Apparently he got the nickname of the commodore in his days as a kid running those Ferry Services in new york harbor. The other guys who worked the harbor alongside him called Him Commodore as a way of teasing him. And it stuck. And then that kid who they mocked as the commodore grew up to amass one of the largest fortunes in american history. The kind of fortune that leaves a mark. In 1917 right next to the thenbrand new Grand Central station opposite vand built avenue, a huge new hotel went up with thousands of rooms. It was called the Commodore Hotel. It was named after correspond kneel i couldnt say, the Commodore Vand built. Had a statute of him right out front. And that hotel was one of new yorks big successful shmancy centrally located famous it was a big deal because the Commodore Hotel was a big Landmark Piece of new York Real Estate right next to Grand Central station. It also had this poetic storied connection to the great vanderbilt family. But it was a highprofile deal because that Young Real Estate developer put the city over a barrel in order to do the deal. You want Tax Abatements and Special Treatment. By and large youve gotten Special Treatment . Thats correct. Hektd very Special Treatment ten years ago when new york city was thought to be going bankrupt. Trump, who was then a brash 28yearold, bought the difficult lap dated Commodore Hotel on 42nd street just as it was about to be boarded up. He gutted it. From a real estate has become the hottest city in the world. People are flocking here by droves. And i guess a lot of things had to do with it, mostly i feel it was the psychology of making new york a winner as opposed to a loser. Its a nice line, but straight public relations. The tax holiday that the Trump Organization was given to build this hotel in 42nd street is it worth 45 million but donald trump wouldnt dream of blushing. Probably its greatest thing the city ever did and the city is the first to acknowledge it. They went overboard and gave a break for the first time in the history of new york we got this commercial tax abatement. I would have never built the development if i didnt get the tax abatement. Taking over that old Landmark Hotel when the city was in dire straits. That whole deal wasnt a private real estate deal. It involved a whole a lot of skin in the game from taxpayers. The arrangements over that hotel deal was trump would be absolved of paying millions of dollars, over 150 million in Property Taxes that the city would have otherwise collected from him. In exchange the stiff new york was basically they became a stake holder. They were guaranteed financial stake in the hotels success. The city would receive annual payments based on how the hotel did each year. The city gets a piece of the hotels revenue. And you know what . The hotel did pay the city. The whole deal worked for a few years until it didnt. Trump got his side of the deal okay. He didnt have to pay 150 million in Property Taxes. But by around 1986, the hotel was doing really well. It was doing better than it had ever done before revenue wise. So the city was expecting the several Million Dollars from the deal each year thus for. Starting in 1986 the payments stopped coming. The hotel just randomly that year sent over a few hundred thousand dollars instead of the millions of dollars the city was expecting. Thats where the story gets really good. It was bad, terrible for new york. Bad overall in terms of the balance of good and evil in the world. But this story is good for us as americans in our in terms of trying to understand whats happening to our government and to the american presidency now and why. This is why. This is Andrew Weissman a career prosecutor who made his name helping to dismantling organized Crime Networks including Organized Crime Rackets that were running schemes on wall street. One of those cases got him involved in the prosecution of a onetime member of the Trump Organization a man who played a key role in the development of and the money behind the trump soho project. He also led the Enron Task Force which unraveled that multibillion dollars complex corporate con job. Andrew weissman works for Robert Mueller now. Then theres lisa page. Shes a former prosecutor with deep experience in Organized Crime and Money Laundering including working with an fbi task force that has pursued Money Laundering cases related to putinconnected oligarchs. This is greg andres, hes the latest hire we know of on Robert Muellers Special Counsel investigation. He ran the fraud unit in the Criminal Division of the u. S. Justice department. He specializes is Money Laundering, tax fraud, market manipulation, corruption. Greg andres is a big fish. He also now works for Robert Mueller. Three weeks ago, bloomburg was first to report the Mueller Investigation was turning to trumps business past. Trumps Business Transactions. That ninety we called john dowd to get his response to the news. He responded to us bizarrely. Mr. Dowd told us he did not believe that Business Transactions were under investigation by the Mueller Investigation. He told us he just didnt think that was true. And then he told our producer who was on the phone with him, quote, this is the last call we will ever have, and then he hung up. It was really weird. Whether or not the president s lawyer chooses to believe it or not, by the end of last week, cnn was flashing it out. Quote, the fbi is reviewing financial records related to the Trump Organization as well as trump himself, his family members, his campaign associates. Theyve combed through the list of Shell Companies and buyers of trump Real Estate Properties and scrutinized the tenants of trump tower reaching back more than a half dozen years. Which you would think wouldnt give him enough time to be working for other people as well, apparently proceed pro bono at 4 00 in the morning on a weeknight. But heres the tell. Heres where history starts to help and where something that otherwise Doesnt Make Sense Kind of starts make sense. Look at the difference how Paul Manafort and donald trump are reacting here to Whats Going On in the Mueller Investigation. Paul manafort has dropped his previous legal representation as of last night. He has now set up a new legal team to represent him, one that specializes in taxes, banking, foreign crypt practices act. His new lead lawyer is literally a Certified Public Accountant in addition to being a lawyer. That makes sense given the turn in the investigation. In contrast, the president is not doing that. The president is not putting together that kind of team. Hes got the new york guy who handled his divorce records and who threatens the new york times. Hes got the christian Rights Attorney who goes on funds a lot and who could definitely defend the president very well if it turns out the major legal liabilities that hes put up a Ten Commandments tablet in the oval office. The president also has this new lead attorney whose highest Attorney Experience in the past was having a Hedge Fund Client not just convicted but given the longest sentence ever for Insider Trading and whose more recent Financial Experience appears to be the late night misspelled emails about the wrong client that hes sending to the wall street journal. Hey, at least its wall street. As this investigation into the president has turned into a follow if money kind of thing, as it has turned toward financial matters, the president has not tuned up his defense, his representation, to meet that kind of a challenge. He doesnt have legal financial specialists on board. He doesnt have tax attorneys on board. Even previous president s in other smaller scandals have had. Other president s in smaller scandals have had people on board at this stage going through the finances with a finetoothed comb, red teaming any discrepancies or potential problems. Whether or not there is anything in President Trumps finances that will ultimately draw attention from the Special Counsel, its interesting and notable that the president doesnt appear to be preparing any sort of financial defense against a Special Counsel team that is absolutely chockfull of financial specialists. Why is that . Go back to the Commodore Hotel. When that deal between trump and the city of new york went bad in the 80s because the city figured out he had stopped paying his part of the deal, when that that went basd bad, something unusual happened. He used this deal to not pay Property Taxes. When the city realized he wasnt giving them their cut of the profits, they didnt just sue him to get their money. They got access to his books. There was a ciauditors office. He had this deal with the city. So the city was able to get the books. The city was able to audit the hotel. And to this day, that Commodore Hotel scandal remains one of the only times we the public have ever been allowed to see how the president conducts himself financially in business. 80s new york city officials found that his partners had short changed the city out of 2. 8 million. It was an example off extraordinary flimflammery. Audittors found trump in this letter he signed formally authorized accounting changes that understated the hotels profits to lower what was owed the city in rental fees. Uniquey . It was very sneaky. He cheated the city a substantial sum of money. She was the new york city Auditor General in 1986. And it took a couple of years, tons of Stone Walling on the part of trump, but Container Ber seen the and her team did audit and report on how trump was running that business. And her public report concluded that basically trump was running two sets of books. One that was the real estimate of prochltsd at the hotel and another set they used just for this deal with the city to try to maintain a front that showed that the hotel was broke and didnt have to pay the city anything. The citys audit said trump used, quote, an Accounting Methodology that the abrent and distoretive to make it look like the hotel owed less to the city. Abc looked at this again last year. Cbs Got Forensic Audittors to look at the five kids. They described, quote, failures in basic bookkeeping, and efforts to stymie officials. In the course of trying to do this audit at the hotel back in the day, the autotors at one point were physically blocked from being allowed into the trump hotel to start the audit and that went on for more than a year. According to the cbss report, it was what the citys audittors discovered inside that most surprised them, the amount of Financial Information that was simply missing, the amount of missing information was staggering. Ledgers to show income expenses, the ledgers for seven months out of the 12month year were simply gone. The hotel said the ledgers had been sent to new jersey and then lost in a flood . The computerized version of those records, the hotel said those were sent to chicago, but after those records got sent to chicago, somehow they just disappeared. Sad. But the audit did get done. It was very, very ugly. All sorts of shenanigans went on for years with this inning thflt at one point trump offered a job to the auditors brother so he could work at the Trump Organization. The trump side sued the city over releasing the report to the public. A city clerk then conveniently mislabored the case so it effectively got lost in the files for years until after trump had sold off his shares at the hotel at which point another clerk came across the mislabored case and resurrected it. It was just a disaster. But if you are wondering why, now as an american citizen, why as President Donald Trump is behaving strangely when it comes to Special Counsel investigation, consider that the potential legal exposure of his financial dealings as a businessman, if thats where the Special Counsels investigation is going, that would be something almost prpunprecedent in his entire 71 years of life. Obviously he hasnt released his tax returns, two pages of one federal return from 2005. Thats all anybody has seen of his taxes ever. His business, the Trump Organization, its privately held, and its beyond that, infen tes mally small. Theres also a Trump Foundation which as a nonprofit, they did have to make Public Disclosures because theyre nonprofit. Those filings were such a line by line Disaster Area they became a fulltime beat for reporters like the Washington Posts David Faron Hold Last year earning him a Pulitzer Prize and showing the country how trump illegally used his nonprofit to settle lawsuits related to his business and make political donations to appear to be tied to things he wanted for his business much how they used the nonprofit as a way to uses other peoples money to pay for things like his sons boy scouts membership fee which was 7. He also used his nonprofit to buy portraits of himself to hang at his golf courses. That created such a mess for him that he tried to close the nonprofit and New York State wont let him because they say if that thing got shut down, it would interfere with an ongoing investigation. So that didnt go well. And that Foundation Stuff which was a catastrophe, thats just what happened when people got a peek at whats supposed to be the nonprofit part of his finances the part he knew would have to one day be open to the public. If its true the investigation is now prying open the real business part of his finances, stuff he never thought would ever be made public, it is worth knowing that weve had precisely one peek over the years into what those look like. It was an example of extraordinary flimflammery. Extraordinary flimflammery. Its also worth noticing that the president appears to be making no preparation whatsoever to defend anything in his finances, to boack him up, lega representation. The tiny window we have had into whats in his finances makes that seem like an insane strategy if hes really going there. Why doesnt he think he needs to play defense on this stuff . America has always had rich guys. New york has always had rich guys. Some rich guys had fortunes big enough that for more than a century they left a mark. In this case, modern history gives us reason to believe this might leave marks of a different kind, marks on the presidency. Hold that thought. Its ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. Its fine. Because i get a Safe Driving Bonus check every six months im accident free. Because i dont use my cellphone when im driving. Even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. Heres something else. I dont share it with mom. I dont. Right, mom . I have a brand new putter you dont even know about its awesome. Safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. Sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. Switching to allstate is worth it. 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We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. We do business where you do business. So you saw my opening remarks there about the window that weve had in the past into the president s finances, the Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into the president s Business Transactions, his financial transactions. You know more about Donald Trumps financial past than anybody else on earth whos not named trump. Given what you know and given what we now understand about the Mueller Investigation, does it strike you as strange that the president doesnt appear to be red teaming his financing, having a legal team and forensic accounts go through his stuff to build up a defense for those records against whatever mueller might find . Well, any normal person you would expect that of him. Let me begin by making a very important point. Most people who are in business are fundamentally honest. They may do things here and there and cut edges, but overall they conduct themselves with honor. Donald trump has no honor. He doesnt see anything wrong with the things that he does. One of the reasons they may not be worried at all about whats going to happen is he now that see power of the pardon which is pretty close to unlimited. He cant undo whats happened, and he has in the past relied heavy on missing records and documents. Thats a lot of what bureau seen t thes work was about. Its not particularly surprising but talks important thing to keep in mind here is that to trump not paying you for work that you did, not honoring a contract, cutting off the health care of your own grand nephew and putting his life in jeopardy, what else could i do would be his attitude. You see this in everything he says and does. David, in terms of whats about to happen here with the Mueller Investigation, obviously weve seen this news that fbi agents rated Paul Manaforts home, reportedly after Financial Information. Weve had reports about the grand jury subpoenas that have the button out not just from congress but federal prosecutors offices for flynn and manafort. These are people around trump who would conceivably be in a position to be able to be witnesses if they were flipped on anything untoward that might have happened with russia during the campaign, the kind of pressure thats coming down from this team that muellers put together with all these Financial Experts will be looking not for matters of honor and whether or not somebodys savory businessman, but theyll be looking for crimes. Thats right. Short of a pardon, is there a way the president should be preparing for that that anybody should be preparing for that kind of scrutiny . As you pointed out he hasnt picked exactly the folks you would expect his lawyers to represent these things. Muellers team is not heavy on counterintelligence. Its very heavy on financial fraud, on money lauraing, those are the areas im sure donald is highly vulnerable. Hes had several transactions with russian oligarchs that make no business sense whatsoever, they only make sense if theyre part of fraudulent transactions. There have been numerous examples of people who got mortgages with no underwriting because trump told various bankers to do so. The story of the clerk who misfiled in manhattan, we had the mystery of the missing manhattan sewage that was crucial to his efforts that failed later to develop the west side yards. Im sure muellers people are going to discover lots of problems with Records Being N nonsense nonsensical. They have been persuaded to act improperly. Its not different with what the russians do as it was clear they were trying to do when they met with donald trump jr. Last year. In terms of the president s legal representation, i am very struck by, as you were describing, the expertise of his team and the type of folks hes brought on and the kind of work theyve done in the past, especially the contrast with the type of financial and tax experts who mueller has on his side of the ledger. If you were advising the president in terms of how to put together effective legal representation given what you know about his finances, what kind of legal representation should he have . He needs to be lining up criminal Defense Lawyers whose background is in successfully representing people whove been gone after by the s. E. C. , by preet bharara and others. Frankly, the best advice he can probably get is if you havent lost records, lose them because those records will come back to haunt you. Records leave fingerprints elsewhere. The financial Enforcement Group we have which is essentially irs people, they are good at finding a particular transaction, connectsing the dots on things, and mueller that see team and the resources to go and pursue these things and if they can turn a handful of people, especially if those people are smart enough to have kept something to protect themselves if it went badly, they will make a case. David k. Johnston, investigative journalist. Appreciate you being here on a friday night. Thanks for your time. Thank you, rachel. Lots more to come tonight. Stay with us. Rethink the experience. Rethink your Allergy Pills. Flonase sensimist Allergy Relief uses unique Mistpro Technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most Allergy Pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Rethink your Allergy Relief. Flonase sensimist. They carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams. S. And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. Going somewhere . Whoooo. Heres some advice. Tripadvisor now searches more. Than 200 Booking Sites to find the hotel you want and save you up to 30 . Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. Her long day as anne. Hair stylist starts with Shoulder Pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. Of the dprk, everyone will face ruin. That was the threat, the weirdlyworded always overthetop threat. But that headline was not from today. It was not from this week. It was from this time last year, this time last year north korea was threatening to Shoot Missiles at guam. Its a very bad thing, but if you have been hearing this week that the reason our president is issuing these threats now to start a nuclear war with north korea, the reason the threats are so scary and the brinksman ship is so insane this week, if youve been hearing that that reason is because of the north koreans coughing a new red line and threat to think Shoot Missiles at guam its undoubtedly a bad thing that theyre making these threats, but its not new. They threaten to Shoot Missiles at guam all the time. Todays warnings from north korea are the latest in a series of provocative threats which have forced the u. S. And south korea to plan for possible military retaliation. The north koreans claim they put their long range missiles on high alert aimed at american targets in guam, hawaii, and the u. S. Mainland. That was not from this week. That was not from this year. That was not from last year. That was march 2013, another time when north korea was threatening guam and in that case they were not just threatening guam but hawaii and the mainland as well. Its really bad that north koreas threatening guam. Guam is u. S. Soil. Its really bad that theyre mounting those threats but they do it a lot. Whats different this week in terms of it feeling like were on the brink of war like never before, whats different is not that north korea is doing something theyve never done before. Its now how threatening their behavior s. Their threats obviously have to be taken seriously, they have been in the past, but we havent had weeks like this. What is truly unprecedented is the behavior of the american government, not north korean government. President trump threat understaened war, and then he announced hell be speaking with the chinese president tonight and then i kid you not, he said, quote, hopefully it will all work out with north korea. And then he proceeded to threaten north korea again. What he happened this week, this strange netherworld of threats and overthetop alit rative comments from the president about nuclear war is not because of something definitively new. By a Washington Post article that described one confidential Defense Intelligence agency report, a report thats not been publicly released. Its a report that supposedly concluded that north korea has miniatureized a Nuclear Weapon and can fit one on a missile. They have been exactly wrong about this exact thing before, and no other Intelligence Agencies still now, all these days into this crazy period were in right now, no other u. S. Intelligence agencies have come out and made their own case publicly that supports those same conclusions. What does explain the president spending the last four days threatening a war against north korea. What explains such a change toward north korea when north korea hasnt changed at all. What explains potentially starting a war over this and threatening it every day . Joining us now is Joe Cirincione, president of the flous ploughshares fund. Mr. Cirincione, i know from an inside source that im screwing up your vacation which makes me particularly grateful that you are here tonight and im sorry to your family. Thank you very much, rachel. Im in cape cod. I he or she wish you a tan and a blue fish to make up for all of this. Done. Joe, i feel a little bit alone in the wilderness on this one. Is it true that there is nothing substantively new from north korea . Obviously theyre a military and nuclear threat. Theyve been advancing over the years. They had another missile test a couple weeks ago. Is it true theres really nothing new that led to this week of this incredible brinksmanship were seeing . Not this week. Youre right. They have achieved the capability to launch a Ballistic Missile at the united states. They may have the ability to actually a Nuclear War Head on there. They dont know if its reliable yet, but the last sufficiently test happened two weeks ago. You didnt see aftthis reaction. What we have is a d. I. A. Intelligence assessment leaked to the Washington Post. I dont hear the Trump Administration complaining about this leak. It may be correct. I personally think that its more or less correct. But we dont know, the dicker. I should show their work. We need the other assessments that are slowly leaking out. Lets see why theyre holding these judgment. Lets have hearings in congress, closed fundraiser classified information, open so the rest of us can do this. Remember, when we were in the buildup to the war with iraq, there were also these intelligence statement. Its when they made an unclassified version public that some of us doubted it. Maybe we learned our lesson. Its time for us to take a closer look at this particular assessment. Joe, the sort of common windows about the structure of how these decisions are being made within this administration in this white house is that while the president might be unpredictable and might be sort of freelancing on these and issues saying things that come to mind for whatever reason, there are adults on National Security matters, h. R. Mcmaster, Secretary Mattis at the department of defense. There are adults there, experienced National Security professionals who will make sure the right processes were followed if we were to make a major change in our stance toward that country. Is there any indication that those adults in the administration are doing anything like that . Are you seeing any signs that theres going to be an effort to make a case to the public for what is driving this radical change from the president . I was very disturbed by the press Conference Today to see the president trot out his secretary of secretary of state, his National Security adviser as props to validate his statement. He made even more wild statements today, that there was a Military Option with venezuela. What is he talking about . I dont see any evidence that the real experts, the people who actually know what theyre doing have control over this situation. They are being dragged behind by the president who seems to make it up on the fly. When he says im not going to talk about that, we dont talk about that, what he means is i dont know what im talking about. I just thought this up a minute ago. These words are coming out of my mouth and ill leave it to my staff to adjust or explain what im saying. This is troubling enough when it comes to things like venezuela, when it comes to what could be the largest war weve seen on this planet since world war ii and possibly a nuclear exchange, this is downright dangerous. This is not normal. This is bizarre. We are witnessing the destruction of American Grand Strategy before our eyes. Were witnessing the collapse of american credibility. I dont think the adults have control over this situation. Joe cirincione, president of the ploughshares fund. Thank you. I appreciate you being here tonight, joechlt back to your vacation with you right now. Thank you, rachel. We have much more to come tonight. Stay with us. Mail it in. Learn about you and the people and places that led to you. Go explore your roots. Take a walk through the past. Meet new relatives and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. Ancestrydna. Save 30 through august 15th at ancestrydna. Com. Finding the best hotel price is whoooo. Now a safe bet. Because tripadvisor searches. Over 200 Booking Sites so you save up to 30 on the. Hotelock it in. Tripadvisor. 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You told us that youre considering venezuela. What options are on the table right now to deal with this mess . We have many options for venezuela. By the way, im not going to rule out a Military Option. We have many options for venezuela. This is our neighbor. This is you know, were All Over The World, and we have troops All Over The World in places that are very, very far away. Venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering, and theyre dying. We have many options for venezuela, including a possible Military Option if necessary. That would be a u. S. Led Military Operation . We dont talk about it, but a Military Operation and Military Option is certainly something that we could pursue. Hear that, Southern Command . Hear that . Hey, marine corps, ready to invade venezuela . Ready to dust off those plans because the president at his golf course tonight, apparently off the top of his head, announced that was what was the phrase . Certainly something we could pursue. Reuters is reporting tonight that the pentagon has not actually received any orders from President Trump on a possible Military Option in venezuela. A pentagon spokesman telling reuters, the pentagon has received no orders. Theyre referring all questions on this matter to the white house. That said, i think a lot of us would actually be grateful if people stopped asking the president questions that could conceivably be answered with the answer, yeah, we can use Military Force there. Maybe just stop asking him questions where that could conceivably be the answer because every time somebody asks him a question like that, he thinks it sounds like a good idea. So maybe just only questions about, like, animals or his family or ties. Only questions about ties from here on out. Well be right back. Happy anniversary dinnedarlin can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra . Oh yeah one bottle has the Grease Cleaning Power of three bottles of this other liquid. 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Also the great Brian Williams is here live tonight with The 11th Hour after joy reid, so theres plenty of reason to pop more popcorn and stick around for this evening. But i want to tell you in addition to that, in addition to those fine folks coming up, we have one more story that weve got for you tonight. It may affect your plans for next week maybe. But the real reason you want to hear it is that its a mystery, and who doesnt love that at the end of the week . Thats our last story tonight, last story of the week. Thats next. Stay with us. Refinance offers against your current mortgage for free. Are you sure you have the best rate . Take 3 minutes and find out right now. Because at lendingtree, when banks compete, you win. President trump is supposedly in the middle of a 17day working vacation at one of his golf clubs in new jersey, god bless him. But today he announced a change in plans, which is, um its a mystery. Until today, this was the president s official schedule. Sunday night he was supposed to travel from his new Jersey Golf Club back to trump tower in new york city to spend the night at trump tower for the First Time Since he was inaugurated. Home sweet home. The plan was for him to stay at trump tower, sunday night, monday night, tuesday night, until wednesday. Then he was going to go back to new jersey, back to the golf club in new jersey for the rest of the week. Today Law Enforcement in new york, the folk whos help protect the president while hes at trump tower, they got word of a change in plans. S whos help protect the president while hes at trump tower, they got word of a change in plan whos help protect the president while hes at trump tower, they got word of a change in plans whos help protect the president while hes at trump tower, they got word of a change in plans. Politico. Com was first to report that the president has no longer, well we dont know how this affects everything else, but hes now scheduled to fly to d. C. On monday, and thats weird for more than just the reason that hes supposed to be on vacation. The white house is undergoing renovations right now. The oval office is empty. Theres no desk, no chairs. The walls of the office are all covered up in plastic. Presumably part of this long vacation plan was because the president had to get out so the workers could do their thing. So why is he heading back now . The president was asked about it today, and he said this. We have a very important meeting scheduled. Were going to have a pretty Big Press Conference on monday. We dont know what its about. Heres a really weird possibility. Bloomberg has new reporting tonight, citing four sources saying that, quote, some white house and republican officials are exploring the idea of putting democratic senator joe manchin in charge of the energy department. Current Secretary Of Energy is former Texas Governor rick, oops, perry. Hes apparently among the candidates to replace john kelly at the department of Homeland Security. Theyre citing three people familiar with the deliberations. Now, the Homeland Security job is open because john kelly became the president s new chief of staff. So maybe whats happening on monday is theyre announcing the start of Musical Chairs . Senator manchin leaves the senate to go take rick perrys job. Rick perry leaves his job to go take john kellys old job. But then who would take senator manchins old job, the senate seat from West Virginia . Well, the person who would get to pick joe manchins replacement in the senate is that states governor, jim justice who, remember, just switched parties and is now a republican. Presumably newly minted republican jim justice would put a republican in that senate seat that up till now has been held by democrat joe manchin. That would matter because it would put the president and the republicans one vote closer to getting key legislation through like, say, killing health care. So manchin of course is a conservative democrat. Hes facing a tough reelection battle in 2018. Tonight his office is saying he has not had any recent

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