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President in november. Joe biden posted this online tonight. Politico. Com was the first to get ahold of quotes from it. Now weve got the whole thing. Foreign interference in the u. S. Electoral process represents an assault on the American People and their constitutional right to vote when foreign states direct hackers, trolls, money launderers, and misinformation to subvert or cast doubt on our elections, they threaten americas sovereignty, our democratic institutions, and national security. They undermine the vote and voice of every u. S. Citizen. They attack our very way of life. In spite of president trumps failure to act, americas adversaries must not misjudge the of the American People to counter every effort by a foreign power to interfere in our democracy whether by hacking voting systems or hacking voting systems and databases, laundering money into our political system, systemically spreading disinformation, or trying to sow doubt about the integrity of our elections. Biden says, that is why today i am putting the kremlin and other Foreign Governments on notice. If elected president , i will treat foreign interference in our election as an adversarial act that significantly affects the relationship between the United States and the interfe interfering nations dpost government i will direct the intelligence on any efforts by Foreign Governments who interfered o r tried to interfere with u. S. Elections. I will direct my administration to leverage all appropriate instruments of National Power and make full use of my executive authority to impose substantial and lasting costs on state perpetrators these costs could include Financial Sector sanctions, asset freezes, cyber responses, and the exposure of corruption a range of other actions could also be taken depending on the nature of the attack, i will direct our response at a time and in a manner of our choosing. He concludes, i have no desire to escalate tensions with russia or any other country i would prefer to focus the full energies of my administration on bringing the International Community together to fight covid19 and the economic pain it has caused and to tackle other pressing issues of international concern, but if any foreign power recklessly chooses to interfere in our democracy, i will not hesitate to respond as president to impose substantial and lasting costs. Oh former Vice President joe biden tonight throwing down the gauntlet as to how he will respond as president against russia or any other foreign country if they try to interfere with our election this time like they did in 2016 now, i think a couple things are interesting here to me one thing that stands out is the list of examples he gives of the ways that Foreign Countries might interfere. Its pretty detailed and interesting. Hackers, trolls, money launderers, misinformation to subvert or cast doubt on our elections, hacking voting systems and databases, laundering money into our political system, systemically spreading disinformation, trying to sow doubt about the integrity of our elections imagine if we had a whole of government response to try to stop all of that right . To actually investigate it and punish it when it happened dream big. Dream of competent uncompromised governance that stands up for our sovereignty against Foreign Countries that are trying to eat our democracy. Dream big. Ive had a few days off. I lost temporarily, at least, i have lost my cynicism. Thanks to having a few days off. So at least for me, today, it seems possible dream about competent uncompromised governance the way the Biden Campaign has put this out tonight, though, and the clarity of the language, sort of declarative line in the sand nature of this, does also, i think, lay down a marker for republicans. No democrat is going to take issue with anything that joe biden said here. What about republican candidates, republican senators, republican members of the house . Do they agree . I mean, do they think we should try to protect ourselves from this stuff and punish countries that do it to us it was not long ago at all that basically all mainstream republicans would have agreed with every single word of this from biden but this is kind of a test, right . After this many years of trump, can republicans still say so can they still say foreign interference in our election is something we not tolerate, we will retaliate against, we will make sure nobody gets away with it interesting test for the Republican Party after this much trump. Also, i should point out that this big brushback from Vice President biden comes out tonight within hours of this from the Top Democrats in the house and senate and the Democratic Leaders of the two intelligence committees. A demand that the fbi conduct defensive counterintelligence briefings for all members of Congress Dear fbi director christopher wray, we write to request that the fbi provide a defensive counterintelligence briefing to all members of the house and the senate regarding foreign efforts to interfere in the 2020 u. S. President ial election. We are gravely concerned, in particular, that congress app r appears to be the target of a concerted foreign interference campaign which seeks to launder and amplify disinformation in order to influence congressional activity, public debate, and the president ial election in november. So this is all four of the democrats that are in the socalled gang of eight, right top democrat in the house, top democrat in the senate and the top democrat on the intelligence committees in each of the houses of congress. The gang of eight tends to get briefed on the most secret, most compartmentalized, intelligence that the Intelligence Community is required to and must share with congress. They apparently attached to this letter a classified annex, spelling out more of what they meant but what theyre saying here is bombshell. Theyre saying congress right now is being targeted by a concerted Foreign Influence Campaign to influence the november president ial election by influencing congressional activity and public debate, by Getting Congress to launder and amplify foreign disinformation that is a Foreign Government messing with our election. Tell me more well, Natasha Bertrand in her sbekd sco second scoop of the day at politico. Com, tells us more today. She reports that apparently whats going on here, according to sources familiar with what prompted this letter to the fbi, apparently whats going on here is that a specific republican senator, ron johnson of wisconsin, the Republican Party in its infinite wisdom put in charge of the Homeland Security subcommittee, this request to the fbi is apparently at least in part because senator ron johnson either inadvertently or on purpose has apparently been taking disinformation created by a Foreign Intelligence Service in order to mess with our election and he has been using it in his committee as if its a real thing senator ron johnson has recently been threatening subpoenas and planning to use his committee to air what amount to increasingly wild allegations against joe biden. Timed to coincide, of course, with the november election the fbis Foreign Influence Task force apparently warned senator ron johnson once before about the nature of the russian intelligencelinked sources that he has been using to build up his evidence for this particular dogandpony show. But now because senator ron johnson is apparently continuing along the same lines, using the same kind of sources to get this stuff and to try to inject it into the american discussion and the work of the u. S. Congress, now the Top Democrats on the intelligence committees and the top democrat in the senate and the speaker of the house have asked the director of the fbi to please brief the entire senate and the entire house on what exactly senator ron johnson is trafficking in here and how this is the work of a foreign country that means to harm us and so maybe we shouldnt help them do that now, this letter was apparently sent to the fbi last week. They made it public today. Today is the day by which they wanted a response from the fbi so far not a single republican in the house or the senate has said beep about any of this nor has the fbi given any publicfacing response but its interesting what these democrats are asking for is to brief everybody. Democrats, republicans, all house, all senate. Dramatic we will keep you posted. Couple other fastdeveloping stories we are watching tonight. This is an awkward one and i dont know how this one resolves but the sheriff, the elected republican sheriff in duvall county which is where jacksonville, florida, is, he tells reporter mark caputo tonight that there is no way that the Republican National convention can be safely held in jacksonville, florida, next month. Youll remember the background here right . And the timing ends up being important. The president and the Republican Party had initially planned to hold their convention for the president this summer in North Carolina but then, again, in their infinite wisdom they decided at the last minute that they would move it to florida instead because North Carolina officials were worried about rising ke ining coronavirus cas. The rnc and the white house said they wouldnt change their plans for their convention whatsoever to accommodate concerns about spreading the virus. The president said he wanted a full convention and a packed arena and North Carolina was like, thats crazy, have you seen our covid numbers so the rnc and the white house decided, fine, well pack up, we wont do it in North Carolina. Well move it, instead, to florida. And now, of course, in the interim weeks florida has become by some measures the world epicenter for Coronavirus Infections excellent foresight there. Excellent planning while the sheriff in the jacksonville, florida, region, today, just lays it out in blunt terms, and i dont makes me think that i do not know what theyre going to do about the rnc and this late plan to move it to jarcksonville the sheriff of jacksonville, florida, says he cant provide security for the Republican National convention because of a lack of clear plans, a lack of Adequate Funding and a lack of enough Law Enforcement officers. As were talking today, were still not close to having some kind of plan that we can work with that makes me comfortable that were going to be able to keep that event and the Community Safe says duvall county sheriff, mike williams. Its not my event to plan but i can just tell you what has been proposed in my opinion is not achievable right now from a Law Enforcement standpoint, from a security standpoint. He said, we cant pull it off in any kind of current configuration, but, again, its not my job to plan the hnc its my job to be able to provide security for it and i cant do that right now in this timeframe with this current configuration of the event. Apparently, according to caputos reporting, the rnc and the white house still havent even finalized their plans at a basic level. They still havent even decided which Convention Events they want to be at which venues the thing is basically one month from right now, these things take months and month and months to plan just for the security even in the best of timess and months to plan just for the security even in the best of times but now which is not the best of times theyre apparently just winging it and assuming it will all come together good luck, jacksonville, good luck, florida. Here they come, ready or not i really dont moe whats going to happen here the democrats already have pared way, way, way back their plan for an inperson convention of any kind republicans are apparently still planning on one, sort of, except for the part where theyre not actually planning anything when local police officials, especially from your own party tell you, what youre thinking about doing cant be done, something has to break something has to go. What breaks shouldnt be florida. A more sobering and in some ways heartening story that weve been following all day today is the very fast decision by the Democratic Party in the state of georgia to choose a democrat as the nominee to run for the congressional seat of the great john lewis in georgia. After a lightningfast process today, the georgia Democratic Party has chosen this woman, state senator Nikima Williams, as their nominee for john lewis seat and weve been watching this closely because of a quirk in georgia law. This decision had to be made this quickly because of a weird element of georgia law that forces the party to make its decision about who its nominee for the seat will be less than 72 hours after congressman lewis died i mean, the state of georgia, the whole country, is only justf john lewis this moral giant who walked among us i dont have my head even a quarter way around what i might ever be able to say that would do justice to the legacy of john lewis. But already his political allies who knew him best, his party in his home state of georgia, theyve already had to choose who will run for and very likely win his seat in congress the timing is just surreal, but because of georgia law the decision had to be made and senator Nikima Williams we now know will be the democratic nominee. She will face a republican who, i kid you not, was part of a major auto theft ring but was pardoned by president trump. Thats who the republicans picked as their nominee who they thought would be running against john lewis that person will now be running against Nikima Williams. The family of congressman lewis, i should tell you, has not yet said what they are planning for his funeral and memorial arrangements the civil rights lend, c. T. Vivian, also died this weekend his funeral will be held on thursday and out of respect to reverend vivian, john lewis family says theyre not going to announce any of their arran arrangements for the laying to rest of congressman lewis until after reverend vivians funeral happens on thursday. They wont say anything about what john lewis will do what they will do about john lewis memorial until then. But, again, of course, well let you know and on top of all of that, today also represents six months exactly since the first coronavirus case was diagnosed in the United States it was january 20th that the first coronavirus case was diagnosed, a man in washington state. Six months on from that date, the New York Times, the Washington Post, have both done bigpicture disaster reviews of whats gone so wrong with the Coronavirus Response in our country compared to literally every other country on earth. The Washington Post calling it the crisis that shocked the world americas response to the coronavirus. If there was a mistake to be made in this pandemic, america has made it. The single biggest miscalculation was rushing to reopen the economy while the virus was still spreading at high rates through much of the country. In the times the headline is, inside trumps failure the rush to abandon a leadership role on the virus. Each morning at 8 00, as the Coronavirus Crisis was raging in april, mark meadows, the white house chief of staff, convened a small group of aides to steer the administration through what had become a Public Health, economic, and political disaster seeded around mr. Meadows conference table and a couch in his office downthe hall from the oval office, they saw their immediate role as practical problem solvers but their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the white house to the they referred to this as state authority handoff and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and attempt to escape blame for a crisis that engulfed the country. The post concludes, perhaps one of the greatest failures of president ial leadership in generations. Six months since the first case in america and 140,000 deaths down the line, with press like this about the catastrophic failure of leadership that explains our countrys calamity right now, the white house in its infinite wisdom has apparently decided they will have the president Start Talking publicly about the coronavirus again from the White House Briefing room. That will start again tomorrow enjoy. Im sure that will help. But, you know, the virus is fully capable of making its own news now and telling its own narrative. In florida where, again, that jacksonvillearea sheriff says theres no way the Republican Party can safely do their rnc there next month, in florida as of today, the state says there are nearly 50 florida hospitals that have maxed out their icu capacity entirely. Nearly 50 florida hospitals that have no ability to take another icu patient. 9 of those 50 maxed out florida hospitals, of about 50, are in miamidade county. That county has now announced a new hotline for people to get themselves into a hotel room to selfisolate if they have tested positive and they need to recover from the virus but they dont have a living situation where they can protect the other members of their household from getting it from them miamidade, again, opening up a hotline where people can stay at hotel rooms to try to selfisolate better so as not to infect their whole household more places should probably be doing that in the great state of mississippi, the governor there, republican governor tate reeves, just extended the mask order, the mandatory mask ordinance for mississippi from the original 13 counties he announced last week to now cover 23 counties and in mississippi the state Health Director there is laying bare the very serious problem they got now in terms of their skyrocketing case count and in terms of what it means for their hospitals. As you noticed, weve had quite a run of days, over a thousand, and see no likely letup in that for the near future any interventions that take place now are going to take weeks before any benefit is noted. If we look at the situation with hospitals, its something that gives us great concern were growing so quickly really tells us that were, you know, at the verge of really pushing our system over its capacity in large measure, were already there. If with look at the number of hospitals that have zero icu beds, currently that stands at nine, but if we look at the number of icu beds available for the four largest medical centers in the Jackson Metro area, there is one icu bed currently available. So, again, very, very tight. We have 16 hospitals that have less than 10 of icu capacity. Again, thats really kind of a pain point for us as far as icu capacity is concerned. Mississippi state Health Director today nine major hospitals in mississippi have zero icu beds, and in the entire state capital region, the entire jackson, mississippi, metropolitan area, as of today, he says there is precisely one icu bed available. Keep mississippi in your thoughts in kansas today, the governor signed an executive order telling schools to delay by one month their planned inperson reopenings. Kansas schools that were going to open for inperson instruction next month will now have their openings pushed back to september 9th after labor day, per executive order from kansas governor kelly. In Harris County, texas, which includes houston, the county executive in Harris County and the Top Public Health official in that huge county today asked Harris County schools to please push their opening dates until october for inperson instruction. And thats important and remarkable sort of touchstone for Harris County, texas, but texas overall right now is just in a very serious situation. As bad as the curves are right now and as bad as the numbers are in these states that weve been watching so closely, in california and in arizona and in florida, when you look at their case numbers right now, you look at the very far right side of those curves, california, arizona, and florida, you think that maybe, possibly, if youre hopeful they might be starting to see a slight slowing, a slight flattening in some of those places that have been just rocketing to the moon. Texas isnt showing any of that. Texas appears to still be full speed up full speed ahead basically straight up in some parts of texas of the 4,000, roughly, deaths that texas has had from coronavirus, about 20 of those have been just in the past week. And what they call the coastal bend part of texas, local authorities are now saying they believe one in eight people, one in eight people, is actively infected in all of those counties combined. The coastal bend region of texas. One in eight people. The Rio Grande Valley is in such dire circumstances now that its Getting National attention the New York Times today profiling one hospital in edinburgh, texas, in Hidalgo County, in a way that really puts it on par with the horror movie reporting we got out of elmhurst hospital in queens, new york, at the early New York Peak which i know you remember. This is from the times now about the hospital in edinburgh, texas, Hidalgo County. The three facilities this hospital is using to treat patients with covid19 have been filled to capacity since the first week of july at times a dozen or more ambulances have waited outside for beds to become available reclining chairs and hallway beds have been moved into the Emergency Rooms where some patients wait more than a day to be transferred into an intensive care unit. With 11,000 active infections in the Rio Grande Valley region, Public Health officers estimate that hospitalizations could double within two weeks, but with every hospital nearby also full, it is not clear where the patients will go Hospital Safety and Emergency Management coordinator telling the times, our curve is a straightup trajectory right now, theres no flattening, theres no relief. That is National Attention to whats going on in the Rio Grande Valley in south texas, specifically in Hidalgo County, texas, right now, which local officials are speaking out on their own terms in some cases defying what the states governor says theyre allowed to do what they are doing is asking for help and sounding a loud alarm. And weve got that coming up stay with us in a highly capable lexus suv at the golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2020 nx 300 for 339 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. With spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. brad well, its because were willing to scout them outistings . No matter how far away. Anything to report . kevin nothing. brad exactly like the last nine hundred eightythree days. Apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. To bit never bothered me. Dust . 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More news on how our Health Care Providers are being impacted through all this. Hidalgo county Health Authority ivan mel len dendez says more ak and unable to see patients while in quarantine. An exhausted workforce up against the virus. We know that this week weve had at least half a dozen doctors go down the line of duty that are out we know weve had more nurses that have passed away and we know weve had a tripledigit number of Health Care Providers that have also dropped out of the system a tripledigit number of Health Care Providers that have dropped out of the system. That is the situation in Hidalgo County, texas, right now, in the riyio Grande Valley thats head of a local Health Authority in Hidalgo County saying weve had at least a half dozen doctors go down in the line of duty i want you to watch one other thing from Hidalgo County. This weekend, judge Richard Cortez told residents of Hidalgo County about what its like to be moving in refrigerated morgue trucks for his county. Hidalgo county is asking Funeral Directors to come in from other places to please help them deal with the surge in deaths there because the morgues in Hidalgo County are full and so they are having to add trucks now to try to make do. This morning as we were traveling and moving one of our refrigerated trucks to wexico to be used as a morgue, we passed by a flea market that flea market, whi was just l of people. Actions that we have taken in the past in some way are directly a result of the tragic events that were seeing, that were seeing today and theres a way that we can stop that. Joining us now is judge Richard Cortez, he is the judge in Hidalgo County which means hes the top elected official in charge of that south texas county that is just experiencing an overwhelming outbreak right now. Judge cortez, thank you so much for being with us tonight. I know your time is really precious my pleasure to be with you. Looking at this from the outside, it feels like theres a number of consequences of how large the outbreak is that are bearing down on you all at once. Obviously, youve got hospitals under strain you have got Health Workers who, themselves, are getting ill. And the system for handling deaths or handling people whov died because of coronavirus seems, itself, to be overwhelmed. I want to ask if from up close from your perspective if that perception from where i sit is correct and if you think you are at the worst of it or worried this is etven going to get worse. Rachel, no, i believe youre correct. It really is that bad. Were really struggling with this situation here in Hidalgo County, but im also very, very optimistic tonight im very optimistic that as america sees the pain that were going through here, we will follow the american tradition for americans to help us and we need a lot of help and i hope that will come to bear what keend ind of help do you need i know the state has arranged for additional medical personnel to come at least to the region i know that you were hoping for a private Field Hospital from a Charitable Organization to potentially be set up in the county, although it seems like that may not now be on the decks. What what do you need what could the country do for Hidalgo County that would make a difference for you right now well, to care for the patients that are already with the virus, we need more personnel and personnel meaning doctors, nurses, technicians, respiratory technicians, all those types of different people. Oxygen, of course, is the big shortage right now thats extremely important for us to have the necessary supplies and as you said at the opening comments of your show here, all our hospitals are really maximized. I couldnt be so proud of all our hospitals, all our health care workers, to really be working on the conditions theyre having to work today so we need to add more capacity and move on some of the patients that still require some service but less service than a fully acute hospital and, of course, the state of texas can help us with all that. In practical terms, if, as you said, all of the regional all the local and regional hospitals are basically full right now and cant take patients, theres nowhere to move people even if a patient is in a place where they cant get optimum care and need to step up their level of care, its very hard to find them a bed to move them to at a larger or more advanced facility. Reading all those accounts and seeing the frustration of Health Care Providers, its heartbreaking and scary, but if the hospital it is heartbreaking. If those hospitalization numbers that you have now are going to double within a couple of weeks, it just seems like an overwhelming amount of new capacity that you need to be able to find ways to where to put those people but also who can treat them that is correct i mean, that is the challenge. You know what, were going to find a way we have to find a way. We cannot leave our people unattended we have close to 2,000 beds in our hospitals here in Hidalgo County and over 1,000 already occupied by covidrelated patients thats a huge percentage which means that the other people who normally need care for other diseases and other ailments are really also in danger. Where do we put them those people are not going to stop neengs a huge problem and , again, were doing everything we can to manage it judge Richard Cortez joining us live from great city of mcallen, texas, in Hidalgo County sir, thank you so much for your time tonight keep us apprised were watching a lot of different hotspots around the country. Right now nothing seems as worrying to me in the country as the situation that you and your colleagues are trying to manage, so come back and help us keep the country apprised on this thank you very much thank you very much. All right. Much more to come here tonight, including the great joy reid one of my most beloved colleagues ever. Fresh off her debut show on joy reids first tv show in prime time, she interviewed both joe biden and hillary clinton. Talk about coming out of the gate strong, joy making us all look bad joy reid joins us ahead. Stay with us dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Think about how youll get there. 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I with have more questions, though will you come back ill be happy to come back. By the way, we were thinking of you as Vice President then you took this job. So what can we do . Well, i appreciate thank you i wish you the best of luck. Thank you very much. I really im proud of you doing this. Thank you. Its a presumptuous thing to say but it really is beyond time. Thank you very much, mr. Vice president. I appreciate it. Good luck with the campaign. It really is beyond time. Hey, happy birthday. We get to celebrate a birthday today because today a show was born the show is now about two hoursish old. Its called the reidout. Joy reid watch it every night monday through friday right here, 7 00 p. M. Eastern the host is my cherished colleague and frequent coconspirator on the very First Episode of her new show tonight, she interviewed former secretary of state and president ial candidate hillary clinton. She also interviewed the former Vice President and kuscurrent Presumptive Democratic nominee, joe biden. As far as ive seen until tonight nobody had gotten this news out ochf ce of a running mate. Of course, though, it was joy. Of course, joy is the one who was able to get this news from him. Here it is are you committed to naming a black woman as your Vice President ial running mate . I am not committed to naming any, but the people ive named, among them, there are four black women, so that decision is under way right now. Have you narrowed down your choices . Well, ill tell you whats happening. Were getting the Detailed Analysis that is done. Ive been through one of these vets, as they say. It takes about six weeks and you go into everything, its like having a public physical examination and that is just being finished im having a twohour vetting report from the lawyers and women and men of color as well as white folks who are doing the vetting. And weve gone through about four candidates so far and when i get the vetting done of all the candidates, im going to narrow the list and then well see, then im going to have personal discussions with each of the candidates who are left. All right, well and make a decision now we know how hes going to make the choice. Joining us now is the great joy reid my friend, the new host of msnbcs the reidout which is every night here from now on until the end of time. 7 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc joy, how are you okay, how are you doing . How does it feel how did it go . Well, it first of all, we, you know, my philosophy on booking has always been, just ask for everybody. Jesus, can he do it . Lets just ask you never know he might say yes we started throwing out asks for people and got sort of a bounty of people tonight and the guests were really great and they were really on. They were all ready to talk. It was wonderful it was very exhilarating im very proud of the show that we did tonight and i love, love, love being in your neighborhood. The only downside is i cant do my thing where i go by your office when youre trying to work and say, you know, lets just have a conversation about russia whats happening why is this happening . So i do miss i do miss seeing you here in fabulous 30 rock, but, yeah, this was fun. We will get some sort of batphone system until were set up. We need a batphone. We can do that. Yes. We can do that. Joy, let me ask you about speaking of russia i want to play a clip of what secretary clinton said on your show tonight about commuting the sentence of roger stone, and i want you to tell me what you think the implications of this are. Heres the clip. I want to give you a chance to respond to the fact that donald trump has now commuted the sentence of at least one of the people who was listening, russia was clearly listening but so was roger stone what do you make of the kmudatikmu commutation of his sentence . Well, i think its pretty clear that stone threatened him. He probably threatened him privately but also threatened him publicly about what he would say if he had to go to prison. And this is a continuation of the coverup its an ongoing coverup that trump and stone are two of the major participants in, to try to prevent us from knowing all of the details about what they actually did in 2016 some of that was very public i mean, asking russia in public to interfere in an american election, but some of it was clandestine, behind the scenes, sending messages, the kindsof things that we know about and i think much more. So, what he did was to use the awesome power of commutation as part of the pardon power of the president to basically shut up roger stone. Yeah. So that roger stone would not spill any more beans about what actually happened and how much donald trump actually knew joy, i mean, thats very pointed comments from her. Yes. I feel like what shes kind of saying there is hearkening back to something from bill barrs confirmation hearing where he said if a president that would be a crime. Yes. Its kind of what clinton is alleging that trump did here, right . The words that stood out to me in her answer were two of the people in the conspiracy so it sounded to me like she does believe that there was a conspiratorial coverup of what happened to her and to the election and that the implication is that the unindicted coconspirator, that in her mind is donald trump. Wow joy reid i know everybodys been saying it, but i freaking mean it, congratulations. Thank you. I am so glad that we are parked next to each other on the same block, my friend. Yes. Anything i can do to be helpful ever, any time, always bring a pie over. Well do a virtual pie handoff because were on the block now so just bring a pie. Ill squeeze one ill squeeze one through the batphone. There you go, that works. Thank you, joy. Thank you so much. Got to do it all tomorrow. Yes, youre the best. Catch the reidout 7 00 p. M. Eastern monday through friday right here on msnbc. I have to tell you, tomorrow night joy is going to be interviewing senator Kamala Harris and former attorney neral eric holder. Man, like i said, making us all look bad much more to come. Stay with us find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. 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Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor about prolia® fda approved for 10 years. You may have seen in recent days the footage that shows a protester being snatched off the streets of portland, oregon and being thrown into an unmarked van by what might be federal officers, but who knows . They wont identify themselves their car is unmarked. In the first ten seconds of that video, you see two armed men charge towards a protester you see hes backing away with his hands in the air sort of worth watching here. Watch this what are you doing . Use your words what are you doing use your words what are you doing i havent done anything wrong. Use your words what is going on we need to know where you are taking him. Whats your name . Tell us your name . Okay youre fine. Well get you out. We got you, friend. Wt you. You just violated their rights kidnapping people. You just violated their rights they say mlg will get you out. Thats National Lawyers guild, legal observers. Whats going on . Who are you . Kidnapping now giving rise to a new lawsuit by oregon state attorney general who is suing four federal agencies asking a judge for a restraining order. Quote, ordinarily a person exercising his right to walkthrough the streets of portland confronted by anonymous men in military type fatigues and thrown into a van is being kidnapping, making it impossible for citizens to be determined whether they are being kidnapped by militia or are being arrested in addition to the four federal agencies that shes suing, the Oregon Attorney general is also suing john does 1 through 10, ten officers that cant be cited by name because neither their names or their Agency Affiliation is known joining us now is the attorney general of the great state of oregon i really appreciate you taking time to be here tonight. Thank you. Thank you for having me, rachel that video makes me cry every time i see it. Yeah. I mean, have you and other state officials in oregon had any rational explanation of that specific incident, let alone the other similar incidents that are described in your lawsuit . No. We havent had any explanation, really, at all apparently donald trump sent these agents here to oregon to try to quell the violence that was occurring, and you can see right there that, in fact, it appears to be just the opposite. And this is not the only instance this is one that was caught on camera thank goodness for cameras because you cant make this stuff up, but it is also hard to believe this is happening right here in portland so we brought this lawsuit because we had enough of it. The governor and the mayor of portland asked these people to leave. They wont leave the acting interim secretary of Homeland Security says theyre staying, and the president announced today that hes sending these troops, maybe hell get them out of portland, but i dont really relish, you know, them going to any other places and engaging this similar type of behavior because it is outrageous it is a violation of the constitution and were not standing for it. Their presence is itself problematic in lots of ways that you just referenced and that are described in your lawsuit. But one of the things i worry about is grave misconduct by officers who are operating in this sort of way we have seen some misconduct documented and alleged by protesters but in the case of particularly egregious misconduct, without name badges for the individual officers and without identifying information in terms of the agency that theyre with, how would you and the state of oregon broadly or even local Police Pursue them in terms of, you know, trying to arrest somebody for a murder or assault or something or something deadly serious in terms of criminal law . Well, we also opened a criminal investigation as to some incidences that have occurred one in particular that there is also a video of showing a federal officer essentially shooting some kind of a projectile and hitting a protesters, a peaceful protester in the face. That protester is still in the hospital received Plastic Surgery, surgery and then followed up with Plastic Surgery and we are investigating that particular incident. So well be in a better position once our investigation is underway to hopefully identify particular individuals its been acknowledged that it was a member of the u. S. Marshall service that was engaged in that behavior, so i dont think its going to be quite that difficult to identify people well have to, you know, prove the other elements of the crime and we are potentially expanding our criminal investigation to include other incidences that ha stopping. Yeah. I was going to say what you are fighting against here appears to have, among other things, mobilized even more people in portland and other places in oregon to get out and protest and make themselves be seen good luck with this. Keep us apprised. Have you heard of the wall of moms yes. Theyre out there tonight protecting their kids. Thank you. Thank you very much oregons state attorney general. All right. Well be right back. Stay with us rld in a highlyconnected lexus vehicle at the golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2020 es 350 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. Ive been involved in. Communications in the media for 45 years. 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Anthony fauci who didnt know that was going to happen until after the president publically announced it early tomorrow morning were expecting what amounts to the british edition of the Mueller Report to come out the uk report on russian interference in their recent elections, including the brexit referendum due to cam out dawn our

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