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Speakers, especially named trump and one named christie from across the river back home in new jersey. The delegates have now been given oh, look at the balloons loaded up there. See those huge, webbed, netted bags of balloons for the big balloon drop . The chronicle of a balloon drop foretold. I know. Youve got the big ones, the antiAndrea Mitchell huge balloons up there, the big white ones, then red, white and blue. Usually theres more than one big balloon drop at a convention, but its just a fun thing to watch, watching the rafters. At this point, whats happening on the Convention Floor is that they are wrapping up for another night, but they are sort of playing them out in terms of music on the floor. Ill say. So we are seeing some full on republican boogying in the isles. Hello. Which i think americans of all political stripes can appreciate. Its a much happier night tonight than it was last night. Were going to be talking this hour about the contrast between tonight, night two of the convention, with what we saw night one, night one, a lot of fire and brimstone, a lot of i felt it was sort of death and destruction Opening Night of the Republican Convention. Tonight was definitely different than that. Even though we did talk about policies, we didnt talk about some of the most divisive policies that donald trump has put forward his muslim ban, his wanting to bring back torture, his wanting to kill the families of terrorists, a lot of the stuff that hes put forward thats gotten him all this attention, you know, building the wall on the southern border. Its gotten him attention because of the unprecedented nature of those proposals during the president ial campaign. One of the things the rnc did well tonight was change the policy a little bit to policy. The discussion was mostly about Hillary Clinton being terrible. They did move the discussion little bit to policy, but they made sure it didnt move to those most controversial policies. And that itself was a little bit political art tonight that i think they achieved. Hallie jackson can be very useful in telling us what we here in new york could not see. We came to you briefly for that development in what was still the hot story about mrs. Trumps remarks last night. What do we need to know about what transpired on that floor tonight . Reporter a couple of things, guys. We started over here. There was some dancing in the aisles, as youve mentioned before. Theyve stopped the music, but everybody is sort of leaving since the nights over, the fun here is over for now. But ill tell you the two moments that stuck out in the conversations with delegates i had over the last maybe two hours or so. It was Tiffany Trumps speech and donald trump jr. s speech. That is what a lot of folks are buzzing about right now, still talking about. The idea that as you look at kind of the signs that are left here, the seats beginning to empty out, the idea that these kids made their father more relatable. That was a word i heard more than once. And the message i heard from people more than once was also aspirational, the idea that theyre helping to show people that the trumps can be, in one delegates words that i spoke with, a normal family. I spoke with another man who said, hey, who better than a son to talk about what his father means . And i think one interesting note about Melania Trumps speech last night in addition to obviously the accusations of plagiarism, the striking similarities in the passages to Michelle Obamas speech of 2008, there werent very many personal stories in melanias speech. There were in tiffanys speech and the delegates liked that humanizing, storytelling from the trump family. Chris christies speech, as we look around here, was another notable moment. When you look at the nbc news word cloud we made of the evening, the biggest word was hillary, obviously another theme tonight, as the republicans here, more washington politicians throughout the evening than weve seen monday night, for example, or that we will see the next couple of nights, going after democrats hard. Just about twice as many speeches focused on campaigning or focused on hitting Hillary Clinton more so than they did building up donald trump. The role of building up donald trump fell to the family members here tonight. And ill tell you, the mood on the floor from the delegates is that donald trump jr. And Tiffany Trump were successful in doing that. Eric trump speaks tomorrow, and of course, ivanka trump will introduce her father on thursday. Hallie, if you could collect and show us youve got at least two more nights to do this, and well do it again in philadelphia the swag, the Copious Amounts of convention swag. Reporter look at this. Theres so much. Its unbelievable. Reporter theres signs, bags. These are the swag bags they hand out with all sorts of goodies in them. This is what it looks like when the convention ends. Im going to get this and bring it back to new york for you guys and well start a collection of convention swag bags. That would be fantastic. It looks great and you can easily accessorize. Just making the point that at the end of the day, going to convention is supposed to be a fun thing. If youre a delegate from alaska, you had more excitement in your evening than you ever thought leaving anchorage a few days ago. It was an interesting evening. Our thanks to hallie jackson. Interesting evening on that floor. Well, yeah. And again, we started with a bit of a messy, kind of a political scrum on the floor. Yesterday we saw that to great effect, including delegations stomping out and being very angry. We saw some continued anger about that tonight. Donald trump jr. , before his very wellreceived speech, doing an interview with our reporter on the floor after his delegate totals from new york put his father over the top, and expressing anger at those delegates who had created such a scene yesterday. We then also got the alaska delegation today wanting a polling of their brought it to a halt. Delegation. Brought it to a halt. It was interesting, though. When that happened, that pushed the series of speakers that the Republican Party had planned to start at 8 00 p. M. Tonight, in prime time on the east coast, pushed it about 20 minutes late. And we had talked here on this set about whether or not the rnc was going to be skilled enough and have the discipline enough to get that time back, to tighten up the contest tighten up the roster for this evening so that the podium speeches would be done by 11 00, and they did it. They got all that time back, even when ben carson went off script and started talking about lucifer, they still nailed it and finished it on time. So there was some Party Discipline on display there. You didnt get your musical interludes you were hoping for. No, much less of what they called the musical pad. Lets bring our friend, robert costa, into this discussion, robert costa from the washington post. Robert, what are you able to bring us tonight in terms of what youve reported this evening . Talking to Trump Campaign advisers and his allies in the last few minutes, you get a sense that tonight was a recovery night for the Trump Campaign. They felt like they had a hot start on monday that then became a plagiarism story, and they feel like they got a bit of their swagger back, but theres a sense among some republicans watching, not part of the Trump Campaign, that trump still has some work to do, not just to introduce himself to the country, but to make sure conservatives feel like theyre part of the fold. Robert, weve heard the ongoing discussions, ongoing developments tonight around last nights major story, which was the plagiarism in Melania Trumps speech. The New York Times has reported one new detail on that this evening. The times is now citing a woman named Meredith Mciver. In the times description, she is a new york citybased former ballet dancer and english major who has worked on some of mr. Trumps books, including think like a billionaire. She is now described by the trump camp as essentially the person who may end up being blamed for the passages of Melania Trumps speech thats appeared to be cribbed from Michelle Obamas similar speech in 2008. I wonder if youve followed your reporting further on this same story. Yes, rachel, ive been able to confirm that Meredith Mciver, who is a trump loyalist, someone who is very well liked by the family and within the trump organization, played a part in writing Melania Trumps speech. The extent of her participation in crafting those remarks is yet unknown, but she is someone who has been a ghost writer, as we say, for donald trump and members of his family over the last few years. And when we ask ourselves why someone hasnt been fired or there hasnt been some kind of personnel shakeup within the Trump Campaign after this event occurred, its partly because people like Meredith Mciver are close to the trump family, and theres not really a push to push her out. Yeah. Everybody understands that dynamic. Robert, thank you very much. Thanks for your reporting. Were going to go down to the Convention Floor just off the floor, as we learn, just behind the colorado delegation. Chris matthews, how did tonight look from there . Well, its over as rachel said, its all over tonight. It ended a little more abruptly than the other night. In fact, its quite a night, actually. Ive got ron fournier here with me, the national journal. Back in 1956, to go way back i was in high school then. I know, but dont do that. Historys history. Okay. Everybody does that thing. Its not funny. Historys history. In 1956, the democrats thought their way of beating eisenhower was to beat the hell out of nixon. They were going to beat the hell out of this guy. And Bobby Kennedy was following the campaign, said they dont get it. The people that hate nixon the most are already democrats, youre wasting your time. And i was thinking tonight, and its this festival of hating hillary tonight, this brewing up of almost a witchlike ritual tonight. I kept thinking, wait a minute, they already hate hillary. Yeah. So, whats the point . And does this get to the middle of the road voters saying, you know, im worried about my kids, about my kids, i have all kinds of issues, but none of them really relate to how much i hate hillary. They relate to other things. I know these people are all imperfect. I know hillary has a credibility problem, but they have a choice here. How does this make me like trump more . Middle of the road voters dont want to hear send her to prison. Yeah, lock her up. Lock her up. They dont want to hear guilty. It seems third world, by the way. Someone pointed out earlier, when you talk about locking up your opponent, thats banana republic. Thats an example of overrea overreaching, but let me explain whats going on and why youll see the same hyperrhetoric against trump in cleveland. The world has changed since the 1950s. You have a relatively large number of undecided voters, and a huge percentage are not going to vote aspirationally. Theyre going to decide this election who they loath the least. Really . Thats how low they go . This is a negative partisanship election. All right. A time when we are now voting out of aspiration but out of fear and hating of the other guy. So, if thats the dynamic, what you have to do is so, let me ask you, im coming out of a voting booth and you say how did you vote . And i say i rote voeted for hillary. No, i voted against trump or i voted against hillary. You even hear it on the floor. How much did you hear of how great of a guy donald trump is . Nothing right. Except for the kids. Most kids, by the way, will say nice things about their parents. Right. So, what youve got to do is convince the undecided voters that the other person is so evil, they have to vote against them. And how you inoculate yourself against that, how trump is trying to inoculate himself against it in cleveland is by having some semblance of a positive message. Point of no returns question. If you look at the polling, you see very high levels of not believing Hillary Clinton, untrustworthiness and unpopularity. Okay. Can they get any higher, honestly . I dont think so. So, whats the point of this . Again, does this help win for trump to blast away at her again . Yes, but not in the way youre thinking. The prosecution of Hillary Clinton has already been conducted and shes been found guilty by the american public, okay . But what the Clinton Campaign has got to bet on is that they can make donald trump more negative and he can be seen as, for example, more untrustworthy, which by the way, he is seen right now as more untrustworthy, so any positive message but they think he says what he believes. They discount that what he said is ridiculous sometimes. Depends who the they is. These people out here, youre channeling them. But the undecided voters who are still up for grabs, they know that both sides are lying and whos the biggest liar . Be a critic. Yes or no, it is smart to spend the night going after hillary . Yes, for the same reason it will be smart for Hillary Clinton to go hard after trump. What a world you paint. Thank you, ron fournier from national journal. Back to you. Doesnt look like a happy week coming up after this one. And hi to ron, my friend. Ron fournier was covering a southern governor in arkansas who happened to become the last democrat southern elected president and started a long and storied career as a journalist notably with the should E Associated Press for 20 years. Thank you for being part of our team. Senator Amy Klobuchar is joining us as well. Thank you for being with us this late hour. Thanks, brian. Ill ask you a question i asked Steve Schmidt on the other side of the aisle earlier tonight. If youre on the Democratic Convention planning committee, and if you agree that the best conventions have large adlibbed elements to them, what do you adlib . What do you call as an audible for the democrats gathering next week based on these two nights that youve seen so far . Well, if i told you, it wouldnt be adlibbed. But ill say this about it. I think that youre going to have to have a contrast here. Yes, theres a lot of stories to tell about donald trump from real people whos messed around with that he hasnt paid, peoples lives hes destroyed, trump university. Those stories will come out. But i also think a positive story will be told at the Democratic Convention about hillarys plans and how she wants to help the middle class, what shes done with her life, and we just havent heard that in these last two days. Weve heard nothing but negativity, people screaming lock her up, questioning her faith, comparing her to the devil . Thats what we just heard from a major candidate for president. I think youll see a stark contrast there. And then finally, the two kids did a great job, and you both noted that, and thats correct, but they are his kids. So, i hope if my daughter ever gave a speech, shed be somewhat nice about me. And i think we can expect that. But its really bothered me that we just heard this divisiveness and negativity again and again, you know, capping it off, i guess, with the woman from the bold and the beautiful. I did miss that, so i shouldnt comment on that one. But its been a really negative, negative convention so far. Senator, its rachel here in new york. The point you just raised about the chants from the crowd, lock her up, lock her up, she ought to be in stripes, weve seen that from the podium, we heard that from the crowd, weve seen signs and tshirts and buttons, hillary for prison. Is this different than you expected . And whats the right defense against that kind of tone and that kind of attack for the Clinton Campaign and for democrats more broadly . Well, i think, first of all, the first answer is, of course, the obvious, that the fbi director, who is a former republican appointed by the Bush Administration of u. S. Attorney, one of the highest positions in the Justice Department while he clearly said that mistakes were made, that there were major mistakes made, he made it also clear that this wasnt worthy of criminal prosecution, that it didnt meet the standard. The second is that weve got a candidate in donald trump that wont even put his tax returns out there, who has a history of Running Companies into the ground, someone who wants to add Nuclear Weapons to countries that dont even have them and destroy our alliance with nato at a time when theyre battling terrorism. I think a contrast will be made, but i think what youll see is a vision for america, a vision for jobs for america and goodpaying jobs and helping people pay off their student loans. When ive been home these last few days, thats what people want to talk about, how theyre going to be able to put their kid through college, how theyre going to be able to afford a house. And that is not what youre hearing tonight. Senator, were hearing from the Clinton Campaign some sounds, incoate signals, not exactly direct words, that were going to get a Vice President ial announcement as soon as friday. Donald trump accepts the republican nomination on thursday night. The Republican Convention wraps up thursday night. Were hearing the Clinton Campaign may spend the next day rolling out their Vice President ial choice. Who do you think its going to be . Is it going to be you . And what do you think the Democratic Party needs to achieve with this rollout . Are there still Democratic Party unity issues that are at stake here that the Vice President ial choice might be rolled out to help . Okay, i dont know who the Vice President ial candidates going to be. I dont think its going to be me because, as i told you, i would tell you immediately if that was the case. And also, in terms of unity with the Democratic Party, i think that Bernie Sanders did an incredible job last week, very strong endorsement of Hillary Clinton. I think youre going to see that carry through into the convention. And when people ask about, well, what will these Bernie Sanders supporters do, look at the difference here. Donald trump had trump university. Bernie sanders supporters want to have free college, okay . Thats a big difference. Bernie sanders supporters want to do something about Climate Change. They care very much about the environment. Donald trump says that its something invented by the chinese, the Climate Change problem. He said it on twitter, where he says everything else. Bernie sanders supporters want to help the poor. Donald trump said he wants to bet on the housing crisis. That is a vast difference between the candidates. So, with Bernie Sanders strong endorsement, the work thats going to be done next week, i think youre going to see a strongly unified party. Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar of minnesota. Stay greatly diminished by the retirement of garrison keeler. Can we all agree on that . Oh, it was sad, but hell keep going. Hes still out there, trust me. Hes got a lot of good days ahead. Yeah, okay. Senator, thank you for being with us. I think well be talking to you in the days ahead as well. Were going to take a break. When we do, when we come back, ill put it this way, sports fans know the expression under review. The call on the field is under review. Lawrence odonnell with all the things under review that we heard from that podium tonight. You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. We are back. Rachel just learned on the World Wide Web that the top three used words tonight with hillary, clinton and america. After that was donald and trump . Trump and donald. That tells you a lot about what we watched on the Convention Floor tonight. Nicolle wallace, chuck todd, one of them is former White House Communications director in the Bush White House and a longtime republican hand. The other is chuck todd. No, im kidding. He is our political director and moderator of meet the press. Thank you both for staying up late, no matter what the time zone. Nicolle, again, we would all like to think our children would say nice things about us, either under threat or duress or not. Can it be said that the trump kids saved the trump night, night two . I think thats right. And i think that, you know, the interesting thing about family members, and this goes across the partisan divi, as very few things do these days, but the father is usually unscathed by the heat and the controversy that a candidate draws, so theyre very powerful and effective messengers for the parents or their spouse. What donald trump jr. Did tonight, though, was really wade into some policy and some pretty tough politics, so well see how that plays. And i know theres a difference, because i know after last night, that what we saw here was very different from what folks see on tv. But in the hall, the two high points we saw was that donald trump jr. s speech, the crowd loved him and what he said, and Chris Christies speech, which really got sort of the loudest response in the room out of the whole sort of program this evening. Mr. Schmidt, your friend and our colleague here in new york, said he found that chant lock her up about Hillary Clinton to be banana republican in nature and said we dont lock up our political opponents in this country. Do you agree . See, you guys are taking this all way too seriously. I feel like sarah palin now, wanting to call yall the lamestream media. But in the room, this will be answered next week at the Democratic Convention by something equally ludicrous, and that is what happens. Youve been inside convention halls. Thats what happens at both parties conventions because of the kind of people who want to spend five days hammering out a platform and working on a program. The kinds of the people in the room are the, you know, chuck called it raw, red meateaters, and thats whos here and who will be there next week. So, i think those things get canceled out by the end of the two conventions. But i think what christie did that was effective was sort of this prosecution, issue by issue, point by point. And i think that is a message you will hear every day from now until november, maybe not from donald trump, because hes not the most disciplined messenger, but i would be very surprised if pence didnt adopt that as part of his stump speech. Chuck todd, same questions. Look, lets give credit where its due here. After a mess of a first night of a convention, after the hiccup with alaska, all of a sudden, this convention has finally found its footing, if youre Donald Trumps campaign, okay . You know, theres plenty of republicans out there that dont like some of the tone, dont like some of the things, but you feel like for the first time, particularly the last two hours of this convention, its the convention and the messaging that donald trump and his campaign at least envisioned that it might look like. So, theres no doubt its very red meat, and i would remind people, monday and tuesday nights of conventions are the activist red meat nights. If its still this same way on wednesday and thursday, which is when you start getting bigger audiences, more casual viewers and voters start showing up, then i think we could Start Talking more about the tone of this convention. But look, they even ended on time, all right . They still have a i still dont think they have programmed their 10 00 hour very effectively. Theres too many prime time speakers speaking to empty seats. Theyve got to fix that. But at least they ended on time, and at least they seemed to get control of this convention, which, who knew it was going to take them this long, but it did. When its unity day and one plagiarism scandal later, theyre finally on track. Do either of you did either of your ears perk up for the lucifer part of the offscript part from ben carson . Did that pique your interest at all in terms of whether or not they had control of this thing . I felt like they did, and then we got lucifer from ben carson. Its funny with ben carson. Because he says it in such a mildmannered way, you sometimes miss those you know, it sometimes goes through so, some of his i hear you on its harsh stuff, but i dont know if it ever penetrates as negatively because of how he presents himself. Yeah, hes so well like, we all noted how well received i think he got one of the loudest rounds of applause as he took the stage. Hes beloved in this room. And i think because he was one of the more civil people during the campaign, which is saying a lot about the republican primary, he has a little more latitude to say things that are off script. He gets to play the lucifer card and nobody minds. And it has been played so far i do want to make one point on messaging, guys. Ive been messing around a lot with word clouds, and we did one on our sister program, as you guys might be aware. And tonights theme and message was make america work again. Well, the word work in our word cloud was very hard to find. And as you guys pointed out, it was hillary was the biggest word. Then came clinton and then came donald. The word work wasnt there. But then again, i think what unites this convention is beating up Hillary Clinton. Promoting trump doesnt fully unite this convention, and that is something i think were all starting to comprehend. Chuck todd and nicolle wallace, whose first morning show appearance is in about 90 minutes, thank you both very much for sleep tight staying up with us. Im glad you know this. Thank you, brian williams, for noting. Can you call somebody . Remember, you guys get to sleep in. Im sorry, his microphone yeah, i cant hear you. Sorry, ive lost contact with philadelphia. Well take a break here in new york, and when we come back, Lawrence Odonnell on all those items under review from tonight. We are back here in new york by way of covering cleveland. A lot of oldtimers feel that video replay has ruined sports. However, it has brought new specificity to the business of im getting there to the business of covering sports. It has also given us the expression under review, anything that is disputed on the field of play, under review. Lawrence odonnell is here tonight with our own segment by the same name about the things said from the podium that perhaps defied factchecking. We will begin with Chris Christie tonight. He had one of the big speeches of the night, one of the most effective parts of it that is not under review, actually, is his discussion of Hillary Clintons email situation, and he kept using the phrase, the fbi director said that was untrue. That was very effective. He said she said she did not have any classified information on her email server. He then says the fbi director says that is untrue. There were other parts of the speech, though, that i think came as a big surprise to people. The idea that Hillary Clinton, who has been a champion for womens rights and Girls Education around the world, would have been an ally, a supporter, in some sense, of boko haram, the terrorist organization in nigeria that has attacked little girls especially, taking them out of school. Lets listen to that passage of his speech. In nigeria, Hillary Clinton amazingly fought for two years to keep an al qaeda affiliate off of the terrorist watch list. These al qaeda terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young women two years ago. These schoolgirls are still missing today. And what was the solution from the Obama Clinton team . A hashtag campaign. She fights for the wrong people. First of all, the schoolgirls hes talking about who were kidnapped were kidnapped when boko haram was on the terror watch list, what they call the Foreign Terrorist Organization list. There was a move to get boko haram on that list earlier. The state department was moving toward it. They were strongly advised against it. And secretary clinton specifically was strongly advised against it by experts in the region, some of whom were in private negotiations with boko haram. Any private contact with boko haram would immediately become illegal as soon as they were named a Foreign Terrorist Organization. And so, there was a very delegate situation going on on how much can we accomplish under our Current Conditions with boko haram and our current ability to secretly try to reach them before moving to the final step of putting them on the Foreign Terrorist Organization list, which ultimately they did. There was no choice. So, thats the context that Chris Christie i think very deliberately left out of that. Another spot in here where he talks about that Hillary Clinton and barack obama in negotiations with cuba, his words, got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo. The embargo is completely enforced. It could only be ended by congress. It was enforced by congress in the 90, so the embargo is still completely in force there. And there is another point in here where he talked about the iran deal. Lets listen to what he said about the iran deal. Its a deal that will lead to a nuclear iran, an israel that will be less safe and secure, and a much more dangerous middle east. The israeli chief of staff of the Israeli Defense forces disagrees with that, has said recently, the oneyear anniversary of the deal that it removed the most serious danger to israels existence for the foreseeable future. That, of course, wouldnt make it into a Chris Christie speech. Bill of particulars laid out there. I thought that that speech was structured to get exactly the response that it wanted, that guiltynot guilty, guiltynot guilty thing that he did, but it was really long. He went into territory that hasnt been well plumed in this campaign before. I havent heard that boko haram charge before. No ones heard it before. This is new stuff theyre unveiling tonight. The audience never heard of it before. All at once instantly agreed that Hillary Clinton is guilty of harboring boko haram. In making that case tonight, its good to have that context. Thanks. Another break. Were back after this. As both parties gather for their conventions, well be there with the team that makes us the place for politics. Join us for indepth, walltowall coverage of this weeks Republican National convention and next weeks democratic National Convention on msnbc. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . 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Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. For my generation, this is the most important election of our lifetime one that will determine the future of our country, and in turn, the future of the world. We said earlier, everyone watching with children would hope that their children are good reflectors back on them in life. This can certainly be called the most trump of the two trump nights of the convention so far. Michael dantonio is with us, published journalist and author whos written a biography of donald trump called the truth about trump. Michael, what do you think was the truth about the two trump children we heard from tonight . Well, youre right, it really was the trumpiest night, and donald jr. Has been preparing for this for years. This is something i think people dont understand, is that hes been very deeply into politics since at least 2011. When i talked to him in 2013, i could tell he was warming up to this kind of role. So, he pulled it off. I think donald counted on his kids to really be the supporter, are guaranteed good batters up at the plate for him, and he hit the ball hard. Whether the Family Business is a paint store or television or a construction business, it can safely be said, and weve seen the evidence of it, these kids were all brought up in the Family Business, which in their case kind of bridges some different concerns. Well, it does. And one of the areas that trump is deeply into is entertainment. He actually his first dream was to be a movie producer and director. And then he produced a broadway play. That was his actual First Construction project. And i think these kids, we have to think of them as show biz kids. Theyve all been on the apprentice. They know how to work a room. They know how to work to the camera. So, i wasnt surprised at all by donald jr. s performance. I fully expected him to do the job that he did tonight. And it starts at the top. You know, ive been saying i dont know of anyone else whos run for president in the modern era with 100 recognition. I mean, you could make a great case that there were no americans who hadnt heard of Dwight David Eisenhower by the end of world war ii. But this guy has been not only in media for so many years, but such a custodian of his image. When he appeared last night in silhouette, in smokey silhouette, backlit, thats a guy who you can tell knows what he looks like as a cutout. Well, i sort of thought donald would have been more comfortable at the rock roll hall of fame, if hes going to come to cleveland, you know . Thats his style. In fact, he used to refer to himself as an elvislike character. So, this is the Family Business, building imagery, appealing to people, making the case for the man, not so much the ideals. Donalds ideals have been very flexible over the years, but the consistent promotion of donald as the best at everything is something the kids have heard all their lives and they know how to deliver the lines. Michael, one of the things that a number of people who have had different dealings with donald trump over the years have suggested about him in terms of publicity is that its important to know not just that hes really good at getting publicity and that he is very goaloriented in terms of maximizing the publicity that he gets, but that hes sort of indifferent as to the quality of that publicity, that even when there have been negative profiles of him in the press, even when people have been criticizing him, and thats the reason theyre using his name, hes still happy just for the quantitative nature of the coverage. Do you think have you found that to be true . Well, thats true some of the time. But i think when he really needs for it to come off in a positive way, when hes determined to move the conversation in a certain direction, he is going to enlist family. You know, he did that with his first wife. He did that with his second wife. And the kids have come along in this regard. So, this whole idea of this being a trump family production is consistent with his need now for the coverage to become positive and i think to come out of this convention at the end with a very trump positive boosting message that leaves maybe the hillary bashing mostly to others but allows the family to promote the trump name. Your name is not on the list of president ial biographers, necessarily, in the united states. However, it may yet be, depending on what this year yields. I do know you were very patient in standing by for us tonight. Thank you very much for coming on, talking about your book and its subject matter. Michael dantonio, author of the truth about trump. Another break for our coverage. Well be right back. vo maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Takbbq trophies hese best cracked pepper sauce. Most ribs eaten while calf roping. Yep, greatness deserves recognition. You got any trophies, cowboy . Whoomp there it is uh, yeah. Well, uh, well theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yeah, two years in a row. Well ill be. Does that thing just follow you around . Like a little puppy the awardwinning geico app. Regardless of gender, you are warned to wear flats to a convention. One of the rules road warriors will tell you. Ours, jacob and kelly and hallie and andrea, have gathered in a faroff corner of the Convention Floor to talk about what they witnessed tonight. Road warriors, take it away, in no particular order. Hey, guys flats on, sneakers on. Sneakers. Flats. Ive got my desert boots because i dont know why. Because youre prepared for anything. Im glad i got a pedicure. Geez. Anything can happen at the convention. Were ready for it. Whose feet hurt worse . Well, were standing all day on the floor, all evening on the floor, and were all running around trying for targets of opportunity, which are not always easy to get. Does anybody wear a fitbit . How many miles are you clocking . Normally because of all the sitting around, this time whats the steps . Im trying to think. I cant tell. Theres a lot. I cant see. 3 1 2 miles. Okay, 11,000. Shes met her goal today. 11,000 today is good enough. When you talk about targets of opportunity, somebody that you got today, jacob was donald trump jr. , who obviously gave that speech, the keynote to kick off prime time. And theres been a bit of a false alarm that maybe there were similarities to the column written by not again. Thats what everyone said, yes turns out the writer why dont you explain and then we can get into it. Lets do it. Please. Its all you. So, similar to this column written by Frank Buckley in the american conservative, there are some lines you saw this, right . It blew up on twitter, the daily show tweeted out, of all people. Turns out, the guy who originally we the column was one of the principal speechwriters of donald trump jr. s speech. So he borrowed from himself. Exactly right. So, it was a false alarm that its a big question. I never spent a lot of time with donald trump jr. Until tonight, and tonight, to me, he said that some of the delegates got to be careful here from the stop trump movement, or in particular, the ones that threw their credentials on the floor, were acting like idiots. This is clearly really gotten under their skin. And i mean, its over now at this point, this movement. But it really bothered them. Thats an apple doesnt fall far from the tree moment. Thats fair. I think tonight was all about Chris Christie. For all the attempts to personalize this, this was again the prosecution against Hillary Clinton. And one of the toughest speeches weve heard so far and a really memorable speech, and that was the moment that to me sounded most that and paul ryan, sounded most like real convention speeches, the kind that weve been covering for years. The other speeches were different. They were more personal and you saw that. Its funny, too, because tonight its the most of the washington politicians, speaker ryans and the leader mcconnells. You had a chance, kelly, to talk with governor christie. We chatted a little. I said, was this your audition for attorney general . Because thats what it sounded like. I think for christie, he wanted to show he can make the case against Hillary Clinton. Me might have done it had he been tapped to be the running mate. That is over and done with now. And if he is in a position to take a public role beyond this transition chairmanship he is in now, this is a way to not only make the case from International Affairs that you cover all the time to the issues relating to email and to involve the audience tonight. That i thought was striking. Guilty or not guilty was his question. And then jail her or lock her up. Lock her up. There you go. But you know, Hillary Clinton has not the clinton teams, as active as they are on social media, they have not responded at all to the Melania Trump controversy. They dont want to get into that. The last thing they want to do is be criticizing the spouse of the candidate. But at the same time, she immediately was on twitter against Chris Christie, saying to be lectured about ethics by Chris Christie, you know, weve got a bridge we might want to sell you. Seemed to be the thing that captivated the room the most tonight. Im curious what you thought about the energy in the room tonight. I spent some time off camera in section 205 in the rafters, hanging out with people up there, and its a much different vibe up there, obviously, than it is on the floor. And i have to tell you, people didnt seem as excited up there as they did down here. What was your sense of the vibe down here tonight . This was like a tailgate vibe a little bit. Saw people dancing around during the music interludes and sort of chatting and hanging out, much more celebratory. Interesting that the rafters were more somber. When he went over the top, and it was a big moment, his n son, after this very long, arduous task, going over the top, becoming the republican nominee, as improbable as that is. The place did not move. You did not have the spontaneous or even choreographed celebration that you usually have. Its normally a moment where a huge release happens and you get that level of excitement. And this was sort of an acceptance. They pushed him over the marker. It was his son doing that. Some of the most intense time was when we were making a space for the grown children of donald trump to come in so that they could watch that happen. That felt i mean, that was as tight as it got tonight. It ends up feeling sort of like, at the end of the night here, the Fourth Quarter of the game when your team is down, everybody sort of splits very early in the night because it gets quiet real fast here. Guys, we are going to send it back to you. Good evening from the floor here in cleveland. Wow. A couple of observations. Number one, Andrea Mitchell has been awake for so long, we should all be happy she is not talking into heir bottle of water and drinking her microphone. Number two, you guys for two straight nights have chosen the same corner of the Convention Floor as triumph the insult comic dog, which looks a lot like the hand of tv funhouse originator michael smilixhigel. And thank you for your hard work. We have marvelled at it for a second night. We have had night one and night two of the Republican Convention. We have night four and night three, and they have different headliners of a different quality. We will still hear from a couple trump children and from republican establishment figures, but tomorrow night we will hear from republican Vice President ial nominee, official as of today, mike pence. And then on thursday night, we will hear from donald trump himself. The business of this convention is now done. The nominees are set. They will accept their nominations. And well get our first real peek of pence as a campaigner at this national role. We are not near done. Viewers of msnbc are in for a treat. Two more hours of live coverage anchored by Chris Matthews and all of our colleagues and friends out at Convention Headquarters in cleveland. For our merry band, see you tomorrow evening. Thank you. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink see what the power of points can do its here,usiness. But its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the c300 for 379 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. 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