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Happenstance . Yes, absolutely. The irony of roger stone rejecting a conspiracy theory. And so today, april 13th, 2017, was the day that america woke up to the sudden knowledge that bombs have mothers. That all of the conventional nonnuclear bombs in the American Military arsenal have one big beautiful mother. And there she is. The bombs official name for Bookkeeping Purposes in the military is the gbu43. The letters on the side of the bomb describe its function, what you can expect from it. Massive ordnance air blast. But the military doesnt want us to call it the gbu43, or the moab. Names are important to the military. They name their bases after war heroes, after general, including generals who have committed treason by fighting in the Confederate Army against the United States of america. The biggest u. S. Military base in the world, the one with the biggest Military Population is in fort hood in texas, named after Treasonous Confederate General john bell hood. But the militarys most important names, the names that are designed to deliver a message sometimes subliminal, sometimes very direct are the names of weapons. The militarys best names for weapons humanize the weapons. That is what they are intended to do. The gbu43, the biggest nonnuclear bomb the United States has never, ever used until today, april 13th, 2017. The gbu43 had to wait years for its first use. During the Bush Administration, it replaced the blu82, which until then was our biggest bomb. The blu82 was used frequently in vietnam. The Military Ace Name for it was the daisy cutter. Not the baby killer. Not the family killer. Not the village killer. The daisy cutter. The militarys nicknames for bombs are designed to do two things. Impress you with something about the bomb. Its precision, its power, its enormity. But the best Military Names for weapons and bombs are designed to inspire awe and affection. And so the bomb that the bush and Obama Administration refused to use and has now been used by the Trump Administration is called the mother of all bombs. When the president was asked today about using that bomb for the first time in history, it sounded like he did authorize th the bomb in that instance. It sounded like perhaps he had given the general Authorization To General Mattis to use whatever weapon he decided was right for the mission. Did you authorize it, sir . Everybody knows exactly what happened. What i do is i authorize my military. We have the greatest military in the world and they have done a great job as usual. We have given them total authorization. And thats what theyre doing. Frankly, thats why theyve been so successful lately. The president Got Glowing Review last week from most of the media in his first use of tomahawk missiles, his reviews on the use of the militarys most destructive nonnuclear bomb will have to wait until there are at lst initial reports on the number of civilian casualty, if any, and what tactical gain was achieved by the gbu43. Now to the news that donald trump cannot bomb away, the guardian is reporting that British Intelligence first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between figures connected to trump and known or suspected russian agents. This intelligence was passed to the u. S. As part of a routine exchange of information. Sources also told the paper that over the next six monday. Until summer of 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between trumps inner circle and the russians. The European Countries that passed on electronic intelligence included germany, estonia and poland. According to the guardian, the alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of Routine Surveillance of russian intelligence assets. At no point was British Intelligence carrying out an operation against donald trump or his campaign. Former Trump Campaign adviser carter page, who was the subject of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant last summer said this morning that he may have discussed lifting u. S. Sanctions on russia during a trip to moscow last year. It sounds like from what youre saying its possible that you may have discussed the easing of sanction. Something may have come up in a conversation. I have no recollection. Wikileaks, i love wikileaks. Boy, that wikileaks has done a job on her, hasnt it . This wikileaks is like a treasure trove. Joining us now, Malcolm Nance, Msnbc Counterterrorism and intelligence analyst. David corn, Washington Bureau chief for mother jones and an msnbc political analyst. And david frump, senior editor. I want to talk about the massive bomb that was dropped today and your interpretation of its use and what you think it might have been able to achieve in that usage. Well, the gbu43 is really just an area destruction device. Its designed to make a big blast over pressure. A lot of earthquaking, knock down tunnel, destroy people and tunnels that are out in the field. Its just another bomb. And i think people are sort of looking over the fact that it was dropped in a combat zone. A b52 carrying 32 jdam bombs could have caused much more devastation with much more precision. The air force wanted to use this device, and they did. David fromm, the reports today, it wasnt just the british picking up something involving trump world and the russians, estonia, poland. It sounds like there was a lot to pick up. And the polls have particularly sophisticated intelligence service, and have been very interested in the ukraine case. Poland and ukraine are neighbors with deep histical relaonships. Poland contains many more consulates in ukraine than the United States does and it knows a lot about the career of paul manafort. That name would ring some very noisy alarm bells in warsaw. David corn, the way the we just heard the cia director talk about wikileaks compared to the way the president has talked about wikileaks. Its another one of those congressional i dont know. Thats crazy talk. But nevertheless, it is so absurd, you know, because at the same time donald trump still says this is all a hoax. Malcolm nance, you have literally written the book about this, about the russian influence in this election and what they were up to. Just give us your assessment about the last 24 hours of new informatio well, im afraid to say this is what separates Intelligence Officers from journalists, you know. I wrote this almost seven months ago now. That if you were ever going to get a scoop with relation to information coming out about the Trump Administrations activities related to foreign intelligence, it was going to come from a foreign intelligence agency. Pretty sure that i said estonia would be the first one. Because as we learned, they have very close ties with the United States and other allied nations. And theyre very, very good at certain types of special intelligence. Thats what we call signals intelligence. And our sister gchq and dgsc in france, they have a vested interest in knowing what is going on there. On the other hand, it was very surprising to finally hear mike pompeo come out and declare wikileaks a nonstate hostile intelligence agency. I wrote a whole chapter in my book about how wikileaks was nonstate Intelligence Company and a subsidiary of the fsb. That being said, its going to be fascinating for anyone who has now been found to cooperate with wikileaks. Because this is essentially him verbalizing in an unclassified setting an Intelligence Finding that they were in league, not only with russian intelligence perhaps by extension, but now a designated nonstate hostile intelligence agency. Its going to make for some very, very interesting congressional investigations and trials. There. Are people in the trump tillerson admitted it. Nikki haley admitted it. Mike pompeo said it today. While roger stone is out there pushing Conspiracy Theorys on this network and others. So can they kind of act as if theyre legitimate, even when theyre working for a fellow who denies the original sin of this administration and still continues to say things that make no sense . I think the answer to that, david, would be from a moral point of view, maybe not. From a practical point of view, everybody has to be less fussy. Malcolm nance, isnt it a question of what are they saying from this point forward . When you look at What Tillerson was saying the week before the Chemical Attack in syria, he seemed like he hadnt even found his way around the office yet and didnt have the vaguest idea what a reasonable Talking Point sounded like on syria, saying he was going to leave it to, what, haley as u. N. Ambassador has been far ahead of even mcmaster and mattis. And the strength of her statements about russia and syria. And so now it appears that its coming together at least on these two points, even though as i contend, the attack on syria was a complete wash. We didnt destroy anything. We didnt destroy chemical weapons. We just showed that we knew how to turn the key and launch cruise missiles. So i think that the white house in some respects is coming together. And if these threats and statements about north korea are true, as were going to talk about a little later, they had better get their acts together. Because this is the sort of talk that will bring this nation into war or to a crisis that will, you know, resemble the paces to war. David, when you talk about hemming in a president , that has been done in the past in a more subtle way. Just the advisers would basically the experts in the areas of defense or whatever it was would present a set of possibilities. Only one of which looked possible and the others just werent. And so that was always the traditional way if the advisers were trying to hem in the president. Well, it is a more extreme way, which youll rember from the history, James Schlesinger in the last days of watergate telling the Nuclear Command by the way, im putting myself as Secretary Of Defense into the Nuclear Command. If you get any funny orders from the president , just run them past me. This was when president nixon was up drunk late at night in the white house. Taking pills. And approaching the point of being forced to resign. His said dont take any nuclear orders from him in the middle of the night. Right. Unless you cleared them with me. So president s can be hemmed in. The question, how many weeks did that occur over . Relatively short period of time. Can you do it over four years . Probably not. In the end, the president fires a all of these people. And one of the things that Donald Trumps displayed is, and he has done it now to his white house staff, steve bannon and others, he doesnt like it when anyone near him gets too big. And right now mattis is very big, and tillerson is getting bigger, and nikki haley in particular is getting very big. How will the president feel about that tomorrow, next week, the week after that. David corn, isnt that a matter of how Saturday Night Live treats it . If Saturday Night Live says nikki haley is the brains of the Trump White House, thats when the clock starts ticking . I would amend davids astute observation. Its not how people around donald trump getting big. Its how its portrayed and perceived. And because thats really how he views the world. He views the world and how the world is viewing him. The Reality Doesnt Matter as much. And if we talk about hemming in and mcmasters getting his hands around the National Security council and mattis, we see it only takes trump seven seconds to Say Something or even less seconds to tweet something about north korea or Something Else that can be incredibly destabilizing. So you can hem in a guy to a certain degree. But when he is up at 6 00 in the morning, i dont think mattis or mcmasters or even his wife are looking over his shoulders. So there still is a lot of instability there. Should nbc have some kind of corporate ethics officer in the Saturday Night Live Writings Room saying please dont say anything about nikki haley overnight. No, no corporate interference there. But maybe for the sake of the country they should. We dont want those jokes. Theyre all patriots at snl. Theyre all patriots. Thats right. Theyre right upstairs. David frum, a pleasure. Coming up, nbc news Exclusive Reporting that the Trump White House has a plan for a presumptive strike on north korea. And the democratic candidate in georgia in that special election for a house seat has a huge lead in the polls. Thats a seat that has been republican for 38 years. That candidate is going to join us later. I didnt really know anything about my family history. Went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. I got a leaf right away. A leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. I learned that my ten times great grandmother is George Washingtons aunt. Within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, im related to george washington. This is my cousin george. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com the last few days weve seen a number of shifts by the american president. What should the American People make of the shifts . I think you can look at it what youre referring to as a shift in a lot of ways. If you look at whats happened, its those entities the or individuals in some cases are issues evolving towards the president s position. [bullfighting music] really another successful job. Were very, very proud of our military. Just like were proud of the folks in this room. We are so proud of our military. And it was another successful event. Joining us now, the former ambassador to the african union. And Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State for african affairs. Back with us, david corn. Ambassador, i want to get your reaction to the bomb today. You studied the aftermath of bombings, especially as it affects the Civilian Casualties and other unintended consequences. What do you expect to find when we finally see the results of this bomb . Well, lawrence, the first question is what was the target and why was the target necessary to be attacked with this particular weapon. And then the second question is what was the calculus that the military made with the regard to the potential impact of civilians in that area. The gbu43, the socalled mother of all bombs is an 11ton weapon that has Blast Effects that go well beyond a mile. And its frankly hard to imagine a circumstance on which you could drop a weapon like that without having any consequences whatsoever on civilians. So im very interested in asking the questions about what exactly was the target, and how did the military make the calculation that attacking that target would be worth whatever potential impact it would be on civilians. And ambassador, do you sense that in the decision to use this particular bomb, that there was an intent to deliver a message with it that this bomb delivers because Malcolm Nance has mentioned in the previous segment that you could have done the same destructive work with other devices. Well, there certainly could be some sort of signaling or psychological impact on what the use of that weapon. Although what would expect that that desired effect would have been taken into decision, if that were the case works have been taken at a higher level. Could be there were particular aspects about the contours of the target that were being attacked. But thats the problem. We dont know. For the unprecedented use of a weapon like this, there are certainly more questions than answers. And as they say, asking the question what exactly was a target that justified this kind of weapon is something i think we simply need to have a responsible. Lets listen to what Secretary Of Defense rumsfeld said when this bomb was first being brought online for the military and first being tested, he was asked about this new bomb. Lets listen to this. Is there a psychological component to this massive new bomb . There. Is a psychological component to all aspects of warfare. The goal is to not have a war. The goal is to have the pressure be so great that Saddam Hussein cooperates. Short of that, an unwillingness to cooperate, the goal is to have the capabilities of the coalition so clear and so obvious that there is an enormous disincentive for the Iraqi Military to fight against the coalition. David corn, the bomb was available to the Bush Administration. It was available to the Obama Administration every day. They chose never to use it. And we have yet to find out exactly what went into the decision for the Trump Administration to use it, and whether the president even knew that it was beg ed before it was used. Lets start with the principle, the assumption that the people who were bombed know they were bombed. And so nothing that happened is a secret to them. They know where they were. They know what happened. I think the American Public is now owed similar information. As the ambassador said, what was the intended target, and did it hit the intended target . Why was this weapon needed when other alternatives were not used . And you know, what can we learn about Civilian Casualties and Collateral Damage as they you have call it. This one weapon, we can get maybe overly overwrought about it. But i still think since they used it for the first time these questions still should be answered. I dont see any reason why the American Public cant get these simple answers. Its a 15 million bomb. Ambassador bringingety, why did the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration decide never to use that bomb . There could be any number of reasons. One might be frankly that the particular tactical circumstances never presented themselves. And by that to be able to use a weapon that is that has that kind of blast radius, you would have do be very confident of one two of things. Either that there would be virtually no civilians that would be impacted by the blast, or that the target that you were attacking was of such profound Military Value that it would justify the sorts of Civilian Casualties that would result. So one could be that neither the Bush Administration nor the Obama Administration ever found themselves in that particular sort of circumstances. Another could be that frankly, the weapon that is that large, its hard to imagine environments short of dropping it on the moon that you would like not be likely to impact civilians. And frankly, what we may be seeing is frankly a very different set of calculus that are being taken by the Trump Administration as impact for Civilian Casualties and the willingness theyre prepared to give to the military commanders to have that sorts of flexibility of Decision Making on the ground. How long will it take to get the after Action Report on this bomb . It depends. It depends on how much access u. S. And Coalition Forces have to the area, whether there is a permissive environment that will allow that. Frankly, it also depends on whether or not other Hostile Forces take their own crews in to make videos of potential Civilian Casualties for their own propaganda efforts. So well have to wait and see. Well leave there it for tonight. David corn, thank you very much for joining us. Ambassador brigety, were going to need you for one more segment here. Coming up, the reporting that the president Trump Administration has a plan for preemptive attack on north korea. But every administration has such an attack plan, has had such an attack plan on north korea. Will this one be used . [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues] seriously, what is this place . Its heaven. Yeah, muscle heaven. You want to take one for a test drive . tires squealing, engine revs the challenger and charger have the most affordable v8 engines in their classes. 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Well, its quite possible that now that e conditions have changed, North Korea May in fact be either planning an atomic detonation, or some sort of surprise with regards to their intercontinental ballistic testing machine. Just in case. The problem here with the Trump Administration is over the last two weeks theyve used phrases from the Secretary Of State himself like imminent threat. Those words that if china doesnt help us, we will go it alone. Those words resonate. Not just to the north koreans, but to everyone in the entire region that maybe this time the war plan the United States has is something that theyre taking very seriously, and that they tend to intimidate north korea. North korea doesnt intimidate very well, and that these words could have very, very serious dramatic action. Lets listen to what former obama cia director and defense secretary leon panetta said about this tonight. There are no good options here. If we were to try to attack them, they would virtually wipe out seoul. And if it became a nuclear war, which is likely, millions of lives would be lost. And thats the reason we havent pulled the trigger. Ambassador brigety, is it possible, is there another possibility that if a Weapons System was attacked in north korea from the United States, that north korea would simply take the hit, that they would just absorb the hit and not attack south korea . I have never heard of any analyst that follows the region that thinks thats a possibility. We have is a very mercurial regime in pyongyang, particularly under this younger rur kim jongn, who has not only demonstrated his willingness to show belligerent through mill tests but willing to kill his own kin, as we saw by a successful Assassination Attempt by his halfbrother in kuala lumpur. We certainly have uncertainty on the leadership on both sides of this equation, uncertainty with the leadership of kim jong un, and frankly, and respectfully uncertainty in regard to President Trump who has demonstrated the ability to change 180 degrees, whether it be syria, on china, with regard to the irrelevance of nato, his view on profound pillars of the international system. And that level of uncertainty on both sides of the equation is what is new in this particular circumstance, and frankly, what is so disconcerting. Malcolm nance, if you war game this out for the president , he takes a preemptive strike against north korea. You have to then war game for the president what north korea is going to do. Would there be anyone war gaming that in the pentagon or in the white house with any credibility saying that no south koreans would then be killed by north korea . Well, yes. Weve been red teaming this, War Gaming This since 1953. And in every scenario, like the ambassador said, north korea, you know, they have this proclivity towards moving to the extreme. And for them sinking a vessel, coming out, you know, interdicting commercial and naval traffic throughout the sea of japan, or Launching Thousands of rockets into south korea, thats the way they red team this game. They understand and they know that america knows that the only options here when given this, and this is why leon panetta was so distraught in his words is that they have the option of creating massive numbers of casualties. In south korea, whether its going out and engaging on a military force. But let me tell you. One last thing. This isnt my usual area of expertise. You know, in the western pacific. However, there is one thing that i do know. North korea is so dug in with their Weapon Systems since the korean war, since 1953 when it ended that the only way youre going to get rid of that Nuclear Program is to burn it out with a nuclear bomb. And we are not going to carry out that type of attack. North korea now has demonstrated atomic Weapons Systems. And we dont know how their delivery systems or whether theyve been perfected. And they dont have to be perfected. They can put out out on a trawler in the sea of japan and detonate it and make things very unpleasant for japan and south korea. Its something we shouldnt even be discussing is now being discussed. Were going have to leave it there for tonight. Malcolm nance gets the last word. Ambassador brigety and Malcolm Nance, thank you for join us. Coming up, coming up on tuesday in georgia, democrat jon ossoff has a big lead in that race. And he will join us next. Im going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. Ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. This is how i dress to get a mortgage. I just go to lendingtree. I calculate how much home i can afford. I get multiple offers to compare side by side. And the best part is. 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She resigned from the foundation after she urged them to cut off grants to planned parenthood. Today at an event closed to the press, President Trump quietly rolled back protects for planned parenthood, signing a bill that will allow states and local governments to withhold federal money to planned parenthood. Democrat jon ossoff joins us next. T. Last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. At t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. Remote Moisture Sensors use a Reliable Network to tell them when and where to water. So that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. China. Oh. He got there. Thats the power of and. Eep. You had a long, stressful day, and now you need a little help falling asleep. Time for unisom sleepminis. The little capsules work fast so you get a good nights sleep and wake recharged. Unisom sleepminis. A stressful day deserves a restful night. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even a coupe soup. [woman] so beautiful. 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My question is will you represent the people of arizona and support single payer, or are you going to continue to represent the Health Insurance industry . Senator, my question is when are you going to choose your country over your party . [ cheering ] thats republican senator jeff flake at a Town Hall Meeting in mesa, arizona tonight. It is still happening. Thatshappening. Thats a live image of Whats Going On there right now. We are joined now by john ossoff a candidate for congress in georgias sixth district this. District has been republican for 38 years. It was Newt Gingrich richs district. Tom price had an easy reelection there. But the striking thing there is donald trump won the district by only one point. How did that happen . Tom price won by own 20, and donald trump on the same ballot took it by only one. Thank you for having me. This community where i grew up is a moderate pragmatic district. Economically minded. It recognizes that extremism is bad for business. I wasnt effective principled leadership. Doestize identify as partisan or idea logical. I think thats why the president had a probable here. Im focusing on local Economic Development and shared values in the community that bring people to go. How much of an issue has the republican repeal of the Affordable Care act act how much has that been an issue in your district . It was of major concern. You are talking about a proposal to throw 24 million off of their Health Insurance back into the Emergency Room at taxpayer exsense. It also would have gutted the georgia based centers for Disease Control and prevention which helps the whole country. It was an unpopular bill here. So, too, as todays closed door signing of a bill attacking Family Planning and Reproductive Health been greeted with concern in this district. There has been a lot of outside help for you in this campaign. The fund is obviously surprising everyone. It is a massive amount of funding for a congressional campaign. Were you surprised that you were able to attract that much campaign help . It has taken on a bit of a life of its own. Im proud of the fact that its small dollar grassroots fun raising. The average an trick to my campaign is 42. When you have super pacs from washington coming in with cynical partisan attacks on candidates like me who are standing up against corruption and for a change in corruption im glad its grassroots funding if no one clears 50 on tuesday. The runoff will be on june 20th. The early numbers suggest an outright win on tuesday is possible. Either way we will be ready to fight and win if there is a runoff. In your strategy, do you have to hold some of your Financial Resources for that possible runoff and not go all out on Advertising Spending between now and tuesday . We are doubling down right now on a win on tuesday, because it is within reach. The Grassroots Intensity in georgia is unlike anything that ive seen in this community before. There are thousands of volunteers knocking on doors and making phone calls. Its a hopeful and inspiring scene here in georgia. Folks in the community are really standing up. Its a Broad Coalition ready for some fresh leadership and i think we have a great shot on tuesday of an outright win. This was not one those campaigns that you could plan, that you could look out two years out and say i think im going to go for that seat. This suddenly came up because there was suddenly a vacancy, donald trump surprises the world, wins the election, and then chooses your congressman for his cabinet. When did you decide to make a run for this seat . Well, after the president ial election, i began to think about whether i needed to get more involved directly now. I asked i myself if not now, when, when i learned that my Hometown Congressman was vey kagtd i started looking at the race. The moment i set my heart on it was after a meeting with john lewis. He told me i should run and that he would endorse me if i did and i walked out of that meeting with my mind made up. John ossoff, candidate for georgias sixth congressional district. Thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you for having me. Coming up, donald trump versus donald trump. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. It can seem like triggersent. Pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. But weve got the get tdigital tools to help. Now with xfinitys my account, you can figure things out easily, so you wont even have to call us. 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Trump said his administration wont label china a Currency Manipulator late they are week. We are giving countries a free ride. Nato is obsolete. Its old, its fat. Its sloppy. And we are and it doesnt talk about terrorism. The Secretary General and i had a productive discussion about what more nato can do in the fight against terrorism. I said it was obsolete. Its no longer obsolete. When i see a story about donald trump didnt fill hundreds and hundreds of jobs, thats because in many cases we dont want to fill those jobs. You have 600 open jobs though that you can appoint. Whats going on a lot of those jobs i dont want to appoint because they are unnecessary to have i am waiting right now for so many people. Hundreds and hundreds of people

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