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Some extensive remarks on the fight against ebola. Were going to have more on that in a moment, including the late news tonight about where americas current ebola patients are being treated. As of right now, none of them are being treated in dallas any longer. So were going to have much more on that coming up later in the show. As well as an unrelated story weve got tonight for you late in the show about bravery. Incredible bravery in the great state of alabama. Its a story that you absolutely will not believe. Thats coming up at the end of tonights show. Theres a lot to report today. But were going to begin tonight with some breaking news on washington, d. C. Is this is a surprise, outofnowhere development. But nbc news has confirmed tonight that Vice President bidens son, hunter biden, was kicked out of the Navy Reserves earlier this year after he tested positive for cocaine. This story was broken late this evening by the wall street journal. Vice President Biden has two sons. The older son is bo biden, the more wellknown. Bo biden serves as the attorney general of delaware. Hes planning to run for governor of delaware in 2016. Bo biden is not the son in this report. It is the Vice President s younger son. He is the one who got discharged from the naval reserves after failing a drug test. That son is named hunter biden. He made a somewhat unusual decision to join the military after he turned 40 years old. He was accepted in the naval reserves in 2012. He got his commission in may, 2013. When he up, hunter biden had to get a special waiver from the navy for two things. The first was his age. He was signing up at an age much later than most people do. The other waiver, apparentaly, at least according to the wall street journal, is that he had some sort of drugrelated incident as a young man which the navy was aware of and they decided to give him a waiver form. Were told that that type of waiver for a minor drug incident, thats not that uncommon. But now, late tonight, we are learning that Hunter Bidens very brief military career is over and he is out. And that he left under these very surprising circumstances. Were told tonight that he failed this drug test last year. In mid 2013 during a drill weekend. And he was discharged in february of this year. So this isnt something that just happened. But we are just learning antd it. The timing here does raise a question of why this news is coming out now. This is not something that happened recently. The navy is describing this as a private personnel matter. They say they would never under any circumstances be a case where theyd talk about Something Like this publicly. They say theyd never provide public details of any junior officer of circumstances like this. But after the wall street journals report tonight, hunter biden did put out a statement publicly apologizing, saying how embarrassed he is by this. Mr. Bidens statement saying it was the honor of my life to serve in the u. S. Navy. I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to the administrative discharge. With the love and support of my family, im moving forward. But, again, this new breaking news is that joe bidens younger son, hunter, hunter biden was kicked out of the military this year after he tested positive for cocaine. This was already a heightened moment for the administration. Obviously, with the ebola crisis, with the undeclared war against isis, with the elections less than three weeks away, now, this new bomb shell about the Vice President s son has landed late this evening in the wall street journal. Joining me now is ms. Nelson. Congratulations on the scoop. Thank you for being here to understand it. Thank you for having me. Are there any further details that you havent written up yet for the wall street journal . Are we going to learn anything further about why this is public news now . Even though it happened months ago . Well, i think this is public news now because we heard some a Little Something about it and decided to pursue a tip and track down this information. But if not for that, i dont think we would probably have ever heard about this. Certainly the white house wasnt planning to announce this. As you noted, the navy isnt going to make this information public. So i think that if not for somebody trying to track it down, it probably would have just kind of faded away quietly. And there was some attention when hunter biden joined the navy, there was a little bit of News Coverage about the fact that he was joining the navy and it was notable that he was 42 at the time. But there hasnt been a lot of follow up about whatever happened to hunter biden being in the navy reserve. Obviously, hes spoken with pride about both of his military service. His older son, bo, had much more military service than hunter biden did. Has there been any reaction from the Vice President s office about why this wasnt made public before . The Vice President s office has not been willing to comment so far. Wu youre right. Both of bidens Vice President joe biden and his wife jill have talked often about how much pride they have in being a military family. They refer regularly to bo bidens deployment in iraq. So its clear that military service is something that is near and dear to their hearts. And when hunter biden signed up for the navy, jill biden said publicly that she was very excited to stand with her son when he was kmised. And a couple months later, sponsored by the american legion, joked about it and he said you know, we have have a lot of bad judgments in our family. For example, my son hunter just joined the navy over the age of 40 but hes going to be an officer. So they were both very quickly to point out that he had joined the navy in 2012. In your report tonight in the journal, you say that when hunter biden signed up, he received a waiver because of a drugrelated incident when he was a young man. Do we know anything else about either that incident or whether that was a serious matter or an unusual thing for the navy to grant a waiver about . We dont know a lot of details about that. It happened a number of years ago. And so there are scarce details. There are scarce records related to it. But we do have confirmation that there was a drug offense that could have precluded him from joining the navy. And so he and so he sought and received a waiver for that drug offense. The military says its not that uncommon particularly for onetime, relatively minor offenses. It was some number of years ago, but there was a history of some drug episode in Hunter Bidens past. Colleen nelson, breaking the news tonight that Vice President bidens son, hunter was kicked out of the Navy Reserves earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine. Thank you, i really appreciate your time. Thank you. Again, this story just breaking in the wall street journal tonight. He apparently has been out of the military since earlier this year. We did not know that. Nor did we know why. Weve got much more ahead on this very busy news day. President obama weighed in on the ebola situation late tonight in extensive remarks. And were just learning, for the first time tonight, we are about to be hearing directly from the first nurse to be diagnosed with the disease in the united states. We have new tape that is of that nurse. And were going to have that for you in just a moment. More on that plus that incredible story of bravery out of the American South tonight. Please stay with us. Rtoon charas should never have an energy drink . Action blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. 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Thats the beauty of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Weve just been told that weve got some new tape coming into the news room right now. Remarkable footage of nina pham, the first nurse in texas to be known to be infected with ebola during the treatment of thomas eric duncan, the first ebola patient diagnosed in this country. Tonight, nina fomm is on a plane, shes leaving texas presbyterian which is not only where she works, but where she treated thomas eric duncan, where she got infected and has been treated since she first started showing symptoms on friday. She is now six days in to being symptomatic with ebola. That sort of timing puts her at a very and crucial time, a fragile time, sort of a cross roads in the natural progression of this disease as to whether or not youre going to recover and your immune system is going to be able to handle it or whether you are going to decline. And after roughly this amount of time with symptoms, if patients are going to decline, they typically decline fast. Thats why it is remarkable that weve just received this footage. This is as she was leaving Texas Health Presbyterian in dallas tonight to get on a plane and go to the nih, to go to bethesda in maryland and be treated at their specialty unit there. Watch. Remarkable footage of nina pham, the first nurse in texas to be known to be infected with ebola during the treatment obviously, theyre wearing full, personal protective equipment. But, again, theres nina pham. Thats the first we have seen her since she became ill to be able to communicate and react to her coworkers there, who are now treating her. Its heartening especially that she is six days into being symptomatic with this disease. Were told that nina pham, who you see there in that footage, is on her way to the National Institutes of health where they will continue in their treatment there in one of the nations few specialty biocontainment facilities. When i say few, i mean it. Weve actually got some new reporting on that coming up next. Stay with us. receptionist Gunderman Group. Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Trublcovergirl p nkrfect blend for each of us blend of rockstar and mama bear. Her trublend. 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It circulates for several minutes really hot, pressurized steam around whatever objects you have put into the autoclave. In so doing, that superhot steam kills anything living. Autoclaves can use just water or specialty solutions. The basic idea is that simple one about heat and steam. The water is heated to Something Like 250 degrees farenheit, it circulates inside the machine. If you put your used scalpel inside the autoclave, the superhot, pressurized steam will kill all the microbes living on that scalpel. Anything living. So after its been clean and autoclaved, you can be confident that nothing will be transferred by way of that scalpel. Modern medicine has had the aut clave to work with since the late 1800s when this impressively bearded hipster invented it in france. Autoclaves. Again, invented in the 19th century. They are part of the reason why we expected that the equipment doctors use to treat us wont spread disease. Autoclave technology changed modern medicine. Its part of what defines medicine as modern. It turns out that technology is a key factor right now in us trying to get through the current ordeal that we are facing in modern medicine in this country. Its been alleged by nurses in dallas that one of the major problems of that hospitals treatment in the first ebola patient diagnosed in the u. S. , one of toughest challenges in dealing with him was what to do with all the medical waste created by treating that patient. Ebola is a messy disease. The way it progresses in the human body, people sick with the disease expel a lot of fluids. And that creates a lot of waste. Hospital linens, protective clothing, towels, all of that stuff has to be treated as highly contagious. At Texas Health Presbyterian, some had a hard time getting control of that low justically. A nurse said today that infectious waste filled up a whole room set aside for it and was piled up to the ceiling. This seemed to be both a dangerous thing and a somewhat traumatic thing for the Health Workers trying to take care of that patient while also trying to avoid getting infected themselves. Even once they incinerated that waste, one louisianabased Management Company refused to fulfill their contract. Refused to come pick up the incinerated ashes because they said they are still too scared of even the safely incinerated waste. And thats partly just fear and hysteria and louisiana officials doing nothing to correct that message and make fear that that fully incinerated waste was okay. But that also happened in part because it hadnt been worked out ahead of time. There was no plan in place of working out the issue of not just what you do, but also what you do with all the physical stuff that may be dangerous to other people because of contact with the virus. There was no plan in place in dallas to deal with all of that stuff. And what to do has been a really big problem and probably would be a big problem for lots of hospitals around the country if they had to deal with it. It has been a big problem. At the biocontainment unit, they have got it figured out. Theyve already treated one ebola patient who has recovered. Those patients in treatment so far, theyve had zero waste. That is because in omaha, they autoclave everything. Shelly sweetheln is the nursing director of that unit. Watch. Everything thats used in the unit is autoclaved out. So whether it comes out of the unit, whether its linen or trash, its completely decontaminated. When will think of an aut clave, we think about it being used to clean hard stuff or scalpels or clamps or other tough equipment, right . Well, at the facility in omaha, they do autoclave all of that stuff. But they also aut clave clothing, towels, linens, they autoclave the trash. Everything that comes in contact with the patient they consider possibly contaminated. So they use that process invented in the 1800s to decontaminate every single thing involved in the patients care. This is one of a very small number of units like this across the country. These units that have set the standard for excellence in dealing with this highly Infectious Disease, treating patients well and treating them safely. The omaha unit has only been around for nine years. But they practice for this stuff. They train for this stuff regularly. Theyve got the systems in place. But that unit was not built solely for ebola. The most lethal diseases in the world. Theyve got ten beds in which they can offer treatment for those diseases. Highly specialized care. Safe care. They have ten beds to treat everything they are capable of treating. But when it comes to treating patients with ebola, even at this gold standard, stateoftheart, bestintheworld facility, it turns out there is some fine print. There is some uncomfortable news about what even they are capable of. It turns out how many patients have access to care at this kind of world class facility . Theres what they call a ratelimiting factor for that. And it has to do with the trash. The autoclaving is a ratelimiting factor, for now. I know that theres a lot of work across the country to try to work on the Waste Management issue and how to better manage that because autoclaves righthand turn something that every hospital has. Oh, probably two to three. Right now, were not even autoclaving around the clock. So wed have a lot of capability to increase that at this time. No, we think that thats probably about the right level. Increase it beyond three . No. The facility that is arguably the most prepared in the country, and therefore, in the world, to treat ebola . They can handle three patients. Three. Three total. Because thats how much ebola waste that facility can autoclave and safely deal with. So its three beds. Three beds total to treat ebola in omaha. Theres one patient there right now, the nbc freelance camera man. So in omaha, one of their three total beds are taken. Two more potential spots taken. Around the country, we have three other facilities. They also have three beds in which they say they can treat ebola patients. Two of those beds are currently in use. Theyve got two ebola patients at emery right now. One American Worker for the World Health Organization whos been there over a month and whose name has not been released and also the second nurse who contracted the disease in dallas. So in emery, two of their three beds are taken. Then theres the National Institutes of Health Department in bethesda. They have a capacity of two beds. Their very first ebola patient is en route right now. So thats two beds at nih, one in use as of tonight. That means theyve got one more spot available. And, at st. Patrick hospital in montana, thats the fourth of four. Thats the other specialized unit for highly Infectious Disease in our country. They say they are able to treat one ebola patient at a time. They have one bed for ebola. Nobody is in that bed right now. And thats it. So so heres where the math gets alarming. That means nine beds total. Nine beds total is our National Capacity in terms of these highend, specialty units that we know can do it more safely than anybody else in the world. Nine beds total available. Four of them are already in use. So our expansion capacity, in case there are any more cases, five for the whole country. Thats a very small number of beds. Thats a very small number of patients handled at once. In places we know are confident would know how to handle them. Not much room to glow there. And we may have to be ready to grow. I think there may be other cases. And i think we have to recognize that as a nation. We have a case now and it is entirely conceivable there may be another case. At the hospital, we have a situation involving 77 people, two of which have tested positive for ebola. We are preparing contingencies for more. And that is a very real possibility. If they develop ebola, we hope no more will, but we know thats a possibility, since two individuals did become inefected, others may. Cdc director tom freiden testifying today before congress. One of many Health Department officials warning we should not be surprised when and if more Health Care Workers who treated that person in dallas end up with ebola themselves. And thats totally apart from other people contracting it elsewhere in the world and then ending up here when they get diagnosed. The question then becomes where are they going to go . The only nonspecialist unit that has treated is this Community Hospital in dallas where the first patient was treated. That patient died and the hospital managed to get at least two of their healthy Health Care Workers infected in the process of treating them. And god bless them, and the whole country is praying for these 70 plus Health Workers from dallas who have now all been isolated. But all of those Health Department workers have been isolated, that means they are down 70 plus Staff Members who cant come to work because theyre in isolation. The very people who have been selected at that hospital to work on this very difficult case. They are now down all of that staff. They are reeling from the impact this has had from them so far. Thats part of the rationale for moving nurse nina pham tonight. Part of the rationale is not just that they want her to get great care, they want Texas Health Presbyterian to be ready in case more Health Workers are diagnosed because they got infected by caring for thomas eric duncan. That is the only nonspecialist facility to deal with this outbreak and their experience has been devastating. If it turns out, as the experts are warning us, if it turns out that several more people are infected with this disease, where are they going to go for treatment, ultimately . Can we ramp up the number of specialty units that we have . Weve got five available beds in the whole country in those specialty units right now. Nine beds total, four taken. Can there be more of those units . Can we upscale what those units can do . Can we replicate those units quickly . Is it possible . Logistically, is it possible. Can the biocontainment unit start running 24 7. Can it get us higher than the stated threebed capacity thats stated by their nursing director. What can we do to up the capacity at emery or nih. They say if they had more staff, not more equipment, but more staff, they think they could get up to a capacity for three beds. They need more staff to be able to offer that capacity. Can we get them more staff . Shouldnt we do that now . What would it take to get more of these units online . Are we comfortable as a country with having a margin of five total beds to expand into . This isnt terrorism. Its public health. That unit exists now and is treating an ebola patient now because of that money which is motivated by the fear of terrorism. And there were many times when it seemed nuts to spend all of that money on something we may not ever need to use as a country. Oh, sorry, it didnt turn out the way we expected it to. Thank god we spent that money. Now that we need it, it is here and the staff is trained and theyre going to know what theyre going to do. How do we make that bigger . How do we replicate omaha . How do we do it and how quickly can we go it . Get to the terminal across town. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. 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That folks are taking this very seriously and they are. Obviously because of the two nurses getting sick, that has made people that much more concerned. President obama in the oval Office Tonight with his top team working on the ebola crisis, the president making extensive and unscripted remarks about the nations response to ebola. You heard at the end of his speech that we just played, him referencing the nurses who became infected while caring for the first patient to be diagnosed with ebola in dallas. The first nurse to have become infected. First one to have diagnosed is confirmed, is nina pham. A young nurse in her 20s in dallas. She has been treated at Texas Health Presbyterian since she first came down with her first symptoms this past friday, six days ago. Tonight, she was moved to the nih, National Institute of healths facility in bethesda. Remember, she works there as being treated there. Talking with her coworkers about her own condition. Its pretty remarkable footage. Watch. Again, that footage tonight from Texas Health Presbyterian. That is the first known to become infected while taking care of the first ebola patient diagnosed in this country. She was transferred to a specialized unit at the National Institute of health in bethesda, maryland. Thats one of the few facilities set up for highly Infectious Diseases. Joining me now is a doctor from another one of those units. Hes dean of college of medicine at the university of Nebraska Medical Center where they can treat three at a time and they have been involved in treatment of two patients. Doctor, thank you very much for being here. I really appreciate your time tonight. Certainly. A pleasure to be with you. Can i ask you first if you can give us any sort of update on the current patient who has been treated most recently at the unit at nebraska . You know, he continues to have a slow improvement. Is doing well and i think, as already has been reported, eating some solid food and basically continues to make progress. In terms of the capabilities of the unit there at the university of nebraska and theres three other units that are always cited as being essentially in that top tier of being able to deal with highly Infectious Diseases. Theres a very small number of beds if you add them all together in terms that could be treated in a specialist facility like yours. Should that worry us in terms of the ability of patients to get top tier level care if we do get a number of people diagnosed, maybe under the circumstances in which these nurses were affected in dallas . Well, i mean, it is a concern, at least in the short run. The real question, i think as you eluded to in some of the earlier parts in the show, how quickly we can ramp up and provide similar capableties around the country. How quickly could we . I know that having spoken with another medical professional from your facility, having studied something about what makes you different, it seems like what youre doing is not something thats technologically infeasible for other facilities. Its more a matter of practice, training, comfort with essentially the protocols so that they can be followed to a tee and without error. It seems like something that would take a long time to develop in other places. I mean, it does depend upon the level of preparedness in the background of the individuals. At certain institutions. Certainly practice makes perfect. Practice can be ramped up. It really is kind of like flying an airplane. You have a strict checklist of things that you have to do and specific orders and be watched very carefully doing it and making sure youre doing i right. So there is that backup. Again, theres no substitution for pra e practice. Do you feel like if the country is going to need to upscale the number of places in which you feel like youve getting the top level of care, would it make more sense to try to bring regular community hopts up to a standard that is safe . Or would it make more sense, especially that has to happen in the short term, to try to scale up from the places where it is working . To build in more beds at a facility like yours to try to get more beds on line at a place like mazula or some of news other units. Strategically, how would you approach that . I think its a difficult question to answer without knowing exactly what the infrastructure is like at many other facilities around the country. Part of it is having the physical structures to do that. And theres nothing, at least in terms of taking care of ebola in terms of ebola because it is not passed as an airborne disease. Its largely a case where the individual can be isolated and taken care of in a separate location. The real challenge, though, is as you eluded to, is training the staff to be able to take care of them safely. As well as dealing with some of the infectious waste, as well as the transportation of taking things safely to the laboratory. Each hopt will be different in terms of that capability. Well know a little more about our training methods. We are actually since our first patient arrived several weeks ago, we actually are a staff of 40. Weve had somewhere between 30 additional People Volunteer to be trained to work in that facility. We are really ramping up and were going through a training process ourselves with new staff. They wont be until were very confident that theyre ready. We have some experience in terms of treating new individuals. Doctor, dean of the college of medicine at the university of Nebraska Medical Center. Thank you for helping us understand that. I did not know about People Volunteering to get involved in this at this point. Its very heartening to hear. Thank you, sir. Thank you. It is amazing that given that we just had two Health Care Workers infected, more Health Care Workers are saying get in there. Ill do it. Its amazing. Well be right back. I make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 70,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. Theres confidence. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. 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Now this week she was back in court for a hearing related to the charges against her. In front of the judge at that Court Hearing she said this, she said im the daughter of a proud and free man. My mother brought me into this world free, and i will give birth to a free baby boy, even if it is inside our prisons. It is my right and my responsibility as a free person to protest against oppression. And then standing right there in court in front of the judge up on charges of tearing up a picture of the king, she tore up another picture of the king in court. They arrested her on the spot. This happened tuesday, the new york city times reported it today. Shes more than eight months pregnant. Bravery. Bravery. Whether you agree with her or not, bravery. And more to come on the subject of bravery tonight. Stay with us. I told my dentist about my sensitive teeth, he told me theres a whole new way to treat sensitivity. He suggested i try new crest sensistop strips. 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Army Staff Sergeant, volunteered in the army for eod, explosive ordinance disposal. He told the press office the reason he volunteered for that because eod technicians directly defeat our current enemys weapon of choice. That is generally true of what eod squad guys do when theyre serving in places like afghanistan. But that is not generally what they have to do when theyre home in alabama. Hes from seal, alabama. Hes currently in fort bening in georgia and at 1 00 a. M. On friday night, Staff Sergeant mensink got a call in the police. By that point, police in birmingham, alabama, had a whole block of that city shut down. The atf, the fbi, the Alabama State version of the fbi, they had two local Police Forces there. They had a Campus Police force there, but with all those agencies on site, they realized what they needed they didnt have on hand was the army. And the reason they needed the army and Staff Sergeant mensink is because an old dude in rural, alabama, was, quote here, tinkering with some kind of explosive device. And it became lodged inside his leg. Some random old dude was playing with grenades, tinkering with grenades, we dont know exactly what kind it was. The grenade didnt explode while he was tinkering with it, but it basically fired itself into his thigh. Paramedics took him to the local hospital. The baptist Medical Center there is like seriously, you have a live grenade embedded inside you . You might explode. You cant come here. You have to go to a level one trauma center. Poor local paramedics and the ambulance with this guy might explode at any minute, they drive their potentially going to explode passenger to birmingham. At umb, that hospital, too, is like okay, this patient might explode, you cant bring him inside here. The hero paramedics agree to stay in the ambulance with the guy even as the hospital kept the ambulance barricaded 30 feet from the building. The xray showed what was stuck into his thigh appeared to be a 40 millimeter grenade. It not only would have killed the guy, it would have blown apart the ambulance and everybody else inside it. So until 1 00 in the morning, the paramedics many hours into this, having a hard time keeping the guy calm and still inside the ambulance, they have everybody on scene they can possibly think of. But ultimately, they realized they needed to call somebody who might have dealt with a battlefield weapon like this before. And so they called fort bening. They sent Alabama State troopers to the Georgia State line and Staff Sergeant David Mensink and three other members of his edod team raced to the state line. Troopers met them at the alabama border, gave them a flashing red light escort. I dont know how fast it is, but it was about a 150mile trip and they made it much faster than the speed limit allow. The guys from fort bening handed their body armor to the paramedics who had been with the guy all that time. His name says matthews. His name is not matthews. Its cameron padbury. One of eod team of soldier, Sergeant First Class Tyrone Matthews handed over his own body armor to the paramedic who would not get out of the ambulance. He wouldnt leave his patient. Staff sergeant mensink got into the ambulance, looked at the grenade embedded into the guys thigh and saw to his medic training that it was so deeply wedged in the mans thigh his femoral artery was exposed. So theyre going to need a doctor. Time to do surgery on the guy with a live grenade stuck in his leg. They got a doctor from uab to volunteer to get into the ambulance with the guy who might explode at any minute. The doctor made an incision into the mans thigh right next to the live grenade stuck in there and then, quote, calmly and confidently, the Staff Sergeant reached into the incision in the mans thigh and removed the grenade by hand, careful not to twist it or turn it. And the guy is fine. I mean, obviously the guy is not fine, he plays with grenades. But after shooting the grenade into his thigh up against his femoral artery and finding the bravest paramedics on earth who refused to leave him and stayed with him in the ambulance for eight hours while they thought he might explode and then finding a uab doctor willing to climb into that ambulance and do field surgery on the live grenade, and after calling in the afghanistan vet eod techs of the u. S. Army to identify the grenade and then the Staff Sergeant who then agreed to reach in by hand and pull it out of his thigh and render it safe, yeah, after that, the guy is fine. How was your friday night . The grenade turned out to be a 40 millimeter m713 smoke grenade, one that shoots off smoke to mark a place on the battlefield. Nobody knew thats the kind of grenade it was until they had it out of the guys leg. The guy himself didnt know that. Iraq and afghanistan veterans sometimes lament that the skill set they develop out on the battlefield is not a skill set they appreciate back home, potentially by potential employers. In alabama right now, i think tonight for the first time, tonight on all in. Travel restrictions or bans. I recommended a quarantine in the infected region. Ebola hearing as republicans line up to call for a travel ban, some are accusing the government of hiding the truth about the disease. Then, bill o rye oriley and joan stuart go headtohead. Tonight, well tell you the real story of levittown. We go back to florida as rick

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