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Im jose diazbalart, first on the rundown, the escalating number of measles cases on the growing debate over vaccination us. Its turneding into a political firearm storm. Chris christie made comments yesterday saying parents should have some choice on whether to vaccinate their kids. His office later clarified saying he believes children should be vaccinated. Now rand paul is weighing in and so is Hillary Clinton. Former secretary of state tweeting the science is clear, the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Lets protect all our kids. A reminder were not talking about 102 confirmed measles across 14 states. Lets bring in casey hunt in london and benji is in washington. This erupted after you asked the governor about the measles vaccine. Whats the latest hes saying today . Reporter Chris Christie is just wrapping up a meeting of the chancellor. While this trip was supposed to be about Foreign Policy yesterday the focus on the measles in america. Touring a company that makes vaccines. But he ended up injecting himself into an american debate as measles spreads in the u. S. I understand that there are families that in some cases are concerned about the effect of vaccinations. The science is pretty indisputable. There arent are you telling parents to get your kids vaccinated . You should get your kids vaccinated. All i can say is we vaccinate ours. I also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice. Thats the balance that the government has to decide. Senator rand paul weighed in too. Did you just say that most vaccines in this country should be voluntary . I guess being for freedom would be really unusual. I guess i u dont understand the point. I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. Im not arguing they are a bad idea. I think they are a good thing, but i think the parents should have some input. Christies office was quick to walk back his statement saying with a disease like measle ls theres no question kids should be vaccinated. It pulled the focus away from the planned messages and photo ops, touring cambridge. Paying his respects at the American Cemetery and meeting with david cameron. These trips can help build Foreign Policy credentials, but so far christie hasnt talked much Foreign Policy. Whats the role of nato . Im not going to get into that now . Even as youre here in the uk . Even as im here in the uk. Christie didnt leave politics at the waters edge. Cameron wants to accelerate a trade. President obama supports it, but christie says thats not good enough. Reporter christie is heading home tonight, but not before he takes in a rehearsal of henry v where there are some students studying. Casey, thank you. Benji, i want to bring you into this it conversation. You write that christies runin with the issue may go back much longer. What did you find . I talked to an antivaccination activist in new jersey yesterday who says that during the 2009 campaign for governor Chris Christie met with her and fellow activists to discuss their concerns at the time they were arguing there should be fewer mandatory vaccinations. Christie sent them a letter, which she provided to me saying he stands with them and acknowledged that some of the Autism Community were concerned about the vaccine issue. He never said theres a link between vaccines and autism, just to be clear about this. But its clear hes been dealing with this issue for awhile in terms of the antivaccination movement. Its worth pointing out that in 2009 there was less attention on this issue and some other candidates including John Mccain Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were called out at points during their president ial campaign for even hinting that the science was not settled on this issue. Its very settled. Theres no danger there. Casey, Hillary Clinton sent out a tweet supporting vaccinations saying, grandmothers know best and rand paul also getting in the fight. Whats the political calculations here . Hillary clinton has been picking her political spots very carefully. She hasnt stepped into too many debates. When she does, shes been using twitter. That shows you how safe this issue is for her. Shes approach inging this basically from a general election perspective at this point. She has no real primary opponents. As for republicans on the other hand, youre seeing this pop up in a way as all of these potential candidates are thinking about waging a primary campaign where they are going to have to appeal to activists and those right wing libertarians that rand paul in particular is listening to. When you tweet, theres no followup questions involved. Benji, the Research Center says in 2009 that 71 of both democrats and republicans think vaccinations should be required. By last august that number increased to 76 for democrats but decreased to 65 for republicans. Why is this now becoming a political issue . Theres been Interesting Research on this topic. It turns out that antivaccination is something spread by this kind of hippy left and wealthy west coast enclaves theres no particular ideological colation. Theres people on the right and left that disagree with this. But i want to be very clear about something here on the science since just having this debate can make this issue worse in some ways. I talked to top research from cornell, columbia and the university of pennsylvania three of the top medical schools in the country, about pauls comments, all of kmem them were unanimous that the science is settled. Theres been Exhaustive Research and you should not be worried about vaccinating your kid. You should be more worried about your child getting a disease. Thats an important point. Its a good way of concluding it. The question is whether it should be mandatory or voluntary. Theres just proof that there is no side effect to these vaccines. Benji and casey, thank you. Were going to have more on the Measles Outbreak and vaccination debate throughout the rundown. Were going to talk to a doctor later this hour. And theres a hearing on effectiveness on capitol hill. And this vaccine debate is a vibrant one across social media. I want to hear what you think. Weigh in on our Facebook Page. And on twitter as well. And now to more winter weather, a large swath of the northeast is dealing with dangerously bitter cold temperatures this morning a day after an additional foot of snow in some parts. It was another tough trip to work for many with flash freezing turning roads into ice skating rinks. Some highways turned deadly. 15 deaths were reported linked to the latest storm. Residents struggling to dig out say they have had enough. I think its too much snow and it keeps coming and coming in a very short time. Lets go to boston for the very latest. Weather channel meteorologist jim cantore is. First it was the snow and now its the ridiculously cold temperatures. Reporter were 15 to 20 degrees below average. Its in the Single Digits. If im not facing the sun here its cold. My face is getting cold here. The big problem is the amount of snow we have had. In the last seven days in boston, we have had over 40 inches of snow. A yearly snowfall in boston on average is 43 inches. So in 7 days we have almost had a years worth of snow in boston. Theres no place to put this stuff. The other thing is its not melting with these cold temperatures. It also isnt melting. Behind me logan airport. Thats the tower there. Once and awhile youll see a flight take off. A big difference from where we have yesterday. We had 55 of all the outbound flights cancelled. Today were down to 20 . Really the issue is the aircraft. We have to get the aircraft in. Yesterday the mayor encouraging everybody to use mass transit. Now we are having big problems especially with the trains. A lot of the trains are not working this morning. We have seen some of the lines freeze up as well. We have some big problems here in boston with all this snowfall. Its not going anywhere. The pattern is not changing. Theres going to be another three to five inches on thursday. Another big snowstorm here on sunday and monday. So we are right into one heck of a winter here across the northeast and specifically new england. Worcester has had 77 inches of snow. Thats twice what they get here in boston. Jim cantore, thank you. Good to see you. Lets bring in bill karins. We were just talking about the possibility of more snow in the future with these bone chilling temperatures. Did you see the trash can . The only thing left was the little top. Incredible stuff. Mountains of snow. Look at that. Thats not even piled up. Thats just the way it is. Lets get into this. This storm is gone. The storm that just got done was historic in chicago, detroit and boston. Jim mentioned why it was historic. Another widespread 1 to 1. 5 feet. The windchills are cold. They are not alone. Much of the country is bitterly cold. The warm january that huh you had a distant memory. Kansas city down to 7 degrees windchill and even new orleans at 34. 44 windchill in orlando is not fun. The other story we have going on, a lot of kmoisture is going to stream into the west. We have a plentiful amount of rain. Whatever term you want to use, were finally getting a beneficial rain. Thats good. But eventually the storms are do go across the country. The next batch of snow were going to be tracking will be coming down in the northern plains. Thats throughout tuesday night and tomorrow. By the time we get to wednesday and wednesday afternoon, that comes to the east coast. Jim did mentioned the possible storm sunday and monday. That one could be one of the ones that goes through the midwest, redevelops ask gets stronger for new england. As we mentioned, its so cold that none of this is melting. So were in this pattern, were stuck in it doesnt look like were getting out of it any time soon. Were just Getting Started on this it tuesday edition of the the rundown. Lawmakers are getting ready for a budget battle. They take up the president s 4 trillion plan. Republican congressman Shawn Duffy Duffy joins me after the break. And shug knight set to appear in a courtroom after an alleged hitandrun. Details on this case coming up. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow. Its more than just a meal its meow mix mealtime. With great taste and 100 complete nutrition, its the only one cats ask for by name. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. 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Let me bring in shawn duffy, a member of the budget committee. Thanks for having me on. Thank you, the president calls this plan practical and nonpartisan. Is that what this is . The president knows we want a historic majority in the house and just won the senate. We didnt do that by selling the American People on the fact were going to raise taxes and have a slowgrowing economy. Were going to talk about the budget tr a couple days. Then the house and senate are going to put together a proposal that actually is going to work towards balancing our budget. As you know the budget though it raises trillions of new taxes, it never balances. Thats a real problem for us in the house. We think we should be on the course to balancing the budget and making sure we leave off the next generation with a set of opportunities that are just as great as we had. Im wondering if with this large budget are there things in there that you feel you can Work Together on to maybe get something that will be beneficial and something that the country can see as a bipartisan work that comes through from you guys . First off, hes proposed all these new taxes. We have historic revenues coming in who never brought in this much money. The economy is starting to grow. So to think were going to increase taxes, we believe thats going to tamp down growth and put families back to work. As more revenue comes in we can slow the growth of spending. And thats one of the key templates that can bring us to a balanced budget. With the president saying im going to raise taxes and never balance, its going to be hard for us to find a bipartisan solution. Thats why the president s proposal is a proposal we talked about. Were going to pass a budget for the American People. The president does talk about closing some loopholes. The inheritance tax, taxing inheritance that wouldnt be considered maybe necessarily a tax, but would benefit the middle class. Tax reform is that we should restructure the whole code. Take out the deductions that have been put in it there for generations that have been put there by people with powerful lobbyists in washington and start over. But taking some one offs the president and his proposals of increasing taxes are one of the reasons why so many corporations are doing these inversions finding foreign partners to buy them. We have one of the highest tax rates in the industrialized world. Lets be competitive and lower our taxes and make america competitive and put our people back to work. Thats the engine of opportunity. Coming out with new tax increases over and over again and never balancing the budget is not a way for bipartisan solutions. The president knows that this is going to be a big dud over here in the senate and house. This was not an olive branch to work with us. He knew he was going to get pushed back. I want to switch topics to something a lot of people are discussing. You and your wife have seven children. Do you agree with scott walker that our children should be vaccinated . For me, i want that to be my choice as a parent. I know my kids best. I know what morals and values are right for my children. I think we should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do. The community might say if you dont want to vaccinate your kids, you cant send them to school. That may be fair but we want to make sure we continue to let parents make the decisions for these kids. Its a slippery slope when we have the state getting so involved with our children. It may be. But heres a thought. I have two little girls. So im worried that what about someone in in my daughters class that decides not to give vaccines to their child. Then they get something and pass it along to my kid. In other words dont we as a community and a society have a responsibility to protect our children and your children as well. Which is my point. Your community might say if you dont vaccinate, we cant send them to public school. How many sicknesses i have gotten from my kids going to school and coming home with colds and flus. At some point we have to say, listen, lets give control to our parents. I can choose to vaccinate my kids but i hate to have more state control over what i do with my children. Not everybody is a great parent. Not everybody cares as much as you do. A lot of parent who is are smart, well read, they are some of the ones choosing not to vaccinate. Often times those who may not be as well read they are vaccinated. So to say you have a bunch of crack pots choosing not to do with their children thats not true. You have well read parents choosing not to make this decision. I vaccinate my kids on both things but sometimes i say this might not work for me and my values and my family. Lets not have the state come in and start being repressive and telling us how to raise our kids. Congressman, thank you for being withme, appreciate your time. Hearingings beginning in 40 minutings. Well have an eye on the action. After the break, well zoom through the top stories. Shug knight is not the only trouble with the law. Warren sapp arrested in phoenix. What hes accused of, next. You wouldnt do half of your daily routine. So why treat your mouth any differently. Brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. Complete the job with listerine®. Kill up to 99 percent of germs. And prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. Complete the job with listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Also try listerine® floss. 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He admitted involvement in the act of prostitution but denied the assault. Nfl network has terminated his contract. Writings and photographs from rosa parks is set to open tomorrow on her birthday. Among the artifacts is her president ial medal of freedom, a postcard signed by Martin Luther king jr. And a recipe for pancakes. Man scripts and photos were in warehouses since her death in 2005 but were purchased by Warren Buffetts son last summer. Next up, new pictures of fidel castro are released. Ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will join me after the break. Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . 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Also this morning for the first time in five months, were seeing new photos of the former leader of that regime fidel castro, in photos released by the state run newspaper. The images show castro with a University Student in a meeting that reportedly took place on the 23rd of january. I want to bring in new jersey senator bob menendez the Ranking Member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Good to see you. Ahead of this hearing, how do we balance our policy from what well hear on the hill u this morning . Its Pretty Amazing they have to come to the United States to speak freely without fear of being arrested for their views, but thats the reality of castros cuba. I think the focus of todays hearing is going to be what do the cuban people get out of this deal . What new openings for human rights civil rights democratic openings, Free Expression exist in the agreement wib think the answer to those are clear based upon the fact that not only some of the 53 released and rearrested but over 50 activists were arrested on december 31st as they try to come together in revolution square to talk about their vision for a new cuba. The other side of that discussion would be that for 54 years nothing changed in cuba with the embargo being in place, with people saying its not beneficial for the United States to deal with that regime. 56 years have been exactly the same, maybe its time to try something now and maybe by hearing the american voice and by letting the americans have a seat at the table, things could change. When they didnt change for 56 years. Well the first thing id say to that is for that same period of time for 50some odd years the European Union, canada, latin america have engaged cuba and the castro regime has not been more democratic. If anything its become more repressive. It has allowed enormous amounts of money to continue its Security Apparatus that represses its people. In cuba everything that we see owned privately in the United States is owned or coowned by the castro regime particularly the military. So all that engage. Ment is fuelled money for the military to repress its own people. Lastly, based upon the regimes latest statements, for example, i was reading the press accounts today that said castro said there can be no normalization if we dont stop helping human rights activists inside of cuba. We dont accept that from any country, any place in the world. I dont know why wed accept it as it relates to cuba. On the subject of iran, you along with nine democrats september a letter to the white house giving the president more time on sanctions, yet you have been critical of the administration on this issue. What changed . Well look there are now 12 members who have signed that letter. The reality is is what changed is we just simply wanted to give the administration the time that it asked for. It said that it would have a Framework Agreement by march 24th. So we are ready to withhold until march 24th the legislation is poised to move forward if there is no agreement. The Banking Committee in a strong bipartisan vote of 184 already released the bill to the floor, and so well wait to see until the end of march whether or not an agreement can be had. If so, the sanctions will be unnecessary. If not we need to move forward to make sure that iran doesnt march towards nuclear weapons. Senator, thank you for being with me. Now to a followup on an amazing investigation we brought you here last month from florida. It led to this headline. The u. S. Has no idea how many fugitives cuba is harbor inging. That comes after the paper found more than 2 billion had been robbed from american businesses and taxpayers by cubans for over two decades. Theres not a whole lot we can or have done about it. I sat down with one of the investigative reporters behind that report and started by asking her how do we not have any record of how many fugitives are in cuba right now . We have an extradition treaty but it was suspended after castro came to power, so prosecutors and investigators dont funnel their requests to washington for extradition because it takes a lot of paperwork. We really dont have a good idea of how many are there in cuba wauz because were really not asking. Its something i asked the secretary of state when i spoke to her when she returned from her trip to cuba. He said they have had some cooperation on a case by case basis. Did you find that is this playing a factor into our change in policy . I think they certainly do want to have fugitives returned and on occasion cuba has given back child kidnappers or pedophiles. But thats on very limited scale, maybe a handful of fugitives over the years. As you know there are Many Medicare fraud fugitives over there. Theres people that have left after stealing from Credit Card Companies and doing marijuana trafficking and we are not asking for those people back because, again. Our prosecutors feel its futile to do that. Going forward, i think they will be pressing to have more people returned. Lets talk a little about that. Your investigation in your newspaper has done an extraordinary job. One of them is 2 billion worth of american taxpayer money stolen by cubaens who come to the United States and then return to their homeland and live free and clear with all this money they have stolen from us. Yes exactly, we found this has been going on for two decades where people are using the cuban adjustment act to enter without having to have a visa. If anyone else comes and here imlegally, if they are caught they are returned to their country. Cubans are allowed to stay and that makes it easier to come and do these kinds of crimes and if the Law Enforcement starts to come down on them they can flee and its only 90 miles away from here. So people can leave easily escape to cuba. And they take all that money with them and living free and easy right there on the island. Thank you for being with me appreciate it. Thank you. My conversation from the sun sentinel. Still ahead, the medicine behind the vaccinations debate. Were joined by an expert here to talk about the risks and concern oefrs vaccines. If i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing ive learned is my philosophy is real simple American Express open forum is an online community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make Smart Business decisions. If you mess up, fess up. Be your partners best partner. We built it for our members, but its open for everyone. Theres not one way to do something. No details too small. 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And remember, you only take it when you need it. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. In just a couple minutes, house hearing on vaccine effectiveness will get underway on capitol hill. Health officials were initially set o to testify on the flu season but they will also be facing questions about the Measles Outbreak. Key leaders will testify from the National Institutes of health and centers for Disease Control and prevention there on capitol hill. This morning the cdc reports at least 102 confirmed cases of measles in 14 states with the latest in santa monica california. A dozen infants in a daycare are under quarantine after one confirmed to have measles. Dr. Marti, what a pleasure to see you. I just had this discussion with congressman duffy about vaccines whether we should or should not vaccinate our children with everything that is out there to protect them. Lets talk about measles. How dangerous is this potential . This is an incredibly infectious virus. Its so infectious that one infected person typically infects 15 to 18 susceptible people. How is this transmitted . Through the air. Cough on somebody . Cough or sneeze but it can travel 50 feet in the air. Worse than that if im in this room and youre not here and i have the measles and i leave and you come in two hours later, you can get the measles. Its still in the air. It stays in the air. So heres the question. I have two daughters and part of the process of having children is deciding how to protect them. And what vaccines to give them. We decided to give them all the vaccines that doctors suggest eded. Some parents think it should be a matter of choice. Are there things we should be choosing and other things that the risks outweigh any of the benefits of not doing it . You have to look at each individual child and what their background issues are. So if some individual children because they have some kind of underlying disease may not be able to take a live virus such as the measles virus, but. The vast majority of children should get that vaccine because the infection is something you really dont want in your child . Wasnt this eradicated in the United States and much of the western world . It was partial lyly eradicated, almost to the point of being eradicated in the year 2000 in the United States and europe. But because of how some misleading information, actually false information got into. The popular literature people became fearful of vaccinating and the percentage of people immune dropped down to the level that the virus, a wild virus introduced from areas not eradicated can start an outbreak here or in europe or wherever. If my child is vaccinated against measles and another kid in her class does not have that vaccine and gets measles, will my kid get measles . Theres an incredibly small chance she could get a mild form of the disease because its such a contagious virus. The vaccine will protect you no matter what it will protect you from the complications of the disease, which can be fatal and it can also include like swelling of the brain and pneumonia, horrible things you dont want your child to get. Youre at least protected from the major complications. Its good to have you back, thank you for being with me. I want to know what you think. Were also going to be hosting a twitter chat about vaccines. Well be taking questions at 1 30 eastern time. Tweet us with msnbcchat. You can reach us in all our different social platforms on facebook and twitter. What do you think about the issue of vaccines. And overseas the u. S. Is talking about possibly shipping lethal aid like missiles and drones to the Ukrainian Military as it fights rebels. If the u. S. Goes ahead with the plan, it could set up a fight with Vladimir Putin. It could also tip the balance in a conflict thats killed more than 5,300 people. The white house wouldnt rule anything in or out at this point. The president s view continues to be that this Administration Needs to be continually assessing what our strategy is to further isolate the putin regime in russia. To convince them to reevaluate their strategy in ukraine. All this comes two days before secretary of state john kerry heads to ukraine to talk all of this over with local leaders. Michael cay is a former british officer, good to see you. How you doing . Good tell me about the pros and the cons of arming the Ukrainian Military. Josh earnest pointed out, this goes become to what is the involvement of russia here and putin. If we look at the economic landscape over the last six months, its not been great. We have seen oil tank the stock markets tank, we have seen inflation go through the roof and we have seen Interest Rates go through the roof. On top of that the economic sanctions that the European Union and u. S. Have been laying over russia it doesnt put them in a good place. Unfortunately the secondary effects of that including sanctions take a long while to take effect. So what do we do . I have always said that the military is the blunt tool of diplomacy and Foreign Policy, which is what were now starleting to have complications about. When we apply these strategies using military force we have it to look at what the consequences are. We know at the moment that the ukrainian rebel leader is now looking to recruit up to 100,000 fighters. He has 18,000 at the moment. Contrast that against the Ukraine Forces at 230,000, the big thing for me is how will the recruitment be affected because the russian separatist rebels are getting a lot of that from russia. In terms of arming the rebels, we have to look at how that might effect the recruitment. Theres no point in fueling it with military hardware if its just going to compound the problem of bringing in more fighters from russia. The last thing i would say on this is whatever the u. S. Do must be in line with what europe do and she doesnt want to use force at the moment. There has to be consistency from that aspect. I want to change subject beps just got word that three french soldiers were attacked by a man with a knife. This follows more terror arrests in france. What is this antiterror fight stand in france . We have to take a wholistic approach at this. If we look at isis in terms of what makes them a threat, theres two components. Theres the ability for isis to infect the world and therefore recruit. They do that through the ability to harness global media. We have seen that through the u. S. And hostages that have been taken over the last year. They do it through social media. They do it by leveraging disenfranchisement. They do it by spreading toxic messages and harness problems as well. Thats the first aspect. The second s aaspect is governance. In syria the supposed capital of the Islamic State is is left to thrive there. They can train and operate in that region without being contested in any way at all. Theres two areas in which we need to wholistically in order to counter the threat that isis is emerging at the moment. Those two areas for me is important. Michael cay, thank you. After the break, a school once under water after Hurricane Katrina is now at the center of a new program meant to bring more books to classrooms. Well talk about the new program, adopt a school, Going National today for the first time. Well be right back. Why do i cook . Because i make the best chicken noodle soup. Because i make the best chicken noodle soup. The rundown welcome back. A major push to put more books in the classroom, part of the united way to boost literacy. The club connect adopt a school is being expanded to Elementary Schools across the country after a successful run at 15 pilot schools. Bring in Brian Gallagher who joins me from new orleans where theyre launching this initiative. Pleasure to see you. Great to be here. Tell us about the program, it is new, going nationwide. It is. We know if kids read at grade level in third and fourth grade, they have a much better chance of transitioning to middle school and getting to high school and graduating. This is a program that puts books in schools, Title One Schools that have a majority of students from low income families, and their access to books and other resources is a big problem. So this is an effort to get books and other resources in those schools across the country. We are saying you had a pilot program, 15 schools. Tell us about the results. The results are fantastic. Whats key about this it is not just actually getting books in the classrooms but it is connecting volunteers from the community, donors from the community, to connect with parents, teachers and kids. So theres books going into the schools but also something called Oasis Centers that have Computer Resources and theres a website that all of the parents and kids get access to that has Education Support material as well as entertainment that quite honestly draws kids into the site. Brian so important to let our kids know the importance of reading, just that concept, give your kids the importance of reading. How can we all get involved . Theres a couple different ways. We actually set up a crowd funding site that allows people from anywhere in the country to support any Title One School where we are working, United Way Club connect. Org. You can go there, connect with your local united way or go to unitedway. Org and we will connect you with a school as a donor or volunteer to help kids learn. Brian gallagher, thanks so much. Appreciate your time. Thanks jose. As we take a turn on the rundown, a live picture of the capitol hill dome. There are so many live events going on Senate Hearing on cuba policy, house hearing on measles, a News Conference from Speaker Boehner to name a few. We will take you through it all. A story getting buzz. Hear from the detroit man that walks more than 20 miles to work every day. Thats coming up. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. At first we were protecting networks. Then, we were protecting the transfer of data. And today its evolved to infrastructure. Finance. And military missions. Were constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Want to know how hard it can be. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells,. You can get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Sfx blowing sound. Does breathing with copd. Weigh you down . Dont wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. Welcome back to the second hour of of the the rundown. We begin on capitol hill and very early five things. In this thing, five congressional hearings getting under way right now. Look at these boxes. It is not purely about politics or talking about the same things youre talking about at home. Hearings on National Security measles, cuba, two hearings on the budget in the house and senate. Plus Speaker Boehner will have a News Conference any minute. Kelly odonnell on capitol hill kris jansing, and kelly, good morning. Good morning, jose. What are we hearing from republicans as far as how theyre planning to address the president s Budget Proposal . Reporter the president s budget was not met with flowers and cheers when it comes to the republican side of things. Thats to be expected. Many democrats say they have the right priorities but the republicans say the president is spending too much and is not putting the focus where they believe it needs to be although theyre pleased he wants to lift the sequestration when it comes to department of defense. Many republicans have been concerned about Budget Constraints effecting the pentagon and how the country can be in a state of readiness, given all the troubles in the world. I think one of the things youll find is congress looks at the president s budget any president , and sees it as simply that opening invitation to say these are the things that the administration cares about, and congress will look at it differently. Real concerns about how to get Government Spending under control. The white house says the economy has improved. The job picture improved. This is the right time to spend on infrastructure and trying to get money to the middle class through tax relief and things like that so those competing priorities will play out. Republicans will look at this with a harsher eye and democrats say the president got it right. And over to the white house, nbcs kris jansing, good morning. The Administration Knows it is not going to get everything. Whats on the president s must haves . Reporter i think kelly is absolutely right, this is an opening bid, right . This is where we stand according to the white house. Let me show it to you. This is the actual budget which is very sort of and a half igable. And the appendix this is like 1600 pages. The analytical perspective. Havent gotten to volume three yet. What it does do is layout ground work for where the republicans and democrats differ. What could work. Lets look to your question jose, infrastructure theres probably not a member of congress who doesnt have a road or bridge project in their district. Infrastructure would be good for everybody they think. They have to figure out how to pay for it. Expanding earned income tax credit for the working poor. Paul ryan supports that. Again, the question how are we going to pay for it. That might get traction. And kelly mentioned this more defense spending although while Congress Holds the purse strings, the president has the veto pen. He may try to use that to get more domestic spending. Lifting of some of the sequestration restraints. Nonstarters, something the president wanted very much. Taxes on the wealthy and corporations that would pay for some of his projects and also money that would go to a larger immigration reform. Look the white house wanted more money for education, for child care all those things he rolled out in advance in his state of the union. For republicans, the bottom line is very much about balancing the budget, so again there you have that push and pull. But a few things where both sides believe they can and should try to make some progress. And kelly, theres also a hearing happening now on vaccine effectiveness. One of of the things we have seen with congress there are Times Congress can be very responsive to an issue effecting people in their everyday lives. That can happen through hearings. What was to be about the flu outbreak, a problem we have seen around the country, flu can be deadly and has many victims this season, theyre also responding to the Measles Outbreak by bringing the head of National Institutes of health here to talk about whats happening. The vaccine debate comes to congress. This is one of those ways when while something is happening in real time worry in peoples lives, concern theyre dealing with, congress can bring together experts, get some of that information out there. Thats what we are seeing unfold today. Kelly odonnell, kris jansing, thanks for being with me. Appreciate you both so much. Good to be with you. Bring in msnbc amanda is a couple a covering the hearing on cuba. What is senator rubios goal in this hearing . Good morning, jose. We will hear testimony from Top State Department officials, cuban dissidents. This comes as the first high level talks between the u. S. And cuba continue for the first time in decades. This is an opportunity for senator rubio to come out hard against the Obama Administration policies. It is the first time he has opportunity as chairman of the Senate Subcommittee to have that platform, a notable place and position of power if he ever considers running for president ial office. One issue to really Pay Attention to today would be whether or not they bring up the cuban adjustment act. This offers brought protections to cubans able to make it to u. S. Soil. Senator rubio has been a critic for quite some time now, he argues that the policy is outdated and rampant with abuse. So weve seen an up tick of the number of cuban arrivals. The coast guard has said theres been 117 increase in the number of cuban arrivals in december. And they attribute it to president obamas announcement and thawing of relations between the u. S. And cuba and that there are fears that people believe that this policy will soon come to an end. In many ways those fears are well founded. If we do hear any of this talk today, this will be a chance for senator rubio to come out, come out strong. Obama administration has said they have no plans to change the new policy or existing policy. This is a chance to keep the momentum going, particularly since we have up tick in the number of cuban arrivals. Amanda there are going to be government officials testifying an activists in the island that are saying things that would get them arrested if said in cuba. Exactly. This will be a big hearing today, especially since we saw the images of fidel castro coming out today. This is likely to really garner a great deal of attention and focus on policies moving forward as the u. S. And cuba does continue with high level talks. Amanda thank you so very much for being with me. I want to go live with the images you see on the screen of the hearing thats just getting under way now on capitol hill on the situation in cuba. Take a look at that. Look at all of the different hearings going on measles, cuba budget two on the budget in both the house and senate plus Speaker Boehner holding a News Conference any minute. We are keeping a very close eye on all of these for you. So much ahead on another jam packed hour of the rundown. We are going to hear from Speaker John Boehner, due to speak live at any moment. And active discussion about ukrainian soldiers battling back. Is the u. S. Ready to take a bigger role . Struggling to dig out in boston and much of the northeast getting blasted with arctic cold temperatures. Theres more to come. Going to tell you about the next two winter systems that could dump more snow on the northeast. We and im peaked in high school rob lowe. 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Is the United States prepared to send weapons to the Ukrainian Army . Thats the question defense Officials Say is being discussed now. Here is why. Take a look. Russian backed rebels have been selling civilian areas. Take a look at that like this in Eastern Ukraine for months. Attacks blamed on both sides killed more than 5,000 people. Now the u. S. Is trying to figure out whether to do more to help Ukrainian Forces who have been outgunned so far. No one knows how russian president Vladimir Putin would respond. I dont think anybody wants to get into a proxy war with russia, and that is not the objective. Our objective is to change the behavior of russia. An expert on russian relations and professor in the International Affairs program. Pleasure to see you. Thank you. How do you think putin would respond if the u. S. Starts arming the Ukrainian Military . Not well the russians already said that ukraine is not going to win this war militarily and if the United States starts sending those lethal weapons, russia will only up the ante and the war may not even be a proxy war any more it may turn into something much more tragic for europe and the United States because maybe the whole continent, european continent would have to be involved. Thats why, for example, german chancellor Angela Merkel said the Ukrainian Army is out of the question because putins response would be probably very very nasty. So the other side of the coin is let ukraine be taken over by russian supplied weapons and russian trained folks. Well stand by and watch it. Thats also the extreme. Of course more than anything they should be very reasoned and very meticulous, very detailed negotiations the russians because there are certain things that putin wants. For example, he wants crimea recognition, part of it was annexed by russia in march. More than anything putin wants some sort of agreement on that. Putin wants federalization of ukraine. Putin wants basically whats happening on the ground today is that putin wants to really up the ante again with the larger amount of troops and more rebel fighting because he wants to have his position to have a stronger resonating with the west so they would think they have to give him something so he can get out of at least partially out of ukraine rather than move forward and really have a full blown war. So you dont see him ever backing off from ukraine. No. Hes not that kind of man, he doesnt back off, even if he wants to back off, he is not going to. He would rather take his country with him. Thank you for your insight. Appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. I want to bring in ambassador mark beginsburg former white house middle east policy adviser. Good to see you. Has the u. S. Misread putins intentions up to this point . We have a difficult time in the administration and frankly jose, the real issue is division between democrats and congress and the administration over whether or not we should be arming ukraine with respect to what russia is doing. Lets explain to the viewers whats really happening here. What putin wants to do is create a land carter between russia and crimea peninsula. Along the southeast coast of the ukraine, make sure theres a land bridge between russia and the crimea. That being the case we at least understand what his strategic goal is and why at this point in time the Ukrainian Military is in dire straits, russia is throwing it all in at this point. Are you for u. S. Arms shipment. No one including ukraines democratic government believes ukraine can win a war against russia but defensive weapons could blut on the offensive and raise costs in a way that might deter him. He will only stop if the cost to the regime is sharply raised and quickly. She was saying he is not going to stop regardless. What do you think . I dont believe he is going to stop because he sees at this point in time the administration and european allies it has a deja vu ground hog day connotation to it. The administration was uncertain about what to do about syria, arm the rebels not arm the rebels. Here we are in another similar situation where the administration is resisting Congress Calling on the administration to arm Ukrainian Military in order to in effect stop the russian advance. In the end it will come to the fact that the administration will have to cave because it has to provide the defensive weapons to ukraine. And ambassador i want to ask about yemen. Been almost two weeks since the government was essentially taken over. Whats going on there . Interestingly enough the administration, the white house, has been trying secretly to engage in communications with the Houthi Rebels who you know jose seized sanaa. Theyre the proxy for iran. Why does the Administration Want to reach out . They control most of yemen at this point trying to seize that waterway over the red sea to the suez canal area. You have an administration thats now at least practically trying to figure out how to get the houthis to let the United States continue the offensive against al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. Ambassador, always a pleasure to see you. Thanks so much. Thanks jose. Up next we will zoom through other stories making news, new images of former cuban leader fidel castro. And the latest on Whitney Houstons daughter Bobbi Kristina brown. And remember the nurse quarantined over ebola fears . She talked to chris hayes about governor christies tricky position on the vaccine debate. We have a real threat to america today. The outbreak that started in california has had over 100 cases in 14 states and weve seen what measles can do if we allow the disease to continue to grow in the community. So we really need to advocate for vaccines. 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Sixtyfive may get all the attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. [ male announcer ] go long™. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Bombs in egypt, new castro images, and Bobbi Kristinas fight for her life. Lets zoom through some of todays top stories. Egyptian state tv reports a roadside bomb killed one Person Injured two bystanders in the city of alexandria earlier today. Separately ministry of interior said an attacker threw a molotov cocktail and Police Arrested a Muslim Brotherhood member over the attack. Police diffused two explosives at Cairo International airport. Part of a recent spike of small bombs planted throughout egypt. New photographs of fidel castro published monday night in cubas state run newspaper. The photograph said to have been taken january 23 showing castro meeting the president of Cuba University of students federation. He has not been seen in public in about a year. His photograph has not been in cuban media since august giving rise to speculation about his health. Murder trial of exnfl star Aaron Hernandez was expected to resume today in fall river. Proceedings started last week were postponed by a winter storm. Former new England Patriots player accused of killing odin lloyd, semi pro player dating the sister of hernandezs fiance. The victims girlfriend is expected to begin her testimony which began friday then lloyds mother will take the stand today. Investigators are trying to figure out what happened before Bobbi Kristina brown was found unresponsive in a bathtub saturday morning. Daughter of the late Whitney Houston remains hospitalized in georgia. Her condition is unclear. A cousin told nbc news shesing breathing with the help of a ventilator. The family says shes fighting for her life. Now to a story out of detroit thats gone viral and gives new meaning to never understand someone until you walked a mile in their shoes. James robertsons daily commute, a test to mental and physical endurance. The 56yearold walks more than 20 miles to work every day. Nbcs willie geist has the story. No matter how tough things are, i like to stick it out. Reporter 56yearold James Robertson has a spirit that makes people want to go the extra mile. As part of his eight hour round trip commute to work he walks 21 miles every day. I do it five days a week. Five days a week. Reporter it is a journey he has been making since his car broke down a decade ago. His shift starts at 2 00 p. M. , but he is always early, has a perfect attendance record. Did you know how long it took me to find this job . Reporter once he punches out at 10 00 p. M. Time for the trip home. This time in the dark. With an added five mile walk because of late night bus route changes. Youre physically drained, but it is at that moment we have to pull something extra out of it. Reporter he finally returns home at 4 00 a. M. Just in time to catch a couple hours sleep before his alarm goes off at 6 00 a. M. And he does it all again. Faith and determination and you know just will to go on. Reporter after reports of the marathon commute went viral, a 19yearold who never met robertson decided to set up a website, trying to help foot the bill for a new car. First i wanted to figure out how i could help james get a ride to where he needs to go. Reporter since sunday the site raised 130,000 and counting. Well earned support after whats been a very long walk. And that crowd Funding Source is up to more than 160,000. Thanks to willie geist for that report. Up next a warm welcome and very cold boston for super bowl champs. The parade wont go on until they get rid of some of the snow. Live from boston next. And reports about where Hillary Clinton might set up a shop for potential president ial campaign. Check out this video put out by the city of boston. Biggest snow farm essentially a parking lot that had nothing in it now home to 25,000 cubic yarmds of snow. The video profiles an employee kevin, who says this storm was a big one. When i am not plowing the streets, i am paving them. When i am not plowing them i am removing snow from them so basically in the last 42 years, this is probably the third or fourth biggest storm i ever encountered. Its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, weve always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. Providing technology to get more detail. Detect hidden threats. See the whole picture. Process critical information and put it in the hands of our defenders. Reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. The bold nissan rogue, with intuitive allwheel drive. Because winter needs a hero. Now get 0 financing or up to 1,000 back on the 2015 nissan rogue. Nissan. Innovation that excites. We set a record in a seven day period in the city of boston. Received over 40. 1 inches of snow. We have broken the old record. And we are looking at possibly another six inches of snow thursday. Boston mayor marty walsh moments ago on the big dig out. The blast of bitter cold arctic air is causing more headaches in boston this morning. The combination of snow ice, wind chills near zero causing multiple delays on Commuter Rail and subway lines. Nbcs ron allen joins us from boston. Ron, it is a mess out there. Reporter it is and it is freezing jose. It is about Single Digits teens, below freezing wind chill, it is just pretty awful. As you can see theres a lot of people out here. Look in this direction, these people are over here because theres a breakdown in part of the subway system here the t. All of these people are waiting for a shuttle bus to come and pick them up. Thats happening in places around town. The tram system was damaged by freezing weather. There are power outages, theyre trying to get it back up. The mayor was saying boston is up and running and he is saying theyre trying to get the snow gone that they have taken away. There are huge piles like that everywhere, and theyre blocking corners, blocking visibility. Theyre trying to take them off corners on major arteries take all of the snow to the snow farms theyve got that are quickly filling up. There are a couple of snow melters around town theyre trying to use. But thats basically the problem, trying to get rid of all of this stuff, and as you said more is coming. About six inches or so in the coming days. The show goes on. The patriots parade is supposed to happen tomorrow many of the streets will be filled with Patriots Fans for the super bowl parade. Starts at 11 00 a. M. And despite what you see, they say the show will go on. They said yesterday it was happening today. We will see if today happens tomorrow. It is tough going around here. It is hard to get around. Youre asking kids and families to come down here i am sure theyre going to take a good hard look at it. Schools are closed again today, a lot of businesses as well. I am sure theyll take a good hard look at the parade tomorrow. See where we are by end of the day. Ron allen, thank you for being with me. We are keeping an eye on capitol hill where Senate Democrats this afternoon are expected to block a republican backed Homeland Security bill that would stop president obamas executive actions on immigration. As the political wrangling continues in washington, theres a new effort to protect undocumented immigrants that could benefit from the president s move to block deportations. A new law in new york state increases penalties on scammers that defraud people seeking Legal Assistance on immigration matters. Joining me an immigration lawyer. Good to see you. Good to see you. Thank you. All states have a law to protect immigration fraud. New york is unique it sets up an office dedicated to protecting immigrants. Is this something that should be looked at in other states . Historically immigrants have been victims of fraud and scams by the socalled notary publics. It is a good thing new york is on this more states should follow because people are being not only further financially but many are separated from u. S. Citizen children and deport because theyre victims of fraud scams. I guess if you dont know if you dont live in a Latino Community where there are undocumented folks, it is so prevalent in our communities, to see people taken advantage of. As you say, not just that they take their money, they can destroy their future. Definitely and separate families, which is the key to immigration, to unite families. Talk to me about whats going to be happening, we have now this month the 18th of this month daca. Tell us what that means. That means dreamers that are here before they turn 16 years of age, here illegally, undocument parents maybe brought them lived here all their lives can apply for expanded version. Theres already a version that happened two years ago. However, it had a ceiling, a cap. If you were over 31 years of age, you would not qualify. Now that ceiling has been lifted. So someone that maybe is 35 or 40 however has been here since they were a child may now apply, of course they have to have good moral conduct and proof that they have been here continuously, and that would be the requirement as well as finish high school or be in school. Theres also a backlog of immigration cases. You deal with this all of the time. Associated press headline immigrants could wait until 2019 to have cases resolve. Whats going on here . My goodness this has been going on a long time. I have been practicing for decades. Theres always been a wait to have hearing before immigration judge. But the wait was a year it was two years. These are people that perhaps married United States citizen, have a political asylum claim, maybe have been detained by immigration, risk of being deported and have a claim to get a green card in court. Now they have to wait until the day after thanksgiving, 2019 because of the backlog. People that are not detained have low priority and those that are unaccompanied minors and families have high priority and criminal aliens. The people that are waiting and have a good bona fide claim for green card have to go to the back of the line and wait for years. And once again, to reach out to folks in the community that have a Family Member that may be going through daca do not give your money to folks that say that they will solve your problem for you. Right now until the 18th theres nothing on expansion of daca and nothing on daca until the future. Be aware, if anyone is retaining you, signing you up charging money, saying they have access to applications, theyre not out and the program has not started. Thats for parents of United States born children and lawful permanent residents. Be aware, the scams have happened for decades and continue to happen. I speak to you so many times in spanish, i call you doctor. We refer to doctors of law as doctors. Thank you for being on. Thank you. Turning back now to the 2016 politics and some news on Hillary Clinton. Msnbc learned the former secretary of state is moving closer to selecting a location to hed quarter a potential campaign. With me now, alex sites walled. He got the hillary scoop. We know that Hillary Clinton and her advisers have more or less ruled out the original plan to put Campaign Headquarters in white plains new york north of the city. In favor of location in brooklyn or queens. Not the best image to send if youre trying to combat notions that youre out of touch. You have written about how they regretted having the 2008 campaign base in d. C. Would new york city be different . She was a senator at the time she was spending days in d. C. Anyway but that was one of the first things they ruled out, putting that strategists say it gets you into conventional wisdom of the chattering class not doing what you need to do. Hope being in new york where theres some more real people gives a better chance to be fresh and respond to needs of constituents. Alex, any thought on what shes thinking as far as when to make announcement . Thats the big question now, jose. Theres division amongst her advisers. The original plan full steam ahead, some say is to go in april or as soon as possible starting april 1st. The other plan would be to go in later, july. Or split the difference and do an Exploratory Committee in spring and wait until july for formal announcement. Thats still being worked out behind the scenes. Good to see you. Right now, on Capitol Hill Health officials are testifying at a house hearing on the response to measles. We have the latest on the growing outbreak whether debate over vaccinations is turning political with three potential president ial contenders weighing in. Here is senator rand paul on cnbc yesterday. I heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. I am not arguing vaccines are a bad idea i think theyre a good thing, but i think parents should have some input. The state doesnt own the children parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. Developing now on the rundown at the top of the hour we told you about all of the events going on on capitol hill. We are watching hearings on vaccines, budget cuba. Senator Robert Menendez who appeared on the show last hour is a Ranking Member on Senate Foreign Relations Committee. After our interview, he went into the hearing on u. S. Cuba relations. 18 months of secret negotiations produced a bad deal. A bad deal for the cuban people. While it may have been done with the best of intentions in my view we compromised bedrock principles for virtually no concessions. And Speaker John Boehner also held a News Conference as the house and senate take up the president s budget. Here is what he had to say. The president provided the American People a good laugh yesterday. He sent up the budget. More taxes, more spending bigger government here in washington the same old policies that have failed for the last six years. Thats not what the American People want. At the same News Conference Speaker Boehner also gave his take on the debate raging over vaccinations in the wake of the Measles Outbreak. I dont know that we need another law but i do believe that all children ought to be vaccinated. At the same time, top Health Officials are testifying at a house subcommittee hearing about response to the current Measles Outbreak. It is part of a hearing that was originally scheduled to focus on the flu. Those testifying include leaders from National Institute of health and centers for Disease Control and prevention. It comes as the number of measles cases continues to climb. Joining me benji sarlin and halle jackson. Whats the latest on the number of confirmed cases, how far has it spread . The cdc says 102 cases in 14 states we are monitoring possibly two new cases in nevada. Theyre just suspected measles patients at this point. If those are confirmed, brings the total number of states effected to 15. You see 14 states plus mexico where measles was confirmed. Most cases linked to disneyland in southern california. This is having a Ripple Effect far beyond localized communities. Dozens of students that are not vaccinated are sent home from local high schools because they do not want them exposed to the measles vaccine. A santa monica daycare down the street from where we are is keeping 14 babies in a three week quarantine because of possible exposure. And political debate over vaccine debate parked by new jersey governor Chris Christie. He said parents should have some choice whether to vaccinate their children. His office later clarified saying kids should be vaccinated. Then rand paul weighed in on cnbc. I heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. I am not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think theyre a good thing, but i think the parents should have some input. The state doesnt own your children parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom. And benji, you spoke to senator paul about these comments. What did he tell you . I spoke to a source close to paul, he stressed that in his views paul was not indicating he believes personally theres a link between mental disorders and vaccines. He was just relaying he has heard concerns, this concern from others and believes if people are worried, they should have the freedom to choose either way. Make of that what you will i talked to several top immune obviously gists in the last 12 hours, u penn cornell, all three were alarmed by pauls statements. They suggested comments like these suggest the science is unsettled when in fact they cited Exhaustive Research and studies that have not found link to serious dangers or links between vaccine and autism or the issues that paul described and they worry this could undermine support for parents considering whether or not to get kids vaccinated. These comments they still have issues attached to them. I have to tell you, people at home are thinking about it talking about it having debate about it. Our Facebook Page is being inundated with comments of all kinds. Halle, not just republicans talking, Hillary Clinton entered the debate. Whats she saying . She tweeted last night the science is clear. Lets take a look. The earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Lets protect all our kids grandmothersknowbest. This debate is not down party lines, to call it debate benji was saying it is almost a misnomer. Top medical experts say theres no debate there are no two sides. Vaccines are safe thats what the medical community is saying. Thats something parents should know moving forward. It may back fire provaccine messaging. A study in the journal of pediatrics the more they hed provaccination messaging, the more entrenched in their opinion. It is a potential side effect from all of this. Does this have play in 2016 . Well it seems a little crazy, wouldnt say a month ago we would talk about vaccines as political president ial campaign issue. But this is the Second Campaign in a row theyve come up. In 2012 rick perry when he was governor of texas was attacked for requiring a mandate that or unsuccessfully attempting to require parents to vaccinate children with hpv vaccine, many religious conservatives opposed it thought it encouraged promiscuity. Michele bachmann attacked on that in president ial debates, leading her to delay Something Like paul said she heard it caused mental retardation in one family, something that again medical researchers condemn, say there was no evidence of this whatsoever she was just speaking completely anecdotally without support. Looks like once again this is an issue that could come up. Lets not forget 2008 too, we heard both Hillary Clinton and president obama who was not president less definitive on vaccine safety. Just a note. Thank you so much for being with me. Msnbc is hosting a twitter chat today with dr. Ari brown from academy of pediatrics answering questions about vaccines. Use msnbcchat. Lets frame the debate. Senior Vice President for communications and strategy at the center for American Progress and republican strategist, joe watkins. Recent word that Hillary Clinton may be pushing back announcement about a president ial campaign possibly allowing more time for the gop field to go after each other. At the same time, shes weighing in on this debate over vaccinations via 2013. Is she trying to have it both ways . I dont think so. Her grandmothersknowbest. It touches a lot of people your Facebook Page my Facebook Page spirited debate about the topic. I dont think shes trying to have it both ways. I think when it comes down to this issue, the science is clear and really theres no debate about safety and importance of vaccines. Smart move on the clintons part to send out the tweet . Social media will have a huge impact in the 2016 election. The world is changing people turn to social media as a way to communicate with millions of people. I think theres no doubt about it smart move on former secretary clintons part. I think they believe kids ought to be vaccinated when it comes to measles mumps, rue bell a, theres 97 success rate. I dont think republicans are against it. Some argue parents should have input in the decision. I think everybody is for the vaccines. The great thing about twitter, anybody can fire off a tweet. If the secretary feels strongly why not talk to reporters like christie or paul did . Well you know shes is not a declared candidate yet, she doesnt have to talk about it. Those guys are obviously gearing up to run. And honestly i know joe said republicans dont believe this but theyre the ones who are out there saying that theyre not sure that these vaccines are necessary. Yes, they tried to walk it back. They have to understand their words have consequences. When you start entering doubt in the conversation it will have a negative consequence. I am not going to give the gop any slack for the words they have been saying about the debate. What do you think that mrs. Clinton weighed in on this issue and the way she did. I think shes realizing that the way of the future is social media, so shes very very smart to get a word in quickly, without necessarily having to hold a press conference to say what she thinks. I think were going to see more of this going forward. More candidates using social media. The social media platform is a way to get messages out quickly. Thank you so much for being with me. Appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. And we have this just into msnbc. Turns out one of americas most beloved authors has a second act. Learned that 88yearold harper lee, author of to kill a mocking bird will have a second novel published more than 50 years after the first. The new book called go set a watchman. Was written before to kill a mocking bird based around the same female character, but was put aside when she started to write the best seller. It will be released the 14th of july. Look at these images. Free beer on a highway when a semi rolls over after a driver fell asleep. He wasnt injured. Wait until you see what other spills are brewing in five things super spills. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. Stouffers mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. New Stouffers Mac cups. Made for you to love. Its just you and your honey. The setting is perfect. But then erectile dysfunction happens again. You know what . Plenty of guys have this issue not just getting an erection but keeping it. 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All things super spills. Look at this. Hope you like chicken extra crispy. This was on i10 in california. A semi truck carrying frozen chicken crashed into a truck carrying thousands of bees led to a fireball. No word on any bee stings. And in 2011 a truck hauling watermelons goes off course. Number three, we are all about corny jokes, but this is no joke. What the interstate in michigan looked like after a farmer accidentally dumped about 75 to 100 bush else of corn in 2012 off the back of a tractortrailer for a half mile. Number four something is fishy about this. This is the scene on highway 101 in Washington State in 2012 after a tractortrailer carrying salmon heads and guts tipped over on the way to a cat food factory. Sushi gone wrong number five imagine seeing this on the way to work. One extra large salad for lunch . Thousands of lettuce heads caused a major jack in jam. Who eats salad for lunch anyway. Lauren whats that new thing you kids are eating. Kale. Like lettuce with an attitude. That wraps up the rundown on msnbc. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Newsnation with tamron hall is next. See you tomorrow. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Theres something happening right here in this country. Its the sound of america. Working with american materials. In american factories. At weathertech all we do is create the highest quality Automotive Accessories including laser measured custom fit floor liners. Order yours today at weathertech. Com or call 1800carmats weathertech floor liners. Proudly made in america. Good morning, everyone. Im tamron hall. This is newsnation. We are following developing news. A political fire storm erupting over vaccinations. In the last 48 hours, we heard from president obama and 2016 contenders, Hillary Clinton, rand paul Chris Christie debating vaccinations and parental choice. The comments come as the Measles Outbreak thats been traced to a case at disneyland has now spread to 14 states and this morning nevada Health Officials are investigating what looks to be two cases there. That would mean exposure in yet another state. The cdc, nih, world health organization, and American Academy of pediatrics recommend the measles vaccination. Thomas frieden said weve had over one billion vaccines given and studies shown there are no negative long term consequences. Halle jackson has more on the fight to contain the Measles Outbreak. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We are watching two suspected measles cases in nevada. They havent been confirmed just yet. If they are, that brings the total number of states with measles patients to 15 in this country. This Measles Outbreak a national headline. Now it has become a hot topic for top politicians. With medical experts overwhelmingly in agreement, vaccines are safe democrats and republicans are sparking debate thats as much about politics as public health. Hillary clinton weighing in late last night tweeting the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Adding grandmothersk

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