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It was awkward. But now, in the spring of 2020, Something Else about the trailblazing biography of irelands young Prime Minister has been brought to the fore because this week he has gone back to work as a doctor. The Prime Minister of ireland went to medical school and worked as a doctor, as a general practice physician in ireland for seven years, before he left the medical role and went into politics. Now as ireland confronts its coronavirus epidemic, theyre currently over 6,000 cases and over 200 deaths, the Prime Minister himself has reregistered on the medical roles with irelands Health Service, and he is now spending one day a week working as a doctor, assessing suspected coronavirus patients in ireland, while he still works as Prime Minister. Ireland last month asked Health Professionals of all kinds who were not currently working in the countrys Health Service to please sign up and join the fight. The Prime Minister himself is now among them. And that kind of volunteerism, among the, you know, the paufrlg and connected, but also among regular people, we have seen it all over, and it is heroic. In the u. K. , the governments request for ordinary citizens, to come forward, and volunteer to bolster the British National Health System, to help Health Care Workers prop up their nhs, the British Government asked for 250,000 british citizens to volunteer in that effort. Theyve now had 750,000 british citizens come forward, three quarters of a million people, regular citizen volunteers coming forward to help, and this is on top of the thousands of british Health Professionals who have volunteered to join the front lines again, as well. I didnt realize it before the Washington Post pointed it out today, but that number of british civilian volunteers that came forward, that 750,000 strong cadre of accomplish volunteers, four times the size of the entire british military. The data Modeling Group at the university of washington thats been so influential with our government and in our country, theyve been doing these models of when individual u. S. States are going to hit the peak of their outbreak, how many deaths thats going to mean, how many beds each state is going to need, by what date, that same Modeling Group at the university of washington has just started doing the same kind of modeling estimates for European Countries as well. And there is, in those models, and in those projection, some good news for some of the hardest hit European Countries. For italy, which was hit so, so badly, and is still struggling in some ways, the modelers at university of washington says that the first wave of the pandemic has peaked in italy, the peak is behind them. For spain as well, quote almost all regions of spain are at or past the peak. For france, quote, the model shows that france is just passing its peak. Now, French Health officials said this week that they believe they havent peaked yet. But the numbers in france do show their curve at least flattening out and this university of washington model shows that france will start to improve from here. That they are peaking now, and things will get better. According to this modeling, the peak in germany is still to come. But the good news, for these projections, for the nation of germany, is that germany has kept its epidemic there contained enough, they have slowed the spread enough, in germany, that even though they are not expected to peak in terms of their apex number of cases, until the third week of april, quote, the model shows that germany will have enough beds, and enough icu beds, to meet demand, when they get to that peak. So there is some good news, for European Countries who have lots of cases. The bad news in this new modeling for European Countries is for our dear friends in the uk, you know, where three quarters of a million british citizens have come forward, volunteering to help, where there is such goodwill, and such desire to do the right thing, where the Prime Minister, boris johnson, with all of the controversy around him and his government, the whole country is pulling for him, he himself is in intensive care in a london hospital. But in the u. K. , the johnson government was slow to put in place stayathome orders and to close schools and businesses. They had some sort of pseudo scientific ideas about maybe being fined if they did nothing and super slow to act and that meant that the virus kept spreading in the u. K. , and they kept achieving more and more prevalence in that countrys population while the government couldnt get it together to confront the real data and the real science and put in place the measures needed to protect the people so they are going to have a gigantic epidemic and they are going to have a gigantic death toll. The university of washingtons model at least predicts that the u. K. s death toll is going to peak later on this month, and theyre predicting that the u. K. Will not have enough hospital beds or enough icu beds to meet demand, by a lot. Theyre predicting that the u. K. Will be short by tens of thousands of icu beds. The washington model is predicting that deaths in the u. K. Will ultimately be more than italy, and spain and france combined. The only other country facing an acutely negative projection in this model is sweden of all places. The university of washington model says that sweden, too, will outpace its hospital beds and its icu beds by the time of their peak, later on this month. And that is because sweden, too, of all places, for its own idiosyncratic reasons, the swedish government zpidecided t they wouldnt put in place stayathome orders and wouldnt close the school, wouldnt close businesses, they decided they would wait it out and see how things went and swedens government decided to assume things wouldnt get that bad and now they, like the u. K. , are facing the, what feels like the inevitable overwhelming of their medical facilities. And thousands of deaths. Even as other European Countries start to get this under control. And i mean from this distance, here in the united states, we tend to think of sweden and norway as kind of twin scand yafbian countries, like vermont and New Hampshire of Northern Europe for us, they share that cold northern peninsula at the top of the world and we think of them sort of similar and having similar politics, but they have very different approaches to coronavirus. Norway put in place early stayathome orders and closed schools and businesses while sweden didnt and literally at the same time this week, norway has flattened its curve enough that they are starting to work on when it is going to end. Theyre starting to work, when theyre going to repeal their anticoronavirus policies, and open their economy and their society back up. That is happening right now in norway. While sweden, sharing a long border with them, on the same chunk of land, in that northern part of the world, swedens government just next door, this week, is scrambling to give themselves new powers, so they can put in place belatedly now policies that they hope will at least mitigate, at least slow down, what looks like a coming disaster. We are seeing more and more patients coming in every day. And unfortunately, not a lot of patients are leaving the icu. At least not alive. So it is pretty worrying. And we have several wards filled with covid19 patients, in the hospital, that are still not in need of intensive care. But theres a big worry that many of them will arrive in intensive care soon. Thats general surgeon who is working in stockholm, sweden, we see him expressing that worry there. That statement from him is part of a collection of statements, from front line medical workers, that nbc news has been collecting from doctors and nurses and other Health Workers all over the world and all over this country. This for example was a prediction that we got just a few days ago from dr. Furcash gada, a surgeon at multicare tacoma General Hospital in Washington State. Watch. Here i am back to work, with covid19, just want to let the world know and my Health Care Providers when youre on the other side of this, you will have a lot less anxiety, a lot less fear, and youll feel like youre invincible because you can deal with this crisis, without anybody having to worry. And for my patients out there, for the people with fear, know that no matter what happens, you can work from home, the lights are on, babies are being born, bones are being set, this hospital, this profession, were in a league of our own. Well take care of you. That was dr. Furkash gada, in tacoma, a surgeon in Tacoma Washington and i hear he was yesterday in the operating room. This is dr. Gada, in the midst of all of the covid craziness were still in the operating room taking care of really sick patients that really cant wait, being very careful about conservations of ppe, were using masks, reusing masks and some occasions gowns and sometimes not leaving the operating room to take a bathroom break, because we dont want to waste our gowns. The level of involvement of our staff is just incredible. Everyone is going beyond what they have ever been asked to do. And due even have to ask them. You dont even have to ask them. Im proud to work here. Im proud to work here. Again, dr. Furkash gada, in tacoma, washington. Another one to see. Another doctor indian descent. Dr. Ajit rye who is annance theseologist in california and he is in new york now because he volunteered to come do time in a front line new york city hospital. Here in new york, we are in full blown crisis mode and the city is sinking, so although first responders, and myself, im just one person, but i believe that we can still be a life vest for an overburdened Health System to help it remain afloat and what has been so surprising to me is that the resource depletion im seeing here in one the wealthiest cities in the world reminds me a lot about the limitations i experienced when i was providing medical care for warwounded refugees in the middle east, working for doctors without borders. And you know, everyone in the country is so fixated on ppe shortages and ventilator shortages, but none of that even matters if you dont have the medical personnel to turn those machines on. So for doctors and nurses around the country who are just waiting, time is now when we need you. Some clinicians believe that because of their specialty, they may not be able to contribute to the care of critically ill patients, but the truth is, at a time like this, anyone and everyone with medical training has value. We are seeing a disproportionate amount of disease and death in one region, so for me, it just didnt feel right to sit back and watch it happen. Again, an anesthesiologist who works in california but he has come to new york to work at a front line new york city hospital. Here is just one more i want you to see. This is from a working paramedic in the new york Fire Department. Fdny. Its been, its been a crazy week. The call volume is 6500 or better. Last night, it was 6900 again. Theres been a lot of people dying. Im getting phone calls from crews who are going four, five, six arrests, cardiac arrests, people dying, knowing theyre trying to work out, this sunday, i did 12 cardiac arrests in a 16hour tour. Its a suspected that most of them are covidrelated as the patients tell us that they have similar signs and symptoms of what is going on. The sick leave of the fdny ems is about 20 to 25 . Thats people who have contracted the virus and theyre out sick. Thankfully, some of those people are starting to come back in. But we do have a lot of members who are really sick with it. We have two members who are intubated. We have about seven or eight members who are in the icu. And a whole bunch of them are in quarn fene. Roughly about 700 people of the Fire Department are being monitored for this. So its a serious virus and were out there on the front lines battling it. The governor today said that he thinks it is going to reach its peak, and i hope hes right, you know, hes doing a pretty good job giving it to us straight, but out here in the streets, its nothing but ambulance sirens. The paramedics, the doctors, its not just the amount of work that is being put on them, its the risk to them at the same time. Its just impossible to ask what we are asking of them, and yet we are. In new york, over the last 24 hours, they started transferring some critical coronavirus patients out of one hospital, in queens. Out of Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in queens, because there were so many patients on ventilators at that one hospital, they were worried about being able to sustain the supply of oxygen necessary to keep feeding those ventilators. Worried about their oxygen supply, they distributed these critical ill ventilated patients to upstate, to albany and other new york city hospitals, and to new york harbor, on to the u. S. Navy hospital ship, the comfort. New yorks case load is roughly at 150,000 confirmed cases which means new york state alone has more positive cases than any country on earth, other than the united states. Heres a look at, new yorks numbers right now, though, which are horrible, but they may tell the story of a crisis that is starting to slow down, in its acceleration. First, lets look at the bad news first. This is the death rate in new york. The daily death toll. This is the number of new deaths reported each day over the past couple of weeks. And you can see how it rose and rose and rose and rose, there was a little dip where the numbers went down from 630, down below 600 for a couple of day, people got very hopeful those death numbers would start to fall consistently but now, they are higher than ever. You can see it in chart form here. It is bad. The daily death toll is bad. Yesterday was a new record death toll anywhere in the united states. Today was worse than that record. But that of course is the end of the story when it comes to any patients progression. Is there reason to hope in other numbers that lead up to that final death toll . Well, look, heres the numbers for the last couple of weeks for new hospitalizations reported each day in new york. These are the raw numbers. And again, you can see them going up and up and sort of tipping around, up and down and up and down and over the last couple of days, you can see the recent numbers are lower. Those are the raw numbers. Now lets again put them on a chart. These are the new hospitalization number, each day, in new york. You can see the lower numbers right now, recently, is that cause for hope . Now lets look at newlyreported cases. Newlyreported coronavirus cases in new york, this is the rate of increase each day, and newly reported cases of coronavirus, again, you dont want to get too hung up on any small set of data but what we are looking at here is a daily rate of increase, that is getting smaller, weve now had four straight days, in which the daily increase in the number of cases in new york is below 10 . It is in the Single Digits. Thats the day by day numbers. Heres what that looks like on a chart. To a layman like me, that looks like reason to hope. The pace at which new york citys new cases are increasing, starting to slow, it looks like hope to me, but you know what . Dashed hopes are the last thing we need right now so in just a few minutes, we will talk it an em deem ologist to get his take on whether there is really reason to be hope nfl these new york numbers. The numbers in the Worst Epidemic that weve got in our country. But, you know, separate and apart from what is going on in new york and whether new york is hitting an inflection point, just absorbing the days news today, there are some other clear promising signs in the u. S. , among states that took it very seriously and acted very quickly. Just as were seeing some good news out of some European Countries who are past the worst of it, in some american states, things are going better than they might have, last night, we reported on california, sending ventilators to new york and new jersey and illinois. Today, california sent more. 50 ventilators flown out today to dc and also to maryland and also to nevada. Earlier this week, we saw washington and oregon also start sending out their ventilators to other states. Their ventilators that it turns out they dont need yet because theyve done a good job so far keeping their curve low, keeping people at home, slowing new cases. Today, Washington State also gave back an Army Field Hospital that had been set to open this week, starved by Uniformed Army personnel, governor jay inslee in Washington State, today, saying quote, im incredibly appreciative of the men and women of the 627th Army Hospital center out of force carson, colorado. These soldiers uprooted their lives to help washingtonians when we needed them most. Since then, it has become apparent that other states need them more than we do. It is only right that we release this capability so those states have the tools necessary to help end this nationwide fight that we are all battling together. Unequivocally that is hopeful news. Positive news. And another one of the western states that has sort of grabbed the curve early and decisively and bent it force gfully down a they are doing better than they otherwise would have, and better than they prepared for. But now, we are in this situation as a country, where, you know, weve got some places doing better, and some places really not. Weve got some places in the country where they are still furiously building out new Hospital Capacity, for example, the mayor of the great city of chicago is going to join us in a couple of minutes tonight, in part to talk about the hand over fist effort in chicago, to get enough beds built there. Weve got that happening at the same time that these other places that went big and fast in their response, and you know, theyre able to lessen some of the capacity they expected to use. For the first time, we hit this landmark moment today where one of those places is about to turn back in their buildout excess Hospital Capacity so it can move to somewhere elsewhere it is more needed. There really are some bright spots in the american story. Some places that acted quickly and decisively. But the big picture for us is still very bad. I mean the story overall of coronavirus in the world now, remains the massive size of americas epidemic. The national level, federal failure, of the u. S. To handle this responsively and the way it has therefore run away with us as a country. There are currently more than 425,000 cases in the united states. Bigger than the other three largest epidemics on earth combined. More than 14,500 americans have died. 1,916 of them have died in the last day. Which means one american is dying on average every 45 seconds from coronavirus. And still, its this patchwork response. Still there are u. S. States that dont think its a big deal and havent had any National Instruction to take it any more seriously, so theyre not. The arkansas governor, Asa Hutchison now insisting that not only will there be no statewide stayathome order in arkansas, he is overtly blocking any county or city in arkansas from initiating their own measures to slow the virus, he is stopping them from doing so, if they want to. And in arkansas, they have already hit about a thousand cases, they are already about to hit a thousand case, maybe they want to see how high they can go. In iowa, theyre already over a thousand cases, over 20 of whom are Health Workers. Iowa medical board begging governor kim reynolds for a statewide stayathome order but the Iowa Governor is refusing that, too, because okay, sure, why not. And in kansas, the democratic governor there, laura kelly, did institute a statewide stayathome order and a ban on large gatherings. Today, republicans in the Kansas State Legislature overturned the ban on large gatherings. Apparently, because they want kansasens gathering tonight in large numbers right now . I mean not, republicans in every state dont have their heads screwed on the same way about this. Youre seeing that in kansas. Youre seeing stuff like what weve seen from the republican governors in iowa and arkansas. I get it. But for example, marylands republican governor, larry hogan is going the opposite direction. Today, he, for example, formed a multiagency strike force, to try to help out the dozens of nursing home and longterm care facilities in maryland that have coronavirus cases already. Maryland has a stayathome order. Maryland has asked for ventilators from other states. Maryland is now acting as best it can to try to approach the devastating problem in these kong gat living facilities that are so vulnerable to this virus. That seems good. Because Nursing Homes have been hit so hard everywhere in the country, there out to be National Guidance, and National Effort and assistance here, for those incredibly critical vulnerable populations in facilities, but this federal government doesnt do that. The Trump Administration doesnt do things like that. I mean theyre also ought to be a National Testing plan but this administration doesnt do that either. The Washington Post has a devastating report on how every state is doing for themselves as it comes to testing and even now, even three months into this thing. There out to be National Guidance on how to limit the spread of the virus through stay at home policies and social distancing but states are still making that up as they go, too, with no federal direction, including some states just deciding to not do it at all. Because the white house hasnt told them they should. But heres what all that looks like in the end for us. One more thing to show you here. Heres what this looks like. This animated graphic im about to show you was produced by the bbc. And they are using data here from Johns Hopkins university. And what youre going to see here is a graphic that shows the progression of how the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout the world. This thing is only about 40 seconds. It is worth watching the whole thing. I particularly want you to watch when the part of the bottom of your screen, the part that shows the time frame that were in, i want you to particularly watch when it gets to the very beginning of march. Okay . Lets start it. So as you can see, by late january, china was dealing with an explosive outbreak. But even as that country started to grapple with tens of thousands of cases, the rest of the world remained largely unscathed. By late february, however, theres south korea, theres italy, theres iran, all reporting thousands of cases, and now, here, watch what happens, at the beginning of march, look at the speed at which the u. S. Epidemic starts to take off. By the end of march, we have surpassed everyone, and from that point on, cases in the u. S. Continue to grow with astonishing speed, by the thousands, and then by the tens of thousands, and nobody is even close. That, that is the proof in the pudding. That is the data that shows a failed National Response. The worst failed National Response on earth. How our response is an international disaster, because of the way our unchecked unmitigated spread of the virus, now dominates the pandemic worldwide. And dominates the human prevalence of this virus on earth. Patch work. Late. Denialist. Fantasis 2. Uncoordinated. Inept. Unscientific confusion in National Policy leads to this. Leads to a runaway disaster. I mean we do have to build on the few places that have been getting it right in our country and learn from them. And we need to support the places that are being overrun. But at half a million cases now in our country, and nearly 2,000 american deaths, every day now, this has run off with us. Off ws [sfx car passing by, kids laughing,] [sfx bikes passing,] [sfx fire truck siren, ambient sounds] onstar, we see them. Okay. Mother and child in vehicle. Mother is unable to exit the vehicle. Injuries are unknown. Thank you, onstar. My son, is he okay . Your sons fine. Thank you. 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There have been a few real gut punch to flash points that will be remembered when the early history of the coronavirus, and how it rinned through this country, is finally written. The nursing home in kirkland, in Washington State, where we learned that twothirds of the residents were sick, and ultimately 35 people died. The town of new rochelle in new york, where the outbreak was so fierce and moved so fast, that officials sealed off the town into a onemile containment zone. More recently, there is the uss thee ro theodore roosevelt, where the sailors turned sitting ducks stuck on board while their ceo desperately asked the navy for help, and kirkland, new rochelle, uss tr, those are big ones, but in terms of simple math, they may all be dwarfed by an outbreak you may not have heard about at all at the Cook County Jail in chicago which is now officially being described as the nations largestknown source of coronavirus infections. Quote, it started small, on march 23, two inmates in the sprawling Cook County Jail, one of the nations largest, were placed in isolation cells after testing positive for the coronavirus virus. In a little over two week, the virus exploded behind bars infecting more than 350 people. And even those numbers probably grossly underestimate the scope of the infection, because quote, the vast majority of the jails 4,500 inmates have still not been tested. The dry tinder situation at the Cook County Jail has led to urgent calls to get the prisoners out of there. It has also drawn pleas from the americans who are locked up there right now themselves, handwritten sign, you can see propped up in the cell window, it says, quote, help, we matter, too. In the community at large, in the great city of chicago, there are very worrying signs in the data about their outbreak, and its contours. Africanamerican residents are dying at nearly six times the rate of white residents in chicago. Africanamericans make up about 30 of chicagos population. But 68 of chicagos deaths from coronavirus. And theres this warning sign from the citys hospitals. Parts of chicago are already, already running low on intensive care beds. They have some of the lowest numbers of available icu beds in the whole state. And its not for lack of trying. This is time lapse footage of the Largest Convention center in north america, chicagos Mccormick Convention center, being converted into a 3,000 bed Field Hospital, for coronavirus patients in chicago. And more Field Hospitals are coming as the army corps of engineers is working to convert and reopen shuttered hospitals to care for covid19 patients. But it is an open question right now. Is chicago this Great American city, up to what they are about to hit, in terms of their apex patient load . And what can the rest of the nation do to help . As they face it . I have the person to ask. The only person to ask. Joining us now for the interview is the mayor of the great city of chicago lori lightfoot. Madam mayor, i know how precious your time is right now. Thank you for making time to be with us tonight. Sure, of course. Let me first ask, that is a brief look of what is going on in cook county, in chicago, and is there anything that i said that struck you as wrong or wrongheaded. No, i think the landscape that you portrayed is accurate but i will say in answer to your question, we are, and we have been, and we will be up to the task. Its daunting. There is no question about it. But weve got a great team on the ground. Weve got really historic Cooperation Among all levels of government. And weve got a plan that weve been executing on now, for over a month. And it is starting to show results. Im happy to describe that. Go ahead. I was going to say, i would love to hear about that, and the thing that i have learned in recent day, as part of the reason i wanted to talk to you tonight is, i am concerned to see the, that heading into this, chicago had such a low proportion of icu beds available relative to population and other hospital beds and i know that is part of what you have been trying to address. We have been looking at the icu bed vacancy and availability literally every day. So we are looking at the icu number overall. Were also looking at the icu beds occupied either by covid, diagnosed patients, or patients under investigation for having covid. And we have been really hovering now for about two weeks, between about 75 and 77 . Weve seen a slight uptick, in a number of covid beds occupied, thats about, in the low 40s, but we feel like, particularly with the other resources that we brought online, whether it is the mccormick place, Field Hospital that youve identified, or the other thing that weve done is we stood up about 2600 hotel beds, so that people that dont need acute care, but still need either quarantining, or isolation, and cant go back to their homes, they now have a place to go as well. So all of those things working together, we believe will help us meet the surge that were anticipating. In terms of the staffing levels, one of the things that weve seen in new york, and now increasingly in new jersey, weve seen some reference to it in other hardhit places including parts of georgia, and louisiana, is that even when the supplies are there, even when the beds are there, there is concern about whether the staff is there. Both because the staff is working flatout because they themselves are at very high risk of infection, but also because the patient loads are just bigger than the Health Care Worker core, that stands in a normal time, could handle. Do you anticipate that chicago will essentially be trying to draft people from other parts of the country, or to bring back recentlyretired personnel, to come join the front lines . We already have. We put out that all call several weeks ago, and particularly for the mccormick place, the alternate care facility, we are taking Health Care Workers from a nearby county, who have been furloughed, and bringing them on. Its the senior medical leadership there, they are both retired, but also furloughed, executives from other health care systems, that have been working now, for i guess two weeks, really setting up what the staffing model is going tock and then recruiting in a way that doesnt deplete or cannibalize existing hospital and Health Care Workers, but bringing everybody in. So whether youre retired, whether youre close to graduation, we are looking for everybody in between those two extremes, to come and help work in chicago, and we have been issuing that call now for some time. Mayor, let me also ask you about the Racial Disparities that are evident in a lot of cities, every place that is reporting racial data is reporting Racial Disparities in terms of africanamericans in particular having a higher infection rate and a higher death rate and the numbers in chicago are just incredibly stark. I know you talked about this, and how concerning this is, and how upsetting it is, and just breath taking to see these disparities. Whats your plan to try to get to the bottom of why it is, and how to address it . Well, we have a sense of why it is. Weve been talking for some years now and more recently since ive been mayor, talking about the Income Health care, Life Expectancy disparities that are really plaguing black and brown communities all over chicago. So we know that, for example, the rate of diabetes, heart disease, upper respiratory illnesses, all of those things are exponentially magnified throughout black and brown community, and this virus attacks those underlying conditions with a vengeance. So while it is absolutely shocking and it is, i think ive had some of my roughest days as mayor once i learned what these disparities are. The fact that black folks are dying seven times the rate of any other demographic, thats a hard thing to even wrap your mind around but what were doing is this. Number one, were making sure were being very public about the data. We need people to know this. There is a myth in black chicago that black folks cant get coronavirus. And we are doing everything that we can to disabuse people of that notion. We are putting together, number two, of what we are calling a Racial Equity Rapid Response team, so it is a combination of Health Care Worker, public health, street outreach, and local stakeholders, in a hyper local focus, to make sure that we are going deep into communities, were reaching people where they are, connecting them up with resources, doing aggressive check wellbeing calls, and visits, so that we understand the magnitude of the impact, and then we give people themselves tools to help them, social distance, tools to help them get access to health care and other things that we know are necessary to really address this hideous disparity among black and brown communities in chicago. Chicago mayor lori lightfoot, you have a bear of an epidemic on your hands, in your city. I have incredible faith in you, from everything that i know of you and from watching you lead in this time, your city is lucky to have you, please keep us apprised, please let us know what you need the country to know about how things are going in chicago in these coming days. I appreciate it, thank you, rachel. Take care of yourself. I will, you too, mayor. Much more to get to. Too, mayor. Much more to get to. For what yo [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My bladder leak pad . I thought it had to be thick to protect. But new always discreet is made differently. With ultrathin layers that turn liquid to gel and lock it inside. For protection i barely feel. New always discreet. At philof cream cheese. W what makes the perfect schmear you need only the freshest milk and cream. That one and the worlds best, and possibly only, schmelier. Philadelphia. Schmear perfection. We cant offer much during this time of crisis, but we can offer what we have. 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I started work at 8 00 578, im doing a 24hour shift, as you can see the helicopter is behind me, we had a patient who came in for shortness of breath, no fever, and he went downhill big time, and we are having to transfer him out. We had one patient in the hospital with covid19 and one in isolation that is waiting for the results. We are a small rural hospital. We have no ventilators. And were seeing already the infiltration finally of the virus into the rural areas of alabama. So well just see how it goes, and well keep our fingers crossed and keep doing the best we can for the community and the surrounding communities. The surrounding communities now are also seeing anned increased number of covid19 cases so were probably o were probably going to be see many many more in the next few weeks. Dr. Maureen muecke, an emergency medicine doctor in evergreen, alabama. The coronavirus epidemic has been raging in new york, and in new jersey, and in chicago, and other dense urban place, but it really is spreading in americas rural areas, too. It is in three out of four american hospitals now. Its in twothirds of americas rural counties. About 140 miles northeast of dr. Mueckes e. R. In evergreen, this is east alabama Medical Center, this shows the hospital staff at east alabama Medical Center, celebrating their first coronavirus patient who improved enough he could be taken off a ventilator. And a 48yearold man, he had been in the icu for more than two weeks. And hes off the vent. And that is great news. Amazing footage. But he is the first, and so far, the only patient they have had at east alabama Medical Center who has gone on to a ventilator, and lived and been able to come off it. Hes number one. As the New York Times reported today, the rural epidemic in america is exploding. This week, the case rate in rural areas was more than double what it was six days earlier. Governors of rural states who think it is not coming there are wrong. There is a rural coronavirus epidemic just taking off. This is a 50state problem. It means as this moves into, it moves into, in significant quantity, to places that have rural hospitals, that may not be wellequipped that may not have good transfer facilities in terms of dealing with large numbers of patient, all coping with the exact same illness, theres a whole new circle of hell ahead for us in this country in terms of how we strain our health care resources. That is ahead in terms of rural america. But right now, in the first hit, worsthit places in america, there have been some tentative glimmers of hope that maybe the epidemic in the countrys worst hit spots may be leveling off. We talked about some of that data at the top of the show tonight. It looks from a liemans perspective like it is reason to hope but lets talk to an expert. Lets talk to an epidemiologist about whether or not things are Getting Better in the worst hit places in the country. Thats next. Better in the worst places in the country. Thats next. Heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. Prilosec otc uses a unique production,ease focid blocking heartburn at the source. With just one pill a day, you get 24hour heartburn protection. Prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Women with metastatic we breast cancerers. Standing in the struggle. Hustling through the hurt. Asking for science not sorrys. Our time for more time has come. Living longer is possible and proven in women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant or a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor. Kisqali is the only treatment in its class with proven overall survival results in 2 clinical trials. Helping women live longer with hr , her2 metastatic breast cancer. 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Im conscious of the fact im just a layman looking at these and i have my owner emotional investment in wanting things to get better, but when you look at these numbers that we have been talking about tonight that show what might be the start of a decrease in new hospitalizations in new york, do you think were looking too hard for a glimmer of hope or do you see that as significant . I see this as significant. Certainly, it matches the expectations that we had so the real sort of stay at home type of social distancing really began to take shape in new york city in particular in the last couple of weeks and really in the last week in new york city and so we anticipated this would be the week, two to three weeks after that that wed really start to see the benefits of those social distancing efforts start to take shape, and i think that thats exactly what youre seeing here. Were seeing because usually there is this twoweek lag between when those distance social distancing measures occur and when we actually see the effects of them and thats really where we are now. I think this is a glimmer of hope and not just an aberration at the moment. Is it a more direct measure of the effect of social distancing policies to look at the increases from day to day in new cases . I mean, new york has also started to be in Single Digits day after day in terms of the percentage of increase from day to day in new cases, presumably thats an even more direct metric for counting the effect of the intervention policies youre describe b. Thats exactly right. So looking at the change from day to day, this is a very this is a good trend to see and i think that we can take hope that this is a real trend. There are a lot of things that could be changing that might also be playing into those types of trends, changing test practices and things along those lines but the slope downward fits what were expecting and suggestive the social distancing measures that really are being held on to pretty well in metropolitan areas in particular, i think that we are seeing the benefits of those play out. So even as we are seeing positive trends in hospitalization and in new case numbers, which is the two graphs we showed, the death numbers are as bad as ever, literally. New york hit a Record Number of Record Number of deaths in 24 hours yesterday and beat that number today. Does it make sense that the outbreak could be slowing . That those other positive measures that you described could be evident while deaths are still going up so steady . Absolutely. This is, unfortunately, another expected data to see. Deaths tend to lag more than new cases. So the numbers of new cases entering in if you stop people from interacting, youll see the fruits of those labors play out a couple weeks later. Death often takes two, three, four, maybe more weeks before it occurs after somebody becomes infected. So unfortunately, there was an exponential increase in cases before the social distancing measures took place and were going to potentially continue seeing those increased cases that were happening in transmission events, were going to see the end result of a lot of those, which is death happening three or four weeks after those events occurred and thats why i think we might still continue to see increasing numbers of deaths this week and maybe even into next week. Dr. Michael menna, your expectative is invaluable. Thank you. Really appreciate your time tonight, sir. Absolutely. Well be right back. Stay with us. Absolutely. Well be right back stay with us more than ever, your home is your sanctuary. 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