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Feverish. I might have been having an emotional blip there. Terribly sorry. I understand. Well done. Well today two Police Officers who shot and killed a homeless man were charged with murder. And the hunt for terrorists involved in last weeks massacre in paris is not over. Other suspects are still at large. Police are still hunting for possible accomplices. Police here are reportedly still searching for six additional suspects. Up to six accomplices. There are six people and there could be 60 people. One of those suspects has reportedly been linked to that woman. Who authorities believe participated in last weeks attack. Shes finally been tracked down. This is the woman that all of france has been looking for. The threat is still present. People will see more police on the streets. The survivors of the massacre are back at work. Cartoonists of charlie had he been hebdo are back at work. It was the largest crowd in the modern history of paris. I think the president himself would have liked to have the opportunity to be there. Breaking news at the defense department. Vandalism. Their youtube and twitter accounts have been hacked. Compromising social media accounts isnt the same as compromising the dotcom servers. If were going to be committed, then we need to be protected. There are reports tonight that france will begin to debate its own version of the patriot act tomorrow which could include stopping the radicalization of those in french prisons, stopping internet recruitment and wire tapping. The Associated Press is reporting today there could be as many as six members of a terrorist cell involved in the terrorist attacks who may still be at large. Nbc news has not confirmed these reports. France is deploying 10,000 soldiers to protect sensitive sites, including frances 717 jewish schools after last weeks attacks that killed 17 people including four at a kosher market. The French Defense minister said it is, quote, the first mobilization on this scale on our territory. The girlfriend of the terrorist who killed four people in the kosher market before being killed by police crossed into syria last week before the attacks occurred in paris, according to turkish officials. This video shows her at passport control in istanbul on january 2nd arriving in turkey and cell phone records indicate she crossed into syria on january 8th the day that Police Killed her boyfriend on the day kubali ate kosher market and the brothers killed including two Police Officers. The video appears to show kubali also surfaced over the weekend where he is heard declaring his allegiance to the Islamic State and said he was working with the kouachi brothers. Nbc news cannot verify under what circumstances this video was taken. Another video shows a 23yearold shercherif kouachi, in a video. Last thursday on meet the press, eric holder said this. One has to understand that it is very difficult to maintain a good contact, to stay in touch with all the people who are potentially going to do these kinds of things. That is the thing that i think keeps me up most at night, this concern about the lone wolf who goes undetected. But we are doing the best we can, martialing resources that we have. Attorney general holder was in paris yesterday for a Security Summit but did not attend sundays solidarity march for more than three dozen heads of state march. The United States was represented by the American Ambassador to france and today White House Press secretary said the administration now thinks that that was a mistake. I think its fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there. That said, there is no doubt that the American People and this administration stand foursquare behind our allies in france as they face down this threat. Joining me now is laura hyeme, white house correspondent, and brian jenkins, terrorist expert with laura, you asked a question at the White House Briefing about the president s absence yesterday. Were you satisfied with what you heard today . I think he was brilliant in his communication by saying okay we didnt succeed, we did not realize what was going to happen, and we should have been there. He didnt say the president should have been there, which was quite interesting. He said, we should have been there. It was quite a scene in france but let me say something, it is not a big story in france today. Just the french people yesterday missed the best american friend who was president obama. Laura, let me ask you one thing, though about the imagery that comes out of it as a result of no recognizable american presence there on the front line. There is that notion out there in the world, and especially among some of these groups like the Islamic State, that the United States of america controls all this apparatus that opposes them in the world, and is there any image advantage to the United States not being so visually prominent in those images yesterday to kind of dismantle that notion that the people there, including possibly the french president , are in some sense puppets of the american president . No i dont think so. Again, i think irans question for the french people was quite emotional. And we hope last night on french tv and we got many reports this morning on french tv why president obama was not there. They did not want john kerry, they did not want eric holder they did not want the u. S. Ambassador from france. They just wanted the people in the streets, barack obama on the front line. He wasnt there, that was a question. He didnt come. Was it about the sequence of it the security or whatever . And then now the situation, hes moving to another level. What is going to happen next . Brian jenkins quickly on this security issue for the president. Talk about security challenges facing the white house and the secret service on a sudden trip like this to france to be exposed out there, as we saw they all were yesterday. And especially at this time where we know the Current Operations of the secret service have not been as effective as weve all expected them to be. Oh i dont know what the story is here honestly i dont know that with security considerations or other factors. Sometimes these things occur. Sometimes people just make wrong decisions as the white house spokesman said and i think sometimes we try to read a great deal into it. I myself, i dont know why. The security of the president is always a challenge, but the president moves through public areas, whether it be a much more difficult thing in paris, it would be a challenge, but they would be up to it. Laura, tell us about this new legislation thats pending now that will be debated in france that is essentially their version of what we called our patriot act. Yes, the huge star in france. Can you believe the french people talking about patriot arts . Are they using that phrase patriot act . Theyre using this expression, and in the past 10 hours, i had to do reports about is it going to be a patriot act in france . Whats the patriot act in america . People are extremely interested by the notion of the patriot act. Today at the National Parliament the french Prime Minister is going to introduce something about that. And already today there was a kind of mission involving the Prime Minister involving opponents of the Prime Minister to speak about how we can protect ourselves better. And it was really fascinating because theyre talking about how to go to prison and avoid the radicalization of being muslim in prison. Theyre talking about being under webz. We are going to restrict some freedom that the french have. Its fascinating. Brian jenkins, to what weve seen in paris, is this the new form of terrorism that we should be alert for that where it seems to be not necessarily lone wolves, but people who are on a very, very long leash of sometimes years since theyve been in training or in very Close Association with a particular group. I dont think its particularly new. Weve seen a tax that have had this form, that is armed shooters going after targets. That part is not new. The fact that there was a period of time between the last known visit of at least one of the brothers to yemen and the execution of the attack doesnt necessarily mean that this was planned in yemen and kept under wraps for all these years. It could just be a matter of these individuals were steadily radicalizing, at some point made a decision to carry out an attack and then they did so. And this is behavior that weve seen before that is an evolution within the minds of the people who move from tort radicalization and from radicalization into violence, and some of them move forward fairly quickly, some dash around the edges and move in and out for a period of time. And laura, it sounds like in this french patriot act, thats one of the things theyre going to try to get at especially in prisons. In french prisons the radicalization thats occurring there. Yes, thats a big problem, and it was real interesting because some french wanted to speak to a guy who was the preacher of one of the brothers and he did an interview with french tv and he was talking to the reporter by saying okay i left a brother in prison and he was not very religious, and then he asked me how to become very religious, and thats something you see and watch when there is a terrorist action. Those young people who are out speaking marijuana, stealing something, going to jail and then suddenly between 18 years old and 21 years old, they met someone in prison who will radicalize them, and then when theyre going out of prison theyre virtually a terrorist. Theyre completely radicalized. One of the goals of the french government in the weeks ahead is going to be to try to avoid this radicalization inside the french prison. Brian jenkins, the increasing religiousity, as something weve seen for decades, for many many years, how will the authorities ever be able to tell which of these kinds of increased religious devotion is dangerous . I think it has to do with really vetting those who are responsible for ministering to the prisoners. Look often people in prison are in a lifes crisis and its not unnatural that they will reach out to some belief system which offers them comfort, offers them a way back and thats not necessarily a bad development. Prison administration has been oblivious to this for many many years because prisoners were interested in keeping order. So anything that maintained order, whether it was through christianity or islam or other faiths was key. One thing we have the inmoms were not themselves preventing some radical, dangerous forms and then come into these prisons not to deal with fate but to recruit potential terrorists. Brian jenkins and laura hyene, thank you for joining us tonight. Coming up the Hacker Group Anonymous vows to attack terror web sites. And two albuquerque Police Officers are charged with murder for shooting and killing a homeless man. And on the lighter side tonight, because were going to need that if you missed the threehour broadcast of the Golden Globes last night, we will show it all to you in tonights rewrite. The Golden Globes in three minutes. Thats coming up. Crowd yayyyy heart im going to focus on the heart. I minimize my sodium and fat. Gotta keep it lean and mean. 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Symmetrical allwheel drive plus 34 mpg. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. Today two albuquerque Police Officers were each charged with murder in the shooting death of a mentally ill homeless man who was camping in the hills of albuquerque in march of last year. After a fourhour standoff officers shot 38yearold james boyd. Police said he was armed with small knives. In the month after the shooting the Justice Department which had already been investigating the Albuquerque Police Department Released their findings that quote, Albuquerque Police department engages in a pattern and practice of use of excessive force, including deadly force. Here is video of that shooting of that homeless man from one of the Police Officers helmet cams. I can keep you safe all right . Dont worry about safety. Im not going to harm you. All right . Good. Go now get on the ground get on the ground there have been more than 40 officerinvolved shootings in albuquerque since 2010. According to the District Attorneys office, this is the first time an Albuquerque Police officer has ever been charged in connection with an officerinvolved shooting. Joining me now is albuquerque District Attorney carrie bramberg. She is charging the two officers with murder. Also with progress now in new mexico Patrick Davis who is himself a former Police Officer. District attorney bramberg how did you present this case . Well we didnt present the case. What we did is we determined that there was probable cause, and thats a legal standard. And once we have probable cause, then we can proceed either by way of grand jury or by preliminary hearing, and we decided that transparency was of the utmost importance so we are going to go ahead and proceed by way of preliminary hearing. And that means that there will be somewhat of what we refer to as a mini trial, where we will present evidence and the defense will have a chance to crossexamine and present evidence they feel is relevant. A court will decide or a judge will decide what the appropriate charges will be, if any, to bind the officers over at the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. Now, weve seen other District Attorneys around the country faced with the same choice who went to grand juries in ferguson saying we want to present every speck of evidence we possibly can to a grand jury. It turns out they were also introducing perjured testimony, they were introducing incorrect laws to the grand jury. We now know having seen the grand jury transcript there. Were you mindful of the public criticism of the grand jury process in these kinds of cases when you made this decision . Actually we have been presenting cases that involve officers and other highprofile individuals by way of preliminary hearing. Most recently an officer for vehicular homicide that ended up going to trial. So this is not something we decided to do based upon anything thats happened across the country in recent months. Patrick davis, as you know most Police Departments the size of albuquerque go through a typical year without any shootings at all, without killing anyone. The numbers there are extraordinary. What is your reaction to this prosecution . Well its historic without any doubt. As you said lawrence weve had more than 40 Police Officerinvolved shootings in the last decade and the police process here as allowed the department to investigate itself, and the grand jury has had to rely on those police investigations. In this case its historic but its starting to bring some sense of hope and vindication to the people who have been marching and protesting and asking for change for a really long time. Unlike other cities in the country, i think people in albuquerque are taking a look and hoping were going to turn that new corner in the way we deal with our Police Department and hold them accountable. Lets listen to what one of the defense lawyers for one of the officers said about these charges today. He spent his whole career and life protecting people. And the idea that hes charged with murder because hes protecting a fellow officer, you can imagine that goes right to his core. It hurts. That officer is alive, and unfortunately, mr. Boyd lost his life. But when a mentally unstable unpredictable, dangerous man with two knives is eight feet on Higher Ground away from an officer who does not have a gun drawn, he is justified in protecting that officer and shooting that man. Kari brandenberg, why do you see that evidence differently . Youre both looking at the same video. Well hes an advocate for his client, and hes zealous and very capable advocate for his client. Were looking at the laws were looking at it through a totally different lens than he is and we feel like we have probable cause. Now, all of this will be aired in public in an open courtroom, and a judge will make the ultimate decision based upon all the evidence thats presented. So the defense will get to present that evidence and then well present the entire investigation, the forensics, any kind of criminalistics. The court will have the benefit of all the information, and the public will also have the benefit of all that information. Now, weve seen cases where people have been Michael Brown shot and killed completely unarmed, and here is a situation where the person who is killed does apparently have a knife or knives, one possibly in each hand small knives. Why werent you reluctant to charge given the fact that there were weapons present . Well i think that and i said today at our press conference that i dont want to get into the facts of the case. That will be decided as the preliminary hearing convenes. But i think there were other options available to the officers at that point in time. What we try to do is try to get inside the officers head to determine if they were in fear of their life or in fear of someone elses lifd and whether that fear was reasonable. We know that the supreme court, the new mexico supreme court, gives officers water discretion. You hed nnemkadi deadly force, and i have. What strikes me as this prosecution procedural is so much as whats seen in the other other. They dont do an analysis of exactly how much real danger was the Police Officer in when each one of those shots was fired. Thats right. But as a Police Officer, you know i was always grateful to have that and the public is right to do that. But i think whats unique in this case is that of the 27 cases of shootings before and 7 since, this is where body cameras showed us the officers perspective blow by blow and step by step as this incident progressed, and people were afraid to take a look at that or say, no i think that officer went too far. If we look at whats happened in ferguson and new york and other. This is the first one ive ever seen where the public can follow the officer and see whats happening. I think most of us send like seeing the militarization of our Police Department. So police dogs and smash ban ge grades for a misdemeanor crime, i think most of us say they just went too far. Most of us look at that and said they think the police launched in those that we dont think we see in other cases. Thank you very much for joining me tonight. Up next the cyber attack against military central command. And later, the n be. But its not exactly the point they wanted to prove. Thats coming up. Curling up in bed with a Favorite Book is nice. But i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. But heres the thing about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. And remember, you only take it when you need it. 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The fbi is investigating a hacker attack on the United Statess twitter accounts and youtube accounts by people purporting to be part of the estate. They changed the twitter page and put propaganda issues and posted threatening messages to u. S. Military as well as Contact Information for a number of generals. Sent sentcom which oversees the middle east called it cyber vandalism. Others called the hacking clearly embarrassing. But centcom said no cyber threat was posted. It happened at the same time president obama was to speak before the federal trade commission on cyber security. If we are going to be connected, then we need to be protected. Joining me now, Major General Brett Williams former United States cyber commando fishl, official and cory bennett, cyber official for the hill. You are reportedly associated with centcoms accounts. Lawrence the first thing i would have to say is we should really differentiate between a cyber attack and what occurred with centcom today. Sony suffered a cyber attack. There was damage there in all sorts of ways. There is no indication that centcom proper was hacked in terms of nyack assessany access to any military computers or any type of information like that. What happened here was somebody gained unauthorized access to a twitter account and a facebook account, and they were able to use it for their propaganda purposefully. I think its important to differentiate and scale these types of things that happened in cyberspace, because one of the things that we havent done very well either domestically in the United States or internationally, is really define what are the red lines, whats acceptable behavior, and what are the consequences going to be . I think putting that in perspective is helpful. Cory bennett, talk about anonymous and what their track record is in these kinds of situations and then also i guess, what took them so long . If theyre interested in what they say theyre interested in why did they not get more interested in going into these socalled terror web sites . Anonymous is a group that is hard to define and i think that probably answers your last question in the fact that their organization is not higher heirarchical, they are not specific goals. Anonymous has been around for over ten years now, which is kind of amazing to think about. Their goals are very much against government surveillance against any sort of sencensorship, against any kind of terrorism regime. We can see how those goals dovetail against what they try to do to the jihadi web sites. Its including al qaeda web sites. But theyve never had a pattern of very direct attacks. It has ranged from we saw after the ferguson protests for example, they went after the ferguson Police Department conducted whats called a distributed denial of Service Attack where you overwhelm a website with traffic and shut it down. Thats kind of been their calling card. So they do have a wide range of things that they do so its not surprise to go me that its taken them this amount of time to get on to this. Theyve never had one or two directive goals. We have there is a list here of the targeted web sites that anonymous has indicated theyre interested in going after, and general, id like to ask strategically about this. What are the Strategic Issues involved in them going into these web sites . And im wondering if in cyber command, that they must be looking at these web sites all the time and is there some strategic interest in actually allowing them to operate so that you can monitor or collect a certain amount of information by allowing them to operate . Well first of all, in terms of monitoring the web sites, obviously thats something throughout our intelligence community, we refer to that as open source information, so we regularly monitor those for a variety of intelligence collection purposes. I think the real issue here is what i would phrase as cyber cybervigilantism, and is that something we want to encourage . To use the internet to protest, for all aspects of free speech for whistle blowers for a legitimate cause, all of that makes sense to me. But you cross a line when you start to take actions that would constitute a cyber attack. As cory said a denial of service would constitute an attack. But a country like ours, there are certain people authorized to take those types of very deliberate actions to stop an activity, and i think whether were talking vigilantism in physical space or cyberspace that we have to draw a line there. Understanding the challenges that anonymous puts on us from a policy perspective is important here. The other thing is that even though you may look at this in the public as something thats favorable to our cause or something that we would support from a policy position that Larger National Security Policy is much more complicated. So, for example, when anonymous was thought to be taking some actions against north korea in the summer of 2013 from what i saw, that complicates our policy and complicates how we deal with that. So i think there is a difference between free speech protests those sorts of things and crossing the line into what i call vigilantism, and i think thats something we really have to look at and understand and maybe try to control that. I wish we had more time for this. Im sure we will maybe be coming back to it. Thank you both for being with me tonight. Coming up new York City Police who have deliberately been making very few arrests as a way of showing their anger at the mayor of new york have apparently proved before their work slowdown they were making far too many arrests. And in the rewrite tonight, all three hours of the Golden Globes in three minutes. Basically after you cut off the commercials, theres really not that much left. 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Wealth management at Charles Schwab in tonights rewrite, we will rewrite the Golden Globes. If you missed all three hours and three minutes of the Golden Globes last night, or like most of us you cant remember who all the winners were here is the executive summary of the Golden Globes, the Golden Globes in three minutes. Tonight we celebrate all the Great Television shows that we know and love as well as all the movies that north korea was okay with. North korea threatened an attack if Sony Pictures released the interview, forcing us all to pretend we wanted to see it. Would you rather Colin Farrell or colin firth . Okay farrell all day. Firth for a polite amount of time. And the golden globe goes to thank you. Thank you so so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. You could say anything in the world and get in trouble. I know this for a fact. So im just going to say thank you. I practiced saying it last night. Ill go away with it. I still watched it on youtube. Its brilliant there. Thank you so much. Im so honored. I was brought on at the last minute, but im so honored to be part of this amazing film that honors such amazing people that did such great work and is so connected to whats happening right now. We are still in solidarity with those out there fighting for justice right now, and were so grateful to write this song hopefully as an inspiration to them. Together we will stand united against anyone who represses free speech anywhere from the United States to paris. Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. Meryl, thank you for gigving me a hug. I hope your dna transferred to me. George clooney married amal this year. Amal is a human rights lawyer who worked on the enron case was an adviser regarding syria and was selected for a u. N. Commission suggesting war violations in the gaza strip. So tonight her husband is getting a Lifetime Achievement award. [applause] ive had a pretty good year myself, and im not just referring to the fabulous reviews of the monuments. I want to thank the people who actually made the movie. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. This is very encouraging. Thank you very much. To love. My best friend is kind intelligent, funny, talented considerate, thoughtful. Did i say kind . He also he also happens to be my son, shawn. My father used to tell me to say every morning, today is going to be a great day, i can and i will. Well dad today is a great day. I can and i did. [ male announcer ] its a warning. A wakeup call. But its not happening out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. Youre only young once. Unless you have a subaru. announcer the subaru xv crosstrek. Symmetrical allwheel drive plus 34 mpg. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. The most recent losing Vice President ial candidate who will never be president is as they all eventually do, coming to grips with that reality. In a phone interview toidday, paul ryan said i have decided i am not going to run for president in 2016. In other losing news paul ryans losing running mate mitt romney has shocked the political media by saying hes considering a third run for presidency. The political media is shockable by statements like that because most members of the political media do not understand men like mitt romney which is to say they do not actually understand politicians. Nbc news has learned that in his friday meeting with donors mitt romney said i want to be president. As well, apparently as several other things everybody in the room probably already knew. Up next a new report on chokeholds by the new york city Police Department shows that no officers have faced any serious discipline for using chokeholds which are technically against the rules in the nypd but apparently only technically. We are arresting about 44 with a decrease of 29 from last week, so that shows a decrease of arrests being made by our officers. We are still concerned with the levels of activity but they are returning to normal with each passing day, each passing week those numbers are going back up to what we describe as normal levels. At the same time, in every category, as i referenced you, housing, transit, every city has experienced a crime decline for the first time this year. That was mayor bill bratton showing the slowdown of arrests and Law Enforcement generally in the last few weeks. The slowdown came after Police Union Officials said the mayor of new york had, quote, blood on his hands because of the murder of two new york city Police Officers rafael ramos and wenjuin liu. It makes it more difficult for the Police Department to take full credit for the dropping crime rate in the last two decades in new york city especially since the crime rate has been dropping nationally at the same time. Joining me now is blake zeff politics editor for salon. Com. I read your article yesterday, and this is clearly the worst possible outcome for new York City Police unions who said they did not organize this work slowdown, but certainly they seem to be in favor of it and what theyve shown, the implications are truly enormous. Go ahead. Yeah theres no question about it. Whether they claim they organized it or not, there is no doubt that cops in new york city engaged in a slowdown of sorts. They stopped traffic summonses and public lewdness those types of crimes. They did not give tickets for, and as a result major crime did not go up. You know the broken window theory that says you have to crack down on the small stuff in order for the big stuff to go down it just didnt happen. You know again, its only been a couple of weeks, so you dont want to draw any major conclusions from it but i think youre right to say the result that happened was not what they were anticipating. It sounds like what the commissioner commissioners statistics indicate was they realized how bad an idea this was for themselves and for their own claims that new york city has a lower crime rate today exclusively, and exclusively because of the nypds work which is never true. Crime rates never behave strictly according to Law Enforcement practices. It has all sorts of societal factors, which is why weve seen it going down nationally. Exactly right. One of the things i write about in the article you cited before is that stop and frisk was a very aggressive strategy done in new york in the last decade or so. Basically they were going up to people in new york city. All they needed to see was a furtive movement. If the cops had any suspicion that something was wrong, they could come up to you and ask questions, pat you down frisk you, and they did this a total of 7,000 times in new york city mostly black and latino men. In fact so often to the black men that they had more stops to the black men in 2011 than there were black men in the city that year. The claim of defense of the Police Department this was under Michael Bloomberg and ray kelly at the time, was that if you dont do this kind of aggressive policing, were going to go back to the bad old days when in the 1970s and 1980s crime ravaged new york. A court found this practice was unconstitutional in 2013 so the practice has gone down in the last year or two with new mayor de blasio and guess what happened . Crime stopped happening with these rates. The inspector generals report came out today about the chokeholds. They sampled ten cases in new york city. Seven of them during the previous administration. So that would be commissioner ray kelly. Not one of them not one of them gets disciplined, and they clearly find that each one of them according to the report was a violation. The three that have occurred under commissioner brattons tenure have not yet been adjudicated. But this really shows that they have been in practice accepting the use of chokeholds even though its against their rule. Theres no doubt about it. This is independent watch dog agency that did this report. Looked into all these choke holds over a period of time. They recommended discipline and the Police Department under ray kelly, as you said refused to do anything. So it is clear this practice was being condoned. Blake, thank you very much for joining us. Chris hayes is up next. Tonight on all in. Breaking news from the washington post. Im running for office. A surprise political return. Mitt romney is getting the band back together. Whats up gangsters . Its the midoubletizzle. Tonight, what we know and what we dont about mitt in 2016

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