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Schoolteachers of america who will not have any of the protections that Major League Baseball has afforded these teams and these players . Thats right. That is the way to look at it and the way to think about it because the Major League Teams were thinking this is going to happen and protecting themselves from it. It is going to be a lot harder with 30 kids in a class. This is something im not sure there is going to be anymore baseball by the end of this week. This is a day by day story. Well see what happens. Thank you. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you. Well, 31 days. It took 31 days, and today a reporter finally asked donald trump about what the reporter called, quote, reports of russia being bounties on our soldiers in afghanistan, and donald trump did exactly what we expected him to do. He lied and he quickly turned to the next question. And here is the question and answer that we have been waiting 31 days to hear. I wanted to ask if you did bring up the reports of russia having bounties on our soldiers in afghanistan. We had plenty of discussion, and i think it was very productive. Please . That was please, as in please ask me another question that is not about russia paying to kill american soldiers in afghanistan, and of course the next reporter did exactly what donald trump wanted him to do and asked him, whats happened with the vshaped recovery, to which donald trump lied again saying, i think the recovery has been very strong. Tell that to the Record Number of Unemployed People in america whose Unemployment Benefits donald trump is trying to cut. It took 31 days to get to that question because donald trump refused to take any reporters questions for weeks after the New York Times investigative reporters broke the story 31 days ago that intelligence reports were presented to the president saying that Vladimir Putin was paying the taliban to kill afghanistan soldiers in afghanistan. They were simply counting on reporters to forget about it. And many of them did. And donald trump helped them forget about it by constantly saying distracting things that became the news of the day for those reporters who forgot about it. 10 days ago, donald trump sweated through an outdoor interview with chris wallace. That was a combination of very easy softball questions and some very, very tough and challenging questions. But not one of those questions was about intelligence reports that Vladimir Putin was paying bounties to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. Six days ago, donald trump ventured back into the White House Press Briefing Room for the first time in a long time to give what was called a briefing on the coronavirus in which no one in the room learned anything new about the coronavirus and not one of the reporters carefully selected by donald trump to ask the 15 questions that day asked about intelligence reports reported by the New York Times that Vladimir Putin was paying bounties to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. Donald trump did three of those white house briefings last week, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and each day the reporters carefully selected by donald trump failed to ask him about russia paying bounties to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. That wasnt their only failure. Those same reporters who were chosen to ask questions by donald trump failed to ask any questions about why he said in one of those briefings that he wishes an accused sex trafficker well. Donald trump said i wish her well repeatedly about Ghislaine Maxwell, who is in federal custody, accused of procuring children for Jeffrey Epstein to rape. In the white house Briefing Room donald trump said he has known Ghislaine Maxwell a long time, and he wishes her well. Hes known Jeffrey Epstein a long time and hes no longer around for donald trump to wish him well. There were reporters in the Briefing Room who wanted to follow up on that Ghislaine Maxwell thing, but donald trump was never going to call on those reporters. And then in Donald Trumps last briefing of the week on thursday in his opening remarks, he actually said that he was on the phone with Vladimir Putin that day. He threw that right in front of those reporters and still not one of the five questioners selected by donald trump asked him what he said to Vladimir Putin. Not one of them asked anything about the Vladimir Putin phone call. Not one of them asked, what do you say that he has been killing american soldiers in afghanistan. I pointed out this failure by those reporters on this program repeatedly. If the reporters didnt see me talking about it, i dont know, maybe their parents did because a few Million People heard me talk about it here. And my tweet on this on thursday got a lot of circulation for a tweet so maybe that had something to do with the question finally being asked today, or maybe we just got lucky. And we did get lucky because the question almost did not get asked. The reporter who asked the question is with the appreciat d press. He was allowed to ask the first three questions out of a total of six questions that the president took in North Carolina today. The first two questions were softballs. His first question was is todays event about giving americans a sense of optimism. Then what is the soonest you expect a vaccine to be ready for americans. He had fun with those questions. He promised a vaccine this year. And with donald trump, getting two questions in a row is very lucky, but being allowed to ask three questions in a row is more than anyone should ask for, and maybe throwing two softballs to donald trump that produced answers that tell us absolutely nothing was a very smart technique. Maybe those two softballs are what kevin was using to soften up donald trump for the only question of the day that mattered in any way at all. Question, you did talk with russian president Vladimir Putin, and i wanted to ask if you did bring it up, the reports of russia having bounties on our soldiers in afghanistan. Trump answer, we dont talk about what we discuss, but we had plenty of discussion. And i think it was very productive. Thats a lie. We dont we dont talk we dont talk about what we discuss. Thats not true. Donald trump has talked about what he discusses with Vladimir Putin plenty of times. And we could give you video of donald trump describing his conversations with Vladimir Putin talking about venezuela, his conversations about oil prices and how to fix oil prices and keep them high. He has described many conversations with Vladimir Putin, but hes never told us enough about his conversations with Vladimir Putin, never, but he absolutely has told us about conversations with Vladimir Putin. He says he has he says hes told us. Today he wants to hide behind the idea that he absolutely never does that. He never does it. Who could ever forget donald trump describing how Vladimir Putin told him very convincingly for donald trump that russia did not interfere in our president ial election. I have president putin. He just said its not russia. I will say this. I dont see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. Leading off our discussion tonight former director of the cia. He is a Senior National security and intelligence analyst. Also with Us Democratic congressman jason crow, colorado. One of the seven house managers of the impeachment trial of donald trump in the United States senate. Director brennan, let me begin with you. We finally got the question about his discussion with Vladimir Putin and of course the answer was we dont ever talk about what we talk about and we know thats not true. What was your reaction to the way donald trump handled it today . Well, good evening, lawrence. First of all, i do think it is important for the president s of the United States and russia to be in regular contact. I think that channel of communication is important for bilateral as well as International Issues that need to be discussed. But it is particularly important during periods of tension or problems, and clearly the recent reporting about bounties that have been placed on the heads of u. S. Servicemen and women in afghanistan is very, very troubling. And at a minimum, even if those reports have not been confirmed, donald trump had an obligation to the American People and to the women and men serving in afghanistan and in harms way to let him know in no Uncertain Terms that those reports, if true, are totally unacceptable. Theyre outrageous and that russia will pay a heavy price if in fact it continues with this effort to try to have americans killed in afghanistan. Its clear that russia has been supporting the taliban for quite some time. But these most recent reports about bounties, donald trump had an obligation to the American People to let putin know in very clear and direct language that this has to stop and that were going to get to the bottom of this. It is clear with his answer at the press Conference Today donald trump continues to give putin a pass, even on something as appalling as russian efforts to potentially spill american blood. Congressman, you are a combat veteran. What is it like for you to have this question asked of the president today . And its one thing for him to hide behind we dont talk about what we talk about, which is not true. He has in the past talked about his conversations of Vladimir Putin. But there is an opportunity for the president of the United States to address this country on this report about intelligence reports indicating that russia had been paying, has been paying to kill american soldiers in afghanistan. And donald trump does not say one word to this country about that, does not even attempt one word of reassurance, nothing, when hes given that opportunity today. Yeah, lawrence. There is three really important takeaways here for me. One is the impact on our soldiers, over 8,000 men and women we have in afghanistan fighting right now as we speak. I know because i used to be one of those soldiers. I dont go a day without thinking about the impact on them. And they have to know. They have the confidence the commander in chief is looking out for them and their best interests and of course the president is not giving them those assurances. The second is the message that the president continues to send to russia. Its very clear that message is very clear if you are Vladimir Putin and that is he will not hold you accountable. He will not bring the issue up. It is a free pass for them to continue to get involved in our elections and meddle in our elections as theyre doing every day and theyre doing right now. And the third is just the general invitation for foreign governments and foreign leaders to help him win reelection. John bolton had indicated that hes done it with china, that hes done it with turkey. We know that he did it with ukraine. And of course all the indications are that he does it with the president of russia, with Vladimir Putin as well. I will say one other thing that john brennan knows better than anybody on this show tonight, and that is the Practical Impact on our National Security. There is a reason why you have people in the room who prepare notes and gather information about a call between the president of the United States and the president of russia. Its to make sure that information is getting to our intelligence agencies, to the state department, to the pentagon, and were keeping ourselves safe. This president has gone to extraordinary lengths to derail that process, and we are now less safe because we dont have the information that we need. John brennan, you have been in the room when information of this kind has been presented to a president and, in fact, more than one president in your career. What do you say to people who say, well, look, if its not proved beyond a reasonable doubt, then there is no role for the president in information that isnt absolute certainty. Thats a specious argument. Intelligence over the years is rarely 100 certain. But its the obligation of the Intelligence Community to bring that information and intelligence to the president and to Senior Security officials so they can act upon it. I think its quite clear from the reporting from the press there is in fact information out there about reports of russian providing bounties to individuals to kill american troops. And so, therefore, there were meetings at the white house, according to press reports about it. And there was a fair amount of discussion. I think donald trump continues to just turn away from problems. And he cannot do that. And i think the congressman had it exactly right. The words of an american president matter, whether hes talking privately to a russian president , whether hes at a press conference and talking to the American People in the world, what he says or doesnt say really does carry weight. And i think he continues to send signals that hes going to allow Vladimir Putin and the russians to continue to trample upon our National Security interests and hes not going to do anything about it. Congressman crow, what is the house capacity to investigate this matter . Is there anything the Intelligence Community is going to committee is going to be able to do to get at this information about russias activity with the taliban . Well, i cant speak for chairman schiff or the house intelligence committee, but i do know that they are actively looking into it. They continue to hold accountability hearings and look for that information. Heres the other really important thing that we know. We know that the Intelligence Community and dod knew about reports of these potential bounties months ago. We actually know that there was an interagency process that was started where d. O. D. , the intelligence agencies, state department and others actually prepared contingency plans, options, started to prepare options for what to do and options to give to the president in the event that this actually were real reports and the bounties were actually occurring. And then it kind of stops, the process stops right there. There is no will within the white house either with the president or his advisers or likely both to actually continue to look at this, which, again, sends a very strong message if you are Vladimir Putin that the United States has no will to hold him accountable, that theyre going to get a free pass between now and november to do what they have been doing for years. Before we go to this break, i want to get your reaction as someone who has been in combat on the ground. What is it like . What would it have been like for you while you were in combat to be reading reports like this and a president having nothing to say about it . Well, you know, it is lonely. Its scarey. Its isolating. And, you know, when you are one of those men and women who is walking, you know, the mountains of afghanistan working on the border, you know, you have to know. There is this there is this trust that has to occur between the soldier and his or her commander, the soldier and the commander in chief, fidelity that knows you wont be abused, you will only be asked to do the things thats necessary and that you will give your life. You will do everything for this country so long as people are asking you to do it for the right reasons. And the president undermines all of that. If we dont know hes doing it for the right reasons, that trust, that implicit trust thats necessary over hundreds of years between our men and women in uniform and the commander in chief, that breaks down. Congressman jason crow and john brennan, thank you both very much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. And when we come back, we have told you that donald trump doesnt care about you, and that explains his failure to confront the coronavirus and try to contain it in this country, but he does care about the possibility of his voters being killed by the coronavirus. The Washington Post has new reporting on that. Thats next. Reporting on that. Thats next. vo the time is coming for us to get out and go again. To visit all the places we didnt know meant so much. But were all going at our own speed. At enterprise, peaceofmind starts with our complete clean pledge, curbside rentals and lowtouch transactions. With so many vehicles of so many kinds, you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go. Again. Whenever youre ready, were ready for you. Enterprise. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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The Trump Campaign made a Desperate Campaign trip to North Carolina today where polls showed joe biden seven points ahead of donald trump in a state that donald trump won by four points in 2016. Taxpayers paid for the Trump Campaign event as they have been lately because the white house disguised this one as a president ial trip to a factory with a government contract to work on developing a coronavirus vaccine. Here was Donald Trumps Campaign Message for North Carolina today. America will develop a vaccine very soon, and we will defeat the virus. We will have it delivered in record time as our visit here demonstrates. And i want to thank all of the people and representatives from the great state of North Carolina. This is a great place. It is a phenomenal place. In other words, good luck, North Carolina. Hope you can hang on until we discover a vaccine. And that is Donald Trumps message to the country where as of tonight the United States has 4,303,046 confirmed cases of coronavirus that have been reported. And as of tonight the United States has suffered 148,213 deaths from coronavirus. The Washington Post is reporting that donald trump didnt care about those numbers at all, not the infections, not the deaths, none of it until people in the white house started talking to him about his voters. The Washington Post reports in the past couple of weeks, they began presenting trump with maps and data showing spikes of coronavirus among our people in republican states. A Senior Administration official said. They also shared projections showing it should hit politically important states in the u. S. Including michigan, minnesota and wisconsin the official said. This approach seemed to resonate as he hewed closely to prescripted remarks in a trio of remarks. Now an msnbc senior medical contributor. He is also the author of the new book which country has the worlds best health care . Zeke, the situation what is the situation with baseball tell us tonight . Here you have the very, very, very protected people in a bubble of sorts, full access to testing. You have got 14 infections, 12 players, two staff and who knows how many we will have tomorrow. Yeah. Well, i think, lawrence, you said two very important things. First, a bubble of sorts. A bubble is either a bubble or its not a bubble if people can go in and out. You dont know who theyre meeting with, and thats the problem. I have been advising a number of different companies, especially in the entertainment business where my brother works. And one of the things we say is that on the set, on the field, where all the precautions have been taken, thats your safest spot. And then you are going to go out. You go to a restaurant or a bar or someone you know has gone to a restaurant or bar, thats where you can contract coronavirus, and thats the problem. And the second point is, you know, they have all the testing you want, but testing doesnt prevent transmission. It only tells you that you have been infected. You have got to do other things to prevent transmission, and thats what you have to worry about. I dont know why i have been wasting my time asking your brother when show business is going to reopen when i could just have gone straight to the source. Zeke, what about what we just heard from the Washington Post in that horrific reporting from inside the Trump White House . You worked inside the white house. Can you imagine being in the Obama White House and in order to get the president s attention to ebola or to something else, some other possible epidemic, you would have to say to him, your voters, your voters in your states might be killed . Not true for president obama, i could tell you that. For president obama, you wanted to get his attention, you wrote out a memo. He read the briefing book and took it in. You got back the memo and notes on the side with his reflections and direction as to which way to go. Look, the president is obsessed by one and only one thing it appears, and thats reelection. And if the coronavirus threatens reelection, thats all that counts. And we can see it now that hes got only one strategy left, which is were going to get a vaccine before election day. I predicted this two months ago in an oped in the New York Times that the october surprise will be an approval of a vaccine. But, lawrence, we should remember that having a vaccine and the average american like you and i getting a shot, those are two different things. Manufacturing, putting in viles, shipping it out, making sure that there are needless and syringes to give you a shot and that there are people who know how to give you a shot and that it can all be traced. Thats very big hurdles and there is no telling that this administration actually is prepared to address all of those hurdles before we can actually get shots. So just approving a vaccine doesnt actually get americans out of this coronavirus pandemic. Zeke, were seeing big increases now in a state like california where the california government has tried to do everything right and governor gavin newsom did an early shutdown, tried to do everything right. Were also seeing it in states they did not try. What does that tell us about these different governing approaches . Well, you know, tried to do everything right and then eased up and probably eased up too fast before we had the testing in place, the Contact Tracing and the ability to actually address any little outbreaks. I think that is a serious problem, and we havent gotten people accustomed to the things they need to do. We know from europe and from places like italy that had a big explosion that actually if we do have selfdiscipline, if we do have perseverance, in eight weeks you can bring this down to a very, very minimal level and open up in the proper way, do things outside. Dont have crowds. Dont do internal restaurants and bars. You can see italy has less than one case in 8,000, and the United States has one case per thousand people, and thats a huge difference. Dr. Zeke emanuel, thanks for joining us once again tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence, for having me. Thank you. When we come back, last week when congress maam alexandria ocasiocortez said what happened to her on the streets of the capital, she was followed to the microphone on the house floor by congresswoman ion that pressly of washington. Congresswoman pressly joins us next. Congresswoman pressly joins us next ion that pressly of washing. Congresswoman pressly joins us next. Congresswoman ion that pre of washington. Congresswoman pressly joins us next. Of washington. Congresswoman pressly joins us next are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke . Even if youre on a statin . Statins may lower some risks, but may not be enough. Thats why science delivered vascepa. For people who have persistent Cardiovascular Risk Factors and take a statin only vascepa is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Dont take vascepa if youre allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. Tell your doctor about any medicines you take, and if you are allergic to fish or shellfish. Stop taking vascepa and seek medical help if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding. 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To return to the workplace, safely, companies will need the right tools. Thats why salesforce created work. Com its an allnew suite of apps, expertise, and services. To manage this crisis today, and thrive tomorrow. Everything Companies Need to return to the workplace. Lets reopen. Safely. So we collaborate ocean spray works with nature every day to farm in a Sustainable Way on thursday, congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez silenced the house of representatives when she spent ten minutes on the house floor using a parliamentary point of personal privilege to describe what congressman ted yoho did to her on the capital steps in front of witnesses. In front of reporters, representative yoho called me, and i quote, a [ bleep ] bitch. These are the words that representative yoho levied against a congresswoman. Congresswoman ocasiocortez went on to describe what that incident meant to her, what that incident means for women in the workplace and what it means in our society. She said things that some men have never heard before, have never even thought about before. What mr. Yoho did was give permission for other men to do that to his daughters. In United Statesing that language in front of the press, he gave permission to use that language against his wife, his daughters, women in his community, and i am here to stand up to say that is not acceptable. Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. The day after that, ted yoho went on fox to lie and say that he didnt say those things on the capital steps. The Hill Reporter who heard ted yoho say those things said on this program that congresswoman alexandria alexandria to kas yo kas yocasis words, 1000 accurate in his reporting of what she said, 1,000 accurate. And on the day ted yoho was on fox lying about that, a Christian Charity called bread of the world forced ted yoho to resign from their board of directors because they believed congresswoman to kas youocasio they thought it was grounds for being thrown off of their board and because, very importantly, they judged that his statement on the house floor in which he used the word apology was really, what they called, a nonapology. And theyre right. As i showed last week, ted yoho used the word apologized but never actually apologized to congresswoman all sexandria ocasiocortez. After she told the story on the floor of the house, she was followed at that microphone by congresswoman ayanna pressley. We are not on the house floor today because of one callus incident. What brings us to this is the structural and cultural conditions and, yes, the very men that marlized women and specifically women of color since this nations very inception. So in this moment, i say to all our daughters, you are powerful. You are limitless. Your contributions to this world are brilliant, needed and uniquely yours. Your lived experiences, your kind heart and your critical eye belong at every single table where decisions are being made. You deserve a life free of dignity and love. You are not defined by your productivity or your chosen work. Joining us now is congresswoman ayanna pressley, a democrat from massachusetts that represent it is Congressional District where i spent the few decades of my life. Thank you for joining us, congresswoman. Thank you. What we saw on the floor on thursday felt, watching it from my distance, as if a trip wire had been hit. It felt like this was a pentup force that had not yet been unleashed exactly in this way on the house floor. But it did not feel like the ted yoho event was the only event that had you all out there. I think we have a sound problem with the congresswoman. Lets listen to more of congresswoman pressley had to say on thursday on the house floor while we try to get her sound back. I first set foot in this institution at the age of 19. My mother poured into me a sense of reverence for this institution of the awesome power that it held. I walked through hallways and still do flanked by the statues of men that enslaved my ancestors in a building built by my enslaved ancestors. Lets listen to more of what alexandria ocasiocortez had to say on thursday. We will still try to get congresswoman pressleys audio back with us. This issue is not about one incident. It is cultural. It is a culture of lack of impunity, of accepting of violence and violent language against women in an entire structure of power that supports that. And congresswoman pressley, that point that congresswoman ocasiocortez just made is what im talking about when i say you can feel the enormity of what was being discussed was much, much bigger than what happened on the capital steps. Absolutely. The halls of congress, i think people think because theyre marble that if you have a woman that you are exempt from experiencing this pervasive culture. His remarks were meant to marginalized the congresswoman for speaking truth to power. I think the solidarity does signal a new day, that no longer will we accept it is a conflated part of our lived experience in this world as girls and women to be marginalized in such a way and to tolerate such vulgarities and folks should get used to us being there. More woman, more woman of color taking up space and taking up the table because were going to keep running. Were going to keep winning elections and we deserve equal respect and power. We have been duly elected just like them. To the legislative issues related to this, the Hyde Amendment is one of them. There has always been a kind of progressive leaning against the Hyde Amendment, but it continues to get reauthorized in this very quiet way that both intentions, the senate and the house, agreed to. This is something that youre trying to break. Yes. This is the second budget cycle in a row that i have introduced an amendment to repeal hyde. This is the first prochoice Majority Congress in the history of congress, the most diverse and Representative Congress in the history of congress. More women than serving ever before. We find ourselves in the midst of a reckoning on Racial Justice in this country, and this is a Racial Justice issue. It denies low income and disproportionately women of color access to Reproductive Health care. When 30 of africanamerican women are covered by medicaid, 24 of latinas, 14 of white women, hydes days need to be numbers. It is deeply disappointing that it would be included in one more budget cycle. I am tired of the full freedoms of low income black and brown women being shelled and moderated. This is a moment of reckoning that must be represented in our lawmakers. It is time to repeal hyde. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Thank you. And when we come back, the most important speech that we heard today in the capital rotunda with john lewis body lying in state. neighbor whatcha working on. burke oh, just puttering, tinkering. Commemorating bizarre mishaps that farmers has seen and covered. Had a little extra time on my hands lately. neighbor and that . burke oh, this . Just an app ive been working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. But im sure whatever youve been working on is equally impressive. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum and ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. What were you doing when you were 23 years old . Well, when he was 23, john lewis was the youngest speaker to march on washington in 1963. He spoke at the same microphone that day where Martin Luther king jr. Gave the most memorable speech of his life, the i have a dream speech. That was remembered today in the capital rotunda when john lewis body was returned to the place where he worked for the last 33 years of his life. The leaders of the house and senate made speeches today, but the most important speech in the rotunda today was a recording of a john lewis speech. We all want to live together as brothers and sisters. We all live in the same house. And it doesnt matter whether we are black or white. Latina, Asian American or native american. It doesnt matter where we are straight or gay. We are one people. We are one family. We all live in the same house. Be bold. Be courageous. Stand up. Speak up. Speak out and find a way to create the beloved community, the beloved world, a world of peace, a world that will recognize the dignity of all human kind. Never become bitter. Never become hostile. Never hate. Live in peace. We are one, one people and one love. Thank you very much. John lewis, once again, brought an audience to tears and a standing ovation today. Later in the day, joe biden paid his respects at the casket in the rotunda. On his way inside nbc news asked joe biden what he thought john lewis legacy would be and joe biden said truth, honesty and willing to fight for whats right. John lewis will lie in state again tomorrow before he is flown back to atlanta to lie in state in the Georgia State capital. His funeral will be thursday in atlanta. After this break, we will be joined by caroline randal williams, a greatgreatgranddaughter of edmond pettus, who is advocating that the bridge in alabama will honor of john lewis. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. 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My body is a Confederate Monument. Caroline, i wanted to get just your reflections on what you saw today in the Capitol Rotunda with john lewis body to be brought there to lie in state after basically touring washington, d. C. , past landmarks in his own history, in his own life on the way to the capitol. Its hard to describe without losing composure how moving it was to watch what happened today on the capitol, you know, watching his casket being drawn across the bridge that he cemented on the right side of history yesterday. There is a part of me that feels such profound relief and gratitude knowing that his body lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda and that that was a right and historic dignity that was bestowed upon john lewis. But i think that were only beginning to understand the grief that were feeling, and maybe i only speak for im sure i dont only speak for myself when i say that were just beginning to process the grief that were feeling at losing congress conscience. And even, you know, trying to put him to rest, he left to give his own words as his memorial because he did it better than anyone. And i think were going to be working to deserve him for a really long time, lawrence. Thats how i feel right now. Well, we are at a wake, caroline, so composure isnt all that important. I was really struck that nancy pelosi had the wisdom at the rotunda to simply call on john lewis to speak for himself because, yes, there were some comments made by nancy pelosi and Mitch Mcconnell and others. But there was nothing like hearing john lewis own voice with his own sentiments. Theres nothing like it, and i think part of that is to do with how sure he was of his calling, the work that he had to do. You know, everyone should take a moment and watch good trouble. You need to watch the documentary. Watch this American Hero and understand the intention with which he crafted his art of saving this country in the ways that he understood. You know, you think about how he preached to anyone who would listen as a boy. And the work that he did figuring out how to communicate the truth and build bridges and do that work in washington, d. C. During some of the hardest chapters of this countrys history is just extraordinary. And i think that his gift for rhetoric is one of my favorite parts of thinking about his legacy because i think about the power of words and not violence that he left behind and what an important precedent that is going to be for us as we move forward and try to live in his light and try to do right by the work that he put in place, that we need to continue to manifest moving forward. You know, i think theres a lot of people watching today who might think that john lewis was always a giant figure in washington. He wasnt. He started in the house a couple of years two years before i started working in the senate. And im telling you in those early years, in the 1990s when he was there, people didnt know who he was. A lot of the younger people had no idea who he was. And i will never forget the day i got a call from him directly. He needed some help on a Federal Building in atlanta, and i went to work for him instantly. He instantly had a senate ally because i knew my senator would jump in immediately because we knew who john lewis was. But he had to build his position in that house of representatives just like Everything Else he had to build in his life. Yeah, and i think part of that is that he knew his worth. He knew how much the work mattered, and he had a fortitude that came from that kind of certainty, that kind of will to get in good trouble because he knew that he had to get in the way. He knew he had to be that speed bump that slowed Blind Ambition down in the name of human decency, and it made him unafraid to put his body on the line, to figure out how to use his words to make trouble. It was amazing. Im so grateful to get to be a part of the work to carry on his legacy just by having these conversations. Caroline Randall Williams, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. We really appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Caroline Randall Williams gets tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. And good evening once again. Day 1,285 of the trump administration, leaving 99 days to go until the president ial election. Perhaps youre old enough to remember last week when a number of Mainstream Media publications and reporters and anchors were quick to rept

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