some bums out. And the coke brothers were really mad. People who dont like civil unions for day people are mad. The gun people are pad, too. Its hard to overcome that. This is one of the more conservative districts in the country. Its blue collar and rural. How do i know that . I was growing up in beth of those districts. You have also had some legislative successes big gun control bills passed in california, maryland, some other states. Are there areas where your group is looking to effect change legislatively, forget the elections for a moment . Oh, sure. First of all, we will continue to be focused on the United States senate. We came a couple votes short in the senate and congress, be i the way, also can barely reauthorize the violence against women act and cant pass a farm bill. People thought we would do there after the nra has sort of owned the field, we are kidding ourselves quickly. At the state level, we also have our sights set on a number of other states, where there are clear majorities who think that a background check, which take about two minutes, it doesnt stop anybody, law abiding, is the most effective thing you can do to stop crime, also the politics that are pretty good. Im talking about here. Im thinking there is another test for the gun control sight in the same state, in colorado. Its the governor who pushed for an signed these dealsment we will see how this issue shakes out there. Mark, i hope we can have you back to talk about that and in the senate as the years go along. Thank you for joining us this morning. Speaker john boehner struggles to mane tain control of the house. Maybe. Just maybe, hes on his way out. Thats next. 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Were not simply saluting history. Were making it. I think the sub theme of todays show is stuff i found in my closet. This is something i ordered on ebay a couple weeks ago. It has quickly become one of my better possessions. George went is the actor on cheers when oneil was the speaker of the house. He made an appearance on the show. Tip oneil is from cambridge. Its sort of his hometown of boston. Tip oneil is one of my all Time Favorite characters. Cheers is my all Time Favorite show. It aired in february, 1983. It was a year later tip oneil kind of screwed up in a big way. It was early 1984. He let it slip to a New York Times reporter he was thinking of retirement. Walter mon dale the democratic candidate. He said if mon dale lost, he would serve one more term as speaker and retire. Well, it was a huge story. It kind of made oneil a lame duck. Mon dale did not go on to win. He lost to reagan in a 49state landslide, which meant a that oneil stayed on as speaker for the more years with everyone knowing he was on his way out. It wasnt the worst thing in the world. It wasnt ideal for tip oneil either. I thought of this, we are seeing reports another House Speaker john boehner might be eyeing the door long before his term. The Huffington Post cited sources close to boehner last week who suggested the speaker is ready to hang it up after the midterm elections. One of the chief reasons, there is so much disgruntlement with him on the right, he doesnt want to risk being deposed by his own party. Beaner insists this is idle speculation. Maybe it is, hey, isnt that what they always say. Lets talk about beaner. We threw it in the form of a game show. He has to manage the House Republicans through. There is two outstanding issues, the potential for government shutdown, the node to pass a bill to fund the government. You also have got the debt ceiling and House Republicans basically screaming at him saying if you dont use this to defund obamacare, the white house and democrats will never go along with, are you a traitor, disloyal, all these things. Im asking myself the same question i have been asking myself since 2011, why does john boehner want to be speaker . I think he always wanted to be speaker. My understanding is he liked the job. Hes not particularly an ideological person. He is the author of the no tell behind the biggest intervention with schools. Working with teddy kennedy. He is a moderate guy. I think he likes being speaker for that. His goals are not the tea partys goals. On some level, it would make sense if he is not speaker. The Tea Party Members are wary of boehner, its like paul ryan or someone they think is a try conservative that was a speaker, the president could talk to that person and think they represent the congressional percent boeh ner has to check to defund obamacare. The republicans said, no, not good enough for us. Boeh ner, tip oneil, oneil was leading the democrats. Boeh ner does not lead. He is led by them. Why not telegraphing whether you are going in being honest allows people to understand where you are coming from. From the president s perspective, hed much rather deal with john boehner or conservatives for that reason. They fell they can have a discussion even though everything blew up when they were trying to come to this grand bargain. He is never going to act knowledge what his future plans r. Part of it is if he would have wanted to get some big deal done on immigration reform, he could have done it a long time ray go. This is sort of the other part of that. Right . He can get through something the democrats would put on the floor. Thats something we have been waiting for. Its sort of the suicide option. He put it on the floor. You. Et the big achievement. You are thrown out by your party . Or your popularity ratings go up. It was an amazing moment in one of John Boehners press conferences, he announced he was pulling this plan with cantor that was supposed to allow them to defund the obamacare to continue and the government would not shut down and the tea party revolted and he had to take it off the table. So a reporter said, do you have an idea what you will do next . He said, no, do you have an idea . Theyll shoot it down anyway. An amazing moment. Next day report in the New York Times he is talking to democrats, because he is so fed up with his own cauticus, that goes to the people he can potentially reason with. So that may be the next step is boeh ner trying to make something happen. What is wrong with telegraphing, i would agree, what it does is it puts everybody on notice that, hey, its time to get behind your successor or the successor should be lined up. The assumption is eric cantor would be the next speaker. Is that a valid assumption to make . You seen the power plays really since the tea party came to washington. Thats what a lot of this dynamic is all about. Really, boeh ner has shown, any time he punished these tea parties, these guys got thrown off committees that were prominent. They actually fund raised off that and made that a badge of honor. They have been sticking their thumb in his eye for more than a year zplchlt that assumption is not valid. Eric cantor will succeed john boehner. I think if paul ryan, these others are more. Cantor has become a of the leadership, part of the group that the Tea Party Groups dont necessarily trust. If paul ryan wanted to be speaker, he could be speaker tomorrow. Maybe he doesnt want it because he doesnt like that kind of fund raising and that kind of thing, but one of the sort of true conservatives wants to become the speaker, they can be the speaker. With cantor, same question with boehner. Besides fulfilling a lifelong dream to be speaker, have the gavel, the title, the perks, maybe its a car, he would have the same exact issues john boehner has had. You have tea party ranks in the republican side that defines themselves in opposition to the republican establishment. This debate rages in washington of does john boehner have an impossible job or is he just bad at it. Fundamentally unanswerable, but part of why hes there right now is because of this sort of attempted insurrection against him was so disorganized. There were a Record Number of votes against him, and yet they didnt all vote for the same opponent. And there wasnt anyone stepping up and making an actual overt power play even though we heard about this stuff behind the scenes. Cantor has poisoned the well of a lot of conservatives, not only what he did this week, working with boehner to come up with this plan that the tea party saw as an attempt to pull the wool over their eyes but back in 2011 on the debt ceiling he saw himself representing the conservative wing. He doesnt have the trust of those anymore since hes been more loyal to boehner. Its an open question whether anybody wants this job. The one thing ill wait for, this year, the 30th anniversary of tip oneill and cheers. Well look forward to that. What do we know now that we didnt know last week . I know i didnt lose a bet. More after this. [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when. [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the allday relief of two aleve for six tylenol . Whats the catch . Theres no catch. You want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol . No. For my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. We are the thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnighters. And the ones who turn ideas into action. Weve made our passions our lifes work. We strive for the moments where we can say, i did it we are entrepreneurs who started it all. With a signature. Legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. And were here to help start yours. Time to find out what our guests know now that they didnt know when the week began. Molly . A, hybrid drives, organic milk drive, hipster brooklyn ooit brooklynite the the probable next mayor of new york city. Well learn more about him as he probably becomes the democratic nominee for mayor. Harry . You know about the 25 million american who is will get Health Insurance under obama care, but washington had a great story this week, 31 million americans will still be uninsured after the law is passed. Most are undocumented workers but a lot live in the 21 states not expanding medicaid and 31 million is a big number. Christina . Brian lizza has a great story in the new yorker this week. Whats great in it is these five sentences that explain exactly how the tar sands work and how this pipeline would happen. I learned more about this issue than id ever learned just reading that one paragraph. I read it, too. A really good piece. A quick one in here. If you follow me on twitter, if you follow theres something called the up pastry plate on twitter. I had a little bet with them the last few weeks about whether Eliot Spitzer would be successful in his comeback attempt. I bet no. I forgot what the stakes were in this thing so ive decided im just going to brag on nation that will television that i was right and up pastry was wrong, but still delicious. Molly, congratulations on winning quizmasters 2000. Christine and tony, you were great. Thanks for getting up today. And thank you for joining us at home. Tomorrow, the iowa steak fry, book deals and more. Weve got your how to run for president guy thats coming up tomorrow. Well also be taking a look at the legend of billie jean king, how everything has changed for women in sports since she took the court in the battle of the sexes 40 years ago this month. Dont go anywhere. Melissa harris perry is up next. The deliberate president. With the moves president obama is making so openly about syria are telling us about the leader he really is. Stick around. Melissa will be here in just a minute. See you tomorrow morning at 8 00. Dvair, im breathing better. So now i can help make this a great block party. [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. 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Plus the new republican plan to let millions go hungry. And the one group of people whose Life Expectancy is on the climb. First, a major breakthrough in the showdown over syria. Good morning. Im melissa harrisperry. We have news to bring you this morning of a Major Development in the standoff over syria. A deal reached in geneva, switzerland, after three days of negotiations

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