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On broadcast networks, you better get used to them being broken into by the president of the United States and not just for state of the Union Addresses but for completely predictable announcements that have leaked out ahead of time and have never before been covered by prime Time Entertainment networks. This is the new normal that in fact is not at all normal. Live from the white house judge neil gorsuch. The most exciting Supreme Court announcement since Justice Kegan burst through a banner. This is not the time to embark of another partisan crew aid. This goes way beyond the pot calling the kettle black. I think they ought to stop posturing and acting like idiots. Advise and consent doesnt mean ram the nominees through. The attorney general is the peoples attorney, not the president s attorney. Sally yates declared that under her leadership the department could not defend trumps executive order. That statement took guts. This is not, i repeat not a ban on muslims. Were going to have a very, very strict ban. Do you see christians as a priority here . Yes. Theyve been horribly treated. Over the course of office, the president gets old and his hair turns gray. Instead of him, thats going to happen to all of us. In a totally obvious attempt to change the subject, the president rushed his announcement of his choice to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. The announcement was original scheduled for thursday of this week, but was pushed up two full days in the hope that the news media could stop covering the chaos that has resulted from the president s executive order on immigration that sparked mass protests at airports around the country this weekend and provoked the acting attorney general of the United States last night sally yates to refuse to defend the executive order, which in turn provoked President Trump to fire her and replace her with a new acting attorney general who has pledged to defendhe executive order that his predecessor had found indefensible. Never before in history has a president so obviously attempted to change a relentless flow of bad news by staging an announcement of the winner of the trumpian elimination process for Supreme Court nominee. The winner was no surprise at all, neil gorsuch. He has been on the public list of possible nominees that was vetted and approved by Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. Other than the minor three at trck the surprise factor in this choice is absolutely zero. The news value is significant, but it is a news story that will be with us for months as the confirmation process proceeds. And in that time we will all learn much more about judge gorsuch than we know tonight. We will consider the political and jurisprudencetial implications of this nominee later in this program. But first the stories donald trump really doesnt want us talking about tonight. So much so that he rushed his Supreme Court announcement by two days. The resistance to the Trump Presidency continues to grow tonight inside the government. This weekend we saw federal judges across the country become the first people in the government to stand up to the president and say no to his executive order on immigration led by the first judge to rule on it, Brooklyn Federal judge ann marie donnelly. The first four judges to rule against the president s executive order that night were women, acting exactly one week after the womens march turned out to be the most massive protest against a president ial inauguration in history. Then came acting attorney general sally yates last night announcing that she could not in good conscience defend an executive order that she did not believe was lawful. That ended her Justice Department career as she surely knew it was likely. Sally yates was the first person in the government subject to being fired by the president who stood up to defy the president. Tonight, over a thousand diplomats working in the state department have signed onto a letter of dissent to their boss, the president of the United States, saying that his executive order on immigration cannot achieve its goals, will not make us safer and will do more harm and the president realizes. It is the state department that issues visas to enter the United States. They take that duty seriously. The last line of the dissent letter from the state Department Staff to the president says we do not need to alienate entire societies to stay safe and we do not need to sacrifice our reputation as a nation, which is open and welcoming to protect our families. It is well within our reach to create a visa process which is more secure which reflects our American Values and which would make the department proud. No one in the state department has ever seen anything like this. No one in our government has seen anything like this. A dissent letter with over a thousand signatures and still gathering more signatures. The most publicly vindictive person who has ever occupied the presidency will now have all of those signatures. He will have all of their names and they know that. He will know doubt consider them en enemies, the same term he has reserved for any American Voter who did not vote for him, which is of course a majority of American Voters. State department rules protect employees who sign dissent letters like this from being retaliated against. But this president doesnt know those rules and we know this president does not respect those rules and there is no evidence that anyone working in the white house has anything but contempt for dissent. Sean spicer said the diplomats signing the dissent letter, quote, should either get with the program or they can go. And then with a trumpian lack of selfawareness, he said that the dissent letter is, quote, bullying at the highest levels. Joining us now Washington Bureau chief for mother jones and david frum Senior Editor for the atlantic. He is the author of their new cover story how to build an autocracy. When i think of this now, more than a thousand signatures going up by the minute that will be submitted to the president. This president will see every one of those names. Every one of those names is an act of bravery in addition to being an act of dissent when those names are submitted to the most publicly vindictive person we have ever seen in any federal office. I think vindictive is a good word and i think thats a good point to make. David frums talked about the move toward authoritarianism or autocracy. I agree with that, but you see this creeping in terms of Donald Trumps attitudes toward dissent or differences or opinion. Last night when sally yates was fired for doing what she thought was right, the white house issued a statement and didnt say that she was wrong and weve dismissed her because there was a policy agreement. They said she betrayed the department. We both pressed sean spicer on the use of that word. He thought that was just fine. That sends a signal, as does these firings, that you cant disagree with trump. And we do know from the past decades that when he gives lectures on his business success, he says the number one rule that he has that you dont learn at harvard or wharton is this one. If someone screws you, you screw them back, not one time, but five times, ten times, 15 times greater than they screwed you. This is what he lives by. Those who signed that letter are brave people if they take him on. We can only imagine at this distance into this presidency to see that many signatures in the state department emerging and being willing to be submitted to the president , that this is the beginning of who knows what by the end of this year how many people in this government will have stood up to and objected to the policies of this president. It may be the beginning of a purge too, not just at the state department but the intelligence agencies. You know, at cia there are people who know a lot about Donald Trumps connections to the russians. How can he leave them in place . Its dangerous to him if the story is anything other than completely annodine. There are changes coming. The cia has this dissent channel not to give people a chance to speak their minds, but in order to avoid the dangers of group think. This is a response to situations like the cuban missile crisis where people looking back said there wasnt enough discussion. Maybe if we had an open discussion, we could have avoided mistakes. How much longer will they exist for . And how ferociously will the president try to turn the United States government into Something Like a singleminded entity . And the question for all of us is, what happens to people who are either forced out or who resign on principle . Do Americans Care . Or are they left one by one to be picked off . Speaking of purges, certainly the president was trying to purge sally yates. I just want to give sally yates her moment. Its the most poignant moment we possibly could have found. I found this video online just after i finished my program here last night at 11 00 p. M. When in her confirmation hearing for her last confirmation at the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions asked her specifically what she would do if given an unlawful order by the president. Lets watch this moment. If the views a president wants to execute are unlawful, should the attorney general or the Deputy Attorney general say no . Senator, i believe that the attorney general or the Deputy Attorney general has an obligation to follow the law and the constitution and to give their independent legal advice to the president. So the president fired her for doing what she promised Jeff Sessions she would do, for doing what she promised Donald Trumps choice for attorney general what she would do. Yeah. And the firing, to me, is not as bad as the way they, you know, characterized it as betrayal. If donald trump cant understand that there are differences of opinion when it comes to these legal policies and cant recognize it, a thousand people in the state department see this is not helpful to our security and he cant absorb that, then were in for a whole mess of trouble in a lot of ways. Youre talking about how tonight hes changing to change the subject. But it seems like every two days hes trying to change the subject. Were not talking about his financial conflicts of interest anymore, the connections to russia. So this guy really goes from channel changing to channel changing every couple of days. I think its getting kind of hard for us to keep up with these stunts. It is. And last night we speculated on what would this mean to Jeff Sessions confirmation process. Well, what it meant today was his vote in committee was delayed because of all of that disruption that happened last night at the Justice Department and furthermore we had all the other confirmation votes that were scheduled in committees delayed because democrats boycotted the committees so they could not obtain a forum. Im not sure whether any of that would have happened if we didnt have the events of last night with donald trump firing the acting attorney general. You know, just to follow up on what you said, the channel is changed again and again and again. And yet somehow its always the same show. One of the things i note, for all the ferocity of the confirmation battles was how quickly mattis and kelly and pompeo passed through the senate. Democrats understood the United States does need to have a working National Security in place and made sure it was there. The bigger story is trying to keep a sense of what is normal in the u. S. Government. Arguing about Supreme Court justices, normal. Arguing about russian espionage at the highest levels, not normal. Coming up, the first city to officially join a legal challenge against President Trumps executive order. The resistance now is expanding to legal challenges from cities. And also the trump Supreme Court nominee, how is he different from antonin scalia, whose seat he will be taking and how is he different from Merrick Garland, whose seat he will also be taking. This is the silverado special edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres 5. Aaaahh ooohh uh holy mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favorite . laughter come home with me trade up to the silverado 2500hd all star edition and get an average total value over 11,000 when you find your tag. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. The Canadian Parliament is holding an emergency session tonight to debate how to respond on President Trumps ban on refugees from seven nations. Canada agreed to take more than 40,000 refugees this year. Up next, republicans are shocked, just completely shocked that all democrats arent rushing to support President Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance when you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Today i am keeping another promise to the American People by nominating judge neil gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court to be of the United States Supreme Court. So was that a surprise . Was it . In the surprise to absolutely no one, the president nominated the most easily confirmable person in his very public list of possible Supreme Court nominees, a list dictated to him in effect and approved by Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. First the white house leaked who the three finalists were for the position, then who the two finalists were and yesterday began leaking who the actual winner of the trump Selection Process was, judge neil gorsuch. The president decided to schedule the announcement in prime time and in the process got all four Major Broadcast Networks to cut into their entertainment programming, there by making this the most watched announcement of a Supreme Court nominee in history, something that all other president s have made the mistake of doing during normal business hours. Today i am nominating chief judge Merrick Garland to join the Supreme Court. Joining us now jeffrey rosen, professor of law at the George Washington University Law school and the author of the book the Supreme Court, the personalities and rivalries that defined america. Also with us emily bazlon a staff whiter at the New York Times magazine. Emily, first, can we fix him on the scale in relation to Merrick Garland . We have moved to the right. How far to the right . Weve moved far to the right. Judge gorsuch talked about himself in terms of scalia. He talks about his strict adherence to the constitution as it was written in the 18 thd century. Thats a very scalialike idea. And hes written some opinions that demonstrate that. For example, he found that employers who didnt want to provide contraception for women because of their religious believes did not have to do that. Under the Affordable Care act . Exactly. Under obamacare. Jeffrey, where do you put in relation to Merrick Garland . Hes far more deserve an judge garland and in interesting ways he might even more more conservative in some areas that Justice Scalia and more liberal in others. The big area is regulation. Judge gorsuch has criticized the doctrine that says judges should defer to regulatory agencies. Judge gorsuch has been a strong enforcer of the Fourth Amendment rights of unreasonable searches and seizures. The bottom line is this is someone who clerked for judge anthony kennedy. Kennedy trusts gorsuch. Gorsuch has the ability to move kennedy to the right. Its really hard to imagine a more effective conservative voice for really moving the conservative agenda forward. And judge gorsuch is in that sense a home run. A lot of speculation about that the last few days, that this nominee was directed at a specific Supreme Court justice whos 80 years old, anthony kennedy, to y, look, if youd like to rest, this is the kind of nominee we put up. But putting him up now doesnt mean thats who you put up to replace kennedy. The thats true. It sort of signals reassurance but doesnt provide any guarantees that the next choice will be this kind of choice. So well see what effect it has on justice kennedy. I think jeff is absolutely right that gorsuch is the kind of temperament as well as intellect who could be effective for building coalitions for conservatives on the court. Was there anyone else on the public list of possible nominees who would have been more acceptable to democrats . More acceptable to democrats . You know, thats a really interesting question. A list was vetted by the heritage foundation. In that sense arguably more pragmatic. But the thing about judge gorsuch is hes so well qualified and he is liked by both sides that i think democrats would be likely to oppose most nominees and theyre going to have a hard time making a case hes not prepared for the court. Chuck schumer was one of the first to speculate years ago that maybe its not about qualification. Maybe theyre all going to be qualified. Maybe we should be voting on specifically how we expect them to rule. And if we dont like how theyre going to rule, we should vote against them. This is the huge unsettled question about advise and consent. It goes back and forth. The real difference they settled down for a long time after bork into what seemed like, okay, harvard law school, fine. And massive, massive overwhelming majorities for nominees. That was generally true. And then of course we had a huge change when president obama chose Merrick Garland. Until then. Exactly. So were in a very strange world. In the preMerrick Garland world, i think gorsuch would be uncontroversial. But because a lot of democrats view this as a stolen seat thats the tricky part of this. From the democrats point of view we shouldnt be having this conversation at all. Well be returning to the strange world of Supreme Court confirmation many times and wed like to have you back many times. Thank you for joining us tonight. Coming up, the opposition to the president s Supreme Court nominee. And the first city to sue the president over an executive order, San Francisco. The San Francisco City Attorney will join us. If youre searching other travel sites to find a better price. Stop clicking around. The lowest prices on our hotels are always at hilton. Com. So pay less and get more only at hilton. Com. The market. Redict but through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. A justice can be active for 50 years and his or her decisions can last a century or more and can often be permanent. That is exactly what opponents of Supreme Court nominees always worry about. Every nominee now faces some opposition. And tonight, protesters gathered outside the Supreme Court of the United States in anticipation of the president s announcement. Joining us now chad griffin of the Human Rights Campaign who took part in tonights protest. And alenca johnson of planned parenthood. What was it like at the protest and were you surprised he chose gorsuch . Well, we were standing out there shoulder to shoulder with civil rights leaders across a very broad and diverse coalition. I dont think anyone was particularly surprised because if you look what donald trump has done in his first 11 or 12 days in office, its appoint extremist after extremist in the cabinet, to the Justice Department, to the department of health and human services, in the white house. This is just a continuation of those extreme antiequality appointments. Not only are civil rights leaders scared, but as the American People get to know this judge and get to know his history, i think the American People are going to be scared. They expect a system of systems of balances. This is a radical judge, a radical and extreme judges that there to be a rubber stamp for what you have seen donald trump do. Democratic senators rushing to opposition. Elizabeth warren may be the first out of the gate saying based on the record of judge gorsuch, i will oppose his nomination. Sharon brown of ohio, i cannot support this nominee. Little bit surprising, ron widen out there immediately saying no senator who believes that individual rights are se served to the people and not the government can support this nomination. I believe theres a few more already out there, specifically opposing gorsuch. Yeah. You know, the American People deserve a thorough review of this justices positions. As weve seen in the last week the Supreme Court is the last step or sometimes the only step that we have to defend peoples fundamental constitutional rights. And for planned parenthood, we want to send a clear message to the senate that opposing roe v wade is a disqualifier. Chad, Chuck Schumer has issued a statement tonight saying that any nominee should be required to clear 60 votes, making the point that president obamas two nominees who were confirmed did clear the 60 vote margin. Well, look, i think we are in very different times. This is a Supreme Court seat that belonged to another justice, to Merrick Garland. And Republican Leadership held up that appointment for nearly a year. And i have to tell you, lawrence, i think the American People are going to demand that not only democrats but republicans, particularly moderate democrats and republicans in purple states, theyre going to expect that they stand up to this nominee. Thats whats going to be expected. I think youre going to see our members and others across this country reaching out, calling their senators, demand that they stop this extreme nominee to the Supreme Court. His positions are out of the mainstream. And that was Donald Trumps intention. He was looking for a radical justice. He was looking for a rubber stamp. And thats why he chose from a list, a list that was created by an extreme group that has been an opponent of equality every single instance we have come up on the ballot or before a court. Thats who gave him the list to choose from. If by some miracle the democrats were able to stop this confirmation, it would be another name on that list. Right. What were looking for is someone who upholds the constitutional right to safe legal abortion. And to chads point, there are a coalition of folks fighting for fundamental human rights to be protected. Thats something we hope a Supreme Court nominee will prove the that he will do. But we are a little bit concerned that he had a spotty record on defending womens right to reproductive healthcare. How strategic are you prepared to be on this if you reach the conclusion that if you could somehow stop this nominee youll just get something worse after that . Look, im optimistic. Im optimistic that the American People just as they have stood up against so many other things in these last 11 days, the muslim ban, the womens march, its something that we have not seen in decades of american politics. And i think what senators are going to have to consider is that just as a vote for Jeff Sessions is a vote for the muslim ban, a vote for this nominee is a vote in favor of the muslim ban, is a vote in support of his hobby lobby decision where he calls corporations people and gives them a license to discriminate. This is a justice who on the bench as judge, he denied a transgender woman access to critical healthcare. He has called Marriage Equality part of the liberal social agenda. I think the American People are going to insist that their United States senators stand up to this extremism. They are seeking checks and balances on this president and this nominee does not serve as a check and balance on this president and the radical agenda that were seeing come out of the white house. That will have to be the last word. Thank you very much for joining us on this first night of what will be the confirmation battles for the Supreme Court nominee. Coming up the city of San Francisco is preparing to sue President Trump directly and the Trump Administration over an executive order. The City Attorney joins us next. Will your business be ready when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, find out how American Express cards and services and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. 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Today San Francisco became the first city in the country to officially join the legal resistance to the Trump Presidency by suing the president over his executive order blocking sanctuary cities from receiving federal funds. City attorney Dennis Herrera specifically named president donald j. Trump as the lead defendant in the lawsuit and addressed the president directly today when he announced the lawsuit. Youre not emperor who fuels by fiat. We all have to abide by the rule of law. And were going to make that quite clear in this, that San Francisco is in accordance with the law. Were going to live by the law. And mr. President and your administration, you need to do it as well. Joining us now Dennis Herrera, the San Francisco City Attorney. Mr. Herrera, donald trump the presidency hasnt denied any federal funding to San Francisco yet. But youre already suing. Why didnt you wait to see if any funds were going to be denied . Because the executive order in terms of its enforcement mechanism makes it quite clear that its unconstitutional on its face. And the president , both in his recent statements at the philadelphia conference and when he was a candidate, makes it quite clear that San Francisco is on the hit list. And were not going to wait to chase funds after our budget season is closed and put our communities at risk. So we took the preemptive step to say that both the executive order and the law that its based on are clearly unconstitutional on their face. This is where the trump conflict of interest package gets very interesting, because he has a big trump Office Building in San Francisco on california street, i believe it is. So its hard to imagine him denying funding to the Police Department whose job it is to protect his properties in San Francisco. I think the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous, lawrence. He talks about wanting to protect Public Safety and protect streets. Thats exactly what the sanctuary ordinance both here in San Francisco and throughout the country are designed to do, foster communication and assistance between immigrant communities and law enforcement. So youre absolutely right, cutting off your nose to spite your face isnt a real smart way to go. As you know, the president hasnt divested any of his interests in his holdings and theres absolutely no evidence that he is not involved in the running of his businesses. And the head of trump hotels recently in california said he wants to expand the chain all over the country, specifically San Francisco. Would applications for permits to operate a trump hotel in San Francisco be greeted warmly by the City Administration . Well, i would tell you that i dont think that the political family here is well disposed to how President Trump has been conducting himself recently. I will tell you from a legal perspective, wed be making sure that trump hotels adheres to the law and that theyre not involved in any unfair business practices. And im sure that other folks and respective bodies would treat the trump hotels fairly but im sure theyd take a very close look at how they conduct themselves. What do you expect is the next stage in this litigation . Well, we will be awaiting the governments response, i would imagine thats going to happen in fairly short order. We got a notice today from the court that sets a fairly aggressive schedule for the first Case Management conference. So we anticipate that well be getting a response from the government and appearing in urt in faiy short order. San Francisco City attorney, Dennis Herrera, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, republicans feeling the pressure from the protests, especially the pressure from women. Wait until you see this video coming up. 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Since obamacare and these issues have come up, the women are in my grill everywhere i go and they come up, whens your next town hall. Believe me, its not for sitive input. Congressman brat is complaining that women are complaining that he refuses to hold any town halls. There is now a Facebook Page called the seventh district town hall meeting which is urging the congressman to have town hall meetings. The congressman told the Richmond Times dispatch that he believes that people demanding that their representative have a town hall meeting are, quote, paid activists. Karen connolly, one of congressman brats con spich constituents told the paper, nobody is being paid. Everybody is putting in their time and effort because theyre dissatisfied with the represents. They feel dismissed and their concerns arent valid because theyre not being responded to. She told the paper her family uses Health Insurance obtained by the Affordable Care act. In a Facebook Post on monday the congressman said over the past couple of weeks my office has been inundated with phone calls and emails an comments on social media requesting a town hall meeting and believe me, i fully intend to have plenty of town halls that are open and transparent as soon as our first 100 days agenda is implemented and we come up for a breath of air. In other words, he intends to have a town hall meeting after he has repealed obamacare, the issue that Karen Connolly wants to talk about at his town hall meeting. He will have a town hall meeting after voting for a massive tax cut, primarily for the rich, which surely some of his con constituents would like to discuss with him before he votes for it. If any of you doubt that your phone calls and letters to a member of congress, just watch whats happening to congressman brat. How long can republicans hide from the protters . What powers the Digital World . Communication. 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Not when weve got so much more to give when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea heres pepto bismol ah. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea i dont know when ive ever had so many thousands of letters and emails, even from my little state of vermont saying, ask the questions. We demand to know the answers. Letters and emails work. Back with us is david corn, Washington Bureau chief from mother jones. Also with us corrine jean pierre. Were seeing kind of a fear of dealing with their constituents on this because they are hearing a lot of opposition to repealing obamacare. Thats right. Just a couple of weeks ago when the healthcare issue was on the line and republicans were talking about taking away healthcare for tens of millions, they had these town halls and they were running out. They didnt want to deal with hundreds of people in the room. Now they dont want any more of those videos out there of them running out of the room, so theyre not even going into the room. Thats right. Look, move on. Org after the womens march we did an emergency call and we had 60,000 people jump on the call. Two days later we had resist trump tuesday. And 10,000 people came out, did 200 events across the country, went to democratic and republican congressional members offices and asked the republicans, hey, this is a swamp that we were talking about. Please dont take away the healthcare of millions of people. And we asked the democrats, please have a backbone. If you stand with the people, we will be there. This is whats been going on. And weve also done more than 20,000 calls into these congressional members offices. Theres a story in arizona that says mccain cant even keep up with the calls that are flooding in. David corn, john faseau is a big case here. Hes the one in the leaked secret audio recording of the republicans private meeting, was the one who was most worried about what the republicans are doing, especially in relation to planned parenthood. Hes saying do whatever you want to do with planned parenthood, but dont put it in the healthcare bill. He had all sorts of warnings. He sounded on that secret audio like a no vote if the vote for held today. Now, theres 66 Million People who voted for Hillary Clinton and many of them were left feeling disappointed, angry, upset, how could you be in the majority and then see donald trump come in with his extreme and radical political agenda. And they mobilized. They mobilized in a planned event that started with a woman in hawaii on a Facebook Page a week and a half ago, the womens march and they mobilized again spontaneously this weekend. Theyve mobilized at these town hall meetings. Weve seen this general resistance building. Its about trump and russia, trumps financial conflicts, his policies on reproductive rights, on the muslim travel ban, obamacare. Its sort of knitting together one of the largest, i think, protest oppositional grassroots forces that weve seen that in some ways i believe eclipses the tea party that started after obama was elected. And you want to get people angry, tell them were going to take away healthcare or if you have a preexisting condition, youre no longer going to have your insurance. And people will get mobilized and eventually in some districts republicans will take notice and maybe even democrats will take notice and try to move to the front of this opposition rather than stay in the rear. What i found so fascinating about the leaked audio of the republicans meeting, a lot of what they were saying makes sense. You should be worried about what youre trying to do. Theres a moment where he says, were just walking into a giant political trap if we keep going down this path. So hes not as far as his constituents can see, hes not listening to him, but hes listen to them and hes telling his colleagues. Hes incredibly worried. He has an election in two years. What did the tea party do . They didnt just go into office. They primaried republicans as well. So that is the concern that democrats have, being primaried and also republicans have by not listening to their constituentsc to go back to that secret audio, you dont get anyone on the audio defending the republican approach and saying anything cogent or clear. No one addresses what any of the dissenting republicans say in that room. Republicans have a minority position now. Its odd, because the way the elections have worked out in our rigged system as trump might say they have the majority power. But when it comes to healthcare, when it comes to reproductive rights, these are not majority positions. In the past theyve been able to get away with this stuff because the public or the democrats in opposition werent as mobilized or energized. Theyre now seeing a highly energized force that goes beyond progressives to moderates that look at whats happening in washington with donald trump with great fear and anger and outrage. And they know theyre in the line of fire. So they have no way to replace obamacare. Theyve been talking about repealing it. They are in sort of painted into their own corner. I dont know how theyre going to get out of this clean. And update for the republicans on the womens march. The updated more accurate figures indicate there were about a Million People in d. C. And not a half a million. Thats what i was hearing from everyone who was there and 5 million world wide. The opposition is bigger than they thought. Thats exactly right. Trump on friday on Inauguration Day after vowing to be president for everyone, gave a divisive right vowing to be president for everyone gave a divisive, divisive right wing nationalism speech, and then the next day, everybody came out. I always say the leaders of the Democratic Party are the people in the streets. Last words tonight, thank you both for joining us. Really appreciate it. Msnbcs live coverage continues in 11th hour with brian williams. Thats next. Good evening again from our Head Quarters in new york city. Tonight, a 49yearold federal judge from Denver Gorsuch nominated to serve, its 12 days into the new presidency, coming in the middle of a huge fight over other nominees and over the rollout of a travel ban into this country. The nomination comes after president obamas nominee was turned away, not given a hearing by the senate even though ju

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