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Be tomorrow night. Im thinking about trying one on in my personal life between now and then just to get used to it. Yeah. It could come in handy. It might become very popular after tomorrow night. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you, rachel. 13 days. 13 days left in the president ial campaign. That might not seem like a lot of time but its enough time change the world. 13 days. Anything can happen in 13 days. The entire cuban missile crisis from start to finish in 1963 was 13 days. And in those 13 days, the United States of america went from the brink of nuclear war with the soviet union and cuba to a triumphant negotiation with the soviet union that banished soviet Nuclear Weapons from the island of cuba just 90 miles off our shore. All in 13 days. Theres plenty of time left in this campaign for drama, for surprises, for stunts. And were not sure which of those categories occurs to the announcement by Donald Trumps director of National Intelligence that russia and iran are trying to interfere in the election. The director of National Intelligence was joined in that press announcement by the director of the fbi who literally that nothing. I mean, he actually spoke. He said maybe a couple hundred words, the fbi director did. But he sounded like he was reading from the fbis brochure about how the fbi will defend the integrity of our election process. The fbi director did not say one word about russia or iran interfering in the election. President Obamas National Security adviser and ambassador to the United Nations susan rice will join us later in this hour and well get her reaction to that peculiar announcement tonight by Donald Trumps director of National Intelligence. House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff will join us later. We will get his reaction tonight. Ive been studying the numbers in the president ial campaign. Every poll, every national poll, every battleground state poll, and none of those numbers, not even the 12 points that rachel just corrected the fox news poll to of joe bidens lead in michigan, none of those numbers have really surprised me very much because you can see the evidence on the ground supports them in the campaign. But there is one number that astounds me. It is a number we have never seen before. 248. As in 248 . Thats a lot of percent. If youre income went up by 248 , you would be living a life that you can only dream of now. It is a staggering increase. And thats the increase that we have had in the number of votes cast as of tonight compared to four years ago. 36 million americans have already voted and that is a 248 increase over this time four years ago. And with the final president ial debate scheduled for tomorrow night, joe biden spent the day locked in debate prep while his friends he did the talking for him. To take on personal attacks at the Trump Campaign joe biden knows that what America Needs to hear, they need to hear a conversation about how well put food on the american table with people standing in food lines. He knows people want to hear about how well help working people get through the end of the month to pay their rent. Thats what people care about. One of the things love about joe biden, he doesnt take on talk about other peoples kids. With joe and kamala at the helm, you wont have to think about the crazy things they said every day. And thats worth a lot. Youre not going to have to argue about it every day. It just wont be so exhausting. That was president barack obama in philadelphia today campaigning for joe biden and kamala harris. President obama spoke in ways weve heard before about his respect and deep friendship with joe biden, saying that his Vice President joe biden made him a better president. But President Trump spoke very pointedly about the current president in a way that we have not heard before. This was just reported in the last 48 hours. We know that he continues to do business with china because he has a secret chinese bank account. How is that possible . How is that possible . A secret chinese bank account. Listen. Can you imagine if i had had a secret chinese bank account when i was running for reelection . You think fox news might have been a little concerned about that . They would have called me beijing berry. It is not a great idea to have a president who owes a bunch of money to people overseas. Thats not a good idea. His first year in the white house, he only paid 750 in federal income taxes. Listen, my first job was at a baskin robins. When i was 15 years old. I think i might have paid more taxes that year working at a, dispensing ice cream. How is that possible . How many people here paid less than that . President obama spoke at a drivein rally where the audience remained in their cars. They observed all the guidelines for social distancing during the pandemic and unlike President Trump, president obama made it very clear that he was very happy to be back in pennsylvania. I know the president spent some time in erie last night. And apparently he complained about having to travel here. He cut the event short, poor guy. I dont feel that way. I love coming to pennsylvania. You guys delivered for me twice and i am back here tonight to ask you to deliver the white house for joe biden and kamala harris. Hes right. The president of the United States actually did go to erie, pennsylvania last night to win votes, and then complained to his audience in erie, pennsylvania, that he had to go to erie, pennsylvania to win votes because of the plague. Donald trump said, before the plague came in, i had it made. I wasnt coming to erie. I have to be honest. There was no way i was coming. I didnt have to. President obama responded to that today. Eight months into this pandemic, cases are rising again across this country. Donald trump isnt suddenly going to protect all of us. He cant even take the basic steps to protect himself. Just last night, he complained up in erie that the pandemic made him go back to work. Im quoting him. He was upset that the pandemic made him go back to work. If he had been working the whole time, it never would have gotten this bad. So heres the truth. I want to be honest here. This pandemic would have been challenging for any president. But this idea that somehow this white house has done anything but completely screw this up is just not true. Ill give you a very specific example. Korea identified its first case at the same time that the United States did. At the same time. Their per capita death toll is 1. 3 of what ours is. In canada, its just 39 of what ours is. Other countries are still struggling with the pandemic, but theyre not doing as bad as we are because theyve got a government that has been paying attention. When asked if he would do anything differently, trump said, not much. Really . Not much . Nothing you can think of that could have helped some people keep their loved ones alive . So joe is not going to screw up testing. He wont call scientists idiots. He wont host a super spreader event at the white house. Leading off the discussion tonight, from the department of African Studies at princeton university, and for the pbs news hour and an msnbc political analyst. Professor, let me start with you here. Because unless i missed it, there is no video of a former republican president campaigning for the republican candidate for president today. Well, thats true. It seems donald trump is out there on his own. What we heard with president barack obama was the prosecution of the case against donald trump with the combination, lawrence, of disbelief, of horror and humor. And what we saw the substance of the prosecution was the combination of corruption and incompeten incompetence. That Donald Trumps presidency has been meyired by corruption. And his handling of covid19 has simply been a billboard, an illustration of his deep, deep incompetence now that were coming close to over a quarter of a million americans dead. So i found it to be incredibly effective to hear the president prosecuting the case as we are 13 days out from the election, lawrence. Lets take a look at pennsylvania polls with president obama in pennsylvania. Cnn has joe biden at 53 in pennsylvania. Donald trump at 43. A 10point gap. A quinnipiac poll of pennsylvania. These are both likely voters. A little tighter. Joe biden at 51. Donald trump at 43. And yammish, president obama, one of the things that surprised me, you know he preferred not to Campaign Like this and be going at the opponent personally with things like the 750 tax payment and the secret bank account in china. He would prefer to be talking about policy. But he went after every single thing that is out there on the table against donald trump now, including that very recent news about the secret chinese bank account. Thats right. What we saw in president obama today was really a man in his element. He was back where he felt comfortable on the campaign trail. Yes. Its true. He would like to be talking about policy. When you look at president obama on the campaign trail, you realize joe biden has someone who can arrest particular 38th case against President Trump in a way that is understandable. He sounds comfortable out there. Else breaking down all the different scandals and the different crises that we see the president having to deal with and having to defend himself on. The president really, president obama, that is, he did a good job of trying to explain why democrats feel like President Trump is not only incompetent doing the job but hes not a decent man. They do think democratic policies are important but they keep saying this isnt about politics. This is about a good person versus a bad person. And what you saw in barack obama is that same kind of 2008 style where he was able to grab a crowd even in their cars. Of course the interesting thing now will be how will President Trump react . President trumps Closing Argument has been crisscross go around the country, doing rallies. And he said over and over again. I have myself to count on. I dont have a bunch of surrogates. He said thats how he won in 2016. It doesnt look like that might be the case in 2020 but it is something they say to me, are you worried about these polls . They say polls can be wrong and the president has been his best communicator. His best surrogate. Well, one surrogate he doesnt have is the former nominee, who announced that he did not vote for donald trump. He will be casting his vote in utah. Didnt vote for donald trump. Didnt say who he did vote for. So when i watched president obama today, making fun of donald trump. Using the real facts of the case. The secret chinese bank account. The 750 in a tax payment as president of the United States. Comparing that to Barack Obamas tax payment when he was working at baskinrobbins. Barack obama was making fun of him and he knows that that is the thing that infuriates donald trump more than anything. It seemed like a deliberate choice by president obama to try possibly to draw fire and rage from donald trump. Absolutely. He knows hes thin skinned. He goes all the way back to the correspondence dinner, right . We know hes thinskinned and the one person that gets under his skin is barack obama. We can perhaps account, give an account of why that is the case but we know any kind of criticism of donald trump, criticism of his intellect, criticism of his standing, his look, his mass clint, will immediately draw him out. I think what president obama did today, i cant wait to see what President Trumps twitter feed will look like tomorrow morning or even later on tonight. I think it is also a strategy that may bode well for Vice President biden. Just critiquing, just call him corrupt. Call him incompetent. Say that hes indecent and watch the spoiled child evidence itself immediately. And yamiche, using the debate forum at what he heard president obama say today. You can imagine that President Trump will see these clips of president obama going after him. Really going for the jugular here. And you can imagine that President Trump is going to be angry. He will be reeling from this. He will probably be feeling a little wounded because he doesnt like to have people laughing at him. The other thing to remember is that joe biden has been biting in his critiques. Of course there is a lot of back and forth. Lets remember that joe biden called him a clown, a racist, a liar. We can remember more of that will happen tomorrow night. The one thing the president is doing. Hes already trying to make the case why he wont do as well in the debate. Hes already attacking kristen welker, a neutral the reporter. And hes saying. I have to debate kristen and joe biden. Hes already trying to make excuses for why this debate might be rocky. In reality, the president knows he needs to be on defense. He knows hes at his worst when hes talking about the cyrus. He doesnt want to talk about it. He talks about that he would do nothing differently. Behind closed doors, there are people that say there are things he certainly could have done differently including all sorts of things like not down playing the virus, not attacking his scientists soefrlt it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow night. You can imagine barack obama will be top of mind for him. Im very interested to see what his debate team has come one as a response to the secret bank account in china question. Thank you both for starting us off tonight. Really appreciate it. And coming up in his speech, president obama gave a shout out to our next guest without actually mentioning her name. But he said exactly what she knew he was hoping to hear according to what she wrote in a recent op ed piece. The former ambassador to the United Nations, susan rice will join us next. , susan rice will join us next ual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. Youre being born into a country with history. A history of violence against your skin. Where you still have to fight for the care you need. But this moment is a reckoning to change the story of skin. While youre being born. America is being reborn. Were on a 400yearlong journey and scars dont fade but neither does hope. Scott wiener immediately went to work, making sure families could put food on their tables, defending renters facing eviction, securing unemployment benefits, helping neighborhood businesses survive. Scott wiener will never stop working until california emerges from this crisis. The bay area needs scotts continued leadership in sacramento. Because we know scott is fighting for all of us. Reelect scott wiener for state senate. Joe knows that the first job of a president is to keep us safe from all threats. Foreign, domestic, or microscopic. When the daily Intelligence Briefings flash warning signs about a virus, a president cant ignore them. He cant be awol. Just like when russia puts bounties on the heads of our soldiers in afghanistan, the commander in chief cant be missing in action. I can tell you this. Joe biden would never call the men and women of our military suckers or losers. Who does that . He knows these heroes are somebodys children. Somebodys spouse, somebodys dad or mom. He understands that. And hes going to restore our standing in the world. Because he knows that americas comes from setting an example that the world wants to follow. Joining us now, susan rice, former ambassador to the United Nations and former National Security adviser to barack obama. She is the author of tough love. My story of things wore fighting for. Ambassador rice, i thought of you today when i heard the president say in that last passage especially, it felt like he read your op ed piece about what youre hoping for in the future of this country and delivered it in that speech. Well, i think barack obama would have delivered his speech in his own way in any event. I have no idea whether or not he read my op ed. What he was trying to do was to contrast the kind of president that we deserve and need in joe biden. With the craziness of trump. The incompetence, the dishonesty, the corruption, the appalling manipulations and lies. And i think he did it very effectively. It was vintage barack obama with humor, with a very subtle turn of the night. And then some not so subtle turns of the knife. He did say during his speech that joe biden as Vice President made him a better president. Is that something that you sensed while working in the administration . Was that a dynamic that you could see . Absolutely. They were partners. They still are. Joe biden brought with him to the white house his enormous experience in the senate, his expertise on Foreign Policy on National Security, so many other things i watched as joe biden gave his counsel to barack obama often in private but with great power and efficacy. I want to bring up this story that frankly, we really dont know what to make of it and i think it will take a while to figure it out. That is director of National Intelligence rushing out to a press briefing where he took no questions, made a very short statement. Lets listen to the way he introduced this. As always, the men and we will of the fbi remain committed to protecting the American People, our democracy, and the integrity of our elections. We are not going to let our guard down. Thank you. We would like to alert the public that we have identified that two foreign actors, iran and russia, have taken specific actions to influence Public Opinion relating to our elections. So we juggled that video by police take and we showed the fbi director wray making his statement. He actually spoke second. But director ratcliffe, really all he said was russia and iran are trying to interfere in the election. No real specificity about what theyre trying to do. No questions. What did you make of that . It was one of the more bizarre events. It was disconcerting to see ratcliffe up there with a bizarre announcement. The real thrust of the announcement was that iran is interfering. And by the way, there is russia, too, which is inverting the seriousness of their relative efforts. The problem with ratcliffe is he is so politicized the office of the dni. He has lied and manipulated information. Hes withheld information from congress. That a large segment of the American People cant trust what he says. Precisely at a time when we need to trust in our authorities. So i was at least gratified to see Christopher Wray up there who has a track record of shooting straight. It does call into question what they were trying to say. They didnt mention, for example, that russia is trying to intervene to benefit donald trump. They did mention the allegation that iran was trying to denigrate and damage donald trump. Which was perhaps believable, except the way they did it, if it is to be believed, is totally bizarre by discouraging predominantly democratic voters and inciting fear in them if they dont vote for trump. And using the proud boys as a cutout. I find it all very bizarre. And it raises many more questions, i think, than we have answers to. It seemed to me a blatant attempt by the director of National Intelligence to seize the agenda of these programs, tonight, for example, where we had cued up and had ready an awful lot of barack obama video to show during this hour. Which we have proceeded to do and intend to continue to do. So it hasnt derailed it at all. It seems like the kind of thing we might expect more of in the next 12 nights of this campaign, rushed announcements trying to grab the focus away from what was a very Successful Campaign day for joe biden. Well, that may or may not be the case. I think whats important here is that we have to be vigilant and concerned that we get straight information from the director of National Intelligence who is not known for giving it to the American People straight. That we can have confidence, i believe, in the fbi director. And the American People do need to be vigilant. There was an Important Message underneath all the mumbo jumbo. There are foreign actors, principally russia, engaging in our american elections and americans need to know their votes will be safe and secure. They need to be discerning about the information they consume on social media and elsewhere. And they need to be informed voters so we cant allow foreigners or those here in the United States who may have nefarious motives, including perhaps some in senior leadership, to interfere and to undermine our democratic process. Former National Security adviser susan rice. Thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you, lawrence. And when we come back, well have more on this breaking news from the director of National Intelligence and the director of the fbi. With adam schiff, the chair of the house Intelligence Committee. Chairman schiff joins us next. Committee. Chairman schiff joins us next. 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Traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. Thats why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. Which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. To keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. In the Strangest Team announcement by a director of National Intelligence and an fbi director that we have ever seen, the fbi director did not say a single word to support what the director of National Intelligence said in a rushed press conference that took no questions. We have confirmed that some Voter Registration information has been obtained by iran and separately by russia. This data can be used by foreign actors to attempt to community false information to registered voters that they hope will cause confusion, sow chaos and undermine your confidence in american democracy. When it was the fbi directors turn to speak next, he did not refer to a single thing that the director of National Intelligence said and simply made a general restatement of the fbis mission to protect our elections. As always, the men and women of the fbi remain committed to protecting the American People, our democracy, and the integrity of our elections. We are not going to let our guard down. Thank you. Joining us now on short notice after this news broke tonight is congressman adam schiff, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. Chairman schiff, what was your reaction to this announcement tonight . Well, i think it was much the same as yours. I think we can rely on what the director of the fbi has to say. He didnt have much to say but he does have a history of speaking truth to power, unlike sole in the current administration. And i think he is absolutely right. The fbi will do everything in its power to ascertain what foreign powers are doing and to try to stop any interference in the election. As far as director ratcliffes statement, the two example thats he gave of iranian interference, the mailing of the emails purportedly from the proud boys to democratic voters appear to be an effort to suppress the democratic vote, or an effort to inflame the democratic vote or simply to sow chaos. This video that suggests that there could be counterfeit ballots from overseas. It is hard to see how that could be hurtful to the president west dont know whether this is just ratcliffes spin or the assessment of the analysts. Tragically, weve seen a lot of ratcliffes political spin, dishonesty from the director, so it is very difficult to rely on what he has to say. Well be probing it further to find out whether that is political commentary by the director or whether there is more to it. Former acting director of the fbi, andrew mccabe, said this tonight. The Intelligence Community doesnt come out with an official analytical judgment along the lines of the iranians were trying to hurt donald trump without rock solid evidence to prove that and we got none of that evidence tonight from dni ratcliffe. Do you expect any more evidence to be forth coming . Well, i do expect, and i hope to get more insight of evidence. What we may be seeing from director ratcliffe is something weve seen in the past. The connation of two Different Things in a misleading fashion. There may be a body of intelligence suggesting that iran has a preference in the election and iran may be even acting on that preference. But in terms of these two actions that hes identifying tonight which seem to either cut in the opposite direction by propagating the president s false statements about the sa sanctity of our election, or the effort to by email suppress or anger the democratic vote. You cant tell from the surface of those he two actions whether theyre a manifestation of some broader interest or intent by the iranians. So again we need to get to the bottom of it. Well do our best to do so. But i think the rule of thumb sadly for the American People is they can rely on what they hear from the fbi director. They cannot rely on what they hear from the director of National Tense without proof on the table. Well, ive heard congressman ratcliffe lie when he was a member of your committee. Christopher wray, i listened to very carefully and he literally did not say a single word that referred to anything that ratcliffe had just said. Well, thats true. And i think thats telling. If he was willing to affirm what the director ratcliffe had to say, i think he would have done so. But he is making every effort to keep the bureau out of politics. Thats what he should be doing. Director ratcliffe should be doing the same. The goal here is the sank at this time of our elections, to make sure that every american gets the vote. The vote gets counted. Our Intelligence Community, leadership isnt spinning the matter. Just telling the American People the truth so we can protect the franchise. I think we can be confident thats what Christopher Wray is doing. But director ratcliffe has a history now in his short tenure in that office of selectively declassifying intelligence, risking sources and methods, undermining our National Security to provide Campaign Fodder for the president , and particularly around his president ial debates or the Vice President ial debates. Those arent the actions of a genuine Intelligence Community leader. Those are the actions of a partisan occupying that position and there is a big difference between the two. Thank you very much for joining us on short notice with this breaking news. We really appreciate it. Thank you. And when we come back, well be joined by Pennsylvania State representative malcolm canada. Most of us met him when rachel introduced us to him on her program. President obama met him today in philadelphia. President obama met him today in philadelphia still fresh unstopables inwash scent booster downy unstopables diabetes and raised triglycerides,. Vascepa can give you something to celebrate. Vascepa, when added to your statin,. Is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Vascepa is clearly different. First and only fda approved. Celebrate less risk. Even for those with family history. Dont take vascepa if you are. Or become allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. 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Proms. Im state representative malcolm canada and thank you for everything youve done and continue to do. When you ran for office, your slogan, hope and change. The last couple years have been a lot of sadness and destruction. What still gives you hope . You know, when i sort of burst on to the national scene, it was after i had won to be the u. S. Senator from illinois and he was invited to be the key note at the Democratic National convention in boston. And i talked about hope and the audacity of hope. I made this point about hope which was, hope is not blind optimism. Hope is not ignoring problems. Hope is believing in the face of difficulty that we can overcome and get a better world. Hope is looking squarely at our challenges, and our short comings. And saying, despite that. Through effort and will and community we can make it better. So ive never lost hope over the last four years. Ive been mad. Ive been frustrated. But i havent lost hope. Joining us now, Pennsylvania State representative, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. What was your reaction . Always happy to be with you. Thank you. President obamas answer, which as we know, went on longer than that and was a very full response. You know, i think his answer was right in line with what a lot of americans are feeling right now. In pennsylvania, as of today, weve lost over 8,500 pennsylvanians to this pandemic. As we get closer to the holiday season, there will be a lot of people looking across the dinner table and not seeing the person that loves them there. And in our current president we have a man who we know has been impeached, infected, and he is incompetent. And that incompetence has led directly to the lives of countless lives of small businesses. People losing their jobs. That is the sadness and destruction that i was referencing. If you look at some of the numbers that you noted at the top of your program, people are coming out in Record Numbers to make sure their voices are heard. Were showing polls tonight of joe biden with a lead of 8 points in pennsylvania in one poll, 10 points in pennsylvania in another poll. What is your sense of the race for president tonight . You know, my sense is this. I thank all the pollsters who are doing hard work. The poll say were up. As someone who stood for elected office, the only poll that matters are the ones show up to early. That folks will show up on november 3rd. We have nine cease we need win in the state house which president obama talked about. How winning those races will impact peoples lives. Thats why you see the lines. People want good schools. They want us to do something about gun safety. They want people in office who understand what it means to be a working person. Thats what we have in Vice President biden. Somebody who understands what working people are going through. Not because he read it in a book. But because he knows it in his bones, in his lived experiences. Thats why the polls are saying what theyre saying. Come out and vote, if people dont come out and take a friend when they go vote, if they dont vote in Record Numbers and make sure their voices are heard, not only are we going to win the oval office lawrence but the state house. I think well win the state senate. And were going to do it because people get engaged and recognize the power of their voice and that is always why president obama has been such an inspiration because he reminds us of that power and he also reminded us that as he said in his remarks at the rally, Vice President biden made him a better president. And i know that hes going to be a fa m phenomenal president to us out of dark days. Ill say everyone running for elected office, im always happy when you come to north philly. He was there us again tonigh thank you lawrence. Last word from trymaine lee to increase black voter turnout. Thats next. Blah of 5g nationwide, and, in more and more cities, the performance of 5g ultra wideband. Get iphone 12 on us when you switch. Only on verizon. To customizes yourcan goCar Insurancetual. Com so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. It was built on bluecollar, hard work. Hard work means every day. Getting it right. Its so iconic, you can just sit it on a shelf if its missing, you know it. Your family, my family, when they drink that coffee, and go man, thats a good cup, im proud because i helped make that cup. We gave new dove men care to mike who transforms homes for those in need. I feel comfortable and protected all day long. Dove men care 48h freshness with triple action moisturizer. Trump took a good economy and drove it back into the ditch through his failure to get covid under control, his failure to deliver real relief to working people. Does he not understand and see the tens of millions of people whove had to file for unemployment this year, so far . The people who lost wages while the cost of groceries has gone up dramatically. Donald trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the dow, the nasdaq not you, not your families. My plan will help create at least five million new, goodpaying jobs and create them right here in the United States of america. Lets use this opportunity to take bold investments in american industry and innovation. So the future is made in america. Ill be laser focused on working families. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Iphone 12 and iphone 12 pro are here on verizon 5g announcer 5g just got real. With the coverage of 5g nationwide, and, in more and more cities, the performance of 5g ultra wideband. Get iphone 12 on us when you switch. Only on verizon. I think what weve seen over the last four years was a with my election, i think we have probably gotten over of til mysti optimistic how much change happened in the country but that change was real. There was some push back and that was real, too, but when we started seeing young people from across the country dell stramong this summer, it reminded you that they internalize that sense of optimism and change and possibility. Joining us now, trymaine lee, msnbc National Correspondent and host of the pod cast into america. One of the points of philadelphia was not just to win pennsylvania but the president seemed intent on trying to push up black voter turnout. What does he have to convince to raise black voter turnout . When you think about, lawrence, the Record Number of folks that showed up for president obama in 2008 and 2012, a big chunk was voters that never really engaged with the political process before. Many were African American and many of them were black men. And now that were in the days of the 2020 election season, the Democratic Party has to reach those black men who felt so connected and so much hope in president obamas message because since then, many of those folks never showed up in 2016. And so as we get closer to the election, you have to have people like president obama out there ginning up that support and reminding people there is, you know, great hope and optimism things will change when things go slowly but amazing to see president Obama Connect with those men in that room. A far cry from where we are today in terms of the messaging about race and black men, especially in this summer of uprising and reckoning. But they have to get those brothers who felt connected but now fell off. Youve written about black men at least one recently who is actually inclined to vote for donald trump. Thats right. What is amazing which we think about black women and their support for the Democratic Party, 97 of black women voted for Hillary Clinton and 84 of black men voted for Hillary Clinton. Donald trump got 13 of the vote in terms of black men. This man i talked to he said he felt left out by the Democratic Party by centering black women and elevating lgbtq issues and only speaking to black men in terms of pathology and never centering their concerns as breadwinners and providers and men in the community. Men like sean are contrary, some have drank the maga koolaid but the messaging from President Trump and that bra vvado, many black men seem to gravitate towards that. When you think about communities and black communities where the Unemployment Rate is twice that of white folks, white men especially, in some communities, its double or triple that number. Some of that messaging and racist messaging actually plays into them as opposed to repelling them. He talked about the record voter turnout he got from black voters in the 6 f oc0 , 65 and and he said when people say voting doesnt make a difference, weve never tried what it would look like if it was 80 voting or 90 voting and there he was directly pitching to the black community we need more votes out of the black community. You know, in one sense, how much more do you need . You have the most loyal voting block. We dont hold that standered to any other group in america and republicans have seeded the ground with the messaging in miami and philadelphia and detroit, not much changes and so if you are in an impoverished community, its hard to prove the point that things actually can change. But his message is clear that you actually can change things. Things wont change overnight but if you participate and maximize your efforts in the community, things will change and as we know, so much of politics is local. Local leadership matters. Your state legislators matter. Sometimes folks are disconnected but to engage communities that have been left behind or feel they have been left behind, there are votes on the table. There are people on the table and were hoping folks are hoping to see change this time. Trymaine lee with the pod cast into america. Thank you, appreciate it. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts right now. Good evening once again. Day 1371 this was of the Trump Administration 13 days until election day, 22 hours remain until trump and biden meet in nashville, tennessee for their final debate moderated by our own colleague kristen welker. We saw trump and ocbama go on separate stages. Obama went first at a drive in rally in philadelphia where h

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