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Via tweet that hes ousting his chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and clear, consistent, trusted replacing him with the farright messaging is extremely congressman mark meadows, who is important. A staunch trump ally. So we very much do not have were going to have more on that as well in a moment. Enough tests, and what we need but lets start tonight with the latest on the coronavirus more than anything right now is outbreak, which continued to more testing as well as clear, spread around the country and around the world today. Consistent, trusted messaging. Well, how is that going . There have been 15 deaths in the United States from coronavirus, 14 in Washington State, 1 in california. Anybody right now and yesterday anybody that needs a test gets a test. Theyre there. And there are 326 confirmed cases nationwide. They have the tests, and the tests are beautiful. The states of oklahoma, anybody that needs a test gets a kentucky, minnesota, indiana, test. Connecticut, and nebraska if theres a doctor that wants to test, if theres somebody reported their first cases of coming off a ship like the big the virus today, which means monster ship thats out there that more than half the states in the country now have right now, which, you know, again, thats a big decision. Confirmed cases. They would like to have the people come off. New yorks governor announced id rather have the people stay, but id go with them. Today that his state now has 44 i told them to make the final decision. Confirmed cases with 5 of them sick enough to be hospitalized i would rather, because i like the numbers being where they are. I dont need to have the numbers and about 4,000 people in quarantine and being monitored for symptoms. Fallout from the epidemic double because of one ship that wasnt our fault. Continued around the country as well. In Washington State, where there as of the time i left the plane are now 58 confirmed cases in with you, we had 240 cases. Thats at least what was on a the seattle area thats the countrys worst outbreak the very fine network known as Fox University of washington news. I told mike not to be canceled inperson classes today complimentary to the governor because that governor is a for its 50,000 students until at snake, okay . Least the end of the month. Inslee. Johns Hopkins University announced that the mens college i said if youre nice to him, he basketball tournament there this will take advantage, and i would have said no. Let me just tell you we have a weekend will be held without spectators. So there will be some very quiet lot of problems with the governor, and the governor of games this weekend. Washington. Thats where you have many of your problems, okay . The city of austin, texas, a couple things interesting there. Id like to see the numbers cancelled the giant south by where they are. Southwest festival that was i dont need them to double. Slated for next week. I dont need the numbers to lufthansa, the giant german double because of a ship thats airline that employs more people than any other airline plans to not our fault, and the governor cancel half of all of its of Washington State is a snake. Flights. But put that aside for a second. In terms of how this virus according to the president of the United States, anyone in continues to spread, aipac america who wants a test can get one yesterday. The influential proisraeli also he would like to keep a few thousand people stranded on the lobbying group, announced this cruise ship off the coast of california because hes worried evening that two new yorkers who that them touching american soil attended its big annual would make our numbers look worse in terms of the number of conference this week tested cases, and as he said, thats positive, which is especially not our fault. By the way, the president gets concerning because the aipac his numbers from watching fox news even though hes literally conference is a whos standing next to his two two top Health Officials. Who of the american political establishment, particularly the republican establishment. For instance, mike pence, vice he quoted fox news when stating president pence was one of the speakers there this week. And speaking of the vice the number even though the two president , he held a press conference with federal Health People he counts on are next to him. Officials this evening and offered a few updates. The governor of washington first, on the matter of this dealing with 13 deaths and the cruise ship carrying thousands worst coronavirus outbreak in of passengers that is being held the country. Hes a bad guy. Off the california coast ever hes doing a terrible job. Since a passenger on the ships hes a snake. Previous journey tested positive clear, consistent, trusted messaging. For coronavirus and died this week in california, with 20 joining us now, thomas bollyky, director of the global Health People onboard showing symptoms, program at the council on Foreign Relations. Coronavirus tests were youre hes the author of plagues and watching it here they were the paradox of progress why the helicoptered to the ship and then flown to a lab for testing. World is getting healthier in Vice President pence announcing this evening that 46 people on worrisome ways. The ship were swabbed. You and i spoke last week, and 21 of them tested positive, you emphasized what ive just emphasized, that more testing is including 19 crew members, a probably the most important thing right now. Mover accurate testing. Fact that the people on the ship were not clear on where we reportedly learned about by stand with testing. Watching mike pence on television. According to the president , everyone who wants a test can get a test. Pence also said that the ship we seem to have information that suggests otherwise. Will come into port and that everyone onboard will be tested. Thats right. But Officials Say theyre still so what we have seen to date trying to figure out where that from the u. S. Government on would happen. Theyre looking at several military installations in testing is the exact opposite of what you want to see in an outbreak. California as possible testing sites, but heres the thing. We are overpromising and underdelivering. In order to test people, you need tests. As you mentioned, we had the promise coming from the federal in order to test thousands of government was that we would see people, like the thousands on a million tests this week. That cruise ship, you need thousands of tests. And there seems to be some at best we have seen 75,000, and as youve mentioned, theres no confusion in the Trump Administration about how many indication and some media reports said it may be many fewer than that. Tests they have and how many tests will be available, when, we have absolutely no idea what and who will be able to get one. The real number of infected people are and where they are, in fact, earlier this week, the and this is a huge problem white house said there would be a million tests available by the because, of course, the end of the week, as in today. Countries that have successfully dealt with this outbreak then yesterday the forget china. Administration said it was going think of singapore. To miss that goal by more than singapore had community spread. They tested. 900,000, having only 75,000 tests available by the end of they tested every severe case of the week. Then this evening, the vice pneumonia they had to identify president announced that the people and they found some cases government will have shipped a with that. They implemented social million tests to various labs as distancing policies to keep other people from getting sick. Of tomorrow, and then there will be more shipped out possibly early next week, but no one and most importantly they did should worry because definitely this with great speed, and thats not how weve operated. Tests will broadly be available lets talk about this. To most americans in a matter of weve discussed we dont the weeks, which seems kind of long point in determining the spread at this point in time. Of an epidemic is not actually to test 100 of people, right . The atlantic magazine today reported that, quote, through what does effective testing look interviews with dozens of public like, and what is this Health Officials and a survey of conversation were having about containment . Local data from across the the president keeps talking country, we could only verify about how great it was that we stopped people from coming in from china. That 1,895 people have been but a lot of Health Experts say tested for coronavirus in the United States. Actually you have to think about this differently. Thats right. Local officials can still test so of course we cant test everyone. Only several thousand people a you want to test people that day, not the tens or hundreds of thousands indicated by the white houses promises. Have symptoms that might be indicative of somebody that has and Time Magazine reports today that this apparently sluggish response to the virus this disease. So, again, in the singapore spread in the United States may case, that meant testing patients with severe pneumonia. Be the result of months of Wishful Thinking by the white they tested them all, and that house. Was something they had done with great speed in that instance. Quote, since january, epidemiologists, former u. S. Public Health Officials, and in this case, it may be we dont have tests, so it may be experts have been warning that starting to test people for flu, the administrations insistence starting to test people so we that containment was and should remain the primary way to can exclude the possibility that confront an emerging infectious they might have coronavirus. Disease was a grave mistake. So that would be the way to go. They warned that the unique features of this flulike virus look, for communities that could made it impossible to control still possibly have containment, and that the Administration Must it is worth trying to contain cases to the extent possible. Use any time that containment but it is clear, as you measures might buy to prepare the country for an inevitable mentioned, 25 states have cases. Outbreak. 91 at least 91 countries have the administration was using all cases. Of its resou the enemy the idea that we would confine this to a small number of countries or a small number of cases and a small number of states is past us now. Thomas, you study this a lot. You know a lot about it. What would you do if you got up in the morning and you felt like you had a cold or you started coughing . How would you think about this . Great. So on the individual level, it is everything that im sure your audience has heard before, which is of course if you feel sick, stay home. If you need to seek medical advice or you may think you have the condition, call. Do not go in in person to a health care facility. Stay home. Call in to get that information and get advice. The cdc website has excellent information for people out there. Of course for the people that arent feeling sick, its still washing your hands, coughing into your elbow. Again, keeping distance from people that are visibly ill. For communities im sorry. Go ahead, thomas. For communities, what we need to see is we need to see them surge their capacity safer. So its going to be really important that we protect Health Workers here. Our response to this outbreak is going to depend on keeping doctors and nurses safe. That means not buying masks unless youre sick. That also means for Residential Care facilities, because these affect the elderly disproportionately, and for hospitals they need to start planning in advance. You set it up nicely because im going to be speaking momentarily to the associate director of nursing practice at National Nurses united to discuss the health care side of things. Good to see you again. Thank you. Thomas bollyky. Director of the Global Health program at the office of Foreign Relations and the author of plagues and the paradox of progress. Thanks for your help in continuing to understand this for us. As we said earlier, the Trump Administration keeps promising that more coronavirus tests are coming. Donald trump himself says that anyone who wants a test can get one right now. But if you want one stark example of how untrue that is and how behind the government appears to be on the testing front, take the case of one nurse in Northern California who was quarantined because she became sick after caring for a coronavirus patient. In a Statement Released by her union, the nurse says, quote, im awaiting permission from the federal government to allow for my testing, even after my physician and county Health Professional ordered it. The national cdc would not initiate testing. They said they would not test me because if i were wearing the recommended protective equipment, then i wouldnt have the coronavirus. What kind of sciencebased answer is that . What a ridiculous and uneducated response from the department that is in charge of our health in this country, end quote. She says she is now essentially on a waiting list for a test. Quote, delaying this test puts the whole community at risk. Nurses arent going to stand by and let this testing delay continue. We are going to stand together to make sure we can protect our patients by being protected ourselves, end quote. With me now is the associate director of nursing practice at National Nurses united. That is the countrys largest nurses union, which released that statement from the quarantined nurse. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate your time tonight. Hi. Im glad to be here. Talk to me about, first of all, the situation about this quarantined nurse. It sounds amazing. I read what we know, and to regular people who are not Health Professionals, theyd say, thats amazing, right . This nurse knows she was in touch with somebody with coronavirus and then started showing symptoms and cant get the test. If anybody should be getting a test, she should be getting a test. Thats right. Thats right. As your previous guest said, its really important that we are taking care of Health Care Workers right now. Yeah. Youre the tip of the spear really for us, and there is a discussion about people who have been buying masks and things that Health Care Workers need and not having enough for Health Care Workers. Where are you on this . What is your sense of how well equipped nurses, who are the front line of all medical care in this country, are . How well equipped are you to confront this . Well, nurses dont have the things that they need on the front lines. We conducted a survey of over 6,000 nurses in every state, 48 states across the country, and only 30 of nurses say that they have the supplies that they need to safely care for their patients. About its not just happening. Somewhere about 44 of your respondents said theyve had some communication from their employers, which might be a hospital or clinic, about a plan to confront coronavirus. But more than 50 said they hadnt had the communication of a plan let alone the idea they know what that plan is. Thats right. And thats just alarming. You know, these are the kinds of preparations that hospitals and Health Systems should be doing routinely. This shouldnt be a surprise. The whole key of everything in health care is about being prepared, about knowing what to do, about having plans in place, performing drills, and being ready. And in this case in particular with this coronavirus, weve had weeks and weeks where we should have been preparing for the imminent arrival in the United States. I want to just read you another paragraph for the quarantined nurses statement. Im appalled at the level of bureaucracy that is preventing nurses from getting tested. That is a Health Care Decision my doctor and county Health Department agree with. Delaying the test puts the whole community at risk. I think the point shes trying to make is if you take front line workers off at this moment, you are risking the health of all americans. Absolutely. The most important thing that can be done right now is to increase the standards of protection. And unfortunately, what were seeing is the cdc is putting out guidance that walks back the protection. The most important thing that we can do is control and keep our Health Care Workforce safe and in service. Nurses want to take care of patients. In fact, the nurse that we have in quarantine was a volunteer on a special team who made this arrangement just so that she could so that she could provide this care. Nurses are ready to go, and unfortunately what were seeing is even after the very first exposures at uc davis, which got a lot of press, were still seeing that hospitals across the country arent doing what they need. So its really alarming, and it needs to change immediately. Well, were deeply indebted to you and your fellow members of your profession for wanting to be on the front lines. Most people run the other direction, and you are looking to have your coworkers ready to help the rest of us in the hour that we need. Thank you, michelle. Michelle mahon, the associate director of nursing practice at National Nurses united. We appreciate your time. Thank you. Much more to get to tonight. Up next, the president appoints a fourth chief of staff. And later the sense that something is amiss among Many Democrats have Elizabeth Warren drops out of the president ial race. Weve got a lot to get to tonight. Stay with us. As we mentioned tonight, the e most advanced silverados ever. With best in class Camera Technology and larger, more functional beds than any competitor. The only truck that can compare to a silverado is another silverado. Truck month is the right time to get behind the wheel of the chevy silverado. 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Why the president chose to dump mulvaney now as the administration battles a spiraling coronavirus outbreak that has now claimed 15 lives in the United States remains unclear. Also unclear at this hour is who will take over as the head of the office of management and budget where mulvaney had continued as the director . But his exit was not unexpected. As chief of staff, mulvaney never managed to shed his acting title, and he was largely sidelined after falling out of favor with the president last year. In december, a republican close to the white house described his role this way. Quote, he is there. Ill leave it at that. Hes like a kid. His role at the dinner table is to be seen and not heard. Well, one of the few times mulvaney was heard was when he admitted, in front of a Worldwide Television audience that, yes, the white house had conditioned a meeting for the president of ukraine on an announcement of investigations that were politically advantageous to trump. That shock admission was followed by mulvaney telling the American Public to, quote, get over it. While mulvaney will now assume the plum title of special envoy to northern ireland, his position will be filled by mark meadows. The fourterm North Carolina lawmaker who has cast himself as one of the president s most aggressive defenders in congress, announced that he would not run for reelection this november while hinting that he might serve in some future role in the administration or the president s reelection campaign. The future apparently begins now. Joining us now, phil rucker, White House Bureau chief for the washington post. Hes also the coauthor with Carol Leonnig of a very stable genius Donald Trumps testing of america. Thank you for being with us, sir. Thank you, ali. Good to be with you. Phil, what do you make of this . Mark meadows, the president has treated the position of chief of staff very differently than his predecessors. The chief of staff was at one point the most powerful position in america. That has not been the case for at least two of the last three of the president s chiefs of staff and arguably with john kelly wasnt all that powerful either. But the bottom line is the president has diminished the role. So what do you make of this decision . Well, its been a Long Time Coming and rumored for many months. The president has tired of Mick Mulvaney. He wanted mulvaney to stay in this job throughout the impeachment proceedings and the impeachment trial. Remember, mulvaney was a key figure in all of that in terms of his role in helping withhold that aid from ukraine. That said, once the impeachment trial was over and the president was acquitted, he felt like he had a green light to go ahead and make some of the staffing changes he wanted to make, and he wanted mulvaney out. Mark meadows has long had the president s ear and arguably has been more influential in guiding the president the last several months than mulvaney from the outside. Meadows is a real political and seen as somebody who is going to have an eye towards the election campaign. As he leads the government over the next eight months. Hes an affable fellow. Hes very friendly, but their backgrounds are similar. Theyre both southern congressmen who were tea party, freedom caucus, fiscal hawks, constitutionalists. Thats right, and you dont have to go back that far frankly to the obama years when meadows was a real fringe figure in the congress among the house republicans. He was a rabblerouser. The head of the House Freedom caucus. He was that thorn in the side of speaker john boehner. But with trumps ascendancy in washington, meadows got on that train pretty quickly, became one of the president s top defenders in capitol hill, a major presence on fox news and in conservative media, and has really carved out an enormous amount of influence with the president. Do you make anything of the timing . There are some, if you dont follow this too closely, who might say theres this coronavirus thing and the white house is not handling it particularly well. Are they bringing this guy in to handle it, or is this a friday night distraction, or is it Something Else . Well, one timing thing that is noteworthy. Apparently trump offered the job this has been reported by the New York Times on thursday evening and did not announce it of course until tonight after the markets closed on friday for the weekend. So clearly trump was trying to not have a story of turmoil and shakeup in his west wing while the markets were still open. So thats notable. You know, it could be some sort of an effort to distract from the coronavirus problem. I dont know. Its not clear that mark meadows is going to be able to do anything to resolve this crisis that Mick Mulvaney couldnt do. Meadows is not an expert in Infectious Diseases or Public Health crises. Thats something that, you know, they have mike pence in charge of, the Vice President , and of course all of the experts in the various scientific and Health Departments. Most people who have studied white house chiefs of staff have sort of marked the erosion since the beginning of the Trump Administration in the power of that role. Do you think that changes under meadows . Do you think hell sort of resurrect the role a little bit, or is that job what it is . I think the trajectory continues. You had in Reince Priebus and john kelly, the first two chiefs of staff, figures who tried to some degree to be guardrails against the president , to try to steer his course of action to prevent the president from following through on his more reckless and dangerous impulses. Then you had in Mick Mulvaney an enabler, a chief of staff who saw his job much more as trying to answer the president with a yes, to follow the president s orders, do what the president wanted done, not get in the way, not say no as often as kelly and priebus did. And i suspect meadows is probably going to be more in the mulvaney mold than the priebus and kelly mold. Yeah, one of the things that trump and meadows have in common is in 2012, meadows made a comment about sending obama back to kenya. He subsequently said theres no racist bone in his body, but he got associated with the birther movement. I like to point out from time to time, phil rucker, im actually from kenya, so thats a topic close to my heart. Good to see you, my friend. Phil rucker is the White House Bureau chief from the washington post. Thank you for your reporting tonight. Much more to come tonight including the highest, hardest Glass Ceiling still remains firmly in place. Stay with us. Theres no space there maybe over here . Oven mitts oven mitts everythings stuck in the drawers im sorry oh, jeez. Hi. Kelly clarkson. Try wayfair oh, ok. Its going to help you, with all of. This yeah, here you go. Thank you oh, i like that one [ laugh ] thats a lot of storage perfect. Youre welcome i love it. How did you do all this . Wayfair speaking of dinner, whatre we eating, guys . And i. Was. Shocked. Right away, called my mom, called my sisters. Im from cameroon, congo, and. The bantu people. I had ivory coast, and ghana. Togo. I was grateful. I just felt more connected. To who i am. Greater details. Richer stories. And now with health insights. Get your dna kit at ancestry. Com. At outback, steak lobster is back. 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Pdl1 saved my life. Saved my life. Saved my life. What we do here at danafaber, changes lives everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Before hillary clinton, before shirley chisholm, there was Margaret Chase smith. She was a republican senator from maine, and she was the first woman in history to serve in both the u. S. House and the senate. Margaret chase smith was elected to congress in 1940, first to fill the seat left vacant by her husbands death and then on her own merits. In january of 1964, Margaret Chase smith announced that she would run for president. She became the first woman in this country to run in a major Party Primary for president. Take a look at this. This is a universal news reel from 1964 when she announced her campaign. Look at how they titled the segment, because Margaret Chase smith was a woman, they called it bonnet in the ring, not hat in the ring. Bonnet. Okay. Roll the tape. Senator Margaret Chase smith of maine makes the announcement that she will seek the republican president ial nomination. Because of these very impelling reasons against my running, i have decided that i shall. [ laughter ] her announcement was greeted with laughter, and that was just the beginning. Where will your Washington Headquarters be, or where shall you begin to receive Campaign Contributions . [ laughter ] the Republican Committee said his office will work. Will you be willing to debate rocky and barry and harold in New Hampshire . Who will be your running mate . [ laughter ] none of the announced candidates have indicated any desire. [ laughter ] what would you do as a candidate to break down discrimination against women . Well, if i if the people of this country dont know what i would do from what i have done, i dont think i could add any information to that. [ applause ] senator, if you cant make it yourself, which candidate would you support for president . Rockefeller, nixon, scranton, or who else . Again, i must answer that im a candidate for president , and im not supporting anybody else. Margaret chase smith never got past the first ballot at the republican convention. More than 50 years later, we saw the exit yesterday of the last competitive woman left in the democratic field. Senator Elizabeth Warren suspending her Campaign Following the departures of kirsten gillibrand, kamala harris, and amy klobuchar. Tulsi gabbard is still running but for all intents the race for the white house is down to two white men in their 70s vowing to challenge another white man in his 70s. Were past the point of laughing when a woman says she wants to be president. But if were not there anymore, where are we now . Joining us, maria teresa kumar. President and ceo vote latino. Thank you for joining us tonight. What are your thoughts on this . We have had a woman win the nomination of the Democratic Party, run for president , get more votes than the current president , and then weve had several women vie for the nomination this time around. Whats your sense of where we are . Lets remind the American People that the last time a woman headed the democratic nomination of a major party, she won. Hillary clinton won 3 million more votes than trump, and now that were seeing a lot of this other evidence of whether or not he won fair and square, that leaves it for us to remind ourselves that anything is possible in america. The fact that four women came up right after her and said that they were going to run and they were prosecutors, they were senators, they demonstrate our possibility. And i think sometimes what happens with the American People is that we get a little bit shy of actually breaking that Glass Ceiling. Mmhmm. But lets not forget, ali, the reason that the democrats won the house last midterm was because womens fury decided not only were we going to run for office. I sat on the board of emilys list. Let me give you an idea. In 2016, 600 women decided they were going to run for office through emilys list. After the president s inauguration, 43,000 women decided that they were going to run for some sort of office, whether it was today, tomorrow, or last year. And that tells us that were creating a pipeline of diversity of thoughts. When you go toe to toe on the policies, it was women who had the most exceptional policies when it came to the debate stage. What we have to remember is, yes, one step forward and two steps back. Thats exactly what we saw. But the women that are leading the charge, the ones Holding Strong to our constitution, making sure that we are following the rules have been led by women. Im thinking of speaker pelosi. Im thinking of the young women that are now on the Progressive Side of the Democratic Party encouraging people to think broader and bigger. So this is not a we cannot do it. Its a matter of what is the trust that the American People can remember within themselves because we have already elected a woman president. Lets do that again. Let me ask you about the criticisms about why Elizabeth Warren didnt win. Some people maybe just didnt like her policies. Others said that there was some degree of sexism or different treatment because she was a woman and the way she put out her policies. Some people have called it misogynistic. What do you think is true . I think its a mix of all of it, right . We had a National Poll where she was actually number she was number four, and she didnt even appear on that National Poll towards the end. I think that there was a huge misstep in iowa because no one she never got the gravitas that she came out number three in the Iowa Caucuses but it was because of that iowa caucus debacle. It was almost as if it was a perfect storm. There was also a big body of the Democratic Party that funds a lot of electoral campaigns that were quite afraid of her. They didnt want to fund her for what she represented, and that was making sure that everybody paid their fair share into society so we could have a functioning government. There was a lot of factors, but she was brave and she showed us how we have to think big once again. I have to tell you when i would listen to Elizabeth Warren, she was reminding people we had already done and made these hard choices about making sure we would close the gap on income inequity. We did this 100 years ago. She was reminding us we need to do that refresh. So, heres the question. Tell me. I get the whole issue of the number of pipeline and the number of women who have run and the idea there will be more women hopefully running each time. But at some point when you compare apples to apples, Elizabeth Warren did have a plan for everything. She did have a policy for everything. She outlined the policy for everything. She put it out there like a scientist would put it out in a journal to be evaluated by their peers. She got criticism for her plans and her price tags on things. At what point do we as voters need more from a woman candidate . I would say that, look, i would actually it wasnt that we needed more from a woman candidate. I think it was more what the times were calling for. Just as she had a plan for everything, so did al gore, and we had trouble with that. And i think our challenge is really saying who right now, when people were casting a ballot, it was like who could actually beat donald trump. I would argue this election has little to do with policy and everything about making sure we change the white house, and thats what voters were going in from. Maybe she was ahead of her times. But its a very different election. Had Elizabeth Warren run in perhaps 2012 or any other time when people were looking for Real Solutions because it was the economy stupid, she may have had an easier path. Right now the majority of people casting a ballot was like, how do we make sure that we replace donald trump . For good or worse, i would actually argue that folks are actually not looking for big ideas. Theyre looking to make sure to retain the course of some sort of normalcy when it comes to our democracy. Maria teresa kumar, always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you for joining us. Shes the president and ceo of voto latino. Coming up, the aftershocks from super tuesday are reverberating. What warren supporters and bloombergs dollars mean for 2020. Thats next. 2020 thats next. 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Results continue to trickle in from californias democratic primary election. Right now Bernie Sanders leads joe biden by about 273,000 votes statewide. Now, in the National Delegate count, joe biden continues to lead Bernie Sanders by 68 delegates, making him the national frontrunner. Thats before weve got all the numbers in from california. But all eyes are focused right now on another candidate who is no longer in the race, senator Elizabeth Warren, who ended her campaign yesterday and has yet to indicate whether or whom she plans to endorse. Last night senator warren sat down with rachel on this show to talk about her president ial campaign, the narrowing field, and a Major Development in the election for which she takes credit. Senator, you outlasted Mike Bloomberg in this campaign. Oh, yeah. Was he still in that race . He was still in that race, but nobody could tell after you destroyed him on the debate stage that way. A lot of postmortems on his Campaign Credit you basically with single handedly tanking his candidacy with the way you took him apart in that debate. Is that what you were trying to do . Yes. Do you take credit . Sure. Elizabeth warren made short work of that question. Yes, she was trying to end Mike Bloombergs candidacy when she went after him in the las vegas debate, and it worked. He tanked on super tuesday. Now another six states will vote this coming tuesday in a sort of a mini super tuesday. I wonder what will happen then. Joining us now, david plouffe, former Campaign Manager and senior aide to president barack obama. Hes also an msnbc contributor and the author of a new book, a citizens guide to beating donald trump. Mr. Plouffe, thank you for joining us tonight. Elizabeth warren is out of the race. Short of her endorsing someone, Morning Consult suggests that her supporters would be split almost evenly between joe biden and Bernie Sanders. Does that make sense to you . Is that about right . It does. I mean i think there was a conventional wisdom that they would skew heavily sanders but if you look, joe biden did extraordinarily well on super tuesday in a lot of suburban areas where Elizabeth Warren also had strength. Biden has the momentum now. He looks like he could win. Hes still got a lot of work to do. So i think for those reasons, it probably will split. I think those you know, bloomberg didnt do well on super tuesday as you pointed out, but he still got a lot of votes. So if you split the warren vote roughly 5050, lets say, and give biden 75 of bloomberg, that is going to give him, i think, a pretty advantageous position heading into both march 10th, the states you just showed. But we have massive states on march 17th like illinois, florida, ohio, and arizona. She sort of picked a lane and it seemed to be a lane that was occupied mostly by Bernie Sanders. But in fact you know Elizabeth Warren, and you know her history. She could actually fit comfortably into either lane. She could have competed with joe biden. She could have competed with Bernie Sanders. If you were advising her about whether she should endorse someone, what would you suggest she do . Its such a personal decision, ali. So i think we see that her supporters are probably relatively balanced. You know, she probably wants to see how the next couple weeks ago, take some time to figure out what her role is going to be going forward. Other candidates made a decision to endorse. This is the right decision for her. Like picking a Vice President , you know, whoever our nominee is, thats the most personal decision they make. You know, whether you endorse or not is a very personal decision. But looking at those numbers, you know, maybe if 90 of her supporters are going one way or the other, that might tip the scales. But her people are relatively divided. Listen, theres a chance this race may not be formally over, but if joe biden does as well on the next two tuesdays as he did on super tuesday, his delegate lead is really going to grow. Yeah. So, in fact, Bernie Sanders was supposed to have a rally in mississippi, instead went to michigan. He won michigan very narrowly last time around. Joe biden is polling very strongly in a lot of states. This tuesday looks like its joe bidens to lose more than its Bernie Sanders to win. Well, you mentioned mississippi, so im going to nerd out on delegates like i like to do. I love that. Joe biden is going to win mississippi probably by a large margin. Bernie sanders skipping his event probably gives some clue of that from their side. Mississippi, if i recall, has got 36 delegates. Biden could net 25 or 30 out of that state alone. So thats important. Lets say michigan is close. Bernie wins it by a few. Biden wins it by a few. Roughly split delegates. Same thing with missouri. I think Bernie Sanders might do quite well in north dakota and win some delegates but its a really small state. So then youve got to look at the 17th. There was a poll yesterday showing Bernie Sanders not viable in florida. Now, i actually believe by the time the vote happens, i think hes going to get above 15 . But if hes losing florida by 50 or 06 points, joe biden will net 200 out of that alone. Lets talk about the states voting on tuesday. There will be mississippi, montana, north dakota, michigan, idaho, Washington State. What are you looking for on tuesday night . Well, first of all does biden maximize his delegate yield out of mississippi . If he does there like he did in other Southern States last tuesday, he will. In michigan, even though i think the delegate situation will be relatively balanced, given bernie won last time, if biden is able to win that, it shows his momentum continues. Same thing with missouri, a state that was super close with clinton and sanders. If biden wins there, i think it says a lot. And then can bernie so, last time, Washington State, sanders clobbered clinton there, but it was a caucus. I still think its a good state for Bernie Sanders, but in a primary what kind of margin can he build there because hes now behind in the delegates. Its a mail in and hand in your ballot. Thatll be interesting because washington is really suffering from coronavirus with some concern about how thats going to work. But in fact its the one state that can continue with its primary regardless. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Thanks, ali. David plouffe, author of the new book a citizens guide to beating donald trump. Up next, a federal judge cries foul over attorney generals bill barr handling of the Mueller Report. More ahead. Stay with us. It. It. Juggled life for it. Took charge for it. So care for it. Look after it. Invest with the expertise of j. P. Morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. After all, its yours. 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Federal judge Reggie Walton wrote that, quote, the inconsistencies between attorney general barrs statements and portions of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements caused the court to seriously question whether attorney general barr made a calculated attempt to influence Public Discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump. These circumstances generally and attorney general barrs lack of candor specifically call into question attorney general barrs credibility. Judge walton, a george w. Bush appointee, now wants a copy of the full, unredacted version of the Mueller Report by the end of the month so that he can decide whether barrs Justice Department was justified in blacking out various sections and keeping them from public view. And now tonight the Justice Department has responded with a statement saying, in part, quote, the court made a series of assertions about public statements the attorney general made nearly a year ago. The courts assertions were contrary to the facts. The original redactions in the public report were made by department attorneys. There is no basis to question the work or good faith of any of these Career Department lawyers. The department stands by their work as well as the attorney generals statements and efforts to provide as much transparency as possible. Of all the open tabs in politics in the moment and there are lots of them you might want to bookmark this one. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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He will be here monday night with his latest on the states response to coronavirus. Dont miss it. That does it for me tonight. You can find me tomorrow morning and sunday morning on msnbc from 8 00 to 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. This is awkward, me handing over to you on a friday night. Well, coronavirus is now spreading throughout the world and throughout the United States. America is now shutting down. Businesses are eliminating nonessential travel and cancelling conferences all over the country. The annual south by southwest conference in austin, texas was

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