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The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. Thoug a sense the timing of the conversation was while the Manafort Trial was under way . Im going to credit Rudy Giuliani in his last corrected statement in which he says to me that he believes it was quite a bit longer before the trial. Now, manafort was facing a lot of charges in a pretty damning case of tax evasion and bank fraud. It was fairly, you know, high odds that he was going to be convicted based on those case based on those charges and the evidence that the government had. But, again, im just going to let giuliani say what he wants to say, which is that now he remembers it really probably was in june rather than in august. So further along than recently. Did you get a sense at all, carol, from your conversation with Rudy Giuliani as to why today did he mention this . Hes obviously given a lot of interviews in the past. Was it your reading of his intent that maybe he was trying to send a signal to Paul Manafort . I dont try to speculate or thing. So that outburst prompting a rare public response from sessions who says he, quote, took control of the department of justice the day he was sworn in, and that it wont be improperly influenced by political considerations. With me now, former congresswoman elizabeth holtsman, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, jess mcintosh, a former aide to hillary clinton, Betsy Woodruff of the daily beast, and John Flannery. Great to have all of you with us. Lots to break down this hour. Congressman, if i may, begin with you, trump on one hand slamming his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, the man he put in there saying he did it because of his loyalty, he also went after Michael Cohen. But seems that at least floating the idea through various comments, either through Rudy Giuliani or ambiguous answers on fox news that he is considering a pardon for Paul Manafort. What do you make of this . Well, i you know, im going to go back to watergate, and im going to say that part of the articles of impeachment that was voted by the House Judiciary Committee had to do with offers of pardons to the burglars to keep them quiet. Lets just not forget that. That was part of it. The president of the United States authorized pardons for people, the burglars, to keep them quiet. Are you seeing parallels . Of course. What are the parallels . Is it the tone . Maybe back then they were more explicit. Were not having a Single Person from the white house coming out and saying yes, he will pardon Paul Manafort. You dont need to say yes, he will. That was very secret, the pardons, hush money was secret, what are the parallels, the president of the United States knows donald trump knows that manafort may have some very, very damning information about him. It could even be criminal. It could even have to do with collusion. Remember, manafort was in ukraine dealing with the president of ukraine, putin was supporting that guy, and now manafort becomes the campaign manager. Manafort may know a lot. Definitely parallels. May know a lot. Wouldnt you want to keep manaforts mouth shut . And this is not the first time, by the way, that we know that issues with regard to pardons have come out. Rudy doesnt just spill out stuff thats not relevant. Hes sending a message to manafort, keep your mouth shut, dont say anything. Jess, i see youre kind of wanting to get in on this part of the conversation. Yeah. Whats your take . The congresswoman is absolutely correct about this, there are its hard to keep track because we literally had that tuesday split screen courtroom situation, but there are actually two criminal conspiracies that were involved in putting donald trump in the white house that right now dont have much to do with each other. You have Michael Cohen and the hush money to the mistresses. You have Paul Manafort who is at the crux of the collusion conversation. And right now trump and his team seem really adamant about moving the goal posts to say that this hush money to mistresses doesnt matter, of course it does, it violates u. S. Law, but theres no collusion and we dont have that, and they seem pretty sure that they can be out on a limb with that. I think thats probably because they seem pretty confident that Paul Manafort will keep his mouth shut, perhaps because of a possible pardon hanging out there for him. Yeah, to quote the president , he says a crime is not a crime, or at least suggesting that what Michael Cohen did is not a crime. Can donald trump really distance himself from Michael Cohen . If you know somebody for ten years, it gets a little hard. He was described as a fixer by no less than Rudy Giuliani who said thats what we do at law firms, then he lost his job the next day, which tells us that maybe law firms have a better ethical standard than rudy and the beast, if you will. I dont see how he gets away from it. If you even listen to the one tape recording we had, it sort of puts the light of this whole mess about the girlfriends, and that is that hes in a conversation, and its all about the campaign. One is about talking to reverends in the south somewhere, another is about whether the divorce and those details will come out before the election is over. And then the third one is how do we pay off ami . How do we do that . And he says cash. That is trump says cash. And its cohen thats coming back and says no, no, no, well do it by checks and we now know that that turned out not to be a good idea, for a couple reasons, including it would identify the fact that there was no journalistic behavior. We have the other example in which plainly cash is being channeled around and its not from a campaign and its from trump and trump is being contradicted by cohen and details and facts and all sorts of things. Thats what he does. Let me share with you guys some news were gertitting here and you talked about ami and the david pecker situation. Obviously hes agreed, or at least received an agreement of sorts to in the Michael Cohen connection about the payments. We got this wire from the ap a short while ago, the National Enquire esafe held damaging trump stories. The National Enquirerer kept a safe containing documents on hush money payments and other stories it killed as part of its cozy relationship with donald trump leading up to 2016 president ial election, people familiar with the arrangement have told the associated press, we have that up there on the screen. So another interesting layer in development here. Betsy let me ask you quickly about cohens plea because trump said today that cohens plea was really about other business, it wasnt about crime. Take a listen. It was in another business, totally unrelated to me where i guess there was fraud involved and loans and taxi cabs and all sorts of things, nothing to do with me. He had an outside business. He worked for me you could really say it was more or less parttime. He had other businesses, he had other clients. Im not his only client. Betsy, what do you make of that, the president there trying to distance Michael Cohen, trying to belittle him in stature, in his role, not in stature, how does that play out as a Defense Strategy . There is a greater truth in what the president is saying here. Some of the charges arent directly related to the work he did on behalf of the president or on behalf of then candidate donald trump. But, of course, the most interesting part of that plea deal, the two Campaign Finance violations to which Michael Cohen did plead guilty and that cohen himself said under oath that the president of the United States directed him to engage in illegal activity to help the president s campaign. All the throat clearing in the read. Meaning hes being compelled to testify, under penalty of contempt, if he lies, perjury. Thats what i understand his circumstance is. Hes probably a reluctant cooperator. All the documents will come to the government and what theyll identify, or not, is that there was a lot of goings on that had nothing to do with journalistic enterprise and that these organs of ami, particularly National Enquirer were being used as part of the election and not being declared on any filing. On top of it we have a typical conspiracy to defraud the United States by undermining the election process. Theres a whole series of things opening up. The fact that they want to give immunity to pecker means theyre interested in getting others. Now, who . Well, were going to have the president , perhaps, as an Unindicted Coconspirator, i hope somebody has the gumption to name him in the indictment. The president whos compromising the United States and using these pardons that he suggests, thats a violation of his oath of due process. That is to say hes using his oath to protect himself from an investigation. And those he would keep quiet, just as in nixon. If you can give nixon credit, as elizabeth might i wouldnt. He was not as bad as this guy, if thats possible to conceive of. When you think about the fact that Michael Cohen recorded his conversations with the president , omarosa recorded conversations, and National Enquirer holding onto these stories it killed, it seems anybody who was in trumps orbit at least in some case was trying to keep record of some of this negativity and some of this fallout in the event that they would be in the position that theyre in today. Im so glad you brought that up. Ive been really drawn to this part of the story. The number of people who are very close to him who had known him for a decade plus who were apparently either trying to cover their own actions by having a tape of him doing wrongdoing, or waiting to set him up years down the road. The man ran his business like a small time crime boss and he brought people around him, the thugs who threatened people when they tried to take his ties out of macys, up to his fixer lawyer Michael Cohen, he surrounded himself with these people who played these smalltime Crime Syndicate roles. I guess they played them well enough that they knew to record the boss telling them to break the law because one day they might have to play that in court. And today is that day, i guess. It seems like trust was low among all those parties. Congresswoman, before we go, id like to ask your thoughts on the fact that Jeff Sessions today responded to the president. Hes been the subject of many attacks, but to see the Attorney General defend his own position and what hes been doing at the department of justice, what do you make of that, rare . Well, it is rare. Its a surprise because Jeff Sessions has been pretty quiet about all this stuff. But i just want to go back to the point i made before about pardons. And that John Flannery mentioned. Its not an issue of due process. Its called an abuse of power. That is an impeachable offense. Abuse of power, to use your power, a pardon to shut people up because they could tell the truth about you when youve violated the law. Trying to get rid of sessions because he recused himself, which he had to do, under ethics rules of the justice department, because what trump wants is to shut down the russia investigation. Thats an abuse of power. What we are seeing here is the president of the United States systematically, time after time, this circumstance, that circumstance, abusing the power of his office. The swamp wasnt in washington. The swamp was in trump tower. And its now in the oval office. I wonder if hes being advised against Firing People like Rod Rosenstein and jeff sessions in the same way we heard giuliani advising him against pardoning Paul Manafort. Interesting to see how it plays out. Fascinating conversation. Congresswoman elizabeth holtsman, Betsy Woodruff. John flannery, stick around with me for a bit. Did trump accidentally confess to a crime in his fox interview . Plus this. Ill tell you what, if i ever got impeached, i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor. Im going to talk live to progressive Billionaire Tom Steyer who is leading the impeachment charge. Also joining tonight the wife of the guilty trump aide whos been cooperating with the mueller probe, her first interview since the cohen news broke. And trump rebuked by the South African Government over a bizarre tweet. He lifted straight from fox news. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. S out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. Bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 1025 year olds. Even if meningitis b is uncommon, thats not a chance were willing to take. Meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. Were getting the word out against meningitis b. Our teens are getting bexsero. Bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. Bexsero may not protect all individuals. Tell your healthcare professional if youre pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. Ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. Moms, we cant wait. Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Paul manafort he is desperately trying to distance himself from Michael Cohen. Well, today, trump hammering his new defense, crimes arent crimes, and just in case you didnt hear him the first time, he made sure to hit that point a few more times. He pled to two counts that arent a crime, which nobody understands. Those two counts arent even a crime. A lot of lawyers on television and also lawyers that i have seen that theyre not even crimes. All right, lets be very clear about this. These are crimes. And Michael Cohen, in fact, admitted to them. I mean, generally, a judge does not let someone plead guilty to something that isnt a crime. And then trying to deny the crime isnt a crime. Did the president accidentally confess to committing one in that interview . They werent taken out of Campaign Finance, thats a big thing, a much bigger thing. Did they come out of the campaign . They didnt come out of the campaign. They came from me. My first question when i heard about was did they come out of the campaign because that could be a little dicey. And they didnt come out of the campaign. And thats big. But they werent thats not a its not even a campaign violation. That could be a little dicey. Joining me now is florida congressman ted deutsche of the Judiciary Committee. John flannery. Congressman, let me get your assessment. Did the president admit to committing a crime in that sound bite in that interview that you heard . Of course he did. Look, ayman, lets be clear, the president s understanding of Campaign Finance laws, he contributed tens of millions of dollars to his own campaign, and he reported it. You know what he didnt report on his Campaign Finance filings, the two sixfigure payments he made to silence women in an attempt to win the election. So he knows what hes supposed to do. He knows what he didnt do here. And he knows why he didnt do it. He can talk all he wants about how a crime isnt a crime, just like he ends his lawyer out, he sends rudy out to say the truth isnt the truth. The fact is, the president of the United States is an Unindicted Coconspirator based on what his lawyer said in court just this week. John, your reading of that interview, did the president admit to committing a crime . Yes, he basically said i paid the money, and combined with prior statements by his counsel, and by himself, about how he paid the money, that doesnt protect him. In fact, what hes telling us is im concealing the money, i put into the campaign, you dont know about it, it was staged how he did it, and The Dividing Line is the congressman will probably tell you is whether it was willful or not. What could be more willful than concealing these payments and discussing how he wanted to silence somebody because it would affect the election . John, really quickly, does that tape become admissible as evidence, the president in his own words in that interview . Sure, absolutely, its an admission against interest. The only time you can believe what mr. Trump has to say when hes admitting to a wrongdoing, or that meeting was about an adoption of russian children. Thats the only time you can believe what he has to say. Congressman, can you just get around Campaign Finance laws but not using Campaign Funds . Cant the president make the argument that hes paying these women or to cover this issue from his personal money to save his marriage, that it was not political in nature . Well, except that thats well, he can make that argument, except that thats not what happened. He made if you look at the timing of this, if you look at the what we already know about this, he made these two sixfigure payments to these women to silence them in an attempt to win the election. Thats whats readily apparent to anyone whos looked at this. It shouldnt be at all surprising that hes grasping for straws looking for any other way to talk about this. But the record is clear. Hes this wasnt the only time he made payments to his on behalf of his campaign. He did it over and over, tens of millions of dollars, except in this case he intentionally tried to hide it because he knew that he was violating the law. And by the way, if i can, ayman, this isnt a question of what the courts do, its a question of what congress does. The Judiciary Committee has a responsibility based on this information to get together and to Start Holding hearings to parse this information, to figure out what weve got and to figure out what kind of political step we can take next. Very quickly, do you want to see Michael Cohen in front of the Judiciary Committee. We ought to be talking to Michael Cohen, talking to the president s chief Financial Officer of his company. We ought to be talking to the prosecutors in new york, everyone who can provide us with the information that we need to do our job to hold the president accountable in this instance. All right, congressman, ted deutch, John Flannery, thank you. Im going to talk to the progressive Billionaire Tom Steyer whos calling for Donald Trumps impeachment. But first, Donald Trumps legal strategy and the risk of adopting Talking Points from fox news. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Like these for only 2 or less try zyrtec®. Its starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. The other top story tonight, donald trump in the eye of the legal storm and talking about where hes getting his legal advice. He pled to two counts that arent a crime, which nobody understands. I watched a number of shows, sometimes you get some pretty good information by watching shows, those two counts arent even a crime. They werent Campaign Finance. A lot of lawyers on television, and also lawyers that i have seen that theyre not even crimes. So trump talking about the, quote, shows, and its pretty clear which ones he means, the shows on fox news. They wanted something, anything, they could use to get the president. Cohen changed his story. I would argue, knowing him all the years ive known him, probably forced by prosecutors. Lanny davis, he had his client plead to two counts of criminality that dont exist. This is not an Illegal Campaign contribution. Manafort, papadopoulos, others, they have just become pawns in Robert Muellers effort to take down the president. The Special Counsel is not interested in manaforts alleged crimes. Theyre only interested in squeezing him in order to get him to flip. Nothing to do with collusion, nothing to do with russia, nothing to do with the campaign, nothing to do with trump. All right, heres the problem with all this for President Trump. Copying Talking Points from a right wing echo chamber, it has risks. It happened just last night. When Foxs Tucker Carlson was reporting, not on the mueller probe, but on this story. The president of south africa has begun, and you may have seen this in the press, seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin color. Does the elite agree with that . Nothing to see here, says mic pompeos department. So you can imagine what happened next, about two hours later, President Trump tweeting about that very exact story and calling on secretary of state mike pompeo to closely study the large scale killing of farmers. Lets be clear about something here, there is no large scale killing of farmers in south africa. And today the South African Government said that it rejects the, quote, narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation. Tonight, donald trump is under historic legal pressure, and it increasingly appears that pardons and Talking Points arent going to help him. Indeed, they may undermine his own case when it comes to the mueller investigation. With me now is eric boller, the Senior Writer at share blue media, and a long time fox news critic, malcolm nance. Eric, beginning with you, your reaction to President Trumps interview there in that echo chamber we just outlined . The interview itself wasnt that surprising, a lot of wallowing, self pity. It was a disaster. I cant imagine there are five republicans who saw that interview and said the white house is under control, had a plan. The important one you mentioned, weve crossed another line in terms of fox news and in terms of the republican relationship. We are now we have Trump Regurgitating Misinformation he hears from fox back to fox news. Yeah. For decades, years, fox news created the misinformation. And then the republicans would work with them. Now we have trump just regurgitating it back to them. We hit a new dimension in this closed loop echo chamber. What does it say to you that hes adopted his legal strategy from fox news . Yeah. Well, hes grasping to anything that sounds good, right . And particularly fox in the primetime, its all about making trump feel better so they have alan dershowitz. Sean hannity pretends he understands the law. Making up charges, cohen agreed to crimes that dont exist, as if thats how it happens in state and federal court. So its amazing. Its amazing. And, again, whats really unusual here is he is just feeding back into the same loop. Its unprecedented. Malcolm, let me ask you about the south african story, that was something i saw you on twitter very empassioned about. Senator bob corker said this was a thing that was a base stimulater. How do you read that tweet . Well, if thats a base stimulater, then his base is the White Supremacist base, that story has been bandied about for some time amongst a White South African neonazi group that says that there are these horrific attacks against farmers. Well if anyones ever been to south africa, and i worked there in a security environment, you know that that country is primarily an egrarian, 40 unemployment rate, 20 Million People with no jobs. The crime rate there in certain places is horrific. Crime out in rural areas happens. But to say that white farmers specifically are being targeted, and as this group calls it, White Genocide and projecting it to the president through the secretary of state to do something about it, you have gone way back way 1994, to an argument literally made by the who, of course, invaded and took that country. And its absolutely, you know, fantastic that the president of the United States would suddenly use that unless it was a distraction. Yeah, that is a very valid point as well, malcolm. Let me play you this, because you brought the issue of how alan dershowitz, that the president adopts their talking point, watch this montage. Barack obama, who received 2 million in Illegal Campaign contributions. If you look at president obama, he had a massive campaign violation. Every candidate violates the Election Laws when they run for president. Almost everybody that runs for office has campaign violations. His close friendship also a mandatory disqualification. His close friendship with comey. When you see mueller with the conflicts, hes so conflicted. Comeys his best friend. All right, so how was the right wing media here influencing the president . We put a little montage, but it goes deeper than that. They are the presidency. When we talk about the fox news presidency, there is no acting president. The west wing is vacant. Its a feedback loop. Im not sure its work rg that well this week, you know, tuesday, the block buster revelations, reporting the white house was stunned by the Michael Cohen revelations. And so the strategy is always go run on fox news, well ride this out, we have our base. I dont see this as being contained this week. And, you know, cohen and manafort were supposed to be subplots to the big story, the Mueller Report. If this is how theyre dealing with the cohen story, when the Mueller Report could be five, ten times worse, i dont think just hanging around fox news is going to get them through a major crisis. Well see how it plays out. Eric, malcolm nance, thank you for joining us. Were running out of time, guys. Its a fascinating conversation. Coming up, Billionaire Tom Steyer is here on impeaching donald trump. Well talk to him next. 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Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. Not a priority on the agenda. Joining me now is tom steyer. Tom, great to have you with us. So as we were mentioning, some of the top leading democrats, theyre warning that impeachment talk could actually backfire in the midterms, could mobilize trumps base. Are they wrong in that approach . Well, ayman, let me explain to you how we think about proceeding with our need to impeach campaign. We look at it with two basic questions. Are we telling the truth . And is it an important truth . And are we standing up for the american democracy and the American People . And if the answer to both of those questions is yes, then we think its absolutely important to go forward with our Petition Drive to enable the American People to have their voice be heard. So nancy pelosi had this to stay on the subject of impeachment. Doing it, and we cant be political in not doing it. Ask questions about impeachment, lets seek the truth, seek where the truth leads us. But if i were president , id be very worried. Its not a committed answer to the topic of impeachment, its about finding out the truth. Youre trying to get signatures for the need to impeach through your campaign. Have you met the threshold of the American Public to go to nancy pelosi and other democrats and say the American Public wants this . What is that threshold . Well, let me say this, we understand that impeaching and removing an american president is a very serious undertaking. And we we know that it has always involved a very long educational process. If you look at the most recent polls, just under 50 of americans believe that this president should be impeached and removed from office. Thats the kind of level that was true with regards to mr. Nixon just months before he resigned from office because he knew hed be impeached and removed. But whats going on, and what we see, is that its necessary to bring the information to the American People to make it clear that this president has more than met the criteria to be impeached. And for that we got 58 constitutional scholars to weigh in and basically we put it on the web, its a laydown case, and then we have to ask is it urgent to get him out of office. What were looking at here, ayman, is a question of is this the most important truth in American Politics right now . And do we need to stand up for our democracy . And for the safety of the American People . And we believe strongly that the answer to both is yes. Tom, before i let you go, very quickly, you spoke about the high office. Have you, yourself, considered running for office, yes or no . Are you going to run for president , yes or no . So ayman, i dont know if youre aware of this, but the organization that i founded almost six years ago is running the largest youth Voter Mobilization program in American History this year. Yup. We also were running a Petition Drive that will end up having 6 million signatures by election day. And were going to go to those 6 Million People, which is 15,000 people per Congressional District and try and make sure that they turn out and they have their votes counted. Which normally, way more than half of them wouldnt. So between now and november 6th, which is election day, i am head down, working as hard as possible to make sure that as Many Americans are engaged in the process, and show up at the polls as possible. And we still dont have any idea whats going to happen on election day. I guess then well have to ask you on november 7th. Were going to do our work and make a decision when we know the facts. Fair enough. Tom steyer, appreciate your time and thank you very much. Always a pleasure. Thanks for having me. Ill talk to the wife of the first person to plead guilty in the mueller probe, the first interview since the cohen and Manafort News broke. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Like these for only 2 or less try zyrtec®. Its starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. Bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 1025 year olds. Even if meningitis b is uncommon, thats not a chance were willing to take. Meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. Were getting the word out against meningitis b. Our teens are getting bexsero. Bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. Bexsero may not protect all individuals. Tell your healthcare professional if youre pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. Ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. Moms, we cant wait. Yeah and i just wanna tell you right now that i i believe, i really do believe that somethings got a hold on me, yeah oh, it must be love oh, somethings got a hold on me right now, child oh, it must be love let me tell you now, oh it must be love you might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. But first, papadopouloss wife has revealed hes considering backing out of the Cooperation Deal, all this as rudy jewel cooperating with robert mueller. Great to have you with us, thank you very much for being here. Let me begin with thank you for inviting. Let me begin with this possibility that your husband, george, is going to break his Cooperation Deal with the Special Counselor. Can you give us any update as to where that decision stands . As i mentioned many times there are, first of all, george at this time cooperated for more than one year. Hes the recommendation from the Special Counsel presents some discrepancies. And there are many events that came out, and changed the assessment and the context of these alleged lies he pled guilty to. We know today that likely to have played no role whatsoever in this interference with american actions. We. Provide im sorry to interrupt. I want to be clear to understand. Tell us s there a decision . Has he made a decision . Has george made the decision. No. The decision hasnt been made. I was trying to lie the grounds of the fact that george is challenging the guilty plea and why i was the one suggesting him to okay to the Plea Agreement. So youre suggesting sorry. So youre suggesting. Okay. No decision has been made, but youre recommending or suggesting to george that he should vacate the guilty plea. Yes, the main reason why i did it is first of all, today we have access to new evidences that made this which is the reason for george to lie to fbi when we know it played a role in russia scheme. Are you denying that george lied to the fbi or are you aware of it. Im just trying to give my legal assessment. Definitely sure that george wanted to take responsibility for his conduct, assessment during his interview with mueller. I say less candid because we are talking about timing. You dont think he lied. Youre just saying im just saying its probably considered a lie, but i would never accept the Plea Agreement myself under this condition. Yes. And given the. George admitted to lying. Yes, because its first of all Pleading Guilty is very is a personal choice. My legal assessment of this lie as i said today mostly in the light of the context says it came out mostly when we look at the central figure is that a new person is the reason why ive been interviewed by the fbi and congress. He appears to play a role. Which is the motive. The state of the mind to lie. I want to try to cover the ground theres a lot to get you take on. Has anyone from the Trump Legal Team contacted you . Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And as i said, im not trying to explain why george pled guilty to lying. Im just trying to explain why not the Plea Agreement which are the legal and logical weakens behind that. As i said, we should look at the facts today with the investigation. We dont know. We just know hes a clinton supporters. He stated in a public journal. We know hes a teacher of western Intelligence Officer and we know he has ties to mi 6. It was very disappointing to see that recommendation didnt show any assessment about the myths or the role. So let me ask you this just because were talking a little bit about pardons today. Do you want President Trump to pardon george . I think his only hes one that deserve the pardon above any other in Trump Campaign adviser. First of all, hes not involved with any, any financial crimes. His responsibility is limited to dnc and timing of the meeting. We know the role in the russia interference unless the prosecutor will show otherwise. I dont see why if the president says this is a witch hunt he would allow george to be sacrificial lamb of this witch hunt. All right. Thank you very much for your time. I appreciate you coming on and explaining your position. Thank you very much. Thank you. With me now is former watergate prosecutor. First of all your reaction to what you just heard there and argument that she was making. None of the arguments make sense. Theyre all over the board. He committed a very serious crime. If you read the government sentencing memo. Its quite clear he told the truth about the professor t russian he met in i think land and come clean with the fbi in january of 2017. The fbi would have been able to assess the professor while he was in the United States. This is a lie on the fbis investigation a negative impact. What is George Papadopoulos gain from withdrawing deal from cooperating with mueller . Is there anything. First of all t odds of him being able to withdraw it are about zero. Very difficult to do it. Not up to him, right. Of course not. He has a heavy burden to meet to do that. If he were to be successful, what that would mean is the government could then turn around and prosecutor him for the crime of lying to fbi agent or even worse, obstruction of justice. The crime of lying to the fbi agent carries fiver years. Right now limited to six months he could be sentenced to in prison. If he suddenly lost this deal, he could wind up if jail for ten years for obstruction of justice. Thank you for breaking it down for us. Well be right back. Stay with us. Introducing e trade personalized investments professionally managed portfolios customized to help meet your financial goals. Youll know what youre invested in and how its performing. So you can spend more Time Floating about on your inflatable swan. [ding] im a fighter. Always have been. When i found out i had agerelated macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. My doctor and i came up with a plan. 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