Complete but its over because it has blown up. In facty the whole House Intelligence Committee seems to have ceased to function entirely even beyond doing that investigation. Theyre apparently no longer meeting as a committee to do business other than the trumprussia investigation. They apparently stopped all together. It appears like the investigation itself is done. Now, i will tell you, congressman schiff disagrees th that assessme he disagrees with that common wisdom. He is, as i mentioned, the top democrat on that committee. He is in a position to know what theyre doing. But honestly, it is starting to feel like the Trump White House has effectively shut down that part of the investigation into what happened between them, the Trump Campaign and russia last year, while russia was mounting its attack on the United States. Its obviously a big political risk. Potentially even a big legal risk for the white house to sabotage or undermine an official congressional investigation into the white house. The fact they were willing apparently to take that risk, implies they believe they really had something to fear from that investigation, that it was worth getting caught in a coverup potentially, worth potential obstruction of justice. It was worth that because they believed they really had to stop that probe from going forward. It seems clear honestly the administration would have nothing to fear from the chairman of that committee who after all was part of the Trump Campaign and trump transition official himself. I dont think theyre worried about devin nunes. That means if the white house has played a role in shutting down or trying 0 shut down the House Intelligence Committee investigation of this matter, then the reason they were so afraid of it, the man they were so afraid of in that investigation wasnt devin nunes, it was the other senior person running that investigation, who didnt work for them, who was not part of the Trump Campaign. That would be the top democrat on that committee, adam schiff, if the white house really did shut this thing down, if the common beltway wisdom is correct and the House Investigation Committee into russia is over and shut down if the white house had any role in achieing that outcome, its because they were afraid what adam schiff was going to do. Adam schiff is here tonight live. Its a big show tonight. Meanwhile, today was the start of the biggest rupture in europe, since the end of world war ii. The british people voted narrowly last summer to leave the European Union. Today, britains represent tich at the eu presented the formal paperwork that starts the process of the uk getting out of europe, getting out of the European Union. The president of the European Union ended with a statement that included these four words, we already miss you. It will take britain four years to fully extract itself from europe financially and legally. Its an unprecedented process. Nobody knows how it will end up in the details. We know the bottom line result. It will result in a smaller europe and a question whether the process will result in a smaller uk. This is a big deal for us, right . This is our closest ally in the world, at least the closest ally in the world that doesnt touch our own borders. The uk prying itself out of europe will have the effect of breaking up europe and may break up the United Kingdom as well. Scotland says it will vote again whher scotnd shod bets own independent country. The Scottish Independence referendum did not pass a couple years ago. If scotland gets to vote on it again knowing a yes vote to be an independent country this time, this could be their only option to stay in europe while the rest of the uk leaves something scotland really wants. Scat land voters said they did not want to leave the uk even though europe as a whole voted yes. That puts more pressure than ever before of this centrifical process of scotland breaking away becoing its own kingdom. Then Northern Ireland. As you know, its divided in two. Most is the independent nation of ireland hapily staying part of the European Union. And the six counties that make up Northern Ireland those six counties are part of the uk and like scottish voters wanted to stay in the eu, voters in Northern Ireland wanted to stay in the eu, too, but outvoted. If Northern Ireland stays part of the uk they will be forced out of europe against their will and out of the eu against their will. The border between ireland and the six counties in the north will require that border to be fortified or built up to whatever extent is required by a border between the European Union and nonEuropean Union country. Im sure the building up of that border will be great in Northern Ireland. Im sure that wont be controversial at all. What britain did today in prying themselves off europe and splitting up the European Union that is adding a whole new impetus, dynamic to the ageold bloody question whether Northern Ireland should stay part of the uk or six counties in the north should be part of the united front. Troubles anyone . The two National Institutions that was part of that so we wouldnt have another world war ii that followed world war i, the two multiNational Institutions that were created and staved in fighting off world war iii thus far the two organizations that have done the work in stopping world war iii are nato and the European Union. All things considered, forever you factor in military power and economic power and international influence, i think its fair to say the uk is the strongest and most important cornerstone member of the European Union. Now, as of today they are starting the process of getting out. Its happening. That alone is profoundly disstabiliing in lots of way to the uk itself probably our greatest ally on earth. We are also about to have two hugely important elections in other cornerstones of europe. Both germany and france are heading towards very very Important National elections that will not just determine the immediate short term future of politics in those countries, determine whether or not europe splits apart entirely. The strongest antieuropean candidate in france is mauer ren lapin, the head of a party called the National Front founded by her father in the early 1970s. For decades the Front National ale has been the fascist party in france. He denies the holocaust, made a career accuing his political opponents of being secret jews. And about muslims being allowed to immigrant to fran a position his daughter shares as she campaigns to be president of france now. Part of her campaigning to be president of france last week resulted in her taking a detour to the kremlin. A weird day. Nobody quite knew where mauer ren lepin had gone for the day and suddenly turned up without warning for this meeting with vladamir putin, oneonone. The russian government is essentially openly supporting the far right candidacy of her as she runs for president in france. Russian banks have made loans of millions of euros during this campaign. Today at their press conference on the senate Intelligence Committee investigation in the trumprussia. And senator burr said there was no doubt russia after interfering in our election was interfeing in russia and france. And this fascist candidate in france, it is possible the reason russia likes her so much because of her domestic politics and so right wing and forgive me racist. Vladamir putin, i dont know how he thinks. He might see that as a feature not a bug. In st. Petersburg, russia will be hosting something called the rush shall International Conservative forum and want to promote the establishment of a common constant acting russian european conservative elite group uniing the political and economic call elites in europe. One of these russian conservative forums russia has hosted in 2015 sponsored by a branch of his Political Party and in st. Petersburg. That one attracted american far right raist fringe right characters like jared taylor a prolific su do economic white supremacist. You might remember him from the altright gathering in washington, d. C. Where everybody did the nazi salute and shouted heil trump. You know, they said it was hail trump. But with the stuff arm it was hard to read their lips and get thatsubtleties. Regardless whether they like the raist part, whether or not he likes that ftion, ia likes mauer ren le pen, and one thing they like is if she gets france she will do her damndest to pry france outside as well. Russia supports anything pulling apart institutions of the west. Russias overall global strategy is to knock the United States down as many pegs as it can in terms of our global standing. They want to disrupt and divide and hopefully split apart russian alliances institutions that serve as a counterweight in the world and serve as defie ing any sort of democratic liberal values western order. All institutions that support that russia sees them as the enemy. They will do anything to undermine them as best they can and when they have the momentum and advantage they will take it. That russian idea by defeating your adversaies by splitting them up, promoing divisions among them and within them, it seems almost ridiculous to think about it. That strategy extends to us in america in a very specific way. You may have heard about the newly energized Current Federation of the California Separatist Movement . There have been lowkey low profile california insurrections insurrectionsist movements for year, consvative parts of californ that say california should split up and the liberal and urban and minority heavy part of the state should be its own thing and the conservative rural white part of california should become a Southern Idaho thing or something. That kind of thing has existed a long time. Whats new in california is the surpriingly slick online organized progressive seaming effort that california as a whole should secede from the United States of america. Im from california, my whole family lives in california. I know lots of people in california who have talked to me half joing or not about how appealing this calexit idea is since donald trump was elected president. The leader of the organization that spearheaded that movement, the leader of yes california, he really does live in russia. He lives in siberia. Last september, the yes california guy who conveniently lives in russia, the calexit guy and right ring separatists got invited to moscow for a kremlin funded event called the globalization of russia. Look it up. You will signed links to the independent republic of california, with a link. And the calexited founder that the separatists office space is being loaned to him in moscow free of charge. He said he doesnt actually know who owns the office space, privately owned who can tell but nice to have Free Office Space for his California Separatist Movement hes running fr russia. That is a ridiculous story, right . It is a ridiculous idea, cartoonish. But its real. Imagine if your goal was to take the United States down a few pegs in the esteem of the world in terms of Global Leadership and the way they looked up to the United States for help or advisor conceivably as exemsplar of democracy and power, imagine if your goal was to hurt all of that, erode all of that, if you had a chance, even a slim chance hilarious cartoonish tiny chance of splitting off from the United States, one of its 50 states on its own terms is the sixth largest economy in the world. You pry california off the United States, california has a bigger economy than france does. It would be nice to pry germany out of the eu. Pry france out of the eu. The eu is splitting apart on its own. Well do what we can to help but lets think big. Theresa may is the british Prime Minister tasked with managing britain pulling out of the european unio she is not the politics credited with the leaving. That goes to nigel, who spearheaded the Brexit Campaign and he has become famous for his frequent appearances alongside donald trump and trump tower at the white house. Oddly, the day wikileaks held its press conference to crow about the fact they were releasing a devastating document dump experts say essentially exposed the entire cyber arsenal of the cia, on that same day, nigel farraj was at the embassy of ecuador where wikileaks founder jul yan assange lives and gave his press conference that day. A buzzfeed director said he saw him and asked him what he had been doing . He said he couldnt remember what he had been doing inside that building. Recently this past week nigel farage has been in california to promote the effort to california splitting from the United States or at least splitting itself in two. Today, the republican and democratic senior members of that senate Intelligence Committee announced they have 20 people on their list they want to talk to for their investigation of trump and russia. They hinted former security advisor Michael Flynn and sally yates are among those 20 people. They confirmed his soninlaw will be one of the people they speak to. And on the house side the house investigation may or may not be blowing up. Well hear more on that from congressman schiff. The senate is going ahead, tomorrow, not something you want to miss if youre interested in this issue. One point about that, the last point i want to make. Confirming in no uncertain terms, there is one thing the committee will not be looking at, the question of whether or not the russian attack is over, whether russia is still doing their thing, whether they are in fact collecting their payment from the Trump Administration now in exchange in their part throwing the election trumps way, that the committee is not going be looking at. It changes the Republican Platform Convention or the way the president refuses to criticize vladamir putin. Thats not in the scope of the investigation. Ill leave that up to you guys to report. Yes, maam. Yes, maam, next question. Senate Intelligence Committee will not be looking whether or not this russian attack, Russian Campaign is over. In terms of what that committee is going to investigate, we all fully expect what the russian yes, maam. Yes, maam, next question. Senate Intelligence Committee will not be looking whether or not this russian attack, Russian Campaign is over. In terms of what that committee is going to investigate, we all fully expect what the russian attack on our election was. I think our country doesnt necessarily expect but at least hopes that it will look whether russia had help pulling off that attack on our election, whether the Trump Campaign or any other american confederates helped them in their attack. We hope they will look at that, too, they say they will. They made explicitly clear today they will not look and not even consider questions whether russias attack on the United States is still under way. Whether anybody who might have help them in that attack last year might still be helping them today to get what they want. As richard burr said today, he hopes the press will follow that question. That part is all on us now. Congressman adam schiff is here tonight, the former secretary of nato is here tonight. Stay with us. We have an exclusive tonight, polling data from Public Policy polling out with a new National Poll tonight thats a teeny tiny bit explosive. They will publish this tomorrow but have given us an exclusive first look tonight. You havent seen this anywhere else. I will give you the top line polling result that i think will make the biggest headline. A twopart question. Heres the first part. This is a National Poll, a first look at these new results. Heres the question, quote do you think that members of Donald TrumpsCampaign Team worked in association with russia to help trump win the election . Turns out a plurality of voters says, narrowly, yes, i believe Donald Trumps campaign worked with russia to help him get elect. 44ofhe country believes that. 42 does not. Thats good to know. The followup. If it turns out if an invest