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Analysis and discussion of the days top stories and compelling issues from Lawrence ODonnell. On the other hand, you know, while that seems like a petty thing and an inargable thing, that might really get under the skin of the president when it comes to somebody who has become his most important ally on capitol hill. One of the things they did on that Impeachment Discussion is they lied to their contributors with this notion that it is Senate Procedure to immediately take up a bill of impeachment from the House Of Representatives and the senate can do no other business. The House Of Representatives sent over the impeachment of a federal judge in 1988 in august. The senate didnt take up the trial until 14 months later. And even then they did it parttime, a couple of hours a day here and there. It doesnt in any way clog up the senate on the confirmation of brett kavanaugh. So my reading of that was then just lying to their enthuiasts tonight. But we have had no response thus far. Its always amazing what they say in private. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you, rachel. Well be talking more about this and about the legal implications of the recordings that rachel just revealed in this last hour. Rachel didnt get a chance to get into a discussion of those legal implications. Jill winebanks will guide us through that. But today is the 44th anniversary of white house corruption. On this historic anniversary, there is an intense competition in washington tonight for the title of most corrupt person in government because the president of the United States is on that list of possibly the most corrupt person in government once again as the president was 44 years ago, it is hard for the other people on the list to get the attention they deserve. And it may be that the nonpresident ial corruption in 100 . I would be glad to tell him exactly what i just told you, jim. 100 . That was a year ago. And now the chances of the president submitting to an interview with Robert Mueller is almost officially publically zero percent. Although the president s lawyers continue to play the public game that they are negotiating the terms of an interview with the special prosecutor. A central element of that game has been the Trump Lawyers repeated insistence that President Trump really does want to do the interview with Robert Mueller and its just the lawyers who are reluctant. This game is usually played out in trump Team Interviews with the New York Times where the trump spin is usually accepted as true. Todays report on this game by the New York Times carries the latest version of the trump teams spin in a paragraph that has appeared repeatedly in the New York Times reporting on this game for the last year. The president s lawyers are concerned that if he is interviewed, mr. Trump could perjure himself. That concern is in part driving the ongoing negotiations. They had been prepared last week to tell mr. Mueller that mr. Trump would decline an interview. But the president , who believes he can convince mr. Mueller that he is innocent, pushed his lawyers to continue negotiating. Whenever you read that perhaps in the New York Times and elsewhere, you might want to rewrite the last line in your head to Something Like this possible alternative. But the president , who knows he can never convince mr. Mueller that he is innocent, pushed his lawyers to continue negotiating in order to delay the Mueller Investigation so that the president can then publically complain that the Mueller Investigation is still going on. That complaint is, of course, not limited to the president. The president s lawyers, who are actually delaying the investigation by proposing restrictions on a president ial interview they know the special prosecutor cannot accept, are also publically complaining that the special prosecutor has not yet finished his work. The president s lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the New York Times today we are restating what we have said for months. It is time for the Special Counsel to conclude without further delay. This is from one of the men who is causing the delay that hes complaining about there. So now what will Robert Mueller do . Subpoena the president . Todays New York Times report offers some insight into that question. In a meeting with mr. Trumps lawyers this year, mr. Mueller threatened to take the extraordinary step of subpoenaing the president to testify before a grand jury if he did not sit for a voluntarily interview. Now, that was reported months ago. But we still do not know if any of that is true because the sources of the Robert Mueller threat to subpoena the president were the Trump Lawyers, not Robert Mueller or anyone on Robert Muellers staff. The times turned to sources who worked with Robert Mueller in the past to try to get a sense of what Robert Mueller might do. Quote, Law Enforcement officials who have worked with mr. Mueller a long time federal prosecutor and the head of the fbi believe that he will try to use every tool he has to get the president to answer questions and that he will probably subpoena him to testify if he does not agree to be questioned voluntarily. Okay. Thats one possibility. And Trump Lawyers offered the New York Times another very credible possibility this time, saying some of mr. Trumps lawyers believe that mr. Mueller will not subpoena their client out of fear of losing a court fight that could undermine the by his successor, president ford, before we could return an indictment. And so he never got indicted. And, jill, so to where Robert Mueller stands tonight, there is a risk in subpoenaing the president and that is the president will challenge the subpoena. And there is possibility the risk that the president could win in his challenge of that subpoena. I think the chance of his winning that are very, very small. I think that the decision which was 80 in the nixon case really says that the president is not above the law. A president had to comply with a subpoena for documents. It is different when it is a subpoena for his own testimony. But i believe that the concept of the opinion says for sure that mueller would win that argument and the president would lose it. I would say, however, that he may not need his testimony and he may not want his testimony. We are only hearing from the president s lawyers. We dont know whats in muellers mind at all. If the president is, indeed, a target, even if it is only a target of a report rather than an indictment, then maybe he doesnt want to call him in because he would have to take the fifth amendment and that would be something that he might not want to have happen. So it may be that the reason hes not pursuing this is that he doesnt really care. He doesnt need the testimony. The evidence has been in plain sight. I dont think you have to ask him what his intent is. The president has expressed his intent over and over and over again enough times that we dont have to ask him anymore. He said it to lester holt a year ago. Now he has said it again in tweets. So we know what hes thinking. We know why he wanted to stop the investigation. He wanted to get rid of the russia thing. And thats why he fired comey. I think as jill was suggesting, it may be that bob mueller has now begun to view the president as a target of the investigation. And because the Department Of Justice has a policy that they dont allow prosecutors to subpoena targets of the grand juries investigation because of the might against selfincrimination. There is an exception to that, but it is a rarely used exception, i think that may mean we never hear from the president , not in a voluntary interview, not under subpoena before a grand jury and then bob mueller moves on to the next phase of his work and that may be returning indictments. It may be authoring a report that gets released to congress. It may be a combination of the two. It may be that bob mueller decides to return a Conspiracy Indictment Naming Everybody but the president and just putting everything hes learned about the president s misdeeds into a report to congress and let congress handle it as a political issue and then again it may be as i know mrs. Winebanks can tell us, that he will choose to name the president as an unindicted coconspirator in a large conspiracy indictment. I worked for bob mueller directly at the u. S. S Attorneys Office for the district of columbia, but i will not pretend to be able to look into his head and predict now hes doing. I can promise everything that he will be governed by the rule of law and he will announce his findings accordingly. Were going to listen to something that Rudy Giuliani said on fox news tonight. It is quite shocking. A former Justice Department official himself lying to fox news viewers about Justice Department policy and saying that this investigation must be over by september, according to Justice Department policy. Lets listen to this. I think if it isnt over by september, then we have a very, very serious violation of the Justice Department rules. That you shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations in the 60day period. Glen, your reaction to that . I was a federal prosecutor for 30 years. I have never heard of such a policy. I think so much of what we heard weve heard from mr. Giuliani over the past year or so is selfcontradictory. Hes playing to not a court of law but a court of public opinion. He really is just trying to Poison The Well of the American People in the hoping that that may somehow work to the political advantage of the president down the road if this matter gets taken up in impeachment hearings. I want to share one more thing because i think it proves what has been my case, that the negotiations are literally just a game. Shawn hannity asked him why would you even bother with a counter proposal. Lets watch this. Why would you even more a counter proposal. When it is over with, ill explain it to you. Im not getting anything out of you tonight. Good to see you, mr. Mayor. Thank you. Jill, it certainly sounds like a game to me. They have been playing this for public relations. I agree with you that they probably never intended. And probably the most shocking thing that Rudy Giuliani said is that the president could perjure himself if he went in. The president could perjure himself only if he plans to lie and or if he plans to cover up further what he knows he did. So it isnt a perjury trap unless the witness wants to lie about something. And its shocking that we are at a State Of Affairs where the president of the United States lawyer is saying that he could commit perjury. Yeah. The president s lawyers public negotiating position is the president is so guilty of something that he will lie about it and commit perjury if he is interviewed by the mueller team. Thats their public position. Were going to have to take a break here. Glen, thank you for helping us. And jill will be back with us when we come back because we will get jills legal reaction to those secret Audio Recordings of deven nunez. Rachel played these in the last hour, but rachel didnt get a chance to do a legal analysis of these recordings yet in her hour. We will do that next. Salads should look like this. Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. 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That is something that every trump supporter i have ever spoken to in private admits to, cringing at some of the president s tweets. Devin nunes did admit that it is criminal to conclude with a foreign country or foreign nationals in an american campaign, but he seemed to identify a very narrow definition of criminal conduct. Now, if somebody thinks that my campaign or cathys campaign is colluding with the chinese, you name the country, hey, could happen, it would be a very bad thing if she was getting secrets from the portuguese. Lets say, just because im portuguese, my family was. If thats the case, then thats criminal. Somebody stole the emails, gave them to cathy, cathy released them. If thats the case, then thats criminal. What if someone stole the emails, did not give them to cathy, but gave them to someone else to release them to benefit cathy. They lied to their contributors, just lied to them when they said that the reason they were not moving forward quickly with the impeachment of the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein in the House Of Representatives is that the senate would then have to immediately take up that Impeachment Trial after the house voted to impeach Rod Rosenstein and the senate trial of Rod Rosenstein would prevent the senate from confirming the president s choice for the supreme court, brett kavanaugh. That is an outright absolute lie. This senate would be under in timing obligation to take up a bill of impeachment sent over to the senate for trial. The House Of Representatives will never vote on impeaching Rod Rosenstein and the senate will never have an Impeachment Trial of Rod Rosenstein. But at republican fundraisers, republicans will probably continue to lie to their contributors who are hoping for an impeachment of Rod Rosenstein. Joining our discussion now, jenner. I wanted to get your legal reading of the way devin nunes described what we considered criminal collusion if foreign power were to steal some emails and gave them directly to a campaign and the campaign were then to directly publicize those emails for the campaigns benefit, that would be collusion. That seems like a very narrow definition. It is a narrow definition. And i also want to say we arent using the word collusion anymore. I started a saythisnotthat. We will be calling it criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States or criminal conspiracy to violate the Election Laws because thats what it is. It is a much broader legal problem for the republicans than devin nunes described. What he said is true, that is criminal. It would be criminal. But its also criminal if you accept anything of value from a foreign individual or a foreign government. Especially when it happens to be an enemy of our country, not a friend or ally. But you cannot accept anything even from our closest allies if it is a foreign person. So once you have his description was of a portuguese giving something to the candidate. It doesnt matter what country it is. You cant take it. Anything of value is barred by our Election Laws. And, so, there is a much broader thing. And it Doesnt Matter Whether you public it or you knowingly allow someone to publish it or whether you just send an email that says i love it, especially later in the summer and then wikileaks publishes it later in the summer. Jennifer, the notion that the senate has to immediately take up a bill of impeachment, the last time we saw an impeachment of this level was of a federal judge. 1988 in august the house voted to impeach a federal judge. The senate did not begin the trial until 14 months later in 1989. And then they did it parttime, a couple hours here, a couple hours there. Senate business was never interrupted by that impeachment. It is like all these republicans went to the same bad law school and they never picked up the constitution and they know nothing about their laws because what they say is essentially nonsense. Jill is right. First of all, thats entirely wrong. This Ideal Conspiracy is a broader issue. What is illegal is to also solicit something of value, which is arguably what donald trump jr. Was doing when he said, i love it. Really, all of their legal bees wax is nonsense. I think it is a big political embarrassment once again for paul ryan, who has left an unserious irresponsible person in devin nunes in a very important job as head of the house intelligence committee. And now we have Cathy Mcmorris rodgers, the number four person, who is sitting there like a lump in the log as this guy goes on waxing about his primary job is to protect the president , not to do his job. These people look like stooges. They look like they have indulged a character like devin nunes and they havent done their job. If there isnt a better reason to get rid of paul ryans party because of this. It is always about the party, always about protecting the president , never about doing their constitutional obligation. My takeaway is primarily political, that these people really are ir ree deemable. Well, that is exactly what they seem to be saying. I want to play one more part of this. It sounds to me he says you have got to elect republicans or we will have an impeachment of the president. Lets listen to this. So therein lies, so its like your classic catch22 situation where we were at a this puts us in such a tough spot. If sessions wont unrekus and mueller wont clear the president , were the only ones. Which is really the danger. Thats why i keep and thank you for saying that, by the way, we have to keep all these. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away. Jill, that sounded to me like if we dont keep the majority, the president gets impeached. Well, it sounds to me like we dont keep the majority, the truth will come out and we will know whats happening. And thats what hes worried about. And what i think americans should want to happen. We want to know the truth and we see the truth. It is right in front of our eyes. So when are republicans going to realize what when they give reaches in fundraisers, they are being recorded and they are making mistakes. I think tonight. I think tonight is when they will realize that. We will have to take a break in here. I think the republicans might just figure that out. When we come back, we will be coming back to the trump swamp. The president s first congressional supporter gets arrested today and his Secretary Of Commerce is accused by a Business Magazine of being one of the greatest grifters in american history. ford chime its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. You ready for this, junior . Yeah, i think i can handle it. No pressure. 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The way donald trump promised to do that was to put a rich guy in charge in the white house who could not be bribed and then he would hire other rich guys who would not be bribed. I love all people, rich or poor. But in those particular positions, i just dont want a poor person. Does that make sense . Does that make sense . And, so, donald trump hired the richest Secretary Of Commerce in history, who Forbes Magazine is now calling among the biggest grifters in american history. And Chris Collins was arrested and charged with insider training and lying to the fbi. He pleaded not guilty today in Federal Court in manhattan. Prosecutors allege that the congressman shared inside information with his son about a Bio Tech Company in which they were both heavily invested. Congressman collins son and his sons wife and Family Members immediately sold off their stock, avoiding 750,000 in losses when the stock lost 90 of its value as soon as the inside information, which was bad news for the company, became Public Information a few days later. Congressman collins actually made phone calls to his son to pass along the inside information while he was at a white house congressional pinic last year. There is video of him making those phone calls. Ron widen said the collins indictment represents everything trump and his allies have stood for since taking office. Insiders getting special deals while americans are left in the dust. Forbes has uncovered a pattern about the trump Secretary Of Commerce wilbur ross. Forbes uncovered a pattern. Many of those who worked directly with him claim that ross wrongly siphoned or stole at least, if you consider them individually, but all tolled, these allegations would spark lawsuits, reimbursements and sec fine come to more than 120 million. Dan alexander, the author of that report in Forbes Magazine joins us next, along with trump bio grapher, jim obrian. Chris collins refused to take questions tonight when he made a Brief Statement to the press. Did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. It intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. Manolo . Look at my soft hair. I should be in the shot now too. Try head and shoulders two in one. Sharper vision, without limits. Days that go from sun up to sun down. A whole world in all its beauty. Three Innovative Technologies for our ultimate in vision, clarity, and protection. Together in a single lens. Essilor ultimate lens package. 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And Dan Alexander, i want to start with you and your extraordinary reporting on wilbur ross. Being familiar with his business and his Business History, i have been waiting since he was nominated to be the Secretary Of Commerce for the dam to break on the multiple very swampy involvements and Business History of wilbur ross. You seem to have done it with these interviews and the pattern of business he engaged in before becoming secretary and what hes done since becoming secretary. Yeah. You know, there is a lot of rich guys who get sued for various things, but not like this. Not by so many former partners, by so many investors to have such consistent allegations and to have it all add up to such a significant amount of money. I mean, 123 million is a huge sum for anyone, including wilbur ross. And, dan, just take us through what he was supposed to do in terms of what he said he would do with his finances when becoming Commerce Secretary and what he actually didnt do. Sure. So like all public officials, he made agreements before he took office that he would divest the majority of his holdings and in november of last year he certified that he, in fact, had done that on a sworn statement when, in fact, he had not done that. Instead, he owned more than 10 million of stock that he didnt sell until a month and a half after that and he told stock in an air Leasing Company that he held on to for more than a year after he was supposed to and he had shorted a company that he said that he thought that he had an interest in, so he was taking a short to cancel out that interest. But he didnt have an interest in it so the short wasnt necessary. All of this stuff he said was the result of simple mistakes. But it is hard to believe that one of the most sophisticated investors in the country would make so many significant mistakes at so many companies. How could this have gone wrong for donald trump . He told his audience you dont want poor people doing this work. You want rich guys in congress who cant be corrupted like Chris Collins and wilber ross. We learned that trump did not drain the swamp. He just filled it with bigger alligators. And dans Great Reporting has really exposed just around the fact pattern everything thats untoward about rosss holdings while hes servings a the Commerce Secretary. There has been a lot of great reporting in addition to dans around this. The list is almost so long it would be impossible to get through it in this program. In addition to the stuff that dan has already pointed out, ross was negotiating Trade Agreements with china during a time when he owned a company that was exporting natural gas to china. He had another, a Shipping Company that was doing business in china was and partially owned by the Chinese Government while hes over seeing trade policy with china. He has another company that hes exporting steel from south korea at the same time that the Trump Administration is imposing steel tariffs on some of our competitors, but giving south korea an exception. All of this stuff just smells. It is amazing it has taken this long to come to a head. How long have you been working on the ross story . Well, there have been many ross stories. But i first started covering him about a year ago when we were looking to see how much money he was worth. That was when we uncovered that although he had been claiming to us for years that he had billions of dollars, he, in fact, did not. Once you figured that out, then all this other stuff startled unrivaling. One investor told me once you figure out the guy is essentially a fraud you figure out that anything he says really isnt quite correct. Tim, quickly take us inside the head of donald trump tonight. Hes watching Chris Collins charged with these crimes, along with his son. Does he see the possible mirror of donald trump and donald trump jr. Because Chris Collins son might be faced with the choice of do i testify against my father in order to stay out of prison . Thats just a great observation, lawrence. I have to believe that some of that resonates with trump. A lot of his behavior lately, lashing out on twitter and against Law Enforcement officials is because he cant control an investigation in its entirety thats also starting to target his son and may eventual Ly Insnare His soninlaw and daughterinlaw. The other interesting thing in all of this is wilber rosss behavior is very similar to trumps, inflating their wealth, treating Business Partners poorly. Trump probably looks in the mirror and sees ross. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for your Great Reporting. Thanks for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. When we come back, Michael Cohen is in much worse trouble than we already thought Michael Cohen was in. Come away with me barnabas but i am a simple farmer. My life is here. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. I mean the tv lawyers who only go on tv to talk about the cases and never actually do any real legal work for their clients. Donald trumps tv lawyer is of course Rudy Giuliani whose only task is defending donald trump on tv. If President Trump goes into court to fight a Subpoena Issue by Robert Mueller, it wont be Rudy Giuliani arguing the case. It will be a real lawyer who knows how to handle real courtroom situations, which Rudy Giuliani has not done in decades. Same thing with lanny davis, who is Michael Cohens tv lawyer, whose job is simply to go on tv and try and defend Michael Cohen and speak to reporters on and off the record, trying to defend Michael Cohen. If Michael Cohen finds himself charged with federal crimes, it wont be Lanny Davis Standing beside him in real Legal Proceedings in a real legal courtroom that will be guy petrillo, a real Legal Defense lawyer hired months ago. So when lanny davis, the guy Michael Cohen hired just to talk to the press says no comment, thats lanny davis way of saying wow, this case just got a lot worse for us. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that federal prosecutors in New York City are investigating Michael Cohen for possible tax fraud. Sources told the Wall Street Journal that Michael Cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash from his Taxi Business in new york, cash that was paid to him by another taxi operator evgeny freidman. The very bad news for Michael Cohen is that mr. Freedman has already plead guilty to criminal tax fraud in a case brought by the new york state attorney. Mr. Friedman is report it will cooperating with investigators. For smalltime tax evaders out there, it is very bad news when you find out that your accountant has been subpoenaed to testify to a grand jury by federal prosecutors. The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Michael Cohens accountant, Jeffrey Getzel has been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors. A report by cnn. Com says Jeff My Getzel was subpoenaed by federal prosecutors before the raid by the fbi on Michael Cohens office, hotel room, and home in april. These reports also indicated that Michael Cohen is being investigated for bank fraud, including lying about his assets when applying for loans. Now the penalties for tax evasion and bank fraud are much, much more severe than possible penalties for violation of Campaign Finance law that investigators were already considering in relation to Michael Cohens arrangements to pay women for their silence about their relationships with donald trump during the president ial campaign. We will be right back with a last word on the troubles Michael Cohen has now. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even vengeful vermin. Not so cute when theyre angry. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum its a hightech sleep revolution. The sleep number 360 smart bed intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. So you wake up ready to run the world. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitionsâ„¢ light under controlâ„¢ in some kind of legal trouble. Really, if youre not being indicted or havent been indicted or arent considering a plea deal, youre really the odd man out. But Michael Cohen we knew was in some trouble. Now we know he is in a heap of trouble. Whats significant, he is also in trouble from state authorities. And as we know, he cannot be pardoned by the president of the United States for state crimes. So i think the time that he is going to have to start cooperating feverishly with the prosecutors is coming closer and closer. And of course Michael Cohen knew what weve been learning about the investigation. He knew that long before we did. And so we now have to look back at his behavior, with the knowledge that he had, that he was being investigated for bank fraud and for tax fraud. Correct. And the fact that he was apparently shut out of the president s inner circle, feeling abused and left alone to sort of flounder on his own, it also puts in context that raid on his office, his home, and his hotel. The president was carrying on about how this was unprecedented. There was no reason for it. My gosh, given all the possible avenues of conviction here, you can sort of understand why they were looking for evidence anywhere they could find it. They had an awful lot of reasons for it. Jennifer rubin gets tonights last word. Thank you, jennifer. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts right now. About the threat russia poses to the november elections at the state level. And he was the first ever member of congress to support donald trump. Today he was arrested and

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