Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20180111

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Prime minister of norm may appeared unfazed. So norm may there should be a norm may, though. When you think of the country names in the world, its nambia, smeden. Whats wrong with norm may . Norm macdonald should be the Prime Minister of norm may or something such. Cheers thank you, rachel. Thank you, lawrence. Well, the president seemed to move us one step closer to a constitutional crisis today simply by saying well see what happens. Well see what happens is an okay answer to some questions. But it is a very, very bad answer to other questions. Are you here to rob this bank . Well see what happens. That is not a good answer. And it is a terrible answer to questions like this question. Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of 100 . See . Thats the right answer. Thats the right answer. The president of the United States is willing to submit to appropriate legal process. The president gave that answer seven months ago. Today, the president was asked exactly the same question and he said this. Well see what happens. I mean, certainly ill see what happens. But when they have no collusion and nobodys found any collusion at any level it seems unlikely that youd even have an interview. That answer sent washington political and legal analysts into overdrive today trying to figure out what that meant. Would the president refuse to cooperate with the special prosecutor . Would he even refuse to respond to a subpoena . And what would happen if the president defied a special prosecutors subpoena . Well consider all of those questions. But first, lets consider whats the difference . Whats the difference between now and seven months ago . Seven months ago the special prosecutor was quietly working in secret and publicly revealing none of the results of his investigation. Seven months ago the special prosecutor had brought no indictments and had no convictions, no guilty pleas. Since then, the special prosecutor has a guilty plea from george pap dap louse, the aide that purportedly sparked an investigation in the campaign telling the australian ambassador to the United Kingdom that russia had emails of Hillary Clinton and the special prosecutor has a guilty plea from the Trump Campaigns top Foreign Policy adviser, former general Michael Flynn, who became president Trumps National security adviser in the white house for 24 days before he was forced to resign because of a fbi investigation of him that was under way long before there was a special prosecutor. Special prosecutor took over that investigation of Michael Flynn and within a few months obtained a guilty plea from flynn who along with papadopoulos is working as a fully engaged witness for the special prosecutor telling the special prosecutor everything that he knows. As is pop pap dos louse and everything about donald trump and donald trump knows theyre doing that now. Donald trump also knows that his former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort could turn on him at any moment and reach a plea agreement with the special prosecutor on his indictments for Money Laundering and other crimes. As can Paul Manaforts partner who also joined the Trump Campaign and is also facing the same kind of indictments Paul Manafort is now facing from the special prosecutor. So whats changed in seven months . Donald trump knows tonight that the special prosecutor already has at least two fully cooperating witnesses revealing everything that they know about donald trump and might soon have two more. Donald trump knows that the special prosecutors investigations getting even closer to his soninlaw Jared Kushner who faces the possibility of being indicted for lying about his contacts with russians and other foreign nationals. In other words, the noose is tightening around the Trump White House and the trump family. And the president knows by now that all of his lawyers public claims that the special prosecutors work winding down is pure fiction and that the special prosecutor is still adding to his staff of legal experts pursuing this investigation. The most notable new member of the team is ryan k. Dickey, a federal prosecutor of the justice departments computer crimes section. Ryan dickey participated in the investigation of the famous hacker of gooseipher. Donald trump does not know how to use email. He clearly does not have the experience or the capacity to even begin to imagine what a cyber investigation actually is and what and donald trump might then actually assume that he is safe from ryan dickeys cyber investigation simply because he himself never uses email. But everything that has happened in the special prosecutors investigation, the last seven months has obviously been terrifying for donald trump. How terrifying . 100 guarantee that he would submit to an interview with the special prosecutor has now become well see what happens. Joining us now, jill winebanks, former assistant special prosecutor, ron klain, former chief of staff of biden and gore. A former senior aide to president obama. Hes also a former chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary committee and jennifer reuben, conservative opinion writer at the Washington Post and msnbc contributor. Jill, your interpretation of what you heard the president say today about the cooperation of the special prosecutor. Well, there are three things that i want to say about that. One, its not his choice. If he wants to try to evade what he had already promised he can be subpoenaed so he either cooperates which would be politically the smart thing to do or he gets subpoenaed which would be politically very bad for him. He has to appear. He has to testify. He would not be the first president to do that. We interviewed nixon after he resigned. Clinton had to testify. Ford had to testify. So hes going to have to testify and he may as well do it gracefully instead of making it look even worse for him. Go ahead, jill. Sorry. The second thing which is really important is that its sort of like what led to the saturday night massacre when nixon tried to compromise with us by offering he wouldnt give the tapes. He would let the senator listen to the tapes and tell us what they said which would not have been admissible evidence. We couldnt accept that. That led to the press conference that led to the saturday night massacre. He cant compromise and i dont think mueller is likely to say, okay, you can answer written questions. Thats just not going to happen. Third thing is he is going to be in a big risk because he doesnt know what flynn actually knows, what other cooperating witnesses papadopoulos and maybe others cooperating. John dean said the biggest mistake the white house had during watergate is didnt realize how much he knew and testified fully and that was a very good grounds for us to crossexamine all of the defendants, including the president. So i think those are important things to keep in mind in this. Ron and jill, i want you to put your Heads Together on this if you might and, ron, on the question of federal criminal process here, lets say this comes to a subpoena. Who goes to the white house with what subpoena and i mean quite literally, ron, since you have worked there, how does that person get in to the white house . Because the only way in to the white house is that someone in the white house has to grant you that admission at the white house gate. How does this work . Well, you know, lawrence, well see just how extrappous President Trump gets. Its duty ultimately of the Deputy Attorney general, one of the weekly visits to the white house to deliver it if need be. Im not worried about the subpoena getting there. I think the question is what does President Trump do when it arrives. He has no choice and one right thats left, though. We talked about the briefing of the constitution donald trump got. I hope he got up to the fifth amendment and may be you know, that may be what this comes down to, whether or not we have the incredible spectacle, sitting president of the United States repeatedly asserting his fifth amendment defense to decline to answer bob muellers questions. Thats really the only option in the end donald trump has. I have a funny feeling the fifth amendment is the only one donald trump knew before becoming president. Jill, on this procedural notion, did you have to consider this during the nixon investigation if we have to serve a subpoena how do we actually put the piece of paper in the president s hand . We actually did worry about that. We eventually worked out the subpoena went through his lawyers and they accepted delivery of the subpoena. But then, we worried about if he didnt comply with the subpoena by turning over the documents, how would we get a marshal to enter the white house to seize the documents . That was a serious question. And we never really figured out an answer but luckily public pressure after the saturday night massacre forced the president to agree to give us the tapes. Jennifer reuben, as we sit here tonight discussing this, Richard Nixon seems like such a reasonable man. Compared to and a smart one, yes. Compared to donald trump. Also, you know, Law School Graduate who understood the process and ultimately i think jill would agree recognized that there wasnt going a way this was eventually going to close in and not put the country through this strange exercise of a marshal and thing out on pennsylvania avenue trying to figure out how to get in. But, jennifer, your what was your reaction to what you heard the president say today backing off the 100 guarantee to cooperate . You have to understand that despite all the bluster, despite all the chest pounding and the throwing the dust in the air, donald trump is a coward. Is a physical coward, emotional coward. Hell not have the nerve to stand up and say i wont be questioned by mr. Mueller and then when he does he is going to be putty in his hand because three things. One, he doesnt know what he shouldnt say. He doesnt know and still doesnt accept that obstruction of justice is something that he can commit and can be prosecuted after leaving office over impeached for. He doesnt know what the other people know. Third of all, he doesnt know what the special prosecutors have in terms of documentary evidence about his finances. So it is a minefield. I can imagine his lawyers must be having a nervous break down at the prospect to be testifying under oath. Trump has two choices and two choices only. One, he can do this in an interview or maybe his lawyers get to be present or secondly he can do it in front of a grand jury and his lawyer isnt there. So he could pick poison and have to go there and do his bit. The president issued an angry tweet today about all of these investigations saying its a witch hunt and ending with the line, saying the worlds laughing at us and ending with the line republicans should finally take control. And, ron klain, it was not clear to me whether he meant that republicans should take control of the investigations going on in the committees and the congressional investigations or whether he meant they should take control of also take control of the special prosecutors investigation. Yeah. I think this is king henry, wont someone rid me of this man . Hes looking for someone to shut this down because the water is rising. And lets be clear. The only witch hunt going on here is a question of which members of the trump inner circle committed which crimes because thats the witches were down to. There are convictions. There are indictments. I mean, you know, this is far from anything other than a rounding of the wagons to figure out ultimately who gets charged with what and thats got to be scaring donald trump tonight. Luckily a reporter got a chance to ask the president today what he meant by republicans taking control of the investigation and we have that video right now. Mr. President , how do you thank you very much, everybody. Jill, he meant thank you very much apparently. That was his answer to that question. Thats his answer to a lot of questions and i think he has plenty to be worried about and i think were also getting away from the main purpose of the congressional investigations is, how to protect American Elections from the russians interfering with them and i think that the democratic report today, senator cardin spoke very well about that. Is something that we need to Pay Attention to. What are the steps we should be taking before 2018 so that we have a free and fair election, not subject to foreign intervention . And, jennifer, that is the part that im so glad jill brought it up. Thats the part lost in all of this in all of our coverage because we are pursuing this criminal investigation at the same time. But there is also the issue of how do we protect this countrys election process Going Forward and this is an administration thats doing absolutely nothing about this. Right. Thats really struck me. First of all, the republicans didnt join in the report. Its a superb report. I talked to a number of Foreign Policy specialists. Accurate, makes concrete suggestions. Why in the world republicans would not join on this any other time its unheard of and cant join because donald trump wont admit that russia is a real problem. Are they interested in protecting the country . Doesnt seem like. Going back to the transcript of the fascinating interview before the Judicial Committee by glen r. Simpson, the founder of fusion gps, it is very obvious that the lawyer doing the questioning on behalf of the republicans is interested in no real substantive data. His entire line of questioning nothing to do with the substance of the dossier, socalled dossier, or the level of confidence that fusion gps had in the dossier or anything else in substance. Theyre there for one reason and one reason only and that is to protect the president. And that regard, theyve become complicit in this. Theyve become coenablers, coconspirators in a plot to obstruct justice and going to be people like Lindsey Graham who used to have a spine and i think just pines to be mr. Trumps secretary of state. Who are going to look very bad in the light of history. And, jill, to jennifers point, when you read that transcript as i did yesterday, the first, you know long hour of it at least is all this stuff that is not directly on point to why this witness is there. Once you get to the real issues of why the witness is there, its really just the democratic staff that are asking those questions. Although you cant tell in the reading of that whether its democratic staff or republican staff. The questions all make perfect sense and trying to pursue what was really going on in that investigation but when you step back far it and look at who asked the questions, the republican staff as jennifer points out really did not ask virtually any relevant questions at all. You are both absolutely correct. And it is very much confounding to me that there could have been a criminal referral made by graham and grassley after that testimony. Its clear that he, steele, was a completely credible source, that the fbi wasnt acting fast enough and he was genuinely concerned about the impact on American Election and on american democracy. And if he went to the press it was because he was trying to make sure that americans knew what was going on. And that he believed his information and had credible information. So, its a very concerning how the republicans handled that hearing. And the suppression of the tape, congratulations to senator feinstein for releasing it. We are now going to have to create a new graphic for this show written by ron klain called which hunt. Jill except for my pin. Notice my witch pin. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Jennifer, please stick around. Coming up, senator klobuchar, member of the Senate Judiciary committee, will join us and tell us the response to releasing the transcript yesterday an one of the sources of the fusion gps dossier on President Trump will join us and the president s public schedule is now being dictated by Michael Wolffs book fire and fury inside the Trump White House. The Trump White House is doing everything it possibly can to prove that the book is untrue and what theyre doing is not working. At ally, we created a savings account with a great rate. But if thats not enough, our app helps monitor your spending too. And if thats not enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. Look at this traffic. Dont worry. Ok, if thats not enough well start a trainpool. Oh i have a meeting in five minutes. And if thats still not enough. I got it. Well just create a shortcut. Well do anything, seriously anything to help you save. Ally. Do it right. Talking 4th quarter . Yes. 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Yesterday, the white house decided to show that the president has not lost his mind. Something no other white house staff has ever had to try to prove. And so, the white house staff allowed the first hour of the president s meeting with a Bipartisan Group of congressional leaders in the cabinet room to be televised and that showed the president in action in a policy discussion exactly as he is depicted in Michael Wolffs book. And that is, of course, agreeing with whoever is the last person to speak to him. And yesterday, we saw the president do that. After every democrat spoke and then after every republican spoke. First he agreed with senator Dianne Feinstein. To the Democratic Party idea that they should just legislate a fix for daca kids as fast as possible as a clean bill with nothing else on it. Then when republicans started interrupting and seized back the president s attention, he agreed with them that, of course, we cant do that. And so, it went. Back and forth. The dysfunctional president who understands none of the legislative components or the legislative strategy being discussed. A discussion that he has been forced to participate on tv to prove that he does know what hes doing. It was alarming to anyone who thinks that the president should actually have his own policy position on this or any other issue. No one was more alarmed, more disappointed in the president yesterday than the hardliners on immigration like the banished steve bannon and ann coulter. I think we can call this the lowest day in the trump presidency. I mean, he was clearly trying to overcome the bad press of this Michael Wolff book by showing, oh, hes in command. But in fact, what he did was fulfill every description of him in the Michael Wolff book. He doesnt listen. He has no command of the facts. He agrees with the last person who speaks to him. Joining us now, sam stein, the politics editor of the daily beast and contributor and back with us, jennifer rubin. Sam, i know these words are going to live in infamy for me on google but im forced to say them. Say it. Say it. I agree with ann coulter. I knew you would say that. Yep, yeah. Well let that ling ear little bit. No, dont. Jump in there, sam. It was a remarkable but somewhat predictable moment. Not the ann coulter comment but the trump session. And it was very clear from the getgo that this was not done for any other reason than to counteract the narrative of trump being way out of his league and in total discommand of the policy elements of any policy threw in front of him and what he ended up showing essentially he would sign anything, literally anything that was put in front of him. His position according to him was whatever the people in the room agreed to. And maybe this works with health care and he could get by, maybe this works with tax policy and get by, but immigration was the bedrock principle, the bedrock issue upon which his entire Campaign Based and what drew a lot of this nationalist right to his campaign. It is what he used as a cudyal and seen no principle at all. That it was a posture. And its not just yesterday in this session that we have seen it. His position on the wall which was always symbolic and an important symbol of his immigration policy has been basically upended over the summer own this very day there is no such thing at the wall outlined in the campaign. Theres no coast to coast wall. Mexicos not going to pay for it. Now its very much very much of a conservative mainstream position of what a wall should be, physical barrier along with Border Security in the form of drones and new technologies and its just a remarkable thing to see him come to what would have been a her ittical portion for him in the 2016 campaign. Jennifer, sam says its a symbolic position. I heard him describe it in physical detail. I heard him tell us the days on which it was higher in height. It went up ten feet. If someone in mexico said something that bothered him. And so, were there not a substantial number in your estimation of trump voters out there who believed the president s physical description of this wall from the Pacific Coast to the gulf coast . Lawrence, you are taking him literally. And you should have been taking him figuratively. Metaphorically. You know . It is a wall in the sense that its a divide, a great divide between the two countries. Listen. He never intended i think to do anything or say anything that was going to cost him any of the votes in his base. So if he had to say that the wall was going to be pink and purple with elephants dancing on the top he would have said it. He has no sense of reality. He has no sense of what is possible. He probably doesnt even remember what promises he made and what promises hes reversing. What you have to understand with donald trump is every time he says something you really have to ask three questions of yourself. One, does he have any clue what is going on in the room . Sam is exactly right. He obviously didnt know what was going on in that meeting an he would just yes, yes to anyone who talked to him. Secondly, did he once know what he was talking about and then forget in the guy with the greatest memory appears to not remember what he said the day before. Third is, is he trying to snow and intimidate and insult the american peoples intelligence . Thats possible, too. But i think what we saw here and imagine that this was not about the wall but about north korea or about iran, can you imagine someone trying to make decisions like this . He is trying to make a decision on iran for a deadline on friday. It is frightful and what the critics said and in Michael Wolffs book and now we can go to bed understanding that the president has not a clue what is going on around him. And if you want to deal on daca make sure that Stephen Miller is not the last person to talk to donald trump. The deal on daca, the polls indicate the democrats have tremendous leverage. 83 of americans want to continue daca. 63 of trump voters favor granting d. R. E. A. M. Ers citizenship in a fox news poll. You know, this has been the standard maybe not that high but its polled this way and polled favorably this way for a long time. The only caveat here is there have been issues before that poll overwhelmingly popular that have gone nowhere in congress. Chief among them gun control for instance. That being said, from my own reporting, i can detect actual green shoots of optimism about the possibility of a deal getting done. Now, of course, it all could go to hell. Theres a possibility that the hardliners will get trumps ear at the end but people on the hill genuinely believe they have at least the contours of what an agreement should look like. The question is what is the vehicle for pushing it . Do you attach it to a mustpass government funding bill . Do you wait until the expiration of daca program defined by donald trump although there are protections expiring in realtime. And the question now that im trying to figure out is, what does the Democratic Party feel is the best leverage point . Those are the major questions. Jennifer rubin, thank you. Sam stein, optimism correspondent, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thank you, lawrence. Really appreciate it. Coming up, senator Amy Klobuchar will tell us where the Committee Goes from here now that senator feinstein released the previously secret committee transcript, the fusion gps interview. One of the first sources consulted by fusion gps in its investigation of donald trump when they were assembling that dossier, one of those very first sources will join us. I no wondering, what if . Uncertainties of hep c. I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. 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And even more to my surprise the almost always cantankerous sounding Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, whos usually very easy to anger sounded like he wanted to make peace with senator feinstein. Obviously i was a little disappointed because i had an understanding, i had a time to be released when we both agreed to release it. And i think ive shown my cooperation with the other side by just yesterday agreeing to two interviews that they want of their at their request. And so, i think were going to move forward without any glitch in the way we have been operating. The one republican who was outraged by senator feinstein did is the one who knows absolutely nothing about the rules and procedures and customs of the Senate Judiciary committee. Donald trump wet the tweeted the fact that sneaky Dianne Feinstein who has numerous occasions stated that collusion between trump russia has not been found would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way totally without authorization is a disgrace. Must have tough primary. Joining us, democratic member of the Senate Jewish yeah committee and minnesota senior senator Amy Klobuchar. Senator klobuchar, thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you. Did you have any advance warning . A number of had been talking for days and come out and she had, as well, saying it should be released, that chairman grassley should release it but it wasnt happening. She went ahead and did it. Let me explain the between the tea leaves here why the republicans may be muted on this. Lets remember that first of all chairman grassley wanted glen simpson to testify publicly. Right . So why would he care if its released . Secondly, you have the fact that simpson himself has said he wanted it released. The transcript. And i think thats a pretty big deal because if the witness had said otherwise im sure she would have come to another decision in this case. And the third thing is that theres a right to know. Senator cornyn, number two republican in the senate, also said in addition to the remarks you included today, he said, look, i believe in transparency. And that was key. There were things leaking, things were coming out and being used about that testimony that werent fair and it was important that the American Public got the full story. Senator grassley did say today that he was concerned that Something Like this might inhibit Jared Kushner from cooperating with the committee. Well, i would be more concerned if this was a witness that said i dont want this public and you might have then people not want to come forward and talk behind closed doors. But in this case, you had the situation where a witness actually publicly said i want this out there. Things are coming out that arent true. For instance, the number of things were coming out about that in fact they had asked steele to go to the fbi and that just came out as not true in the testimony that steele had gone to them and said he felt it was his obligation to the go to the fbi and being reported that democrats paid for this report and, in fact, in the testimony glen simpson explains that both republicans and democrats were paying. The as we know, the president tweeted today that republicans should finally take control of the investigations. We are not sure whether he also means the special prosecutors investigation. But he certainly seemed to mean the congressional investigation. And your committees investigation, the jewish yash committee. Lets listen to how your chairman, chairman grassley reacted to that today. I dont know what the president has in mind and i dont think i better comment until i have a discussion with the president on that point. And i dont intend to have a discussion with the president on that point an i hope he doesnt call me and tell me the same thing that you said he said. Thank you. Senator, your reaction to that . Well, i think that was pretty direct. What the chairman was saying, while we like to see hr hearings and hope we have more coming up is that hes not going to take direction from the president. Now, this all being said, what we have continued to see from a number of republicans, not all, but a number of them has been an undermining of director muellers investigation. And that really has concerned all of us because that is a place where he has the ability to get to the bottom of the facts while we have the ability to get things out to the public were never going to be able to do the kind of work hes doing. And thats why while im glad that chairman grassley wants our work to continue and i know the intelligence committees as well, we have to remember that undermining mueller is really is to me is really setting us backwards. You have to let him do his work and do his job. And i think thats very clear no matter what the president tweets. Senator, within the incredibly important jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee, you have Immigration Law and policy. Tell us where you think the situation stands tonight, legislatively on daca. Well, we are feeling better about this. Now, you know, we have heard the president say before he wants to get this done. And he put us in this position to begin with. But i was heartened by the fact that first of all even before this meeting hes made clear he knows we cant wait until march because of the status of so many of these daca kids who daily are going out of status and the court ruling, of course, helps but its still a problem. And then you have the meeting itself where he said he wanted to get it done and went even further which surprised me to say he wants to work on comprehensive immigration reform. I dont know what he means by that but i know the bipartisan bill in the senate and it did some really good things for this country, the economy, brought the debt down. You name it. It would get us to a different place if we actually started talking about the contributions that immigrants made to our make and have made to our economy and what we need to do to keep that rolling. We saw him on video, tv, agreeing with Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley on the possibility of a path of citizenship for 11 million people. But that was before the other republicans started talking so we dont know. I dont know. I dont know how you figure out, senator, where the president is. As we go back and forth and i appreciate everyone talking about this, you have to remember theres individual d. R. E. A. M. Ers out there, average age 6 1 2 years old brought over here. 97 of them working or going to school and theyre watching every word, theyre watching every speech. Their literal lives depend on this. We have to remember and i hope despite all this back and forth on this and the president saying one thing or another we have this obligation to get this done. And that is what we have to remember. Every single day when we go to congress and we just ask our colleagues to join us as the democrats have been taking the lead on this but were glad theres some republicans at the side. We have to get this done. Senator Amy Klobuchar, thank you for joining us. New year. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, a special last word tonight. A little peek at what i will have to say onset meyer show later tonight on nbc. Now you can join angies list for free. Which means everyone has access to our real reviews that we actually verify. 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We are going to take a strong look at our countrys libel laws so that when somebody says something that is false and defamatory about someone that person will have meaningful recourse in our courts. Our current libel laws are a sham and a disgrace and do not represent American Values or american fairness. We want fairness. You cant say things that are false, knowingly false, and be able to smile as money pours into your bank account. The president was not asked today whether the new version of libel law that he is imagining would prevent him from engaging in years of pathological lying about president obamas birth certificate. One of the phony libel suits that donald trump actually did file and lose was used in the fusion gps investigation of trumps Business Affairs according to Glen Simpsons testimony that was released testimony by senator feinstein. A libel case against author tim obrien who wrote a critical book about donald trump and Glen Simpsons testimony to the Committee Staff he said he began his investigation of donald trump this way. We ordered every donald trump book, those books cover his divorces casinos, early years with labor unions and mafia figures. It was sort of an unlimited look at his business and finances and that sort of thing. David k. Johnston wrote one of the very first such books about donald trump in that collection of books that began the fusion gps investigation of donald trump. David k. Johnston will join us next. Digital id cards, they can even pay their bill beep bill has joined the call. Hey bill, were just phone hi guys, bill here. Do we have julia on the line too . k, well well just phone hey sorry. I had you muted. Well yea lets just phone so what i was thinking ok well well phone yeah lets just go ahead phone oh alright the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Keep it comin love. 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David, were you surprised yesterday to read the Judiciary Committee transcript where glen simpson says the first thing he did in investigating donald trump was to get your book and other books written about donald trump . Well, no, i was pleased but thats what reporters do. One of the first things you learn as a reporter is you first find out whats in the record. And glen simpson who i know just very tangently is a very excellent reporter. In that transcript, david, what jumped out at you . Well, trump made all these trips to russia and yet there have never been any business deals, at least that we know about. And thats very striking. Clearly glen simpson whose an excellent reporter, who understands finance, got to looking at this and saying to himself, gee, why is he going to russia and theres no deals . Whats going on at these golf courses in ireland, scotland that trump keeps saying theyre losing money. The obvious thing about donald trump is is donald trump a major money launderer . And what would be the indications of that . Well, of course theres the famous mansion deal in florida, where in 2008 the Real Estate Market collapses and donald trump sells to a russian oligarch, a house for more than twice what he paid for it. The cover story was the guy was hiding money from his wife. Well, if you want to hide money from your estranged wife you dont overpay for property. You find things you can mumbai at a discount because of market conditions, and it smelled deeply of being a pay off. If a state senator in florida had done the same deal, there would have been major investigations of what going on with him. And you can see in the transcript simpsons fascination with Philip Schrader who he knew about and you have also studied. Yes, felix slater who is twice convicted felon, donald claims he wouldnt know what he looked like. He traveled with him all over the place. Theres numerous photographs and videos of them together, is deeply involved in russian crime. There are others. And you know, donald keeps say i have nothing to do with russia. You notice he never says russians and he certainly never says georgians, people from kazakhstan. Its a very narrow statement he says, which by the way is obviously not true. Were going to have to leave it there. David, when your new book coming out . Tuesday. Theres going to be room in the bookstores because Michael Wolffs book is sold out. David k. Johnston, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Tonights last word is next. We do whatever it takes to fight cancer. These are the specialists were proud to call our own. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. 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Then after that they were calling saying oh, wait a minute, and unfortunately a lot of those anchors saying that was one of the greatest meetings theyve ever witness. And so tonight seth myers had to ask me if i was one of those news anchors who sent a letter to it president praising his performance. He had a meeting yesterday, and he actually said that the meeting went so well that anchors he received letters from anchors telling him how well it went. Is it safe to say you did not sit down at your roll away desk last night and write a letter . Its safe to say and ill have to check with the audience, but no one in america wrote a letter. He is so wonderfully 19th century. Also the fact the letter already got there meant they fedexed it. Maybe fox news station showed up, but i imagine those goes would just call him up. They dont actually send a letter. You can watch the full interview on late night with segment meyers, that is tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight did the president just change his tune whether or not he agreed on interviewed by robert mueller. Big push back on by the president who said there was no collusion eight times in under two minutes. Democrats issue a warning on the danger putins russia poses to our country and they accuse the president of ignoring the threat. And welcome to the studio says donald trump in the white house cabinet today. All part of the 11th hour now under way on a wednesday night

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