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My thumb on scales one way or the other. No justice no peace no justice no peace good to have you with us tonight. Thanks for watching. How do you heal a community . We start with local leaders in ferguson, missouri who are clearly making a big difference. One of those leaders is nfl hall of fame cornerback aknee yus williams who joins us in a few moments. I want to talk about the serious issues facing this city. This town in missouri. A major problem right now in ferguson is simply communication. There is a huge disconnect between local leaders, police and the actual residents of the city. Many residents in ferguson feel like they dont have a voice. And it shows in the demographics. According to the 2010 u. S. Census, over 21,000 people lived in ferguson missouri. Over 67 are africanamerican. One in four residents live below the poverty line. Per capita income in the city, 21,000. Meanwhile, the people running ferguson dont reflect those demographics. 50 out of 53 Police Officers are white. Six out of seven School Board Members are white. The city council has only one black member. The Detroit Free Press reports black voter turnout in ferguson, missouri in 2013 was a dismal 6 . To make matters worse, the overpolicing in ferguson is funding the city. Court fees actually account for nearly one quarter of the citys revenue. According to Missouri Attorney general, 93 of the people arrested in ferguson are black. The underlying problems in ferguson run deep. The only way to fix these issues is if the people of ferguson get involved in their community, take control, open a dialogue between residents and authorities. This is what local leaders are attempting to do in order to turn the tide of anger in the streets. One local leader whos making a big difference is nfl hall of fame corner and safety back williams. He was just inducted into the nfl hall of fame last year. Last four seasons with the st. Louis rams, knows this community. After football, williams became a pastor. He became a pastor and founded the Spirit Church in ferguson. After football, williams became pastor and he has given his heart to this community. Williams lives just 12 miles from where Michael Brown was shot. After brown, after the shooting and unrest that followed, williams went out to help guide the people of the community. Last sunday we were on the road back coming back to st. Louis and received a call from the mayor of ferguson asking if i would come to bring calm and stability to the situation that took place. No matter how bad that is and its horrific, right, guess what, at some point were going to have to get together, us the police and talk. I know youre upset. Listen to me, man, well never get anywhere if we keep the anger. Okay. Its a twoway street. I agree. Thats why i said listen to what im saying. Thats why i said that. In order for twoway street to meet, we have to talk. Both sides to the experience. I was asked a question of why am i out here . And its number one being in this community as a pastor and being that voice of reconciliation. Anything that i can do to leverage the influence that i have to help get everything turned back around, im willing to do. Williams is a local leader whos making a difference in ferguson, missouri. Hes on the ground talking to people. Williams is hearing out concerns and coming up with a game plan to improve the situation. That is real leadership. This is how a community can start the mend. Joining me tonight, nfl hall of fame defensive back aneas williams, founder and pastor of the Spirit Church in ferguson, missouri. Pastor, great to have you with us tonight. I really appreciate your time and im inspired by that story that was done on the nfl network and you have given your soul to this community. Its very clear that you are having an impact. I want to start with you, pastor. What inspired you to become a pastor . Well, one of the things first of all, thanks for having me on. What inspired me, my wife tracy and i have been pastoring teammates as well as our team neighbors and involved in local churches, i played ten years with the Arizona Cardinals and st. Louis four years. Weve always been involved, whether it was small life groups in our home but really believed that the lord had blessed us in such a way through the scriptures to have these Bible Studies in our home and to be able to influence my teammates and significant others and wives with the loving kindness of the gospel like someone shared with me. You know, this is one of the most positive stories that is unfolding in ferguson. Someone who is looked up to as an icon. You know how kids view nfl Football Players, especially the career you had and contribution you made. Now you go as a man of the cloth into the community, which is a real courageous thing. Theres no doubt about that. Its not easy to do the work on the street and open up and communicate with kids and what can be a pretty volatile atmosphere. Are they receiving you . Do you feel like youre making a difference . Are you fulfilled in doing this . Ed, im absolutely fulfilled. I grew up with great parents down in new orleans, grew up in an area called holly grove, where lil wayne is from. One of the ways that as a pastor is not that im above my parishioners, im actually a parishioners and once a parishener as well. Im always reminded that im no different. What i needed to do in this community, i had to apologize to my congregation. Weve been in ferguson one year. I didnt do a good enough job of getting out to all aspects of the community to get a pulse, talk to the Police Officers and talk to the community, find out what are some of the challenges even with the mayors office, what are some of the challenges in the neighborhood and doing that, i would be able to leverage whatever influence i have as a hall of fame Football Player and part of whats called a group of Legends Community with the National Football league today. How could i leverage that influence to be attention and relief to something that was already brewing that created the environment by which we experienced this horrific event over the past two weeks. What do you hear these kids on the street say, pastor . Whats the angst. Whats the anger . Whats the emotion . What do you hear . You know, what i hear, ed, and apologize if i get a little emotional with this. When you settle them down, when you settle these young men down, they are able to clearly and in a very gracious way share with the practical experiences are. What ive done, ive communicated with community and particularly some teenagers. When they settle down, they were able to tell me i asked the question, whats it like being you . And each of them have shared with me when they get pulled over a simple traffic stop, not knowing or being very nervous as to whats going to become of it besides a ticket, and all i do was just listen to them. But i also talk with Police Officers. Im a part of i serve with a back stoppers organization and every april they memorialize the fallen officers over the past year. Im usually in tears at that particular prayer breakfast. The reason being, those families are there and what i realize, what officers when they leave out is not always a guarantee that they are returning home. So what i hear from the community in particular with the young people, is the frustration and no voice or nowhere to communicate that frustration and also with the Police Officers, theres no way where they can communicate with different aspects of the community some of the challenges in policing the community. So as a pastor, one of my things that i believe jesus christ has given us is to minister a reconciliation. What ive seen a lot of, people on separate sides of the street. I want to do a long with number other people that do far more than im doing is walk down the middle of the street, bring both parties together and have civil discourse in a calm and peaceful way because there has to be a human element. One thing i did i looked up michael to find out what it means. Michael brown, Michael Means who is like our good. Darren wilson, darren, the Police Officer it means an agent for good. Wouldnt be it like god to attempt to find good and to begin healing right here in ferguson, something has happened all over this country as relates to the racial divide and im taking upon us as a generation to play our part and using my football experience. One thing when good teams play, ed, when it gets down to the twominute warning, usually with good teams, the game is decided within the two minutes and what both teams have to do, forget about everything that is happened prior to that two minutes and put all of their effort and energy towards being very decisive and very intentional to be successful in that game. Thats what i want to to along with so many others to bring all parties together and have civil discourse and in football were taught, when we see the film and mistake. And come up with the conversation and policy thats would help to serve all aspects of the community. You know, pastor, i hear tremendous optimism and tremendous hope in your voice. Have you seen and looking into the eyes of these kids, have you felt the heart that they want it to be right, that they are not rebellious, that they just need an opportunity. I sense that in what youre saying tonight but i dont want to miss characterize it. What about that . Youre not, ed. When i got an audience with these young people, heres what happened, theres a young man darren, darren is probably 19 years old, what darren did is reverse almost became like a child when i was talking to him. Heres what i mean. He said, aeneas, when we were younger, the Police Officers used to have baseball cards of you. St. Louis is a big baseball town and Police Officers used to pass out baseball cards, not only did darren tell me his story but bring all of his other friends and they were all over again, like kids. They said darren would say to each of them, tell them how it used to be . One day when i was younger and coming home late a Police Officer picked me up and brought me home. And so i saw in their hearts and they said thats when we remember the Police Officers being our friends and they were part of the community. So when you see that and you see that they are calm and those good emotions that are remembered about Police Officers, and then talking to officers remembering when it was a time where you could interact even more with the community, i just want to be a part of finding ways to connect Community Together with Civic Leaders, with officers and those disparities as relates to the police force in ethnicity as it relates to the makeup, those are concrete things that we could talk about. And have measurable goals to bring changes if theres an openness and open dialogue where both sides can tell honestly how they feel without feeling judged and then from there, both sides feeling like theyve expressed it but also in our generation, optimistic because as people of faith, what makes the difference, we dont have to always see it happening exactly like it should be. But because we trust this is the will of god, that all of us and in particular, here in the United States, united we stand, and thats what im really harping on, that were able to all over this country starting right here in ferguson, begin to crea create dialogue that would eliminate the environment by which Something Like this, another tragic young life is lost and more distrust is happening between the Civic Leaders of the Police Department and the community. Nfl hall of fame defensive back and pastor, aeneas williams, you have the angels on your shoulders. My friend. I admire what youre doing and ask those kids to walk with the lord. I think youre doing unbelievable work in the community. I can hear it in your voice and this is exactly what ferguson, missouri, needs, no doubt about it. Great work, pastor. Thank you. Thank you, ed, i have one challenge yes, okay. Well have you back. Great to have you with us. Little me bring in dr. Michael eric dyson, msnbc analyst and professor. Im moved by what he said, dr. Dyson. In all of this what has unfolded, you have been critical of the president of the United States, in fact, you penned an oped recently saying the president was hes tone deaf and disappointing. What can be done, michael . What can be done . What do you want the president to do at this point . Well, look, ed, i love my president. Ive been supportive of my president , surrogate for mr. Obama twice because the president of the United States of america is a remarkable human being who is capable of doing great good and done great good. I disagreed with him on this particular issue. I have principled criticism. My criticism is the following, i know that the president had to remain calm because he didnt want to fan the violence and fuel the flames of uprising and of violence there, but on the other hand theres a difference between remaining calm and having dispassion. A clinical distance from the people who were there on the ground. The attorney general went to ferguson, it would be good if the president could go to ferguson. We went to sandy hook. He went to Hurricane Sandy victims. Theres nothing wrong with the president of the United States of america being em pathetic to those people. You dont have to weigh the outcome. I know he didnt want to get involved in this particular case. Im not talking about this particular case. Im talking about this particular people. Millions more like them across this nation who need to know that the government is on their side. They dont need moral lectures about reformed behavior in light of the vicious assault upon their bodies. There are executions of black men in the streets of america and it needs to stop and the president of the United States of America Needs to say thats an outrage. Its a bully pulpit moment. A harry truman, the buck stops with me. You think the president should go to ferguson, missouri, you think it would have a Lasting Impact and real impression on society . It maybe could be a turning point. I dont want to put wordsy your mouth absolutely, could be a turning point. I think so. It would have been great to do it when eric holder did it or before but still great to do it now. Mike browns funeral is on monday. What message would it send for mr. Obama, president obama, the president of the United States of america, again not taking sides. I dont want him to take sides against Darren Wilson until we have a full hearing in the courts, but thats the problem. Black people often cant get to the courts. The extraordinary measures we have to go to to get what many White Brothers and sisters take for granted. If a policeman shoots a young white person, that policeman more than likely will at least be arrested if its under suspicious conditions and if that young white person is unarmed, they will certainly have the benefit of the doubt. All were asking for is for all people in america to be treated equally and right now, africanamerican and lat no people and poor people do not receive the same brand of justice that others receive and the president of the United States of america must make that clear and stand on behalf of those people. Dr. Michael eric dyson good to have you with us. I appreciate your time. Coming up, rick perry hits the road despite his recent indictment. He aims to impress big donors ahead of the midterms. Romney and ryan reunite. The 2012 contenders are together again before ryan heads south to test the waters in the sunshine state. Stay with us. Were right back. Almost every day, you notice a few things. Like the fact that youre pretty attached to these. Ok, really attached. And thats alright. Because well text you when your package is on the way. Were even expanding sunday package delivery. Yes, sunday. At the u. S. Postal service, our priority is. Was. And always will be. You. You drop 40 grand on a new our set of wheels,was. Then. Wham a minivan tbones you. Guess what your Insurance Company will only give you 37thousand to replace it. Depreciation they claim. How can my car depreciate before its first oil change . You ask. Maybe the better question is, why do you have that Insurance Company . With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Machines will be sprayed to be made. And making something stronger. Will mean making it lighter. One day, factories will work with the cloud. One day. Is today. I remain focused on the work of the people of this state, doing the job i was elected to do and i will not be distracted by these baseless political charges. Welcome back, thanks for watching tonight. On tuesday, Texas Governor rick perry turned himself into authorities on charges of abuse of power. Perry promised a crowd of supporters he would not allow the accusations to distract him. If you look at his schedule, you would never guess he faces a maximum of 109 years behind bars if convicted. His schedule makes it clear, hes not worried about the big house, hes more focused on the white house. On thursday he hit up the Heritage Foundation on capitol hill where he delivered a speech on Immigration Reform and border security. In just moments, perry will speak live at an american for prospect event in New Hampshire. Hes scheduled to attend six events in two days in that state. Then perry will head to South Carolina to headline a victory tailgate fundraiser for the state Republican Party ahead of the usc texas a and m football game. Dont think its a coincidence hes hitting up early primary state. He might lose his right to carry a concealed weapon but it looks like hes still taking aim at higher office. Joining me tonight, harold cook, good to have you with us tonight. Hi. Perry is just i mean, hes showing some thick skin here, ill give him that. He is publicly brushing off these charges. The national media, both the left and right seem to be saying no big deal. How serious are these and how are the people in your state responding to this . Well, i think everybody in texas is taking this far more seriously than anyone else except for one guy in texas and thats rick perry. Hes a lot more concerned with running for president than anything else right now. Ill give him his due for a guy that had to go into booking and take a mug shot and got charged with a couple of felonies, might go to prison, aside from that he had a pretty good week. He is actually managed to talk a lot of people into believing that this is some partisan witch hunt. And look, if youre going to talk partisan witch hunt, you need to look and see whos standing at the trough on this indictment. I mean, the criminal complaint was lodged in the das office, shes a democrat, recused herself. It went to a judge who is a democrat. She recused herself. It then went to a republican judge. And who then assigned it to another republican judge who then appointed a special prosecutor with more republican credentials than anything else so theres not a democrat in sight on this deal. For governor perry, to convince anybody some partisan witch hunt, these investigating rick perry got him indicted. Well, heres how he responded to all of this with the air of a democrat. He said today governor perry talked about the Travis County where the charges are coming from and he still says its politically connected. Here it is. In Travis County, if you all are not aware. Texas is a pretty red state now but i refer to Travis County as the blue berry in the tomato soup. If you know what i mean. Mr. Cook, whats your response to that . Well, i think what hes alluding to is that, i think what hes actually said, oh, gosh, are you going to indict a ham sandwich in a Travis County jury, hes a republican and they are picking on him. Thats what hes trying to imply. Somebody looked into the makeup of the political makeup of the actual grand jury. Sure, two or three were democrats but a couple were republicans and i think four or five of them arent registered to vote at all. They are they are dealing with a special prosecutor who was an assistant u. S. Attorney appointed by george w. Bush and who was recommended to be the u. S. Attorney by senators john cornyn and kay bailey hutchison. Whats whats his defense here other than going out saying i think i did the right thing . Well, he can say that for a long time but that only lasts so long. His defenses are actually working pretty well right now. If you can consider the audience are republican primary voters in iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. It also has a limited shelf life. I dont want to practice law without a license here. But everybody here knows that he can say whatever he wants about what a sham indictment this is, right up until the time his legal team files a motion probably as early as next week to dismiss the charges or have the indictments quashed. If a judge denies that motion, then all of a sudden his entire narrative is out the window and he is going to be forced to explain what he did and in a much more serious way than just blowing it off by claiming its some partisan witch hunt. Harold cook from texas with us on the ed show. Still ahead, paul ryan hopes to avoid a chilly reception in the sunshine state. Plus, keith ablo literally puts words in eric holders mouth. Were right back on msnbc. So what were looking for is a way to plus our Accounting Firms mobile plan. And minus our expenses. Perfect timing. Were offering our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Oneseventyfive a month. Good calculating kyle. Good job kyle. You just made partner. Our bestever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. Now with a 100 bill credit for every business line you add. Infrom the experts in feminine bladdeprotection. Ection new always discreet underwear, for sensitive bladders. Only always discreet underwear has soft, dual leakguard barriers, to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet. 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The swell of delusion, it hasnt gone down. Who do you think would make a better president , you or governor romney . Ill give it to him. Hes very generous but i had my turn. Its his turn now. One of the things you write about thats a pretty deep conversation. In fact thats just how it is with the republicans these days. Pointing fingers at one another. The love fest didnt stop there, ryan dropped the first hallmark of running for president , a book release. Mitt romney is running for president of the book club. You are together in chicago at the Union League Club to promote and discuss this book. You, governor romney i know will question congressman ryan and interview him about the book, which i really wish i could see but i have to anchor the show after you leave. Paul ryan has taken his promotional tour down to florida today. Ryan has a famously troubled past in florida with Senior Citizens after peddling out his plan to hack away medicare, ryan had to pedal out his mother in a Campaign Event in florida. He needed to show he was more senior friendly. It didnt work there either. The Vice President ial candidate got this warm reception at the aarp convention a month later. The first step to a stronger medicare is to repeal obamacare because it represents [ booing ] the best of both worlds. I had a feeling there would be mixed reaction. I wonder if thats in the book. I guess i have to read it. He didnt get into it, he stepped into it. Im ready for the reaction of paul ryan this time around. Lets go to the Rapid Response panel, mike papantonio. What new material will be in the book to help a failed candidate of just several years ago . Lets start off by saying how great it is to see romney and ryan together again, to guys opposed to gay marriage who look like they are announcing one. This will be the manifesto as to why he should be president. Visiting florida five times on the book tour, not to raise money for marco rubios campaign. It will be great to see him hit the heavy hitter clown car of 2016. This is paul ryan laying out how he was the guy who supported tarp and no child left behind and bushs stimulus in 2008 and 2009 and supported iraq war but against Big Government spending. Its going to be more or less him trying to make people believe you can support eye an rand and jesus at the same time i think he might be the defacto winner after the clowns anile late each other. Rather delusional if this book parallels the last campaign they have, wheres the new material . Wheres the new ideas . He calls it a way forward. We tried that with them. It didnt go with the american people. Mike, whats different . In florida, how is he going to rehabilitate his position with Senior Citizens in that state, which is the only mega swing state out there . He had fewer than 200 people at his book signing down the street from me here today in pensacola. The biggest advantage that paul ryan has going for the republicans, he doesnt needily project the image of the crazy uncle, old man who has become the republican brand of leadership. He at least on the surface is not politically dead or dying like Mitch Mcconnell or john mccain, hes been able on the National Stage to avoid the ted cruz crazy eyes creepiness of marco rubio or sarah palin. He at least as of today is not regarded as a chris christie, rick perry suspect criminal caliber cheap hustler, at this point anyway. I give him credit, hes not under investigation. You have to give him credit for that. We do. No one at this point is talking about possible prison terms if you think about it, governor mcdonnell was going to be the gop golden boy. Hes even out of it. He doesnt have a brother who left the white house in i condition that looked like a drunken frat food fight had taken place. Theres a lot of positives going on for this guy right now. Pap is right. Can we believe mitt romney that he is not going to run again . I think given the kissy fest hes having with paul ryan, i think we can. I do agree with what pap says, tess he is a likeable man with unlikeable policies. Lets not forget the debate with joe biden which looked like from the harry potter books. He had his old budget but we have the new paul ryan budget, sort of like erotic fiction for the koch brothers, has draconian cuts to medicare and snap benefits and anything that hurts struggling americans, hes in favor of. Thats why hes really a hero to hard working nonmillionaire conservatives who think millionaires had it rough for a really long time. He looks like a conservative. He talks like a conservative, and he has no new ideas, hes a clean jean, you cant find anything in this guys past. He hasnt been indicted and never been arrested. Hes not under any investigation put mitt romney put mitt romney and paul ryan together. Whos best for the party . But also, what about the Tea Party Mix here . I think its paul ryan. Mitt romney had his two shots. I think hes yesterdays news. The big corporate types and kochs and addleson money, they have to love ryan, hes an intellectual blank slate. He never strays away from what the party tells him to do. Hes perfect for them. Its a winwin for ryan and the republicans. Unquestioned Blind Loyalty goes a long way with Republican Leadership and ryan has always delivered. Think about this, ed, his votes, voted no to monitor corruption and use of tarp funds, said it wasnt good to monitor corruption. Voted no on each and every stimulus package devoted towards jobs and infrastructure and no on enforcing limits on co2 pollution and no on ending billionaire subsidies for oil driller on paid paternal leave for federal employees, yes on every job killing Free Trade Agreement ever put in front of him. He is a perfect republican. They love this guy. He will catch on. I think hes going to be take frontrunner to tell you the truth. Its very true, his policies will help the economy, but only in the caymans. Thats exactly right. Hes not going to touch that offshore money. You can count on that. John, what does a endorsements from mitt romney do, if anything for anybody . It will probably help like, pap says, the kochs who donated their money to romney last time. Mitt romney did a good job of redistributing their wealth. It will really make a lot of conservatives feel they are betting on a safe horse. Its like a reality show, who wants to get beaten up by a girl and mrs. Clinton is the frontrunner against all of these men and fox has already begun to make her age an issue in this campaign. She may be 69 when she runs, but shell be running against 89yearold Herbert Hoover ideas, which is what paul ryan is selling. The right wing will buy up his book, put him on the New York Times best seller list and make everything think he has something to say when its regurnlg tated stuff from the last campaign. Great to have you with us tonight. Thanks so much. Still ahead, a look back at the past 14 days in ferguson, missouri and put it all into context for you right here. Youre watching the ed show on msnbc. [ woman ] if you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. 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The National Outcry we have seen speaks to a sense of mistrust and mutual suspicion that can take hold in the relationship between Law Enforcement and certain communities. I wanted the people of ferguson to know i personally understood that mistrust and wanted them to know while so much else may be uncertain, this attorney general and this department of justice stands with the people of ferguson. Keith ablow literally doesnt make sense. Think of difference between Robert Kennedy going afterhe, t lost someone in his family and that he understands the pain of the other race. Heres eric holder reprehensible, a dismisable human in terms of his job description. He cant do his job, who literally goes and says, no, we are separate. You cant trust the caucasians. Unbelievable. Eric holder literally never said those words and neither did Robert Kennedy. Kennedy never claimed to understand the pain of the other race. Robert kennedy said he felt loss in his heart and tried to use it to reach understanding. Eric holder wants the same thing for ferguson residents and stands with them. Keith ablow doesnt know what literally means. If he believes ignorance gives him license to make up the definition he can literally keep on pretending. Verything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . And with that in mind. Since robert taira openedsion kings hhis first bakeryd, in a small hawaiian town. Making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. So good, they grew from here. To here. To here. 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Com checkyourspeed if we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. Final ly tonight over the last 14 days whats unfolded in ferguson, missouri, has captured the attention of the country. After a white Police Officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed 18yearold africanamerican man, we have seen some of the worst civil unrest in this country in years. Tonight, we take a look back on how we got here. A ferguson Police Officer had an encounter with two individuals on the street. There was a shooting that occurred where the officer, in fact, shot the subject. They were fatal injuries. We go help his mama because the police dont believe that, as black people, we can do it together. These officers have not budgeded. The fbi notified me they will open up an investigation that will run parallel to this investigation. Their baby was executed in broad daylight. We need justice for our son. Thats my firstborn son. Dont shoot. There are a lot of conflicting stories. The police wont tell you nothing. Death threats started coming in right away. No one has the right to take that childs name and drag it through the mud. An officer was approaching us uh. He didnt say freeze, halt. This is the st. Louis county Police Department. Disburse now. This is your job to protect and to serve. This is the Police Department you must leave the area. Stop videotaping. Lets go. A day that began with promise of peace ends with another showdown on the streets. The officers got on the bullhorn, said this is no longer a peaceful assembly. I expressed my concern over the violent turn that events have taken. Break this cycle of violence. Build trust. We are showing solidarity. There should be no tanks on u. S. Streets. Its absurd. The officer that was involved in the shooting of Michael Brown was Darren Wilson. New facts are out. The allegations say that he stole some kind of tobacco product. I have not seen the video. It would be hard for me to comment on that. Why would you release the video of the robbery . Whats the explanation for the timing . Because you asked for it. This is not to silence the people of oh ferguson or this region. Know your laws. We have the right to assemble peacefully. Many black men die every day in this country. The attorney general himself will be traveling to ferguson on wednesday. We need to keep the focus on Michael Brown. Today my hope is Peaceful Protesters will stay home. The violence needs to stop. Tonight we saw a different dynamic. Some legitimately believe or honestly believe, i should say, that they dont think im best suited for this case. Each night i have seen it turn. And the funeral for Michael Brown will be on monday. And thats the ed show for this friday. Im ed schultz. Politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. Good evening. Thanks to you for tuning in. Tonights lead new documents from police and new questions. Tomorrow marks two weeks since Michael Browns death. And the spotlight is now on the search for answers. With the release of this document by the ferguson Police Department, its labeled an offense incident report. It contains almost no details. Only the date, time and location of the shooting. Ferguson police say they never completed an incident report because they turned the case over to the st. Louis county Police Almost immediately. But the st. Louis county Police Department did its own incident report and its almost as sparse. No synopsis of what happened. No details. No interviews. In fact, there

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