Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20200616 : c

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20200616

do these protests have the most impact on democratic leaders who historically rely more on the votes of minority communities and younger people? do they have an impact on a wider group of more moderate americans and white americans, who we have seen very visibly joining protests around the country in more often than has been documented in recent history? one sign on that is yes. "the new york times" finds that american views are significantly shifting in support of black lives matter. now, do these protests have any impact on conservatives and donald trump? who of course is running the federal government? any impact there? many, many different pundits have suggested no. they've argued black lives matter doesn't have any political leverage over trump. like so many things pundits say about politics, about these complex issues, that is wrong. let me tell you why tonight. you can see the evidence in the rose garden today. where donald trump did something that he would not have done but for these protests. he took some government action against police brutality. donald trump bent partly to the protesters' view which has been ground in the evidence in these disturbing cell phone videos to formally state on behalf of the united states government, this is new. let me read it to you. that police officers have misused their authority, challenging the trust of the american people, with tragic consequences for individual victims and their communities and our nation. end quote. let's take that in. there is much that this new order fails to do. now as a journalist, a legal reporter, i can walk you through that tonight and we have expert guests to guide us to that. but it would be a very narrow and really a potentially partisan mistake to just say that simply because of the president's faults, or simply to avoid ever grading him on a curve, that people tonight would ignore this new victory for these protesters. even if, yes, also, and this is so often the case in the american civil rights movement. what you study in law school. this is of course only a small partial victory that arrived so late and arrives only under the utmost pressure, and arrives only amidst this tragic back drop that so many are living through, and some of course are dying through. so let's state all of that for the record. the victory is these protesters that you see, compelling a president on the opposite political turf, to go out there today and have donald trump concede those problems, to do so with law enforcement present, and to add policies that these protesters have been pushing and that donald trump has long opposed. as we've covered on this program, this is a president who openly and unlawfully encouraged and joked about roughing up suspects. but now, he's using a force of law under this pressure to make law enforcement cut down on chokeholds. a controversial tactic that is slowly executed people in custody. to deploy more mental health experts for de-escalation. to revise use of force policies and tackling a void that we have covered many times on this very show. we've discussed with policy makers in both parties. this new order will finally begin fixing the gaping hole in federal tracking of police misconduct so there is now, starting now in 2020, one national accountable database for police misconduct if it is executed correctly. it leans toward what protesters have been demanding. they also fall short in many ways. i can give you both those facts tonight. as a reporter, i can tell you this is both a step, whether or not it is popular to note that it is a step, and it also of course involves things that many of the same experts have said, fall short. regardless of whether you think the president was dragged here by his own self-interest, under pressure, or if you think he deserves no credit, fine. others can decide whether and how to dole out credit. there's been so much going on. such a part sandal polarized reaction. i want to stress this to you tonight. i am reporting to you that the donald trump white house was pushed toward backing police accountability measures. that's news. from protesters and many legal experts are till pushing for far more. that's not the ends of the news. they want to curb the immune that protects police in court. they want to mandate investigatings into shooting to end conflicts for d.a. they want to reform no knock warrants. the order that i just read from, the president is holding up there, does not do those things and there are new federal bills in congress that would go farther than the president's executive actions today. but let me tell you. when you have protests in the street for this many weeks, and you see the reaction, not only from potential allies, not only from concerned americans, not only from local mayors, not only from the press which has a role to be fair and accurate, but when you see it across the line from this president, you have to stand up and say, wow. these protesters are getting something done. joining us now, the experts i mentioned. michael steele, chair of the republican national committee, the chairman from vice news, now with the nbc family, and the nypd detective and director of political affairs for the black law enforcement alliance. having laid out some of what we saw today, your views, michael? >> well, i think you put your finger on something important. in terms of where trump has moved to. i think a lot of substance is left to be covered. as a political matter, he had to get in front of this. the hemorrhaging in his polling numbers, in his own base was beginning to take its toll. so this is a stop-gap. and you made a point that, i don't think it is so much about trump trying to get out in front and sort of all of a sudden become a champion in this space, as it is avoiding more conflict. lessening the noise, taking the pressure off himself. and i think we need to be very cognizant not to read too much into this. when you read the order with respect to chokeholds, it is not a ban on chokeholds. it is not an outright ban. it is still in the arsenal for police if they feel they're under some type of threat. so i think we need to be a little more cautious. credit where credit is due. we're just taking one step in this journey by this administration. >> important points. and mark will speak to us with his knowledge of the tactics as well as the movement. staying a little. in space between reform and politics. as a d.c. observer. i'm curious what you think. this is not what donald trump ran on. if someone says, it is only 2% of what they had hoped for. it is 2% more than what he was saying weeks ago. >> yeah. i think later in that speech, he does go into the rhetoric of law and order that we've heard from before and it gives us shades. 1960s. i think in some ways, politically what did it, it kind of kicked it to the senate and his senate republicans. much as the people were protesting in the streets won't be getting nearly far enough, he basically signaled to the senate, hey, guys, i'm open to this conversation in a way that i think a lot of senators were not quite sure that he was open to this based on what he said before. so in that respect, i can say that i think he has opened the door to something maybe a little bit bigger. i don't know how far the republican senators will walk through that. i don't know if the democrats will want to work with them. but it was in some ways, i think, a punting. i do want to reiterate that michael steele mentioned chokeholds. the database which includes terminations, and i'm looking off my notes so i don't get this wrong, what stood out to me about that. yes. we want that stuff reported on the federal level. yes, i think people want to know what police departments are doing. but all of those things kind of hinge on qualified immune. to really have the reporting about a lot of that stuff. especially if it deals in actual civil judgments or criminal convictions. so i think all of these things are intertwined and we can't forget that. >> well, you've got your notes. we got our notes, too. >> of course. you're talking about section 3b. and adding this tracking and mark and i have discussed this on air many times. the hole in any federal tracking, which is why it is piecemeal. and professor, and others we've had on as guests, basically pick up where the federal government and many states fall down because there hasn't been any interest. so the fact there is now a rubric for that is a step. then you have to improve it and fortify it. i feel like i keep delaying mark. because jonathan does more of the politics, i'm going to may one more piece there the press conference first and then we'll get boo the order with us. take listen to what the president felt he either had to do, needed to do, whatever, he hampton done much previously. which was reference the fact that he did meet with victims and then speak with them today on this issue. take a look. >> i can never imagine your pain or the depth of your anguish. i can promise to fight for justice for all of our people. and i gave a commitment to all those families today with senator tim scott, attorney general bill barr. we are going to pursue what we said we will be pursuing it, and we will be pursuing it strongly. >> in politics, many would argue that condolences under sustained political pressure are pretty worthless. but the political step there seems to be, oh, he felt again that for some reason, he had to say something today. >> yeah. and i said this before. i don't pretend to see into the president's mind or heart but i do agree that he met with some of those families. hopefully he listened to they will. that is part of the conversation. to be honest, white people listening to black people about their experiences, and specifically with these families. the painful experiences they went through with their family members. so once again, a step. i am curious to see what his speech on saturday in oklahoma looks like. i am curious to see, if this goes further or if it is just one of those things, we did this. we can move on to the next thing as the white house goes or his campaign goes. i did a quick control f of his speech right before we came to air to look for the words racism, systemic, or systemic racism and i didn't see them in the speech. if we're not at the point where the president is starting to have that part of the conversation, beyond what he feels for families who have lost someone. we know he has those feelings when he's talked about children in other countries being killed by bombs and things like that. fine. maybe he can get that. if we're not looking at the larger picture, i don't know how we solve the conflict that people are actually rallying against. >> all very important points. mark, what do you view as add i have the or real in this order? take your time. >> very little is substantive in this order. very little is substantive in anything the president did today. the commentary, et cetera. i think it is important for to us keep in mind that in all the president asserted, perhaps, or is willing to put down as an executive order, nothing deals directly with the the institutional racism, bias, and the police culture itself. so is it helpful? some might think it's helpful to study, examine, debate and discuss, get some additional data, for example. but some of it has a significant substantive impact. and i think the energy on the ground, those for years have been demanding reform are not satisfied in any way. this should not be an exercise in gradualism. the energy and the effort on the ground is demanding immediate revolutionary reform to the point where some already suggest disbandsing police departments. revolutionary reform is to have a discussion about defunding police departments. not about examining and trying to collect and recover more data so we can get back to the point we're already at. yes, in law enforcement, policing specifically, there exists racism, bias, and those things place black and brown lives at risk on a daily basis. gradualism will not suffice. >> i'm a little surprised to see the relatively dismissed concrete steps. if there are federal guidelines that raise the threshold for the use of chokeholds. for example, treating it only as a potentially deadly use of forceful as a legal matter, if enforced, will reduce the deployment of chokeholds. and you and i have discussed, we covered the garner case. the overreliance on those, they were done in racialized policing and more against black men than others, is a huge problem. i'm not asking you to come on and bake a cake for the president. and my other two guests handled the politics. do you think that's a step? or because of where we're at, that doesn't mean anything right now? >> it doesn't mean anything. the reason is because it's not an issue about tactics or training. it's not an issue about chokeholds and making chokeholds more difficult to legitimately apply. there are no problems with tactics and chokeholds as it pertains to the white community. if the chokehold is a problem in the black and brown communities exclusively, it's not about a chokehold. it's about the institutional racism, the institution alibi as, the systemic issues, other issues. i think what happens is sometimes we tend to get distracted by what seems like sound tactical policy. which i can't disagree with that. that doesn't deal with the core issues. that doesn't save a black or brown wife. the rules, the regulations, the tactics are clear. if they are applied in black and brown communities, we wouldn't have a problem. >> and this is an important conversation. i'm curious what you think, as a lieutenant governor you have overseen law enforcement yourself. because a lot of this goes back to evidence. on the one hand, it is true and wrong that it takes more evidence to hold police accountable, to prove misconduct allegation that was taken out against a minority. we documented that. so on the one hand, boom, problem. on the other hand, if the system can add evidence along the way, we have seen cases where it helps. cell phone video evidence or the body cameras or in this case, the tracking i mentioned earlier, in fairness to mark. i don't want to lose his perspective. mark's perspective. we welcome many perspectives on the show. mark's perspective is late, not enough, get it out by the root. i'm curious as a policy maker with the experience you have, where you come down only, michael. >> i think mark is exactly right. yeah. you want to see the root of this. you want to pull it out by the root. we have too many examples in the last 50, 60 years not to mention the last ten years, where we've watched from trayvon martin to two weeks ago. this system denigrate and strip apart the black male in such a way that that officer felt he could kneel on this man's neck for 8:46 and no one would give a damn to make him stop. physically go and push him off of him. because that kind of authority has been built up inside this system. the fact that it takes the level of work to get the evidence, when you have the video, the video evidence, other evidence, corroborating evidence to say what happened, you still have to prove it when it comes to what policemen and women do. they're no different than anyone else. we talk about the president being above the law. police men and women are not above the law either. so the standard has to be the same for them as it is if it were one of us with our knee on george floyd's neck. we know exactly how this system would play itself out. we know exactly how long it would have taken for us to have been arrested. at this point the trial may have been over. so this is our truth. so what mark is saying is exactly the core thing that has to happen. the federal government, state governments, local governments, all this government stuff, will take what it does and do what it does best. slow the roll. right? we're getting a lot of flurry right now. people are thinking, stuff changing. no, it age. what gun laws have changed cynic we watched 26 little babies get killed up in new england? what laws have changed since the mass shootings that we've seen around the country? only one instance and that was action by young people in florida, right? got the laws, the gun laws changed in florida. and how did they do it? what we see happening right now. protest. digging to the root and pulling it out. >> i think each of you make such great points. we've learned a lot. we're 20 minutes into the hour which means i'm over time for the first break. learned a lot from each of you. i think there's a really important point here about, we were hearing as recently as last week. maybe it is time to move on. i think some of the commoniality about what i was reporting and the pressure of what you each talked about with more pressure, protests, if you want action, it shouldn't go anywhere. this is question of, what does winning look like? will it be a long term movement? we'll be reporting on that. i want to say a special thanks. fitting in a break. when we come back, a whole different story. federal prosecutors will testify about bill barr's meddling in the roger stone case. guess who is here? steve schmidt. and donald trump making new statements about why they think covid is rising in 20 states. we have a lot going on with the coronavirus as well. we'll stay on that story later tonight. bewe end the hour, we like to go to something different, a little uplift. i'll believe joined by the artist, and activist. you're watching "the beat" on msnbc. deposit checks, check balances, pay bills, and more. explore all you can do with our digital tools from almost anywhere. pnc bank. from almost anywhere. wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day all-night protection. can you 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michael flynn who pled guilty. a whistleblower now also calling the doj anti-trust prosecutor to testify. this is something. he was involved in a trump administration's attempt to challenge a merger between at&t and time warner. okay. big companies. what is that about? many experts said this was about donald trump trying to abuse power to punish cnn which was within that family of companies owned by time warner. the merger did go through. now what is the common thread here? the question is one of both ethics and law. is bill barr trying to abuse his power to protect donald trump to serve his interests above the country in in his senate confirmation hearing, to get this job, barr said trump had asked him at one point to be his personal attorney. the relationship evolved since then. >> he said something to the effect like, so are you envisioning some role here? i said actually, mr. president, right now, i couldn't do it. >> barr interprets the special counsel's report to the advantage of trump. >> not sufficient to establish the president committed an obstruction of justice offense. >> the attorney general was really, really solid and did a great job today. >> why did the justice department publicly change stone's sentencing recommendation after the president's very public criticism? >> i want to thank the justice department for seeing this horrible thing. >> you're saying you have a problem with the tweets. >> yes. well, i have a problem with some of the tweets. >> he's been a fantastic attorney general. he's grabbed it by the horn. >> there is a lot going on but this is an important story that we're keeping our eye on. steve schmidt breaks it down. we're back in just 30 seconds. we're back. attorney general bill barr will face this testimony by a former mueller prosecutor, msnbc contributor and long time strategist, steve schmidt is here. steve, does bill barr have something to worry about with this testimony, and what he has done in the public record, is it okay in. >> well, we've seen this lawless attorney general operate for enough time to know now that no matter what we learn at the hearings, i think likely to validate what we already know, right in he's interfered politically time and time again in the justice department. and that is dangerous. in a democracy, the rule of law must be supreme. no citizen can be above it. no citizen should be below it. no citizen should have someone kneeling on their neck. no privileged friend of a president should be immune for their crimes. so we've seen this attorney general act like donald trump's roy kobe which roy cohen which is what he always wanted. the attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer of the united states. not the president's personal attorney. time and time again, the attorney general barr has acted in a way that is contrary to every other attorney general's understanding of their duties in that office, including barr, when he previously served. his conduct has been appalling. most importantly today is senator harris insisting that she will not let go of the investigation into whether it is the case that the attack on peaceful protesters in lafayette square was ordered directly by the attorney general. did he order the beating, the trampling of peacefully assembled merge citizens asserting their first amendment speech rights, and i think that's an important issue. he's attorney general, not interior minister. >> we were joined by chairman nadler who has been pressing the attorney general to testify under subpoena over a range of matters, including this, and who is now seeking to actually, talking about defunding police and you mentioned the alleged use of law enforcement. cheryl nadler told us last night, he may defund by $50 million mr. barr's personal office to go beyond even the subpoena threat. take a listen to what else he said tonight in we have to get serious about mr. barr, who is totally lawless. the attorney general's office has been turned into, not just the legal office for the president but the legal office for the president's crimes. >> it sounds like you and the chairman are in agreement and many news viewers are family with some of what mr. barr has done. we documented, of course, how misleading he was on the mueller report. we did it from day one. when you look at the actual communications challenge, which is something you know about, what chairman nadler and others will do when they gather evidence, it should be factual and under oath and all that. putting on your strategist hat, steve, what do they need to do given that there is a lot of important stuff going on? because if the attorney general and others can delay, duck, avoid hearings, and basically push all this down the road, in a way, they escape potentially accountability. what do you think they need to do to make this hearing matter next week? >> well, the chairman needs to execute his oversight duties as the chairman of the committee of jurisdiction from a co-equal branch of government. and it is entirely appropriate for him to threaten with a reduction in spending because of the lawlessness of the attorney general. it is a proper use of congressional power. look, when we look at the totality of everything, the focus should not be getting attention on the hearings and on barr. it should be making part of a composite case against the lawlessness of the president. and donald trump didn't do this without abettors and collaborators and accomplices. and attorney general barr is one of those. so he should be held into account. he should be put into the public record. what matters most with under 150 days to go is the election that is coming up. we see now the wide frame of the choice coming into play. it's between law and order with joe biden and lawlessness with donald trump. between decency with joe biden, and indecency with donald trump. between somebody who divides, donald trump, and somebody who unites. so that frail work for this election, as our economy is shattered, with 40 million people out of work, coronavirus cases out of control in 14 states, with over 100,000 dead, the bill is coming due for the reality show presidency. we see the tragic consequences. there are a lot of people over the years who have done a business deal with donald trump once. there are very, very few who did that business deal with trump a second time. that's what voters, some of whom vote trump, some of whom voted for president obama and then trump are looking saying, there's no one in the country except the trump kids who seems only the better off than they were four years ago. and a moment of unprecedented weakness domestically and globally, and that is what this election is about. >> i knew you knew how to communicate, even the. you always nail it home. that's an interesting line about not wanting to do the deal twice. many places like trump university, could you attend. but it was very unlikely you could get your little brother or sister to go. by the time you quote/unquote graduated, they were out of business. i do have some quick lighter business with you. these are serious times. i would be remiss if i didn't notice we're in another room of schmidt residence. it looks like a beautiful totem pole behind you. what is it? >> that is a totem pole from the hida nation. they're a fission nations tribe in british columbia on the island. it is a beautiful, beautiful part of the world, and i just love that. >> i love it. one of my producers in my ear is saying we're going to go back out and look at the wide shot of you. we're wondering, will the pineapple be used for fruit salad or for a drink by the end of your day? >> that's headed into a drink, ari. for sure. >> all right. totem poles and pina coladas with steve schmidt. i am going to fit in a break. when we come back, i've got a lot more. donald trump and mike pence under fire for misleading claims about the coronavirus. the story we're staying on. before we get to that, of 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what can they do if they want to go out a little? >> so if you want to go out a little, be mart about where you're going out and who you're going out with. going outdoors is always safer than being indoors. the analogy i use is imagine someone is smoking a cigarette around you. if you could smell it strongly, you're probably too close. if you're indoors, you're going to smell it far longer than if you're outdoors. go outside. wear a mask. try to limit the number of people you're exposed to and wash your hands and maintain a distance if you can. >> to be clear -- >> i've got kids -- >> to be clear -- you're saying sometimes people hear from doctors, we're on a little delay. wash your hands, do this, do that. you're saying they're better off going to even an outdoor bar and keeping a distance than going to an indoor bar. >> very much so. to go an outdoor bar, to go a pool and sit at a distance from chu. go to a park or go for a hike and maintain some distance between each other. you dome have to be a toll her mit unless dr., thank you for your advice and nuance, we appreciate it and we will see you again. up ahead, we are doing something different. the star of blackish speaking on the issues that are back in the news jenifer lewis, live on "the beat," straight ahead. the men and women of the united states postal service. we're here to deliver cards and packages from loved ones and also deliver the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some-rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system... ...attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections...and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. from grills to play setsutdoor and more one of a kind finds. it all ships free. and with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. get your outdoor oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. ♪ wayfair. you've got just what i need. ♪ makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the lexus nx experience the crossover in its most visionary form. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. that's why usaa is giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today. as we wrap up our edition of "the beat" tonight, we have a special guest, blackish actress and activist jenifer lewis. you may recognize her. how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> good, i will show one thing for all the people reminding everyone about how vocal you have been about the case, obviously the floyd case, and we want to share a performance that you gave on instagram recently. ♪ take your knee and privilege off my neck. all hands on deck. take your knee off my neck. >> art and culture are often ahead of eother parts of our society. "blackish" is repeatedly discussing what we are discussing now. this is an episode from four years ago, digging in to a case of police brutality. >> you can try and mask the problem of the words if you choose, rainbow, it does not change the fact that the police in the country have a rob with black folks. >> thank you, mama. >> police beating up on a unarmed black man, that's a story i have been hearing all my lif life. >> jenifer lewis is here. and that's a fitting question. if people are just catching up, if people are joining in and saying it's worse than you realized or you were right. what do you say to them tonight? >> i speak to the millennials, those kids grew up with me as the aunt on fresh prince. >> shout out, fresh prince. >> the mother in a lot of african-american movies and i have a special relationship with them and i'm here to say to the protesters continue peacefully protesting. get what you need in this great challenge before us. don't stop all the diversity, the millions upon millions, it's a sea of humanity that is out in the streets right now saying that's enough of the oppressi on on killing our children in the streets. they know it's wrong. there has to be reform. and it can't be a modest bill, mr. trump. we have to get to the root of the racism, the deep hate. i have never seen so much hate. it's so disturbing. we have to come together. we cannot be divided. >> yeah. >> you bring up fresh prince, you know i grew up on "fresh prince," right? it's just classic -- some of our favorite episodes and we have more time on these issues though, i did want to play one more thing from "blackish," where you were exploring, you mentioned the president and it's come in politics and the biden campaign. where does the african-american party fit in to the partisan politics. take a look. >> slavery is not easy to talk about. i mean, it makes people uncomfortable. >> hm-mm, white people hate being uncomfortable. people will never celebrate something they barely want to admit happened. >> look, ma, junior, is a republican. >> well, that's fine. >> what? >> he wants to be a publican a british cavern owner. >> no, mama, a republican? >> not a repub lalican, that brings on the tears and i have 40 seconds left. that's the art, what about the reality when you look at the choice in november? >> well, that choice should be mr. mr. biden. we have had enough of this madness. the blatant cruelty. the lies upon lies. we could have been warned back in january. lack how ma -- look how many people have died. this is wrong, we need leadership. my friend today, do you wear a mask? you don't wear a mask? well, he doesn't wear a mask. pence didn't wear a mask and then you see him in a mask. leadership, this is the greatest country in the world. well, you know what? no. the world is great. and that's what has to be -- >> jenifer, you have the energy, no doubt about it. i appreciate you -- >> no, i am behind the peaceful protesti protesting, ari. >> yes, ma'am. >> i am behind the young people fighting the revolution. >> amen and i will be behind my bosses if i don't end on time. i hope you come back on "the beat," keep it here and a programming note, tomorrow we will be joined by the one and only ll cool j, right now, keep it right here on msnbc. ♪ good everyoning i'm steve kornacki in new york. with protests continuing for a 22nd day, the debate over police reform reached a new level today, with president trump rolling out his own plan. in a rose garden ceremony trump signed an executive

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20200616 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20200616

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do these protests have the most impact on democratic leaders who historically rely more on the votes of minority communities and younger people? do they have an impact on a wider group of more moderate americans and white americans, who we have seen very visibly joining protests around the country in more often than has been documented in recent history? one sign on that is yes. "the new york times" finds that american views are significantly shifting in support of black lives matter. now, do these protests have any impact on conservatives and donald trump? who of course is running the federal government? any impact there? many, many different pundits have suggested no. they've argued black lives matter doesn't have any political leverage over trump. like so many things pundits say about politics, about these complex issues, that is wrong. let me tell you why tonight. you can see the evidence in the rose garden today. where donald trump did something that he would not have done but for these protests. he took some government action against police brutality. donald trump bent partly to the protesters' view which has been ground in the evidence in these disturbing cell phone videos to formally state on behalf of the united states government, this is new. let me read it to you. that police officers have misused their authority, challenging the trust of the american people, with tragic consequences for individual victims and their communities and our nation. end quote. let's take that in. there is much that this new order fails to do. now as a journalist, a legal reporter, i can walk you through that tonight and we have expert guests to guide us to that. but it would be a very narrow and really a potentially partisan mistake to just say that simply because of the president's faults, or simply to avoid ever grading him on a curve, that people tonight would ignore this new victory for these protesters. even if, yes, also, and this is so often the case in the american civil rights movement. what you study in law school. this is of course only a small partial victory that arrived so late and arrives only under the utmost pressure, and arrives only amidst this tragic back drop that so many are living through, and some of course are dying through. so let's state all of that for the record. the victory is these protesters that you see, compelling a president on the opposite political turf, to go out there today and have donald trump concede those problems, to do so with law enforcement present, and to add policies that these protesters have been pushing and that donald trump has long opposed. as we've covered on this program, this is a president who openly and unlawfully encouraged and joked about roughing up suspects. but now, he's using a force of law under this pressure to make law enforcement cut down on chokeholds. a controversial tactic that is slowly executed people in custody. to deploy more mental health experts for de-escalation. to revise use of force policies and tackling a void that we have covered many times on this very show. we've discussed with policy makers in both parties. this new order will finally begin fixing the gaping hole in federal tracking of police misconduct so there is now, starting now in 2020, one national accountable database for police misconduct if it is executed correctly. it leans toward what protesters have been demanding. they also fall short in many ways. i can give you both those facts tonight. as a reporter, i can tell you this is both a step, whether or not it is popular to note that it is a step, and it also of course involves things that many of the same experts have said, fall short. regardless of whether you think the president was dragged here by his own self-interest, under pressure, or if you think he deserves no credit, fine. others can decide whether and how to dole out credit. there's been so much going on. such a part sandal polarized reaction. i want to stress this to you tonight. i am reporting to you that the donald trump white house was pushed toward backing police accountability measures. that's news. from protesters and many legal experts are till pushing for far more. that's not the ends of the news. they want to curb the immune that protects police in court. they want to mandate investigatings into shooting to end conflicts for d.a. they want to reform no knock warrants. the order that i just read from, the president is holding up there, does not do those things and there are new federal bills in congress that would go farther than the president's executive actions today. but let me tell you. when you have protests in the street for this many weeks, and you see the reaction, not only from potential allies, not only from concerned americans, not only from local mayors, not only from the press which has a role to be fair and accurate, but when you see it across the line from this president, you have to stand up and say, wow. these protesters are getting something done. joining us now, the experts i mentioned. michael steele, chair of the republican national committee, the chairman from vice news, now with the nbc family, and the nypd detective and director of political affairs for the black law enforcement alliance. having laid out some of what we saw today, your views, michael? >> well, i think you put your finger on something important. in terms of where trump has moved to. i think a lot of substance is left to be covered. as a political matter, he had to get in front of this. the hemorrhaging in his polling numbers, in his own base was beginning to take its toll. so this is a stop-gap. and you made a point that, i don't think it is so much about trump trying to get out in front and sort of all of a sudden become a champion in this space, as it is avoiding more conflict. lessening the noise, taking the pressure off himself. and i think we need to be very cognizant not to read too much into this. when you read the order with respect to chokeholds, it is not a ban on chokeholds. it is not an outright ban. it is still in the arsenal for police if they feel they're under some type of threat. so i think we need to be a little more cautious. credit where credit is due. we're just taking one step in this journey by this administration. >> important points. and mark will speak to us with his knowledge of the tactics as well as the movement. staying a little. in space between reform and politics. as a d.c. observer. i'm curious what you think. this is not what donald trump ran on. if someone says, it is only 2% of what they had hoped for. it is 2% more than what he was saying weeks ago. >> yeah. i think later in that speech, he does go into the rhetoric of law and order that we've heard from before and it gives us shades. 1960s. i think in some ways, politically what did it, it kind of kicked it to the senate and his senate republicans. much as the people were protesting in the streets won't be getting nearly far enough, he basically signaled to the senate, hey, guys, i'm open to this conversation in a way that i think a lot of senators were not quite sure that he was open to this based on what he said before. so in that respect, i can say that i think he has opened the door to something maybe a little bit bigger. i don't know how far the republican senators will walk through that. i don't know if the democrats will want to work with them. but it was in some ways, i think, a punting. i do want to reiterate that michael steele mentioned chokeholds. the database which includes terminations, and i'm looking off my notes so i don't get this wrong, what stood out to me about that. yes. we want that stuff reported on the federal level. yes, i think people want to know what police departments are doing. but all of those things kind of hinge on qualified immune. to really have the reporting about a lot of that stuff. especially if it deals in actual civil judgments or criminal convictions. so i think all of these things are intertwined and we can't forget that. >> well, you've got your notes. we got our notes, too. >> of course. you're talking about section 3b. and adding this tracking and mark and i have discussed this on air many times. the hole in any federal tracking, which is why it is piecemeal. and professor, and others we've had on as guests, basically pick up where the federal government and many states fall down because there hasn't been any interest. so the fact there is now a rubric for that is a step. then you have to improve it and fortify it. i feel like i keep delaying mark. because jonathan does more of the politics, i'm going to may one more piece there the press conference first and then we'll get boo the order with us. take listen to what the president felt he either had to do, needed to do, whatever, he hampton done much previously. which was reference the fact that he did meet with victims and then speak with them today on this issue. take a look. >> i can never imagine your pain or the depth of your anguish. i can promise to fight for justice for all of our people. and i gave a commitment to all those families today with senator tim scott, attorney general bill barr. we are going to pursue what we said we will be pursuing it, and we will be pursuing it strongly. >> in politics, many would argue that condolences under sustained political pressure are pretty worthless. but the political step there seems to be, oh, he felt again that for some reason, he had to say something today. >> yeah. and i said this before. i don't pretend to see into the president's mind or heart but i do agree that he met with some of those families. hopefully he listened to they will. that is part of the conversation. to be honest, white people listening to black people about their experiences, and specifically with these families. the painful experiences they went through with their family members. so once again, a step. i am curious to see what his speech on saturday in oklahoma looks like. i am curious to see, if this goes further or if it is just one of those things, we did this. we can move on to the next thing as the white house goes or his campaign goes. i did a quick control f of his speech right before we came to air to look for the words racism, systemic, or systemic racism and i didn't see them in the speech. if we're not at the point where the president is starting to have that part of the conversation, beyond what he feels for families who have lost someone. we know he has those feelings when he's talked about children in other countries being killed by bombs and things like that. fine. maybe he can get that. if we're not looking at the larger picture, i don't know how we solve the conflict that people are actually rallying against. >> all very important points. mark, what do you view as add i have the or real in this order? take your time. >> very little is substantive in this order. very little is substantive in anything the president did today. the commentary, et cetera. i think it is important for to us keep in mind that in all the president asserted, perhaps, or is willing to put down as an executive order, nothing deals directly with the the institutional racism, bias, and the police culture itself. so is it helpful? some might think it's helpful to study, examine, debate and discuss, get some additional data, for example. but some of it has a significant substantive impact. and i think the energy on the ground, those for years have been demanding reform are not satisfied in any way. this should not be an exercise in gradualism. the energy and the effort on the ground is demanding immediate revolutionary reform to the point where some already suggest disbandsing police departments. revolutionary reform is to have a discussion about defunding police departments. not about examining and trying to collect and recover more data so we can get back to the point we're already at. yes, in law enforcement, policing specifically, there exists racism, bias, and those things place black and brown lives at risk on a daily basis. gradualism will not suffice. >> i'm a little surprised to see the relatively dismissed concrete steps. if there are federal guidelines that raise the threshold for the use of chokeholds. for example, treating it only as a potentially deadly use of forceful as a legal matter, if enforced, will reduce the deployment of chokeholds. and you and i have discussed, we covered the garner case. the overreliance on those, they were done in racialized policing and more against black men than others, is a huge problem. i'm not asking you to come on and bake a cake for the president. and my other two guests handled the politics. do you think that's a step? or because of where we're at, that doesn't mean anything right now? >> it doesn't mean anything. the reason is because it's not an issue about tactics or training. it's not an issue about chokeholds and making chokeholds more difficult to legitimately apply. there are no problems with tactics and chokeholds as it pertains to the white community. if the chokehold is a problem in the black and brown communities exclusively, it's not about a chokehold. it's about the institutional racism, the institution alibi as, the systemic issues, other issues. i think what happens is sometimes we tend to get distracted by what seems like sound tactical policy. which i can't disagree with that. that doesn't deal with the core issues. that doesn't save a black or brown wife. the rules, the regulations, the tactics are clear. if they are applied in black and brown communities, we wouldn't have a problem. >> and this is an important conversation. i'm curious what you think, as a lieutenant governor you have overseen law enforcement yourself. because a lot of this goes back to evidence. on the one hand, it is true and wrong that it takes more evidence to hold police accountable, to prove misconduct allegation that was taken out against a minority. we documented that. so on the one hand, boom, problem. on the other hand, if the system can add evidence along the way, we have seen cases where it helps. cell phone video evidence or the body cameras or in this case, the tracking i mentioned earlier, in fairness to mark. i don't want to lose his perspective. mark's perspective. we welcome many perspectives on the show. mark's perspective is late, not enough, get it out by the root. i'm curious as a policy maker with the experience you have, where you come down only, michael. >> i think mark is exactly right. yeah. you want to see the root of this. you want to pull it out by the root. we have too many examples in the last 50, 60 years not to mention the last ten years, where we've watched from trayvon martin to two weeks ago. this system denigrate and strip apart the black male in such a way that that officer felt he could kneel on this man's neck for 8:46 and no one would give a damn to make him stop. physically go and push him off of him. because that kind of authority has been built up inside this system. the fact that it takes the level of work to get the evidence, when you have the video, the video evidence, other evidence, corroborating evidence to say what happened, you still have to prove it when it comes to what policemen and women do. they're no different than anyone else. we talk about the president being above the law. police men and women are not above the law either. so the standard has to be the same for them as it is if it were one of us with our knee on george floyd's neck. we know exactly how this system would play itself out. we know exactly how long it would have taken for us to have been arrested. at this point the trial may have been over. so this is our truth. so what mark is saying is exactly the core thing that has to happen. the federal government, state governments, local governments, all this government stuff, will take what it does and do what it does best. slow the roll. right? we're getting a lot of flurry right now. people are thinking, stuff changing. no, it age. what gun laws have changed cynic we watched 26 little babies get killed up in new england? what laws have changed since the mass shootings that we've seen around the country? only one instance and that was action by young people in florida, right? got the laws, the gun laws changed in florida. and how did they do it? what we see happening right now. protest. digging to the root and pulling it out. >> i think each of you make such great points. we've learned a lot. we're 20 minutes into the hour which means i'm over time for the first break. learned a lot from each of you. i think there's a really important point here about, we were hearing as recently as last week. maybe it is time to move on. i think some of the commoniality about what i was reporting and the pressure of what you each talked about with more pressure, protests, if you want action, it shouldn't go anywhere. this is question of, what does winning look like? will it be a long term movement? we'll be reporting on that. i want to say a special thanks. fitting in a break. when we come back, a whole different story. federal prosecutors will testify about bill barr's meddling in the roger stone case. guess who is here? steve schmidt. and donald trump making new statements about why they think covid is rising in 20 states. we have a lot going on with the coronavirus as well. we'll stay on that story later tonight. bewe end the hour, we like to go to something different, a little uplift. i'll believe joined by the artist, and activist. you're watching "the beat" on msnbc. deposit checks, check balances, pay bills, and more. explore all you can do with our digital tools from almost anywhere. pnc bank. from almost anywhere. wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day all-night protection. can you 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michael flynn who pled guilty. a whistleblower now also calling the doj anti-trust prosecutor to testify. this is something. he was involved in a trump administration's attempt to challenge a merger between at&t and time warner. okay. big companies. what is that about? many experts said this was about donald trump trying to abuse power to punish cnn which was within that family of companies owned by time warner. the merger did go through. now what is the common thread here? the question is one of both ethics and law. is bill barr trying to abuse his power to protect donald trump to serve his interests above the country in in his senate confirmation hearing, to get this job, barr said trump had asked him at one point to be his personal attorney. the relationship evolved since then. >> he said something to the effect like, so are you envisioning some role here? i said actually, mr. president, right now, i couldn't do it. >> barr interprets the special counsel's report to the advantage of trump. >> not sufficient to establish the president committed an obstruction of justice offense. >> the attorney general was really, really solid and did a great job today. >> why did the justice department publicly change stone's sentencing recommendation after the president's very public criticism? >> i want to thank the justice department for seeing this horrible thing. >> you're saying you have a problem with the tweets. >> yes. well, i have a problem with some of the tweets. >> he's been a fantastic attorney general. he's grabbed it by the horn. >> there is a lot going on but this is an important story that we're keeping our eye on. steve schmidt breaks it down. we're back in just 30 seconds. we're back. attorney general bill barr will face this testimony by a former mueller prosecutor, msnbc contributor and long time strategist, steve schmidt is here. steve, does bill barr have something to worry about with this testimony, and what he has done in the public record, is it okay in. >> well, we've seen this lawless attorney general operate for enough time to know now that no matter what we learn at the hearings, i think likely to validate what we already know, right in he's interfered politically time and time again in the justice department. and that is dangerous. in a democracy, the rule of law must be supreme. no citizen can be above it. no citizen should be below it. no citizen should have someone kneeling on their neck. no privileged friend of a president should be immune for their crimes. so we've seen this attorney general act like donald trump's roy kobe which roy cohen which is what he always wanted. the attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer of the united states. not the president's personal attorney. time and time again, the attorney general barr has acted in a way that is contrary to every other attorney general's understanding of their duties in that office, including barr, when he previously served. his conduct has been appalling. most importantly today is senator harris insisting that she will not let go of the investigation into whether it is the case that the attack on peaceful protesters in lafayette square was ordered directly by the attorney general. did he order the beating, the trampling of peacefully assembled merge citizens asserting their first amendment speech rights, and i think that's an important issue. he's attorney general, not interior minister. >> we were joined by chairman nadler who has been pressing the attorney general to testify under subpoena over a range of matters, including this, and who is now seeking to actually, talking about defunding police and you mentioned the alleged use of law enforcement. cheryl nadler told us last night, he may defund by $50 million mr. barr's personal office to go beyond even the subpoena threat. take a listen to what else he said tonight in we have to get serious about mr. barr, who is totally lawless. the attorney general's office has been turned into, not just the legal office for the president but the legal office for the president's crimes. >> it sounds like you and the chairman are in agreement and many news viewers are family with some of what mr. barr has done. we documented, of course, how misleading he was on the mueller report. we did it from day one. when you look at the actual communications challenge, which is something you know about, what chairman nadler and others will do when they gather evidence, it should be factual and under oath and all that. putting on your strategist hat, steve, what do they need to do given that there is a lot of important stuff going on? because if the attorney general and others can delay, duck, avoid hearings, and basically push all this down the road, in a way, they escape potentially accountability. what do you think they need to do to make this hearing matter next week? >> well, the chairman needs to execute his oversight duties as the chairman of the committee of jurisdiction from a co-equal branch of government. and it is entirely appropriate for him to threaten with a reduction in spending because of the lawlessness of the attorney general. it is a proper use of congressional power. look, when we look at the totality of everything, the focus should not be getting attention on the hearings and on barr. it should be making part of a composite case against the lawlessness of the president. and donald trump didn't do this without abettors and collaborators and accomplices. and attorney general barr is one of those. so he should be held into account. he should be put into the public record. what matters most with under 150 days to go is the election that is coming up. we see now the wide frame of the choice coming into play. it's between law and order with joe biden and lawlessness with donald trump. between decency with joe biden, and indecency with donald trump. between somebody who divides, donald trump, and somebody who unites. so that frail work for this election, as our economy is shattered, with 40 million people out of work, coronavirus cases out of control in 14 states, with over 100,000 dead, the bill is coming due for the reality show presidency. we see the tragic consequences. there are a lot of people over the years who have done a business deal with donald trump once. there are very, very few who did that business deal with trump a second time. that's what voters, some of whom vote trump, some of whom voted for president obama and then trump are looking saying, there's no one in the country except the trump kids who seems only the better off than they were four years ago. and a moment of unprecedented weakness domestically and globally, and that is what this election is about. >> i knew you knew how to communicate, even the. you always nail it home. that's an interesting line about not wanting to do the deal twice. many places like trump university, could you attend. but it was very unlikely you could get your little brother or sister to go. by the time you quote/unquote graduated, they were out of business. i do have some quick lighter business with you. these are serious times. i would be remiss if i didn't notice we're in another room of schmidt residence. it looks like a beautiful totem pole behind you. what is it? >> that is a totem pole from the hida nation. they're a fission nations tribe in british columbia on the island. it is a beautiful, beautiful part of the world, and i just love that. >> i love it. one of my producers in my ear is saying we're going to go back out and look at the wide shot of you. we're wondering, will the pineapple be used for fruit salad or for a drink by the end of your day? >> that's headed into a drink, ari. for sure. >> all right. totem poles and pina coladas with steve schmidt. i am going to fit in a break. when we come back, i've got a lot more. donald trump and mike pence under fire for misleading claims about the coronavirus. the story we're staying on. before we get to that, of course, the floyd case continues. new evidence. we haven't played it yet. a 911 dispaxer who was seeing in real-time, the officer on george floyd. the 3:40 mid-shift migraine medicine. it's called ubrelvy. the migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere a migraine attacks without worrying if it's too late or where you happen to be. one dose of ubrelvy can quickly stop a migraine in its tracks within two hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. few people had side effects, most common were nausea and tiredness. ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the lexus nx experience the crossover in its most visionary form. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ no no no no no, there's no space there! maybe 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[ laugh ] that's a lot of storage! perfect. you're welcome! i love it. how did you do all this? wayfair! speaking of dinner, what're we eating, guys? i know that every time that i suit up, there is a chance that that's the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. this can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. learn more at . now to some new evidence. take listen to some brand newly released audio. this from a dispatcher in minneapolis and the situation was pretty stark. she was watching george floyd's arrest, which we know was ultimately a killing, in real-time over the surveillance cameras. she appeared alarmed. take a listen to how she alerted a supervisor. >> this is new evidence and it gives you a sense of what was happening in real-time. the dispatcher was however casually she sounded, concerned that just discussing what she saw, the facts, might make her a quote, snitch. in the eyes of other individuals involved in the policing. this will raise some broader questions about how others in the department initially handled what was this killing, now a charged murder, as they learned about it. that's new evidence we wanted to share with you. we'll fit in a break. up ahead, we have actors and activist, jennifer lewis from the hit show "black-ish" talking race, justice and more. and pushing false claims about the coronavirus and what you need to know to keep your family safe. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the lexus nx experience the crossover in its most visionary form. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. your cells. trillions of them. that's why centrum contains 24 key nutrients to support your energy. so you can take care of what matters most. and try new centrum minis today. 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what can they do if they want to go out a little? >> so if you want to go out a little, be mart about where you're going out and who you're going out with. going outdoors is always safer than being indoors. the analogy i use is imagine someone is smoking a cigarette around you. if you could smell it strongly, you're probably too close. if you're indoors, you're going to smell it far longer than if you're outdoors. go outside. wear a mask. try to limit the number of people you're exposed to and wash your hands and maintain a distance if you can. >> to be clear -- >> i've got kids -- >> to be clear -- you're saying sometimes people hear from doctors, we're on a little delay. wash your hands, do this, do that. you're saying they're better off going to even an outdoor bar and keeping a distance than going to an indoor bar. >> very much so. to go an outdoor bar, to go a pool and sit at a distance from chu. go to a park or go for a hike and maintain some distance between each other. you dome have to be a toll her mit unless dr., thank you for your advice and nuance, we appreciate it and we will see you again. up ahead, we are doing something different. the star of blackish speaking on the issues that are back in the news jenifer lewis, live on "the beat," straight ahead. the men and women of the united states postal service. we're here to deliver cards and packages from loved ones and also deliver the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some-rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system... ...attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections...and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. from grills to play setsutdoor and more one of a kind finds. it all ships free. and with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. get your outdoor oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. ♪ wayfair. you've got just what i need. ♪ makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the lexus nx experience the crossover in its most visionary form. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. that's why usaa is giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today. as we wrap up our edition of "the beat" tonight, we have a special guest, blackish actress and activist jenifer lewis. you may recognize her. how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> good, i will show one thing for all the people reminding everyone about how vocal you have been about the case, obviously the floyd case, and we want to share a performance that you gave on instagram recently. ♪ take your knee and privilege off my neck. all hands on deck. take your knee off my neck. >> art and culture are often ahead of eother parts of our society. "blackish" is repeatedly discussing what we are discussing now. this is an episode from four years ago, digging in to a case of police brutality. >> you can try and mask the problem of the words if you choose, rainbow, it does not change the fact that the police in the country have a rob with black folks. >> thank you, mama. >> police beating up on a unarmed black man, that's a story i have been hearing all my lif life. >> jenifer lewis is here. and that's a fitting question. if people are just catching up, if people are joining in and saying it's worse than you realized or you were right. what do you say to them tonight? >> i speak to the millennials, those kids grew up with me as the aunt on fresh prince. >> shout out, fresh prince. >> the mother in a lot of african-american movies and i have a special relationship with them and i'm here to say to the protesters continue peacefully protesting. get what you need in this great challenge before us. don't stop all the diversity, the millions upon millions, it's a sea of humanity that is out in the streets right now saying that's enough of the oppressi on on killing our children in the streets. they know it's wrong. there has to be reform. and it can't be a modest bill, mr. trump. we have to get to the root of the racism, the deep hate. i have never seen so much hate. it's so disturbing. we have to come together. we cannot be divided. >> yeah. >> you bring up fresh prince, you know i grew up on "fresh prince," right? it's just classic -- some of our favorite episodes and we have more time on these issues though, i did want to play one more thing from "blackish," where you were exploring, you mentioned the president and it's come in politics and the biden campaign. where does the african-american party fit in to the partisan politics. take a look. >> slavery is not easy to talk about. i mean, it makes people uncomfortable. >> hm-mm, white people hate being uncomfortable. people will never celebrate something they barely want to admit happened. >> look, ma, junior, is a republican. >> well, that's fine. >> what? >> he wants to be a publican a british cavern owner. >> no, mama, a republican? >> not a repub lalican, that brings on the tears and i have 40 seconds left. that's the art, what about the reality when you look at the choice in november? >> well, that choice should be mr. mr. biden. we have had enough of this madness. the blatant cruelty. the lies upon lies. we could have been warned back in january. lack how ma -- look how many people have died. this is wrong, we need leadership. my friend today, do you wear a mask? you don't wear a mask? well, he doesn't wear a mask. pence didn't wear a mask and then you see him in a mask. leadership, this is the greatest country in the world. well, you know what? no. the world is great. and that's what has to be -- >> jenifer, you have the energy, no doubt about it. i appreciate you -- >> no, i am behind the peaceful protesti protesting, ari. >> yes, ma'am. >> i am behind the young people fighting the revolution. >> amen and i will be behind my bosses if i don't end on time. i hope you come back on "the beat," keep it here and a programming note, tomorrow we will be joined by the one and only ll cool j, right now, keep it right here on msnbc. ♪ good everyoning i'm steve kornacki in new york. with protests continuing for a 22nd day, the debate over police reform reached a new level today, with president trump rolling out his own plan. in a rose garden ceremony trump signed an executive

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