Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20160421 : com

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20160421

i want to start tonight with something that i'll tell you off of the bat i cannot explain it. it's legitimately weird, maybe you can explain it, but i can't. it concerns this guy. concerns this handsome gentle man. his name is el ott i thinkle. if people are holding still or moving really fast you can tell if he's somewhere in the frame because he as you can see, he has a truly heroic giant mush establish. it's a completely different size the rest of him. clown shoes are to clowns what his mush tash is to him. i say that with total affection. my dad had a mush tash. i still think of him as kind of looking like him at least between the nose and top lip. anyway, because he reminds me of my dad before my dad shaved, because he has inarguaby the best democratic mush tash in politics, congressman was easy to spot on stage last night as a giant crowd of new york state democratics with hillary clinton, i made the former mayor and current mayor, all that's people up there, there unmistake aby is el yots engel. they represent a dtrict just north of new york in west chester county. it's a heavily democratic district and it proved to be a pro-clinton district. she won that district by a 30.8 margin. the weird thing that happened that i cannot explain is something that happened on the republican side and yes it's true that there aren't that many republicans in this district. yesterday for example the number of democrats who voted the number of democrats who voted in that district tripled the number of republicans who voted in that district. but it doesn't mean that the republican votes are unimportant right? every congressional district had three delegates to give out. be even if there were only a handful of republicans voting, they had three delegates to give out. so in this district where there aren't that many republicans it matters who wins and in his district last night donald trump won. he won with more than 50% of the vote. he got all three of the congressional delegates from that district, but a strange thing happened in that district on the republican side because when we started producing this show today looking at the results from that district there were 82% of precincts reporting in that congressional district and at the top it was as you would expect donald trump was winning by a lot and john kasich was coming in second, but with 82% of precincts reporting as of this afternoon, look at the other people getting votes in the republican race. ted cruz had 1,757 votes. ben carson, who dropped out of the race in the first week of march, ben carson had significantly more votes than ted cruz. he was up over 2,000 votes. this was with 82% of precincts reporting. ted cruz on track in that one congressional district of the new york suburbs did not only lose to donald trump and lose to john kasich, but also to lose to a guy who has not been in the race for six weeks. and everybody knows it. it's not like this a leftover thing where a whole bunch of people early voted for ben carson. there's no early voting in new york so that result is nuts. but then at some point today his congressional district got in the rest of the vote. so those results you were looking at were 82% of precincts reporting. then we flipped from 82% reporting to 100% reporting and with that last little bit of that district was that good for ted cruz because when those final 18% of precincts came in ted cruz went from 1,757 votes up to 2,100 votes even. he gained 343 votes. ben carson went from 2,056 votes to 162 votes. so when those final precincts came in ben carson got a minus 1,894 votes from the last 18% of precincts. the negative voting for ben carson in those last 18% of precincts, that's really something. he lost 1,800 votes. that saved ted cruz from a fourth place finish to a guy who is no longer running and hasn't been for weeks. what happened there? new york is a big fairly well off state that had presidential primaries in both parties that were unusually con skeshl and exciting. millions of dollars were spent to inspire voter turnout and candidate events were held in new york city, ehusiasm for this presidential contest this year and still new york is so screwed up, new york makes it so difficult to vote in this state that new york's voter turnout was worst voter turnout than ever other state that has held a primary so far this year other than louisiana, which is also a disaster. new york has terribly run super sketchy elections and they have forever thanks to the fact that the elections in this state are administered by the government of new york which features what i think is the most inconsistent and corrupt state legislator in the entire nation at least as measured by indictments and convictions, right? new york, even so, even with ted cruz appearing to benefit from a last minute surge of minus 1,800 votes for ben carson in one congressional district, ben carson who was apparently beating him in that district, nevertheless the results were stark enough in new york that even the disaster that is the election system in this state, it cannot disguise the overall story of what happened here. obviously the victory story is both front-runners won in new york and won by a lot. hillary clinton's margin was 16 points in the end, donald trump's margin was 35 points and the only thing as impressive was the size of those victories for hillary clinton and donald trump last night, the only thing that equivalent in terms of the magnitude last night was the truly epic and complete nature of the ted cruz wipeout in the state of new york. not only did ted cruz lose to donald trump and lose to john kasich, he almost lost to john kasich -- he did lose by double digits. not only did ted cruz not win a single delegate in all of new york, ted cruz didn't even win a single congressional district. he didn't win a single county in all of new york. he was just destroyed here. maybe that's fine for your campaign if you're one of 17 candidates running in a giant field and maybe in a state where nobody knows your name and you're not trying, but this is ted cruz at the point where the republican field is down to three people and he wants you to think it's down to him and donald trump because he wants you to think of john kasich as not really being in the running anymore. what ted cruz and his campaign are trying to sell the republican party and its voters right now is that ted cruz is obviously the guy who should be seen as the alternative to donald trump, particularly the electable alternative to donald trump. in this big diverse state of 20 million people, the answer to that last night was and to add injury to that insult by winning precisely zero delegates on the republican side in new york, ted cruz officially last night according to the associated press, was mathematically excluded from the possibility of winning the republican nomination. now nbc news says it slightly different. they say he is within a mikron of being excluded. there are 674 delegates still at stake. ted cruz needs 678 to get the nomination. so he's not going to get there. obviously neither is john kasich. but now john kasich and ted cruz are in exactly the same boat. they are both guys who can't win ahead of the convention whose only hope at winning the nomination is some prayer that donald trump won't be able to clench before the convention either and then those two guys having also not won will be hanging around when the convention starts hoping that things go their way. you know, we knew this day would come. the first read saw this coming i think in early march is when they pointed out it was clear at that point that the only republican candidate who could clench the nomination would be donald trump. everybody else could only hope to get it at the convention. that has been clear for a long time, this is where the race was going, but now that this math mattical truth has arrived, it feels like a different day in the republican race. math makes a difference. on the democratic side of the race, the math is also becoming an increasingly tough topic of discussion. for the bernie sanders campaign the scale of hillary clinton's 16 point victory in new york, it seems to have taken both the campaigns by surprise. again, delegate math is not an exact science, but our best guess is that secretary clinton will add something like 31 delegates to her lead over bernie sanders thanks to new york's results. in the states voting next week secretary clinton is ahead in all of those states as well. the combination of her lead in the delegates and the nature of the next part of the democratic calendar, it made it very difficult for the sanders campaign to explain how they see themselves really competing for the nomination at this point. really having any chance to win. and the sanders campaign when they talked to the prosecute es, the sanders campaign when you hear it from the candidate himself, the sanders campaign when they put out on the fundraising e-mails of course they have a path to victory, but there was i think really important moment last night on our election night broadcast here in studio when bernie sanders campaign manager jeff weaver was asked here in person to explain that path to show the math to show us and our viewers how senator sanders would win. this is what he said to explain it and this is why the two words jeff and weaver were trending all night last night on twitter because of this public case that they're now making for how bernie sanders would win. >> let manage ask you this, is this a fair statement, the popular vote and the pledged delegate counts if you are not leading at least one of those counts when we finish this primary process you don't have a claim to get those super delegates to flip. are you still trying to flip super delegates. >> we're going to go to the convention. it's extremely unlikely that either candidate will have the requisite number of pledged delegates to get to this number so it's going to be an election determined by the super delegates. >> you know as well as i do if june 7th comes and goes and hillary clinton has won the popular vote there's going to be calls for you the sanders campaign to make a decision to unite around her you're saying you will spend those weeks trying to flip the super delegates to bernie sanders before the convention. >> at this point absolutely. >> jeff weaver campaign manager for the sanders campaign. >> glad to be here. >> jeff weaver here in our studio. he left a trail of dropped jaws in his wake as he left the studio having explained that the sanders campaign would take that path, that if it comes to, they will take a candidate who is behind in the vote, who is behind in the delegates who has effectively been beaten in the primary process in a two person head to head competition they would take that campaign to the democratic nominating convention in philadelphia and continue their fight at the convention in philadelphia to try to defeat the effective winner of the primary contest, to try to turn the super delegates against secretary clinton right through the democratic nominating convention in july. so now there arises an interesting question which is an answerable question and i'm hoping we're going to get an answer tonight and the question is this, is that jeff weaver or is the whole sanders campaign in agreement on that? is that the plan? is senator sanders in agreement with that? is the other top strategists for the sanders campaign in agreement with that? his name is tad divine and i'm going to ask him that next. he's here live for the interview right after this. ♪ we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. i'm spending too muchs for time hiringnter. and not enough time in my kitchen. 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(announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to today criminal charges were filed in the flint, michigan lead poisoning disaster. we're going to be talked about that story, including a person who played a key role in that, an unsung but absolutely key role in what lead to those criminal charges today. that's coming up, but here next for the interview is the senior adviser to bernie sanders tad divine. stay with us. i'm very pleased to say that joining us now is tad divine. mr. divine it's nice to have ou the show. you've never been my guest here with me one on one. i appreciate you being here. >> it's great to be here. >> last night it felt going into new york you guys thought you were going to do better than you did. i know expectations, it's a little bit spin and a little bit science. did you do less well than you thought you would last night. >> we did. i thought we were going to get into the mid 40s. so yes we fell short and we won fewer delegates than i thought we would too and we're in a race for delegates so that was a setback. >> after that loss there's been a lot of discussion in democratic politics both observers and people who are partisans about whether or not senator sanders has a realistic shot at winning the democratic nomination. i know that your campaign believes that you do. do you believe that you've got a realistic shot at winning the nomination ahead of the convention or is your only path one that flips super delegates once the convention starts. >> i think we can win the nomination before the convention. i think the party can koa less around bernie sanders. i think we're going to have win most of the events between now and then and most of the delegates. right now we're about 236 delegates behind hillary clinton in the delegate count so we're going to have to make up that difference between now and the end of the voting in the middle of june. i think we can do that. we can do it with a number of victoies and by continuing to win delegates in the caucus. it gives us an opportunity in a caucus process to pick up more delegates. we've been doing it in places like colorado and nevada and i think we'll do it in all those states where we've done well before. >> to be clear, in terms of that delegate process that you're describing there, you're saying we should expect to see a little bit from you guys who we've seen from ted cruz on the republican side, even in states where hillary clinton may have done better in what we think as the contest in that state when it comes to picking delegates there, you're thinking you're going to get more delegates out of that states than she will. >> i think we're proving that and i'll use nevada as an example. the first stage of the caucus process in nevada when they counted up the results, hillary clinton had 20 delegates and bernie sanders had 15. when we had the county conventions we had enormous turnout and now our delegate county is bernie sanders 19 hillary clinton 16. that's a really good amount of progress and i think when we get to the state convention in nevada we'll pick up some more so that process is going to repeat it itself in the caucus process and i think we'll pick up a lot of delegates along the way. >> is there a point of friction between the case that senator sanders has made for people power basically for this not being decided by the establishment for the democratic party insiders not doing this and it being the will of the voters and it should be something that gets decided in public, is there a point of friction between that strategy that you're describing and also the super delegate strategy that you have talked about and the way he's talked about how he wants to win? >> i don't think there is. these are the rules. unlike the republicans trump in particular we're not going around saying everything's rigged and running against the rules. the rules are as they are. we may not like the way the rules are set up in some places, but we've agreed to play by them. so we'll work hard under the rules of caucus states. we'll work hard in other places. the super delegates are there. we're going to work hard to earn their support. i think we'll be able to do that if we succeed. the key test is succeeding with voters. in 2008 i wrote a piece and i argued that super delegates should wait and look and listen to what the voters do and follow the will of the voters and i can tell you i got a lot of pushback from the clinton campaign at the time. i believe that today that our super delegates and party leaders should let the voters speak first and if they do that will strengthen or party and strengthen our hand if we succeed with voters. >> to that point if at the end of the nominating contest, the last one is the contest in washington, d.c. which is june 14th, if at that point the voters have spoken and hillary clinton has more votes and she's earned more pledged delegates by earning more votes, at that point jeff weaver suggested last night that even at that point the sanders campaign strategy will still be to get super delegates to do the opposite of what you described, to get them to flip and persuade them to go for sanders. do you and jeff have a difference of opinion on this. >> let me talk about votes and delegates. i think it's really important and we're trying and we believe we can win more pledged delegates to the national convention than hillary clinton when the voting ends. it's going to be a tough process, but i think we can get there. hopefully we'll get all the way there, but if we come four or five delegates short and we go from being 326 delegates behind on the 15th of march to two, technically she has more delegates, but i think if we get very close or we're a few ahead i think that will be impressive. as to votes, that's another category. i hear the clinton campaign quoting they've got a few weeks ago it was 2.5 million, they'll have a couple thousand more after new york and if every state were a primary and every state voted the way primaries vote, i think the number of votes that counted would be a fair and objective measure, but the truth is that many of the states that we use in this process are not primaries. if you're not going to count a lot of primary states in the count of votes and one candidate wins a lot of caucuses as opposed to primaries is it really fair to say we should use votes as a measure when i believe caucuses -- washington state is a caucus, minnesota, colorado and we win a lot of smaller states that have caucuses too, is that a fair measure. i think the fair measure is pledged delegates and states. let's see who has won the states and delegates and let's see where we are in june and i think we'll know what to do. >> is there any circumstance under which it would be inappropriate for a candidate who is behind to try to get the super delegates to flip? is there any circumstance in which you as a senior adviser to the sanders campaign should say you know what let's stop lobbying the super delegates and let's fold it up and unify the party, the way you're describing this it seems to me like a recipe for saying we're never going to stop this campaign. >> we want to see where we are when the process ends. bernie has made a commitment to go through the end because millions of people are part of this campaign they've contributed to it and participated in as volunteers making phone calls, more than 1 million people have come to events so all of those people that have been a big part of this campaign he wants to give them an opportunity to vote for him and we're going to stay in to make sure they have that opportunity. when that's done i think we have to step back and look at where we are and he has to make a decision about whether or not we have a path to victory. right now we think we can get there and we think we can win more states and we think we can prove to the democratic party leadership that he will by far be the strongest candidate in the general election and if we can make that case and win it then we hope the party would endorse him. >> tad divine, senior adviser for sanders, a man about who many people speak, but it's an honor to have a chance to talk to you about what you're thinking. thanks for your time tonight. i know it's a busy time for you. >> thank you. please stay with us. personal note, they say that news is anything that happens near an editor. tonight a little bit of news happened near me, you're nice 9:00 lady on the cable tv. tonight we learned that a giant gas pipeline, which was proposed for the part of massachusetts where i live, a huge project, it has gal vannizedd the state, tonight we learned unexpectedly that that pipeline is not going to get built. the pipeline company called kinder morgan announced tonight that they are suspending their plans to build this pipeline after years of fighting over it with the people who live in that part of the country. i say this as personal news because this is going to make a lot of my neighbors very happy. especially the guy who turned out for the last protest march in my town holding a giant blue dragony proving news happens where you live and sometimes news comes from giant dragon flis. criminal charges were filed with the lead poisoning disaster in flint, michigan. when your type 2 diabetes numbers aren't moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? 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(announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to and these criminal charges for flint, they come at an interesting time. on monday it's going to be exactly two years since the state made that decision to switch off flint's old water supply and switch on a new water supply in a way that it destroyed the city's water structure and poisoned the town. the two year anniversary of that decision is coming on up on monday. the governor of michigan has made a big public relations splash by promising that he will spend the next 30 days drinking water drawn from a facet from this lady's house in michigan. she has a filter on her facet and they're supposed to be on every single facet in every home in flint, these filters are rated to filter out lead up to 150 parts per billion. we have led results from that house in flint. since january most of the tests in that home have been safe and the federal action level for doing anything about lead in the water is 15 parts per billion and that house was way under that danger zone, but there was one day last month when they tested the water in that house and it was way over the limit. it was not only over the federal action alert level of 15 parts per billion, it was over 150 parts per billion, which is what that facet filter is rated to be able to handle. the problem in flint is not that lead filled water was sent into the water system, the problem in flint is that the state government by making this terrible decision they ruined the pipes in flint and so the pipes unpredictably they spit out big amounts of lead, dangerous amounts of lead. most days in that house where rick snyder took his glass of water the other day, most days the lead levels in that house are fine, every once in a while not so much, every once in a while way more lead comes out of that tap than that filter is rated to handle. i don't what the water like was like day that he took home that water. i don't know if that was a good or bad lead day in that house. so these criminal charges today for flint, they come at a time when the governor is still trying to manage his image around this stuff, they come at a time when flint is still an active crime scene. the city is still being lead poisoned. there is no door-to-door delivery of clean water in flint. there are houses testing above what is safe and there are houses testing with lead levels in the thousands. the pipes that the state ruined in flint, they're still there. they're still the water pipes in that city. the mayor is trying to replace the lead pipes in the city, but even though the state ruined the pipes there's no state run effort to replace the pipes so now while that crime is still happening and the people of flint are still in terrible distress, now in the midst of that we do have the first criminal charges and they've been brought by the state attorney general. it's not evidence that that's where the first criminal charges would come from. in february we learned that the criminal justice department was investigating. they confirmed they opened a criminal investigation working with the fbi and the u.s. postal inspection service. that part i don't get. the criminal division of the federal epa has been investigating what happened in flint. the county prosecutor has been investigating what happened in flint, but today these first charges turned out they were brought by the state attorney general in a big press conference, the state attorney general himself making the speech, he's known to have higher political al aspirations. if this felt like a well staged political event that was not by accident. the three people who were charged today, they were as you probably expected, they were fairly low-level folks, one engineer and one supervisor from a state agency and one guy from flint who worked at the water treatment plant, but in addition to being low-level government officials, there's a sense they were the low hanging fruit. the attorney general went out of his way to praise and thank and talk up the skills of the investigating team that he formed and this is not to take anything away from them, but all three of these people who were charged today, the things they were charged for are all things that have been basically reported out in great detail in public by journalists in michigan. the allegations against these three low level public officials they're now spelled out in a criminal indictment from the attorney general, but they were first spelled out in great detail in the public domain. here's an example. the e-mails obtained by reporters in december showed that stephen busch told the epa they were doing erosion control. that wasn't true. today he was charged with a felony for that. he's pleaded not guilty. the second state employee who was charged today, michael prysby, he signed off on the water plant and then in an e-mail that's been notorious for months now in michigan he got this desperate message from the water quality supervisor that said this, if water is distributed from this plant in the next couple of weeks it will be against my direction. i need time to train my staff and up date monitoring plans before i feel we are ready. mike prysby was charged with a felony for permitting the water plant to operate despite warnings like that one. he's pled not guilty. the person who wrote that warning e-mail, the guy who warned in that e-mail that the switch should not happen, that flint was not ready, they did not have adequate preparation do it safely, that guy, mike glasgow he was charged today. however heroic he was to make the warning, once the water switch happened he confessed to doing the led tests after the switch wrong. he confessed to saying the lead tests showed one thing when he knew they did not show that. he not only confessed that to a reporter, he confessed that to a reporter on the record and on camera. >> how were you able to determine that every single housed a lead service line? >> we're not really. we threw bottles out everywhere to collect as many as we can to try to hit a number and we turn in every result. >> he indicate all those lines. >> to the best of our knowledge. >> when you didn't have actual documentation for each house where you put that down. >> we're still looking through the records. >> so yeah, that is one of the things for which this low level city of flint public employee has been charged today in this first round of criminal charges in this still ongoing scandal. maybe the attorney general meant it when he said this is just the start, there will many more charges to come, but for know what the attorney general has done is charged people low level government employees whose crimes have been thoroughly documented by reporters in the state of michigan including the man asking him the questions and to get him to confess to what he is charged with. he's an investigative reporter for the michigan's chapter of the uclu. in a lot of ways he broke the story of what happened in flint, michigan and he joins us next. do you feel you did anything criminally wrong here. >> again i don't want to get into that kind of speculation. i don't believe so. >> governor were you questioned as part of this investigation and if so by whom. >> with respect to this investigation i have not been questioned or interviewed at this point in time. our office has been cooperating with this investigation. >> governor rick snyder of michigan today answering questions after three officials, three relatively low ranking officials were charged in the flint disaster. joining us now is the investigative reporter. today he received a prize journalism prize for his invaluable and ground breaking coverage of this story. congratulations on that award and thanks for being here. did you know that criminal charges were coming? did you expect that these would be the first round of them? >> i had been told that it was likely criminal charges were going to be filed and i expected it would be the low level people that they would be starting off with, yes. >> in terms of the low-level nature of these people's jobs, in the sense that they're not necessarily high ranking public officials, are they people who were down the decision making tree, down the line of accountability in terms of where the decisions that were made that were disastrous in flint? >> mike glasgow, he was the person on the front lines and in charge of conducting the tests that were not just flawed, but rigged, and the people from the michigan department of environmental equality were in charge of overseeing and that making the decisions. they were involved in the decision to use the water plant when it was not ready. they were involved in the decision not to use the mandatory corrosion control that caused all the damage and resulted in the disaster. what we haven't seen or at least i haven't seen yet is the whole decision making process and were orders coming down. i think that's probably things that are still going to come out in the investigations. >> there are a number of concurrent investigations. we have the u.s. attorney, the criminal division of the epa, we had the state attorney general. is there a county prosecutor investigation. >> yes. >> so all of these investigations going on simultaneously. do you have as has investigated this from the get-go, as a reporter, do you have more confidence or less confidence in any of those? >> well, i don't know. the state attorney general's was the most controversial, because it took so long to launch it. the attorney general is a republican with a rep administration, so there was a question on how thorough they would be, but the people he brought in have really good reputations, and when they were announced, that gave a lot of confidence. actually i talked to some of the investigators early on, and actually all these investigations i was one of the person they talked to because of the work we had done. they were very thorough. i really got a good opinion of what they were doing as far as the state attorney general's office. all of them really i think are being very thorough. i was pretty surprised to, in that clip where they just talked about the governor hasn't been interviewed. >> yeah. >> here's something. i've been asking, did the governor's office play a role in making a decision to switch in the first place. when i asked thinks former spokeswoman sara wolfer, she gave me an answer that was not an honest answer. she threw out a red herring, saying the city of detroit forced flint off their system, which forced them to use the river. >> which we know that's not true, because of documents i obtained from the freedom of information act, we know that's not true, but when asked a direct question that was the answer she gave. we could not have made that decision. that decision was forced on us. so certainly if someone is telling manage that's not true to defend a position, it raises a lot of questions. i wish every reporter could start asking the governor that question, so we could finally get a straight answer. >> because we still don't know the answer to that basic question of whose idea was it to make that switch? >> yes. >> and you know basically everything about this story. if you don't know that, that means nobody has figured out. >> all i know is when i asked the governor's office, i was told something that was not true. congratulations on the hillman prize for your groundbreaking work on this. please come back and keep us apprised. >> thanks for everything you've been doing to draw attention to this. its very important. >> thank you. we'll be right back. stay with us . as you probably know, the republican national committee is meek this week in hollywood, florida, to set some of the stuff in motion that's going to come to fruition at their contested, likely to be contested convention this summer in cleveland. lots of worry and lots of discussion about whether or not they're going to be changing some of the rules that might affect who they nominate as president at that convention, but one of the rules they are thinking about changing would not affect donald trump or ted cruz or john kasich or anyone else they may nominate. it would affect gravely our ability to show you what happens at that convention, and that change, which is being debated, on our next story. stay with us. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your 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now. ♪ we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to right now the rnc is meeting down in florida. today they threw a new wrinkle into the mix in terms of their convention this summer. the prospect of electronic voting on the convention floor. the idea if adopted would be for all 2400-something republican delegates to register their votes on the convention floor, not by yelling them out or speaking them into a microphone, but somehow doing something electronic. the rnc says electronic voting wouldn't necessarily be used for the nominating votes for president, but for procedural votes, though like everything else, that too could theoretically by changed. in 2012 there was a bunch of procedural voice votes that were hotly debated like this one when it came to a full floor vote on the convention rules. listen to the vote on this. >> without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the adoption of the resolution. all those in favor signify by saying aye. all those opposed no? being the chair, the ayes have it, the resolution is adopted without objection, the motion is laid on the table. >> are you sure the ayes had it there? are you sure? how about this one, reince priebus putting the cresse denchals committee report to a full vote. this is great. >> all those in favor will signify by saying aye. those opposed no? so and in the pin of the chair, the ayes have it and the motion is agreed to. you get the picture. make electronic voting will clear some of that up this year, but if you like that sort of thing and the floor color and ruckuses and the booing electronic voting may take away from it. donald trump said the convention should have more show biz this year, and electronic voting probably won't help with the show biz matters of it, but there's also the question of make it's screwing things up. maybe it crashes in the middle of proceedings, right? nothing like a technology fail to rile up the souls in cleveland, and the suspicion that a new process controlled by the rnc -- so even more doubt about the process. so we'll see. one more thing to debate. should we e-vote? 89 days to cleveland. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. it's thursday, april 21st. breaking overnight the wwe superstar known as chyna was found dead in her home. the donald becoming a conventional candidate, is it a mistake at this stage? then to delicate diplomacy. president obama meeting with saudi leaders to calm tensions there and at home. plus, charges filed in the lead water crisis. then a wild scene as a dust devil erupts at a a college softball game. and queen elizabeth celebrates her 90th birthday. "first look" starts right now. good morning. thanks for joining us today, i

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20160421 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20160421

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i want to start tonight with something that i'll tell you off of the bat i cannot explain it. it's legitimately weird, maybe you can explain it, but i can't. it concerns this guy. concerns this handsome gentle man. his name is el ott i thinkle. if people are holding still or moving really fast you can tell if he's somewhere in the frame because he as you can see, he has a truly heroic giant mush establish. it's a completely different size the rest of him. clown shoes are to clowns what his mush tash is to him. i say that with total affection. my dad had a mush tash. i still think of him as kind of looking like him at least between the nose and top lip. anyway, because he reminds me of my dad before my dad shaved, because he has inarguaby the best democratic mush tash in politics, congressman was easy to spot on stage last night as a giant crowd of new york state democratics with hillary clinton, i made the former mayor and current mayor, all that's people up there, there unmistake aby is el yots engel. they represent a dtrict just north of new york in west chester county. it's a heavily democratic district and it proved to be a pro-clinton district. she won that district by a 30.8 margin. the weird thing that happened that i cannot explain is something that happened on the republican side and yes it's true that there aren't that many republicans in this district. yesterday for example the number of democrats who voted the number of democrats who voted in that district tripled the number of republicans who voted in that district. but it doesn't mean that the republican votes are unimportant right? every congressional district had three delegates to give out. be even if there were only a handful of republicans voting, they had three delegates to give out. so in this district where there aren't that many republicans it matters who wins and in his district last night donald trump won. he won with more than 50% of the vote. he got all three of the congressional delegates from that district, but a strange thing happened in that district on the republican side because when we started producing this show today looking at the results from that district there were 82% of precincts reporting in that congressional district and at the top it was as you would expect donald trump was winning by a lot and john kasich was coming in second, but with 82% of precincts reporting as of this afternoon, look at the other people getting votes in the republican race. ted cruz had 1,757 votes. ben carson, who dropped out of the race in the first week of march, ben carson had significantly more votes than ted cruz. he was up over 2,000 votes. this was with 82% of precincts reporting. ted cruz on track in that one congressional district of the new york suburbs did not only lose to donald trump and lose to john kasich, but also to lose to a guy who has not been in the race for six weeks. and everybody knows it. it's not like this a leftover thing where a whole bunch of people early voted for ben carson. there's no early voting in new york so that result is nuts. but then at some point today his congressional district got in the rest of the vote. so those results you were looking at were 82% of precincts reporting. then we flipped from 82% reporting to 100% reporting and with that last little bit of that district was that good for ted cruz because when those final 18% of precincts came in ted cruz went from 1,757 votes up to 2,100 votes even. he gained 343 votes. ben carson went from 2,056 votes to 162 votes. so when those final precincts came in ben carson got a minus 1,894 votes from the last 18% of precincts. the negative voting for ben carson in those last 18% of precincts, that's really something. he lost 1,800 votes. that saved ted cruz from a fourth place finish to a guy who is no longer running and hasn't been for weeks. what happened there? new york is a big fairly well off state that had presidential primaries in both parties that were unusually con skeshl and exciting. millions of dollars were spent to inspire voter turnout and candidate events were held in new york city, ehusiasm for this presidential contest this year and still new york is so screwed up, new york makes it so difficult to vote in this state that new york's voter turnout was worst voter turnout than ever other state that has held a primary so far this year other than louisiana, which is also a disaster. new york has terribly run super sketchy elections and they have forever thanks to the fact that the elections in this state are administered by the government of new york which features what i think is the most inconsistent and corrupt state legislator in the entire nation at least as measured by indictments and convictions, right? new york, even so, even with ted cruz appearing to benefit from a last minute surge of minus 1,800 votes for ben carson in one congressional district, ben carson who was apparently beating him in that district, nevertheless the results were stark enough in new york that even the disaster that is the election system in this state, it cannot disguise the overall story of what happened here. obviously the victory story is both front-runners won in new york and won by a lot. hillary clinton's margin was 16 points in the end, donald trump's margin was 35 points and the only thing as impressive was the size of those victories for hillary clinton and donald trump last night, the only thing that equivalent in terms of the magnitude last night was the truly epic and complete nature of the ted cruz wipeout in the state of new york. not only did ted cruz lose to donald trump and lose to john kasich, he almost lost to john kasich -- he did lose by double digits. not only did ted cruz not win a single delegate in all of new york, ted cruz didn't even win a single congressional district. he didn't win a single county in all of new york. he was just destroyed here. maybe that's fine for your campaign if you're one of 17 candidates running in a giant field and maybe in a state where nobody knows your name and you're not trying, but this is ted cruz at the point where the republican field is down to three people and he wants you to think it's down to him and donald trump because he wants you to think of john kasich as not really being in the running anymore. what ted cruz and his campaign are trying to sell the republican party and its voters right now is that ted cruz is obviously the guy who should be seen as the alternative to donald trump, particularly the electable alternative to donald trump. in this big diverse state of 20 million people, the answer to that last night was and to add injury to that insult by winning precisely zero delegates on the republican side in new york, ted cruz officially last night according to the associated press, was mathematically excluded from the possibility of winning the republican nomination. now nbc news says it slightly different. they say he is within a mikron of being excluded. there are 674 delegates still at stake. ted cruz needs 678 to get the nomination. so he's not going to get there. obviously neither is john kasich. but now john kasich and ted cruz are in exactly the same boat. they are both guys who can't win ahead of the convention whose only hope at winning the nomination is some prayer that donald trump won't be able to clench before the convention either and then those two guys having also not won will be hanging around when the convention starts hoping that things go their way. you know, we knew this day would come. the first read saw this coming i think in early march is when they pointed out it was clear at that point that the only republican candidate who could clench the nomination would be donald trump. everybody else could only hope to get it at the convention. that has been clear for a long time, this is where the race was going, but now that this math mattical truth has arrived, it feels like a different day in the republican race. math makes a difference. on the democratic side of the race, the math is also becoming an increasingly tough topic of discussion. for the bernie sanders campaign the scale of hillary clinton's 16 point victory in new york, it seems to have taken both the campaigns by surprise. again, delegate math is not an exact science, but our best guess is that secretary clinton will add something like 31 delegates to her lead over bernie sanders thanks to new york's results. in the states voting next week secretary clinton is ahead in all of those states as well. the combination of her lead in the delegates and the nature of the next part of the democratic calendar, it made it very difficult for the sanders campaign to explain how they see themselves really competing for the nomination at this point. really having any chance to win. and the sanders campaign when they talked to the prosecute es, the sanders campaign when you hear it from the candidate himself, the sanders campaign when they put out on the fundraising e-mails of course they have a path to victory, but there was i think really important moment last night on our election night broadcast here in studio when bernie sanders campaign manager jeff weaver was asked here in person to explain that path to show the math to show us and our viewers how senator sanders would win. this is what he said to explain it and this is why the two words jeff and weaver were trending all night last night on twitter because of this public case that they're now making for how bernie sanders would win. >> let manage ask you this, is this a fair statement, the popular vote and the pledged delegate counts if you are not leading at least one of those counts when we finish this primary process you don't have a claim to get those super delegates to flip. are you still trying to flip super delegates. >> we're going to go to the convention. it's extremely unlikely that either candidate will have the requisite number of pledged delegates to get to this number so it's going to be an election determined by the super delegates. >> you know as well as i do if june 7th comes and goes and hillary clinton has won the popular vote there's going to be calls for you the sanders campaign to make a decision to unite around her you're saying you will spend those weeks trying to flip the super delegates to bernie sanders before the convention. >> at this point absolutely. >> jeff weaver campaign manager for the sanders campaign. >> glad to be here. >> jeff weaver here in our studio. he left a trail of dropped jaws in his wake as he left the studio having explained that the sanders campaign would take that path, that if it comes to, they will take a candidate who is behind in the vote, who is behind in the delegates who has effectively been beaten in the primary process in a two person head to head competition they would take that campaign to the democratic nominating convention in philadelphia and continue their fight at the convention in philadelphia to try to defeat the effective winner of the primary contest, to try to turn the super delegates against secretary clinton right through the democratic nominating convention in july. so now there arises an interesting question which is an answerable question and i'm hoping we're going to get an answer tonight and the question is this, is that jeff weaver or is the whole sanders campaign in agreement on that? is that the plan? is senator sanders in agreement with that? is the other top strategists for the sanders campaign in agreement with that? his name is tad divine and i'm going to ask him that next. he's here live for the interview right after this. ♪ we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. i'm spending too muchs for time hiringnter. and not enough time in my kitchen. 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(announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to today criminal charges were filed in the flint, michigan lead poisoning disaster. we're going to be talked about that story, including a person who played a key role in that, an unsung but absolutely key role in what lead to those criminal charges today. that's coming up, but here next for the interview is the senior adviser to bernie sanders tad divine. stay with us. i'm very pleased to say that joining us now is tad divine. mr. divine it's nice to have ou the show. you've never been my guest here with me one on one. i appreciate you being here. >> it's great to be here. >> last night it felt going into new york you guys thought you were going to do better than you did. i know expectations, it's a little bit spin and a little bit science. did you do less well than you thought you would last night. >> we did. i thought we were going to get into the mid 40s. so yes we fell short and we won fewer delegates than i thought we would too and we're in a race for delegates so that was a setback. >> after that loss there's been a lot of discussion in democratic politics both observers and people who are partisans about whether or not senator sanders has a realistic shot at winning the democratic nomination. i know that your campaign believes that you do. do you believe that you've got a realistic shot at winning the nomination ahead of the convention or is your only path one that flips super delegates once the convention starts. >> i think we can win the nomination before the convention. i think the party can koa less around bernie sanders. i think we're going to have win most of the events between now and then and most of the delegates. right now we're about 236 delegates behind hillary clinton in the delegate count so we're going to have to make up that difference between now and the end of the voting in the middle of june. i think we can do that. we can do it with a number of victoies and by continuing to win delegates in the caucus. it gives us an opportunity in a caucus process to pick up more delegates. we've been doing it in places like colorado and nevada and i think we'll do it in all those states where we've done well before. >> to be clear, in terms of that delegate process that you're describing there, you're saying we should expect to see a little bit from you guys who we've seen from ted cruz on the republican side, even in states where hillary clinton may have done better in what we think as the contest in that state when it comes to picking delegates there, you're thinking you're going to get more delegates out of that states than she will. >> i think we're proving that and i'll use nevada as an example. the first stage of the caucus process in nevada when they counted up the results, hillary clinton had 20 delegates and bernie sanders had 15. when we had the county conventions we had enormous turnout and now our delegate county is bernie sanders 19 hillary clinton 16. that's a really good amount of progress and i think when we get to the state convention in nevada we'll pick up some more so that process is going to repeat it itself in the caucus process and i think we'll pick up a lot of delegates along the way. >> is there a point of friction between the case that senator sanders has made for people power basically for this not being decided by the establishment for the democratic party insiders not doing this and it being the will of the voters and it should be something that gets decided in public, is there a point of friction between that strategy that you're describing and also the super delegate strategy that you have talked about and the way he's talked about how he wants to win? >> i don't think there is. these are the rules. unlike the republicans trump in particular we're not going around saying everything's rigged and running against the rules. the rules are as they are. we may not like the way the rules are set up in some places, but we've agreed to play by them. so we'll work hard under the rules of caucus states. we'll work hard in other places. the super delegates are there. we're going to work hard to earn their support. i think we'll be able to do that if we succeed. the key test is succeeding with voters. in 2008 i wrote a piece and i argued that super delegates should wait and look and listen to what the voters do and follow the will of the voters and i can tell you i got a lot of pushback from the clinton campaign at the time. i believe that today that our super delegates and party leaders should let the voters speak first and if they do that will strengthen or party and strengthen our hand if we succeed with voters. >> to that point if at the end of the nominating contest, the last one is the contest in washington, d.c. which is june 14th, if at that point the voters have spoken and hillary clinton has more votes and she's earned more pledged delegates by earning more votes, at that point jeff weaver suggested last night that even at that point the sanders campaign strategy will still be to get super delegates to do the opposite of what you described, to get them to flip and persuade them to go for sanders. do you and jeff have a difference of opinion on this. >> let me talk about votes and delegates. i think it's really important and we're trying and we believe we can win more pledged delegates to the national convention than hillary clinton when the voting ends. it's going to be a tough process, but i think we can get there. hopefully we'll get all the way there, but if we come four or five delegates short and we go from being 326 delegates behind on the 15th of march to two, technically she has more delegates, but i think if we get very close or we're a few ahead i think that will be impressive. as to votes, that's another category. i hear the clinton campaign quoting they've got a few weeks ago it was 2.5 million, they'll have a couple thousand more after new york and if every state were a primary and every state voted the way primaries vote, i think the number of votes that counted would be a fair and objective measure, but the truth is that many of the states that we use in this process are not primaries. if you're not going to count a lot of primary states in the count of votes and one candidate wins a lot of caucuses as opposed to primaries is it really fair to say we should use votes as a measure when i believe caucuses -- washington state is a caucus, minnesota, colorado and we win a lot of smaller states that have caucuses too, is that a fair measure. i think the fair measure is pledged delegates and states. let's see who has won the states and delegates and let's see where we are in june and i think we'll know what to do. >> is there any circumstance under which it would be inappropriate for a candidate who is behind to try to get the super delegates to flip? is there any circumstance in which you as a senior adviser to the sanders campaign should say you know what let's stop lobbying the super delegates and let's fold it up and unify the party, the way you're describing this it seems to me like a recipe for saying we're never going to stop this campaign. >> we want to see where we are when the process ends. bernie has made a commitment to go through the end because millions of people are part of this campaign they've contributed to it and participated in as volunteers making phone calls, more than 1 million people have come to events so all of those people that have been a big part of this campaign he wants to give them an opportunity to vote for him and we're going to stay in to make sure they have that opportunity. when that's done i think we have to step back and look at where we are and he has to make a decision about whether or not we have a path to victory. right now we think we can get there and we think we can win more states and we think we can prove to the democratic party leadership that he will by far be the strongest candidate in the general election and if we can make that case and win it then we hope the party would endorse him. >> tad divine, senior adviser for sanders, a man about who many people speak, but it's an honor to have a chance to talk to you about what you're thinking. thanks for your time tonight. i know it's a busy time for you. >> thank you. please stay with us. personal note, they say that news is anything that happens near an editor. tonight a little bit of news happened near me, you're nice 9:00 lady on the cable tv. tonight we learned that a giant gas pipeline, which was proposed for the part of massachusetts where i live, a huge project, it has gal vannizedd the state, tonight we learned unexpectedly that that pipeline is not going to get built. the pipeline company called kinder morgan announced tonight that they are suspending their plans to build this pipeline after years of fighting over it with the people who live in that part of the country. i say this as personal news because this is going to make a lot of my neighbors very happy. especially the guy who turned out for the last protest march in my town holding a giant blue dragony proving news happens where you live and sometimes news comes from giant dragon flis. criminal charges were filed with the lead poisoning disaster in flint, michigan. when your type 2 diabetes numbers aren't moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? 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there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. i'm spending too muchs for time hiringnter. and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to and these criminal charges for flint, they come at an interesting time. on monday it's going to be exactly two years since the state made that decision to switch off flint's old water supply and switch on a new water supply in a way that it destroyed the city's water structure and poisoned the town. the two year anniversary of that decision is coming on up on monday. the governor of michigan has made a big public relations splash by promising that he will spend the next 30 days drinking water drawn from a facet from this lady's house in michigan. she has a filter on her facet and they're supposed to be on every single facet in every home in flint, these filters are rated to filter out lead up to 150 parts per billion. we have led results from that house in flint. since january most of the tests in that home have been safe and the federal action level for doing anything about lead in the water is 15 parts per billion and that house was way under that danger zone, but there was one day last month when they tested the water in that house and it was way over the limit. it was not only over the federal action alert level of 15 parts per billion, it was over 150 parts per billion, which is what that facet filter is rated to be able to handle. the problem in flint is not that lead filled water was sent into the water system, the problem in flint is that the state government by making this terrible decision they ruined the pipes in flint and so the pipes unpredictably they spit out big amounts of lead, dangerous amounts of lead. most days in that house where rick snyder took his glass of water the other day, most days the lead levels in that house are fine, every once in a while not so much, every once in a while way more lead comes out of that tap than that filter is rated to handle. i don't what the water like was like day that he took home that water. i don't know if that was a good or bad lead day in that house. so these criminal charges today for flint, they come at a time when the governor is still trying to manage his image around this stuff, they come at a time when flint is still an active crime scene. the city is still being lead poisoned. there is no door-to-door delivery of clean water in flint. there are houses testing above what is safe and there are houses testing with lead levels in the thousands. the pipes that the state ruined in flint, they're still there. they're still the water pipes in that city. the mayor is trying to replace the lead pipes in the city, but even though the state ruined the pipes there's no state run effort to replace the pipes so now while that crime is still happening and the people of flint are still in terrible distress, now in the midst of that we do have the first criminal charges and they've been brought by the state attorney general. it's not evidence that that's where the first criminal charges would come from. in february we learned that the criminal justice department was investigating. they confirmed they opened a criminal investigation working with the fbi and the u.s. postal inspection service. that part i don't get. the criminal division of the federal epa has been investigating what happened in flint. the county prosecutor has been investigating what happened in flint, but today these first charges turned out they were brought by the state attorney general in a big press conference, the state attorney general himself making the speech, he's known to have higher political al aspirations. if this felt like a well staged political event that was not by accident. the three people who were charged today, they were as you probably expected, they were fairly low-level folks, one engineer and one supervisor from a state agency and one guy from flint who worked at the water treatment plant, but in addition to being low-level government officials, there's a sense they were the low hanging fruit. the attorney general went out of his way to praise and thank and talk up the skills of the investigating team that he formed and this is not to take anything away from them, but all three of these people who were charged today, the things they were charged for are all things that have been basically reported out in great detail in public by journalists in michigan. the allegations against these three low level public officials they're now spelled out in a criminal indictment from the attorney general, but they were first spelled out in great detail in the public domain. here's an example. the e-mails obtained by reporters in december showed that stephen busch told the epa they were doing erosion control. that wasn't true. today he was charged with a felony for that. he's pleaded not guilty. the second state employee who was charged today, michael prysby, he signed off on the water plant and then in an e-mail that's been notorious for months now in michigan he got this desperate message from the water quality supervisor that said this, if water is distributed from this plant in the next couple of weeks it will be against my direction. i need time to train my staff and up date monitoring plans before i feel we are ready. mike prysby was charged with a felony for permitting the water plant to operate despite warnings like that one. he's pled not guilty. the person who wrote that warning e-mail, the guy who warned in that e-mail that the switch should not happen, that flint was not ready, they did not have adequate preparation do it safely, that guy, mike glasgow he was charged today. however heroic he was to make the warning, once the water switch happened he confessed to doing the led tests after the switch wrong. he confessed to saying the lead tests showed one thing when he knew they did not show that. he not only confessed that to a reporter, he confessed that to a reporter on the record and on camera. >> how were you able to determine that every single housed a lead service line? >> we're not really. we threw bottles out everywhere to collect as many as we can to try to hit a number and we turn in every result. >> he indicate all those lines. >> to the best of our knowledge. >> when you didn't have actual documentation for each house where you put that down. >> we're still looking through the records. >> so yeah, that is one of the things for which this low level city of flint public employee has been charged today in this first round of criminal charges in this still ongoing scandal. maybe the attorney general meant it when he said this is just the start, there will many more charges to come, but for know what the attorney general has done is charged people low level government employees whose crimes have been thoroughly documented by reporters in the state of michigan including the man asking him the questions and to get him to confess to what he is charged with. he's an investigative reporter for the michigan's chapter of the uclu. in a lot of ways he broke the story of what happened in flint, michigan and he joins us next. do you feel you did anything criminally wrong here. >> again i don't want to get into that kind of speculation. i don't believe so. >> governor were you questioned as part of this investigation and if so by whom. >> with respect to this investigation i have not been questioned or interviewed at this point in time. our office has been cooperating with this investigation. >> governor rick snyder of michigan today answering questions after three officials, three relatively low ranking officials were charged in the flint disaster. joining us now is the investigative reporter. today he received a prize journalism prize for his invaluable and ground breaking coverage of this story. congratulations on that award and thanks for being here. did you know that criminal charges were coming? did you expect that these would be the first round of them? >> i had been told that it was likely criminal charges were going to be filed and i expected it would be the low level people that they would be starting off with, yes. >> in terms of the low-level nature of these people's jobs, in the sense that they're not necessarily high ranking public officials, are they people who were down the decision making tree, down the line of accountability in terms of where the decisions that were made that were disastrous in flint? >> mike glasgow, he was the person on the front lines and in charge of conducting the tests that were not just flawed, but rigged, and the people from the michigan department of environmental equality were in charge of overseeing and that making the decisions. they were involved in the decision to use the water plant when it was not ready. they were involved in the decision not to use the mandatory corrosion control that caused all the damage and resulted in the disaster. what we haven't seen or at least i haven't seen yet is the whole decision making process and were orders coming down. i think that's probably things that are still going to come out in the investigations. >> there are a number of concurrent investigations. we have the u.s. attorney, the criminal division of the epa, we had the state attorney general. is there a county prosecutor investigation. >> yes. >> so all of these investigations going on simultaneously. do you have as has investigated this from the get-go, as a reporter, do you have more confidence or less confidence in any of those? >> well, i don't know. the state attorney general's was the most controversial, because it took so long to launch it. the attorney general is a republican with a rep administration, so there was a question on how thorough they would be, but the people he brought in have really good reputations, and when they were announced, that gave a lot of confidence. actually i talked to some of the investigators early on, and actually all these investigations i was one of the person they talked to because of the work we had done. they were very thorough. i really got a good opinion of what they were doing as far as the state attorney general's office. all of them really i think are being very thorough. i was pretty surprised to, in that clip where they just talked about the governor hasn't been interviewed. >> yeah. >> here's something. i've been asking, did the governor's office play a role in making a decision to switch in the first place. when i asked thinks former spokeswoman sara wolfer, she gave me an answer that was not an honest answer. she threw out a red herring, saying the city of detroit forced flint off their system, which forced them to use the river. >> which we know that's not true, because of documents i obtained from the freedom of information act, we know that's not true, but when asked a direct question that was the answer she gave. we could not have made that decision. that decision was forced on us. so certainly if someone is telling manage that's not true to defend a position, it raises a lot of questions. i wish every reporter could start asking the governor that question, so we could finally get a straight answer. >> because we still don't know the answer to that basic question of whose idea was it to make that switch? >> yes. >> and you know basically everything about this story. if you don't know that, that means nobody has figured out. >> all i know is when i asked the governor's office, i was told something that was not true. congratulations on the hillman prize for your groundbreaking work on this. please come back and keep us apprised. >> thanks for everything you've been doing to draw attention to this. its very important. >> thank you. we'll be right back. stay with us . as you probably know, the republican national committee is meek this week in hollywood, florida, to set some of the stuff in motion that's going to come to fruition at their contested, likely to be contested convention this summer in cleveland. lots of worry and lots of discussion about whether or not they're going to be changing some of the rules that might affect who they nominate as president at that convention, but one of the rules they are thinking about changing would not affect donald trump or ted cruz or john kasich or anyone else they may nominate. it would affect gravely our ability to show you what happens at that convention, and that change, which is being debated, on our next story. stay with us. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your 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(announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to right now the rnc is meeting down in florida. today they threw a new wrinkle into the mix in terms of their convention this summer. the prospect of electronic voting on the convention floor. the idea if adopted would be for all 2400-something republican delegates to register their votes on the convention floor, not by yelling them out or speaking them into a microphone, but somehow doing something electronic. the rnc says electronic voting wouldn't necessarily be used for the nominating votes for president, but for procedural votes, though like everything else, that too could theoretically by changed. in 2012 there was a bunch of procedural voice votes that were hotly debated like this one when it came to a full floor vote on the convention rules. listen to the vote on this. >> without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the adoption of the resolution. all those in favor signify by saying aye. all those opposed no? being the chair, the ayes have it, the resolution is adopted without objection, the motion is laid on the table. >> are you sure the ayes had it there? are you sure? how about this one, reince priebus putting the cresse denchals committee report to a full vote. this is great. >> all those in favor will signify by saying aye. those opposed no? so and in the pin of the chair, the ayes have it and the motion is agreed to. you get the picture. make electronic voting will clear some of that up this year, but if you like that sort of thing and the floor color and ruckuses and the booing electronic voting may take away from it. donald trump said the convention should have more show biz this year, and electronic voting probably won't help with the show biz matters of it, but there's also the question of make it's screwing things up. maybe it crashes in the middle of proceedings, right? nothing like a technology fail to rile up the souls in cleveland, and the suspicion that a new process controlled by the rnc -- so even more doubt about the process. so we'll see. one more thing to debate. should we e-vote? 89 days to cleveland. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. it's thursday, april 21st. breaking overnight the wwe superstar known as chyna was found dead in her home. the donald becoming a conventional candidate, is it a mistake at this stage? then to delicate diplomacy. president obama meeting with saudi leaders to calm tensions there and at home. plus, charges filed in the lead water crisis. then a wild scene as a dust devil erupts at a a college softball game. and queen elizabeth celebrates her 90th birthday. "first look" starts right now. good morning. thanks for joining us today, i

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