The Supreme Court, john roberts, pushed back against the president , after trump tried to blame, quote, an obama judge for his administrations latest court loss. Were going to have more on chief Justice Roberts defense of the federal courts against the president , and the unprecedented war of words that followed later in the hour. But theres resistance outside the courtroom that might have even more long lasting consequences for President Trump. Michael moore joins me in just a moment with a fresh perspective of what comes after americas historic rebuke of President Trump in the midterms, and yes, it was historic. The cook political reports David Wassermann now says that the democrats margin in raw house votes breaks the record for the biggest win by either party in the history of midterm elections. The vote total from cook shows democrats won 8. 9 million more house votes than republicans did. With 59. 3 million votes, to republicans 54. 4 million votes. That democratic lead in raw votes is even bigger than the previous record in the 1974 midterms that happened just a few months after president Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace following watergate. Let that sink in for a moment. Voters chose democrats by more votes under President Trump than they chose democrats after watergate. Thats not just embarrassing, its hard to imagine a more worrying statistic for President Trump as he faces his own reelection process in 2020, except maybe this. Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg has a piece in the New York Times the New York Times where he says trump is beginning to lose his grip with the voters who elected him. Greenberg says it wasnt just the Democratic Coalition that drove the blue wave, quote, the 2018 midterms was much bigger than that. Democrats got their wave in part because a significant portion of male and female White Working Class voters abandoned mr. Trump and his republican allies. Democrats made their biggest gains in the rural parts of the country. That was the shocker. The democratic wave exposed mr. Trumps vulnerability and suggests a less polarized country. I thought it would take mr. Trumps defeat in 2020 for america to be liberated from this suffocating polarization, but it may have already begun, end quote. And the losses might get bigger for donald trump. Next tuesday mississippi which hasnt had a democratic senator since 1982, a Senate Runoff that should have been an easy ain. Republican cindy hydesmith has made gaff after gaff starting with saying shed like to attend a public hanging, which some people in mississippi are old enough to remember as a lynching. Thats giving Democrat Mike Espy a chance. He is still a long shot, but republicans are worried enough the president will travel to mississippi next week to campaign for cindy hydesmith. But even if the president holds onto mississippi for republicans, is there any doubt that as Stan Greenberg writes, President Trump is beginning to lose his grip . Joining me now Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker michael moore. Thank you for being here. You can say that last sentence again, hes losing his grip. What greenberg is writing is that some of Donald Trumps very faithful base as we like to call it in Rural America is turning on him. Why do you think that is . The three states that gave trump the presidency, michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania all went blue two weeks ago. Democrat governors, democrat senators in michigan. We have a majority now in michigan senate. Four women at the top run the state. Two women, democrats turned over two republican seats in the detroit area. So all of this is not surprising what you just said or what Stan Greenberg wrote in the times. If im anything tonight its im of a belief that we can take what we learned in a place like michigan. Right. And really, really crush it in 2020. But it will take some work, and itll take the democrats who got elected two weeks ago to really show the voters that they are going to do something, that theyre going to stand for something. So their performance in these two years is very important. Its going to take a recruiting team to get beloved americans running for office in 2020. But we saw some of that. Weve seen a congress now that looks more like the face of america than weve seen in a long time. More of that, and i think it was in the times where they showed that those who ran out of the center and towards the left had a better chance of winning two weeks ago than those who thought i better play this more conservatively as a democrat. Those people lost. The people who ran more liberally won, and we need to again build on that. Heres the lesson i learned in michigan is that ballot proposals are the answer. George bush and republicans knew this in 2004. They put 14 ballot to make it illegal. That motivated people to the polls that might not have otherwise gone. This is what we did in michigan two weeks ago. We had a ballot proposal to legalize marijuana. Largest turnout of young people in we dont know when came out to the polls. We had a ballot proposal to outlaw gerrymandering, make that part of the constitution and form a citizens bipartisan nonpartisan commission, no politicians can be on the commission, that will draw the map. Legalizing marijuana, that was going to happen if the vote went through. With the gerrymandering, it wasnt going to change any of the districts in michigan obviously in that election, but it brought people out who are sick and tired of these stupid shaped constituencies across america. Its a laughingstock of the democratic world weve got these constituencies, these districts long and skinny and take turns and look like a salamander hence the name gerrymandering. So by taking a stand and putting that on the ballot africanamerican vote so many came out that didnt vote in 2016, and they came out. This is the way you bring people out that dont vote that much or dont like the politicians or the Democratic Party has not been responsive to them. They can vote on the issues. We need for 2020 to have ballot proposals for legalizing marijuana, free college, equal rights for women, and outlaw gerrymandering. People right now they should talk about this tomorrow at dinner. By the way, at dinner tomorrow your conservative brotherinlaw, this year dont make him sit at the kids table. We should be generous in victory, be kind to him and let him know that the things that were going to push for hes going to benefit so complain that. Tell me why my conservative brotherinlaw should think that figuring out a way to fix gerrymandered districts is good for him . This is why utah passed an antijerry mandering thing, they know were coming. They know the democrats, were the majority of the country. They know were coming, and were back in power and weve got the house and the senate and the white house. They dont want those gerrymandering laws that theyve been benefitting from, they want to fix that now. You actually found that smart republicans are voting for this because theyre going to be the negative beneficiary theyll be on the wrong side. So basically its in their best interest for all of us to get rid of gerrymandering and any kind of Voter Suppression. The degree to which Voter Suppression is alive and well in america in kansas, in georgia, i mean this is its kind of remarkable that its getting worse. We should be trying to get people out to vote any way possible. Fortunately, lots of people did come out and vote this time. But why we are putting impediments to people voting, the signature match law in georgia is just stupid. Cindy mccain said sometimes she signs cindy mccain, sometimes she signs cmccain. Its antiamerican, and to the troops he does not respect, he he uses as a photoup and never bothers to visit, never says a good word about them, they volunteer to risk their lives so we get to have certain basic democratic rights. The most democratic basic right is the right to vote, for right for you and i to have a say. If that is denied to any american, all of us should be ashamed by this. Its the absolutely worst thing to do. People have died in many of our families in past wars or whatever, and to dishonor their death so we can have this, by trying to rig the system so that those who dont have the most votes can end up with the most seats, its like which has happened a lot in this country. The number of voters disenfranchised by these laws in georgia as an example, were not talk about tens of thousands. Were actually talking about hundreds of thousands of people. Right, but what i say to republicans, you know you won it because it was rigged or the table shifted or you only had to run the ball back 80 yards instead of 100 yards, how do you feel about that . Do you feel youre the winner . I wouldnt feel good about it. When i was in Junior High School i was playing basketball and i was rolling a far corner and i did a hook shot in the far corner where the two out of bounds lines meet and i saw my ball out of bounds and it made a swish in the basket, and the ref didnt see it. And i said to the ref, i said it was out of bounds. And the coach was like what are you doing, i was like it wasnt a fair basket. How would i feel if we won and it was because of that basket which i know wasnt right because i stepped out of bounds. Im not sure everybody in the country is burdened with that morality. Arent we raised to know whats right and wrong . You and i were raised on two sides of another bord. Youre from michigan, im from toronto, cold places. Tonight President Trump tweeted about the cold. He said brutal and extended cold blast could shatter all records. What ever happened to Global Warming . What does this get people who deny Climate Change other than if you have stock in a coal company or oil company, what does it get you to be on the wrong side of this thing . We have a billionaire for president , and hes for anything that benefits the wealthy. Thats his job. Thats what hes supposed to advocate for. But to yourcurve brotherinlaw whos sitting at the table tomorrow and thanksgiving, say to him, look, Climate Change. When were in office were going to fix that. Were going to really do our best. It may be too late, but were going to do our best to fix this, and youre going to benefit from it. Were not just doing it for our people, for the democrats. Youre not under water, youre going to benefit from this, too. You should come along with this because it benefits you. I think thats the way you have to with trump, look, you guys show these tweets all day long on this network, on the other network. Its nonstop. And it was i guess funny to some people at first, and then it went to shaking our heads like can you believe this. And now its like, wow, i think everybodys realized with him essentially sanctioning the murder of the Washington Post journalist, saying that, saying that about the troops this week, saying that about admiral mcraven, all of this i think is starting to dawn on people. And so that report that you read from the New York Times theyre not surprised. The people out there who live in Rural America they dont like hearing that. They thought hed be like a mall tav they can throw in a system that havent benefitted them. And one can understand why they wanted that. You know that. You come from Rural America. I said before the election because people are angry. Well, hes helped to blow up pieces of our democracy, and it hasnt benefitted anybody. And nobodys made any money off his tax cut. He can point oto the stock market all ehe wants but think about this, people in kansas said to themselves what can i do now to send a message . I know, im going to send a congresswoman whos lesbian, nativeamerican, mixed martial arts fighter from kansas. And that happened in a lot of places in america. Oklahoma city, democrat. A muslim refugee. The country has change. And this is why i say the leadership of the Democratic Party. Come along with the change here. Dont hold back. Dont thing anymore, well, we can have half health care. No, we need full, full universal health care for everyone. Like every other country in the world. Just look at what canada does. Canada has stolen enough from this country, you take everything we do, you go to canada, we see you doing everything we do, its time we take something from you, universal health care. And the other thing, too, hunting is the number one sport in canada more so than hockey. Theres 7 million registered guns in the nation of canada, and how many gun murders last year, 100, 200, nothing, nothing. So clearly you figured out how to deal with this issue. We need to show some humility and say were so confident about our goodness here at this thanksgiving, that we need to reach out to others and say how had you do this . How do you do that without Mass Shootings in canada . How do you pay for it . Everybody gets to see a doctor and that ends with you canadians living plan b, ali, just saying. But you live three to four years longer than we do average. Almost every outcome in health is better than less than half the cost for americans. If youre conservative, why wouldnt you be for that . Let me ask you a question, a third of the country, angry, intolerant, hard to reconcile. But what do the rest of us have to do . How much intolerance do we tolerate in order to build bridges of empathy, to talk to people who are legitimately angry . Maybe not for the reasons we believe but they really are angry. Theyve not seen their wages go up and stock prices go up and the rich get richer, theyve seen their incomes. Youve studied this. First of all, you cant build a bridge to a racist or misogynist, they have to be shunned and treated like we treated smokers 20 years ago, ten years ago. I walked down the street with my sister and i said lets see how long we can go before we see people smoking. We walked 10, 20 minutes and not a smoker. Racist and misogynists shunned, but the conservatives, republicans whatever who do dare about this country, theyre just rightfully angry, we can reach out to them and say come on, its we can create give us a chance, well create this good america, and itll look like a real america. Well build a better country. And when we have thanksgiving together in years in the future, you know, we can have our disagreements. We can have a great debate. But in the end we all love this country, and were going to sink or swim together, i dont think any of us want to sink. So we need to come together on this. And my request to the conservatives who might be watching is give this a shot. Give these democrats who just got elected a shot, and well get back in the white house in the senate in 2020, and we will build a country where your house is on fire. Happy thanksgiving. Canadian thanksgiving is in october. Just saying. Ive still got the passport, so if you need a hand. When you have a dual passport, do you get turkey twice . Justice roberts response to donald trump is next. And both democrats and republicans are both condemning his shocking response to saudi arabias assassination of a journalist and a u. S. Resident. Today he took it a step further by thanking the dictatorship and saying americans should be thankful to them as well. Whats the 1 new skincare product in 2018 . Olay whips. Absorbs faster than the 100, 200, and even 400 cream. Feels amazing. I really really love this. I will 100 swap up my moisturizer. Can i have it . Olay whips. Ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. All right, today President Trump received a rare public rebuke from an unlikely source, the chief justice of the Supreme Court. John roberts was responding to trumps attacks on a federal judge by temporarily blocking his asylum ban. Well, you go to the ninth circuit and its a disgrace, and im going to put in a major complaint because you cannot win if youre us, a case in the ninth circuit. This was an obama judge, and ill tell you what, its not going to happen like this anymore. All right, chief Justice Roberts has remained silent as President Trump has insulted the judiciary time and time again. But today roberts broke his silence and released this statement. Quote, we do not have obama judges or trump judges, bush judges or clinton judges. What we have is an Extraordinary Group of people, group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for. President trump took to twitter to escalate his war of words tweeting, sorry chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have obama judges. Roberts has only rebuked a president one other time. In 2010 roberts called president obamas state of the union speech very troubling after obama criticized a Supreme Court decision in that speech. Republicans who support trump seem to have forgotten this. Senator grassly tweeted chief Justice Roberts rebuke for a comment decision he made on asylum, i dont recall a chief attacking obama when that prez rebuked aleto during the state of the union. Again, he did. Joining us joyce vance. Theyre both msnbc legal contributors. Jonathan alter, a columnist for the daily beast and an msnbc political analy