Surrounding his presidency. All of this after unveiling a carefully scripted video after suggesting that his Campaign Rhetoric from the campaign trail is hitting a prick wabrick wall reality. A tape produced by his own team, the press not invielted. He will have a press conference in due course. Is there something on your shoulder . Yes. Trumps sprawling business ties are coming under scrutiny. The cflicts are foreseeable. We saw another tweet storm over the weekend. Mike pence was harassed last night they theater by the cast of hamilton. Donald trump lecturing anybody on bullying is a joke. Hail trump, hail our people, hail victory. Its a bit childish. Donald trump is considering splitting his time between the white house and his manhattan residence, which would cost taxpayers millions of dollars, but its all worth it to help a billionaire go night night in his bigboy bed. Good evening. A latenight tweet from trump tonight shotonight shows he do. Hes claiming the press didnt know he had business interests abroad. He said it is wellknown i have interests in properties all over the world. Only the Crooked Media makes this a big deal. So he is still picking fights with the press and typing comfort from his smartphone. He pledges to drain the swamp. But when it comes to actually governing, trump is also singing a different song. He released video that basically dilutes everything he said on the campaign trail. It started with the Biggest Issue of all, immigration. But tonight, trumps big transition briefing only offered this on migration. I will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the american worker. That is, of course, a far cry from trump on the trail in august. Zero tolerance for criminal aliens. Zero. Zero. Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone. And visa oversights a wrong ways from that famous wall. We will build a great wall along the southern border. And mexico will pay for the wall. They dont know it yet, but theyre going to pay for the wall. And mothers trumps new transition video on national security. I will ask the department of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to develop a comprehensive plan to protect americas vital infrastructure from cyberattacks and all other form of attacks. So it took less than two weeks for trump to start mimicking washingtons incremental talk of developing plans instead of this. I would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. I would just bomb those suckers. And thats right, id blow up the pipes. Id blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left. Now lets be clear. Any kind of talk might be an improvement over that kind of rhetoric, but if trumps claim to fame is being tough and stubborn, he is giving up a lot awfully quickly, and thats all before we get to the issue that trumps priorities briefing didnt mention it all. You may have notice it missing the subject of obamacare. We have dav, david, was it a different trump in that video . It was a breathtaking tape. My favorite part is that a man who is president because of a cyber attack from hostile power promises that from now on were going to stand up to hostile attacks from foreign powers. Its not a surprise that hes backing away from a lot of the promises. The key thing to keep in mind is the point of the administration is the graft. Everything else is decoration. If you try to think about the Trump Administration to be in terms of policy, in terms of intentionality, youre really missing the point. All of those are yiinstruments. The central thrust are going to be the scandals. When you say the total contradiction of everything he ran on for a year, you view that as a sideshow, because youre concerned that this purpose will actually be corruption and bilking the government by trump . I dont think, i think he tends to bilk foreign governments more than the American Government, bilking the American Government is hard, its got a lot of safeguards and legal sanctions. So hes not going to transfer Yosemite Park to his own bank account. That would be dangerous. But to use his position as president to direct flows of foreign wealth to himself and his family. And without his tax returns its going to be very hard to know thats happening and hard to enforce. The policy stuff, some of its pretty good, actually, but its not the point. David paints a dark picture. Were going to be talking about that later in the hour. Legally, trump will not have to d disclose his tax returns as president. The constitution does bar him from taking benefits from foreign heads of state, foreign governments, but your point of view. Hes in real danger of facing as constitutional kro aal crisi doesnt sell his holdings, or he could get congress to allow him to be in business with foreign governments. When you are in business with foreigners, you are in business with foreign governments. The constitution has a flat prohibition on that. And to encourage people to look at the emollients clause of the constitution. In the same way we have to respect the constitution when it comes to the electoral college, its not something thats a convenience. Hillary won the popular vote, but she lost because of constitution. He will either be facing impeachment, or he will have to get congress to exempt him, or he will have to sell his holdings, those are his only options. The other part in this weird video, he has a regulatory plan thats a one for two deal on removing regulation, take a look. I will formulate a rule that says for every one new regul regulati regulation, two old regulations must be removed. So important. So important. Is that a good way to manage regulations . This is a blow might br bromide. I think Nicolas Sarkozy when he was president of france made a similar kind of commitment, that would have been a decade and a half ago. Its not a bad idea. A lot of the other things trump talks about are not bad ideas, theyre just not the point. I think its a dopey idea. Its the kind of simplistic solution to the complicated process of getting rid of some unnecessary regulations and in other cases regulating more to prevent another global recession. The idea of repealing doddfrank and putting us all at the mercy of these banksters who took us into the dip in 2008, you know, is not a good idea. I think the democrats in congress will fight that deregulation, but the first thing hes going to have to deal with are all of these little selfinflicted wounds. I mean, for people who havent read the New York Times story today, about seig highland, the altright will be called the neonazi altright, so he has that aide, steve bannon, hes going to have to be dealing with this the next few days. Tomorrow theres going to be strong pushback on somebody who used his business, breitbart, as an altright platform. So you have a guy who has a neonazi altright platform right next to the president. T the democrats are not going to stand pour this. My advice, do not bite at the dog biscuits. When you have the, if the New York Times reporter hadnt stayed till the end on saturday night, he wouldnt have seen, the altright is a neonazi movement. If you look away from and say its a it its a neonazi its a big group of sociopaths. Many in washington. Were going to try to do both. Some of that new video is disturbing. Some of it out just tonight. Thank you. Coming up, the man challenging nancy pelosi to lead the democrats against donald trump is going to joan in us to react these videos and plans. And the activist who headed to d. C. To praise trump and to claim that america is only for white peep. We. To be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer and a conquerer. Your dvrd shows from anywhere. That makes you more powerful than whatever it is you just stepped in. Or that friendly dumpster diver outside. I wouldnt sit there. Its your tv, take it with you. Now you can watch your dvr anywhere, at no extra cost, with directv from at t. Donald trump have sent dozen of attack tweets. Three attacking the cast of hamilton, another attacking saturday night live but never found the time to address this. Hail trump, hail our people, hail victory. [cheers and applause] what White Nationalist leaders said about trumps election this week, and new video and what donald trump has not said in response. Thats straight ahead. 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Tonight there is a new video as i mentioned, at a wte narktist conference that celebrated trumps victory this weekend. Hail trump hail our people hail victory [cheers and applause] the man in that video is White Nationalist leader richard spencer. He defended his remarks today saying the altright is not a neonazi movement and that is a nonstarter. He says theres an exuberance to it all, that is one of the things that makes the at riglt fun, were willing to do the things that are sometimes cheeky. The hate speech is a problem. The law Center Reports 700 reports since election day, and says trump should speak out. Its not as if he hasnt found the time to comment on other things. He sent 39 tweets, and an attack on hamilton cast. And the Trump Transition Team issued a response to that video, saying, quote, president elect trump has continued to denounce racism of any kind. To think otherwise is a complete misinterpretation of the movement that united americans from all backgrounds, end quote. Now joining us now is kurt bardell. He had a former client of breitbart, and the politics editor of the atlantic. And the host of make it plain, on sirius xm radio. Your view of what we see in that video, this celebration of White Nationalists of donald trump as someone from the altright in his white house. It occurs to me that theyre going to play Good Cop Bad Cop perhaps throughout his administration. Hes going to make statements of slight or meek denuns yags. But his followers are still going to do this. And that, i guess, he thinks will ab solve him or clear him. But we must remind the american public, that this comes from him. Its left over from his campaign, canned, rehearsed statements are not sufficient. In 2016 going into 2017. We cannot abide people giving heil hitler remark. It makes us all know that this was really white lashing about racism. This is something youre studying and something a lot of people dont really want to see or think about, especially after an election when there was talk of division, sometimes theres a move of gosh, cant we move on and approach this presidency with an open mind. But this is happening in washington without a real confrontation by the new president elect, dispatching spokespersons to deal with t heres more of mr. Spencer talking about the media. I want to unpack what he said after we hear it. Here we go. The Mainstream Media or perhaps we should refer to them in the original german, lugen presser. Indeed, one wonders if these people are people at all. Or instead soulless gullum, to repeat whatever talking point john oliver stated the night of about. What is he conveying here . Spencer is a skilled provocateur, and hes dredging up words that are wellknown to his audience, lugen presser is a term coined during the First World War popliz lizlizpoplizee nazis. Hes dredging up an image from jewish history. What hes trying to do is portray the press as subhuman and alien and the enemies of spencer and his movement. Right, and so do you view it as directly antisemitic, what with all the nazi references . I dont think theres any question about that. I doubt spencer would refute that either. He said it was exuberance. Our producers who were there said he was right about the exuberance. This is a crowd that was empowered by Donald Trumps win. And whatever donald trump thinks of him, theyre quite clear at that they see in his election the signal this theyve been waiting for, that this is an opportunity for white nationalism. Let me read to you what the u. S. Holocaust museum says about this. They do not weigh in on every political debate, far from it. But there is a time to address these things directly, and it doesnt mean waiting until it is too violent or too late. So this is their words, not mine. Quote, the holocaust did not begin with killing. It began with words. The museum calls on all citizens and leaders to confront racist thinking and divisive, hateful speech. Your view in terms of the conservative piece of this and the breitbart piece and the bannon piece of whether trump needs to do more, given the concern from organizations like that. You know, the job of president is to actually lead. That so many people in this country take their cues from the person who is the most powerful person in the country, and this is a time to be vigilant against hateful rhetoric, against demonstrations of racism and divisiveness. And the thing is, donald trump got elected on an entire wave of anger, on being a provocateur, of trying to create divisions within the american people, on highlighting and exploiting the worst instincts of humanity to try to get him into office and into power. And now you see all of these groups are going to take their cues from this president. And if he doesnt lead and not, not through a spokesperson, not through a staffer that nobody knows or no one cares about. If he doesnt take the direction to lead, things are going to get so much worse in this country, so much hate is going to spread, the vitriol will happen. And its incumbent upon us now to do what he wont. Stand up and say when something is wrong, when something is hateful, to point it out and be vigilant about it and not pack do back down. What was your view of steve bannon and his orientation towards this part of the movement . I was their media consultant. And when i saw them evolve from a platform to chronicle the movement to becoming a participant and the propaganda arm of the trump campaign, thats something i couldnt associate with. Thats why i made the decision to leave. Giving a platform and sounding board for people who are racist, sexist, kpen phobic. And mark, you think about during the campaign when these things came up. Kellyanne conway said, he doesnt have to do theis now, hes president elect. We pulled for example the discussion in february when he was asked on cnn when he was asked about his support from a kkk leader, david duke, and this was his bizarre, nonanswer. Take a look. Will you unequivocally condemn david duke and say you dont want his vote or that of other White Supremacists in this election . Just so you understand, i dont know anything about david duke, i dont know what youre talking about with white supremacy, did he endorse me . Or whats going on, because i know nothing about david duke. I know nothing about White Supremacists. So youre asking me a question that im supposed to be talking about people that i know nothing about. That was a lot of i dont knows. They then later came back and tried to clean it up. But the history is not that clear either when they try to cite the history and say trumps always been against this stuff. Thats on few skags, a word he probably doesnt know the meaning of. Its not enough. Hes got to come out strongly against it. He probably wouldnt, ari, and thats whats scare ey. Maybe they do think they are playing and dressup, theyre playing like nazis today, like slaveholders the next day, those who inter the japanese, are they going to play all these different roles . Its not fun, its not cheeky. Its offensive, and it continues to divide america, and we should all stand togethergainst it. So looking at all their, how big a movement is this . What are your concerns about where this goes in this current climate . Spencer himself is leading a relatively small movement, were talking about roughly 100 in this meeting. What i worry about is whether there are those who feel empowered. But really, this should be a softball for any president. When someone is quoting nazis, they should hit it out of the bark. And the fact that donald trump has repeatedly been asked to do so, and so far what weve gotten is a statement out of his transition team, i think it raises some very serious questions to which he recognizes the seriousness of whats going on and whether hes prepared to act and do what he needs to do and say this not acceptable. Thank you all for joining me this evening. Thank you. Coming up, the ohio congressman challenging nancy pelosi. Congressman tim ryan joins me. Thats next. simulation initiated pedestrian detection engaged take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete the new nissan rogue. Rogue one a star wars story. In theaters december 16th. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. 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Joining me now to react to drum a Donald Trumps new policy video is the man challenging nancy pelosi, tim ryan. Thanks for joining me tonight. Thanks for having me. When you look at Donald Trumps address there, including his row maemarks on trade, do ye anything there you support . Well, i do think we need to take a look at tpp and reevaluate it. I dont think we need to shut ourselves off from the world. We clearly have to be a player in the world, but i do think we need a new trade model. I understand that the trade models have been good in the agaag aggrega aggregate, but its wiping out towns in our country, and we need to take a new look at it, and im okay with that. But again, i dont want to get into the if youre the leader of the democrats instead of nancy pelosi, where do you draw a contrast from what were seeing with donald trump right now . Well, the devils in the details. Id start with bannon and flynn and some of the appointments hes made. Id say im not going to welcome them into my office. Im not going to normalize this type of white supremacist behavior. Ive been in congress 14 years now, ive been long enough to know the devil is in the details. We want to sit down and hear the proposals. A lot of this stuff before we can see and hear and read something on paper is just kind of preliminary stuff, so we need to wait and see what it actually looks like. Sure, that makes sense. Thats part of washington, but at the same time, you cant just wait around, some democrats say well, donald trump is kicking into high gear, bannons telling folks hes going to do a big infrastructure plan, but ron klain who oversaw the 2009 recovery act which had a lot of spending, he said democrats should yoepts it out of the gate because its mostly moving around tax cuts are for companies that are doing building but wont be making any new billinuildings. Whats your position . Without looking at it, i would be opposed to t it. It looks like a shell game, and gimmicks. Like theyre trying to push rhetoric and then a give away. I was around when we passed the clear skies bill that was a give away to Big Energy Companies and things like that. So i understand what were hearing here, but weve got to actually see what the proposals are. If were going to do an infrastructure bill, it needs to be big. It needs to have davis bacon in it, project labor agreements, and it needs to be paid for. Were not going to mortgage our kids future on a give away thats a big gimmick to a bunch of corporations. Thats not going to happen under my watch. Theres also talk about who should run the dnc, i spoke to a democratic source this evening that theres an idea of joe biden to play an emeritus role, and to have a younger member of congress, one name was joe kennedy, do it that way. A, you have heard discussions on the hill, and b, are you open to it . I think we need to be open to everything right now. I love joe biden. I think hes terrific. I have heard that rumor. And i serve with joe kennedy, who i think is a real rock star in our party, a real up and coming star, and ithink, you know, hes definitely under consideration. But lets see, you know, ive heard tom perez. Ive heard other names floated. So lets see who gets fleshed out here in the next weeks and months and start making a decision as to who would be best. This is the rebuilding year fort democr for the democrats. We need a quick are turn around in 18, because the republicans have control of everything. Lets get our act together, lets get new leaders in place and go at them. I didnt sense any cold water going over the biden idea. As you say, months before that vote. Thank you for spending some time with us. Thank you. Coming up, more of that shocking video from Standing Rock. That is next. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . 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It was used at a time to where they were aggressive towards the officers. In this circumstance, it was the best option that we had at that point. Were just not going to let people and protesters in large groups come in and threaten officers. The thats not happening. Authorities also used tear gas and feared rubbired rubber. 17 people were taken to local hospitals with high poe therm yeah as well as other injuries. One Police Officer was hurt. Meanwhile, we can tell you that a tribe leader is saying that the use of water and freezing temperatures goes to show theyre being more aggressive, and theyre actually trying to hurt people. This is far more threatening to human life than any other time of confrontation with Law Enforcement. Supporters have been posting reactions all day. Al franken tweeted this, ive urged Loretta Lynch and others to protect the rights of protesters. Also from mark ruffalo. No Dakota Access protester should be treated with violence. Tell the north dakota governor. And more human rights observers are being sent to monitor the protests. The Company Building the pipeline says it will continue to move forward with its construction. Well keep you posted on that story here on the last word, next, all the president elects business conflicts. Stay with us. Guests connected at work, and at play. Or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Youre hetruck, suv. Used car, thats smart. Truecar can help. Its great for finding a new car, but you already knew that. Its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. So, noattewhat youre looking for. There it is. This is how buying a used car should be. This is truecar. It did not take long for tens ten tensions to arise over Donald Trumps attempts to be ceo and president at once. He tried to prevent wind farms that might hurt his golf links. And he brought up Construction Projects in argentina. And recently huddled with indian executives, and trumps washington, d. C. Hotel put out an odd statement, welcoming foreign diplomats to patronize his hotel. Now trump reacted to those reports tonight in part by tweeting this. Prior to the election, it was wellknown i have interests in properties all over the world. Only the Crooked Media makes this a big deal. Those were four examples of the president elects business interests. He can force punishment from countries that can make or break his many, many foreign businesses. Is this all legal . I will tell you the answer is yes and no. Yes, many federal laws governing conflicts do not cover the president , and trump doesnt have to sell anything under law by the way. But that doesnt mean that he can be on the take. Our system has something far stronger than those federal laws you may have heard about, which congress can always pass or repeal. We have a constitution. And while few president s have tested these types of constitutional rules, they do exist. In fact, the founders were so concerned about bribes, they barred them in two parts of the constitution. The impeachment clause, the founders reserved impeachment to address high crimes by president s, and they only listed two of them by name. Treason and bribery. The foreign governments think they can bribe our president , theyre not doing him a favor. If they went along, they would be setting him up for one of the most blatant impeachable offenses on the books. Joining me now, two people who understand this, paul butler, a former prosecutor specializing in corruption. And david from. The constitution cares a lot about the notion of bribing the president. Indeed it does. So heres a president elect who has 100 business interests in 18 different countries. Theres not a law against a rich guy becoming president. The question is, can he set aside his personal interests and simply pursue the interests of the United States. So when we see in instances like the ones you outlined. When we see his daughter whos going to be running his business empire, sitting in a meeting with the japanese prime minister, no security clearance, that raises questions. So woere a long way away from bribery, but you need to avoid the appearance of impropriety. And so far the president isnt doing a good job of that. This is a man who ran on saying, i dont need donors, i wont owe anyone because im rich. And in the 60 minutes interview, he spun that out and said hes not taking a salary. Very confident hes not breaking any laws. Are you going to take the salary . Ive never commented on this, but the answer is no. I think i have to by law take one dollar. So ill take one dollar a year, i dont even know what it is. Do you fwhee the salary is . 400,000 youre giving up. I am not going to take it. He doesnt even know what it is, but we are Hearing International interests are on his brain. Why make billions when you can make trillions . Why make a lousy 400,000 when you can set up your affairs in a way to make money on a putinlike scale. What you talked about the constitutional implications. When the Founding Fathers talked about impeachment at the constitutional convention, the example of the impeachable offense, the thing they had most in mind is that the president would receive payments from foreign powers. And the reason they were so concurrent is in the time of the writing of these documents, the 1780s, 1790s, the last republics they knew of on earth were being snuffed out one by one by one in every case because powerful, wealthy neighbors were intervening in those republics and purchasing power within the republic with foreign president s. Thats exactly the core evil that the impeachment clause was designed to prevent. So you look at the most recent reporting on neil farrag. When he met with nigel farrage, he encouraged him to avoid the wind farms. And david, that is, in a sense, the flip side of what you just articulated. Not that the foreign governments are bringing it up, the president elect bringing up a benefit that would directly enrich him. In the time of the founders, the United States was a small, weak republic, surrounded by powerful enemies. Today the United States is the strongest country in the world. Its not that the president is being bribed. The president is turning to an extortionist, saying i control the most powerful state in the world, and i am going to deploy the assets of the United States to incentivize or intimidate people into paying me. If the story from argt is true, he is pressuring the argt evens to help him. If the report on nigel far raj is correct, in every case he is taking something that belongs to the american people, the strength of the american state and use it for his purposes. Let me go to former prosecutor butler. Its not always a bag of cash. Stevens has the result of a house he built. How would you enforce this against a president who would do the investigating . Its completely unchartered territory. It would be a conflict of interest, again, for the attorney general who appointed by the president. So an independent prosecutor would have to be appointed. This is so easy to avoid. All he has to do is liquidate his holdings, that might be a lot for him. But at least put them in a blind trust. He has made it clear that is not what he intends to do. And senator sessions is going before the senate. What is the question the senator should be asking him about patrolling this. They should ask, do you have a Legal Counsel, white House Counsel that will give you independent advice that you will take. As long as thats in place, people will say you cant do this. The question is whether someone tells the donald you cant do this, will he listen. We look at concessisessions. Hes not a person thats all that independent. He said about the groping allegation, i dont see that as sexual assault. Hes got to know better, so the question is whether the donald is appointing people who will do his will. We dont need a Legal Counsel who does that. Thats the only thing standing between us and a president with an amazing number of conflicts. The position of attorney general is not the president s personal lawyer. Its the peoples lawyer. Paul butler and david from, thank you on an important topic i suspect well be covering again. Coming up, a man allegedly caught supporting terrorism, we have the latest on that, next. See ya next year. This season, start a new tradition. Experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at 319 a month. Infiniti. Empower the drive. Anyone ever have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating . She does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily. With three types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow phillips. Be good to your gut. Lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Now coming up next, that deadly terror attack in france was a lowtech operation, a truck driven right into a crowd. Now prosecutors are charging a suspect who allegedly talked about conducting or exploring a nicestyle attack right here in new york. We have the details next. 86 people were killed in that terror attack in nice, france on bastille day on july 14th. A man has been caught talking about or trying to conduct a similar attack in times square new york that would be in behalf of the islamic state. Today he was charged, mohammad naji. He has not entered a plea yet. Joining us now, how did authorities find out about this . Well, theyve been tracking his travels five times they say he tried to go overseas to get into syria, he failed. But he was successful getting into yemen, meeting with radicals, and there was an informant who made recordings talking about how he wanted to drive a truck through times square. The travel is key because it shows effort. How do they define whether this travel is somehow okay or just going somewhere versus travel in an effort to make contact with isis . They say through his social media, through his travels in terms of where he was trying to cross, who he was in contact with overseas, these were repeated efforts to try to join the isis terror group, that according to fbi officials. He is from yemen originally, the defense has claimed that, look, he was just going there to visit family. The fbi had informants in place and had been tracking him, and especially once he came back here, he allegedly continued his radical views and some of his radical planning. Thats when they decided, hey, its time to move in, especially with the thanksgiving day parade coming up. Legally, support for terrorism means you tried to help but didnt pull off the attack. What was the space between he where this person was and any kind of operational ability . As of now, he didnt have much money, but there was aspiration, not operations. Got it. So he apparently made these comments about how he wanted to target times square, but government and nypd said there was no specific plot in the works, we have been following him the whole time, no active plot, the criminal charges deal with his travel overseas and his attempts to join with isis, and this continues to be a concern. There are more than 250 americans who the fbi and nypd have traveled from the u. S. To try to join isis and are coming back to the country. This is one example of that. These are individuals they are tracking and havent prosecuted and the fear is they return back as a greater danger. There are some they have prosecuted, a total number of about 250, and there are those they dont even know about. If you look at times square, you look at iconic places in new york, it raises concerns, and yet as your context and nuance suggests it is not something people should worry about going times square this week. It is not that kind of threat. We are out of time. I want to tell you, msnbcs coverage continues right now into the 11th hour with brian williams. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. That is next. New tonight on the agenda president elect donald trump announces his initial plans for when he takes office. It comes amid a flurry including one with a Bernie Sanders supporter. Well look at what a democrat from hawaii was doing inside trump tower today and the questions about a con fligt of interest. Donald trump has taken to social media on the sub correject of h business ties. The 11th hour begins now. Good evening from new york headquarters. We begin with a new message from the president elect. He has

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