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Live with a lawyer who was arguing against this policy in court today. Who will update on us whether the Trump Administration is complying with the judges timetable to put these families back together again. We start tonight with Fredrick Vaughn stew ben. He was born in 1730 in the kingdom of presha. An air that is modern day germany. At 17 he joined the preshan army and fought in the seven years war. It was one of the most sophisticated and powerful armies in the world. He had a distinguished military career, eventually becoming a top aid to fredrick the great. He also believed to be a openly gay man. Back then, being gay was a crime. In 1753 he was dismissed from the army. He was rumored he was let go because he was gay. With no job and nowhere to go, fredrick went to america. He arrived in the states in the throes of the Revolutionary War in 1777. The Continental Army was losing. They suffered through a bit l winter at valley forge. The troops were living in filth, untrained. George washington needed someone to whip his men into shape, how to teach them how to properly fight a war. It was around that time that George Washington met friedrich. He was impreesed with his Military Experience and strong personality. Washington hired him. He was not given a military title, he was not even an american. He took the job anyway to help secure the emerging new countrys independence. He trains Washington Army at valley forge. He taught them how to march, stay in line, reload, pitch tents, build trees and run kitchens. He did it all in broken english. American revolution who volunteered to help this country win its independence who helped tie the during war he wrote this letter to George Washington, explaining why he volunteered to fight for a country that was not his own. He told washington, quote, the object of my greatest am beneficiary is to render your country all the services in my power and to deserve the title of a Citizen Of America by fought fighting for the cause of your liberty. In 1774 he got his wish. As a thank for his service, reward for sacrificed he made to american he became a u. S. Citizen. He lived out the rest of his days in the United States. The immigrant soldier from presha who created The American Professional Army died at home, in new york as an citizen citizen. Ever since the Revolutionary War, immigrants in this country has represented a significant recruiters asking how they could be apart of the program, asking how they could serve the country and become u. S. Citizens. The immigrants who enlisted through the program scored significantly higher on their entrance exams. On average they were more highly educated. They filled serious deficits in the army. Doctors, dentists, speakers of language and far from corners of the world where American Forces were operating. During the president s obamas tenure the program included psychologist to help with severe emotional stress experienced by soldiers in afghanistan and iraq. The policy has been bipartisan. In 2014, President Obama expanded the program to allow dah california recipients to participant. One immigrant who volunteered to serve was a dentist from philadelphia named amon dylan. He was born in india and moved to the United States in 2006. He was an ivy league gradual with a postdoctoral degree. Messages, emails, phone call and having told somehow they failed a Background Check. No one would tell them what the details of failure are. Is there something in the Background Check, maybe a form they filled out that indicated maybe theres something dishonest on the forms, or is this part of winding down this mavni program, to your knowledge . What part is the Department Of Defense decided they wanted to do extreme vetting on these troops, they winded up these Background Checks but had no capabilities to do this. This related to three years they face before they can participate in the military because theyre basically stuck waiting while they undergo these Background Checks. Dod last year revealed a plot to cancel all your contracts because they didnt want to spend the money doing the Background Checks on them. Theres a public uproar about that, the Background Checks were cancelled. It would taken many many year before doj would be able to complete them. Were seeing a certainly surge discharges where theyre being kicked out of the military without any reasons, or what theyre doing wrong. One recruit continuance denty got ahold of some of the paperwork that purportedly supported the argument that he had failed his Background Check. The paper work indicated he hadnt really failed it. In fact the only reason they were kicking him out because he had, quote, foreign ties. These are immigrants, so they all have foreign ties. And the documents cited that he got coincidentally said he had a parent who lived in his home somebodys not qualified to enlist in the military. If a person supposedly fail a Background Check they tell the person. They bring them in and say, it appears you failed a Background Check because you did the following thing, what do you have to say for yourself. In these cases, none of these people are being told why they failed. In fact, the commanders dont know why they failed. Some of the people who supposedly failed these Background Checks recently received a promotion. Got an award, theres nothing in their background or history to indicate that they did anything wrong. Suddenly, theyre receiving these Discharge Orders and being told that they failed a Background Check. Its a disturbing sotory, so close to the fourth of july. Thank you for being here tonight and getting us information on this. Thank you very much. And i appreciate you covering the story. Thank you. The Trump Administration, meanwhile, was back in Federal Court trying to get an extension their parents by tuesday. Hhs cannot even locate the pattern of 38 kids. Half their parents have been released to whereabouts unknown. The other half have already been deported. The Trump Administration today asked for more time to get the kids under 5 back to their parents. The judge said, no. He told the government to turn in the list of 101 children under 5 by tomorrow. He will take up the matter again on monday. Joining us now is lee galort, a attorney for thank you very much for your time tonight. Thank you for having me. Im struck by the fact that the government is now saying the process is complicated in getting these kids back together. Because mr. Azar, the Hhs Secretary was testifying a week ago at the drop of the hat he could reunite children. They do not have a system that matches parent a with child ark, if they had that system why would they need dna . Right, i think what came out today was that the government does not have a proper tracking system. The judge noted that in his ruling last week, and it was just reenforced today. Its clear the government cannot match all the parents and children. So they asked for the judge to extend the deadlines, and as you said in your intro, the judge refused to generally extend the deadlines. What he did say is, if you have very specific concrete reasons why a particular family cannot be reunited by the deadline, let the plaintiffs know, let me know, because right now were in the dark. Then well talk in concrete terms about whether were going to extend the deadline for particular individual families. He refused to take up the governments request to just generally extend the deadlines. It was absolutely clear in court today that the governments tracking system was not a good one, theyre not sure where all the patterns are. And so what i said in arguing our side of the case was, you need to give us the information, there are thousands of volunteers who want to help. We will get down there and see all the parents, ask them what their kid is like, what the kids name is, try and help match and do what ever we can. These kids need to be reyunifie. I think its extraordinary to hear that the government now says they dont know where some of those patterns are. Lets play Hhs Secretary azar. This was just last week speaking with the Finance Committee about what he then said that they know. There is no reason whiny parent would not know where their child is located. I could at the key strokes i sat on the orr portal with just basic key strokes, within seconds can find any child in our care for my pattern. In court today when you were there, did they essentially take that back . Well, they didnt mention the secretarys comments but it was very clear they could not match all the parents and child with the stroke of a keyboard. The judge asked very pointed questions. We originally went in there to talk about all 3,000 or so kids that have been separated. That deadline is not for july 26 for kids 5 and older. The judge made the correct decision to focus the hearing today on the children under 5, so that we can fix that problem. He said i want the government to submit a list to the plaintiffs for all 500 kids, and explain to each individual kid why you cannot reunite them and if you cannot find the parent. The government did essentially admit to do, they do not have the able to track all the parents and kids and match them. Weve seen before deportation, i. C. E. Is given parents who is separated from their kids a form to fill out. Two options, requesting to reunite with my kids for the repatriation, meaning reunite and deport. Or im formally requesting to return to my country without any minor children. The parents who they say have already been deported, are they now saying where they deported them to or where they are . Well, we will see what that list shows there. They have to give us that list by 5 00 p. M. On saturday. Well see what the list shows. I am assuming it will at least say what country the parent went to. Theres no question that those forms that theyve been distributing or misleading. What i said in court today was that we want the government to cease using that form. We want to institusubstitute in that we create that makes it clear parents are entitled to get their children back, and its not inten gent upon theme leaving the United States. Vs. Ve. Very quickly. The department of justice attorney mentioned she was not going to be around this weekend because she would be dog sitting. Just to classirify, was there gg to be any action in court this weekend, does it make any difference this doj lawyer was in colorado dog sitting . I did not understand the judge to say he wanted us in court this weekend. In fairness to her i think she said that, it didnt mean she wasnt ready to work this weekend. The judge i think didnt want us to be in court until monday morning. Right, just to clarify that. The bottom line being, you didnt walk away from that hearing confidently that the the government could reunite these kids at the stroke of a pen . We did not. We said give us as much information you have because we will help find the attorney. Lee gelernt thank you for being here tonight. Migration separation next, including an interview with the woman who climed the statute of lisht on the forurth of july. Pressure will be with me next on set. Stay tuned. So i just bundled everything with my home insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. 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Joining us now is patricia okoumou in her first tv since her big climb. And j. W. Walker. So miss okoumou i want to start with you. What made you scale the statue . Well, rise and resist had been declining this action as far as the way we did. Some people were wearing tshirt that says abolish i. C. E. And i figured, okay ive never been to the statue of liberty. I would love to climb up there with the sign or banner. It wasnt something i was willing to discuss with the group because i didnt want to be discouraged. You didnt want them to stop you . Yes. What did you think j. W. When patricia started heading up the statue . The truth is, no one in the group realized that it was pressure when people first noticed it was up there. Originally since it wasnt a plan of our action, we were like, oh, thats somebody else, thats a daredevil. We have no idea. It wasnt until some of the photographer that was with us used their zoom lenses and got a look at the person, and we were like saying, oh my god that was patricia. We issued statements saying we didnt know who it was, and then when we realized, oh my god it was patricia. The first thing was about her safety. And knowing she was a woman of color that was going to be engaged with Law Enforcement, we were concerned about the possibility that she may be injured when she was brought down. So, we just immediately started trying to find Legal Assistance for her. Yeah. On that point, and of course, as woman of color engaging with Law Enforcement, im glad you made that point. Some of the criticisms, you endangered yourself, put police in danger. Also as a woman of color you engaged activity with Law Enforcement that could have compounded. It wasnt worried about that, that was the first thing from my mind. My concern was for the kids. This is just cruel and inhumane. I couldnt live with that. I had to do something. What was the message that you wanted people to take away from what you were doing . That children dont belong in canaless and they needed to be immediately reunited with their families, their mom and decide. J. W. , as far as the grown up is concerned, does this fit with the overall rise and resist message . Is this what you want, Direct Action . That what we want, Direct Action group. Thats how we were formed what we do. We were planning a specific action with the banner drop and the focus with the tshirts. We dont plan things where people are going to be in any sort of peril or danger. But, we absolutely support patricia in cha she did. The fact is we were there to call attention to i. C. E. , to call attention to how much i. C. E. Is subverting and perverting all the ideals america holds dear. Patricia just took it to the next level. Once we realized that she was safe when she was down, and she was safe, theres nothing endangering her, all we could do is celebrate the Success Attention to i. C. E. And to these issues that she brought. Lets talk a bit about how the Trump Administrations policies have hit you as an immigrant. We share something in common. I have congo roots, you are from the republic of congo. When you start hearing how donald trump talk about immigrants and referring to some countries, now the detention of children. Tell me how that hit you as an immigrant . First of all, donald j. Trump is a distracter and chief. No way am i going to focus my attention on him. I country hes a dog whister. Hes trying to divide the country. We are a democracy, we stand for peace. The constitution protects everybody, including immigrants. Theres something called a due process. Hes ignorant unfortunately. I would not normalize his behavior. Its unprecedented. What is rise and resist plan . There are people who feel angry, frustrated, scared, what is the plan that rise and resist has . The plan is just to constantly call attention to the just to the sort of crimes against our very nature of more than that donald trump and his administration are committing regularly on a daily basis. Its not just its obviously just not i. C. E. , its the customs and border patrol. I. C. E. Is taking people who have been living, working, paying taxes and raising their families here for decades. And storming into theyre home and removing them over poorly filledout paper work from their immigration process. The status of your legal case, when are you expected to be in court . August 3rd. Hopefully youll update us with your legal situation. Glad you made it safe to the ground. Patricia okoumou and j. W. Walker. Thank you for joining us. Late tonight, knew that is can change the trial for Donald Trumps campaign chairman. But i wasnt tough enough to quit on my own. Not until i tried chantix. 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Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. We got news late this evening in the trial of former Trump Campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Hes currently facing a long string of charges in the russian investigation, from conspiracy to launder money, to failing to register as a foreign agent. Manafort was jailed last month because prosecutors nully alleged he attempted to tamper with witness in this case. Hes on trial in virginia. On that part of the case, mr. Manaforts lawyer last week tried to argue that Press Coverage and leaks to the media were adversely affecting his defense. Rachel brought you the transcript on friday starring the defense attorney, kevin downey. We dont have to take too much time, but wed like to do some supplemental briefing with you you honor about the nature of the leaks that occurred here. We have highest level of government officials said to the press that mr. Paul manafort. And the judge intervened. Well, have you filed. Last alets youre right. Whats the remedy you seek . How can you have a fair trial when the media has saturated with false statements about the evidence. The judge says, all right. So whats the remedy assuming your right. Downing, well, given the conduct, one remedy is dismissal. The un, no. Putting that one aside. Mr. Downy, id like to stick with that one briefly. The judge, no. Go on. Mr. Downy says, you honor, i think you kind of glossed over this issue in terms of you talking to somebody, asking them questions in vrd. I think we can do some supplemental briefs to show the judge, will you listen to what im saying to you. What remedy would you have asked for if youre right that its been satiating as you put it. Mr. Downying, it will have to be a Change Of Venue. The judge. Finally. Finally. The judge gave manaforts attorney till today to file for Change Of Venue. The defense would like to move his trial from liberal saend rea, virginia. A fair trial will be impossible without a Change Of Venue to roe oak, virginia. Lets talk about this change of venue that theyd like to have. We have a map here of alex sandhya with roan oak, virginia. A pool in vaend ya went clinton is that common to try to move the trial to a more politically favorable climate . Im sure its what every defendant who believes politics would help him or her would like to do. Typically these transfers are authorized under federal rule where it would be extremely that he or she could not get a fair trial if they remain in case. You think about the big Profile Cases like the Oklahoma City bombing, which was moved from oklahoma to denver. Thats where these sorts of transfers usually take place. In this case, do you think its likely to succeed . I think this motion has a slender chance of success. One factor here is its not just the cities we should be looking at. Juries are pulled from whats called a division inside of a judicial district. So, manafort has been inditcted in the eastern area of virginia. The same is true in r ork enok it is as a friend told me earlier, trump country. This is a thinly ziesed effort by mr. Manafort to get a jury pulled more to his liking, i dont think hell be successful. One of the other issues brought up by manaforts torn is the publicity in the case. Theres been a lot to say on twitter about Paul Manafort. Heres one sample tweet, wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort who has representation ronald reagan. Didnt know manafort was ahead of the mob. The idea that the president s tweets and that kind of publicity to adversely affect the trial, didnt we have the Supreme Court litigate a case where they said nothing Donald Trump Tweets matters . They said it legally. I think what comes into play here is manaforts motion is very cavalier in terms of its willingness to believe that juries can follow the instructions theyre given by judges and set aside their personal beliefs. Ill tell you after 25 years of trying cases in Federal Court that juries do that remarkably well. In fact in the eastern district of virginia, one of the judges was able to try one of the 911 cays without needing to move that heavily publicized case to another district. Manafort makes this super official argument with very little law and no real reason to believe that a jury in alex sandhya cant do whats stated by the judge and make a decision based on the law. All right, joyce vance thank you for being here tonight. When you come to aunte maxine you better be ready for the backlash. More on that next. Still nervous about finding a new apartment . Yeah. But popping these things really helps me. Relax. Please dont, im saving those for later. At least you dont have to worry about renters insurance. Just go to geico. Com. Geico helps with renters insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. Ill check em out. Get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your Antacid Habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. 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Then theres a complaint that because he goes on Fox News To Support donald trump, his former friends on Marthas Vineyard are quote, shunning me and trying to ban me. Thats a few thing from the folks on the left trying to let people know they disagree with the Current Administration and its policies. That is a tactic that congresswoman maxine waters, democrat out of california openly embraced at a rally a couple weeks ago. If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you push back on them, you tell them, theyre not welcome anymore anywhere. But while her calls for nonviolent Direct Action have now given the congresswoman a permanent slot in the president s rally stump speeches, complete with plenty of personal insults, her feisty calls for disobedience has the ones who call her aunte maxine. However, the congresswomans call for action did not please Democratic Party leadership. House Democratic Leaders nancy pelosi tweeted last week, quote, in the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America Beautiful again. Trump has revoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. We must conduct emotions in a way that achieve liberty from sea to shining sea. Sent chucksumer said this on the floor. No one should call for the harassment of political opponents, thats not right, thats not american. That response is not going over well with 200 black leaders and allies who wrote a letter directed at shumann and pelosi. They said, disparaging to discredit congresswoman waters is an afort to her and black women across the country. It does not respect black Women Leadership and power. We all on the Democratic Party leadership to step up and publicly support congresswoman waters. We believe she is owed an apology for Public Comments insinuating she is uncivil and unamerican for challenging the Trump Administration. Joining us now is one of the people signing that letter, melody camp bell. She is the chairman of sisters lead, sisters vote. Thank you so much for joining us. Glad to be here, joy. Tell me why the women, you yourself and more than 200 members of this signatories to this letter wrote that letter, and have you gotten a respond from the leaders . First of all, its gone up to over 500 plaque women and others and allies, men and women from all races, quite frankly. Wasnt just myself, but it was a group of us who working to, civil rights and Social Justice issues who were outraged and very concerned when we saw congresswoman wears being attacked, and even more concerned when the leadership did not stand with her as she was speaking truth to power about what was she speaking about at the end of the day, about the 2,000, now 3,000 children who have been separated from their families. And so, we knew as black women, black women in leadership, we needed to speak up and really challenge the leadership to stand with congresswoman waters and get focused again on why she was speaking, and why she put herself out there. Thats why we spoke up. And we, the producers of this show reached out to pelosis office in a response to a question about whether or not she would apologize from congressman waters. This is what we got back. Shes a valuable leader, whose call for should be heard without any threats to her safety. Thats responding to some negative threatening sounding commenting about her. She fully added, donald trump has sullied the pulpit with Reckless Disregard for the safety of others. He should stop his attack on congresswoman waters, on all members of congress, free press and all americans who have the right and responsibility to speak their minds. Does that response satisfy you . I think it was good for Minority Leader pelosi to make those comments. We do feel, however there needs to be more said. We have not heart from senator shumann. We also plan, joy, to engage to gop leadership, speaker speaker paul ryan, calling for her to apologize and many republicans who also calling for her to be senntured and when shes speaking to truth, taking something that she said out of context and moving away from what this was about. So we need to ask ourselves, with err going to be civil about the children being separated from their parents. And theres been a companion online open letter to nancy pelosi thats now also out there thats been signed by about 4500 people. It says when you attack a black woman for speaking about injustice and call for civility in the face of blatant racisrac you invoke white supremacist power. We hope you can learn tr this and that in the future, you stand shoulder to shoulder with her as we Work Together to fix what is so clearly broken in this country. It is wrapped in the roots of our story and its toup us to remove it. The people who put this together are multiple races. It comes from people of multiple races. Do you feel that the future of the resist ens is in nonviolent Direct Action or is it more in Electoral Politics or is in your view, a mix . Its a combination. Black women, we are the secret sauce to the Democratic Party winning elections. Have been for decades, so we know the power of our vote. Were changing the power die nam nick this country. Look at what happened in alabama in 2017 and black women are winning and we know what happened for President Obama who was elected twice because of black women. We know black women voted 98 for hillary clinton. And tried to tell america to pay attention. We have Leadership Power and so its important we utilize that for the good, r for our family, communities and our nation. Melanie came bell, chair of sisterses lead, sisters vote. Thank you so much for your time. Really appreciate it. Thank you, joy. Much more ahead right here. Stay with us. Matt whoo whoo jen but that all changed when we bought a house. Matt voila jen matt started turning into his dad. Matt mm. Thats some good mulch. Im awake. But it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ Wrapper Crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. Theres quite a bit of work, cause this was all this was all stapled. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. But we can protect your home and auto im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Number one trusted. Number one awarded. Its got to be tide let someone else do the heavy lifting. 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Several Senate Democrats have called for the withdrawal of nomination with the number two democrat in the senator dick durbin warning this vote could be a Pivotal Moment in the russia investigation. Also a reminder, the president is going to announce his Supreme Court pick monday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. You can watch full live coverage on the Rachel Maddow show. More ahead. Stay with us. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. [stomach gurgles] when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto Ultra Coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try new pepto with Ultra Coating. Hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. 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