Trump critics and former officials, trump ramped up his rhetoric again at a rally in North Carolina. In recent days weve had a broader conversation about the tone and civility of our national dialogue. The media has a major role to play whether they want to or not. There were chants of cnn sucks as the president called for a conversation about tone and civility, he let the rally crowd chant cnn sucks. No attempt to shut it down whatsoever. Then he continued. When a Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder Congressional Republicans and severely wounded a great man named Steve Scalise and others, we did not use that heinous attempt at mass murder for political gain. That would be the definition of false equivalence. Bernie sanders has never incited or called for violence. Trump regularly calls reporters enemies of the people. Hes encouraged supporters to knock the crap out of protesters. Hes praised a congressman for body slamming a reporter. Then the president said this. Nor do we blame the Democrat Party every time radical leftists seize and destroy public property and unleash violence and mayhem. Lets just pause for a moment. Its friday. We can do that. In recent weeks trump has explicitly said that democrats produce mobs. His supporters even carry around signs that say jobs, not mobs. The president refuses even this week to tone down his partisan attacks. Stop the lies, refrain from lashing out at enemies. And with all that in mind trump somehow still rejected any notion of responsibility. Here he is again. No, not at all. No, theres no blame. Theres no anything. Theres no anything. There is certainly no pivot with this president. There never is. Here are the facts as they stand tonight. Federal Law Enforcement officials have arrested a florida man suspected of orchestrating the mail bomb campaign against critics of President Trump. Cesar sayoc, a 56yearold from aventura florida, whos got a criminal history dating back to 1992, has been charged with five separate federal crimes connected to the assembly and mailing of these sploexplosive devices. Cesar sayoc could spend as many as 58 years in prison and thats if no other charges are laid. Hes a registered republican. His van and social media profile paint a chilling portrait of someone who heavily trafficked in protrump, antidemocratic, antimedia propaganda and conspiracy theories. His van was adorned with stickers and artwork featuring crosshairs over Hillary Clinton and other figures revialed by the hard right. Some of his actual bomb targets were featured on his van. Not just Hillary Clinton, but also the obamas, eric holder and cnn. Numerous political and media figures that the president and conservative media have singled out were on his van including some who work at this network. Cesar sayocs twitter profile shows him attending trump rallies, cheering on chants of cnn sucks and posting conspiracies about the clintons, quote, murder list. On his facebook profile cesar sayoc likes pages called kill george soros and kill all socialists. Why facebook allowed pages like those to exist is another story. His arrest comes as four additional explosive devices were found. Bringing the total of number explosive devices to 14. The new targets california senator kamala harris, new jersey senator cory booker, and former director of National Intelligence james clapper. And tonight federal officials linked a 14th device to cesar sayoc addressed to Billionaire Tom Steyer and found at a postal facility in burlingame, california. This afternoon chris wray shot down a growing conspiracy on the right, one that the president seemed to push this morning. These are not hoax devices. I want to focus for a moment on the amazing work of our folks at our fbi lab. Based on their initial analysis, they uncovered a latent fingerprint from one of the envelopes containing an ied that had been sent to congresswoman maxine waters. We have confirmed this finger print is that of cesar sayoc. Joining us now harry litman, Deputy Assistant attorney general under president clinton, michael tomaski, and matt miller, former spokesman for attorney general eric holder and an msnbc contributor. Thank you to all of you for joining us on a friday night. Harry, let me start with you. What do you make of what theyve got on this guy . It took them three days to find him. Most people who know about these things were fairly confident they would because bomb making leaves quite a trail. Whats your sense of this . Well, theyve got a fingerprint, thats big. And theres some suggestion that they already have dna. Thats big. But theyre going to be getting so much more. They mainly wanted to get him off the street immediately ali. Now we have the van, all kinds of social media, friends, search warrants of homes, other people in the rallies. They will be assembling a wealth of evidence over the next several weeks. So i think its impressive that they so quickly got enough to hold him. But i think it pales next to what they will be assembling over the next couple of weeks. Charges will probably increase, and well see a fairly rich picture of exactly who this guy is and how he came to come from a trump supporter to an actual terrorist. Michael, 14 bombs with real explosive powder in them, with shrapnel, weve heard. This could be a very different conversation we could be having tonight. Fortunately, were not having that. Were talking about 14 failed attempts. Donald trump was asked today by a reporter whether he would tone down his rhetoric. Lets listen to that exchange. Would you yourself pledge to tone down the rhetoric over the next few days . Well, i think ive been toned down, you want to know the truth. I could tone it up because as you know the media has been extremely unfair to me. I could really tone it up. It seems the president has learned nothing from this week. Well, of course not. And as always in these situations, ali, we should take him at his word. Hes going to tone it up over the course of the next week. I have no doubt about that because he is going to realize, hes going to start thinking about it he already has as we saw from some of his tweets, but hes going to think about this more politically and what kind of impact this is going to have on tuesday, november 6th, election day. And if he suspects, as he reasonably will, i think, that this stands a chance of hurting his side, all hes going to think about, ali, hes not going to think about how to be the president of the United States, hes not going to think about how to say anything that might have a prayer of bringing the country together or making people feel like americans involved in a common enter prize. Enterprise. All hes going to do is cast blame and figure out a way to try and turn this to his and the republicans advantage and try and blame it on the media, blame it on the democrats, blame it on the liberals, blame it on somebody. You know he and his friends in the right wing media are going to be cooking that up all next week. I do kind that find that hard to believe. Its been happening all week and happening as we speak, even to those people who thought this was a false flag or argued that it was a false flag. I dont think anybody actually thought that. Matt miller, the president tweeted this morning, and this surprised even me, and i dont know how we can be surprised. Republicans are doing so well in early voting and at the polls, and now this bomb, in quotes stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows. News not talking politics. Very unfortunate what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote. Get in the mind of the president here. How does that tweet come out of the commander in chief of the United States at a moment that is very frightening for a lot of america americans . You know, ali, its a reprehensible thing to say. And i go back and put together the time line. Chris wray said the fbi got onto this suspect at some point last night. So you would assume the white house was briefed on that immediately. We dont know that was the case. But thats usually the case in these events. So in the middle of the night at 3 14 in the morning, i think, the president sends his first tweet out attacking cnn. He then sends this other tweet out at 10 00 in the morning. You have to go back and say one of two things happened. Either the president doesnt know the fbi found somebody whos a protrump supporter and has protrump leanings and hes not staying on top of this case. Or two, he does know about this, he knows that the fbi is going to make an arrest. The arrest was made within the hour of him having sent that tweet. And hes just taking the chance to fan the flames of a Conspiracy Theory. He will get to the podium and read the script, but he will find a way to send a signal to his supporters that they dont have to believe what they have just heard him say. They dont have to believe what the press has to say. They can choose a Conspiracy Theory option that is more politically advantageous to what they see to their political divide. And those brave enough not to continue down the road of that false flag theory are now using this false equivalence that Bernie Sanders told this guy to shoot up the baseball game. Thats absolutely not true. But harry litman, lets go a little further down this road matt miller was going down. The white house told us or told the media that the president is on top of this thing in the last three days as weve been pursuing this, that hes being informed. Talk to me about the authorities were onto this guy yesterday. The president tweeted overnight, in the overnight hours about this, quote, bomb stuff. Whether or not they had told him they were about to make an arrest, clearly the president understood that this is not a bomb in quotes. This is serious matter. Its a domestic terrorist attack. You know, it is stunning. I mean, if he does know, i agree 100 with matt it is reprehensible and youll think hell take one last chance to try to give red meat to the base. There is another hypothesis. Theres no doubt, no doubt the fbi informed the white house. But they could have informed the chief of staff and, you know, its possible that he could have decided to keep trump in the dark for a little bit until the guy was certain to be apprehended, knowing the recklessness and the erraticness of the commander in chief. So one possibility is he actually didnt know. Although, i think by 10 00 a. M. He has to. And then that hes still in his mode of partisan, blaming the victim, et cetera, is really deplorable. And michael, the president actually criticized in that tweet that we just showed, criticizing cnn about the comparisons to oklahoma city. But under each of our last few president s you can find an example of something that was threatening to the entire country. In the case of president clinton it was oklahoma city. In the case of president george w. Bush it was 9 11. With barack obama, sandy hook comes to mind. In those moments of National Threat regardless of the fact these bombs didnt go off and were thankful for that, in those moments those president s all found the ability to just put partisanship aside. Donald trump has not been able to do that, and nothing actually went wrong this time. Well, its something he hasnt been able to do its that he doesnt want to do it. He has no desire to do it. He has the desire to do the opposite. He wants to be president of only of half its not quite half even. Of 42 of the country that approves of the job hes doing, thats what wants to be president of. I believe he actively hates about half of the country, and he doesnt want to be its president at any time or under any circumstances. Yes, all president s in our age they walk up to the line of very tough partisan rhetoric and sometimes cross it. But they all know in the back of their minds that there will come times when they do have to be president of all the country, and they go and do that with dignity. Not this guy. He doesnt want to do it. Matt miller, what happens now . I think were all a little bit alarmed at the degree to which our discourse has led to this in america. I think were all also alarmed that the president cannot speak about civility and discourse without blaming both the media and democrats in the same sentence. He just has no ability to separate these things. In his mind everybody is contributing to this mess. I dont think everybody is contributing to this mess, but what do we do to move forward . I think the safest prediction to make is the president will Say Something worse in the next couple of days. It wasnt a hard thing to predict. Weve always seen him do this. Hes done it in the wake of the events in charlottesville. Hes done it every time he talks about the russian investigation. All the times you would expect him to take off the partisan hat and pull the country together, he wont do it. And i think michaels right. He doesnt really see himself as the president of the entire country. He sees himself as the president of the Republican Party. I think in the coming days you may see him fan the flames of conspiracy theories again. But he might as he did today tone up the rhetoric. Youve heard him talk about maxine waters. He said, oh, im not going to say it tonight, im not going to say it. Everyone knows what hes talking about and in the next few days hes going to be back to leading lock her up chants and looking the other way when people crescm cnn sucks like he did tonight. Its not going to get better. For the last two nights people have chanted lock her up and cnn sucks, they have made comments about george soros. The president has in no way intervened. Matt, thank you for being with us. Harry and michael, thanks to both of you. As investigators were frantically searching for the bomb maker, some on the right were stoking this Conspiracy Theory this assassination attempt was simply a false flag. Thats next. And later, former president obama who was the intended target of one of the bombs had a few things to say about President Trump today. Out President Trump today. If only harry used some. Bounce, to dry. He would be a less wrinkly, winning guy. At dewars, all our whiskies are aged, blended and aged again. Its the reason our whisky is so extraordinarily smooth. Dewars. Double aged for extra smoothness. From the moment the news broke that several bombs had been mailed to prominent liberals who are all frequent targets of Donald Trumps heated rhetoric the right wing in this country, the right wing media began peddling a Conspiracy Theory that this attack was a false flag operation. Now, thats a term which you may not be familiar but refers to a hoax meant to misdirect attention. In this case it was sent by someone on the left in order to hurt republicans. Conservative Media Outlets speculated wildly about alternative motives. In a now deleted tweet fox business host lou dobbs asked fakes news, fake bombs, who could possibly benefit from so much fakery. Michael savage accused democrats are orchestrating the attack to gain sympathy votes in the upcoming election and to, quote, get our minds off the hordes of illegal aliens approaching our southern border. That message was hammered on for days on conservative Media Outlets. Wouldnt it serve your purpose if youre a democrat operative to make it look like the republicans are bunch of insane lunatics . It could be someone whos trying to get the democratic vote out and encourage sympathy. The left feels theyre losing on many levels, and i feel theyre planting these devices just for to play the role of victim. Two weeks before a major election whos going to look like a bad guy here . The republicans. I believe this whole thing was an elaborate hoax. Isnt it just as likely its an enemy of the president that put this together . We have the worst right wing bomb maker in history or we have a false flag operation where its a left wing type of operation to create hysteria. So the only thing in all of that that might be true is this might actually be the worst right wing bomb maker in history. Trump embraced the conspiracy theories he saw on fox news. Republicans are doing so well in early voting he tweeted and now at the polls, and now this bomb, in quote stuff happens, and momentum greatly slows. Today after authorities said they had arrested a 56yearold cesar sayoc whose van is covered in antileft wing propaganda. Geraldo said never mind. Outsmarted myself in conjuring false flag operation designed to hurt real donald trump gop. But other right wing voices werent backing down. Anne colter who repeated this falsehood that shed been quoting for days bombs are a liberal tactic. Joining us now from the daily beast and msnbc political analyst and matt gertz. We just played a whole bunch of right wing journalists and what they said about this, but actually heres what trump supporters, not journalists, not famous people, at this rally, before the rally in North Carolina tonight, had to say about this. Just because someone has a trump sticker on their car doesnt mean theyre a trump fan. You know, it doesnt mean nothing. Barack obama probably sent his to hisself and Hillary Clinton probably sent hers to herself so you dont think this guy actually sent these bombs . No, probably not. Why . They probably had it done. They may have paid him to do it. Theres radical people on all sides. There can be people that are problem creators. They create problems, like people on the left can create them. People on the altright can create them. I think i heard something about it being a Bernie Sanders supporter. You know, theres so much news going on right now that people dont know what to believe so they stick with what they know. Matt, if you couldnt see me, i pulled all my hair out while i was listening to those things. Barack obama probably sent it to himself, Hillary Clinton probably sent it to herself, theres radical people on all sides. But the problem, matt, and you guys at media matters look at this, is they pick this up from somewhere. Nobody invented this stuff out of whole cloth. I think alex jones conspiracy is spreading at this point. Conspiracy theories arent new to the right, but the false flag nonsense used to be sort of cordoned off on the fringes. People like alex jones and his ilk. Since donald trump was elected, its spreading further, obviously, as you can see. The president was, you know, became a Major Political figure by virtue of pushing a racist Conspiracy Theory about barack obama, and that really opened up the floodgates. Jonathan, lets just talk about this. Theres sort of a few ways you can look at this. You can think this absolute Conspiracy Theory, false flag nonsense or you can accept the fact that this guy had been at trump rallies, hes been posting for a long time on social media, hes been an antidemocrat for a long time, he dwells in the darkest recesses of the internet. And you can also say that maybe donald trump didnt put him up to it. Theres space in between, but the right wing seems so determined to only express the fact this is either false flag democratic stuff or its got nothing to do with the rhetoric in this country. Right, well, look, you cant say that donald trump caused this demented individual to do this, but you can definitively say that he inspired him to do this. And the maga bomber, as this guy i think will be known from now on, was at trump rallies. There really isnt much gray area here. Hes got trump signs. Its not just the signs. So you actually have to be a flat earther, somebody who does not respect facts at all, to try to argue this has no connection at all to his being a maga guy. Even the president himself on the south lawn today leaving for North Carolina said, yeah, i guess he was one of my guys. He didnt denounce that, didnt say this wasnt right. He didnt even have the common courtesy and decency to call his predecessors in office and make sure they were feeling okay about this. He specifically was asked if he would, and he said ill take a pass. Yes, this is reprehensible behavior. Its not just unpresident ial behavior, its disgusting, reprehensible behavior. Now, were going to have a referendum on this behavior. If you think it should be checked and that we should have some accountability for this behavior, you must vote democratic. If you think it should be enabled, you vote republican. Its that simple. Lets think about that. To believe some of these conspiracy theories, you have to be flat earther. You probably had to be a flat earther to believe barack obama was born in kenya. There are a lot of flat earthers in america apparently. Yeah. The simplest explanation for why someone was sending bombs to a host of democratic politicians is that that person did not like the people that he was sending the bombs to. Its not that its a, you know, vast conspiracy in which liberals are sending the bombs, you know, deliberately making sure they wont go off because they are well, thats obvious to you and jonathan and me, but at least theres a whole bunch of people who fall for this stuff. Thats why i wanted to play that stuff for you. What do we do about that . The idea that so quickly, something that is so obvious, somebody trying to kill someone with a bomb probably doesnt like the person he or she is trying to kill. How quickly that can flip into a counternarrative. Yeah, its a very difficult problem. We are in a media environment now that is very fractured, one in which people can go out and find exactly the news that suits their tastes, and often that news is steeped in conspiracy theories and paranoia. And its very difficult to reach those people. You know, theyre not tuning in tonight to find out what the facts are about this case. Theyre, you know, on facebook. Theyre on twitter. Theyre listening to the people that they were inclined to believe already. Theyre listening to the president. Youre not going to ever convince these people. All that you can do is decide that this weekend and next weekend instead of playing golf or going to the gym, you start ringing door bells. Elections have consequences. What weve found from all this is that words have consequences, as they always have. You know, enemy of the people, that was used by the stalinists, by paul pott, by moise donge. It was a democrat, pat cadell who brought it to this country. These things matter. These people are radicalized by fundamentalists online and radicalized by donald trump targeting people. Whats really bugging me tonight is this what aboutism. When trump started talking about Steve Scalise Bernie Sanders never told anybody to right. This is a critical point, ali. Bernie sanders and nancy pelosi did not get up and put Steve Scalise with a target on him, and they didnt say its okay to body slam Steve Scalise. Nobody ever said that. So this idea that both sides do it, which is something that people who are not conspiracy theorists, just regular trump apologists are engaging in this what aboutism, this both siderism, thats all bull. This is being done by one side in this country. Jonathan alter, matt gertz, thanks to both of you for coming in on a friday night. Coming up, former president barack obama was out on the campaign trail tonight. And he had a few things to get off his chest about President Trump and republicans. You dont want to miss this. Thats next. Enough,t wasnt bad now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . Youd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. 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Were continuing to monitor the Ongoing Investigation into the attempted bombing of several high profile democratic figures. Today as the suspect in those bombings was taken into custody, two of his targets took to the campaign trail to rally voters ahead of the midterm elections. Barack obama held rallies in wisconsin and michigan today. Joe biden held a rally in new york. During his remarks, the former Vice President directly addressed the bombing attempts. I hope that this craziness going on about these pipe bombs, i hope that our leaders are going to work to lower the temperature in our public dialogue. And i faith the vast majority will do that. Because, folks, were a lot better than this. Obama didnt mention the bombing but stayed focused on the upcoming elections. Specifically, he narrowed in on recent attempts by republican officials to try to rewrite history about his signature policy achievement, the Affordable Care act. The law made it illegal for the first time for insurers to discriminate against you if youve got a preexisting condition. We put an end to that. Democrats made that happen. Not a single republican, not one joined us. Not one. Repeat that. Not one. Not one since that time they have spent the last eight years obsessed with trying to undermine, sabotage, repeal that law that makes sure youre not discriminated against because of preexisting conditions. Theyve done everything they could. They took over 60 votes in congress to get rid of it. Now that its election season, these same republicans are running millions of dollars worth of ads around the country saying were going to protect preexisting conditions. Your governors been running one of those ads while his administration is literally suing the government to take away preexisting conditions protections. That is some kind of gall. That is some kind of hootspa, but lets also call it what it is. It is a lie. Call it what it is, a lie. That line became something of a theme throughout the former president s speeches today. In two separate speeches he repeatedly called all of the ways that the Republican Party has embraced the era of blatant mendacity ushered in by the current president. What we have not seen before in our public life is politicians just blatantly repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying. Just making stuff up. The president said he passed a middle class tax cut before the next election. Congress isnt even in session. He just makes it up. In both of his speeches the president stayed focused on the upcoming midterm elections and warned voters to be leery of lastminute scare tactics ahead of them. In the 2010 midterms, it was government bureaucrats are going to kill your grandma. Remember, death panels. Just made it up, but that was a thing. 2014, ebola is going to kill all of us. Remember that . In the last election it was hillarys emails. This is terrible. Hillarys emails, we were hearing emails everywhere. This is a National Security crisis. They didnt care about emails. And you know how you know because if they did theyd be up in arms right now that the chinese are listening to the president s iphone that he leaves in his golf cart. It turns out it wasnt i guess it wasnt that important. Two years into the Trump Presidency Many Americans including many of us in the media have become numb to this reality of this current political moment. And theres something powerful about a former president reminding us all that this is not normal. This is not it wasnt always like this. It doesnt always have to be like this. The question is will that message be enough to break through to voters over the next 11 days . John nichols and Karine Jeanpierre will try to help me answer that question after this. Answer that question after this. No matter when you retire, your income doesnt have to. 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He is the most popular living president that we have. There was a detroit resident that i read today online that said president obama still is president until he gets a new one. And i think that says it all. So what president obama and joe biden are doing are the Closing Arguments. The Closing Arguments of less than two weeks as to why people should go out. Lets not forget we actually have data that shows us for the past year the enthusiasm has been there on the Democratic Party in offyear elections and also in special elections. So now we have to do it. Its all about the ground game. And i think president obama is the best person out there to make that argument. And he said in his speech, hes saying, look, we cant let history pass us by. We cant sit back, and we are a country of movements. Whether its the lgbtq movement, the civil rights movement, the womens rights movement, we have to take action. And i think that is indeed resonating. You see thousands of people lining up waiting to hear from him, and well see. But i really do think he is the best messenger and can really lay out the stark contrasts between him, the republicans and also donald trump. Well, john nichols, hes got a lot of stuff to work with, whether its the takx bill or these remarkable ads that republicans are running about how they are going to protect preexisting conditions after spending eight years trying to get rid of it, being involved in actual lawsuits right now. Heres some of the Closing Argument that president obama made. While they are distracting you with this fear mongering, theyre robbing you blind. Theyre handing out the tax cuts to their billionaire friends. Look, look, over there. Look, theres the boogeyman over there. Theyll take away your health care. Look, look, some folks are marching, coming its like a con, you know, where the doortodoor salesman tries to sell you a Security System while his buddies in the back are sneaking in and taking your stuff. John, what do you think . Do you think the argument is going to sort of permeate the environment so people understand what they have to do . It has the potential to do that. If this is the only set of speeches that the former president delivers it wont be enough. Because we live in a chaotic moment where something that happened two days ago is quickly lost. But if he takes this on the road and keeps coming back to it, and frankly building on it, it has tremendous potential. This was a roll your sleeves up speech. Its notable that in milwaukee the president appeared without his coat. He went to that microphone obviously with intention. And think about the drama of the moment. This is a man who was the subject of an assassination attempt this week. And i think people were expecting him perhaps to be a bit shaken or at least, you know, having some sort of overlay on him. That was not the case. This was a confident, very impassioned figure speaking about the times in which we live. I would compare it to the speeches that you heard a very long time ago from harry truman where you had a combination of some anger, some humor. But also remember that truman hit the trail after he was president , in a way different than what weve seen in recent generations. And he went out there to defend the new deal and the fair deal and to say we cannot let these things go. My sense is that is what barack obama was doing today. If he continues to do it, i think he has the potential to break through the fake news and the fake politics of our time and really have a transformational role in this election. Talk to me about motivation in this election, about enthusiasm. We talked about democratic enthusiasm being very strong, the gap closing particularly after the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. But at this point President Trump is out there rallying people about this whats it called, the hordes of immigrants coming to the southern border. He la meanted the fact the focus is off of that. In fact, Many Republican politicians have lamented the focus is off of that because of this bomb scare. At the same time president obama is trying to resonate with folks trying to say this isnt a president ial election, but this could be your last chance to fight for things that really matter. Let me just play some more of what he said in milwaukee today. We dont need more mealymouthed elected officials that claim theyre disappointed by this behavior but then dont do anything about it and just go along with it. We need leaders who will actually stand up for whats right regardless of party. Leaders who will fight for you and whats best in the american spirit, patriots who will stand up for anyone whose fundamental rights are at stake. What do you think . Do you think that that the right people are going to hear this message . So what president obama is doing is hes laying out whats at stake and hes being very clear. He actually says that in his piece, everything is on the line, and this is the most important election of our lifetimes. And hes saying im not being hyperbolic about it, im being very, very serious because thats a hard thing to convince people with a midterm election. And you said something as well. You said there are a lot of things that hes hes popular, obamacare is popular. As a matter of fact, there are so many things more popular than donald trump. The me too movement is popular than donald trump. The Democratic Party is more popular than donald trump. The only thing less popular than donald trump is the Republican Party. So there are issues out there that president obama is really making a contrast to what republicans are doing. And also one more thing is the Voter Registration went up this year and early voting went up this year. We dont know yet which side is winning that battle, but normally thats good for democrats. Karine, always a pleasure to see you. Thanks very much to both of you. Coming up, the Trump Administration has extended another invitation to Vladimir Putin to come to the United States but this comes one week after the Justice Department charged a russian for interfering in the 2018 election. 2018 election if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. Man toms my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house. Tom its a 10 cover . Oh, okay. Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine tom pritchard. How we doin . Hi, there. Tom pritchard. Can we get a round of jalapeno poppers for me and the boys, please . 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We have invited president putin to washington after the first of the year for basically a full day of consultation. What the scheduling of that is we dont quite know yet. Russian president Vladimir Putin once again has an invitation to washington. There are actually two trump putin meetings in the work. John bolton said earlier this week theyre planning to meet in paris in november. Donald trump wanted to invite putin to the United States earlier this year. He had to scrap that idea after his widely criticized performance in helsinki. In just the last week, the Justice Department has charged a russian with meddling in the 2018 election and top u. S. Officials warned of ongoing election interference by russia. So why offer to meet putin again now . Former u. S. Ambassador to russia Michael Mcfall is going to help me figure that out next. Is goi me figure that out next. Winner thats a win. But its not the only reason i switched. Hi geico has licensed agents who i can reach 24 7. 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We had a great meeting with Vladimir Putin and every time i see, oh, donald trump had a bad i had a great meeting. Great. And they play it up as negative as they can. It is a great meeting. Actually, that meeting was widely seen as a disaster, even by republicans. Now donald trump wants to meet putin in washington. Joining us now former u. S. Ambassador to russia and msnbc National Security analyst, mike mcfalul. It was strange the degree to which donald trump seemed to be pandering to Vladimir Putin and making excuses for him. It struck many of us as strange that Vladimir Putin was invited to visit the United States, the director of National Security was caught offguard in an interview with Andrea Mitchell when she first learned about it in her ear piece. What is going on here . I have no idea. Lets just be honest. Nobodys done diplomacy the way President Trump does it. Usually you set summits as action forcing events to get the governments to agree to something. Thats most certainly the way we did it in the obama administration. Thats the way the Bush Administration did it before, but as we saw in helsinki, there was no agenda. There was no outcome. Theres no what we used to call deliverables in the government. Thats the question. The only deliverable was that they wanted to hand me and a bunch of other americans, republicans and democrats over to putin for interrogation, and now theyre just doing it again. Thats the question. I really dont understand the logic. Agenda. You have to deal with autocrats if youre the president of the United States. You have to engage, but you need to do it to advance American National interests. I dont understand how were going to do that with this summit. Yet more perplexing is the fact that the president has the one thing hes said thats been critical of russia is that theyre not abiding by some of our Nuclear Treaties with us, and hes willing to pull out of that. Were not clear what agenda, outcome, objectives, what they are. It would make sense to have two invitations to Vladimir Putin or one to meet him in paris and one to meet him in washington if there was something we were actually working on. Part of the criticism of President Trump is he doesnt seem to be doing that. Thats right, theres no outcomes that are for us, right . The russians violate the inf treaty and we pull out. All this appeasement, all this happy talk has not led to russia leaving ukraine or stopped to interfere in our elections as you pointed out in your last segment. Even smaller things like lifting the ban on adoptions for americans, thats a very concrete thing that Vladimir Putin could do tomorrow if he wanted to do something to advance u. S. russian interests. In fact, hes never done it, and our president just keeps trying to appease him, to placate him. Its not smart diplomacy. I got 30 seconds left. If you were to back into this now that there are either one or two potential meetings between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, what would the agenda be . What should the one or two goals be . One to push back. You know, you dont have to just appease putin when you meet with him. Speak strongly about the things that you disagree. Other president s used to do that during summits, and two, if it were me, i would say extend the start treaty. I worry this administration is going to pull out of that. I think it would be in russia, and americas nationals interests to extend the new treaty. I hope that would be on the agenda. Good to see you as all. Former ambassador michael mcfaul. Msnbc headliners offers an indepth look at Vladimir Putin sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc. Thats tonights last word. Im ali velshi. The breaking news tonight, hes been caught, the feds got their man arresting a suspect for sending over a dozen bombs to prominent americans including two of our former president s. And this is the van he drove rolling propaganda, protrump, anticnn targets superimposed over clinton and obama and Michael Moore and others in the cross hairs. The fbi director making it clear nothing about this was a hoax. The president tonight praises Law Enforcement right before blasting the media as his rally crowd jeered cnn and booed at the mention of two of the democrats who were targets of the bombs. Steve schmidt is here with us tonight to talk about what were witnessing and where this

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