Transcripts For MSNBCW The Daily Rundown 20141111 : comparem

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Daily Rundown 20141111

it may look tranquil but there is a lot of tense talk for president obama and the leader of china. if that is not enough, sprinkle in changes who lately is his most enthusiastic antagonizer. and dozens of students went missing and some claiming now they were murdered. the very latest on acapulco and disappearance and dismay there. just over an hour from now, the last known case of ebola in this country, dr. craig spencer set to be released with a clean bill of health from the new york city hospital and later we will hear from the president's point man on ebola, who has been relatively quiet to this point. >> it is tuesday november 11th, 2014, this is t"the daily rundown." we start with president obama's asia trip and what is the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world, the one between president obama and chinese president ping. the two leaders went for a private walk in the garden. they had dinner away from the cameras and at the headquarters of the communist chinese party. they joked about president ke y ker -- talked about president kerry and iran's nuclear program. my secretary of state, he just came in and he doesn't know w t what -- thank you for the hospitality you showed us the last several days, very much looking forward to productive and candid conversations we had the first time you and i met. you're correct we've been able to make significant progress on a range of issues since that first meeting. my hope is that we can build upon that progress and take the relationship to a new level over the coming years. >> late tonight, mr. obama and the president will sit down for tense walks on cybersecurity, climate change, iran, isis and ebola. the white house is working on a deal to protect china with a range of tech products. and two dueling trade deals that does not include china and a regional free trade pact that china is pushing to counter u.s. in that region which also involves russia but does not involve the united states. also getting some criticism today the highly stage d events in china. tonight, when president obama and the chinese president give address, president obama may take at least one question although the chinese leader may not take any actions. and the president is getting criticism to grant an interview to china's state run media service. in 2009 on his last trip to china mr. obama gave an interview to the media known for pressing the envelope on presencership, his comments were heavily censored. >> when we go on trips, we do it everywhere and tend to give interviews with outlets when we arri arrive in the country. our view is we need to be engage and the more the president's voice can be heard in a country the better so people understand where we come from and at the same time, we will raise issues on the press. >> president obama and russian president putin have had three awkward almost accidental meetings at the summit. nbc's kristen welker is traveling with the president, live in beijing for us what do we know about the meetings between president obama and president putin. >> reporter: well, craig, we know in total the two leaders talked for about 15 to 20 minutes. those meetings come with relations between china and the united states at their lowest since the cold war and discussed a variety of topics, ukraine, syria, the united states and other western nations have imposed several rounds of sanctions against china for its incursion into ukraine. the white house said president obama planned to be very firm with president putin on that topic. they also say there are no plans to impose a new round of sanctions during this summit, however, they are not taking that possibility off the table in the future. it doesn't seem as though anything consequential came out of those three meetings. contrast those optics with president obama meeting with president xi, trying to meet on issues and they have had issues and disagreements over cyber security and that will come up wit president xi. this is part of the president's plan to pivot to the pacific asia region and he wants to foster stronger ties with president xi. some say president obama has taken his eyes off asia and more engaged with isis and ebola and we will hear more after they hold their official meeting. his next stop is myanmar, also known as burma. back to you. >> thank you, kristen. at home today, it marks veterans day, a national holiday with its roots in armistice day that marked world war i some 95 years ago. we honor all our veterans in our country. there is a wreath laying at the world war ii memorial. not far from there, vice president joe biden will be laying a wreath at arlington cemetery, in 90 minutes that's expected to happen. today, there are ant 22 million u.s. veterans living across this country. their care has been a primary concern since revelations about wait time cost erik shinseki his job and his successor, robert c mcdonald said changes are being made. >> we have wait times down for appointments for veterans by 18% nationally. disability claims backlog down by 60%, homelessness by 33%. we want to drive those numbers to be even better. the first thing we will do as part of the organization is stand up a customer service organization that will be focused to reaching out to our veterans and navigating our veterans through our complex system as we simplify it. >> joining me now veteran and military analyst retired army colonel, jack jacobs. always good to see you, especially on this day. thank you for being with me. let's pick up where the secretary just left off. are you confident the united states is on the right track in terms of taking care of our returning veterans? >> yes, actually. >> okay. >> what bob mcdonald has done is taken the job with the proviso he can do things erik shinseki couldn't do, for example firing non-productive administrators. getting rid of the bonus system that prostituted effectively the appointment system, where they manufactured short waiting times and actually put people who were -- who needed appointments, put them in a holding pattern for weeks and then months, with the administrators getting a bonus anyway. he's gotten rid of all of that. i think it's going to be a relatively short time as the system develops that waiting times will come down even further. it remains to be seen. it's a large unwieldy impassive bureaucracy. but bob mcdonald is a really tough guy. he ran proctor and gamble, a graduate of the military academy and i think he knows what to do in a large bureaucracy like that and i think he will do a good job. >> looking overseas, the third rail is this sending troops into iraq. president obama sent force but flatly rejects sending troops into combat. what do you think of these force. >> one level of analysis i think it's disingenuous to say we will only send advisors and they won't be in combat. >> i was an advisor and in combat all the time. if we're going to be with the indigeno indigenous force and train them we will be in combat. it's silly to say we will not. >> why do we do that then? why do we call them advisors when we know that's not all they're doing. >> it's public relations. i think the administration is not entirely clear in its own mind what its strategic objective is. think about it. we will send advisors to train indigenous troops to do what? well, to defend themselves? when is that going to be done? i don't think anybody is prepared to answer that. unless and until you can state what the objective is, you can't tell how long it will be before you get there. you have to be objectively oriented, one of the things people learn from the very very beginning. you start at the end and work backwards. until you do that we don't know how many people we will need and don't know how long we will be there because we can't articulate what the end state is, and until we do that we can't be sure of what will happen. >> colonel jack jacobs. thank you. appreciate your insight. >> you're welcome. >> more on veterans day and the specific challenges facing today's troops when we talk about two newly elected members of congress in iraq. now, time for the weather. the snow may be over for many. the cold is here. yesterday, more than a foot of snow fell in the country in minnesota where cars got stuck on the highways and people called in to help. from the midwest to texas people are bunkering down for extreme cold. temperatures in single digits for multiple days. reynolds wolf joins me now from rapid city, south dakota, where it will be a balmy 12 degrees, i'm told. bill karins is in the comfy confines of the weather wall. let me start with you, reynolds, in south dakota, the windchill, where is that? >> let me preface that to say you are a cruel man to talk about how comfortable you and bill karins are right now. >> not me, bill is. >> you are comfortable, too. >> you're right. >> reporter: to answer your question, we have winds come in and wind effect with the taller buildings in st. cloud. not too tall, anywhere from six to four stories. it does get colder. talking about snow, amazing snowfall not that significant. anywhere from 2 to 3 inches in spots. these streets downtown in good shape. slick spots on interstate 90. let's talk about those roads. right now, they remain open. over the last 24 hours, they had 17 accidents, mostly fender-benders and no great injuries to report. when we think about it, you will have 10-15 fender-benders. that's great news. we have closure at the airport. the airport is open and might be staggered trying to fly out because you have the back load from people who missed out yesterday. we will stay right in the deep chill, only in the mid-30s by next tuesday afternoon possibly. one more thing, 72 hours ago, we had sunshine and 60 degrees. back to you guys. >> reynolds wolfe in south dakota. >> i was under the impression winter was not going to start for another six weeks, right? >> yeah. that's what we were hoping. just the fact where reynolds was standing, you look back a week from now we'll still be there. in november doesn't usually happen, we melt and then it gets cold again and then winter. and bam, we went straight to winter. not going anywhere. it's in wisconsin and still dumping a couple inches and green bay changing over to snow. the cold air made it all the way down to the lone star state and just went through st. louis, knocking on the door in chicago and as far south as little rock, the cold is moving in. this is arctic air. this is one of the amazing stats of this system. amarillo was 82 degrees yesterday. i bet some people turned the air conditioners on in their cars. right now, 14 hours later, the windchill is 4. you went from 82 to windchill of 4. you're blasting the heat as you jump in the car this morning. we had the ac on yesterday. that's the extreme. 25 colder in kansas city, this time yesterday, denver was 63 yesterday. they're 34 degrees colder than that. where does it go from here? firstoff, the east coast and ohio valley and deep south, it will not be as extreme. we tracked the cold air through the great lakes, tomorrow, ohio valley and finally makes its way through the east coast and i think you will have a hard time complaining about 40s when you see what's going on in the rest of the country. violent protests in the streets yesterday over the fate of 43 missing students. those students thought be murdered by gangs or possibly the police. live in mexico after the break. the latest american -- the last american ebola patient about to walk out of a new york city hospital, ebola-free. we will bring that coming up. and a look at today's planner. secretary hagel speaking at the memorial and bruce springsteen and metallica will be playing at the concert for valor. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it 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frustration over the way that country's government has handled the disappearance and possible murder of 43 students. monday, that frustration i just mentioned gave way to violent crash crashes outside acapulco. those are just the latest protests linked to the students back in september. their fate is still unclear. while they're still considered missing, gang members say they were killed after being arrested by corrupt local police. now, even the president of mexico is under pressure to get to the bottom of what happened. on monday he took aim at the protesters saying it's unacceptable that some people are trying to use this tragedy to justify their violence. you can't demand justice while acting with violence. our reporter is in acapulco, mexico with the latest. first, where do we stand in terms of understanding what happened to those students? >> reporter: this is what we do know from some of the survivors of the group of students that was affected the last 26th of november in a city about 120 miles from where i am coming to you now this morning. these students on the 26th of september, left their town, towards another city, because they were trying to raise funds for -- to go to the capitol, the mexican capitol, to commemorate another anniversary of the student slayings. there was a massacre of students in 1968 in the mexican capitol. they go to this town where the mayor currently in jail now. the mayor gets a call from his wife, says, hey, i have public activities today and i see all these kids throughout our town asking for money and it's unacceptable. apparently the mayor calls the police. this is a city in mexico. he calls the police and says, round these kids up. what happens when the kids and the police conflict, there is six dead, including three kids. 43 kids are taken away by the police and to this day we don't know what happened to them. we do know, according to some of the police that have been arrested and some of these narco thugs that have been arrested, these kids were handed over by police officials to the narcos and said, get rid of them. that's what we do know so far. but the parents of these 43 kids do not accept it. that's why you see what you see in the international airport in acapulco, about 10 miles from where i am today where really it got very intense. the airport was virtually closed for five hours. >> jose diaz from acapulco, mexico, he will have much much more coming up at the top of the hour. up next, net neutrality, it's been echoing around the white house for quite a while and now president obama is weighing in and now one person is calling it obama for the internet. is this shaping up as the next conflict for the president and congress. today's trivia question. when was the first iraq war vetted elected to congress-vet elected to congress. here's a clue. he's a friend and colleague. much more in 10 minutes. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm 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( ♪ ) grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. president obama is calling for a free and open internet, urging the federal communications commission to treat the internet like a public utility. >> they should make it clear that whether you use a computer, phone or tablet, internet providers have a legal obligation not to block or limit your access to a website. cable companies can't decide which online stores you can shop at or which streaming services you use and they can't let any company pay for priority over its competitors. >> the president is calling for internet service providers like verizon and comcast that provides for all of us at nbcuniversal to reclassify called title ii communication services which would allow them to be more strictly regulated. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren quickly called on the fcc to quote do the right thing and do it as quickly as possible. verizon warns the change could threaten job creation and innovation. many republicans in congress already apologize it. texas senator ted cruz saying net neutrality is obamacare for the internet. the internet should not operate at the speed of government. senator mitch mcconnell called it more heavy handed regulation that will stifle innovation and concentrate more power in the hands of bureaucrats, a terrible idea. chris jansing joins me now to make sense of this. any idea why the president weighed in now? >> reporter: the fcc deadline is in a few days and something the president has been in discussion about. the president said in this spring he would take a close look at this issue. there has been major discontent from net providers, google and netflix and on and on about proposals made by the fcc. this will set up how the internet is viewed and used in the future. interesting to note the head of the fcc, tom wheeler, politics makes strange bedfellows was one of the president's supporters in 2008 and 2012 one of the telecom lobbyists and pushed back and said the fcc is an independent organization and will make their decision independently. >> the administration offered that estimate yesterday of how many people they expect to sign up for health coverage by the end of next year. that number surprisingly low. have they explained that? >> reporter: it is. this is a situation where we will start that open enrollment period again on saturday. look, these numbers are in a lot of flux. you talk to people inside the industry, insurers, there are a lot of variables. there are people who might suggest there is a little bit of expectations game going on. the independent budget office said 13 million and hhs, health & human services saying between 9 and 9.9 million. in this case, maybe you set low expectations, it's hard to disappoint people. we'll see where it goes. >> that's how i like to live my life actually. chris jansing, thank you, always good to see you. the new york city doctor hospitalized last month with ebola is moments away from being released. we expect to see and hear from dr. craig spencer in less than an hour and take you live to bellevue hospital in new york coming up. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? 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>> i agree with the president's strategy. largely for one reason. we need the iraqi government to create itself into a modern military and modern government. the last thing we should do is go in and clean up their mess. the only thing that will happen as soon as we left they will get back in the same situation. i cleared a lot of cities isis is in, in the al anbar province and right after we took out negatives, as soon as we left, a lot of the local tribesmen will allow the negatiinsurgents to c and the only way to stop that is to make sure iraq becomes a multi lateral country and allow the sunnis power with them. >> you said something i think a lot of people -- after you guys left? >> a lot of these sunni tribes feel like they're no longer part of the iraqi government. they're not getting paid part of the oil revenue, not getting government jobs, feel a lot of the military is shia military rather than military of the iraqi government. they are aligning themselves with these terrorist organizations just because it's a better option. they're getting paid also from a lot of these terrorist organizations. the iraqi government under mali qui was not really tendering to the relationships under sunnis or the kurds and when isis came rolling through they basically allowed them to roll through these neighborhoods on these iraqi ieds and ran right over them. >> and congressman, you worked to secure help for those returning with post traumatic stress disorder. do you agree with colonel jack who says the v.a. is on the right track now to help these veterans. do you agree with that? >> i agree we could do a much better job with the v.a., not-for-profits. we have these organizations throughout communities throughout america. those who come home with post traumatic stress disorder look like they're in one piece but have these issues. these veterans feel isolated and alone. they may go to the v.a. medication isn't the right answer. a lot of these veterans need a peer-to-peer support model where they are surrounded by other veterans in their community and understand what they're going through and going through exactly what they are and need support. in new york state we started a program, pfc joseph dwyer program. his last words were, i don't want to die. people might call it a suicide. he was just looking for temporary relief. he had a young wife and young 2-year-old daughter. these peer-to-peers are working in new york. that's one way the v.a. and department of defense can really improve the situation for vets with pstd. >> really quick, i want to get your take i talked with the congressman about, with regards to the crisis in iraq. >> reporter: interesting point the congressman elect brought up. we have these items fighting against us because they're making 20 dollars to place an ied. a lot of people aren't fighting for love of country, for love of the flag, to protect freedoms and liberties the iraqi government provides. when i was there in 2006, it was a real challenge just to get the iraqi military enforcement just to show up to work. as far as the strategy goes, the biggest challenge is getting these elements to want to travel far from their home to defeat an element that one congressman referred to as making al qaeda look like boy scouts. if they're not actually showing up to work at a police precinct 200 feet from their house and no threat expected that day, how will they bring the threat to isis. that's a real concern. >> one of the things -- we'll have lots more time to talk about isis. i wanted both your takes on something because our team was talking about this early this morning. you've got -- there's such a long history in congress with regards to veterans leaving the military and then choosing to serve in the upper or lower chamber. you have guys like john dingle. we could list them for hours. there also has always seemed to be this bond between veterans regardless of party that's existed in congress. is that bond as strong today as it was a few decades ago? and will that bond, you think, will it transcend party moving forward, congressman? >> absolutely not. no. i'm just kidding. no. there is a special bond between all veterans, especially iraq and afghanistan veterans. got it to experience a lot of that in the statehouse where i worked across the aisle with a republican veteran to pass the in sta instate instate g.i. bill. it was a great experience to work with veterans. veterans is a bipartisan issue and the people that understand it are me and the congressman elect also. we understand at the end of the day we have to put aside our partisanship and do the best for our veterans and country and a lot of it comes from common understanding what our core missions are from the military services. >> congressman. >> he's absolutely right. we won't hold it against him he's a marine and i'm an army guy. >> that's where bipartisanship ends. >> exactly. i think it's important for veterans returning home to work together. there's a great opportunity for someone like ruben and i to help improve the v.a. help veterans with ptsd or reduce the backlog of disability claims. it's something worth working across the aisle to get some good progress done. >> representatives elect, we hope you two are productive. >> thank you. >> quick programming, nbc chief foreign correspondent, richard engel, has a special report on the battle against isis. you can watch that report friday 9:00 on msnbc. he's been reporting from all over the region, turkey, syria, and other locations, next on msn msnbc, political powers are still slugging it out. democrat landrieu heads off to a close election. we will take a close look at that race and the implications as well. first, we know you've been waiting for it, the white house soup of the day, farmers m minestrone. julie howell celebrates live local saturday. and in town you will see banners and t-shirts to shop, dine and live local. ♪ ♪ ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw ♪ ♪ "i've come to look for america" ♪ there was no question she reminds you every day. but your erectile dysfunction-that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. 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[ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. americans in battleground states finally have a break from those attack ads on endless repeat it seemed like. that is not true in the bayou where the senate fight between democrat maryland drew and republican congressman bill cassidy in now in overtime. monday, kentucky senator paul rand flew in for a unity rally with rob man neness who won 14% the vote a week ago. >> mary landrieu forgot where she come from and no longer supports our values. >> it's not just obamacare, it's letting him run lawless and no question this election is a repudiation from the president and his policies. louisiana nans are seeing more ads. >> mary landrieu says she supports louisiana energy but she contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect louisiana senators who voted against louisiana oil and gas. on may 31, bill cassidy presented a speech nearly incoherent. but to cut benefits, will we lose mary landrieu's clout? sn>> people are raising eyebrow at that landrieu ad we just played. do you see it as a sign of her campaign's desperation or is there still a path to victory for her? >> if she has a path to victory, it's a very difficult one. the national democrats pulled away from their runoff ad buys in louisiana. she was polling at about 18%, if you believe the exit polls, in the primary. but she does see a path to victory. you talk to democrats, they'll tell you that the last time a republican was able to overcome a democrat in a runoff in louisiana was 25 years ago. the last time a candidate was able to take out an incumbent u.s. senator was long in 1932. >> the democrats have changed a great deal in that state over the past, not just 25 years, over the past five, 10 years. >> absolutely. i think a sign of that was mary landrieu polling at about 18% with white voters. that's difficult to overcome for statewide candidates of louisiana. she lost a dozen parishes to bill cassidy that she won in 2008. >> what are going to be the issues that decide this election down there? >> i think you will continue to see mary landrieu taking some strong hits at bill cassidy. i spoke with a democratic operative and told milandry will be throwing haymaker from now to dez 6th, and has to connect on at least half. this election is still a referendum to president obama and bill cassidy will connect her to him. >> thank you so much from the bayou. we have a developing story just in. missouri governor jay nixon will be joining local and state law enforcement officials at a news conference at 2:00 today. jay nixon in missouri, developing news. we will continue to update you on that as more becomes available. pennsylvania democrat pat murphy became the first iraq war veterans elected to congress. congratulations today's winner is edward perkins. we'll be right back. your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. 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(vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? yeah. .i could take two aleve for all day relief. really? for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. 2 pills. all day strong. all day long. and now introducing, aleve pm for a better am. no longer in uniform,. but still serving... on the job and in our communities... whose dedication and commitment to excellence continues... in every mission, whatever it may be... affecting our lives every day... for your continued service, we salute you. this message of appreciation to our nations' veterans is brought to you by paralyzed veterans of america and unitedhealth group. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪ ♪ good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. coming at you live in alcopoco, mexico where the outrage continues over the massacre of 43 students in september. 47 days still no answers and no trace of the students. as protesters here in alcopoco shut down the international airport for five hours yesterday. five hours! all as mexican president is in china while his country is in crisis. first, new developments in the united states battle against ebola. for the first time in months, no one in the u.s. is being treated for ebola. just minutes we're going to go live to new york city. a news conference there where we'll be hearing from dr. craig spencer who is being released from bellevue hospital center after beating the deadly virus. all eight americans who contracted the virus have been cured. we're keeping a close eye on the weather in the upper midwest where it's a far different scene from where i am this morning. it's still snowing there. more than 24 hours after it all began. but the story isn't entirely about the snow. it's the drastic temperature drop. not only the upper midwest but stretching into a large part of the country. we get live updates from meteorologist bill karins in just a few minutes. also, some breaking news this morning out of missouri. we are just learning that governor jay nixon will be holding a news conference there at 3:00 p.m. eastern. noon pacific. to talk about law enforcement planning efforts in events of a grand jury decision in the shooting of michael brown. the prosecutor has previously said that a grand jury looking into whether to charge police officer darren wilson will be finishing its work in mid to late november. we'll be able to much wathe new conference live on msnbc. i'm continuing to cover the outrage in country. in alcopoco about 130 miles. 43 students went missing on in september. protesters shutting down the airport yesterday after gang members confessed to murdering the students and incinerating their bodies. local police handed the students over to them. this student, standing next to graffiti on a wall that reads in

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it may look tranquil but there is a lot of tense talk for president obama and the leader of china. if that is not enough, sprinkle in changes who lately is his most enthusiastic antagonizer. and dozens of students went missing and some claiming now they were murdered. the very latest on acapulco and disappearance and dismay there. just over an hour from now, the last known case of ebola in this country, dr. craig spencer set to be released with a clean bill of health from the new york city hospital and later we will hear from the president's point man on ebola, who has been relatively quiet to this point. >> it is tuesday november 11th, 2014, this is t"the daily rundown." we start with president obama's asia trip and what is the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world, the one between president obama and chinese president ping. the two leaders went for a private walk in the garden. they had dinner away from the cameras and at the headquarters of the communist chinese party. they joked about president ke y ker -- talked about president kerry and iran's nuclear program. my secretary of state, he just came in and he doesn't know w t what -- thank you for the hospitality you showed us the last several days, very much looking forward to productive and candid conversations we had the first time you and i met. you're correct we've been able to make significant progress on a range of issues since that first meeting. my hope is that we can build upon that progress and take the relationship to a new level over the coming years. >> late tonight, mr. obama and the president will sit down for tense walks on cybersecurity, climate change, iran, isis and ebola. the white house is working on a deal to protect china with a range of tech products. and two dueling trade deals that does not include china and a regional free trade pact that china is pushing to counter u.s. in that region which also involves russia but does not involve the united states. also getting some criticism today the highly stage d events in china. tonight, when president obama and the chinese president give address, president obama may take at least one question although the chinese leader may not take any actions. and the president is getting criticism to grant an interview to china's state run media service. in 2009 on his last trip to china mr. obama gave an interview to the media known for pressing the envelope on presencership, his comments were heavily censored. >> when we go on trips, we do it everywhere and tend to give interviews with outlets when we arri arrive in the country. our view is we need to be engage and the more the president's voice can be heard in a country the better so people understand where we come from and at the same time, we will raise issues on the press. >> president obama and russian president putin have had three awkward almost accidental meetings at the summit. nbc's kristen welker is traveling with the president, live in beijing for us what do we know about the meetings between president obama and president putin. >> reporter: well, craig, we know in total the two leaders talked for about 15 to 20 minutes. those meetings come with relations between china and the united states at their lowest since the cold war and discussed a variety of topics, ukraine, syria, the united states and other western nations have imposed several rounds of sanctions against china for its incursion into ukraine. the white house said president obama planned to be very firm with president putin on that topic. they also say there are no plans to impose a new round of sanctions during this summit, however, they are not taking that possibility off the table in the future. it doesn't seem as though anything consequential came out of those three meetings. contrast those optics with president obama meeting with president xi, trying to meet on issues and they have had issues and disagreements over cyber security and that will come up wit president xi. this is part of the president's plan to pivot to the pacific asia region and he wants to foster stronger ties with president xi. some say president obama has taken his eyes off asia and more engaged with isis and ebola and we will hear more after they hold their official meeting. his next stop is myanmar, also known as burma. back to you. >> thank you, kristen. at home today, it marks veterans day, a national holiday with its roots in armistice day that marked world war i some 95 years ago. we honor all our veterans in our country. there is a wreath laying at the world war ii memorial. not far from there, vice president joe biden will be laying a wreath at arlington cemetery, in 90 minutes that's expected to happen. today, there are ant 22 million u.s. veterans living across this country. their care has been a primary concern since revelations about wait time cost erik shinseki his job and his successor, robert c mcdonald said changes are being made. >> we have wait times down for appointments for veterans by 18% nationally. disability claims backlog down by 60%, homelessness by 33%. we want to drive those numbers to be even better. the first thing we will do as part of the organization is stand up a customer service organization that will be focused to reaching out to our veterans and navigating our veterans through our complex system as we simplify it. >> joining me now veteran and military analyst retired army colonel, jack jacobs. always good to see you, especially on this day. thank you for being with me. let's pick up where the secretary just left off. are you confident the united states is on the right track in terms of taking care of our returning veterans? >> yes, actually. >> okay. >> what bob mcdonald has done is taken the job with the proviso he can do things erik shinseki couldn't do, for example firing non-productive administrators. getting rid of the bonus system that prostituted effectively the appointment system, where they manufactured short waiting times and actually put people who were -- who needed appointments, put them in a holding pattern for weeks and then months, with the administrators getting a bonus anyway. he's gotten rid of all of that. i think it's going to be a relatively short time as the system develops that waiting times will come down even further. it remains to be seen. it's a large unwieldy impassive bureaucracy. but bob mcdonald is a really tough guy. he ran proctor and gamble, a graduate of the military academy and i think he knows what to do in a large bureaucracy like that and i think he will do a good job. >> looking overseas, the third rail is this sending troops into iraq. president obama sent force but flatly rejects sending troops into combat. what do you think of these force. >> one level of analysis i think it's disingenuous to say we will only send advisors and they won't be in combat. >> i was an advisor and in combat all the time. if we're going to be with the indigeno indigenous force and train them we will be in combat. it's silly to say we will not. >> why do we do that then? why do we call them advisors when we know that's not all they're doing. >> it's public relations. i think the administration is not entirely clear in its own mind what its strategic objective is. think about it. we will send advisors to train indigenous troops to do what? well, to defend themselves? when is that going to be done? i don't think anybody is prepared to answer that. unless and until you can state what the objective is, you can't tell how long it will be before you get there. you have to be objectively oriented, one of the things people learn from the very very beginning. you start at the end and work backwards. until you do that we don't know how many people we will need and don't know how long we will be there because we can't articulate what the end state is, and until we do that we can't be sure of what will happen. >> colonel jack jacobs. thank you. appreciate your insight. >> you're welcome. >> more on veterans day and the specific challenges facing today's troops when we talk about two newly elected members of congress in iraq. now, time for the weather. the snow may be over for many. the cold is here. yesterday, more than a foot of snow fell in the country in minnesota where cars got stuck on the highways and people called in to help. from the midwest to texas people are bunkering down for extreme cold. temperatures in single digits for multiple days. reynolds wolf joins me now from rapid city, south dakota, where it will be a balmy 12 degrees, i'm told. bill karins is in the comfy confines of the weather wall. let me start with you, reynolds, in south dakota, the windchill, where is that? >> let me preface that to say you are a cruel man to talk about how comfortable you and bill karins are right now. >> not me, bill is. >> you are comfortable, too. >> you're right. >> reporter: to answer your question, we have winds come in and wind effect with the taller buildings in st. cloud. not too tall, anywhere from six to four stories. it does get colder. talking about snow, amazing snowfall not that significant. anywhere from 2 to 3 inches in spots. these streets downtown in good shape. slick spots on interstate 90. let's talk about those roads. right now, they remain open. over the last 24 hours, they had 17 accidents, mostly fender-benders and no great injuries to report. when we think about it, you will have 10-15 fender-benders. that's great news. we have closure at the airport. the airport is open and might be staggered trying to fly out because you have the back load from people who missed out yesterday. we will stay right in the deep chill, only in the mid-30s by next tuesday afternoon possibly. one more thing, 72 hours ago, we had sunshine and 60 degrees. back to you guys. >> reynolds wolfe in south dakota. >> i was under the impression winter was not going to start for another six weeks, right? >> yeah. that's what we were hoping. just the fact where reynolds was standing, you look back a week from now we'll still be there. in november doesn't usually happen, we melt and then it gets cold again and then winter. and bam, we went straight to winter. not going anywhere. it's in wisconsin and still dumping a couple inches and green bay changing over to snow. the cold air made it all the way down to the lone star state and just went through st. louis, knocking on the door in chicago and as far south as little rock, the cold is moving in. this is arctic air. this is one of the amazing stats of this system. amarillo was 82 degrees yesterday. i bet some people turned the air conditioners on in their cars. right now, 14 hours later, the windchill is 4. you went from 82 to windchill of 4. you're blasting the heat as you jump in the car this morning. we had the ac on yesterday. that's the extreme. 25 colder in kansas city, this time yesterday, denver was 63 yesterday. they're 34 degrees colder than that. where does it go from here? firstoff, the east coast and ohio valley and deep south, it will not be as extreme. we tracked the cold air through the great lakes, tomorrow, ohio valley and finally makes its way through the east coast and i think you will have a hard time complaining about 40s when you see what's going on in the rest of the country. violent protests in the streets yesterday over the fate of 43 missing students. those students thought be murdered by gangs or possibly the police. live in mexico after the break. the latest american -- the last american ebola patient about to walk out of a new york city hospital, ebola-free. we will bring that coming up. and a look at today's planner. secretary hagel speaking at the memorial and bruce springsteen and metallica will be playing at the concert for valor. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. this is the equivalent of the and this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. but there's a better choice. drink more brita water. clean, refreshing, brita. i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit the ultimate arena for business. hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. the only problem with conference calls: eventually they have to end. unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. it lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. i've never felt so alive. get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. let's head to mexico now. growing frustration over the way that country's government has handled the disappearance and possible murder of 43 students. monday, that frustration i just mentioned gave way to violent crash crashes outside acapulco. those are just the latest protests linked to the students back in september. their fate is still unclear. while they're still considered missing, gang members say they were killed after being arrested by corrupt local police. now, even the president of mexico is under pressure to get to the bottom of what happened. on monday he took aim at the protesters saying it's unacceptable that some people are trying to use this tragedy to justify their violence. you can't demand justice while acting with violence. our reporter is in acapulco, mexico with the latest. first, where do we stand in terms of understanding what happened to those students? >> reporter: this is what we do know from some of the survivors of the group of students that was affected the last 26th of november in a city about 120 miles from where i am coming to you now this morning. these students on the 26th of september, left their town, towards another city, because they were trying to raise funds for -- to go to the capitol, the mexican capitol, to commemorate another anniversary of the student slayings. there was a massacre of students in 1968 in the mexican capitol. they go to this town where the mayor currently in jail now. the mayor gets a call from his wife, says, hey, i have public activities today and i see all these kids throughout our town asking for money and it's unacceptable. apparently the mayor calls the police. this is a city in mexico. he calls the police and says, round these kids up. what happens when the kids and the police conflict, there is six dead, including three kids. 43 kids are taken away by the police and to this day we don't know what happened to them. we do know, according to some of the police that have been arrested and some of these narco thugs that have been arrested, these kids were handed over by police officials to the narcos and said, get rid of them. that's what we do know so far. but the parents of these 43 kids do not accept it. that's why you see what you see in the international airport in acapulco, about 10 miles from where i am today where really it got very intense. the airport was virtually closed for five hours. >> jose diaz from acapulco, mexico, he will have much much more coming up at the top of the hour. up next, net neutrality, it's been echoing around the white house for quite a while and now president obama is weighing in and now one person is calling it obama for the internet. is this shaping up as the next conflict for the president and congress. today's trivia question. when was the first iraq war vetted elected to congress-vet elected to congress. here's a clue. he's a friend and colleague. much more in 10 minutes. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm 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( ♪ ) grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. president obama is calling for a free and open internet, urging the federal communications commission to treat the internet like a public utility. >> they should make it clear that whether you use a computer, phone or tablet, internet providers have a legal obligation not to block or limit your access to a website. cable companies can't decide which online stores you can shop at or which streaming services you use and they can't let any company pay for priority over its competitors. >> the president is calling for internet service providers like verizon and comcast that provides for all of us at nbcuniversal to reclassify called title ii communication services which would allow them to be more strictly regulated. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren quickly called on the fcc to quote do the right thing and do it as quickly as possible. verizon warns the change could threaten job creation and innovation. many republicans in congress already apologize it. texas senator ted cruz saying net neutrality is obamacare for the internet. the internet should not operate at the speed of government. senator mitch mcconnell called it more heavy handed regulation that will stifle innovation and concentrate more power in the hands of bureaucrats, a terrible idea. chris jansing joins me now to make sense of this. any idea why the president weighed in now? >> reporter: the fcc deadline is in a few days and something the president has been in discussion about. the president said in this spring he would take a close look at this issue. there has been major discontent from net providers, google and netflix and on and on about proposals made by the fcc. this will set up how the internet is viewed and used in the future. interesting to note the head of the fcc, tom wheeler, politics makes strange bedfellows was one of the president's supporters in 2008 and 2012 one of the telecom lobbyists and pushed back and said the fcc is an independent organization and will make their decision independently. >> the administration offered that estimate yesterday of how many people they expect to sign up for health coverage by the end of next year. that number surprisingly low. have they explained that? >> reporter: it is. this is a situation where we will start that open enrollment period again on saturday. look, these numbers are in a lot of flux. you talk to people inside the industry, insurers, there are a lot of variables. there are people who might suggest there is a little bit of expectations game going on. the independent budget office said 13 million and hhs, health & human services saying between 9 and 9.9 million. in this case, maybe you set low expectations, it's hard to disappoint people. we'll see where it goes. >> that's how i like to live my life actually. chris jansing, thank you, always good to see you. the new york city doctor hospitalized last month with ebola is moments away from being released. we expect to see and hear from dr. craig spencer in less than an hour and take you live to bellevue hospital in new york coming up. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? yeah. .i could take two aleve for all day relief. really? for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. 2 pills. all day strong. all day long. and now introducing, aleve pm for a better am. ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. into one you'll never forget. earn triple points when you book with the expedia app. expedia plus rewards. we should be developing a strategy. does anybody know what the strategy is? >> nobody does. >> the president said the objective is to defeat isis. the people need to know what that strategy is. >> that was arizona senator john mccain talking a short time ago about the fight on isis. you can expect a lot more than that if he takes over the joint arms services committee, as expected. joint force are launching counter offenses in the northwest and claimed to have captured a key oil city in baghdad. at this point, the u.s. has no confirmation whether the u.s. successfully hit isis leader abu al bag da baghdadi. and meanwhile, back in washington, a new group of military veterans will be taking their talent to capitol hill, following last week's mid-terms, at least 101 veterans will be serving in the congress, 81 in the house and 20 in the senate. that could go up. alaska senator still fighting to upset mark begich and two house races too close to call. while the number of veterans falls slightly, there will be two new ones. a congressman elect who served in iraq and another who served in iraq as member of the army's 82nd airborne. thank you for being with me this veterans day. >> nu. >> you both saw combat in iraq. what do you make of the strategy the u.s. has in place right now to fight isis there. is it the right strategy there or do you agree with senator mccain the strategy itself is flawed? >> i agree with the president's strategy. largely for one reason. we need the iraqi government to create itself into a modern military and modern government. the last thing we should do is go in and clean up their mess. the only thing that will happen as soon as we left they will get back in the same situation. i cleared a lot of cities isis is in, in the al anbar province and right after we took out negatives, as soon as we left, a lot of the local tribesmen will allow the negatiinsurgents to c and the only way to stop that is to make sure iraq becomes a multi lateral country and allow the sunnis power with them. >> you said something i think a lot of people -- after you guys left? >> a lot of these sunni tribes feel like they're no longer part of the iraqi government. they're not getting paid part of the oil revenue, not getting government jobs, feel a lot of the military is shia military rather than military of the iraqi government. they are aligning themselves with these terrorist organizations just because it's a better option. they're getting paid also from a lot of these terrorist organizations. the iraqi government under mali qui was not really tendering to the relationships under sunnis or the kurds and when isis came rolling through they basically allowed them to roll through these neighborhoods on these iraqi ieds and ran right over them. >> and congressman, you worked to secure help for those returning with post traumatic stress disorder. do you agree with colonel jack who says the v.a. is on the right track now to help these veterans. do you agree with that? >> i agree we could do a much better job with the v.a., not-for-profits. we have these organizations throughout communities throughout america. those who come home with post traumatic stress disorder look like they're in one piece but have these issues. these veterans feel isolated and alone. they may go to the v.a. medication isn't the right answer. a lot of these veterans need a peer-to-peer support model where they are surrounded by other veterans in their community and understand what they're going through and going through exactly what they are and need support. in new york state we started a program, pfc joseph dwyer program. his last words were, i don't want to die. people might call it a suicide. he was just looking for temporary relief. he had a young wife and young 2-year-old daughter. these peer-to-peers are working in new york. that's one way the v.a. and department of defense can really improve the situation for vets with pstd. >> really quick, i want to get your take i talked with the congressman about, with regards to the crisis in iraq. >> reporter: interesting point the congressman elect brought up. we have these items fighting against us because they're making 20 dollars to place an ied. a lot of people aren't fighting for love of country, for love of the flag, to protect freedoms and liberties the iraqi government provides. when i was there in 2006, it was a real challenge just to get the iraqi military enforcement just to show up to work. as far as the strategy goes, the biggest challenge is getting these elements to want to travel far from their home to defeat an element that one congressman referred to as making al qaeda look like boy scouts. if they're not actually showing up to work at a police precinct 200 feet from their house and no threat expected that day, how will they bring the threat to isis. that's a real concern. >> one of the things -- we'll have lots more time to talk about isis. i wanted both your takes on something because our team was talking about this early this morning. you've got -- there's such a long history in congress with regards to veterans leaving the military and then choosing to serve in the upper or lower chamber. you have guys like john dingle. we could list them for hours. there also has always seemed to be this bond between veterans regardless of party that's existed in congress. is that bond as strong today as it was a few decades ago? and will that bond, you think, will it transcend party moving forward, congressman? >> absolutely not. no. i'm just kidding. no. there is a special bond between all veterans, especially iraq and afghanistan veterans. got it to experience a lot of that in the statehouse where i worked across the aisle with a republican veteran to pass the in sta instate instate g.i. bill. it was a great experience to work with veterans. veterans is a bipartisan issue and the people that understand it are me and the congressman elect also. we understand at the end of the day we have to put aside our partisanship and do the best for our veterans and country and a lot of it comes from common understanding what our core missions are from the military services. >> congressman. >> he's absolutely right. we won't hold it against him he's a marine and i'm an army guy. >> that's where bipartisanship ends. >> exactly. i think it's important for veterans returning home to work together. there's a great opportunity for someone like ruben and i to help improve the v.a. help veterans with ptsd or reduce the backlog of disability claims. it's something worth working across the aisle to get some good progress done. >> representatives elect, we hope you two are productive. >> thank you. >> quick programming, nbc chief foreign correspondent, richard engel, has a special report on the battle against isis. you can watch that report friday 9:00 on msnbc. he's been reporting from all over the region, turkey, syria, and other locations, next on msn msnbc, political powers are still slugging it out. democrat landrieu heads off to a close election. we will take a close look at that race and the implications as well. first, we know you've been waiting for it, the white house soup of the day, farmers m minestrone. julie howell celebrates live local saturday. and in town you will see banners and t-shirts to shop, dine and live local. ♪ ♪ ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw ♪ ♪ "i've come to look for america" ♪ there was no question she reminds you every day. but your erectile dysfunction-that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. 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[ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. americans in battleground states finally have a break from those attack ads on endless repeat it seemed like. that is not true in the bayou where the senate fight between democrat maryland drew and republican congressman bill cassidy in now in overtime. monday, kentucky senator paul rand flew in for a unity rally with rob man neness who won 14% the vote a week ago. >> mary landrieu forgot where she come from and no longer supports our values. >> it's not just obamacare, it's letting him run lawless and no question this election is a repudiation from the president and his policies. louisiana nans are seeing more ads. >> mary landrieu says she supports louisiana energy but she contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect louisiana senators who voted against louisiana oil and gas. on may 31, bill cassidy presented a speech nearly incoherent. but to cut benefits, will we lose mary landrieu's clout? sn>> people are raising eyebrow at that landrieu ad we just played. do you see it as a sign of her campaign's desperation or is there still a path to victory for her? >> if she has a path to victory, it's a very difficult one. the national democrats pulled away from their runoff ad buys in louisiana. she was polling at about 18%, if you believe the exit polls, in the primary. but she does see a path to victory. you talk to democrats, they'll tell you that the last time a republican was able to overcome a democrat in a runoff in louisiana was 25 years ago. the last time a candidate was able to take out an incumbent u.s. senator was long in 1932. >> the democrats have changed a great deal in that state over the past, not just 25 years, over the past five, 10 years. >> absolutely. i think a sign of that was mary landrieu polling at about 18% with white voters. that's difficult to overcome for statewide candidates of louisiana. she lost a dozen parishes to bill cassidy that she won in 2008. >> what are going to be the issues that decide this election down there? >> i think you will continue to see mary landrieu taking some strong hits at bill cassidy. i spoke with a democratic operative and told milandry will be throwing haymaker from now to dez 6th, and has to connect on at least half. this election is still a referendum to president obama and bill cassidy will connect her to him. >> thank you so much from the bayou. we have a developing story just in. missouri governor jay nixon will be joining local and state law enforcement officials at a news conference at 2:00 today. jay nixon in missouri, developing news. we will continue to update you on that as more becomes available. pennsylvania democrat pat murphy became the first iraq war veterans elected to congress. congratulations today's winner is edward perkins. we'll be right back. your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. 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(vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day starts with her minor arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns. that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? yeah. .i could take two aleve for all day relief. really? for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. 2 pills. all day strong. all day long. and now introducing, aleve pm for a better am. no longer in uniform,. but still serving... on the job and in our communities... whose dedication and commitment to excellence continues... in every mission, whatever it may be... affecting our lives every day... for your continued service, we salute you. this message of appreciation to our nations' veterans is brought to you by paralyzed veterans of america and unitedhealth group. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪ ♪ good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. coming at you live in alcopoco, mexico where the outrage continues over the massacre of 43 students in september. 47 days still no answers and no trace of the students. as protesters here in alcopoco shut down the international airport for five hours yesterday. five hours! all as mexican president is in china while his country is in crisis. first, new developments in the united states battle against ebola. for the first time in months, no one in the u.s. is being treated for ebola. just minutes we're going to go live to new york city. a news conference there where we'll be hearing from dr. craig spencer who is being released from bellevue hospital center after beating the deadly virus. all eight americans who contracted the virus have been cured. we're keeping a close eye on the weather in the upper midwest where it's a far different scene from where i am this morning. it's still snowing there. more than 24 hours after it all began. but the story isn't entirely about the snow. it's the drastic temperature drop. not only the upper midwest but stretching into a large part of the country. we get live updates from meteorologist bill karins in just a few minutes. also, some breaking news this morning out of missouri. we are just learning that governor jay nixon will be holding a news conference there at 3:00 p.m. eastern. noon pacific. to talk about law enforcement planning efforts in events of a grand jury decision in the shooting of michael brown. the prosecutor has previously said that a grand jury looking into whether to charge police officer darren wilson will be finishing its work in mid to late november. we'll be able to much wathe new conference live on msnbc. i'm continuing to cover the outrage in country. in alcopoco about 130 miles. 43 students went missing on in september. protesters shutting down the airport yesterday after gang members confessed to murdering the students and incinerating their bodies. local police handed the students over to them. this student, standing next to graffiti on a wall that reads in

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