Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20200317

we don't know what parts of the electret might be less likely to turnout. >> did you see the statement from the ohio governor and sa secretary of state in the last few minutes? >> yeah, so ohio is a question. >> wants for it to not happen and joins a lawsuit, loses on court on that and he and the secretary of state says in the statement it simply isn't possible to hold an election tomorrow that will be considered legitimate by ohioans. to me, that's part of the drama here is what happens in ohio and in those other states. >> so, it's going to be a live action scene tomorrow night. >> that's right. suspension of all sorts. >> thank you, rachel. house of representatives passed it version of a bill to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. eric swalwell will join us and amy klobuchar will join us to explain why mitch mcconnell has done nothing for days now while simply waiting for the house bill to arrive. we'll also get senator klobuchar's reaction to last night's presidential debate in which joe biden promised to choose a woman as his running mate if he wins the democratic nomination and my interview with joe biden a week ago included a very strong hint from joe biden that he would choose a woman who was on the presidential debate stage with him already this year. he said that he thought it was a very important factor that the vice presidential candidate have experience already at that level on the presidential debate stage. so that means, amy klobuchar is one of the women who has that experience. we'll talk to her about that later in this hour. today, at the white house press briefing on coronavirus pandemic, the very first question was about the time frame americans should anticipate for when the situation might begin to get better in the united states and in response to that question, donald trump said two words that seemed to shock the stock market into further losses and surely came as a shock to most trump voters who polls show have mostly not taken the coronavirus pandemic seriously. those two words that changed the world for those people today were july and august. >> if americans really were band together and do what the white house is suggesting, how quickly can this turn? >> anthony, i think i ask that question every day and speak to debra, i speak to a lot of them. i get the opinions. it seems to me that if we do a really good job, we'll not only hold the death down to a level that is much lower than the other way had we not done a good job, but people are talking about july, august, something like that. so it could be right in that period of time where i say it washes through. other people don't like that term. but where it washes through. >> so is this the new normal until the height of the summer? >> we'll see what happens but they think august could be july, could be longer than that. i've asked that question many, many times. >> that is by far the most reasonable answer donald trump has ever given to a question like that about the pandemic. it sent wall street on a spiral of further losses in the remaining minutes of the trading day after donald trump said july and august. they then ended with the worst single-day losses since the black monday crash of 1987 on the stock market. the words july and august surely cape as came as a shock to trump voters who get their source from the same place trump does. an nbc poll showed democrats already knew where this was going because none of them were believing what donald trump had to say about it and most republicans had no idea where we would be just two days after the poll was released. 79% of democrats knew days ago that the worst was yet to come and only 40% of republicans knew that because they had been listening to donald trump. the biggest reason for the republican failure on this reality test was their belief in the words of donald trump. here is what donald trump told those unfortunate people who believed him last month. >> now, the virus that we're talking about having to do -- you know, a lot of people goes away in april with the heat, as the heat comes in. typically, that will go away in april. >> april has now become july and august. and here is what the president said. actually said this just two and a half weeks ago. >> when you have 15 people and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done. >> yeah, that would have been a pretty good job. but that is not what happened. we now have at least 4,421 reported cases and at least 84 reported deaths in the united states and today, 2.5 weeks after claiming he personally was in charge of a government defense against the coronavirus that was going to get our cases down to zero, donald trump said he's doing a great job. >> on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your response to this crisis? >> i'd rate it at ten. >> it important to remember that no other president in history would have answered a question like that that way. every previous president would have recognized that the question was a test of his humility and his competence at the same time and so every previous president would have found a way of defending his competence in the crisis but would have humbly refused to give himself a grade. that is the minimally descent way for any human being to handle a question like that but donald trump does not have minimal decency, which is why once again, today, donald trump did not speak one word of sorrow over the loss of life. donald trump did not say one word of sympathy to the people who have lost their loved ones to this pandemic, as use well, there wasn't a trace of feeling exhibited by donald trump today for the pain and tragedy that this pandemic has brought to the people of the united states and the world. in his briefing yesterday, donald trump did very clearly express a feeling and he expressed it very convincingly and it was the very first thing he said yesterday. he was so excited about it and the feeling that donald trump expressed in response to a pandemic that is killing americans and is on its way to making thousands and thousands of people sick in this country with a possible ultimate death toll in the millions around the world, the feelings donald trump felt in the face of all of that yesterday was happy. >> beautiful day outside. i think we have some great things to talk about. i'll start by discussing the federal reserve, as you know, it just happened ten minutes ago but to me it makes me very happy and i want to congratulate the federal reserve. for starters, they've lowered the fed rate from what it was from 1 to 1.25 and it been lowered down to zero to 0.25 or .25 so it's 0 to .25. that's a big difference. that's quite a bit, about a point. >> happy. a briefing on the deadly pandemic and he was happy. and he didn't mind telling you he was happy because interest on his personal debts went down even lower yesterday. and it now as low as it can possibly go interest cannot go lower than that and so the president is happy. he didn't realize that lowering the rate to zero was a desperate move by the fed as the economy flipping head over hills into a recession that could, depending on how long this continues, become a depression. the stock market correctly perceived the feds' move for what it was, utter desperation so when the stock market opened it pretty much instantly crashed and trading had to be stopped. happy was the only emotion the president expressed yesterday. the only feeling. he did not publicly share his feelings if he had any about the dead and the dying and the sick and the doctors and the nurses trying to save those lives and the family members trying to save their own lives while they watch loved ones slip away. there is not a trace of feeling in this president of the united states for any of the pain that america and the world are feeling tonight and there was apparently no expression of such feelings by the president on a conference call with governors today where he told them not to and speblgt mu expect much from the federal government. they listened to a recording of the call in which the president told the governors, respirators, ventilators, all the equipment, try getting it yourselves, mr. trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with the "new york times." we will be backing you but try getting it yourselves. point of sales much better and much more direct if you can get it yourself. the suggestion surprised some governors who have been scrambling to contain the outbreak and increasingly looking to the federal government with help with equipment, personnel and financial aid. after that conference call that the president had with the governors, one of those governors, new york governor andrew cuomo said this. >> this is a national problem and we need federal leadership. you look at the countries who have handled this. i don't care if it china, south kor korea, italy. they were handled by national leadership. a national problem. it cannot be done in a piecemeal method. you need federal parameters to stop the national patch work of city reduction closings. >> leading off our discussion tonight are professor at the duke global health institute and author of "the end of epidemics" and the director of the centers for disease research and policy at the university of minnesota. he's the author of "deadliest enemy, our war against killer germs." dr. quick, what was your reaction to july and august as the possible first turning in the right direction here? >> it depends on what we do now. i mean, we have to -- we have the chance to slow this down as we say, flatten the curve as korea has done and china has done, get down to zero cases but we got to move quickly and aggressively and we won't be able to know when it's going to start coming down until it hits that point. it depends on what we do, what the government does and what the virus does. >> in your view, dr. quick, what do we have to do in order to get that to the point where it would turn in july or august? >> well, first of all, we do need one plan, one team. this does have to be a whole as society, whole a country effort. you cannot fight a virus that moves around the country with scattered teams and scattered plans. we tried that in 1918 when there was no plan and a four fold difference among the mortality in different cities. we need a unified plan and we need unfied messaging. we can't confuse the public on something where people are feeling scared and confused already. they need clear, consistent messages that are aligned with what our public health officials are saying. we have a great public health team in charge. they need to lead on the messages. >> messages that came out this weekend, there were two messages that came out from two republican office holders, both of these were raised to the president today in the briefing. one was republican congressman devin nunes encouraging people in his california congressional district, which is a largely farming district to go ahead and go out and go to any restaurants they want, governor of oklahoma did the same thing. the governor of oklahoma tweeted a picture of himself out in public with his children in a public dining area. today the president was asked about that after it had already been said that nationally, everywhere in the country, no one should assemble in groups of more than ten and people should not be going to restaurants and the president refused to say that there was anything wrong with what the governor of oklahoma was suggesting and to go back to dr. quick's point about speaking with one voice, the governor of oklahoma is speaking with a completely different voice from virtually everyone else we're hearing from on this. what would you say to the people of oklahoma? >> well, first of all, we have to realize that this virus will impact all 50 states and it will have a significant impact. so what everyone does today doesn't tidictate whether the virus will go away or stay. it's here. the second point in followup to the previous question is i'd like to add, you know, this virus, if you look in china arrived in mid november even with the most suppressive human movement activities everywhere people really were almost in jail in their homes. this virus is still being transmitted there, some five months later and once they lift the movement, restrictions on these people and they go back to work, i think they will see it resurge. i think this virus clearly has legs that will take it for many, many months and the only way that that wouldn't happen is if suddenly all of us got it and finally we all became immune from that or died. so i think any time we're talking about what we'll do in this country, we have to realize, this is not a minneapolis blizzard we're getting ready for. this is a coronavirus winter that will last for many, many months. >> when you say many, many months, where do you see july and august in this? >> i think it will blow right past them. first of all, remember if we're successful at blunting this as we just heard flattening the curve, that means it extends it out and one of the things that we want to do is we want to use the kind of public health activities that we believe can really blunt this and pull down the number of cases but that's very different than saying we'll prevent cases. with this kind of transmission where it's spread basically through the air, people have contact with each other as we see with influenza and get infected, i think this thing is going to infect anywhere from 20 to 60% of the u.s. population between now and the end of the year. anybody who thinks this will be over with by the end of the summer i think will be sorely surprised. >> dr. quick, to go back to this question of july and august having heard what he says, what is your view of where we're headed there and i don't think the statement today at the white house meant to say that it would be over with by july and august but just july and august will be the first time we make a turn in an improved direction. >> well, again, i think it -- i think it tough -- i agree with him this is here to stay and it is going to keep moving, and whether or not the dates really depend on how good we are at the social isolation and slowing down the transmission but it will continue. it unlikely we'll see it, it doesn't seem -- we don't know whether this will go away or reduce in the summer months and we can't count on that, at all. we need to be thinking and expect a rough time really until we get a vaccine. >> are there any parts of the united states that can ignore these recommendations and just feel safe? >> no, and i think one of the very important lessons we have to learn here and we've seen this in other countries around the world since the emerging of this virus in china is that we'll have rolling outbreaks. there will be areas of the country such as we see now in the seattle area, i believe e mrgi -- emerging in new york. there will be states ahead of us. we see this with seasonal flu for example and may be bad for several months and others will feel like they were spared to have those spared areas get hit so when you look at the cumulative number of cases, there will be a contribution of many epidemics going on throughout the country. nobody will be spared and some will get it sooner, some will get it letter, but we'll all get it. >> thank you both for starting us off tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. when we come back, donald trump says we're doing a great job of crisis management. two members of the obama administration disagree. obama administration disagree. i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. i've always loved and 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time so we keep in mind the depths of the provision of his ego mania to control everything he does and thinks about everything and it leaves him oblivious to how he sounds to people who value decency and competence and realism and truth. there was more. >> mr. president, does the buck stop with you? >> normally but this has never been done before this this country. if you look back, take a look at some of the things that took place in '09 or '11 or whatever it may have been. >> i don't know. we have to stop that video because he rambles on inco-hertinco-hert -- incoherently. you heard him say that on this one, the coronavirus, the pandemic, the buck does not stop with him, that's what he's saying. he refuses to accept harry truman's old saying the buck stops here meaning in the oval office, meaning the president is responsible. harry truman meant the president is always responsible. >> the stock market took another hit today. is the u.s. economy heading into a recession? >> well, it may be. >> joining us now austin, the former chairman of the counsel of economic advisors for president obama, professor of economics and rhodes, an msnbc political analyst. austin, let's start on the last line. are we head into a recession and the president of the united states simply says, well, it may be. >> look, i don't know how you can deny what's happening in the economy. it's shutting down. and so much of our economy is driven by services which are exactly the things that shut down when we withdraw. i think the deeper issue is -- and i welcomed the president's tone today, it was a marked difference from his tone in all previous -- in all previous weeks which in those previous weeks, he's been trying to play down the importance of this saying no, no, it's going away. it nothing you can go to work. we only have 14 cases. it will soon be zero. the problem is like my old dear friend used to say during the financial crisis, in a crisis the only asset you have is your credibility. and we have spent so much time destroying our credibility that i'm really afraid for the president and for us that it might be too late to now try to turn it around. whether you like the president or don't like him, we need him to suck heceed here. we need him to rise to the job and he's not been doing that. >> we can welcome the change today but this president mislead republicans into not taking this seriously and so, we have a right to believe tonight that there are people infected tonight, there are people who are dying tonight because they listened to donald trump. let's listen to donald trump comparing this tone change. let's listen to what he said about the governor whose state at that time had the most coronavirus reported cases, jay inslee, governor of washington. this is just ten days ago. let's listen to this. >> i told mike not to be complementary to the governor because that governor is a snake. >> that governor is a snake. now let list's listen to what d trump said about the governors today. >> we had a great talk with the governors today. i think it was a really great talk. there is a tremendous coordination. there is a tremendous spirit that we have together with the governors and that's pretty much for the most part bipartisan. >> ben rhodes, is that a welcome change of tone or a madman whose meds might be working today? >> no, i think lawrence, it's a president that finally realized reality caught up to him. what he's been doing throughout this crisis is tending to short term political interest. for a time, you'll remember he was trying to calm markets with tweets saying this would go away. he was trying to keep the numbers down literally of cases in this country by not letting a cruise ship dock in california. perhaps not by moving heaven and earth to get tests out when needed. the reality is we have to face the fact as a country we're going into the crisis without a president acting like we would normally expect a president to act. you would expect a president to show empathy for people suffering because of this disease or lost loved ones. he talks about himself instead. you would expect a president to be establishing a national baseline for how we're responding, for how we're testing, for how we're surging health capacity. instead, we have a patch work response of 50 different states and localities making decisions without that leadership. you would expect a president to be also leading the world and right now frankly, this president is so not respected around the world that nobody is really looking to the american presidency to set a tone for how we'll deal with the pandemic crisis and recession coming. so my hope is yes, this is a change in tone but we have to face the reality as a country that we're really relying on ourselves as citizens to engage in social distancing as governors and mayors and community leaders conveying this message and hopefully, this president can catch up to the leadership that we're seeing in state houses and cities around the country instead of trying to deny the very reality that his country is dealing with. >> austin, kevin who was president trump's chair of the counsel of economic advisors earlier in the administration said today that he believes 100% chance, he gives it a 100% chance for a global recession, not just a recession of the united states. >> yeah, look, how could you not think that? how could you not look what happened in china or what's happening in italy now or france or spain where they put their economies on lockdown and shut down wide masses of their economic output. i think there is a global recession. the question is can we reduce the fear. the one thing about contagious viruses like financial crisis is it's all about this fear and if you don't have credibility, you can't tamp down that fear. because your statements, if you've sent out your economiced a vie to-- advisors to week aftk saying there is a buying opportunity by friday it back up and you've been disproven again and again on health or economic grounds, now if you try to change the tone and follow what the governors are doing or follow what somebody else is doing, there will be a whole bunch of people who say if they say there's nothing wrong, then it means there is something wrong. if they say it's going away, then it means it not going a i w -- away and when you get into that paradox, it's tough to get out. >> ben rhodes, how does a president offer leadership in a situation the fear is legitimate. the fear is earned. the fear is real, which is what we're living with now? >> well, i think first and foremost, you have to meet people where they are and acknowledge the fear they are having and acknowledge the concerns they are having and demonstrate that you're listening to the best experts in the world who are available to him as president to inform the decisions you're making and saying. i just want to draw back on my own experience with the financial crisis because i was sitting literally down the hall from austin when we were still on the campaign in 2008 and the financial crisis broke out and austin, i remember, sitting with me as we remark for the future president put the kerr retucurr can we make sure everything we say is accurate? if we can establish our seversvs a trusted voice, small business owners will listen to us so people knew if they didn't agree with him, president obama was telling him the truth and he was making decisions based on what experts told him. that's what president trump has not done yet. one way to salvage something for this and we'll be in this for a long time is if he can demonstrate if everything he says has been given to him by someone like tony fauchi sitting next to him. it's not about his tweeter feed, how he can serve as a communique tore for experts because clearly, he doesn't have that credibility himself so we need to relay on people who do. >> ben rode, austin, thank you for joining u appreciate it. when we come back, the house just passed the final version of a bill dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. that bill now goes to the senate, senator amy klobuchar will join us next and we'll get her reaction to joe biden saying last night that he will choose a woman as his vice presidential running mate, if he wins the democratic nomination. the democratic nomination. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or 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leadership. leader mcconnell, president trump failed the people they serve. we need to get help to people today, let's immediately get to work in the next round of support. >> that is sheriff brown of ohio. it's been three days since sp k speaker nancy pelosi and the house of representatives pass the $8.3 billion coronavirus virus making testing free and dealing with economic impacts of the virus three full days and the senate has not even begun to work on any version of that bill. instead, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell recessed the senate for the weekend. senator mcconnell returned to kentucky. the decision by mitch mcconnell to recess didn't just delay passage of the bill but added unnecessary health risks to senators and their staffs who could have been on recess this week and staying away from their offices, which would be the best thing that they could do for their own health at this point. joining us now is democratic senator amy klobuchar. senator, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. i share its frustration. it outrageous this didn't get done last week. >> this is another challenging night. can you please explain the united states senate to america and what is going on there? >> right. so instead of getting it done immediately after the house passed it, we're now considering it, i hope tomorrow. i don't think we should wait another day. this is important bill involving sick leave for american workers and then also longer period where they get at least two-thirds pay. the two weeks would be fully paid. if a longer period of time. that's very important but as you've heard, it doesn't cover all workers. so once we pass that bill, which speaker pelosi got done what she could with the administration, then with have to start working on further relief for the people of this country. this is not just a health crisis and not just a testing crisis, which i am personally obsessed about because i know there are tests being developed, blood test that can tell us not only do you have it now but already, do you have immunity so you can go back and be a health care worker and maybe give your blood to help other people, but it is also an economic crisis. so all of these things must get done immediately and that's why we are here, why i am back in washington to get these things done. >> senator, i have the sense that the way this pandemic is moving and the way it's changing and the way our understanding of its dimensioning change and expand every week that the congress, the house and senate will be coming back to this multiple times by the time you get a bill passed, you will have discovered another issue that needs to be dealt with. >> well and that is what austin and ben were just talking about. to have leadership, it's got to start. the buck has got to stop in the white house. it's got to start there and then we work together on really responding to every economic crisis and health crisis that we're going to see but we do have immediate triage here. we have to get those tests out for people so they know if they're sick or not. we have to get some immediate economic help to the workers and then we also have to make sure that we're working on some of the things that you've been talking act on your show like making sure our democracy is working and people can vote. so i think we can do several things at once. i just want people to believe in the science and to get the facts straight. i thought that was the most important thing you said in the last hour. the president has to be honest and truthful with the american people and from there, we can start working on solutions. the american people are a tough group but they need a leader who is straightforward with them and tells them the truth. >> senator klobuchar, i think we remember that dramatic day when you dropped out of the presidential race, the day before super tuesday. you immediately endorsed joe biden and in the process the next day on super tuesday delivered the state of minnesota to him, which he won because you stepped out of the way. you were leading in minnesota if you had stayed in the race, that would not have been a biden state and here he was last night and last night's presidential debate suddenly saying he's committing to choosing a woman for vice president if he wins the democratic nomination. i had an interview with him earlier in the week in which he came very close to saying he thought it should be one of the women who was on the presidential debate stage with him this year, which really narrows it down. >> well, i'm not going to engage in these hypotheticals, lawrence. he was a good vice president. he's going to make his own decision who he thinks his running mate should be and who he thinks -- who the person is who is best for the country. that's going to be his decision. but i think one of the things, the big take aways besides that one from the debate was this, one, senator sanders and vice president biden were very clear in their commitment that they would unify behind a candidate and i think that was a tribute to both of them. and the second thing was the vice president's leadership that he showed when he talked about coronavirus and his plans and what he would do about testing. i thought that shown through in the debate to the american people. >> senator, let me get your reaction to that commitment by joe biden to choose a woman as his running mate on this ticket if he gets the nomination, just leaving the possibility aside. just your reaction as a voter, as an american, when you heard that last night. >> well, i think for all of us, every woman in the country, we know very well there is no game you can play called name your favorite woman president or your favorite woman vice president because there's never been one. and so this is going to be a seat change and a tribute to him he made that announcement and it will be his decision who he picks. right now the reason i'm here and i went on your show, i promise lawrence and you know this is to talk about this crisis we're in now and what we need to do tomorrow in the u.s. senate but also what we need to do as we hear what's going on in ohio today that we need to make sure that people can vote and ron and i are putting forward a bill tomorrow that's going to have a lot of support that expands voting by mail. so that when we come upon the fall, that every single person in this country should be able to vote by mail, of course, we'll still have polling but we need to make it easier for people to vote. we need the funding for it. we need poll workers, of course, especially for seniors, it dangerous for them to do that and we also need to make sure voting is open 20 days before in every state. that's what we're trying to do. you need a big reason why you need to vote by mail. we should eliminate that and make it easier for everyone. >> senator, we have a breaking news situation with ohio because the governor has now said that he's asking basically his health commissioner there to order the polls closed as a health emergency tomorrow. he then says in a tweet while the polls will be closed tomorrow, the secretary of state will seek a remedy through the courts to extend voting options so that every voter who wants to vote will be granted that opportunity. so this is a highly confusing situation in which it doesn't seem that he's cancelling the actual election. he's just saying the polls will be closed. so you'll have to find a way to vote other than going to the polls tomorrow. >> yeah, so he can't cancel their election and what he is saying, i believe, he's going to make it much longer period of time for people to be able to vote in ohio. i think he's got to also extend that deadline for getting absentee ballots. that's got to be a big piece of this and as you know, i think it's really important for your viewers to know the voting is still happening tomorrow in arizona, in florida and in illinois. those are big, big states and those primaries are going forward and so the idea here is to make sure that the voters of ohio are allowed to vote and that they have as much ability as anyone else by voting by mail and maybe ultimately in the polls but that has gone back and forth all day with the courts and with the governor about what is happening but you're right, that's where it just ended up in the last half an hour. >> and senator, quickly, do you have any sense whether that is legal according to ohio law? >> no, i don't. i just know that because this announcement was made early this morning, a lot of the poll workers then decided not to go and so you would have that issue, as well, would there be poll workers? we want to make is people vote. we all know it can't be more important than any other time in our history right now. people have to vote. and i want to make clear those major states of arizona and florida and illinois, people can go and vote tomorrow and they should. >> senator amy klobuchar, thank you for joining us tonight. appreciate it. >> great to be on. thank you. joining our discussion is eric swalwell from california. congressman swalwell, i want to get your reaction to the governor of ohio in effect finding another way tonight within the hour of trying to can l vo -- cancel voting tomorrow in ohio. he says his health commissioner will order the polls closed as a health emergency in ohio tomorrow. and while the polls will be closed tomorrow, secretary of state will seek a remedy through the courts to extend voting options so that every voter who wants to vote will be granted that opportunity. what is your reaction to this latest in a series of attempts by the governor today to stop voting at the polls tomorrow in ohio? >> good evening, lawrence. with the agility during these tough times by our leaders but this is not agility. this is just saying we're not going to conduct an election. while we need physical distancing, we do not need democratic distancing. i would propose maybe having a longer voting window extended through the end of the weekend so that you can separate folks, have them vote in waves and see this as a stimulus for people who have lost work or have lost hours to allow them to come in as poll workers to make sure people have access to the polls but, you know, democracy dies in dark nls as ness as we're alway and not having an election, doesn't get darker than this. >> congressman in california, some of your district, i believe, includes the area that -- where there is an order for a number of counties for people basically to stay home, to -- is it an order, is it a recommendation? is the situation there? >> people are told to shelter in place, lawrence, unless you're going to the doctor or pharmacy, unless you're going to get gas, unless you're going to get groceries or if you work in a job that is essential to conducting what i just said right there. i have two brothers who are police officers in alameda county and they are working hard to make sure that people get the services they need but the best thing we can do is to be a little bit uncomfortable right now but to share with me and leaders in our country how this is affecting your health, your livelihood and your financial stability so that when we have a future stimulus, we understand what the need is and lawrence, that for me is personal when it comes to students. i know personally what student loan debt can do to a family and i fear that there's so many students who will be homeless or without food security or have loans but not get the credits they need. so we're asesembling the storie so in a future stimulus, i can work with the chairman of the education committee to make sure we address this. >> so you got the bill through the house tonight with technical corrections, the senate now officially has it. what do you expect the senate to do and then what does the house do because the situation keeps changing around you even as you past this legislation? >> we need the senate to move a heck of a lot faster than they are and frankly, right now, we feel like in the house, we are the responsive government. we have a president who is not truthful, an administration that continues to mischaracterize the problem and a senate that didn't want to work over the weekend to take up the house legislation they passed. they need to stay pace with us but our but our bill included paid sick leave. it included an extension of unemployment insurance. it increases the resources that will go to hospitals and also to make sure that anyone, you know, who needs the personal protective equipment is able to get it. again, this is just step one. there's going to be future phases. but we need the senate to keep up. >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thanks, lawrence. >> thank you. and coming up, there's no such thing as being too careful these days. if you think you're overreacting to the coronavirus, you are not. so says our highest authority on the subject, dr. anthony fauci. that's next. s delicious! made it myself. i love this place! made that myself, too. order up. fries on the side. right where i like 'em. don't forget the grease fire. burn, baby -- wait, what? -[ alarm beeping ] -i said grease fire. what are you doing on the counter? when owning a small business gets real... sorry. can i get a to-go box? helps protect what you built -with customizable coverage. -aah! thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can 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dealing with an emerging infectious diseases outbreak, you are always behind where you think you are if you think that today reflects where you really are. therefore, it will always seem that the best way to address it would to be doing something that looks like it might be an overreaction. it isn't an overreaction. it's a reaction that we feel is commensurate, which is actually going on in reality. >> joining our discussion now, dr. vin gupta, a pulmonologist and global health policy expert. he is an affiliate assistant professor at the university of washington medical center. dr. gupta, your reaction to what dr. fauci said there, that there is really no such thing as overreacting here. >> i think he's spot on. dr. fauci is our leader. he's our appointed leader in public health. what i would say just to emphasize is in any pandemic, it's essentially -- if recent history is illustrative, we're reacting. we're not great at preventing pandemics. our preparedness efforts have had fits and starts. we're responding as the threat evolves, and i think as evidence of that, we don't even have testing at scale. so he's spot on on that. >> and what other equipment -- there's been a lot of concentration on testing, but if we are ever to get to the right level of testing, wouldn't that then suggest that there's a lot of other equipment, ventilators for example, that then become the next challenge? >> yeah, spot on. right now we have a capability, johns hopkins estimated it at 160,000 ventilators for the country at maximum capacity, assuming we don't mobilize the military. 160,000. a moderate outbreak, the estimates are saying that we need 200,000 ventilators. if the spanish flu happened again today, we'd need over 700,000. so we are grossly unprepared from an icu level standpoint. i can say that as an intensivist. we need more. we need more of that sophisticated capability. i will say president trump saying that states should be responsible for purchasing respirators, that's a heavy ask. respirators cost between $40,000. that's a huge ask to ask states to foot the bill on that. >> also with the respirators, where do you put them? if you suddenly need to double, triple the number of respirators in this country, where do they go? >> to me, storage of medical equipment should be the least of our concerns. i can say this as a former military doc, we used to be -- >> i don't mean storage. i mean is there space in hospital facilities now to add that kind of equipment? >> short answer, no. we don't have enough icu beds. this is where we're going to have to build out triaging beds. we're going to have to build out -- there's some talk about national guard and mobilizing the military to create temporary hospitals in college dormitories or on military bases. i think that's the direction we have to go. governor cuomo, i think, is ahead of the curve on this, activating national guard, really focusing on that capability that i believe president trump has yet to utilize to the full effect. >> and how do we maintain the health and safety of our health care workers who are involved in this? >> that's such a good question. i have to say myself, speaking for so many people in our health care community, we were spooked last night when we got word that two e.d. docs are critically here, one here not far from seattle, one in new jersey. and a lot of that comes down to public health education about who should and should not be purchasing personal protective wear, like face masks. we need to preserve that for our frontline health care workers, nurses, doctors, in ers and in icu icus. my wife is working in a pediatric clinic. i want her to have that face mask. some experts are saying we need over a billion and 95. so we have over 10 million now. that's a gross lack in terms of equipment and ppe. >> thank you very much for joining us again tonight. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> that is tonight's last word. "the 11th hour" with brian williams starts now. well, good evening once again. day 1,152 of this trump administration. 232 days until our presidential election, and look at that. times square in new york, a ghost town tonight, almost devoid of people and vehicles. since last we spoke, our nation has changed, not everywhere but in some places, like the one you just saw, life outside the home or apartment has virtually shut down. schools and businesses are closed, and the social fabric has been badly frayed. some people's jobs are disappearing befor

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