Post indicates when donald trump looks at the justice trump looks at the justice to the fbi. And lawyers for donald trump who led chants of lock her up when the fbi was investigating Hillary Clintons emails, the Trump Administration is upset they are looking at the Trump Transition Team. They were on federal accounts, owned by the federal government. Everyone knowing those accounts know theyre control by the government. Trump lawyers were surprised that special prosecutor Robert Mueller had obtained those emails and were using them. As basis of questions to witnesses. Especially questions to witnesses who worked on the trump transition. You know a lawyers complaint is completely empty when the lawyer files that complaint, not in court, in a legal proceeding, but in a letter to congress, which has no jurisdiction over the special prosecutor investigation. The Trump Transition Team lawyer sent a letter to the House Committee on oversight and the Senate Committee of Homeland Security and government affairs, complaining that the special prosecutor had obtained the emails without the permission of the Trump Transition Team. The Prosecutors Office issued a rare statement in response to that letter. It said, when we obtained emails, we have obtained the account holders consent or the criminal process. Joining us now, julie ainsley, covering the department of justice and Homeland Security. She is one of the reporters that broke the fbi briefing report. Jill wine banks, msnbc tributer. Natasha bertrand. Jill, as the lawyer among us, what do you make of the Trump Lawyers claim that the prosecutor had no right to obtain the trump transition emails . I think you have summed up todays news quite well. It is a hallow complaint from trumps lawyers. If they had a legitimate complaint, they would have gone to court. They wouldnt have gone to congress, who can talk about it but cant do anything about it. And it seems to me that it is possibly one more step that is being taken to undermine mueller and as a leadin to firing mueller. All i can say is the majority of people, according to all the polls, already believe that trump has done something either illegal or unethical with russia, and they are prepared to march, to take to the streets, to move on, indivisible, and have prepared a website where you can sign up. And people will, in mass numbers, protest if the president does that. Going to your reporting today that the fbi warned donald trump right after he got the republican nomination, july 19th, 2016, that foreign governments, including russia, would be trying to reach people involved in the Trump Campaign. This is clearly the fbi warning these people about this. And apparently, the fbi didnt hear anything back from the Trump Campaign about any context. Thats right. It puts a bullet hole in the argument that weve heard the Trump Administration make a few times, saying, we were novices going into this. We arent from the inside washington crowd. Thats why some of us may have taken the meeting like the june 26th meeting where donald trump jr. Would have might not have reported everything they need to on the clearance forms. That argument doesnt hold up now that you know there was this briefing. They were briefed and warned. That meant they should have reported past overtures as well as overtures that came after this meeting, which include donald trump jr. Speaking to wikileaks. Natasha, were getting these reports out of the white house about white house lawyers telling the president , dont worry, it will be wrapped up soon. That increasingly sounds like lawyers trying to manage trumps mood inside the white house. Theyre trying to make sure he doesnt tweet, essentially. Theyre trying to keep him come, so the investigation does not end soon, he doesnt explode. This is a pattern. Theyve been saying the investigation would end by thanksgiving, by new years, by christmas. Now, by next year. They speak to muellers team, they will be able to work a deal where mueller will write trump a letter and exonerate him, which is not something that he will do, according to experts i spoke to today. This is an effort to keep him calm, keep him off twitter, keep him from firing mueller. That would prompt a major backlash. There would be protests in the streets. Theres many civil groups preparing for that. July, the white house describes this meeting of the Trump Lawyers saying to the prosecutors, how much more work are you going to do . When are you going to wrap this up . Thats not a meeting ive ever heard of before. It is common for defense lawyers to come in and plead their case and to say what they think should happen. It would be quite unusual for the prosecutor to say, heres my strategy. Heres what i plan to do. Heres who im going to investigate. And we go back to the emails, one of the reasons theyre so upset about the president ial transition teams emails being in the possession of mueller, they cannot lie about things that happened. Mueller has the evidence of what really happened. And if possibly they were interviewed before they found out about those, possibly things they said, as evidence, arent exactly true. Theyre upset about that. I cant imagine that going to say, i can tell you when i will be done. He will say, we have the following witnesses this need to be interviewed and then well follow up on the leads we get from those people. And then well follow up on the leads from those people. So, it wont be over that quickly and i think that they are wrong to be telling their client it will be because eventually he isnt going to trust them because as julia said, they said that it was going to be over by thanksgiving, christmas, new years and now we know its not. But, julia, it does sound like the management of a 4yearold, just trying to get through the day. Sure. I mean, exactly. They want to keep him calm, just like natasha said. And at this point, it looks like his lawyers are trying to get from mueller this same thing that trump wanted to get from jim comey back when he was fbi director and to say trump isnt implicated in any of this. He wants to remove himself and not like he cares about people working on the campaign, on behalf to please the boss. He just wants to remove himself from this so he can sleep at night and move forward but, of course, it is not that easy and Robert Mueller doesnt have a mandate to exonerate him. He doesnt have a mandate to report to congress, special counsel is carved out in a different piece of that. And so, this argument, might not go as far as trump would like it to. Lets listen to something that James Clapper said on cnn today in reaction to the series of phone calls that donald trump has had with Vladimir Putin in the last few days. I think this past weekend is illustrative of what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is. You have to remember putins background. Hes a kgb officer. Thats what they do. They recruit assets. And i think some of that experience and instincts of putin has come into play here in his managing of pretty important account for him if i could use that term with our president. Natasha, the president of the united states, an asset of russian intelligence. Well, whats fascinating about this is that he is very, very quick to trash the Intelligence Community when it, you know, says that he has campaigned perhaped cultivated by russia and russia helped them. And then thwart an attack in russia. We saw a press release by the white house saying thank you to the cia that Vladimir Putin actually called trump to thank him directly for, you know, giving him this intelligence to prevent a major terror attack and seemed like a pretext of cooperation to sell it to the American Public this is a really good thing, actually, for the relationship with russia to be repaired. So that was something very unusual we saw. As far as him being a asset of russia, that is not something that just clapper is saying. Jill, your reaction to the president saying he is not thinking about firing the special prosecutor. Well, as i said before, i hope thats true because i think it would be a constitutional crisis and that there would be mass uprising if he does it. It would be a foolish thing for him to do. If hes so confident that he is innocent then the investigation will end because unlike a u. S. Attorneys office, this is an office that will go away eventually. They will finish their work. And they will by saying nothing and by not indicting him or by not issuing a report to the congress for impeachment they will be saying that he did not conspire with the russians. Their jurisdiction includes finding out what the russians did, whether any americans in the campaign participated in it. Those are the first two elements of their jurisdiction and so if they close down the investigation without naming people for being in a conspiracy with the russians, then trump will have what he wants. Natasha, julia and jill, thank you all for joining us tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, House Republicans now seem ready to shut down their investigation of russian interference in our election. Congressman jim himes, a member of the investigating committee will join us. And next, the huge gift that republicans gave themselves and the gift they gave the president or did the president s accountant write this gift for him in here . Boy, theres a lot of free money in this tax bill for donald trump and for senator bob corker. Thats coming up. Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. I tabut with my back paines, i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. 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The Corker Kickback has become the rallying cry of opponents of the trump tax bill which now has a provision that neither the house nor the senate voted on in the previous bills that is designed to greatly enrich the wealth of already very rich Real Estate Investors like Tennessee Republican senator bob corker and famous Real Estate Investor donald trump. President trump was already very happy with how much richer his own tax legislation was going to make him and his family even before the Corker Kickback was inserted in the bill. But it could be that donald trump and Donald Trumps accountant always knew that this extra favorable treatment for Real Estate Investors and developers would be quietly inserted in the bill. At the last minute. Instead of when everyone was watching in the house ways and Means Committee markup and the Senate FinanceCommittee Markup and the senate floor. As we reported last week, senator corker who opposed the bill to increase the deficit decided to change his mind on friday and support the final version of the bill even though that bill would still increase the deficit by a trillion and a half dollars. When david first reported this weekend on how the new version of the bill benefits bob corker, senator corkers defense was he couldnt possibly have been influenced by the new provision that enriches him so much because he had not read the bill. Thats right. The senators defense for changing his mind on a bill that he opposed was i havent read the bill. That was his defense. Senator corker went further than that and claimed that he couldnt understand it even if he read it. I dont really know what the provision does to be honest. I would need an accountant to explain it. And in my experience working in the senate on tax legislation thats honest answer for most senators. They cannot explain a single sentence of tax legislation. And still, they vote for it. But the truth is they often do actually use their own accountants to explain tax legislation to them and nothing prevented bob corker from doing that this weekend. From calling up his accountant and having his accountant explain to him just how many millions he might reap from this new tax provision. When david explained the tax provision to bob corker over the phone, senator corker said, quote, it sounds totally unnecessary and borderline ridiculous. But still, as of tonight senator corker plans to vote for the tax cuts and his defense of voting for the provision that benefits him and that he claims he did not know about until reporters asked him about it is he had nothing to do with putting that provision in the bill. Well, he had nothing to do with a lot of other bad things in the bill hes voting for. He had nothing to do with the bill increasing the deficit by a trillion and a half dollars. Thats like someone keeping money dropped in your lap by fleeing bank robbers and keeping it because you had nothing to do with robbing the bank. You you know where this money came from. Bob corker know nows that theres a provision in the tax bill that is, quote, his words, unnecessary and borderline ridiculous. And it benefits him enormously. And that has given him no pause. Not one seconds pause. He is still voting for the bill. His conscience is completely untroubled by that and this is the time when a senator should reach into whats left of his decency and take to the senate floor and announce that now that he has discovered what is actually in the bill that he had not even read when he declared his support for the bill, he can no longer support the bill because it contains a provision specifically designed to enrich him. And to enrich the president of the united states. It is a provision that is unnecessary and borderline ridiculous. Thats the speech bob corkers supposed to make right now. This is not business as usual in the senate. Make no mistake about that. We have never seen tax legislation written like this before. I worked in the senate writing tax legislation. This is the dirtiest bill i have ever seen. And the question tonight is, are there two republican senators who have the decency to stop this corrupted legislation and is bob corker one of those senators . If bob corker votes for the Corker Kickback, his entire Senate Career will be remembered for nothing else. Joining us is ron klain, former chief of staff to Vice President s gore and with us Austan Goolsby for president obama. Ron, i just want to go to your senate experience from the time working in the senate. We know things get slipped into conference reports. They get slipped in at the last minute. Provisions like this, obscure provisions especially tax legislation. What we have not seen before is a provision slipped in to a tax bill in a Conference Committee that very specifically enriches the president of the united states, his family, his descendants and enriches the one senator whos changing his mind to vote for the bill. Yeah. It is unprecedented as far as i know, lawrence. You know, i guess on game shows they have parting gifts and this is the parting gift for senator corker with the Corker Kickback. Millions of dollars of unearned tax breaks and President Trump. President trump, we dont know how much it benefits him because he hasnt released the tax returns but one year of the tax returns came out in the campaign, 2005. That year, 109 million of the pass through income that will get special tax treatment. So its a big boost for President Trump and the bank account and senator corker and a complete unjustified giveaway. Austan goolsby, your reaction to where this legislation stands tonight . Well, it feels like they have the republicans on board that theyre going to vote for it. But, you know, i guess i would caution you. This provision is outrageous and just one little thing. Thats just one provision. And this is like, you know, if you opened your cupboards to take out a box of cereal and you see a rat, the thing is, rats dont travel in ones. A