Keystone, they can have a vote on keystone. Thats not good enough for them. Its simple decision. You think the Keystone Pipeline is complex . Time to stop studying, start building. Good to have you with us tonight, folks. Thanks for watching. Ever wondered what the Republican Partys position on Climate Change is . Let me give it to you quickly, facts dont matter. Ever wonder what its leak in a Republican Caucus luncheon on the famous tuesdays, week after week . This didnt work, this didnt work, this didnt work, we better try this. Thats where they are right now, republicans cant get traction on anything. Even with big oil on their side. Now all week long they have been trying to get a keystone xl pipeline vote, that has failed as well. Harry reid refused, and he used a parliamentary maneuver to block republicans who wanted to sneak a keystone measure into the energy bill. Okay, here we are. Lets try anything we can. Reid suggested an up or down vote with a promise for a separate vote on the keystone xl later on. They didnt buy that. What republicans are constantly trying to come up with some new form of hostage taking time after time. But out of material at this point. Theyve tried to jam the Keystone Pipeline through the back door of the energy bill and again they have failed there. Republicans senator Mitch Mcconnell went on the defensive saying that reid was stifling the voice of the American People by refusing to allow amendments to the energy bill. Even if Senate Democrats would rather pander to far left and shut down debate, republicans are going to keep fighting for the middle class. Stifling voices, think about that. The republicans, their leader, Mitch Mcconnell trying to say democrats are stifling voices. But John Boehners not doing that in the house when it comes to an up or down vote on minimum wage, on unemployment extension or Climate Change or Immigration Reform . Whos stifling who . Mitch, who you kid, come on. The only ones pandering are republicans. And theyre panderring to big oil and big oil lobbyists, theyre working hard these days. Keystone thing is getting tough. A symbolic vote, they couldnt get that. Republicans couldnt get 60 vote needed to approve a standalone bill on keystone but claim everybody in the country wants it. Well the guy to watch is north dakota senator john hoeben, safe as anybody in the senate. He couldnt deliver the mail. Some of the richest operate in oklahoma and hes the legislative quarterback. The threeterm governor let the oil company dozen whatever they want, just go get the oil. He now carries the torch in the senate. He expressed his opinion on the keystone xl last week. The decision that the president needs to make is a simple decision, is this pipeline project in the interests of the United States or is it not . Is it in the interest and this is after his state Department Said there is no significant Environmental Impact created by the project, not once, not twice, but four times. So its a simple decision. Simple. Everything is just so simple. Just say yes to big oil, yes to big profits for those who want to tear down our democracy, and dont worry at all about the aquifer because this is never going to leak. Its so simple. You see, everything has changed since the National Climate assessment has been released. You know that report that came out of the white house where it took three years and 300 of the best scientists in this country to study exactly where we are when it comes to Climate Change in this country. We just cant have any more come out of the ground right now. But its just so easy. Hes taking absolutely no risk by doing the Oil Companies bidding again and pushing for passage for keystone. But he couldnt deliver, bottom line. Pandering to big oil isnt the only thing republicans are doing of late. Also pointing fingers looking for somebody to blame. Their latest target, here we go, tom stire. Starting running this ad in colorado. Pipeline delays a victory for tom but a slap in the face for American Workers call mark udall, put colorado ahead of his billionaire backer and support the Keystone Pipeline. If this is a slam dunk why is big oil spending so much convincing you this is right thing to do. Its activism, activists in colorado on the front line pushing back on the oil and gas industry. You know what, its working. Local communities are working to pass antifracking legislation, conservatives, oh, they dont like that. Colorado democratic congressman jared polis the target of name calling and threats on twitter for his stance against big oil. To break it down, first of all, i say, the facts just dont matter to the in fact, theyll even try to convince you that the democrats are the ones who are trying to stifle voices. Yet we just cant seem to get any votes on job packages or helping unemployed or minimum wage or Immigration Reform. Theres no such thing as an up or down vote when the democrats want it. Now what we have is a real problem, all of a sudden this keystone xl pipeline is big trouble for the republicans because they cant even get a simple vote, they cant get the 60 votes in the senate this is supposed to be their baby. Now one more thing, about this jobs thing, notice since the National Climate assessment has come out, all of this legislative wrangling has taken place with t republicans, theyre trying to jam this in on the energy bill and none of them are talking about jobs. You know, you see charts when the republicans talk about keystone xl but they dont give me any job charts. Isnt that what americas concerned about right now, building, rebuilding, and making our economy better . Tell me, republicans, maybe you, senator hoeven, sense youre an Economic Development guru, how many jobs will the keystone xl pipeline create . How many . For how long . Its not brain surgery. Given plea a number. S show me a chart of jobs that keystones going to bring to america. You cant do it because numbers dont exist. Remember, few and short term, thats the job assessment for this pipeline. Anybody that tells you anything different is totally wrong. The next thing the National Climate assessment, theyre going to tell you that doesnt matter. Have you seen republicans come out and say you know this has got some merit we need to think about Climate Change . No. Because facts dont matter. Thats their Climate Change policy. There is no policy. Facts dont matter. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Will republicans ever accept defeat on the Keystone Pipeline . 67622, go to our blog, well bring you results later on in the show . Talk colorado tonight and the tracking going on out there. Congressman jared polis joins us tonight. Appreciate your time. Way to stand up to big oil and question exactly what theyre doing. Since you have been so aggressive, congressman, what kind of communication are you getting from constituents and the public . All encouragement. Four of the five biggest towns in my districts banned practicing and i argue thats their right if a town or Community Wants to have it, done want to have it, im all for it. I dont weigh in if i dont live there what they want to do but i think its everybodys right to determine land use and zoning in their communities. Congressman, do you think the momentum on keystone is starting to shift . You know i think it just might be. I think that people are starting to realize that, as we chart our path to renewable energy, the more that is wasted on legacy and old and antiquated technologies only ties us oil and gas longer. Theres a reason that the oil and gas industrys gotten a bad name in some areas included in my state. Infringing on everybodys else right, rather than being happy with fracking where theyre welcome to do it and people want them to do it theyre reducing Property Value by 10 , 15 , hazardous spills occurring hundreds of times a year in colorado. When that get naz residential areas, people get worried and upset. The republicans in your state have been in denial. Ryan call, chairman of the colorado republican committee, posted on twitter saying, we shouldnt negotiate with terrorists. The tweet has been taken down. Whats your response to that . He was referring to me, believe it or not, ed. Somehow the Republican Party chair considers me a terrorist for trying to protect homeowners and communities from having practice fracking too close to homes. I dont gather the logic at all. It shows, like youre saying all along, these guys have drank cool laid or so reliant on the money, its overcome their sensibilities. Well that feeailing on all fronts and losing momentum. They couldnt get the vote in the senate on keystone xl. What about that . A stanalone vote, they claim the majority of americans polling out there, everybody wants keystone xl, why cant they come up with 60 votes in the senate to take a position statement and absolute position on who wants what on keystone . You know what, ed . Lets trade them a vote. If they agree to hold a vote on Immigration Reform and minimum wage and the house . I will personally call harry reid and encourage him to hold a direct vote in the senate. If thats how this stuff gets done in the town, lets get Immigration Reform done, minimum wage down. I like it. Jared polsi, good to have you on the ed show. Lets me bring in mike. Good to have you with us. This is the second time republicans insisted on amendment votes when they realized its simply not going to work. Is this falling apart for them . Is all of the big money that big oils thrown at this, is this starting to unravel . Harry reids making it fall apart. Good for harry. We see that fighter side of harry reid. But the xl pipeline issue is giving us a clear picture of how disgusting and dirty the world inside the beltway with politics has become. One side, youve got whinny, colicky Republicans Holding up things like the minimum wage that millions of americans are counting on. Republicans are also use pipeline to attack billionaire progressives like tom stire. He wants to tell the truth about Climate Change, spending 100 million to educate the American Public that Climate Change is going to kill their grandchildren if they dont do something about it. So, on the other side, theres another part 0tothis, it has to be talked about, you have the white house who has to use the pipeline to attract Democratic Campaign money from energy industry. Like it or not, that has to happen. Thats the place obamas put in. If he commits, thats what the delay is about if he commits now he runs the risk of not attracting those people saying, maybe we have a chance with the democrats so he has to delay this thing. Add to that the number of both republicans and democrats who are out and out lying, as you pointed out. We know the number, ed. The number by the state department is that its going to create 35 new jobs. Thats after the republicans told its, forever, that it was going to be 2,000 jobs. So these i want a chart on the senate floor. I want to see the chart on the senate floor, the big 35 number. I want to see that big 35 number. Heres whats happening, as i see it, mike. This National Climate assessment causes real problems for the pipeline vote. Yeah. Its almost you either believe this or you dont. And if you dont go along with the National Climate assessment, youre a denier. I mean how much resource its one of the most resourceful things and i also think, i want your thoughts, does it negate the state Department Statement on the impact of the keystone xl pipeline . Does this play into it . It was suspect the state departments assessment was suspect to gone with. When we looked aat where they got their information it came from industry, little have environmental activists who understand what the risk of this whole thing really might be. But this National Climate assessment, ed, the job for the democrats is to educate the public about how strong this statement is, were not talking about you, were talking about your children and grandchildren. And until the American Public can put the selfishness aside and say, its all about me, ive got to worry about me and start thinking they have children and grandchildren, if you read this National Climate assessment, that is who were talking about here. So there has to be some pivot by people who think rationally. Theyre not even advocating wind or solar. They dont want any investments. They think the private sectors going to attack catake care of everything. The private sectors run by big oil. Situations in the country where incentives are ripped out when it comes to wind and solar because big oil is driving the engine right there in the United States senate. But now we may see things changing a little bit. Heres another thing i want to bring up. I think is really important. We have seen the republicans wrong on a lot of stuff. Theyre off to a bad start on Climate Change what theyre denying. How is the poublic going to sta with them in denying when its one report after another about what were going through on climate . Theyre digging their own grave politically, arent they . They have a methodology, to take the obvious and turn those facts on their head. They know it works for them. They have they have looked at it time time again, focused it. Take the obvious, turn it on its head, and sometimes the public buys into. Thats why you now just have a Little Movement from the public on issues like fracking. You have some movement on the issues of pipeline. Theyre willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to gain control of the senate this next go round. Know what the issue is . Climate change and jobs. Well see that all over the place. No doubt about it. Good to have you with us. Answer tonights question at the bottom of the screen, share your thoughts with us on twitter. Also like us on facebook. Thanks so much. Coming up marco rubio resorts to namecalling as the florida governors race heats up. First, republicans turn their benghazi investigation back to Hillary Clinton. Debbie Wasserman Schultz coming up. Thats why i like glucerna shakes. They have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna. Afghanistan, in 2009. Orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once its earned, usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection. And because usaas commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy. Get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. For 175 dollars a month . So our business can be on at ts network yup. All five of you for 175. 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