A vote as you said, this Christmas Tree that we can dress back up. He told reporters he was not satisfied with what he heard from speaker ryan and he stopped talking about it. I ran into him in a hall way about an hour and a half ago and tried to ask him about it and he would not say another word about his vote. All eyes in the chamber are on john mccain right now. As garrett spoke around the 12 00 mark on your screen, there is chuck schumer, the democratic leader who came down to talk to the senator and a few other democrats who are leaning in. Angus king of maine leaning in and missed senator schumers conversation. On the left hand side of the screen, you have the senator from texas talking to the senator from wyoming and corker of tennessee making a point. This is all we have seen thus far. It is not an expression of opinion for people in our line of work to call a little tension to the disgust with what we are seeing. Its crazy. Why does a governing body of legislature need to do this. Find the bill you want, get to it the way you are supposed to get to it, arrange to have the votes for it and have a vote. They have completely gone backwards with this. It sounds like they spent the better part of the day figuring out what they can get votes for. Around lunchtime they started. What will you vote for. If you do this, you lose this. This is the wildebeest of legislation. Its parts of all sorts of things that will satisfy some that it is an Obamacare Repeal and not satisfy others. It takes certaina things away from obamacare. The mandate for individuals to get insurance and the mandate for corporations with more than 50 employees to provide insurance. What that means is that the Insurance Company got into obamacare on the understanding that there would be lots of people insure and they could cover everything for preexisting conditions. That is being taken away. You are taking away the mechanism by which University Health care can take place, but you are not replacing the danger. A lot of senators that if they dont get a deal and what happens tonight does become law. Its an industry thing in the small relatively small industry of people who have been minority and majority leaders and speakers of the house. Boy, do they hate to pull a piece of legislation. We have seen it happen in the house over health care. We may see it happen here tonight. This is way too much talk and lack of activity happening for after 1 00 a. M. It is now already the last friday in july. This is the United States senate busting to wrap this up, but there is evidently nothing to discuss or consider yet. We are still waiting for them to gavel out and conclude the last voting session over the last amendment which we expected to go to defeat. Now its just kind of conversation groups. Up and down the aisles. Worth noting, john mccain came to the floor a week after being diagnosed with cancer and gave a stirring speech about how we should revert to regular order and have debates and committees work up a bill the way its supposed to go. Garrett brings up the interesting point he said unless he gets assurances, the house will not simply go with this and they will allow it to be debated and changed and he wont support it. We dont know what he is doing now. He now may be the linchpin on this legislation. Ron is with us and we are happy to have him with us at this late hour on the east coast. Ron is a veteran democrat around Democratic Politics for a long time. Former chiefs of staff to joe biden and al gore. Among others he worked closely with, including a couple of president s here and there. Ron, can you believe what we are witnessing . You know, brian, earlier you said this is a Christmas Tree. I think the lawyers may be getting ready for a liable suit. This is a wildebeest, whatever it was called before. I came to work on capitol hill 37 years ago and i have never seen anything like that. We are rewriting the rules for 1 6 of the American Economy and the senate will vote on a bill that a few hours ago Lindsey Graham called a disaster and a fraud and he is going to vote for it. You can imagine what other people think of the bill. Its called skinny. Its not skinny. It slashes the investment in Public Health and undermines peoples protections for the benefits and premiums will go up 20 . Major employees dont have to provide coverage. It is a major rewrite of 1 6 of the u. S. Economy. They will do it on a few pieces of paper with a vote taken at 2 00 in the morning. Pardon the cliche, but this is a railroad. John mccain just wandered over to the democrat side of the aisle. On the top of the screen about 12 noon, he is talking to schumer, feinstein is leaning in there. I see coombs of delaware and durbin. This is a moment. Here is bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren and murray is coming in. They are having a good laugh. Thank you for that. Just zoomed in for us. John mccain with senator nelson of florida. Big night with the democrats. Everybody is moving in. The conversation going on there. Wow. Those of a certain age will remember the ef hutton commercials. This gentlemen who appears to be working in the well of the senate is talking to these senators. Whatever this turns out to be, its an interesting sight. Important to know as we mentioned, john mccain is the lynch pinchpin here. It all matters what john mccain thinks or does tonight. He gave a very meaningful speech about how broken the senate is the other day and said he is am can be back soon and will make people regret the nice things they said about him when he was dying noeiagnosed with his canc. A number of senators have said go with the speech you made. Live by that rule. What is it you are going to do tonight . That remains the mystery. There was a moment there that spoke of two things. He just put his arm around senator feinstein. Two things can come away from a simple gesture. Thats who john mccain is. As much as he is a strident republican at times, the standard bearer of that party, he has been able and willing to reach across the aisle. Sometimes physically. You are also reminded when john mccain makes a physical gesture like that of the inability, the limits physically on john mccain. He cant lift his arms over a certain level because of the 5 1 2 years he spent as a prisoner of war. That becomes part of the aura of john mccain. Part of what you think about when you think about the man and see him in the well of the senate. He is not like the other 99 in one very critical way. Its why he held them in detention when he came back from the surgery 12 days after the surgery that later revealed he was dealing with a blastoma, a very, very serious malignant brain tumor. I put before the court of opinion this tweet by Clair Mccaskill of missouri. There is now a glimmer of hope. She tweets that we will stop this and hopefully start over in a bipartisan way to stabilize Insurance Markets and bring down costs. Ali, have they lost their minds. This sounds sensible. It does and its important to note there are two. S of obamacare for most people. The individual Insurance Markets, about 7 of all americans actually. Then there is the medicaid expansion. Thats the bigger part of it. More people benefit from that. Within the individual markets, some people saw their insurance rates go up. Average people and healthy families. They saw rates go up astronomically. Thats a real problem with this. Part of the problem here is that the health and Human Services the government has to give money to the Insurance Companies as part of obamacare to subsidize low income people who were being insured and the president and tom price said they may not do that. That is now what triggered remarkable instability in the markets and resulted in premiums going up. If this bill passes, more Insurance Companies will say we will not be able to be in this market. They only make that choice once a year. You will see it at the beginning of 2018. 15 million could lose insurance if the bill goes through. Former congressman david is with us and broadcast tonight remains with us against his will. Congressman, if these reports are any sign of cooperation and transparency and bipartisanship breaking out. They can ruin washington. You are right, brian. This is mccains night. Each generation sees a lion of the senate emerge and we will see if hes a maverick or not. A couple of other things. This is a divided Republican Party. Something we know they ran on for seven years. We are seeing the division. We see that trump is not the wholesale leader of the party. He is a republican president who has been unable to lead his party to consensus on repeal. If they pass this tonight, they are just forestalling a vote on a bill as you reported that they still dont agree on. They never sold it to the three constituencie constituencies. Those who had expanded coverage and those who receive Financial Assistance and those who did see the plans disrupted through higher premiums or changed plans. Republicans never sold each of the three constituencies on their plan. They havent been able to sell their colleagues and thats why they are in the pickle they are in. I have been handed this from Jonathan Martin at the new york times. Lets keep the picture on the man of the hour. John mccain. I think congressman jaly is right and ali is right. Jonathan martin said on twitter, news two arizona republicans with direct knowledge tell me they now anticipate cane will vote no on skinny. We apologize on behalf of the elected representatives that anything has been labeled skinny. It is a piece of legislation that potentially affects millions of americans. Garrett, can you underscore any of this . The other thing im watching now if this is true and maybe its true and maybe it isnt, but is a difficult person to put pressure on. Ask the north vietnamese. The other person getting a lot of pressure is Lisa Murcowski who was a no vote and she took a tweet from the president about this. That was about the interior secretary trying to put pressure on here. We cant see her on the floor on the camera angles, but the producer in the room said there is a large group of republicans around her on the floor potentially working on her as one of the other people who was thought to be a likely or possible no vote and trying to get last minute arm twisting from her. I cant help but think this is part of where the president s handling of congress and handling of these senators and these personalities could come back to bite republicans. Its not as if this administration and john mccain have ever been close. After the last 36 hours especially, its hard to see why Lisa Murcowski would feel good will to go along with anything. Look at the bottom of the screen around 7 00 on the clock face, john mccain, mike pence, who is in the chamber in case he need his function as tie breaker. And now orrin hatch is talking to john mccain. Im sure we will learn what is happening and whats being said to fill in the gaps of these pictures where we are left to surmise. Lindsey graham going into the cloak room. Mike pence the Vice President right behind him. John mccain has now walked up the aisle. It will be interesting to learn what we dont know about these pictures. Just what is going on. Again, far from optimal for a majority leader to have to pull Something Back from the floor, back from consideration, but its a feeling that speaker ryan knows. They had to go through that in the house and had to go through it in the senate. To People Like Us who watch this, its all been surprising. It hasnt happened any faster as a result of puttinging the bills out earlier and not having them succeed. John mccains view as is Lindsey Grahams and Lisa Murcowski is this bill is not satisfying the needs we have to get. Why dont we take the necessary time and go through the process. Senator collins and mccain and Lindsey Graham and others say lets get democrats involved and get a bill that everyone can own a little bit of. The danger with this bill right now if it were to pass is that it can do so much damage to the Health Care System in america. Republicans will end up owning that. The pressure from the white house seems to be to get a bill passed. Thats what you are seeing play out in front of us. Schumer, reed, booker and blumenthal. Physically huddling over health care. I apologize for the quality of the pictures. We put it through a doubler to zoom in on the vignettes and we lose the High Definition and it goes back to being a bit more of an oil painting than we would like. Its our only choice because these locked in camera locations we dont have a joy stick where we can zoom in on the senators at will. This is what the senate gives the Television Network and we are trying to make the most of the pictures we are getting while we are trying to guess what is going on. 1 19 a. M. Friday morning here in new york and of course to the south in washington. On the east coast, this is the last friday of the month of july. The summer break, the vacation, the recess that is looming for the u. S. Senate as we look at the capitol dome looms with added importance this summer because of the threat that the president will fire the attorney general and try to appoint a new one in whats being called a recess appointment. A common thing in washington made less common in recent years by the fact that the senate tries to stay in session with a Skeleton Crew and never go out of session during recess to prevent exactly that kind of thing. Also as a matter of fact, a recess appointment is only good until the next congress. This is live of the crowd outside the congress. Decidedly more energetic than the senators in the well of the senate. And a little younger. They are looking at their devices and trying to follow what we are trying to follow. That is usually on twitter. From some journalists and some senators themselves. Just what is going on. There is a whole lot of talking. Thats all we know right now. So ron, if common sense takes hold of any or all of this, the majority leader shelves it . We will see. He may put them to a vote to cast the votes. They dont look to take a vote and lose, but he may want to have people show their cards. I want to go back to what was said a few minutes ago. If john mccain votes yes, mcconnell and trump win. End of story. If he votes no, all eyes shift to Lisa Murcowski. What you have seen is the president made it virtually impossible for Lisa Murcowski to switch to yes. To publicly threaten her and having the president threaten her and having her say im going to defend my state, if she switched now, it looks like the threats worked on her. They painted themselves into a corner where they put her vote out of reach and mccain is the only available vote. Obviously saying senator mccain is a National Hero and a second senator also is fighting cancer. There is less focus on her. She gave a very impassioned speech earlier about the compassion that senators have shown her and her battle to fight cancer and urging them to show the same compassion to american who is need preexisting condition coverage this bill would strip away. She just came back from her home in hawaii. She is in the midst of her first round of treatment. She has been very public about her diagnosis and her treatment and how it is all very much jermaine of this discussion. How are her constituents in the state of hawaii going to fare under what eventually comes out of this chamber . While we are on the kind of civics lesson that forces us to think about these 100 senators and how different the states are that they represent, think about senators like those from hawaii and alaska, how difficult it is for them to get home. And back to washington. The senators from maryland, delaware, virginia, pennsylvania, new jersey and new york in some cases can sleep at home. A train ride home every night. It is so difficult for them to get home and see the folks. They have something in common for different reasons. Mccain is a National Hero as ron said. He was imprisoned and refused release. Lisa murcowski run a write in campaign. You dont see that often. You dont. She is not particularly scared of donald trump. In alaska in the last 72 hours, the groups that propelled her to victory when she won that write in campaign reactivated and run ads on the radio. She was supported by indigenous groups in many cases because she was running against someone that they didnt like. There any senators wishing to vote or change their vote . The ayes are 48 and nays are 52. The motion to commit is not agreed to. Thats a previous democratic measure. Anything said now will have to do with the central vote. Request the ayes and nays. Is there a second . There is . Call the role. Mr. Alexander. Ms. Baldwin. Roll call. No. No. Mr. Blunt. No. Mr. Booker. No. Mr. Boseman. Mr. Brown. No. Mr. Burr. Ms. Cant well. Mr. Cardon. No. Mr. Carper. No. Mr. Casey. No. Mr. Cassidy. Aye. This is the vote. And we are left to read the tea leaves along with you. Obviously we will keep a tally. We just saw along with you Lindsey Graham offer a thumbs up to someone. There is corn in of texas and the Vice President. John mccain left the Chamber Together again. Back inside the vote. Mr. Corker. Aye. Mr. Corn in. Mr. Cortez mast. Mr. Cotton. Mr. Crapo. Mr. Cruz. Mr. Dans. Mr. Donnelley. No. Ms. Duckworth. No. Mr. Durbin. No. Mr. Enzy. Mrs. Ernst. Aye. Mrs. Feinstein. No. Mrs. Fisher. Aye. Mr. Blake. Mr. Franken. No. Mr. Gardner. Mrs. Jill brand. No. Mr. Graham. Mr. Grassley. Ms. Harris. No. Mr. Hatch. Mr. Hinrich. No. Mr. Hide camp. No. Mr.