0 of the january six investigation is gonna be tomorrow, tuesday. it starts at 1:00 eastern. we -- available to watch out live, you should know that we are going to have a primetimea primm hearing, we will recap all of the most important stuff on the hearing and what it means tomorrow night, in prime time, starting at 8:00 eastern and that is true both for tomorrow's hearing and for the second hearing this week which happens on thursday. two january 6th hearings t tuesday, 1:00 eastern. thursday, 3:00 eastern. and again, whether or not you can watchd those live, we will have prime time recaps of each of those, 8:00 p.m. eastern, tuesday and thursday nights. now, in terms of what we are expecting tomorrow, this is kinds of the one that i've been waiting for. it's at least the stuff that we have covered most intensively on this show, as these stories, as this part of the plot has started to come into focus. the hearing tomorrow is about how trump and his cohorts, co-conspirators, what do you call them, team trump, tried to get individual states to overthrow the election results from thoseti states and these we states that voted for biden, obviously, but where republicans were in chargeob of at least so part of the state government. the idea onat the trump side is that they thought if they could leangh hard enough on republica state level officials, those officials would do what trump wanted, theytr would throw out e real results. so the first witnesses tomorrow, we believe, will be some of the republican officials that trump leaned on to try to get them to throw out the election results from those states. that will include the house speaker, republican house speaker,ho from the state of arizona, his name is rusty bowers, and you will hear from him tomorrow. i have no idea what kind of witness and what he will be asked.at you will be able to make up your own mind when you see it live or we recap it overnight but i would say into that expected testimony tomorrow, i think it's worth knowing that rusty bowers, again a witness you will hear fromes live tomorrow, he is in e particular important way, he is everything that bill barr and mike pence and allll of these other supposed heroes of this story are not. however much people like attorney general bill barr or vice president pence, have been lauded, over the course of this investigation, because at the very, very end when it came down to it in the final, final, final accounting, they didn't ultimately go alongco with the last worst thing that trump asked them to do, however much they are being laudedwe for not being as bad as trump, and not being willing to do everything he wanted, one thing that neither of those men did in the moment, not big barr, not vice president pence, not trump lawyer, or pence lawyer, trump campaign manager bill stepien, not any of the guys we have heard from thus far, they are now taking their bows now for not putting on a viking hat and smashing windows on january 6th, good for them but one thing that none of them did in the moment was tell us, tell the public what was happening in the white house that they were so disturbed about. of them was willing to sound the alarm in the moment to say hey, the president is trying to get t people to do something illegal here and we are worried it is going to get people killed on january 6th. none of them went to the public with their concerns in realtime. but you know who did do that in realtime, the arizona very conservative republican speaker of the house, rusty bowers who is going to testify tomorrow. again, i have no idea what he will be like as a witness or what he will testify to. but the historical record will show that he actually got this part of it right. when almost nobody else did. as he was getting calls from president trump himself, and from rudy giuliani, from all of these other people in the president's orbit, rusty bowers not only didn't go along with theirid demands that he should throw out arizona's election results, he kind of alone among all of these guys, is the one who put out a press release, telling everybody that actually that's whatte they're pressurin him to y do, they were pressuri him tohe overturn the state's election results and that's wrong and he needed everybody to know it t in the moment. look at this document, this is what you show saint peter at the pearly gates. pass up there ll at the end of your life as a public official if your name is rusty bowers. see the date on it? a very important date. december 4, 2020. for immediate release. arizona house speakerdi rusty bowers made the following statement. quote. this week,in rudy giuliani, jen ellis and others representing president donald trump came to arizona with a breath taking request, that the arizona legislature overturn the results and deliver the electoral college votes to president trump. the rule of law egforbids us too that. mr. giuliani and ms. ellis made their case here at least twice, on monday at an unofficial public gathering hosted about asmall group of legislators and again on tuesday during a closed doorag meeting at the state capitol with republican leaders from both chamberst of the legislature. both times the trump team made claims that the election was tainted by fraud but presented onlyin theories, not proof. keep in mind what is going on here. this is the one dog that barked. he is alerting the public to the fact that there has been an unofficial gathering between republican legislators and people from the trump campaign, and then following that, a closed door meeting, between republicang, leaders and the ste legislature and people from the trump campaign, and this guy is a republican house speaker who says this might be happening behind closed doors but the public needs to know about this, i'm going public and tell the public what is going on and not stand for it and not go along with it. even with such evidence existed thevi arizona legislature simpl couldn't do what is being asked. under arizona law, presidential electorsla must vote for the winners of the popular vote, nothing of p the u.s. decision the supreme court even suggests arizona legislature could retroactively appoint different electors who could cast their ballots for different candidates. the lawre does not authorize th legislature to reverse the results of thegi election. as a conservative republican, i don't like the resultsse of the presidential election, i voted for president trump and worked hard to re-elect him but i cannotle and will not entertain suggest la we violate the law to change the outcome of a certified election. i and my fellow legislators swore an oath to support the u.s. constitution and the laws of the state of arizona. it would violate that oath, the basic principles of government and the rule of flaw we attempt to nullify the people's vote based oneo unsupported theoriesf fraud. arizona voters choose who win. 40 years ago next month, president ronald reagan remindeds that you while the orderly transfer of authority is aor commonplace occurrence for americans, cequote, in the eyes many in the world, this every four year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing less than a miracle. he concludes, quote, now, americans are being reminded once again never toan take for granted what president reagan correctly skrish described as the continuity which is the bulwar of our government. >> december 4, 2020. morebe than a month before the january 6thnt attack. the republican house speaker in arizona saying i wanted trump to win, i voted for the trump, but soungd the alarm,or telling the public, what the trump campaign was asking for behind closed doors was blatantly illegal. he went to the public. he said this is breath taking. that's the word he used. a breath taking request. and the fact that he is asking for it wouldt be the end of peaceful transition of power in our country. rusty bowers was right. and almost no one else in republican politics was willing to tell that truth to the public about it at that point. all these people who were sort of getting it right in retrospect,ti right, he got it right in the moment. and he will be tomorrow's first witness. there will also be two republicanth state officials fr georgia, youia probably know th georgia story better, that's, you know, trump calling up the secretary of state in georgia and demanding, basically in threatening the secretary of state that he needed to throw out just enough biden votes or somehow mysteriousy find just enough trump votes for the secretary of state's office to be able to say oh, actually the result here in georgia has flipped ant secretary of state, his office wouldn't go along with it, and then trump sicced his supporters on the georgia officials and then the deputy secretary of state's office, gabriel sterling in front microphone, he gave his own public press conference in december, not only were p the fraud claims against georgia false, he said president trump's attack on the election, and the people who administer is was going to get people killed. gay brel sterling went to the public with that warning. he said that in december 20, 20. just before the january 6th attack. and just as rusty bowers was right in that press release earlier that month, gabriel sterling also was right. and he will be another one of the live witnesses tomorrow. and by that point in tomorrow's hearing, i think the committee will still have its unbroken record of every single witness they've called thus far being a republican and/or a conservative. but there's one other witness they're going to call tomorrow who i think breaks that mold. the last witness we're going hear from, from the committee tomorrow, we have no idea what her politics are, or her political affiliation and that's proper back, she's there in a nonpartisan capacity, she is to talk about being an election worker in georgia and a nonpartisan techno cratic ground level election worker and she therefore will be a totally different kind of witness than we'vees seen thus far fra the, from the january 6th hearing. and in terms of why she is there, you may not recognize her face but you will probably remember some of the story of this witness in part because we covered it i on the show last yr quite a bit but also because of the story of the witness, the georgia election worker is, terrifying and strange in a very memorable way. it also has a weird celebrity cameo that you might remember. i will refresh you on this. when trump called georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger and told him he needed told overturn the biden n and when trump's lawyer rudy the republican led legislature in georgia and told them they needed to overturn theth election, the claims that would justify those radical steps, all centered on a video clip that trump and company insisted showed the election being stolen right thereec on the tape. they said they had video of electionai workers in atlanta, black i election workers naturally, african american workers, they said the video showed themrs stuffing suitcases full of illicit ballots. and they accused those election workers by name of stealing the election. committing crimes. on that call was georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger, trumpet brought one particular election worker by name, 18 times. he used her name 18 times a professional vote scammer and all of the suitcases and the fraud and trumpes played that supposedlyha incriminating vide tape at a massive jumbotron at a rally in georgia and said it showed a crime, but it showed nothing of the sort, it showed fulton county election workers, a woman named shay moss and her mother, a m 62-year-old retiree and grandmother, a long time election worker in fulton count for this election, fulton county looked like it would be short starvedit because of covid so m moss recruited her mom to sign up as a temp worker for election day. that video that trump and company got so fixated on, all that video showed was shay moss and herd mom, two election workers literally just doing jobs on election night, taking ballots out of the secure containers they were transported in and running them through the ballot counting machine like they were supposed to. but trump and giuliani and all trump folks and our friends at fox news kept running this snippet of video over and overet again saying it showed a crime even though it showed normal election workers doing normal stuff the normal way with no malfeasance whatsoever. but them fixating on this video, trump not only showing the video, conservative m.i.a. media, showing the video, giuliani, showing the video and trump specifically naming the womentr in the video as the woms who stole the election from him, that has profound consequences. shay moss and her mom, even her teenaged son got inundated with vulgar and racist harassment and death threats. shay moss's mother called 911 multiple times, because people were showing uple at her house, and banging on her door, making threats in person. >>at i've been having tear threats. i've beenar having harassing phe calls and they came out and made a police report yesterday. and last night, about ten minutes after 9:00, somebody was banging on the door and now somebody is banging on the door again. oh, they screaming. they still banging on the door. they still banging on the door. lord jesus, where's the police? >> they are on the way, ma'am. >> oh, god. >> lord jesus, where's the police? >> this became their lives. shay moss and her mother, ruby freeman, in the midst of all of thoseds harrowing threats and intimidation, something else happened. that tape, that tape was from december 2020, the following month in january, 2021, actually two days before the january 6th attack,y a woman showed up on e doorstep said she was sent by a hoe profile individual and there to help ms. freeman. now, this woman told ruby freeman shema was in danger, an she toldin her that people were coming to her house, inle 48 hours, and she was going to be locked up. that woman who came to ruby freeman's house and made that apparent threat, it turned out, in the end that she at least at some point had been a publicist for the troubled trump supporting hip-hop artist kanye west which is the celebrity thing that got all of the well, this is weird headlines about this incident, you might remember that, what about the kanye west public sift fitting into allka of this, the way tha resolved and ahead of the testimony at the hearing we here at this show later determined that that woman who showed up at ruby freeman was dispatched by a trump campaign operative and that woman came to her mouth and she was so freaked out after a month of threats and harassment and she was willing to talk to the person and only agree to do so a at the local police statio the only place she felt safe meeting this random stranger and met with her at the police station and because ofme the police station, part of the meeting was caught on a police body cam which lawyers obtained and this is a part of the meeting that is edited and subtitled by reuters. >> thanksu you. >> no problem. >> hi. >> good evening, how are you? >> thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us. we didn't want to frighten you, but we had to find you within this time frame. >> we would like to let you know first and foremost, we have put in placement a way to move you, to secure you, from what may be authorized over the next 48 hours. we would do it oned your schedu. i cannot say what specifically will take place. i just know that it will disrupt your freedom and, the freedom of one or more of your family members. >> we didn't want to frighten you but we had to find you within this time frame, we have put in place a way to move you, to secure you over what may be authorized over the next 48 hours, i can't say specifically what will take place, i just know it will disrupt your freedom and the freedom of one or more members of your family. this is january 4th. the woman says she will put ruby freeman on the phone with somebody quote very high level with the authoritative powers to get you the protection that you need. protection from what? ruby freeman told reuters once this other person, a man got on the phone with her, he and this woman who had come to her house to try to get her to, to try to talk to her about moving her, because something terrible was going to happen to herin within8 hours, the man on the phone and that woman at the police station with her tried to get her to admit to committing election fraud. ruby freeman told her the quote, if you don't tell everything, going to jail. now what's important about this, other than the bizarreness of it is, that the quote very high level guy who ruby freeman got put on the phone with, this person who could supposedly get ruby freeman protection from what otherwise would happen to her and she just confessed and she and a family member or more than one would go to jail, it turnedl, out that man worked fo the trump campaign, black voices for trump and he told us that he was the one who sent that woman to ruby freeman's house in january and claimed he was acting as a private citizen when he did that and no longer on the trump payroll and he personally never threatened ms. freeman and received calls offering her immunity if she confessed to election fraud but he wouldn't say who those people are or what authority they would be able to offer her immunity and immunity what, what would she be prosecuted for? she did not actually commit election alfraud. >> this all happened on january 4th and they keep giving her the deadline she needs to act or confess and take her away and maybe they can move her and keep her safe. 48 hour deadline. what was h happening 48 hours fg january 4th? why was is so important that they get her to confess to election fraud within 48 hours ofec january 4th? well, 48 hours later of course was january 4th. when trump was, you know, planning to pressure mike pence into stopping the certification of biden's election win. and it would have of course been really handy to have a forced confession, a forced false confession, of election fraud, point to that day as a reason toat throw out the georgia results? or at least to delay certifying them because there was some great new controversy in georgia? what exactly were they threatening ruby with? well, as far as there being some threat to ruby freeman that wouldha materialize 48 hours fr 4th, it did actually materialize according to a lawsuit ms. freeman filed against a right wing website thatng promoted false stories about her, 48 hours after that visit, while pro trump roitsers were storming the capitol in washington, a pro trump crowd actuallyin stormed her house. surrounded ruby freeman's house, outside atlanta, shouting at her through ag bull horn. fortunately nobody was hurt. shefo had already fled her home for her safety following the fbi's advice to do so. and of course, ruby freeman, this 62-year-old election worker, grandmother from atlanta, did not confess tork se invented charge of election fraud, right, despite this implied threat, thissp dangled promise where people connected to theed trump campaign, that i would relieve the pressure on her and only then could they keep her safe, the harassment and the threats turned ruby freeman's life upside down, turned her daughter shay moss's life upside down. it has been a total nightmare for them and they did nothing wrong. but it also still coming full circle. since then, the january 4th investigation has revealed not only that the claims about fraud and fulton county were false but that trump was told in detail by the number two official at the u.s.mb justice department that e whole attack on that mother and daughter in atlanta, the whole suitcases full of ballots claimed, all of these supposed fraud o claims about fulton county, georgia, were nonsense and we know tha