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To punish those that could be witnesses in the russia probe, the criminal investigation into his white house. We are seeing a rising chorus when you look at the screen. It includes robert gates and six former cia directors that served under president s from both parties signing on to a strong letter condemning what donald trump is doing. They say they have never before seen security clearances abused as a Political Tool and they say its regrettable. President donald trump admitted this is about russia payback. Its a disgusting thing, frankly. Look, i say it and i say it again, the whole situation is a rigged witch hunt. Its a totally rigged deal. They should be looking at the other side. Trump is using the same trick to attack bruce ohr even though he is not working on the investigation itself. I think he is disgraced with his wife, nellie, for him to be in the Justice Department and him to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. Lets get right to it. Lets get to our msnbc political analyst and longtime student of washington, and ralph peters who served his country as well as a fox news analyst and when he left he said it had become a propaganda machine, and also has security clearances as a high level, and our other guest says donald trump is send out a clear message, dont cross me. And then joining us from new york, a professor. Colonel, i begin with you. Donald trump does many things that people dont like, this is a free country. This is not america. This is not how we do things. Its Banana Republic behavior an insult to those. In the United States of america, we close ranks when it comes to National Security. And its not merely a matter of keeping these people giving them continued security clearances so that they can give us advice. But in the case of a national catastrophe, and a Nuclear Attack on washington, youve also got this b team ready to help out. It goes on and on. But the bottom line is this, weve gotten to the point where the only thing were worried about is, is it illegal . Its not illegal. The president can do this. But its profoundly unethical and morally wrong. While a government has never been an ethical paradise, the depth to which this administration has sunk has exemplified by this behavior is literally immeasurable. You began with bananas and you end with paradise, which makes me think of apples and adam and eve. And the apple of course, mary, involves knowledge. This is a fight over knowledge and power. Thats the part of it thats not funny, thats not to be just dismissed because it is, according to the president s critics, we showed how many of them come from both parties and from the type of job where you were head of clearance, it is the idea where he is going to say the knowledge is only accessible to people who agree with him, and the punishment will be for everyone else, including these potential witnesses. Just, a comment was made, not illegal. Im not sure thats the case. Its clear the executive has great prerogative when it comes to revoking security clearances, he cant do that in ways that are unconstitutional. Thats one of the things thats concerning here which is this seems to be in direct retaliation for the exercise of First Amendment rights. How would that work. We discussed this earlier this week with a legal expert. I take your point. There are things you can have the authority to do and abuse the authority. In this instance, youre not suggesting theres a felony here . No, not a criminal offense. But this would violate which part of the constitution . First amendment, retaliation for exercise of First Amendment rights. And so thats the kind of thing that the Supreme Court has left open when its come to review of the revocation of National Security clearances. Theyve been pretty clear that generally speaking its not judicially reviewable. But theyve left this question. Were looking at your comments of the New York Times, made waves in your analysis of this. Christina greer, i want to show donald trump who, as we report here, often says things that are not true. We report that. He sometimes deliberately lies and we report that. Today he said something that seemed to be true, although disturbing. It was his honest view that being attacked in this way, which as our former leader of the National Security division in the Justice Department just said that might be unconstitutional, but that attack might be good because its the kind of thing of brings attention, and donald trump said attention helps everybody. I thought it was a sad but stunning admission of sorts. Take a look. Theres no balance. If anything, im giving them a bigger voice. Many people dont even know who he is. Now he has a bigger voice. Thats okay with me. I like taking on voices like that. Ive never respected him. Ive never had a lot of respect. I know that ive gotten tremendous response from having done that because security clearances are very important to me. Christina, as a political scientist and observer, i wonder if you could walk us through the multiple layers of sad premises there because hes basically saying im helping someone by being in a fight. Ive never liked him as if thats the rationale for National Security access. And to completely, willfully ignorant of the First Amendment considerations. Ari, what we talk about almost every week on this show is that there is there seems to be no bottom to this particular presidency. And so we know that trump really does traffic in branding. Hes using the term witch hunt. Hes using the term rigged. He has the red hats. Its been his shtick. And so now we see when hes interacting with even adversaries, his framework is even, well, im helping to make them famous. So, you know, i dont understand what the problem is. We saw this with gold star families how he talks about everything with this idea of winners and losers. I feel like im sounding like a broken record with you, is that where are the separation of powers, where are the republican members of congress who are saying our president is overstepping in a very dangerous, unethical territory, but we actually need to speak out . It shouldnt just be former cia directors. It should be ags across the country. It should be republicans, powerful republicans, were getting these milquetoast responses from republican senators saying, well, i mean, its not ideal, thats not enough. They should really ring the alarm. Once we go into Banana Republic territory, were on authoritarian, dictatorial country where this president keeps pushing the envelope and his own party isnt checking him. Unfortunately hes able to brand it in a way where it seems powerful, but its incredibly dangerous. Howard fineman . Politics, life, existence for donald trump is a zero sum game. He sees he believes that he can only have power and authority if no one else has it. So any independent institution with a history, with a reputation, with a mission that is independent of politics is something that he has to destroy. Thats the essence of what dictatorial Banana Republics are all about. Theyre about the personality, the will and the wants of the person in charge. There is no more independent, at least since world war ii, institution in america with greater power than the Intelligence Community. And we designed it that way. We wanted it that way because we wanted to have people who are free to look for the truth where it was, and give well, and build good advice to people. On the point youre making. When you use the word power, you also seem to be referring to autonomy. Yes, well, thats implicit in the idea of what donald trump hates. Anybody who has autonomy cannot exist in his cosmos. Thats true to the republican party, which hes completely neutered. By the way, if youre expecting any of those senators on the hill to start complaining, forget about it. They secretly like what hes doing because they want to maintain power themselves. In the case of the Intelligence Community, they have to not only be dependent, but they say russia has been monkeying around with american politics for a long time. John brennan said to use his technical word, hogwash. This is ultimately a political battle in which donald trump is going to use every tool he can find, including withdrawing National Security clearances, to destroy the independents and the vision and the integrity of the Intelligence Community. Hes at war with the Intelligence Community to try to save himself from impeachment and conviction. Id agree with that. And i think that another important point here, to go to the president s comments today about john brennan, its true john brennan is not going to be cowed from stating his opinions. Thats clear. But dont forget about the threat to others who might not be john brennan. They might not have that kind of stature and that respect around the world who not only the other people that are on the list, including, you know, a current, sitting department of justice official, but also others who arent on the list yet, but are afraid that either if they speak out, their minds, or even if they just do their jobs, if their jobs have anything to do that might be threatening to the president , then they might get on that list as well. So that chilling effect, i think, is something we have to be very concerned about. I dont think we should be naive about the Intelligence Community. Theyre fully capable of playing hardball themselves. Theyve always done it in the interest of independence, their independence, so they can give unvarnished information about the world, secrets about the world, and guidance to our american leaders. So, colonel, when you look at everything thats just been said, one of the takeaways here is, according to a lot of experts, this is a bad thing. But its also a bad thing thats being done very effectively, which makes it worse than incompetence in pursuing a bad thing. Some people are so against donald trump they forget to see how effective he is. Instead of creating a polarized environment, are being misperceived as a part of a, quote, deep state when, in fact, the agenda seems to be to change the leadership of the fbi because hes under investigation in the russia probe. He got comey out, mccabe is out, and peter strzok is fired. Hes going after peter security clearance. And then you go to clapper and hayden. What if he pulls muellers . That goes to the mueller question, which well put up on the screen youre saying, jeremy bash who was cia counsel who says my concern, quote, is that trump will strip the clearances of the bob mueller investigative team. Give us your analysis on how effective this is, and how donald trump seems to be good at doing this bad thing. Well, i think a fundamental problem we have, ari, is we try to analyze him as a politician. Hes not a politician. Hes a masterful entertainer. Indeed, he may be the most successful entertainer in history. I mean, back in the 60s john lennon got in trouble for saying the beatles are more popular than jesus. Trump is a lot more popular than the beatles, and hes commanding headlines daily around the world. What other entertainer can do that . But for me the fundamental problem Everything Else is a symptom. But this is a president who doesnt like our system of government, who does not understand our system of government, despises the idea of a separation of powers, of sharing power as was said here, and when it comes to the constitution, he and many of his core supporters think its a menu. Think can pick what they like. Like the second amendment, but not the first so much. I see them as fundamentally unamerican, not always intentionally so, but to just wrap up trump. Trumps genius, and its been done before by many a dictator, many a his genius with his core supporters is that hes offering them absolution. Nothing is their fault. Its the fault of the deep state. Its the fault of minorities. Its a fault of the left. Its a fault of the traditional republicans. Its a fault of immigrants. And his message to them is youre not responsible, whatever failures youve had in your life, whatever bad choices you were, somebody elses fault. He gives them somebody to blame. And at heart his core supporters arent builders, theyre couch potato anarchists who are thrilled to tear things down. He is a potent, Destructive Force who as you observed are you alleging that about all 46 of people who voted for him . His core supporters. His supporters come in a lot of different flavors. The core has been told so many times theyre entitled to more, that despite their red hats saying America Great again, theyre not really wild about america. In fact, thats something i charge, i would lay at the feet of the left and the right, were an ungrateful nation. Were spoiled, and were crying out that we deserve more. No, we dont. Weve lost that fundamental american value, the sense of responsibility, trump is ultimately the theological antichrist of our political scene arguing that nothing is your fault, i can save you. You know, christina greer, i cant help but say what when i listen to colonel peters when hes on a good run, it feels like a combination of general patton and loud sue. And i hate to ask you to follow that, but i think youre capable because ive heard you make many a good point as well. Take us home. Well, i think we need to keep our eyes on two things. One, if reason why mueller is investigating trump has to do with russia, and its not like we dont have elections coming up in september, in new york at least, and in november, and in two years for the presidency. So we always have to make sure that we maintain our eye on the beacon, which is has russia colluded with the president of the United States and his ilk to interfere in our elections . We cannot forget that with all of the nonsense that trump brings, and multiple times a day hes really great at switching news stories, and hes done that for several decades now. And i think the second piece thats really important is that, you know, going off of what the colonel said, trump is masterful at being the hero and the victim. Making his supporters feel theyre the heroes, with red hats, clamoring for more red meat at his rallies, but also theyre the victims that, again, this country has not provided them with what they deserve, especially as white americans because its muslims, mexicans, blacks, women, whomever it may be. So we have to make sure that we stay vigilant. Because he keeps going deeper and deeper into this sense that they deserve something as the victims, but also that they are the true americans and the true champions. There is no such thing. You know, im over 15 generation american in this country. Im more american than, you know, probably 90 of the people walking in this country. And so but we have to change our ideology of what this country really means. And trump unfortunately has called into question truth, facts and the media. So when we have these conversations, if he doesnt like them, he can just throw them out as fake news. So i think we always have to sort of keep our eye on the prize which is this is a man who does not love this country, and he doesnt understand this country. This might be one of those times where i say, there are other perspectives on this. And well be talking to one of them later in the show, actually. Christina greer, howard fineman, colonel ralph peters, thank you for a spirited discussion. John brennan will be on Rachel Maddow tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern as well. Donald trump is praising Paul Manafort today as a good person while this jury in his trial was deliberating all day. Plus a revelation from the judge. High stakes for the entire Trump Organization. Later i speak to a journalist whos been covering trumps money for years. He says trump wouldnt literally be in the white house except for the russians. A look at my exclusive interview with steve bannon. We talked many things, roy moore, charlottesville, the midterms, a lot about the mueller probe. If its friday, weve still got you covered with fallback friday. Stay tuned. Liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty lojust use priceline. Ls on travel . You can save up to 60 on hotels. Thats like 120 a night back in your pocket. Go to priceline to get deals you wont find anywhere else. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. No one knows if Paul Manafort will serve live behind bars, but we do know hes behind bars all this weekend because the judge in that highprofile case just dismissed the jury within the last half hour or so. Theyve deliberated 7 1 2 hours today, continuing their evaluation of muellers charges on bank and tax crimes, that if convicted would ultimately give manafort an effective life sentence according to many experts. Now, while the jury was deliberating, President Trump spoke about the trial today. I think the whole manafort trial is very sad. When you look at whats going on. I think its a very sad day for our country. He worked for me for a very period of time, but you know what, he happens to be a very good person, and i think its very sad what theyve done to Paul Manafort. Just to be clear, most president s dont hold those kind of extemporaneous remarks about an open trial while jurors are deliberating. If youre wondering how everyone felt about it. Well, the Manafort Team thought it was a good thing. Does the long deliberation work in your favor . I think it does. What was your reaction to the president today . Im very happy to hear from the president , and that hes supporting mr. Manafort. How are you feeling going into this weekend . Very good. Were very, very happy about the fair trial that judge ellis ensured for mr. Manafort, and thats about it. Thanks, guys. Now, we dont know whats going to happen. But i got two people who have been through a lot of these types of federal trials. Former federal prosecutors John Flannery and seth waxman. I want to get into the deliberation room because its fascinating and you know more than i do and most of us do. But lets start just with is it normal for a u. S. President to speak like this while a jury is deliberating about the defendant . No, it is not usual at all, but this president is not usual and doesnt care about the law or Constitutional Rights and doesnt care if he affects the outcome, which he plainly hopes to do. Its interesting why isnt it jury tampering . Well, it is jury tampering. Everything he does, practically, is obstruction, whether its issuing statements that you will no longer have security clearances or he gives this speech. If judge ellis were here, he would give you a hard time when you say everything trump does is obstruction, youre being fair, accurate or precise. I would have an argument with judge ellis then. I dont believe judge ellis appreciates the threat to our judicial system, particularly by this president. He apparently had concern about two things, public coverage of the case when we didnt have a sequestered jury, and perhaps even how he well find out how hes handled the threats to himself and the jury. People around the country, no what your political views are wondering, wow, is the current president s Campaign Chair about to be convicted of serious crimes, which means he was running this organization, but was a criminal, and what does that say about america . Or is he going to get off for a mis trial, and theyre all home for the weekend, the media is going full bore, thats what we do. Walk us through what the jurors are supposed to not do. Leave this thing be, enjoy their weekend in theory and come back monday and get back to workmanlike jury deliberations. Betting on a jury is bad roulette. It could be 121 favor in conviction or acquittal, maybe theyve decided on some charges, and not others. The fear is, is that maybe one of these jurors has kind of gone rogue, maybe and wants to kind of become their 15 minutes in the sun afterwards and say i got to be the lone holdout. You hope Something Like that hasnt happened. What does the question about reasonable doubt say to you after two days, on the one hand complex charges, on the other hand, the mueller folks were arguing that this should have been easy to figure out. Yeah, if youre the prosecutor, your heart drops a little bit when you see that request for an explanation on reasonable doubt. But, you know, again, this could be one juror just needs to understand better and the other 11 on the other side are saying, look, its very clear to us, lets get the judge to tell you, and, of course, the judge said like most judges, reasonable doubt is a doubt for which you can have a reason, tells you very little. I find that very, very helpful. Oh, yeah, certainly. Press you one more time, and then go back to john. You are someone whos argued in your analysis that the case against manafort is strong. Correct. When you see them go through the weekend without the verdict and it creeps into monday, are you worried that there is a holdout, that this could be a mistrial . Not at this stage. Two days of deliberations in a twoweek long trial is not unusual. The fact the note came out yesterday and today they had a full day of deliberations with no notes, we havent seen anything where they say theyre hung, having problems with a particular juror not participating. The fact theyve taken a whole day of jury deliberations in a workmanlike fashion and said we want to get out a half hour early and ready to come back on monday, wouldnt cause too much consternation if i was the prosecutor, get to four or five days, see hopelessly deadlocked notes, then you start to panic. Previously he tried to limit the whole idea that manafort was crucial to the campaign. He was the number one guy on the campaign. Paul manaforts a nice guy, but, you know, he worked for me very short period of time, little period, like a couple months. Manafort has nothing to do with our campaign. Paul manafort worked for me for a very short period of time. He worked for ronald reagan, bob dole, john mccain, many other republicans. He worked for me what, 49 days or something . A very short period of time. What i like is the casual reference to 49 days as if it wasnt a memorized talking point. 49 days . Whats he doing there and does it matter for the trial . It does matter for the trial, what hes trying to diminish is the role of his Campaign Manager whos likely going to be convicted of washing money avoiding taxes, things like that. We dont know, you dont know. No, i dont know it, but ill bet its going to happen. Wait till i get this power panel with judge ellis. Im waiting for that. Hes going to go ham on you. Hes going to go ham on me. Lets analyze what he did in that short period of time. He was his Campaign Manager to run a convention, as he had for others, a successful convention, and at that convention he helped change one of the planks of the platform to make it they wanted the republicans wanted to have interest in ukraine. Why wasnt that charged . I think it is bad, but im not in charge of the investigation. The investigation is not over. Weve had three indictments that have set up different parts of this case and were going to have a fourth one that moves into conspiracy. Well have evidence that people have been coming forward and giving information to the prosecution and we dont know whats going to happen with cohen, and we dont know whats going to happen with other people who were involved and close. We have no idea what flynn said. We have no idea what the tapes might be by papadopoulos. Theres a lot of information out there, and so far there is nothing that has been presented by mueller that wasnt solid. Pleas, indictments and the conduct of this trial was outstanding. Im not saying the defense wasnt doing a lot of really good legal work, but the team that he put together is amazing in the of courtroom. They had a very difficult time with the same judge you would have judge me who interfered during the case, scolded the prosecutor in the courtroom, and then basically misrepresented the law when he said, well, if that loan wasnt granted, why dont you go why dont you spend more time on something important . Thats not the law. Its unusual. They say you should always treat people how you want to be treated. You guys have acted like lawyers to a lot of people. So today i tried to lawyer to you, i hope thats okay. Yeah, it is. Fine with us. We enjoy it. Its like a fruit cocktail. John flannery, seth waxman with the analysis, well be calling you next week in a case that everyone is watching. My next guest is reporting on trump and russia and the money trail for years. Going back to the 80s and alleged Money Laundering when were back. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Alright guys lets go lets do this directions to the Greek Theater beep can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . Can i get a connection . Top story tonight, Donald Trumps longstanding business ties to russia revealed as he launches new attacks against bob mueller today. Mr. Mueller is highly conflicted. In fact, comey is like his best friend. I could go into conflict after conflict. But sadly mr. Mueller is conflicted. But let him write his report. We did nothing, theres no collusion. Donald trump has claimed he has no ties to russia. But there is reporting in a brand new book rebutting all of that. Its called house of trump house of putin claiming the trump tower effectively was a, quote, cathedral for russian mafia linked Money Laundering going back to the 1980s. From the book, its hard to imagine trump had no knowledge about what was going on. President trump back in may of last year denied this type of thing in that now famous nbc lester holt interview about any links to russia. I have no investments in russia. None whatsoever. I dont have property in russia. I had the Miss Universe pageant which i owned for quite a while. I had it in moscow a long time ago. But other than that, i have nothing to do with russia. Im joined by New York Times bestselling author craig unger. What is the basis for this reporting and does it mean that donald trump as a president may, quote, owe russia something . Absolutely. I believe this was the greatest intelligence operation of our times and it ended up putting a russian asset in the white house. I wanted to go back to the beginning and see how and when it began. I kept going back and back. I started looking at all the people who lived in trump tower. All the russians. And i googled them again and again. And i found that as early as 1984, Donald Trumps properties were being used to launder money for the russian mafia, a man who is associated with russian mafia, met with them in 1984 at trump tower, put down 16 put down 6 million, paid for it and put it in an anonymous shell company. As i traced things, this happened at least 1,300 times in 1,300 condos over the next 20 or 30 years. How do you get let me ask you the big question. I know youre going there. How do you get from that thing happening to the Trump Organization being in on it . Well, you cant prove what donald trump knows, and the Trump Organization says, oh, we dont know whos buying these things, brokers sell them, and theyre just not doing any due diligence. The real estate laws are incredibly lax so you dont have to reveal who the owner is. And as a reporter i cant penetrate that. I dont have subpoena power. What i did find was that this was the pattern through which trump became rich again when he after Atlantic City he was 4 billion in debt, six bankruptcies and the russian mafia came to his aid and helped build him back again. Youre referring to this issue, this alleged laundering, which is something thats been rumored about, discussed as an allegation, steve bannon, who i happen to be talking to later has discussed the Money Laundering allegations for the Trump Organization, interesting coming from someone tied to trump. How did you feel you were advancing this story and you are willing to commit to it journalistically in this book . You have to see how the russians owned him. They bailed him out. I dont think anyone would be elected if they were 4 billion in debt. And they came into trump tower in 2002. There was a firm named bayrock. It had ties to russian mafia. And it just happened suddenly you saw hundreds of millions of dollars going in to fund trump projects like the trump soho. There were other projects as well in toronto. One more question, sir, im just pushing to get it all in. Does this finding in your theory of the case mean that collusion in 2016 was more likely because of a history of relationship, or irrelevant because theres a financial debt irrespective of whether there was Campaign Conspiracy . No, i think it absolutely means its more likely there was collusion. Whats important to understand about the russian mafia is its a state actor. Americans may think of the mafia in terms of the godfather, the italianamerican mafia. The russian mafia is different. I interviewed the head of counterintelligence in russia, actually Vladimir Putins boss. When i asked him about the mafia, he said thats another branch of the kgb. So you have all these people tied to the russian mafia in trump tower, in the home of the president of the United States. And i would suggest, weve had all this talk about National Security clearances, trump would never get a National Security clearance in a zillion years. Craig unger, you are peeling back layers that a lot of people are interested in. I appreciate you telling us about your book tonight. Later in the show, show you part of my exclusive interview with steve bannon, First Time Ever on msnbc. Its fallback friday, we have a special panel next. Keep an eye on that branch. Might get windy. Have a good shift. Fire pit. Last use 0600. Id stay close. Morning. Get ready to switch. Protected by flo. Should say, protected by alan and jamie. Right . Should it . When you bundle home and auto. Run, alan . You get more than just savings. You get roundtheclock protection. Sharper vision, without limits. Days that go from sun up to sun down. A whole world in all its beauty. 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This week, elon musk needs to fall back, the man is clearly overworking himself, too many companies, too little sleep, too many tweets. Hes accused of rescue worker, of being a pedophile, and now hes invited securities in Exchange Commission investigation over tweets about taking tesla private. I love what this company does. Its leader does too much. For his own mental health, the health of the community, and maybe for the future of our species, he needs to fall back. Real quick, though, is it all of elon musk or just the elon musk tweeting . Tweeting can get us all in trouble sometimes. Definitely the tweeting part. But i think maybe he has one job too many as well. If hes working 120 hours a week, thats whats leading to the bad tweets. I hope he can get executive support in running these multiple companies. Rick hertzberg, who needs to fall back . Well, as usual, its mr. Trump who requires some backfalling. And what he needs to fall back from is anything to do with the military. He started out this week by signing the john s. Mccain Defense Authorization act and never mentioning john s. Mccain. And hes talking about creating a space force, even though we already have the air force already has a space command. But its like hes like a child. Hes like a bad child. And he thinks that the space force is going to turn him into han solo, its going to be a big intergalactic hero. Thats unlikely. And then worst of all in a way is the military parade fixation. Thats another thing thats weirdly childish, this desire to have a giant military parade with him standing in the reviewing stand seeing all the might go by, which hed be more like stalin than a u. S. President to do that. A lot of folks criticize that. Sonja, what is your fallback . So this week, like every week, we have to stop pitting women against each other. As you know, ari, nicki minaj dropped her highly anticipated project queen, but everyone is pitting her against cardi b. I have to say, theres a seat at the table for everyone. So instead of focusing on there can only be one queen, why not bring more people into the ring . When it comes to falling back, hip hop, general life, we need to see more love for women as opposed to putting them all against each other. Tell us more about this, nikkis song got a lot of attention and a lot of it was about her giving certain male rappers, a hard time, albeit a goodnatured hard time, and as youre pointing out there are people in the media who instead are trying to focus on what wasnt a big part of it which is sort of as you put it two female rappers feuding. Ari, cant we all just get along . Its amazing that cardi b has had such a huge year, shes smashed so many records. But with nicki, shes a superstar in her own right. Lets bring people together, not divide them. As cardi would say, be careful. Baratunde, any others . I always want amazon. Com to fall back. Rumors theyre trying to buy the landmark theater. Theyre doing too much, too fast, all of our shopping money, grocery money. Theyre watching and listening to us through our creepy devices. If they can let us buy a kindle book through the ios app, that would be a great step forward, focus on the basics. Im learning about you from your repeat fallback appearances that you really use this as a time to go after tech companies, which makes a lot of sense when you think about the power they have and how little coverage they get politically or mediawise. Rick, who else needs to fall back . I need to fall back from being so obsessed with trump and the military. Thats all of us. Its a selffallback, go ahead. Somebody with his military record should probably steer clear of that particular subject, five deferments for something called bone spurs. Its babyish. Its embarrassing. We really were really in trouble with this guy to have this youre calling him a baby. He doesnt like to be called a baby, as weve reported on this show. Well, he certainly looks like one. Hes kind of round and babyish and soft. Go, rick. Hes just going in now, i love it. Rick is tracking right now. Somya, thats what they call nursery shade. Shots were fired, ari. I think we just saw some shots. Do you have a final before we go . Absolutely, the queen of soul, Aretha Franklin passed this week, and weve got to fall back from these terrible, terrible tributes. First of all mr. Trump talked about how she worked for him on numerous occasions. Fox news did a tribute, but threw up a photo of patti labelle. She is very much alive, by the way. Jim carey did a cartoon and it looked nothing like Aretha Franklin. This is Aretha Franklin, put some respect on her legacy. Eu6789 if i am not mistaken, youve made an Aretha Franklin birdman reference. Im glad you caught that. I appreciate that. Were here, ari. Were all here, all in it together. My thanks to baratunde, hendrik and somya. Now theres political news. I am going to show you our oneonone interview in our backandforth next. Blades on the market. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Its about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. Invented in boston, made and sold around the world. Order now at gilletteondemand. Com. Gillette. The best a man can get. Everything was so fresh in the beginning. But that plug quickly faded. Luckily theres new febreze plug. It cleans away odors and freshens for 1200 hours. Breathe happy with new febreze plug. The doctor just for a shot. With Neulasta Onpro patients get their day back. To be with family, or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. 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He is a rightfully known controversial person, and sometimes it was a controversial interview. Here is part of the interview. You talked about populism. The president told people quote you just all got a lot richer. Is that your populism . I think populism, when you look at President Trump, it is about his entire program. This tax cut was focused on industrial tax cuts, a repatriation of cash. To make the manufacturing side of this country stronger. This was all about building, rebuilding the Manufacturing Base and that is the type of populism i am talking about. I am going to read you more bannon. I love hearing bannon. 2016, sir, not one criminal charge has ever been brought to any Bank Executive associated with the 2008 crisis. You said that then, and then you got into office, why hasnt that happened under the trump administration. It was during the Obama Administration under eric holder. All the criminal referrals, and the Justice Department didnt do anything with it. White collar criminal lawyer. I think it is outrageous. I think you think the lack of action from the Trump Department was outrageous . Hang on. I am very upset about obama and all those years when nothing is done. But i am asking you about who has power now . By the way, i think senator session, what i would hope would happen is we start to review some of that. And i think we ought to hold people accountable. Here we are ten years afterwards and we have no accountability. I dont know of any real explanation of what went on. So you are applying that to both administrations to sessions as well. Absolutely. That is a small part of the interview. The entire piece will air tonight at 10 00 p. M. I want to be clear that we covered a lot of ground with no ground rules. Here is a sampling of some other topics we covered. Lets start with the midterms. If they were held today, who do you think would win the house . It is bad advice. Is that because you think republicans are pace that would need your help . Is there anyone you would not take money from . I would not take money from foreigners. What is your relationship with President Trump . He said a lot about you when you had a parting. Roy moore would have won that election. If others wouldnt have turned against him. Is that a good thing to revice the patriarchy, as you put it . By the way. You brought it up. What about those accusers. The questions and i will give you time, is donald trump walking away. He is definitely charlottesville. Was the president wrong to say there was blame on both sides . Are you a witness to the fact of obstruction or collusion or both . I am working on something that needs to be done and i see it on tv. We covered a lot of ground and we will show it to you tonight at 10 00 p. M. Steve bannons first ever interview on msnbc. And here on the beat, well be right back. 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