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Manafort. The defense is going to go on offense to attack gates credibility. All of that is part of the drama today. The nuts and bolts of this case are still in the numbers, in the tax fraud, bank fraud, alleged deals for these clients allied with the putin regime. Now, Paul Manafort faces 18 fraud charges from a time before he ever joined the trump campaign. This was all the ukrainian consulting work, which means theres a ton of paper and prosecutors are arguing to this jury whatever happens with mr. Gates, the paper doesnt lie. For example, also new, we can tell you, they showed an email today that manafort sent to gates with gates testifying that trumps former Campaign Chair wrote this is a disaster in april 2015 in that email, about a higher than expected tax bill, throwing in a wtf as well. The full quote is he told the jury hes not happy, i just saw this, wtf, how could i be blind The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. He handles his courtroom in a District Court that is known for actually being very aggressive about ensuring that cases move very quickly. I think what were seeing really is much more about the personalities that happen in any given trial. The primary issue is the law and the evidence. This is a case, in which if anyones crying in that courtroom, it should be Paul Manafort. Betsy woodruff, you know the ins and outs of this team well. That exchange with muellers prosecutor reflects some of the tensions, as maya says, the prosecutors want to be in command. What did you make of both that moment and what else weve learned today, and the manafort strategy of trying to undermine rick gates. The friction between greg andres, the prosecutor involved in that exchange and the judge is instantly. Andre has stepped away from a lucrative private practice gig to get on board with the mueller team. Hes one of a number of prosecutors who walked away from extremely high paying jobs to see dramatic salary cuts to work for mueller. This is something that very much, we can surmise, this is very personal for him. Hes made a big sacrifice to do part of this work. And, you know, maybe it was a little emotional. Additionally, though, setting aside that, i think one of the most important revelations that we learned today was that kovich, the putin friendly President Of Ukraine paid manafort not just for the work he was doing on his elections, which is what weve known up to this point about the relationship between manafort and yanakovich, but Mapaid Manafort to give political advice. That means that manafort wasnt just helping him win elections, he also seems to, according to what we learned in court today, played a role that helped yanakovich. We see the fate being linked. When things went south for him in 2014, all the Sudden Manafort found himself on the rocks. He was very much deeply financially connected to this proputin autocrat who ended up having a troubling political fate. Its interesting to see the parallels of those two mens rises and falls. Franklin, youve followed that career. Your views . They were really close. He was helping run the country. He had a hard pass that gave him access to the inner i found it to be extremely interesting to watch because there was this filial relationship between the two. They were extremely close. He was manaforts inner circle. And so the just the drama, this notion that was described in the beginning of manafort sitting there, staring at this sonlike character as hes just giving evidence mounting on evidence against him, describing every single aspect of their misdeeds. Yeah. And maya, on the part that they stale have in common, gates famously praising manafort to this day under oath saying hes probably one of the most politically brilliant strategists ive ever worked with. What do you think will be front and center in the jurys mind as they look at these two people who are living lives that those of us who follow this stuff and have been around politics found it all a little fantastic. If youre a normal juror, youre like, youre spending millions on this international thing, youre getting the money back, youre broke, youre running out of money, you praise each other, but you stab each other in the back, what do you make of this . I think the mueller strategy has been very clear to demonstrate theres a lot of crime thats been committed here, and graft and greed and corruption. And i think thats what were seeing play out in court. Neither rick gates nor Paul Manafort are very likable people. Right. And i dont think theyre going to be likable to the jury. The defense has tried to play that card by painting rick gates as someone whos basically a dirt bag that you wouldnt want sitting in your living room with you. Manafort comes off just as dirty and just as bad. I think what the jury is sitting there thinking about is that bookkeeper, that accountant, the guy who was selling suits, the lawn company, those wire transfers that only manafort knew about and was making, the falsified statements. You know, at the end of the day theres a whole bunch of crime, and a whole bunch of documents that demonstrate that crimes were committed. And thats what theyre going to focus on. And franklin, take us inside Paul Manaforts mind. We are here, heading into the middle of the week. There could be basically deliberations this week. There could be a verdict by the end of the week. Where does this go, do you think, as he prepares for that . Well, you know, hovering over this entire trial is the question, why Didnt Manafort do the same thing as gates, cut a deal with the Special Prosecutor . Because the evidence against him was clear. We saw that in the indictment. He knew this was going to be a hard trial. And yet he persisted, he decided to go along with that. And i think that relates to the prosecutors theory of the case, which is that Paul Manafort is a guy who acts with impunity. He always has. And thats the narrative of this whole trial. Its the reason he pulled off the stunts that he pulled off constantly. And i sat there in court and stared at the guy, and watched him mug for the jury. And theres a confidence that he tries to project. Hes advised senators his entire life. And in politicians. And hes projecting this senatorial sort of image. Hes got the perfect lean, the hands in the pocket. Hes a political strategist. And he thinks he has a strategy to convince the jury. And hes very intimately involved in orchestrating his lawyers, at sending them notes, huddling with them. And i think probably in his mind he thinks hes got a shot at winning. Well, or a shot at one as always, betsy, one jury, a shot at one juror, identifying with him in some way and getting you to a mistrial, which would be huge for the trump folks. They would say, on the strength of that one juror, look, looks more like a witch hunt if bob mueller cant close the very first case he brought to court. Speak to franklins analysis that goes to the fact we are dealing with a Master Strategist who may be down on his luck but who has certainly pulled off other Long Shot Strategies in his life. Manafort is very strategically intelligent, and also deeply ambitious. Hes, you know, over the course of his time in public and private life, hes worked closely with clients who come from long shot situations to try to carry them into the highest echelons of power. Manafort actually was something of a Ground Breaker in the lobbying world. Over the last few decades he worked closely with a number of dictators, autocrats. Authoritarians, he worked with Ferdinand Marcus in the philippines along with his wife embezzled billions of dollars from that country. Manafort worked with jonas a cold war era and Guerrilla Fighter who used Child Soldiers as his war. Manafort works to lobby trying to bring him into the good graces of the conservative movement. You want to talk about a tall order, but thats something manafort appears to have done with some degrees of success. So then he actually was able to find himself at cpac, thanks to manafort. Manafort worked with obacha from nigeria who according to the u. N. And United States tortured his political opponents. Over the course of his career manafort has shown comfort working with the most notorious thugs the Western World has seen. Theyre trying to take that into the confidence. Up to the jury to decide what to do about it. Reverse captain america. Betsy woodruff, maya wiley, and franklin foer, thanks to each of you. Coming up, a feds open up a new front in the Michael Cohen probe, and it could be a new point of pressure. Also, trumps legal team prepping a new move against bob mueller trying to avoid the entire obstruction questioning. Also, tonight, im happy to say we have a very special, and we believe important conversation on race in the trump era with some special guests. And then later, because its the beat, something very different, a legal fight over this. Look, a snakes up in the tree. Honey badger dont care. It just takes what it wants. Whenever its hungry. And it eats snakes. Look at that digging. Look at that digging. Ill be joined by the man who created one of the most viral videos in the history of the internet thats led to a high stakes court battle. Im ari melber, youre watching the beat on msnbc. The staff needs to know, they will theyll drop everything can you take a look at her vitals . Share the data with other specialists yeah, im looking at them now. 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Its kind of like playing your own version of best ball. Because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if its a better car class than the one you reserved. So no matter what, youre guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] vo go national. Go like a pro. See what i did there . Week, Donald Trumps former fixer Michael Cohen, also, according to new reports, is under investigation for tax and bank fraud. This was first reported by the wall street journal. Investigators reportedly looking at if Cohen Underreported income from his tax business on his federal tax returns or if he also overstated the value of any of his assets when applying to banks for loans. Cohens relatively new lawyer lanny davis did not comment to the journal, saying thats out of respect to these open investigations. The feds subpoenaing cohens accountant, turning up the heat on him, cohen already signaling he could cooperate. Convictions for bank fraud can carry major Prison Sentences, up to 30 years. We turn to nick akerman. Why does it always come down, it seems, to taxes . Well, i think its because people like manafort, people like cohen, cheat on their taxes, what is remarkable here is the similarity between these two situations. I mean, the evidence at the manafort trial this past week has shown that what manafort did on numerous occasions was understate his income during the time he was making fortunes from his work in ukraine, and then when his golden goose fled to russia, he suddenly had to understate his income in order to get bank loans, committing bank fraud. Whats interesting in the reported statements that have come out today about Michael Cohen is, its a very almost identical situation in the sense that his golden goose were the taxing medallions that were providing him lots of income, that he allegedly did not report on his taxes. And when those taxing medallions that didnt flee to moscow, but uber came in, lyft came in, and all of a sudden these medallions were not worth as much as they were before. He started applying for bank loans. And overstated his income. So youve got both individuals essentially doing the same thing, if the reports are true, and, of course, when youve got bank fraud, which carries a maximum Prison Sentence of 30 years. Yeah. Somebody who gets that kind of a sentence has a lot of incentive to deal with the government and cooperate. If this is where this probe goes, what do you say, nick, to the idea that whatever Michael Cohen allegedly did, it increasingly does not look all that related to donald trump . Well, i may have done a lot of things. I mean, certainly what he may have done with his own taxes is just like what manafort did with his own taxes and what he also did with the banks has nothing to do with donald trump. Although, you know, donald trump, was also somebody who borrowed a lot of money from banks. And went bust. And none of us know what he said on his taxes because he didnt release his taxes. And he certainly, we dont know what he said on his bank applications to various banks. But all of this, i would think, would be of interest to the mueller probe. Nick akerman, always on the case for us. Thank you very much. Up ahead, Donald Trumps under legal and political pressure in tonights race in ohio. Democrats say they may have an upset. Ive got Eugene Robinson here when were back in just 30 seconds. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you the other top story tonight, Donald Trumps presidency increasingly looks like it is in crisis. Theres the crushing legal pressure, but theres also political head winds going into the midterms. On the law its Rudy Giuliani trying to buy more time, bob mueller pressing for more on that interview. And real reluctance, doesnt sound confident from giuliani. Then the political side we are right now just an hour or so away from polls closing in the ohio special election. Now, historically, this isnt one wed watch that closely because republicans have held the seat for three decades. But there are clues that the democratic candidate is closer than usual. There could even be an upset tonight. Heres Donald Trumps response when he was campaigning in this district. If the democrats get in, theyre going to raise your taxes. Youre going to have crime all over the place. Youre going to have people pori pouring across the border. I think it should be a red wave. And while every team tends to hype their own side, we will note that its prominent carl rove saying the republicans could lose the house, hes saying, quote, start lowering expectations. For our coverage of what could be a Bellweather Race tonight. We are joined by ju neEugene Robinson, a veteran of many late election nights. You posed this damage to donald trump after he was declared the winner in 2016. Trump appealed to them by saying not just im going to make America Great again. But that the problem really is those immigrants. And the problem is those muslims. And the problem is those people in the inner cities. And, you know, so how does thats what were left with. Does he does he knit that back together . Does he knit that back together . Gene on gene, go ahead and answer. I think i have the answer to my question now. You know, he drives wedges wherever he can. He rips us further apart. Thats what donald trump does. Its been an extraordinary yeah, its hard to remember back to that night. It seems like it was eons ago, in a different country. But, you know, onward. Tonight will be interesting. And everybodys looking at that ohio race. The big clue that it was close is a poll, the most recent poll showing a one point difference with the democrat one point ahead of the republican. And that is, you know, sirens and alarm bells for republicans in what really ought to be a safe republican district. Right. It ought to be safe. And thats a question of whether the resistance, as defined by people who are actively against trump, is broader into something thats become a vote for a check. I mean, you and i know from covering past midterms, there are voters who will literally vote against the White House Party in the midterm and then come back to it by the following. Different than resistance. Take a listen to Rush Limbaugh saying it all boils down to trump hate. In the democrats win, what are we going to get . The democrats are basing this blue wave on one thing, trump hatred. The resistance. Theyre not basing it on peoples desire for democrat policies. Now, isnt that kind of flimsy . Is that flimsy . Well, thats not really true. I mean, look, there is a lot of angst and anger on donald trump the way hes performed as president and all the things hes done, charlottesville, the Child Separations. You just name the list. So yeah, theres a lot of there are a lot of people upset about that. By the same token, democrats are out there talking about more bread and butter issues, about trump says the economy is roaring, hows your economy . That sort of thing. About health care. About things other things that people care about. And the other side of the coin, of course, is wheres the trump love . And well find out something about that tonight. I mean, did Donald Trump Campaign in this district like pence went there . Republicans essentially put out a fullcourt press based around donald trump to try to save this seat. And so well see how well that works. Where is the love . Always a big question. I look at helsinki and im wondering whether that event, for people who follow the news closely, was jaw dropping, seeing a president , whatever you think of this president , stand next to an adversarial nation like Vladimir Putins russia and take their side over our own intelligence agencies. But for folks who follow this every day, its one more thing, we always have the conversation, is this the thing, there are signs that on the other hand, trump folks are doubling down. Look at these shirts, professionally produced, id rather been russian than democrat, it says. Dovetails with something youve written. Gene robinson, one of the most astounding things to happen in recent memory is that the become the kremlin party. Im wondering if theres a political bind thats created as people come to these rallies and embrace russia and putin, because thats what their leader is doing, are they embracing a message thats a 35 message, and hurting the Republican Party if folks dont want to go along with that in november . I think that segment of republican support, that part of the republican vote, is definitely is basically wrapping itself around donald trump. And, yes, that is a 30 to 35 message, all in for trump, all the time. He needed more than that to win the election. He needs more than that for republicans to keep control of the house this time. And so thats the question. Are there republicans, for example, who lifelong republicans who saw that helsinki summit, and were aghast, and wondered what had happened to their party. Are there suburban women voters to take one group who saw the Child Separations and said, you know, good lord, what are we doing here . And what is this president doing . And how can i support this . Do those people come out . Do they vote for democrats . Do they just stay home . Or do they come out and vote republican as trump would like them to do . We wont have all the questions answered this evening, but it will be a really, really interesting snapshot of where things are. A snapshot, important state, and well get the pixels in that picture in an hour. Donald trump lashes out at lebron james. Hes called Mexican Immigrants Rapists and said both sides were to blame in charlottesville. Tonight we have a special discussion with professor michael eric dyson, and Candace Owens next. Which can be brought on by many things, like medication and medical conditions. Biotene provides immediate, long lasting relief from dry mouth symptoms. It is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. Plus, it freshens breath. Biotene. Immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. For my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch to miralax. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. Now available in convenient singleserve mixin pax. Approach to race. Donald trumps views and rhetoric on race, we should note, are not original. The Manhattan Media Mowigul is known for echoing other culture warriors. Reagans slogan make America Great began, and buchanan who ran on a program of taking back the culture from immigrants and minorities. Block by block, my friends, we must take back our cities and take back our culture, and take back our country. Is that a coded racial appeal . Donald trump argued yes, at least when his political ambition required competing with buchanan. You know, back in 2000 one of the many times that trump flirted with running for president , they were up against each other for a nomination on the reform party ticket, and trump blasted buchanan as a bigot. Hes a hitler lover. I guess hes an antisemi. He doesnt like the blacks, he doesnt like the gays. Its just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy. His views are so far off, and what he wrote in his book is so bad. Anti semitic, antiblack, antigay. Those are some of the very terms trumps critics now use against him. Within a decade of saying that it was trump who invoked Racist Bertherism to attack the first black president and then found a lot of fuel in stealing buchanans lines rather than calling him antiblack anymore. So, before we begin, take a look at the receipts. Hundreds and thousands every single night walk across that border into the United States of america ignoring our laws, ignoring our border. Illegal immigrants pouring into our country, bringing with them crime, tremendous amounts of crime. Today we call for a new patriotism, where americans begin to put the needs of americans first. We are finally putting america first. For tonights discussion were joined by conservative activist Candace Owens, with turning point usa, and she argues africanamericans are doing better under the trump presidency. Shes drawn praise for the way she thinks from none other than kanye west who has praised trump. And the president hailed her impact to this dialogue. On the other side, we have Georgetown Professor michael eric dyson, he argues trump is emboldening white supremacists, the author of 21 books, incoming what truth sounds like. Thank you both for doing this discussion. Thank you. Thank you for having us. Candace, when you look at that rhetoric, and you look at what appears to be a shift in the way donald trump talks, do you think he is embracing a type of Racial Division that is problematic for us to operate as a Civil Society . Well, the first thing that i look at is the date of the tapes. Its remarkable that we are pulling tapes, youve gone into the archives and we are looking at the year 2000. I think people are entitled to evolve their thoughts over 18 years. The second thing that i think is quite remarkable here is that were talking about Racial Division, and what sows Racial Division. Every time im brought here, im being asked to dispute another black person. Were just ending a weekend where 71 black people were shot in chicago, 13 of them killed, and were not talking about that. Instead were talking about old tapes. I have a problem were doing wall to wall coverage on tapes that are from candace, you have a problem with who youre appearing on the segment with . For the sake of television, and because msnbc always invites me on to do that, i am declining to do so when our community is mourning the 71 people that were shot over the weekend. We need to stop this warfare and come together and talk about things that matter. What is going on in chicago is a bigger topic and should be a bigger topic on this network than what trump said 18 years ago and whether or not it means that people change over 18 years, which shocker, guys, they do. Well, im going to have the professor respond. I have to respond on behalf of myself. You knew what you were invited to discuss, and were happy youre here. Its very important to me and this show that we have these conversations and invite a lot of people with all perspectives. If theres a problem with that, i think you knew what the invite was to begin with. Professor dyson, your thoughts. Look, were dealing with a person who has not only radically emboldened the prospects of bigotry in this country. If you cant beat them, coin them. He opposes pat buchanan on the one hand, and then subsequently when the real beliefs emerge, his vicious its a cornucopia of hate thats been brashly articulated of a man of Manifest Lack of serious coherence, Chaotic Intelligence and the lack of an ability to really express himself by not only pulling upon the strands of history, but refusing to take into consideration whats going on today. So i think in one sense if were going to talk about if were going to be honest about donald trump, he has not helped black people, he has not enabled africanamerican people to move forward. Hes riding a crest and a wave of Economic Prosperity put in place by his predecessor barack obama. He has refused to acknowledge the centrality of pollutiice brutality, and unarmed black people being assaulted by police in this country. The reality is that donald trump, while claiming through rhetoric to be for the blacks, what he has done is undermine the kbasty of africanamerican people to exist in a country where its not only about the economic facts and the wherewithal we contend with, it is about the tone, it is about the rhetoric, it is about the atmosphere that has been unleashed here. And donald trump has done something very dangerous, and destructive. He cant see the difference between an anti fascist and a person who supports it. He cant see the difference between somebody whos against black people and whos for them. He negates the ability to say, look, i believe in rational, civil discourse in america, but i take aside morally and politically. We are 53 years if i may sweinterject for a second. Let me finish. Well go to the professor and back to you, candace. 53 we can here we are, 53 years past the Voting Rights act. Weve seen the resurgence of an attempt to nullify and destroy that black vote. Weve seen attempts to somehow circumnavigate around black political citizenry and agency. So all im saying is, if were concerned about black people, weve got to be concerned about poverty, inequality, lack of access to education, plus the kinds of sorts of violence we see directed toward black people in this country. Source of violence being directed towards black people. Am i black . I am a black conservative and i am not hearing anything said about the fact that about 25 white democrats assembled to kick me out of a restaurant yesterday to throw water and to throw eggs at me because im a conservative that supports donald trump. The very same donald trump that has not obama did not do this. President trump has been slashing regulations, and it has brought this economy to a place that its never been at. We have unemployment alltime low for both women, you brought up women, gays, black people. Unemployment across the board. You guys refuse to acknowledge the truth were doing better. Fascists, antifa attacked me, and an allblack police force in philadelphia and they claim to be fighting racism. How is it plausible, professor, that you allowed this to happen to your community because you decided that because were ideological conservatives. I havent said a word. You just said a lot of words. Somebody was counting. I didnt say nothing about you. Now youre cutting me off. I said nothing about you. I find what happened to you apprehensible, by the way. Im attacking your arguments their saying i didnt get to finish, he went on for five minutes straight. I want to let you finish. But if youre calling out the professor. Liberals have been attacking conservatives and you guys say nothing about it. Blacks were attacked because they support donald trump. Black support has doubled since this time last year. You guys try to pretend that he is pushing in a racist era in this country when we know the democrats are the racists, have always been the racists, the parties never switched, and you should know this as a civil rights person, you know the history. You know the people under the hood of the kkk were democrats and the party never switched. Shame you should defend what happened to me yesterday and defend our community being attacked because we support donald trump, because we understand that we have better Economic Opportunities under him than we ever had in obama. And shame on you for crediting obama for allowing the bloodshed in chicago under his administration. He allowed the bloodshed, and trump wanted to send the national guard. Im done with this racist narrative. We have to go back and forth, candace, take a pause there. Couple things, youre making a personal attack on the other guest. What did i attack him with . Professor, im going to go back to you. The topic of this discussion we have tried, and perhaps are failing on Live Television to discuss is trump policy, the incident that youre referring to yesterday is not necessarily this topic. Its a democrat policy, maxine waters, when you see them in restaurants, go up to them. Its a democrat policy. Respond, sir. First of all, i never said anything about ms. Owens, any particular rhetoric, first of all, when she said you allowed it. Im not god, i dont control the universe or weather. I did not point these people toward you. Its reprehensible that any human being is put out of a particular establishment because of her ideology. Thats problematic. I did not suggest that. Number two, yeah, you are black and i am black, but that doesnt mean we agree on everything. We dont have to agree, we respect one another. When you talk about me as disrespectful, heres whats interesting to me. You have come on here and like donald trump reduced everything to narcissistic selfpreoccupation. Youre using big words, and saying nothing. I have said nothing narcissistic. Im talking about trump. A narcissist looks at themselves and you are obsessed with yourself. Were out of time. We put aside eight minutes. Michael eric dyson, candace owens, thank you very much. The lexus Performance Line is tested the equivalent of up to 24 laps around the world. Experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. burke abstract accident. Seen it. Covered it. Ce music we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum your hair is so soft did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. 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The voice you are hearing is my next guest. Honey badger has become part of our politics. Mr. Gordon, before we get to your case, i want to play for you some of the times that journalist have covered through the lens of your honey badger. We compare the elected republicans of the great state of am michigan to the republicans. He said run for governor you get your own residence. The honey badger portion. This is what a honey badger presidency dont look like. Because honey badger dont care. Narrator Christopher Gordon is here. Do we all owe you royalties . Ari badger, if i may. Please, you may. You just take what you want. The honey badger doesnt care because it has to not care in order to live. So honey badger doesnt care because it has to not care whereas a lot of folks in our administration dont they choose not to. People sometimes acting like crazy animals which is a choice. Absolutely. And i appreciate the insight you bring to that. I am going to read from this decision you got here. This is not just honey badger drama, this is a real Appeals Court case. Without adding their own artistic expression and claim the First Amendment protection as original artist. And that goes to why this is in the news. You guys are arguing people might be able to satturize it and not pay him. What they wrote is that defendants in this case copied verbatim my clients trademark into the greeting card. And what the defendants in this case were trying to do is use 50 cent line get rich or die trying. I never knew how painful it was to watch a lawyer try to jam hiphop into related segments. I feel like i am looking in a mirror and my selfesteem is dropping. Ari, i thought you were my twin. To the point of people not caring. It is his own people saying that. Not just journalists or on observers. And we collected times trump talks about not caring. I dont care what it is, because it doesnt matter what it is to me. I think he is a nice person but i dont care. I dont want to be a nasty guy, but i dont care anymore. We have to get the right people in. I dont care. Is that classic honey badger, a, and b, do you believe him. Because you have an interesting read on him. Is he like a middleschooler who is insisting they dont care because they care so much. What thing that drives me nuts about this administration is putting citizens lives in danger by the denial of Global Warming and loss of habitats and bees are presently in danger. When i hear him say i dont care, i believe he doesnt care. I know honey badger, and honey badger is this a Real Television news segment . Or are we all dreaming . Thats nasty, thats just really nasty. Special thanks to chris gordon. Another day on the beat. First for hollywood and for trump and it is not good. Thats next. Population on the planet. Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. 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