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The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. Unless they comply with equally bizarre set of convictions. I feel torn, playing around the margins of how ludicrous this is and part of me want to probe the implications of the investigation. Sean hannity is a person who shared a lawyer with the president , michael cohen, that he hid from the public who is now under Serious Investigation and strain who just last night the if hes finished dealing with the privileged aspects of all of the materials they raided on him including seized Tape Recordings of the president. Whats it say about not only sean hannity who can do whatever he does in the media who says hes not a journalist and Doesnt Follow rules thats freed freedom, whats it say about the president and the two lawyers taking the place of sean hannity substituting for him while continuing their public advocacy on behalf of their client, the president. What it says very seriously is they are making a mockery of the judicial system, of the rule of law, of our justice system, and ironically, its a former United States attorney, Rudy Guiliani who was in charge of a major office in the Department Of Justice who is the one doing it. It also says that there are these legally insidious connections between hannity and cohen and lawyers that i think will at the end of the day do none of them any good. Hal reign we often draw on your wisdconsin wisdom and expe former person in charge of the New York Times and all of the battles in government and legal matters, youve seen a lot. Have you seen anything like that . And in a period of declining norms and expectations is it still a night to address the kind of standards that seem to be failing at the white house . Ive never seen anything like this. Weve never had a moment like this in our country. And you put your finger on something very important that this temptation to enjoy the comedy. But the country is trembling on the brink of tragedy. As the senator pointed out its this assault on the, not just on the opponents in this legal case but this assault on the judiciary and the Entire Constitutional Under Pinnings of our legal system from someone like Rudy Guiliani, you know, i must say, the sound byte you showed, ari, i had a hard time distinguishing whether the Hannity Caller or the two lawyers of the president were the kookier party. We were caution about using the word unprecedented. Theres no precedent for this kind of assault on the judiciary, the legal system, directed from the white house. One wants not to get too extreme in language but right now we saw the show poll today in the times. 35 of the lesser educated people in this country are in charge and their agent and his mouth pieces are conducting a war on our legal system. I think coming to us from your harvard expertise, education is often aligned in american politics, not evan has financial means or where with all to be highly educated but a specific education about how things should work and three branches, the president , thats something we try to get from our government leaders not thinking of them as demeaning it. With that if mind listen to Rudy Guiliani arguing that effectively the president shouldnt have to tell his side of the story under oath because of the Conspiracy Theory that everyone will automatically believe james comey not him. Take a listen leah . So, i think, you know, theres the line between trying to be a good lawyer for your client and trying to defend your client and being a flat out propagandaist, i think this is one of the things thats so dangerous about the moment were in. Were seeing the transformation of norms, of rules, of ethics, of morals but also of fact. You know, its one thing again to defend your client, its another thing to go on Sean Hannitys radio show and host it and essentially give into Conspiracy Theories for three hours, including indicting a former sitting president. You know, i think one of the things that we have to talk about really here is the power too of media and propaganda. So right now what trumps lawyers are essentially do is running a counter pr or counter Propaganda Campaign and using all of these Media Networks in order to advance their position. Theyve been very successful in the past both in terms of exposure but also in terms of reaching, right, people, voters, people from across the country. This is something we really have to watch out for and be concerned about. Senator, i think thats the only place where you dont want to see them being misleading and false. Theres consequences for that in court. When it comes to down to whether the senate is ever actively going to adjudicate any of this it will be ultimately a battle for public opinion. Youre an answer to your constituents so in that respect if may be theyre shortterm pessimistic about what the Robert Mueller probe will uncover and long term optimistic to get a lot of the country on their side, or confused or defining collusion down. And Rudy Guiliani is clearly going in that direction, not just on the radio hes freelancing he wrote this on the internet today now, some of that is false. We have to note theres not been anything about wire taps being found illegal. You can debate whether fbi investigations are baseless or not. But when Rudy Guiliani is the president s lawyer and actively calls on Jeff Sessions to be involved in something hes recused himself on because of the d. O. J. He seems to be in conflict between what hes allowed to do convincing the public of something and what youre not allowed to do go against the d. O. J. Concessions because sessions was too close to the campaign. The recusal was correct, the Attorney General of the United States had no choice but to recuse himself. So youre absolutely right Rudy Guiliani is asking Jeff Sessions to do something clearly improper and doing more which is to seek to discredit the entire investigation. Thats where ive been so appalled and astonished by many of my colleagues in the United States congress who have joined in this effort to demean and disrespect, not only the rule of law in general but also Robert Mueller and this investigation. I will tell you at the end of this era when the history is written, i think the heroes are going to he about the independent judiciary and our free press. Hal reign is a great example of that kind of conscious in our media over many, many years. Because they have in effect exposed this effort to discredit a lawful investigation. Thank you, senator. And i must say i was sharing earlier, i think the New York Times and the Washington Post and the responsible Capital Networks have done a really remarkable job of adjusting to kind of unimaginable daily chaos. You spoke of norms earlier, i think we, Theenti Entities We W talking about, are the guardians of the norms now. Its Heart Breaking to me that the Republican Party who founding to destroy slavery was a land mark in the history of freedom is solid as this man is waging war on our legal system. And i just, my heart almost broke reading the times profile of paul ryan this week where he seems oblvious to the realities of what is going on around him. Let me go to leah on that maybe to tie it together. Because the Political Science is the problem. We have so many people in one party looking at selfpreservation over if looking over any of the standard norms. Its polarization. Its partisanship and its a fact one party has completely thrown out the window any serks mblance Point Line In The Sand to find Breaking Point of a president once hated. We also know many of them have been implicated in many things that came out and also too use this president as a vehicle in the same way hes using them as a vehicle. So a lot of this is about power. Opposed to party. Opposed to concern for the country. One of the things that Tony Morrison said that racism, inequality, all these things serve as a distraction. Thats what it is, a distraction, because the president refuses to take accountability for the kinds of things hes been doing. Were not focussing on the things we should be focussing on. I appreciate that, something to meditate on, an important point. Thank you. Hal will stick around, you know how to works here. We have a lot more coming up. Roger stone first associate by mueller camp to be in contempt in Court Today Of And Trump attacks nfl players. Will have all that and plus yes we will still get to fall back bravo star is here. Will hang out. Youre watching The Beat With Ari Melber on msnbc. Dent no g deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty back pain cant win. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. Only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve back muscle. All day strong. All day long. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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Today marks the end of the second week of Paul Manafort trial new signs of Robert Mueller investigation that is sirgling Trump Advisor Roger stone. We can report a witness he wants to talk with is held in contempt. Thats roger stone. Doesnt mean mueller did anything wrong yet. His attorney want to escalate this legal fight on purpose to get a wider hearing on the probes legitimacy. That is a fair game strategy. Well be watching if it gets to the course. Meanwhile another associate of roger stone testified in the same grand jury. She was involved in a scandal that took down a new york governor. Davis provided escorts to celebs to highpowered patriots the most infamous disgraced former new york governor Elliott Spitzer client number nine, who signed off after Spending Thousands a Night On Davis girls. We dont know what mueller wants to learn from davis but appears people around roger stone are going around the grand jury box. In the Paul Manafort trial the judge stopped the trial for hours without explanation, thats unusual and warning jurors to keep an open mind and not to discuss this case while its open with anyone. Joined now by reporter who is all over this story and former federal prosecutor. Anna, lets start with what we know and dont know, which is voluminous. What do we know about the madame and the type of people headed into the grand jury. Well, she is a very, very close friend of roger stone. Theyve worked together since 2010 but hes also godfather to her son. He could have told her any number of things and it does look like this probe is wideranging. Sam on earlier today said when he went in and spoke to prosecutors they were asking him every Single Person roger stone ever worked with. So that is very broad. And Kristen Davis was in there for hours today. She did handle his schedule and set up meetings and did secretarial work, usually when she needed money roger stone would have her as an assistant but she said Andrew Miller handled stones schedule several months before the election, the crucial time when wicky leeks was releasing the dnc emails. The possible inference is mueller wants to put in front of the grand jury people who can say where roger was and when he was telling the truth about where he was. Exactly right. And she met with a prosecutor last week and seemed to be a real rush to get her in front of the grand jury, get her on the record just a week later many theyre moving in. Seth what does it imply. It implies mr. Stone should get ready for an orange jumpsuit. You have multiple people being pulled in the one that concerns me the most his driver. If the feds start pulling in your driver or plumber, you got to be really, really concerned about where you sit. The other piece it to this is timing. Was mentioning it seemed like an urgent thing to get this material in front of the grand jury. Could be for reasons unrelated. Anythings possible. Or could be a desire to put material on record for potential indictment. Add that to the fact andy described how federal agents were sent to new york to talk to him and we broke the story Last Night Advancing that he was getting a subpoena. That seems to fit in because hes linked to stone. Take a look at on the beat this week. Set up a conversation with somebody from the mueller team and they asked my lawyer if i would like to go down an dodd a voluntary interview and he said no. Theres couple reasons he came to me and i kept this under my hat for at least six weeks, i didnt want to instigate ate to to special prosecutor. But we can confirm hes now subpoenaed with date in september. Weve fact checked that. Does that tell you anything about stone going to grand jury or not necessarily. I think they want all of these witnessed Into Grand Jury so they have entire orb of evidence and bring whatever action they will against mr. Stone who could be the bag man for this campaign. If it is true they did in fact want that dirt during that Trump Tower Meeting and they claim nothing came out of that, but remember, three days after that meeting it went public that emails related to clinton would be released. If mr. Stone facilitated that would be a coconspirator, aider and bettor and just as responsible as the principles. We are a long way from conviction, is it possible theyre being diligent prosecutors if they find thee entire story checks ot they dont have anything on stone. Its looking unlikely but it is possible given the public statements that he made at the time he was in touch with wikileaks. The atlantic published twitter conversation between roger stone and wikileaks twitter feeds in october. It was clear they had conversations in the past. Theres a lot there for them to look at. Our viewers know you to be a fair reporter and the fact faced with the on the other hand question, youre answer is well that hand is getting smaller and smaller, so to speak, its interesting. To bring in five former employees, thats a lot of people. Its telling. Yeah its interesting legally. Thank you both. Up next we will turn to an important discussion on race in america. As the White Nationalist anniversary in charlottesville comes up. Thats in just 30 seconds. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you another important top story tonight, White Nationalist who marched on charlottesville, their alleys say theyre coming back to the white house this sunday to mark the year since that rally, which of course resulted in the killing of a protester. Today donald trump was back attacking nfl players for protesting Police Brutality during the National Anthem and one under five for controversial comments about what she views as quote demographic changes. Because in some parts of the country it does seem like the america we know and love doesnt exist any more. Massive demographic changes have been hoisted on the american people, and theyre changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us dont like. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases Legal Immigration that of course progresses love. Laura ingram said those comments quote had nothing to do with race. Meanwhile across the nation theres a surge in candidates associated with White Nationalists. I consider myself a white racialists. Hes campaigns to keep chicago neighborhoods 90 white. I think most people want a white neighborhood. This monsterous nature must be known to the public. Its not because were racist we feel marginalized and were the ones being oppressed. We turn to prominent civil rights leaders, from black lives matters, and author of when they call you a terrorist thank you both. Lets start with the point, this is an anniversary of a thing and a killing that was brought about by the White Nationalists, how do we as a Society Address that and turn it into something potentially more constructive. Yes, this is a racist rally and should name it as such. Im more interested how this rally functions. One of the leaders today was on npr and a spoused a belief that is just scientific racism and we shouldnt do that any more. Im also mindful the way this solidifies a base for the Republican Party that benefit through this. You see Laura Ingram Say Things about making sure the country is as white as possible and reality is white people are becoming the minority quickly and you see this wing of the party fighting every step of the way. Trump didnt even condemn the last year. Sessions did call the act evil and said he would in vest gate it but you and i havent heard of the fruit of that investigation and here we are one year later. Very good point. Patrice i want to play the mother of the one killed at that rally speaking out. I can tell you what david duke and Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler and matthew h have said is that the Current Administration has given them the go ahead, thumbs up, wink and nod, thats their words not mine. Thats potent coming from a mother who lost her child there last year. How does that fit into this . The quote, political accountability for what may be separate acts of violence. I mean, what weve seen since donald trump was on the Campaign Trail is extreme White Supremacy, affinity towards white nationalism. Hes allowed for white people to talk terribly about black people, about muslims. So when that young person was killed by the protester while it was shocking and disturbing we knew that donald trump created the environment for that to happen. And so what is the activism that turns this . Or is this by necessity defensive activism . In other words you both are involved in a organization with a wide impact, black lives matter, is a term discussed all over the world, but talking about fighting White Nationalists at grass roots level is quite different from the work of years ago on Police Brutality. We have to be mindful to not give platforms to normalize these ideas. My challenge to all of the media is how we cover this. Shows across country arent having anyone who went in and killed a journalist. Not having anyone on who says media is terrible people. Why because that leads to bad things. That speech is harmful. Same with these guys they come out and say things nicely but the fruit of it is just bad. Second the people will continue to organize, this wont stop any of that but what this does do it allows this language to enter into the civic space in a way we need to make sure it doesnt. Part of free speech does not incite violence i dont know anything more recent memory for that than charlottesville i dont know why theyre allowed back. Youre saying specifically what the Television Media should try to avoid. Yes i think one if theres a platform we should use the words and phrases that they say, stop paraphrasing it. Second, hosts should be able to challenge the facts. Today on npr kessler a spouses scientific racism and the host just lets him talk. Thats wrong. Its not that black people have lower iqs than other races and the host said thats interesting why do you think that, no, bs not why do you think that, it should be that isnt true. We cant let people put those things into the public conversation because it feeds dangerous reactions. Again the media is not validating opinions that you know are wrong. Patrice . I just want to make sure i call out folks on the ground that are going to be dealing with the White Supremacy assist in dc. Local chapter black lives matter d. C. Will do a series of events to both hold space for people who will be protesting against these White Supremacyiist and making sure that folks are safe on the ground. I think you guys have made several important points, the last one is important, which is we are on the precipes of another period this weekend where theres incredible high risk of racebased violence. We will try to cover that and do it thoughtfully without exasperbating it. Both of you offer food for thought for the news room how to do better. Thank you both. Thank you. Good to be here. I have a Programming Note to share. Msnbc will air Breaking Hate to bring others back from that ideology that will be this sunday night. Up next, yes, its fall back friday. Happy to be joined by tabatha coffey from bravo and hal reign. Business unlimited with unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase. But i am a simple farmer. Bas my life is here. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. I receive travel rewards. Going new places. oh going out for a bite. Going anytime. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com and i am a senior Public Safety My Namspecialist for pg e. My job is to help educate our first responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. Everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. Maybe we could all use this right now because its friday the beat, and its time to fall back. Joined today by Tabatha Coffey with her shows that include sheer genius, relative success with tabatha and of course tabatha takes over where she saves salons from the brink of close your. Im tabatha and im taking over. Im embarrassed to be here so were going to start to change. Youre a [ bleep ]. Really . Yes. Its the wake up call that you needed. I want a hug. Lord knows i can use a wake up call sometimes. Glad youre here. And as always friend of the beat former Executive Editor hal reign and multiple books including flyfishing through midnight crisis we have some stars who needs to fall back. Arizona cardinal its need to fall back they have a newburgher they are launching this weekend its seven pounds. You get an hour to consume it, if you do it you get a free cardinal shirt and your picture on the jumbotron. It looks good i got to be honest. It looks revolting. It has five third pound pattys. Five hot dogs. Eight chicken tenders. Eight slices of bacon. 20 slices of cheese and five brat wurst with lettuce and tomato and 12 ounces of fries. Is not enough. Its absolutely disgusting. Its been a long week so we take on the big issues on fall back friday. Hal, who needs to fall back . Well, despite my warnings lets not be seduced into think Trump Administration is pure comedy i have a weakness for Vice President pence he needs to fall back from that speech on thursday which he warned the universe were going to send war fighters into space there go to achieve u. S. Dominion over space. And you know, i think about these Science Fiction warnings about intergalattic flesheating aliens in the universe monitoring us and think of this mousey fella talking about dominating them and thinking i dont think so mickey. I dont know if theres scifi fans but you look at star wars or star trek isnt the lesson we dont need a space war. Leave them alone, dont tell them were here. S when you ran the New York Times you suppressed key stories that there are ufos. Yes. We are alarmed because they kept kidnapping people from Trailer Parks in alabama and we thought it was discriminatory. You always get alabama in there. How about my fall back. You are, fair to say fashionable. Sometimes. Yeah more so than many. There is a new dog bed for very fashionable doggies and i call on it to call back because it is A Thousand Dollars for this little day bed. That just seems to me, even if you love your dog, where my dog is at, i dont think they should be in a thousanddollar day bed. I agree. A thousand dollar dog bed, i love my dog hes my baby but no thats ridiculous. How does this work, you can get rich them to buy anything. I think its getting more so. Everyone thinks its a little bit more special because it cost so much more money. Thats what is hooking people in. They feel cooler and trendier and hipper to spend more. And blow that n kied of money on a pet. Yes. Any other fall backs. Franklin graham had a rally over the weekend and talked about Governor Kate Brown that asked everyone to pray for her so that she could be a christian. It sounded to me like he was doing that because shes a selfproclaimed yogapractice igging woman and he thinks she needs to be prayed for because shes a y orogi. I didnt no you and my fall back were so in common in that they were both about the downward dog. Exactly see what happened. Im very, very sorry about that joke. Hal . Im going to play the alabama card. Surprise me. My fall back is another comical trumpian, Jeff Sessions and hes falling back to the tradition in alabama that started with the George Wallace and taken over by the conservative republicans is to use the law as an instrument to deny people of color certain rights and services. So this move he made this week lgts important. It goes to family and it goes to due process. And for lighter stuff weve done, thank you as always. Up ahead we have an important discussion on the attacks from the Press On Trump and how it is effecting supporters and later why omarosas claim about hush money is so familiar. 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I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Often decide not to cover it. But this is important. An impact on many americans. Fo 43 of republicans. Now our constitution prevents that regardless of who is president. But it may be the result of many years of donald trump hammering at the media and free press and anything that criticizes him. Abc today unearthed a 2013 interview where he praised the press. Jeff who is an amazing guy is going to bring it to the next plateau. Great thing for the Washington Post. Makes you wonder if he believes what he says now. He goes after the post now. To dig deeper, i was able to sit down with Pulitzer Prize journalist to talk about this. It is about saying i dont want anybody to believe you from the getgo. Only believe me. This is practically orwellian. He doesnt want his audience to listen to anything other than him. Needs an informed citizenry and we are not getting that. Also pointed to the unprecedented rebuke from the United Nations about the president s discussion and attacks on the press. This is the kind of rebuke that you see delivered to other nations. Nations where journalists are being imprisoned, journalists are being killed. Saying you have to stop criticizing the press the way you have been and stop undermining the free press and challenge the verifiable facts. Tonight we give miss morrison the final word on that. I believe, i really do believe that somethings got a hold on me, yeah oh, it must be love oh, somethings got a hold on me right now, child oh, it must be love let me tell you now, oh it must be love the leof up to 24 lapsline is taround the world. Ent experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Your hair is so soft did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. 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If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you finally, a note on omarosa. There is one claim in particular that could matter. She asserts that when she was removed from the white house, Trumps Campaign offered her what she described a Hush Money Contract for 15,000 a month so she would keep quiet. The same amount trumps body guard is receiving after he left the white house. The white house for its part says omarosas book is full of lives. For one thing political payments are regulated and a question whether mr. Shuer is being paid for his security services

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