Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell November 14, 2017 03:00:00

Wondering why im saying hi from northampton. Yes, i am. Yes. I was asked to say that today when i was on the Bill Newman Radio Show in northampton, massachusetts. Phoning in to the radio show. Of course, you are a big local hero there. I was on the show, of course, talking about my new book Playing With Fire and im one of those do anything to sell a book guys and so when he asked me to say hi to Rachel Maddow from northampton i said ill say that tonight on tv. And may many book sales follow. Bill newman is a great guy, Local Aclu Hero in western massachusetts. Known him for a very long time and anything from northampton is good as far as im concerned. Well done. He loves you and they love you up there. Thanks, man. Thank you, rachel. Well, donald trump jr. s secret communication with wikileaks about material stolen from the Democratic Party became fifth accuser of roy moore emerged this afternoon. And this time, the woman appeared before cameras and told her own story in her own words about what she says roy moore did to her when she was 16 years old. Three hours before the newest accuser told her story, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell decided he had already heard enough and read enough about the accusations against roy moore and roy moores self contradictory defense offered on Sean Hannitys radio show on friday. Do you believe these allegations to believe true . I believe the women, yes. Do you believe roy moore, calling for him to step down from the senate race. I did. I think he should step aside. Are you encouraging a writein campaign . Thats an option. Were looking at. Whether or not there is someone who could mount a writein campaign successfully. Would it be senator strange, do you think . Well see. Mitch mcconnell was the leader of the Senate Republicans who today stepped out of the if true group into the roy moore must drop out now group. Every republican senator who endorsed roy moore has withdrawn their endorsement of roy moore with the exception of rand paul who just returned to capitol hill today after recovering from injuries. Senator jeff flake today bah imthe first republican senator to say he would vote for a democrat over roy moore. Just to be clear, he said if the choice is between roy moore and a democrat, i would run to the Polling Place to vote for the democrat. Jeff flake said that after the fifth accuser spoke. Beverly Young Johnson was 16 years old when she was working in the Old Hickory House Restaurant and roy moore was a regular customer. She said he came in almost every night and stay until closing he would compliment me on my looks and i did not think anything of it. I did nothing to encourage his flirtatious behavior. I was accustomed to men flirting with me because i was a very well developed and complete competed in beauty pageants. She brought her School Yearbook to work one day and she says when roy moore noticed it he asked if he could write in her yearbook. He wrote in my yearbook as follows to a sweeter, more beautiful girl, i could not say merry christmas, christmas 1977, love roy moore, old hickory house. And he signed it roy moore d. A. Did. He noticed that my boyfriend was not there and he offered me a ride home. I trusted mr. Moore because he was the District Attorney. I thought that he was simply doing something nice. He stopped the car and he parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. There it was dark and it was deserted. I was alarmed and i immediately asked him what he was doing. And instead of answering my questions, mr. Rmoore reached over and began groping me. He put his hand on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to told me he said, youre just a child. And he said, i am the District Attorney. I of Etowah County and if you tell anyone about this no one will ever believe you. No one will ever believe you. Roy moore was wrong. Mitch mcconnell believes her. Republican senator Corey Gardner who runs the Republican Senate Campaign Committee in the business of electing republican senators today said this. I believe the individuals speaking out against roy moore spoke with courage and truth, proving he is unfit to serve in the United States senate and he should not run for office. If he refuses to withdraw and wins the senate should vote to expel him because he does not meet the ethical and moral requirements of the United States senate. The president of the United States, a selfconfessing Sexual Assaulter, has said nothing today about roy moore. Nothing about the latest accuser of roy moore. An accuser who claims he sexually assaulted her in his car. Today, Beverly Young nelson tried to remove any suggestion of political partisanship from her accusation and she did it in language that no one will appreciate more than donald trump. My husband and i supported donald trump for president. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the republicans or the democrats. It has everything to do with mr. Moores Sexual Assault when i was a teenager. So is Donald Trumps Attack Machine Run by steve bannon going to attack a trump voter whos telling her story about roy moore . Beverly young nelson said she decided to speak after reading the accounts of the four women who spoke to the Washington Post about what roy moore did to them when they were teenage girls including the Sexual Assault of Leigh Corfman described at 14 years old. Beverly Young Johnson said she thought she was roy moores only victim. I would probably have taken what mr. Moore did to me to my grave had it not been for the courage of four other women that were willing to speak out about their experiences with mr. Moore. Their courage has inspired me to overcome my fear. Mr. Moore attacked me when i was a child. I did nothing to deserve this sexual attack. I was frightened by his position and his power and i am coming forward today to let i want mr. Moore to know he no longer has any power over me and i no longer live in fear of him. Courage creates more courage. It always does. Courage creates more courage and now courage creates more unanswerable accusations against roy moore. Joining us now, Wendy Sherman, former undersecretary of state for political affairs. She is now a msnbc Global Affairs contributor and also neera tan den, president of the center for American Progress and maria tee rhee sa ka mar. Ambassador sherman, i want do give you the floor. I dont pretend to be able to guide this discussion. I think better than you can all guide it. Wendy sherman, please go first for us. Thanks very much, lawrence. You know, i have listened to that clip several times today and every time i want to break down and cry. I really want to affirm the courage of beverly Young Johnson and of all the women who have come forward. Not just in the case of roy moore who absolutely how would not be in the u. S. Senate or any Public Office whatsoever. He actually probably ought to have been in jail some years ago for taking a 14yearold out and assaulting her. Her coming close to assaulting her. Hard to know what happened. Traumatic event in ms. Corfmans life. So, indeed, i want to say what you said. This is tremendous courage. And i dont often thank senator mcconnell. I am a democrat but i want to thank him for saying i believe the women. 26 years ago when i was doing politics, not National Security, which happened right after 26 years ago, i spent the weekend with anita hill helping her to navigate the u. S. Senate in what was an incredibly depressing weekend with much of the same themes where people said, well, you know, Clarence Thomas was going to be a supreme court justice so a Judiciary Committee of all white men sat in judgment not of Clarence Thomas but anita hill and we started to wear pins saying i believe anita hill. I still believe her today. I believe these women. And i am very grateful that finally men in power as well as women in power are beginning to say that they believe these women because after all at the end of the day this is about power. Who has it, who will share it, who is acknowledged, who is affirmed, whose voices are heard. This is unfortunately a story that has gone on for centuries and each time we have a situation like this, we hope it will change the tide. We will have a new day. And i hope that the republicans not only in the senate but in alabama understand this and im glad that al. Com put out an editorial saying today what needs to be said. Roy moore does not belong in the u. S. Senate. He does not belong anywhere in real life. Maria teresa, your reaction to what she had to say today . I think its devastating but also highlights that the Republican Party has a lot of has to bear a lot of the burden of this. We had the same allegations literally a year ago, lawrence on this show with woman after woman coming after saying, look, donald trump groped me. Donald trump crossed the line. He sexually harassed me and when the Republican Party could have said, yes, this is not okay, we stand and we believe the women, they decided to send in a sexual predator to the white house. Now they have bigger problem on their hands because you have a party that where people feel that they can have a political career based on what they saw as a pathway to higher Leadership Office and that is the danger. It is great that Mitch Mcconnell came out today but they need to do more, show more, believe the women. It is not one. The reason that roy moore may not remember beverly is because theres so many other women that are hiding in the shadows afraid to come forward and it is time to have an honest, frank conversation of what leadership truly means and that means making sure that women are safe in the workplace. That little girls are safe where they are. And that the Community Comes forward. The fact that the Alabama Paper came out saying, yes, it was known that the District Attorney would literally go around the mall and at High School Games trying to date young girls, that should have literally the whole community should have come out in protest. They decided to elect him year after year. And neera tan den, your reaction to what Bever Ri Young Nelson had to say today, the fifth accuser now to go public . Well, i want to also say that i applaud her courage and that her statements are really heart breaking. You can hear the fear of a teenager who looked to a person to be a trusted Law Enforcement official. I mean, he was a District Attorney. Thats why she got in the car to get a ride home and instead he decided to assault her. And, you know, i think what we really have to think about is all of the women, all the young women, all the girls who have faced situations like this, and what is the message alabama would is end to them if after all of this they vote for roy moore . So i would really say to the people of alabama, to the women of alabama, that this really shouldnt be a choice. Public office is not, you know, is not for people like roy moore. Maria teresa is right. He should not be e leblgted to the highest office, highest offices in the country. And so, you know, they face a choice of a person who prosecuted, you know, illegal behavior and also i mean, there are four people, four women, four young girls that doug jones had to oversee and they were the birmingham girls, girls murdered in the Birmingham Church and he got justice for them and running against roy moore and his record with these women and it could not be a starker choice for the people of alabama. Lawrence, can i add something . Yes. What were seeing is senator flake coming out becoming the moral compass of the Republican Party. He was very front and center every single time that donald trump basically went after one community after the next and once again he made it very clear that we as a country have to have principles. The fact saying, looking at this point, the choice between a pedophile and a republican, no choice. This is about party, about having a moral compass, purposeful and hes demonstrating what it means to be above party and be for your country. Ambassador sherman, as we know, it is hard to come up with what we would call evidence in cases that are this old but i want to put up on the screen, this love note that roy moore wrote in Beverly Young nelsons yearbook. I want the audience to be able to take a long look at that. He signs it love. He soons his name and he puts d. A. His title right there. The name of the restaurant in it. He claims now to not know about that restaurant. And when youre looking at evidence to see Something Like that, in a case like this, a love note from a man and his mid30s to a 16yearold girl, thats about as strong a piece of evidence to expect to say this many years. It is a strong piece of evidence and i would say roy moores own words is evidence. When he says that he generally didnt date young girls, but generally he would always ask their mothers for permission to date those girls, i am a mother of a daughter who is now a mother herself and i cringed when i listened to that comment. It really quite frankly just creeped me out. That someone would say that they would ask the mother if they could date the girl. This is really pedophilia. This is Sexual Assault. This is something where were supposed to be a country with values and norms that we want the world to embrace though sometimes the president doesnt seem that way. We get to that later today, i know. But All Over The World girls face assault. Everything from people who are just creeps to rape, to Sexual Assault, to child marriage. These are issues which we have to put out in the open and as i said at the beginning, lawrence, at the end of the day, this is about power. I know that lots of people feel powerless. But when you feel powerless, the way to gain power is not to assault a child. And neera, quickly before our break here, we have a report today from The New Yorker that people saying roy moore was banned from the mall where he was meeting these girls and reportedly trying to flirt with them in a harassing way and that it was Common Knowledge that this was his practice. I mean, i think when you just listen to the evidence of the last week, its not one piece of evidence. Theres story after story. We have five women now who knows how many more will come forward . Roy moore himself just said yesterday or over the weekend that there will likely be more stories. He knows his record and what he did and im sure there will be more, not fewer stories in the days and weeks to come. Neera and maria teresa, thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Crooming up, donald trump J Communications with wikileaks and well take another look at roy moore and his opponent doug jones and alabama history and what has brought us to this point tonight. When you have a cold we learned today that donald trump jr. Had secret communications with wikileaks during the president ial campaign about stolen emails from democrats that wikileaks had obtained possibly through russian sources. And we know this because the atlantic broke the news today about donald trump jrss twitter private messages quoting from those messages extensively. And after the atlantic broke the story of donald trump jr. s messages donald trump jr. Then released what he says are all of the twitter private messages between him and wikileaks. Donald trump jr. Knows that those twitter private messages have all been handed over to congressional investigating committees by the lawyers and he knows that they are out of his custody an theyre going to be become public in full eventually. And so, once the atlantic broke the story today donald trump jr. Decided in consultation with lawyers and guidance to put what he says are all of the messages out there right now. Here is what Candidate Trump said about wikileaks when wikileaks started publishing material stolen from the democrats. Now, this just came out. This just came out. Wikileaks i love wikileaks. And i said, write a couple of them down. We have to go back to wikileaks. Oh, wikileaks. Thats donald trump using the stolen information in his rallies. In one case, donald trump jr. Appeared to take direction from wikileaks. Two days after Bill Newman Radio Show<\/a> in northampton, massachusetts. Phoning in to the radio show. Of course, you are a big local hero there. I was on the show, of course, talking about my new book Playing With Fire<\/a> and im one of those do anything to sell a book guys and so when he asked me to say hi to Rachel Maddow<\/a> from northampton i said ill say that tonight on tv. And may many book sales follow. Bill newman is a great guy, Local Aclu Hero<\/a> in western massachusetts. Known him for a very long time and anything from northampton is good as far as im concerned. Well done. He loves you and they love you up there. Thanks, man. Thank you, rachel. Well, donald trump jr. s secret communication with wikileaks about material stolen from the Democratic Party<\/a> became\rfifth accuser of roy moore emerged this afternoon. And this time, the woman appeared before cameras and told her own story in her own words about what she says roy moore did to her when she was 16 years old. Three hours before the newest accuser told her story, Senate Majority<\/a> leader Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> decided he had already heard enough and read enough about the accusations against roy moore and roy moores self contradictory defense offered on Sean Hannitys<\/a> radio show on friday. Do you believe these allegations to believe true . I believe the women, yes. Do you believe roy moore, calling for him to step down from the senate race. I did. I think he should step aside. Are you encouraging a writein campaign . Thats an option. Were looking at. Whether or not there is someone who could mount a writein\rcampaign successfully. Would it be senator strange, do you think . Well see. Mitch mcconnell was the leader of the Senate Republicans<\/a> who today stepped out of the if true group into the roy moore must drop out now group. Every republican senator who endorsed roy moore has withdrawn their endorsement of roy moore with the exception of rand paul who just returned to capitol hill today after recovering from injuries. Senator jeff flake today bah imthe first republican senator to say he would vote for a democrat over roy moore. Just to be clear, he said if the choice is between roy moore and a democrat, i would run to the Polling Place<\/a> to vote for the democrat. Jeff flake said that after the fifth accuser spoke. Beverly Young Johnson<\/a> was 16 years old when she was working in the Old Hickory House Restaurant<\/a> and roy moore was a regular customer. She said he came in almost every night and stay until closing\rhe would compliment me on my looks and i did not think anything of it. I did nothing to encourage his flirtatious behavior. I was accustomed to men flirting with me because i was a very well developed and complete competed in beauty pageants. She brought her School Yearbook<\/a> to work one day and she says when roy moore noticed it he asked if he could write in her yearbook. He wrote in my yearbook as follows to a sweeter, more beautiful girl, i could not say merry christmas, christmas 1977, love roy moore, old hickory house. And he signed it roy moore d. A. Did. He noticed that my boyfriend was not there and he offered me a ride home. I trusted mr. Moore because he was the District Attorney<\/a>. I thought that he was simply doing something nice. He stopped the car and he parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. There it was dark and it was deserted. I was alarmed and i immediately asked him what he was doing. And instead of answering my questions, mr. Rmoore reached over and began groping me. He put his hand on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to\rtold me he said, youre just a child. And he said, i am the District Attorney<\/a>. I of Etowah County<\/a> and if you tell anyone about this no one will ever believe you. No one will ever believe you. Roy moore was wrong. Mitch mcconnell believes her. Republican senator Corey Gardner<\/a> who runs the Republican Senate<\/a> Campaign Committee<\/a> in the business of electing republican senators today said this. I believe the individuals speaking out against roy moore spoke with courage and truth, proving he is unfit to serve in the United States<\/a> senate and he should not run for office. If he refuses to withdraw and wins the senate should vote to expel him because he does not meet the ethical and moral requirements of the United States<\/a> senate. The president of the United States<\/a>, a selfconfessing Sexual Assault<\/a>er, has said nothing today about roy moore. Nothing about the latest accuser\rof roy moore. An accuser who claims he sexually assaulted her in his car. Today, Beverly Young<\/a> nelson tried to remove any suggestion of political partisanship from her accusation and she did it in language that no one will appreciate more than donald trump. My husband and i supported donald trump for president. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the republicans or the democrats. It has everything to do with mr. Moores Sexual Assault<\/a> when i was a teenager. So is Donald Trumps<\/a> Attack Machine Run<\/a> by steve bannon going to attack a trump voter whos telling her story about roy moore . Beverly young nelson said she decided to speak after reading the accounts of the four women who spoke to the Washington Post<\/a> about what roy moore did\rto them when they were teenage girls including the Sexual Assault<\/a> of Leigh Corfman<\/a> described at 14 years old. Beverly Young Johnson<\/a> said she thought she was roy moores only victim. I would probably have taken what mr. Moore did to me to my grave had it not been for the courage of four other women that were willing to speak out about their experiences with mr. Moore. Their courage has inspired me to overcome my fear. Mr. Moore attacked me when i was a child. I did nothing to deserve this sexual attack. I was frightened by his position and his power and i am coming forward today to let i want mr. Moore to know he no longer has any power over me and i no\rlonger live in fear of him. Courage creates more courage. It always does. Courage creates more courage and now courage creates more unanswerable accusations against roy moore. Joining us now, Wendy Sherman<\/a>, former undersecretary of state for political affairs. She is now a msnbc Global Affairs<\/a> contributor and also neera tan den, president of the center for American Progress<\/a> and maria tee rhee sa ka mar. Ambassador sherman, i want do give you the floor. I dont pretend to be able to guide this discussion. I think better than you can all guide it. Wendy sherman, please go first for us. Thanks very much, lawrence. You know, i have listened to that clip several times today and every time i want to break down and cry. I really want to affirm the courage of beverly Young Johnson<\/a> and of all the women who have come forward. Not just in the case of roy\rmoore who absolutely how would not be in the u. S. Senate or any Public Office<\/a> whatsoever. He actually probably ought to have been in jail some years ago for taking a 14yearold out and assaulting her. Her coming close to assaulting her. Hard to know what happened. Traumatic event in ms. Corfmans life. So, indeed, i want to say what you said. This is tremendous courage. And i dont often thank senator mcconnell. I am a democrat but i want to thank him for saying i believe the women. 26 years ago when i was doing politics, not National Security<\/a>, which happened right after 26 years ago, i spent the weekend with anita hill helping her to navigate the u. S. Senate in what was an incredibly depressing weekend with much of the same themes where people said, well, you know, Clarence Thomas<\/a> was going to be a supreme court\rjustice so a Judiciary Committee<\/a> of all white men sat in judgment not of Clarence Thomas<\/a> but anita hill and we started to wear pins saying i believe anita hill. I still believe her today. I believe these women. And i am very grateful that finally men in power as well as women in power are beginning to say that they believe these women because after all at the end of the day this is about power. Who has it, who will share it, who is acknowledged, who is affirmed, whose voices are heard. This is unfortunately a story that has gone on for centuries and each time we have a situation like this, we hope it will change the tide. We will have a new day. And i hope that the republicans not only in the senate but in\ralabama understand this and im glad that al. Com put out an editorial saying today what needs to be said. Roy moore does not belong in the u. S. Senate. He does not belong anywhere in real life. Maria teresa, your reaction to what she had to say today . I think its devastating but also highlights that the Republican Party<\/a> has a lot of has to bear a lot of the burden of this. We had the same allegations literally a year ago, lawrence on this show with woman after woman coming after saying, look, donald trump groped me. Donald trump crossed the line. He sexually harassed me and when the Republican Party<\/a> could have said, yes, this is not okay, we stand and we believe the women, they decided to send in a sexual predator to the white house. Now they have bigger problem on their hands because you have a party that where people feel that they can have a political career based on what they saw as\ra pathway to higher Leadership Office<\/a> and that is the danger. It is great that Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> came out today but they need to do more, show more, believe the women. It is not one. The reason that roy moore may not remember beverly is because theres so many other women that are hiding in the shadows afraid to come forward and it is time to have an honest, frank conversation of what leadership truly means and that means making sure that women are safe in the workplace. That little girls are safe where they are. And that the Community Comes<\/a> forward. The fact that the Alabama Paper<\/a> came out saying, yes, it was known that the District Attorney<\/a> would literally go around the mall and at High School Games<\/a> trying to date young girls, that should have literally the whole community should have come out in protest. They decided to elect him year after year. And neera tan den, your reaction to what Bever Ri Young Nelson<\/a> had to say today, the fifth accuser now to go public . Well, i want to also say that\ri applaud her courage and that her statements are really heart breaking. You can hear the fear of a teenager who looked to a person to be a trusted Law Enforcement<\/a> official. I mean, he was a District Attorney<\/a>. Thats why she got in the car to get a ride home and instead he decided to assault her. And, you know, i think what we really have to think about is all of the women, all the young women, all the girls who have faced situations like this, and what is the message alabama would is end to them if after all of this they vote for roy moore . So i would really say to the people of alabama, to the women of alabama, that this really shouldnt be a choice. Public office is not, you know, is not for people like roy moore. Maria teresa is right. He should not be e leblgted to\rthe highest office, highest offices in the country. And so, you know, they face a choice of a person who prosecuted, you know, illegal behavior and also i mean, there are four people, four women, four young girls that doug jones had to oversee and they were the birmingham girls, girls murdered in the Birmingham Church<\/a> and he got justice for them and running against roy moore and his record with these women and it could not be a starker choice for the people of alabama. Lawrence, can i add something . Yes. What were seeing is senator flake coming out becoming the moral compass of the Republican Party<\/a>. He was very front and center every single time that donald trump basically went after one community after the next and once again he made it very clear that we as a country have to have principles. The fact saying, looking at this point, the choice between a pedophile and a republican, no choice. This is about party, about having a moral compass, purposeful and hes demonstrating what it means to be above party and be for your country. Ambassador sherman, as we know, it is hard to come up with what we would call evidence in cases that are this old but i want to put up on the screen, this love note that roy moore wrote in Beverly Young<\/a> nelsons yearbook. I want the audience to be able to take a long look at that. He signs it love. He soons his name and he puts d. A. His title right there. The name of the restaurant in it. He claims now to not know about that restaurant. And when youre looking at evidence to see Something Like<\/a> that, in a case like this, a love note from a man and his mid30s to a 16yearold girl, thats about as strong a piece of evidence to expect to say\rthis many years. It is a strong piece of evidence and i would say roy moores own words is evidence. When he says that he generally didnt date young girls, but generally he would always ask their mothers for permission to date those girls, i am a mother of a daughter who is now a mother herself and i cringed when i listened to that comment. It really quite frankly just creeped me out. That someone would say that they would ask the mother if they could date the girl. This is really pedophilia. This is Sexual Assault<\/a>. This is something where were supposed to be a country with values and norms that we want the world to embrace though sometimes the president doesnt seem that way. We get to that later today, i know. But All Over The World<\/a> girls face assault. Everything from people who are\rjust creeps to rape, to Sexual Assault<\/a>, to child marriage. These are issues which we have to put out in the open and as i said at the beginning, lawrence, at the end of the day, this is about power. I know that lots of people feel powerless. But when you feel powerless, the way to gain power is not to assault a child. And neera, quickly before our break here, we have a report today from The New Yorker<\/a> that people saying roy moore was banned from the mall where he was meeting these girls and reportedly trying to flirt with them in a harassing way and that it was Common Knowledge<\/a> that this was his practice. I mean, i think when you just listen to the evidence of the last week, its not one piece of evidence. Theres story after story. We have five women now who knows how many more will come forward . Roy moore himself just said yesterday or over the weekend\rthat there will likely be more stories. He knows his record and what he did and im sure there will be more, not fewer stories in the days and weeks to come. Neera and maria teresa, thank you both for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Crooming up, donald trump J Communications<\/a> with wikileaks and well take another look at roy moore and his opponent doug jones and alabama history and what has brought us to this point tonight. When you have a cold\rwe learned today that donald trump jr. Had secret communications with wikileaks during the president ial campaign about stolen emails from democrats that wikileaks had obtained possibly through russian sources. And we know this because the atlantic broke the news today about donald trump jrss twitter private messages quoting from those messages extensively. And after the atlantic broke the story of donald trump jr. s messages donald trump jr. Then released what he says are all of the twitter private messages between him and wikileaks. Donald trump jr. Knows that those twitter private messages have all been handed over to congressional investigating committees by the lawyers and he knows that they are out of his\rcustody an theyre going to be become public in full eventually. And so, once the atlantic broke the story today donald trump jr. Decided in consultation with lawyers and guidance to put what he says are all of the messages out there right now. Here is what Candidate Trump<\/a> said about wikileaks when wikileaks started publishing material stolen from the democrats. Now, this just came out. This just came out. Wikileaks i love wikileaks. And i said, write a couple of them down. We have to go back to wikileaks. Oh, wikileaks. Thats donald trump using the stolen information in his rallies. In one case, donald trump jr. Appeared to take direction from wikileaks. Two days after Candidate Trump<\/a> praised wikileaks, the group sent a link to its of to\rits hacked emails. They sent a link to donald trump jr. Of those hacked emails. They said, hey donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publications. Strongly suggest your dad tweets this link. If he mentions us and 15 minutes after that Candidate Trump<\/a> tweeted very little pickup by the Dishonest Media<\/a> of incredible information provided by wikileaks. So dishonest. Rigged system. Two days later donald trump jr. Tweeted the link that wikileaks requested. For those who have the time to read about all the corruption and hypocrisy, the wikileaks emails are right here. Joining us now, natasha bertrand, Political Correspondent<\/a> at business insider, closely following the russia involvement in the president ial election. Also with us, mika oyang, vice\rpresident for the National Security<\/a> program at third way. And, mika, what are the legal implications of donald trump jr. s direct communication with wikileaks . So one of the challenges here is that it points to strong circumstantial evidence of coordination and collusion with the Trump Campaign<\/a> and communications of wikileaks and don jr. As a private citizen are not by themselves illegal. However, if don jr. Had lied about them either to the congressional investigators or to the special counsel muellers team then he is in some criminal jeopardy for not telling them the truth. And, natasha bertrand, clearly donald trump jr. And his lawyers decided once this story broke today we might as well put them all out there because theyre all made public eventually and we would like to control the timing of that. Right. And this is clearly the same calculation that they made after the news broke that donald trump jr. Met with the russian lawyer\rat trump tower of june 9th after last year after the New York Times<\/a> reported or told donald trump jr. They would publish the email that is led up to the meeting and donald trump jr. Published them all on the twitter page and theres a pattern of him kind of getting caught not having told the whole truth about the contacts with russians during the campaign and then needing to play catch up afterwards and i think its really important to view this wikileaks revelation through the lens of the path, you know, evidence that we have seen of potential collusion between the campaign and moscow. We saw that papadopoulos in the spring of 2016 been told of Potential Dirt<\/a> on Hillary Clinton<\/a> and then emails released by Wikileaks In July<\/a> and then, of course, we saw the meeting between donald trump jr. And the russian lawyer and Paul Manafort<\/a> at Trump Tower June 9th<\/a> and the outreach of wikileaks and donald trump jr. s response\rdid not occur in a vacuum and an important thing to keep in mind. Mieke, we are seeing suggestions in the messages of wikileaks about how to help the trump pam cane. Julia assange and wikileaks claimed to be impartial. Theyre obviously completely on the trump side and theres one message saying hi, don, if your father loses we think it is much more interesting if he does not concede and spends time challenging the media and other types of rigging that occurred as he has implied that he might do. There are many messages that keep going on in this way. So, mieke, this claim that wikileaks wasnt fully supportive of the Trump Campaign<\/a> exclusively is blown away by these messages. Thats absolutely right. Whats interesting about that tweet, it is straight out of Vladimir Putins<\/a> playbook, a\rtweet to create division in the United States<\/a>, to cast doubt on the system of government. This is what putin and the kremlin have been trying to do to the United States<\/a> with the fake news, advertisements to push. They were trying to drive americans apart from each other and they had an open channel to donald trump jr. And to the Trump Campaign<\/a> who were fomenting and encouraging this division among people and really making it much more difficult to come together as a nation. Natasha and mieke, thank you both for joining us tonight. Really preerns it. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, Donald Trumps<\/a> latest defense of his trefriend Vladimir Putin<\/a>. I take pictures of sunrises,\ralright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Could you once and for all definitively, sir, yes or no, say whether or not you believe that President Putin<\/a> and or russia interfered in the election . What i said, i cant believe theres conflict on this. I said he believes thats and thats important for somebody to believe. I believe that he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. As to whether i believe or it nor im with the agency as constituted with the leadership. I believe in our intel agencies, our Intelligence Agencies<\/a>. Ive worked with them very strongly. That was the president saturday in vietnam and he continued rambling on with that answer but he never added anything to the answer other than a jumble of words but those words never included the statement russia interfered in\rour election. Which is what our Intelligence Agencies<\/a> say that russia did. Ambassador Wendy Sherman<\/a> is back with us. Ambassador sherman, your reaction to the president s answer on the russian interference if the election and any other aspects of the asia trip you think we should highlight . I think the russia part of the trip was very important. There was no question in my mind that he was going to see Vladimir Putin<\/a>. How long he met with putin is unknown to us because, of course, the poor reporters were not allowed in or the pool video and we dont know exactly what happened. Either two things i believe are happening here to use the president s favorite words these days. Either the president is staggeringly naive and totally out of his depth thinking that he is negotiating with another developer for a highrise and its a transactional approach and he can just, you know, sort of go toe to toe with the guy\rwithout really getting anywhere or hes been corrupted by russia. You know, all of these segments connect in many ways, lawrence, because what mieke said in the last segment of putin trying to divide america is exactly right. Its not that you cant work with russia. One can. I certainly did on the iran negotiation. I have done on other issues around the world. But you have to know who the russians are. Why the president would believe Vladimir Putin<\/a> who said there were no green men in eastern ukraine, assad did not do a chemical weapons attack on his own people, we had nothing to do with the downing of the my lay shan airplane over ukraine, if you believe that i can get you to believe a lot of Different Things<\/a> that simply are not true. And i think the meeting with putin and what the president said after not only did avowing the fact that russian did indeed meddle in our election but he really was taken for a ride by\rvirtually every other leader who understood that the way to get to the president of the United States<\/a> was through pomp and circumstance. And the circumstances for the United States<\/a> security are not so good as a result. I have to go to a Quick Reaction<\/a> from you from philippine president duterte saying to the press that you are spies and donald trump just laughing about that. Indeed. Donald trump laughing about it, listening to a song by duterte where he basically said ive fallen in love with you. It would have been comical if it was not so egregious. That is dictator who has murdered without any jurisprudence 7,000 to 13,000 people, ostensibly because of a drug war which is very serious but there is no rule of law currently in the file means. For him to say that journalists\rwill do okay as long as they do what i need them to do or they could be assz nated and for President Trump<\/a> not to speak of human rights, for Sarah Huckabee<\/a> sanders to say it was mentioned briefly and for duterte to say it wasnt mentioned at all goes right back to the beginning of your show tonight. If we do not stand up for values that we believe are important to who we are as the United States<\/a> of america we undermine our very security by doing just that. Ambassador Wendy Sherman<\/a>, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, a Conservative Syndicated<\/a> columnist george f. Will said that Democrat Doug Jones<\/a> is worthy of election to the Alabama Senate<\/a> seat and republican roy moore is not. George will has just returned from alabama. He will join us next. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength Alka Seltzer Plus<\/a> liquid gels. Tice accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war,rs and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down News Organizations<\/a> that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress<\/a> once impeached a president for far less. 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In 1963 when the blast killed them in the 16th Street Baptist Church<\/a> which is four blocks from the law office of doug jones who\rwas then 9. The four girls killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church<\/a> were addy may collins, 14. Cynthia wesley, 14. Carol robertson, 14. And Denise Mcnair<\/a>, 12. A few years ago, i visited the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute<\/a> which has extraordinary exhibitions telling the story of that terrible time. I saw the shoes Denise Mcnair<\/a> was wearing when she was killed in the bombing. I walked across the street from the institute and saw where the bomb was placed at the 16th Street Baptist Church<\/a>. Four ku klux klan members planted 19 sticks of dynamite under the stairs where the girls were changing out of the choir robes in the church basement. A bomber tried and found guilty, 14 years later. Another died before he was ever charged in the bombing and 2001\rand 2002 doug jones was a federal prosecutor in alabama who successfully prosecuted two of the remaining 16th street baptist street bombers. Today doug jones is the democrat running for senate in alabama and there are some republicans actually saying that even if roy moore is guilty of everything he is accused of doing it is better that roy moore go to the United States<\/a> senate instead of a democrat. Today, doug jones released this statement about the women who have accused roy moore. We applaud the courage of these women. Roy moore will be held accountable by the people of alabama for his actions. Up next, the Washington Post<\/a> columnist george f. Will on roy moore, doug jones and the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church<\/a>. T want to sound paranoid, but dya think our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. 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But as you say, hes kind of The Forgotten Man<\/a>. Theres moore with his lurid details dominating the news cycles, and then theres this afterthought, but the afterthought, i think, if it is\ra binary choice, if they proceed with the election as state law requires, it wihell be the nex senator. What is your reaction to republicans, some of them in alabama, saying that roy moore as a republican is preferable to anyone with the word democrat beside their name. Well, alabama has its fair share of extremists and obsessives, those being quoted, but the last acceptable bigotry if th in this country is contempt for the south. I think the contempt being shown for alabama, people accepting as sort of Documentary Evidence<\/a> the hostile caricatures of southerners, it just wrong. Its a big complicated state with a big complicated history, and thats one reason why it will be healthy for this to go forward and let alabama choose and show what the majority of\ralabamians look like. I have a feeling that alabama will pleasantly surprise a lot of people. George, when i began working in the United States<\/a> senate, which to me doesnt seem all that long ago, both of the alabama senators were democrats. What has changed since the early 1990s that makes it so difficult for the democrat . Well, the move to the Republican Party<\/a> was relatively swift and absolutely decisive. It hasnt been since 1994 that a democratic candidate for the senate even got 40 of the vote. The last person elected as a democrat was senator shelby in 1992 and he promptly changed the Republican Party<\/a> immediately after republicans took charge of congress and had seniority to offer him. And two years later. So there has been a sense in which being a democrat is simply not socially acceptable, but compared to what . If mr. Moore is a standard of what is the alternative to being a democrat, if hes a standard of what is socially acceptable, this is an easy choice, again, as long as its a binary choice. And what did you find with alabamians when you got a chance to talk to them, how how closely are they following this, are they waiting for more shoes to drop . Well, theyre waiting for the Auburn Alabama<\/a> game and there are lots of distractions in the air down there. Theyre like most americans everywhere. Theyre not really obsessed by politics, but people are paying attention, and its a state, i think, like all americans thats capable of chagrin. This is not a shining moment for the state. Theyre proud people down there, they dont like being told what to do which is why its probably not all together helpful when Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> says starts\rgiving advice to mr. Moore telling him to get out. Although, i mean, What Mcconnell<\/a> says is perfectly sensible. But if the alabamians are left alone to make up their minds, i think they deserve some benefit of the doubt and a modicum of trust. George f. Will, thank you for joining us with your reporting from alabama. Really appreciate it, george. Glad to be with you. Tonights last word is next. In every town, across america. Small businesses show their love to you. With some friendly advice, a genuine smile and a warm welcome they make your town. Well, your town. Thats why American Express<\/a> is proud to be the Founding Partner<\/a> of Small Business<\/a> saturday. A day where you get to return that love, because shopping small makes a big difference. So, on November 25th<\/a> get up, get out, and shop small. And should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. 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