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Go big or go home. We turn now to kelly. Clearly it was an enthused night. Donald is an entertainer but how did it play inside the arena . Reporter well, we were walking the floor through the night. We did see a bit of a progression among the delegates. That is how they are intended to sort of emotionally run. There is a buildup. I really looked for the delegates who had misgivings about donald trump coming in. We saw those who had wished it had been a more traditional candidate. Of course there were supporters from the beginning. In talking with them many reflected on a couple of key points with me, his success over time. They found that if he was competitive there maybe we need that kind of outsider status. It and the other thing were the opportunities to see trumps children over the course of this convention, hearing their personal stories and hearing them advocate with them. It was much more personal with tiffany. They at least had some seats. They were able to kind of give some sense of what it all meant to them. I spoke to jim wilson with cheese hat along the way. Here is how he read the whole night. The continuation that he used all the what through the primary. He has to get it out to the american public. Well do that just getting this nation out. The inof the convention but outside the arena there were people via twitter but the voters, how did they feel . Reporter i think the real test is what comes after the convention, the people who are committed to the republican process in one form or another. They are Office Holders or committed in some kind of way where they said i want to compete to be a delegate. It is a subset of a subset of a subset who are willing to do what is necessary to fight for republican candidates. The question is how is it viewed more widely when clinton and the democrats get to kick off their show and announce their v. P. Pick. It will have to be tested over time. Thats what we are going to do. Hillary clinton is unleashing sharp reaction. She fired off with the tweet im with you but she adds not includes, muslims, latinos, immigrants. We are live where she may possibly reveal who her running mate is. Is it going to be tonight . What are your sources telling us . Rvlg reporter we could learn in a matter of hours or possibly even minutes. They want it to come out after the rnc so secretary clinton could build up her momentum after the rnc had a lot of atejatej adjust. Trumps rollout not so smooth. I think his campaign will knowledge that. I anticipate well learn she will be campaigning here. It will be a more somber event. It will talk to Community Members particularly in the wake of the tragedy here. Lets stay on the v. P. Pick. Tell us about the three top candidates. All signs are pointing to the virginia senator. My sources saying look, he checks all of the boxes. She a senator, someone with Foreign Policy experience. But tom vilsack has a longstanding rip and booker has been getting lastminute buzz. He is the nart from new jersey. He is very strong on the campaign trail. Some say his resume have very thin but he could energize younger and minority voters. Reporter is there a risk that he could overshadow clinton . Reporter there is no doubt about that. That is why we are looking closely at tim cane. He had Good Chemistry overshadowing her. He knowledged it during an interview. He is a little bit boring. She said that is one of the qualities that she likes about that. In other headlines, malaysia and china agreed to suspend the search for the missing plane, mh 370. It disappeared march 8th, 2014. And after nearly 20 years the chief executive of Fox News Channel is out of a job. He resigned following allegations he fired after he turned down sexual at ranss. Reporter an officer shot an unarmed black man lying in the middle of the street. He is a caregiver and therapist trying to calm down an autistic patience. Part of it was caught on camera. Take a look. Union president says the officers didnt hear his plea and thought he was danger. Well dive deeper, plus, donald wasnt the only one speaking. There is a lot more for the promises she made. He will fight for equal pay and equal work. I will fight right alongside of him. With quicksilver from capital one. Youre earning unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Like on that new laptop. Quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. And smart, like you and i like that. I guess i am pretty smart. Dont let that go to your head, gary. Whats in your wallet . Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. Nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. My father will change the labor laws at a time when women were not a significant portion of the work force. He will work on making child care affordable and accessible for all. Making Campaign Promises of her own introducing her own. We are talking more abou about ivankas speech. She stole the show but did she steal the platform . It certainly is not the kinds of things we have heard from him. If you go on his web site you see things like building the wall and immigration. There is this little bit of a disconnect. Having said that, she is the person who came out and talked about him as somebody who believes in equal pay. She has more women executives than male executives. The message was it is the talk thats the problem for him. But do we know of any concrete plans donald has around affordable child care . No. If you look at the speech last night, look at his web site, the devil is in the details. The details arent there. She is saying you can count on him doing these things because he has done them in real life. This is the practices that he has had in his company so these are the things she is going to push for. She wasnt negative but did she humanize donald . He was not the candidate. It was pretty much all that came out and kind of glossed over it. She said i was in his Office Playing legos. It reminded me of that picture of j. F. K. Jr. Under the desk. She was a person who really made him not just as a dad but as somebody who was warm and fuzzy and not the guy who was necessarily yelling in the microphone. She told the right story. Thanks so much. Next, how did the republicans do all week long and what can we expect from democrats next week . Plus an epic heat dome gripping the u. S. 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Trump said things and never backed them up. He said he would make it safe from street crime. Police are controlled by the city, mayors and by governors. No power to do it unless your going to give us money for a couple more thousand police. He said he will defeat isis. He didnt give us one word about how he will defeat isis. Spend money on infrastructure. It would burn a hole in the budget. I thought he looked strange up there and maniacal. The more you realized what he said you realize he didnt say anything other than trust me, im going to get it done. Thats not good enough. How is he going to do all of this and cut the deficit . Show me the money. This is not the place to do that. The fact of the matter is it had to do a couple of things and those things were accomplished. One was for it to begin to pull the party together. It was not trump supporters. They began to get in the rhythm of that speech and applaud some of the things he was saying. The second thing is lay out what he was saying to the American People of pretty much i know youre in a dark space. Im here with you. Together well move into a different space. I think its a different conversation which will be the rest of the campaign. It works for trump. It may not work for myself or a Party Chairman but it doesnt effect trump because he is not an ordinary politician. It is best whenner who sa whee is a person that says i am here for you. We have had this shared vision and nothing seems to get done. They are looking for a leadership that wants to move the country forward. And where does hillary go from here . She is going to get up on that stage and say we are doing well, let the beat go on . First, let me respond to michael. What you cant do in a Convention Speech is tell lies and fact checker had an incorrect on 80 of what he said. You can make promises you cant live up to. As far as what we have got to do, i think we have got to try to add a vision of how we will get the country where it is going. Every promise Hillary Clinton has made she set forth a way to pay for it. I think thatsresponsible. I think america wants to be brought together. I think people want government to work. Clinton was in the senate. She worked to expand. She showed the ability to make government work and people understand that you have got to Work Together with the congress. You were right about i but we dont have a dictator ship. Well be kicking off and all eyes will be turning to Hillary Clinton. Well find that out next. Thank you to Michael Steele and ed randell. Well talk v. P. Picks live in phil fadelphi philadelphia. Were live in were live on msnbc. You got any trophies, cowboy . Whoomp there it is uh, yeah. Well, uh, well theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yeah, two years in a row. Well ill be. Does that thing just follow you around . 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She doesnt have heartburn. New alka seltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. We start were donalds fiery, 75minute speech touched on everything from security to economics. Hillary clinton is in orlando today. It is kicking off on monday morning. She is expected to announce her pick as early as this afternoon. There will be a funeral for one of the three officers slain, Police Officers in baton rouge. Funerals for jackson an and garafola will be tomorrow. Matthew geralds funeral is today. And in sports, big news adam silver, the nba announced charlotte will no longer host the allstar game which opponents say discriminates against transgender people. As the world reacts to trumps speech last night we could be hours from clinton announcing her running mate today. I want to bring in dave and political reporter for real clear politics, kaitlyn hughe. Dave, lets start with you. Well, tim cain was vetted for barack obama in 2008. I think it says how far the Democratic Party has gone. Tom vilsack, he wouldnt list a senate seat or anything else but i found kaines role in this interesting because it was enough that delegates are protesting in emails and statements to the press about how unexcited they would be if he was chosen. Kaitlyn, who do you think she is going to pick . Well, i think a lot of signs are pointing to tim kaine. He has proven to be a loyal ally of hers. He has really been at clintons side during this campaign. Interestingly, if he were if the clinton ticket were successful then cane would have kaine would have to leave the senate of course. So a lot of signs are pointing to kaine. Elizabeth warren telling Stephen Colbert if it were her she would know by now. And i use any excuse to talk about the state of new jersey. Is booker a real possibility . She a popular guy. He keeps getting mentioned. He has been forgotten recently. He has been a defender of wall street. As mayor he had relationships with a lot of wall street firms. He has rhetoric even though his biography, car riz ma, all of that is attractive. I think one thing you have seen is they were confused while they were not more names on this list. Of them perez is really only one of these people who is left in con sengs who the left thinks they can trust. Could bookers like blt be a knock for hillary . Could it overshadow her . Like ability is sort of her achilles heel. Yes, absolutely. There are many, many surrogates willing to go out on the campaign trail for clinton and try to rally different kinds of bases around the ticket. I would expect to see corey booker out campaigning for clinton and really taking advantage of his social media skills, as we know. Warren is able to campaign in places like, you know, western ohio, western pennsylvania and places like that. I expect to see these people out on the campaign trail but she would have a loyal companion, so to speak, someone who doesnt threaten to overshadow her. Her negatives are really high, of course. So she needs really exciting surrogates out for her trying to make up for that like ability gap that she has. And give it a grade. It didnt start as an a. How did it end . I think those of us covering the campaign have been bad in terms of how voters interpreted it. The messages, the plajigiarisms will be forgotten. I think he solidified it. Everything he hit was a more concise tapered version of what had been working for him on the trail without the rambling that creates controversy for him. It will be interesting to see how the negative tone in cleveland plays out when we kick things off. I wa a Young American who joined cu kurdish fighters was killed. Shirley was fighting alongside u. S. Coalition. He joined the Kurdish Forces and returned to the battlefield last year. He would have turned 25 next month. An Indian Air Force plane in the bay of bengal has gone missing. It was on its way when it disappeared from radar. They said a search operation has been launched to trace a missing plane. Here at home the heat is on. A socalled heat dome is blanketing much of the country. Bill is here with more. Bill, it is hot. Youre not alone. It is coast to coast. It is not the most intense heat waves but it is expansive. It goes from california and moving its way to the east. In all we just added a couple more Million People. We are at 122 Million People impacted now, mostly in the middle of the country. We have people in philadelphia, phoenix. Little rock could feel like 113. So the worst of it is still in the middle of the country. It will spread to the east. Starting to get hotter and hotter. Areas like d. C. Will feel like 106. Raleigh like 104. We are all included in this. The only exception is the pacific northwest. They would like to spend a weekend there. Thousands of people coming to philadelphia this weekend for 95 degree heat. Delicious. Delicious. Thanks. Donald trump that he would present facts plainly and honestly. Fact checkers were hard at work. Their findings next. We are live in the city of philadelphia. Stay with us. Owen hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. I want my blood sugar i to stay in control. Ck. So i asked about tresiba®. 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Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready there will be no lies. We will honor the American People with the truth and nothing else. All right then mr. Trump, here is what we are going to do, check your facts. We have john with me this morning. First one on crime. Take a look. Homicides last year increased by 17 in americas 50 largest cities. Thats the largest increase in 25 years. Sounds good. True or untrue . Well, we rated it half true. The reason is what you have got is yes, there was a decline but first of all a lot of that decline well, a lot of that increase was the was rooted in four cities, chicago, houston, washington d. C. And baltimore. Got to remember, theres a lot of fluxuation and the criminologist sesz you want to take a look at the longterm trend. The longterm trend is rates have been going down steadily. We ended up at half true. Half true. How about what he said at isis . Take a look. In 2009 prehillary, isis was not even on the map. Our verdict was half true. What is the verdict of this one . That is mostly false. Saying isis was not on the map is saying there was no oil company before there was exxon. You have al qaeda in iraq that. Group was the basis for what we now call isis. You have to look at what donald trump is doing, essentially blames for the crisis. It ignores that george w. Bush went into iraq and destabilized the country. People can blame obama for withdrawing forces too soon. To say it didnt exist before, no way, that turns into a mostly false. All right. Number three is for me. This one is about manufacturing and jobs. Many of those undecided voters were willing to say, you know, wha what, donalds personality, he will create jobs here. Take a look at what he said. America has lost nearly onethird of its manufacturing jobs since 1997 following the enactment of disasterous trade deals supported by bill and Hillary Clinton. True or false . So this is another half true. And the reason is, yes, his number is accurate. No question about that, but if you take a look at the role of nafta and the china joining the world trade organization, those are the two main deals he would be talking about. First of all, clintons did not do that alone. It was bill clinton, not Hillary Clinton. The jury on nafta is it had no impact plus or minus. China did but if you take a look at manufacturing jobs from china it doesnt add up to about half of lost manufacturing jobs. There are other factors. We come in at half true. All right, john, thank you for joining me. We didnt have time. I wanted to hit guns. We didnt get to. Thanks for joining us this morning. Fact checking Donald Trumps speech last night. How is a man on his back with hands up in the air get shot by police . Thats next. Your dreams. Think big. Or demand your own space. Dont you dare leave it all behind. Dont you dare ask whats next. Introducing the firstever cadillac xt5. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Authorities investigating a Controversial Police shooting of an unarmed therapist who had his armed raised in the air when he was shot. It was partly caught on tape. Police say they were not aiming for kenzie. Officials thought kenzie was in danger and they didnt hear his plea that there was no gun. He is now out of the hospital. The officer on administrative leave as an investigation is ongoing. Joining me now to break this down is retired atf special agent in charge and former atf hostage me gauche j hostage knnegotiator. Here i am a behavior therapist this group home. All he has is a toy truck. This is a man from a group home. How did this happen . Well, its a bad shoot, stephanie. Its bad policing, its bad tactics, its bad judgment. Its even a bad shot. So theres no way to justify it. Its bad policing all around. Well, the police union is saying it was an accidental shooting. Heres what they said. This is not a case of a rogue cop. This is not a case of police abuse. This is a case where a Police Officer was trying to save mr. Kinseys life. And unfortunately, his shot went astray. Does that seem plausible . Its even bad spin. So he was going to shoot the autistic man with a toy truck . Officers need to have, what we have, when i was a uniformed officer, you need some bin okay alars out. Some of the shootings can be prevented, seeing whats going on. All right. Heres what charles kinseys attorney had to say about the incident. My client asked why did you shoot me. The officer told my client, i dont know. That was his words, verbatim. I dont know. If thats the case, is this an issue of poor officer training, or is the climate right now so heated and so tense that adrenaline running through these officers, theyre simply shooting blind . Well, the reacting too fast. The tamir rice shooting in cleveland, where you sit, stephanie. A 12yearold with a toy gun, a Broward County deputy shot a man carrying a beebee gun and now a guy with a toy truck. In every one of these cases, if Patrol Officers arrive, they get out a pair of small binoculars, we assess it, we wouldnt have these shootings. Everybody is rushing in too fast, getting their fingers on the triggers too fast, and this is what we have. Then what needs to be done. Im sorry . Did you see what needs to be done . If were seeing what needs to be done, if these incidences are happening over and over, if the climate is as tense as it is, and not changing, immediately, what needs to change . Training, stephanie, first of all. Training. Tactics. You need to give the Patrol Officer some better tactics. Youve got to equip them with the binoculars, small and large. And youve got to tell them, be smart going into these things. Be smart. Sit down. Look and see what youve got. Its an autistic guy with a toy truck. This is not an unusual call for any Patrol Officer in america. Its not an unusual call. Know that the information is always not right. If you see a man holding a gun, things change. But you dont see a man holding a gun. If youre behind cover where you cant be shot, then you should Start Talking and see what the situation is. Then lets get realistic. Training is a beautiful well thoughtout idea. But tactically. Is it possible to pull together every police force in this country and start training them in a different way . Do we have the capability . Do we have the funding . No, but police collectively have money to train in shoot, dont shoot scenarios. We call it shoot, dont shoot. There is extensive video collections, Police Academy training. All departments have access to this, where you training officers in shoot, dont shoot scenarios. And also, how to move in closely and how to spot. You know, when a long rifle team works, there is a shooter and a spotter, with a big glass, big binoculars. Youve got to police smart. Youve got to be smart when you police. Its all about the maneuver. And rushing in with your finger on the trigger, stephanie. A man with his hands up, i dont know see how you can spin that into being a good shoot. Its a bad shot. Its bad spin, bad policing. Smart, patient and responsible. I think we could all use that advice. Thanks for joining me this morning, jim cavanaugh. When we come back, its a donald trump candidacy to get jon stewart out of retirement for a muchneeded rant. Were going to bring that to you next. You are watching msnbc live in philadelphia. vo stank face. A universal expression of disgust, often caused by inadequate cat litter. If you or your a loved one suffers from stank face, the cure is tidy cats. Its new and improved with guaranteed tidylock protection that locks away odors. So you dont have to face one more stank face. Tidy cats. Every home, every cat. Theres a tidy cats for that. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Finally this morning, weve got to cover it. The late show with Stephen Colbert was definitely covering the Republican National convention and last night mr. Colbert had a very familiar side kick, but one we havent seen in a while. Take a look. Thanks for stopping by. Is there something i could help you with . I was thinking maybe to talk about the election for a little bit. Oh, yeah, of course. Go ahead. Thats great. Im actually you know, for me to do it i was just going to probably need your desk. You want to sit here . Yeah. Okay, and ill sit okay. Lets switch. [ cheers and applause ] its been a while. Actually, john youve got to have this. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Hold on for a second. Well, the convention is over i thought donald trump was going to speak. Ivanka said he was going to come out. She said he was really compassionate and generous, but then this angry groundhog came out. And he just vomited on everybody for an hour. Jon stewart, no matter what he does, no matter what he says, is always funnier than the rest of us. Thats going to do it for me for the day, for the week. I will see you next week, right here in philadelphia. But for now, more news with chris jansing. The question with jon stewart is, does he miss it more or do we miss him more, right . I miss him. Yeah, right . Stephanie, thank you. And good friday morning from philadelphia. We are in the shadow of independence hall. Here, of course, for the Democratic National convention, now just three days away. And heres the big stuff. We could know who Hillary Clintons running mate will be really any hour now. But this morning, the talk is all about trump in the meantime. The man who wrote the the art of the deal now sealing the deal to lead the republican party. In accepting the nomination for president , trump declared america is a country in crisis. It was the longest speech of any nominee since the 70s. Trump offering virtually no in message or tone to the general election. Clearly, he does plan this fall to continue to blame Hillary Clinton for many of the nations problems, and will make an emphatic appeal to americans who feel they have been left mind. Behind. I have visited the laid off factory workers and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. These are the forgotten men and women of our country. These are people who work hard, but no longer have a voice. I am your voice trump did seem to pump the brakes on one of his most controversial ideas. His call for a blanket ban on all foreign muslims entering the u. S. But the themes of safety, security and the economy that we saw all week were on full display last night. Trump saying that crime,

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